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The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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The video starts by bringing us to a aerial shot of a deck of cards, red in color, resting on a worn out table. The table is wooden and has many scratches on it along with random tallys of people, who clearly wanted to brag about their record, marked into the table. We zoom out a bit to see a separate smaller deck next to the pack and the other deck. The five of diamonds. Then another card is placed on top, the five of spades then we get a six of spades which is followed by a pause. The pause is interrupted after a couple of seconds before getting a nine of spades added to the pile which is quickly followed by a another card, nine of clubs. And this kinda seems like the rhythm of the game for a bit, three of clubs, seven of clubs, pause. Seven of diamonds, Jack of diamonds, Jack of hearts, pause.

It should be noted at this point that each time a card is placed the camera slowly zooms out a bit until it shows four individuals around a table. Two of these men, we've seen before and two of them we've not seen before. On the right we see a large broad-shouldered man who looked like he was right at home leaning back in his chair with a smirk on his face. The next thing you would probably notice is that his pinky has clearly been cut off at one point. The guy with no pinky is named Xavier DeCollins, you briefly heard of his name if you read Reagan's last promo. Talking about the last promo, next to Xavier there sits the ever energetic Alexander Tyler who is as close to the table as he can be, unknowingly giving Xavier a full vision of Tylers hand, looks at his hand and sees nothing to help him in this situation so he takes one card from the face down deck, the guy opposite to Tyler who has nearly the opposite reaction to DeCollins is Nate Knight. The most shy of the group and the only one has not been mentioned yet, who is dressed in a costume made white suit indicating the high power job he plays a role in, hasn't got the best poker face for a business guy as he nervously looks at the cards before placing his card which is the last Diamond he has. The two of Diamonds to be exact. By the rules of the game,that card means the next player must play another two, black Jack or an ace which makes the next player pick up the cards. Then the pause comes back and it's suddenly clear who is the slowest player in the game. Reagan Cole. The British Apprentice. The most electrifying, trail-blazing, truly amazing blah blah blah you've heard it before. Reagan has his classic maroon jacket on with a t shirt about the popular tv show "Arrow" underneath and the difference between him and everyone else is that Reagan Cole only has one card in his hand and Reagan has a emotionless look on his face showing no sign of defeat or victory as he looks at the one card so long that Xavier can't help but say anything.

Xavier: "Man, what are you doing? This isn't a difficult choice! You gonna place that card down or take your two cards! I ain't waitin all day for you!"

And just like that a smirk emerges as the two of Diamonds is blocked by....Two of hearts.

Tyler: "You gotto be kidding me."

And there's 4 cards to Alexander Tyler which causes everyone to laugh at the comiserations of the guy formerly known as "Thunder" who is taking this as well as you would expect but also laughing at the dick move done by Reagan to win the game and mess up Tyler in the same go. As the laughter continues, Reagan stands up and prepares to make his exit when before he can even say anything, Xavier interrupts.

Xavier: "Where are you going?"

Reagan: "I got paperwork! It's not easy going back and forth between countries you know!"

Xavier : "Not tonight, you don't. It's your celebration! "

Tyler: "For being undefeated! Three people stood up to the plate and none of them could do it! Three victories hard fought and claimed! "

That last line got Reagan as he sighs and sits back down but something about Reagan tells us that he has something in his head as he looks over at his oldest friend, Tyler.

Reagan: "I wish I had your positivity, Tyler. I really do."

Knight: "You got something on your mind, Reagan?"

The most quiet guy of the table finally speaks up as Reagan continues to be terrible at hiding his emotions.

Reagan: "is it seriously that obvious?"

That comment is responded with a resounding yes from all parties which brings a smirk to Reagan's face as he looks around at his mates before trying to figure out how to properly vent.

Reagan:" It just..doesn't feel right. I did defeat Daemon Raze, that's fine, that was simple enough but with BTG, Darius got involved and pretty much gave me the win then had the balls to say that I owed him one. I didn't need his help, I had my strategy laid out and Darius decided to get involved. "

Tyler: "Waito a second, in fairness to Darius, BTG did attack Mr. Wright in the middle of the match so I can see why h-"

Reagan: "So do I. I completely get why he did attack BTG but i don't get the reasoning for the time that he did it. He could have waited until after the match, him interfering in my match shows that he has no respect."

Tyler: "He saved you from being wacked by a steel chair, man."

Reagan: "You and me both know I've took worse shots than a chair! That was my opportunity, I thought I dusted myself off after losing to Wright the first match and this was going to be my shot to prove to everyone that I have never been better and to send a message that I'm going for that world title by beating one of the people in the world title match. But Darius couldn't have let me have that, he had to get involved. But even then, I was still ok because at least I knew that I would be able to prove myself against Nova since I couldn't against Brian. Nova requested a wrestling match to get her head on straight which was needed after freaking Slate and Eden have done to her. Slate and Eden have tormented her since she got here for no reason. Like did you see her "photo shoot?" Nova sent the "finished pictures" to me so let's see if I can get it."

