Great Debate:Truth vs Famou$

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Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
Ok you should know the rules..........

Subject is:
Hulk Hogan/Ric Flair...


Feb 7, 2007
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Tough question, kinda hard for me but I'll take Hulk Hogan. Intro will be up soon.\

Hulk Hogan revolutionized wrestling. Vince McMahon signed him when he first began rising WWF to teh top. WIthout Hulk Hogan the WWE would not be what it is today. Hogan had quite possibly the largest fan base ever and drew so much attraction to every event. He could sell out MSG and that says it all. From his feud with Andre the Giant to his NWO days he was always the man. He has held 18 title reigns and won dozens of awards. He is a WWE alumni and apart of the Hall of Fame. Fans absolutely loved this man and no matter who he faced, the fans would be into the match. After he rose teh early WWF to stardom he went to WCW. Here he was again the top dog and rose the ratings. He competed with RIc Flair, but it was clear Hogan was the bigger attraction.He went on to form the New World Order. The famous faction, some would say responsible for D-generation X. Hogan then came back to WWE where he, preditctably drew in audience. Great feuds with Brock Lesnar, HBK, The Rock were highlites of this stint, each feud being a huge attraction. Every time he appears on recent WWE telivison the crowd explodes, if said Hogan would be returning next week the ratings would skyrocket. The man is a wrestling god. He now has a successful TV show and is still a media hot spot.

Famou$ 187

I agree wit Truth.I cant do this debating wrestlers and shit.But i can & will debate why im a better poster but not a better member overall.Truths a mod,But some would agree that he has been doin his duties and some would agree that he hasnt been doin his duties.Example-Closing/Deleteing good threads.Another he does on here is post.But not all of his posts are in all of the sections here on IWF.I know people would disgree with me when i say i post in every thread.But to be honest dont.I admit that.No Disrespect To U Tho Truth.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
ok since Famou$ refused to debate about the subject he iis DQed....Truth moves two can have a little Member debate if ya want idcc

This Guy

I know I ain't in this, but I'll debate Truth about Flair vs. Hogan just for fun.

No doubt Hulk Hogan helped put the WWE on the map, and no doubt Vince would not be in the position he is in if it wasn't for Vince, but does that make Hogan better the Ric Flair? I don't think so. When you look at the wrestlers over the years, who has Hulk Hogan ever really put over? The list is quite small. Ultimate Warrior, who most fans just laugh at, Goldberg, who looks back on his career in pro wrestling with disgust because he was never grateful for his oppertunities, & The Rock....who was already way over with the fans anyways, though it did cement the Rock as the great one.

Ric Flair has put many people over including a young Sting who was still very green. Sting went on to become a huge name and now today works hard to put the young guys over as does Ric Flair. Recent examaples include Carlito who is in the main event fued picture with Orton & Cena. Randy Orton is another example of someone Flair has put over and even helped guided. Who has Hulk Hogan put over main stream in his last appearences? No one. And we accept that Shawn Michaels really doesn't need to go over as he is now in the same spot as Flair where he should and does make the young guys look good. But where was the justification in having Hulk Hogan beat Randy Orton?

Hulk Hogan may have been more popular. He may have sold more T-Shirts, But I defy you to prove that he has made any lasting contribution to Pro-Wrestling other then putting the WWE & WCW on the map. I defy you to prove that Hulk Hogan was the better wrestler in the ring. And I defy you to point out one person who Hulk Hogan put over who has gone on to become great as well and then did the same for other young talent. You won't find one.


Feb 7, 2007
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I may not find one but the point is Hogan put WCW and WWF on the map, not Flair. While Flair was putting people over Hogan was making tons of money and ratings for his company. He is one of the fans favorite and although he refuses to put people over, as a whole he has done more for wrestling. There may not be a Carlito, Sting or Orton without Hogan. Without Hogan who knows what the WWE would be, I'm guessing it would get very low ratings and the fan base would be cut in half. Hogan brought a ton of fans to teh wrestling community and that has cemented its way to 2007. So without Hogan, who would Flair really have to put over with it mattering? No hogan most likely would mean today WWE would be like TNA, and there would be no TNA.

