Shawn Michaels super kicking Marty Jannetty and throwing him through the barber shop window is pretty iconic. Bobby Heenan's commentary while it happened was gold, too.
Bret Hart's heel turn in 1997 was something special. His heel promo the night after Wrestlemania 13 was the best promo he ever cut and it was great seeing it followed up by a classic beat down on Shawn Michaels. It was also cool seeing him reunite with people that he had been feuding with for the past 2-3 years prior (his brother Owen, his brother-in-law British Bulldog and his old partner Jim Neidhart) to form The Hart Foundation. It was also rather unique the way Bret was hated in America but still loved everywhere else in the world, and the way that beget the USA/Canada feud.
One turn that has to be mentioned is Vince McMahon in the late 90's. McMahon had always been the friendly face of the WWF going all the way back to when he worked as a commentator even while his dad still ran the company. He was the voice of the WWF that would present the product to you with a smile and he did color commentary for years, from the days of the WWWF to the 80's boom when he and Jesse Ventura would host Saturday Night's Main Event to when he and others were the regular broadcast team for all the shows in the mid-90's. To see a guy like that give the "Bret Screwed Bret" speech was one thing. People just saw that as him doing damage control to justify his actions in Montreal. But when JR asked him a couple of weeks before Wrestlemania XIV whether he wanted Austin to become champion and he responded "It's not just a no, but a OH HELL NO! And that's the bottom line, because Vince McMahon said so.", it took everybody by surprise. Fast forward to a week after Austin becomes champ at Mania, and the Austin/McMahon feud officially begins. Little did anyone know just what kind of impact it would have and that McMahon had it in him to become the greatest heel of all time IMO.