Reagan grabs his phone and searches for the photos which he eventually gets as Alexander tries to be positive.

Tyler: "I mean a free Photoshoot doesn't sound half bad. I would love to get one of them."

And then Reagan shows the pictures starting with the Abraham Lincoln picture

Tyler: "Ok, nevermind, I would not wear that under any circumstances! That looks so stupid."

Reagan switches to the "Bald Eagle" picture

Xavier: "Are you kidding me? What is she even doing in that picture?"

Reagan: "Turns out she's being a bald eagle..."

Xavier's face is meme worthy as he just looks at the picture with utter disgust.

Xavier: ".....And they made her do this?"

Reagan: "Yep. Or she breaches her contract."

Xavier: "Jesus....."

And then Reagan then shows the last picture of Nova over the shoulder of the model as all three of them kinda react at the same time.

Tyler: "Damn that guys hot. Also what the actual fucko?"
Xavier: "Mate, there is something wrong with Eden for sure. Like none of that is right!"
Nate: "That photo is terrible! The motion blur, the guy didn't even use the rule of thirds! "

Reagan nods as he puts his phone away as he focuses back on track.

Reagan: "Yeah, this was after the pictures stuff so Eden was clearly getting to her so she went out and did the thing I respect more than anything. She just wanted to wrestle. She just wanted to lose herself in the sport and she called me because she knew I was the best person for it and that's why I-"

Xavier: "See so much potential in her? "

Xavier smiles and chuckles to himself as Reagan looks slightly taken back at Xavier saying exactly what Reagan was about to say as Tyler & Nate share a smirk because they know what's coming.

Xavier: "Mate, you say that to every new kid that you're interested in "taking under your wing""

Reagan:" No I haven -"

As soon as Reagan starts to refuse, it's off to the races with Tyler and Knight as they name off people who Reagan have said the same thing about.

Nate: "Aaron Harrows."

Tyler: "Will Neilson."

Nate: "Michael Kelly."

Tyler: "Brandon Pain."

Nate: "Justin Magnus"

Tyler: "Mr Candy Pizza."

"El Pecador"

Tyler: "Edward Colem-"

And the man they once called Thunder cuts himself off because of the death glare he is currently getting from Reagan at the mention. Reagan composes himself as he briefly remembers a former friend of his and speaks as Xavier places his last card down making him second.

Reagan: "She's different. Most of those people had secondary motives when it came to this, some of them like Magnus & Kelly used it as more of a launching pad into bigger things. Luis used it to have a laugh, Pecador used it to inflict pain and suffering. Well at least when I teamed with him, he did. Nova on the other hand took the biggest risk of her life to be in this business, she had a guaranteed career with modeling and she threw it away to do this. She has no real secondary motive other than maybe being better than Vendetta."

That last line brings a smile to his face.

Reagan: "And maybe in a couple of years, she will be. Because I'm telling you now, she's the future. She's the future of this business after I'm gone and I have no doubt she will win a top championship. That's why I was so excited to face her because I know she was a great chance to prove myself against the future and again something got involved! Slate and Eden with that audio file of Nova screaming. That threw her off her game rightly so and even though she says that I won fair, I know that is not a victory because there was a clear change in her strategy afterwards and if she wasn't screwed up, I know she would have beat me. It's as simple as that. So I STILL haven't proved myself. And now I got Toogood again and I don't know what's going to happen in that match because something else gets involved, I'm going be pissed!"

And with that last word, Nate ends the variation of the game Switch commonly also known as Blackjack with his last card, a seven of hearts.

Reagan: "I know what I need to do against BTG. I have watched and learnt from out previous match and I can do it. But I don't know if something else is going to against my goal. And if it does, I don't know how to prepare myself for it and that's annoying me."

Xavier: "I think you just have to focus on the opponent in hand to be honest. Because that's gonna psych you out."

Nate: "And personally, I would go in the office beforehand. Make sure nothing from their side is going to happen and then the problem you still have is Darius who finished his business with BTG when he beat the poor guy. Plus did you see his recent match with another company? I don't think he's going to be 100% physically to take people out. Just focus on Brian."

Reagan:" ....Well I'll try. Doesn't mean I will. Thanks anyway."

Xavier: "Anytime, man. Remember you're the boss, you gotta give us a good reputation huh?"

Reagan: "You got it."

Xavier: "Now.....anyone wanna play twenty one?"

A cheer goes around the table as we fade away from the table and into the darkness to end our scene
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