This Guy

again you make valid points and I do not disagree per say with any of it. But I argue that where as Hogan may be the reason why all of these people exist, Flair is the reason why they make money now. Not Hogan. Its no secret that Vince McMahon loves the big guys. The Hulk Hogan's the Andre the Giants and King Kong Bundy's of the past. This may have been the foundation but its not the reason most of us watch today. Hulk Hogan is a dinosaur who refuses to change with the times. The fans demand skilled and talented in ring preformers who can do it all. When you listen to Triple H & Shawn Michaels they will tell you that the man they looked up to was Ric Flair. And they are among the highest paid and most popular wrestlesrs of the modern era. Who would we be cheering for today if it wasn't for Ric Flair? It wasn't Hulk Hogan the inspired the boy hood dream of Shawn Michaels. It was Ric Flair? Without Ric Flair we would be enjoying more wrestlers like Kevin Nash, Viscera, Giant Gonzolas, The Great Khali and less of guys like Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Edge, & Christian and so on. With out guys like Ric Flair, guys like Chris Jericho would have never have gotten to be Undisputed Champion. Without Ric Flair guys like Stone Cold Steve Austin would have never been given a second chance in the WWE after being fired from WCW to become the Rattlesnake. Without guys like Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio would have never even got a second look let a lone title reigns.


Feb 7, 2007
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Actually once Hulk Hogan left WWF and went on to his first stint in WCW Vince turned to the smaller guys to lead his company. Guys like Bret Hart, yes Shawn Michaels who was inspired by Flair, and others. Think about the likes of The Rock would he be as popular today if it werent for Hulk Hogan? Your point is that without Flair we may not have gotten guys like Shawn Michaels and Triple H. But I counter that by saying without Hogan there wouldnt be a top promotion for HBK and HHH to shine in. Hogan built teh foundation for pro wrestling, people followed him. When he went to WCW to ratings rose, when Flair came to WWF they ratings did not. I disagree when you say without RIc Flair guys like Edge, Mysterio etc wouldnt get a shot at staredom. Sure Flair is a pioneer but he was in WCW when The Rock and AUstin rose to fame. Hogan you could say is the reason these guys are here. When he and Vince had teh little issue before Hogan left and went to WCW Vince decided it was time to move away from big guys and go to smaller guys like HBK and Bret Hart. Then followed the others like Rock, Austin, Edge.

This Guy

Vince didn't decide to goto smaller guys, he had no choice its all that was left. It proved that the big man was not as important to pro wrestling as Vince believed and truthfully still does. You said without Hogan Triple H and Shawn Michaels wouldn't have a place to shine. This may be true, but Hogan also put WCW on the map, and due to the polititcs that kept Hogan on top, people got bored and tired of Hulk Hogan, and the company fell into the whole even with Hogan there still pushing himself to the top. And when Russo went into buisness for himself and rebooked the WCW Title it was too late for WCW to recover from. Granted I agree that Hogan may be the most popular of all time, but one thing will not change that proves that Flair has stood the test of time better then Hogan. Sure, Hulk Hogan gets in a ring after being out of sight for awhile. The fans cheer louder then they do for anyone. But within a month that cheering has started to die down. Sure he's still mostly cheered, but wrestling fans as a whole realize that his time has come and gone years ago. When Ric Flair gets in the ring fans cheer, they bow at ring side. There is always a very positive reaction to Flair. And thats with him still being on active rosters week in and week out. Hogan has to leave or risk being booed out. And finally, during any match, in any wrestling promotion in the world, when someone hits a chop the whole crowd yells, "Woooooooo". Hulk Hogan is not even thought about during most wrestling shows unless he's on it.

This Guy

btw I know this is a double post, but I didn't want to be in this thing, I just wanted to debate Truth for fun on this topic because I thought it was only fair he at least had to have a debate before moving onto the next round since Famou$ wasn't up to the mustard.


Feb 7, 2007
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philly I auto advance? Im interested to see what everyone thinks though, so for fun can people vote still.