Great Debate:MikeRaw vs Edge of Extreme

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Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
Read the rules in another thread man....

Big Show or Andre The Giant


Alright well Im gonna have to say Andre on this one.And its not hard why.I think Im going to start out simple,give EOE a chance to respond then end his ass early lol....I just had to pick Andre for this one.Now neither of these guys are near the top of my favorite wrestlers thats for sure.And also I have never seen Andre The Giant wrestle,which goes for most of us.But that would be ther reason I picked him.Allow me to explain:
Lets face it,neither man can be credited with being outstanding athletes but you know what?They made it work...For what the did in their careers they were both able to be good at what they HAD TO DO....But Andre was able to do what The Big Show could not...And thats be a top guy.Sure Big Show had title shots here and there but mostly he was in the mid card feuding with guys like Carlito,Matt Morgan and countless others...Andre however was one half of the most memorable moments of all time at WM3 with Hulk Hogan.One could argue that he was on the recieving end,thus only pushing Hogan but I still stand by my decision in Andre...Andre was able to become the Tag Team Champion,WWE Champion,which Big Show did as well btu Andre most certainly led a hhall of fame career,which was proven when he was inducted into the Hall Of Fame in 1993...
Now looking back at the overall career perspective that I just mentioned its easy to see that Andre was able to be a higher draw and bigger guy in the company...But I would also like to point out.Andre had been one of the BIGGEST babyfaces,and I mean that in height and in the way the fans treated him,throught the 70's and 80's whereas Big Show struggled to maintain an identity and a trademark fanbase...
Now I have many,many other points which I can save for later in the debate after EOE responds.Trust me,I have more but for now i will close with this:
In my mind,Andre is clearly the better because after years of him being out of wrestling and even dead,he is still recognised and learned about by wrestling fans today.I know people will know of Hgan and other HIGE names decades from now but Andre was not built up into an all american gimmick or a patriotic good guy gimmick,but he is able to be known of today by younger wrestling fans,simply because of a legacy he left behind.I do not think Big Show will have that type of legacy.So therefore my choice is The Eigth Wonder of The World...ANDRE THE GIANT...
Jun 9, 2007
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Why Do You Care?
damn you had to do it while i was asleep and give us the hard one to debate one. w/e. i wouldve done Show anyways prob. :)
on to the debating!

Big Show. 500 lbs. 7 ft tall. this guy is huge. which means he isnt really athletic right? he can still do lots of stuff despite his size! Big Show as numerous accomplishments. let me list them.

PWI Rookie of the Year award in 1996 [3]
PWI Wrestler of the Year award in 1996 [3]
PWI ranked him # 137 of the best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003.
WCW World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
WCW World Tag Team Championship (3 times) - with Lex Luger (1), Sting (1) and Scott Hall (1)
WCW World War 3 winner in 1996
ECW World Championship (1 time)
WWE United States Championship (1 time)
WWF/E Championship (2 times)
WWF/E Hardcore Championship (3 times)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (3 times) - with The Undertaker (2) and Kane (1)
First Person To Win The WCW, WWE, and ECW Championships.

Now you could look at that and say, "pssh. CM Punk could do all that and more." CM Punk probably could. but for a big man like Big Show.... thats really good. look at all that stuff from WCW and WWE. He was PWI's Rookie, Wrestler and named #137 of the year. Rookie and Wrestler of the year is AWESOME! and considering all of the wrestlers out there, #137 aint to shabby either. Big Show won the WWE vs. ECW Head To Head Battle Royal and Officially jumped to ECW where he beat Rob Van Dam for the ECW championship. After he won the belt, he defeated the likes of RVD and Sabu over and over again. Big Show had fueds with the likes of Undertaker, Kane, Eddie Guererro, JBL, Rey Mysterio, Brock Lensar, Kurt Angle, RVD, Sabu, Carlito, Big Boss Man Hulk Hogan and more. most of those are big names if you ask me. and also, where did John Cena win his first United States Title? Big Show. probably without Big Show.... Cena might not be where he is today. in the 2004 Royal Rumble, Big Show was the last person to be emliminated... if it werent for Frank "The Blur" 4Real, He wouldve won, he almost did, but Frank held on and pulled him over. Big Show has tons of accomplishments. Big Show is a true Champion. He was a big man....... who could do lots of things. He was kinda cool too :)

i actually think i put everything in there but if i can think of anything else.... ill debate it later :)


Alright EOE,I wasnt gonna bring stats in but oh well,you did so here they are big boy...
PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year award in 1977
PWI Match of the Year award in 1981 versus Killer Khan
PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year award in 1982
PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year award in 1988
PWI Match of the Year award in 1988 versus Hulk Hogan - The Main Event
PWI Editor's Award in 1993
PWI ranked him #3 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the "PWI Years" in 2003.
You see that most hated wrestler of the year?Ya well that's because he was one of the biggest heels EVER..Im talking more than The Great Khali,more than evil Kane,more than heel Undertaker....But whats right before that?Most POPULAR wrestler of the year,and more than once as well...That shows me that he can go from the biggest babyface ever,as I said in my first post and then,over night basically can start his transition into the complete opposite...The biggest HEEL of all time.Sure Big Show has had turns back and forth slowly but who cares?I cant even name more than a few because he was just a sort of mid card guy who had average career.Just like every superstar,Big Show had turns back and forth but years from now will it be a legacy that we will remember...NO!
Now I know my first post was longer but that was to break the ice,here I am basically replying to you but I have a few more things to say here....
One could also argue,like I am,that Andre had a better move set considering the size.Hell,when did you even see bigshow do an elbow drop...?And Big Show had the same finisher as every big guy....Dun Dun Dun...CHOKESLAM.....Andre was a bit different and didnt have to fall under all the same stuff as every other monster/big guy.
Also I want to here your reply to this statement,which I already made before,sort of...
You are in this generation now,and didnt see Andre perform...But you still know him as one of the biggest legends of all time...Do you think Big Show will be known as a legend years from now?And do you think kids will look back and say they wish they saw him...I do NOT think so...:)
Jun 9, 2007
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I know Andre The Giant because he got Scoop Slammed by Hulk Hogan :p
i really dont have much of an arguement. Andre will be remembered more than Show was... Andre has done more than Show has and in Andre's time, he was more of a face/heel than Show was. there doesnt really need to be voting on this one.... i lose :'( :p


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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New Jersey
EOE what the fuck are you doing? Big show is an extremley easy arguement...


I was gonna win anyways :)
Lol jk but i was doing pretty good and I think eoe told me he was done lol