Global Entertainment Wrestling presents...Chaos

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New Member
May 17, 2008
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Humble Beginnings...

It was early 2008. The wrestling world was on the verge of undergoing drastic changes. The WWE had been pulling bad figures for the past few months and it seemed Vince McMahon was going to choose his money over his company.

A few visionaries, however, had bonded together and were waiting for this to happen. Amongst them was a man who was known only by "C". Mr. C, who is the new Mr. X, had been bringing together possible investors for months now, promising them an opportunity they wouldn't be able to turn down. He had asked of them only one thing, a cash guarantee for 12 months. If after those 12 months they aren't pleased, they can walk out without having lost a penny.

By March, what had been announced happened. The WWE shut it's doors, forever. Mr. C jumped on the rights they left behind like a hawk and acquired all rights they had in their possession. And here is where we take off.

... Will be followed by...

2nd of August 2008

Hello, I'm Mr. C.

Now, from what you heard, I've acquired the rights that are the legacy of the WWE. The question now is what I am going to do with it. The answer is simple.

I want to welcome you all on the 2nd of September for a show. A show which features some of the best we have on this world. The best what, you might ask. The best wrestlers, I say. Join me on a crusade, Join me on a Quest, Join me for Chaos. Join me, Join GEW.

I'll be seeing you all.

Mr. C.

...Spectacular starts!

So, tonight is the 1st of September and we're all waiting for the first show of this new company called Global Entertainment Wrestling. Tomorrow, the legend starts. But tonight, we reveal the ones to look out for....


- Mr. C Owner


- Stacy Keibler & Torrie Wilson Mr. C's executive assistants


- Paul Heyman General Manager


- Joey Styles & John Layfield Announcers


- Lillian Garcia In-ring Announcer


- Todd Grisham Interviewer












Tag Teams

London & Kendrick


Mysterio & Bourne


Cryme Tyme


Motor City Machine Guns


Latin-American Xchange





Morrison & Miz


The Colon Brothers


Hawkins & Ryder


Beer Money


Pay-Per-View Dates

09/28/2008 The Future is Now
10/26/2008 Survivor Series
11/30/2008 Revolution
12/28/2008 Cyber Sunday
01/25/2009 Royal Rumble
02/22/2009 Between Enemy Lines
03/29/2009 Global Warning
04/26/2009 Dawn of a new Tomorrow
05/31/2009 Mayhem
06/28/2009 No Mercy
07/26/2009 Heat Wave
08/30/2009 Battle of Champions


GEW World Championship

- Vacant

GEW Tag Team Championships

- Vacant

GEW Intercontinental Championship

- Vacant

GEW Women's Championship

- Vacant

PS: If something is missing, just say so and I'll add it.


Active Member
May 23, 2007
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Very interesting... im liking your roster. Good luck.


New Member
May 17, 2008
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GEW Chaos 1: 9/02/2008 Preview

The first ever Chaos will feature some big matches. First off, we'll see Shawn Michaels teaming up with Jeff Hardy to take on the team of Randy Orton and Chris Jericho. All four this competitors are in line for the GEW championship match at The Future is Now, so all shall be willing to gain the upper hand in what promises to be a hard fought fight.

In other action, Priceless members Jimmy Snuka Jr, Manu and Harry Smith will be taking on high flyers Paul London and Brian Kendrick, who will be joined by Evan Bourne. Will it be the members or their faces that are priceless?

Another Priceless member in action is Ted Dibiase Jr. He will be taking on CM Punk, John Morrison and AJ Styles in a Fatal 4-Way to crown the first GEW Intercontinental champion.

We'll also see Mickie James taking on Melina Perez and Kevin Thorn getting his hands on Eric Young.

Join us.


Kevin Thorn vs. Eric Young

Priceless (Jimmy Snuka Jr., Harry Smith & Manu) vs. Paul London, Brian Kendrick & Evan Bourne

Mickie James vs. Melina Perez

GEW Intercontinental Championship match
Ted Dibiase Jr. vs. John Morrison vs. CM Punk vs. AJ Styles

Shawn Michaels & Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton & Chris Jericho

Evil Austin

You roster is good and by the way I give you props for having the idea to change the look of Carlito and give him a goatee' and dreadlocks. Good stuff, you have a good roster to work with and hopefuly you plan ahead and do well. Good luck.


Looks pretty good, the roster has its ups and downs but I like most of the guys and you have all the scenes covered from Main Event to jobber lol. There are a good number of tag teams which I like and this should be interesting, ill check it out your first show which is looking quite good at this point.

Kevin Thorn vs. Eric Young

I am a Thorn mark so hopefully he destroys him!

Priceless (Jimmy Snuka Jr., Harry Smith & Manu) vs. Paul London, Brian Kendrick & Evan Bourne

This could be a good match, I am not sure whether you are looking to push Priceless, hopefully you don't and that high flyers get the victory. Should be a good read.

Mickie James vs. Melina Perez

Two of my favorite women wrestlers, I wonder what you will make out of this. Could be good.

GEW Intercontinental Championship match
Ted Dibiase Jr. vs. John Morrison vs. CM Punk vs. AJ Styles

This looks the best on the card. I think AJ and Punk are around the Mian Event scene, not sure if its the same in your BTB but if they are then it would be a bad idea giving them this title and thats why I think John Morrison would suit it and I think Ted Jr is there to be pinned lol.

Shawn Michaels & Jeff Hardy vs. Randy Orton & Chris Jericho

Looks like another good match here, I am a huge Randy Orton fan and Jericho is great also so I want them to get the win but I think Hardy and Michaels will.

I'll drop in a review for your first show and see how it is, in the meantime try to get as many reviews around as possible.


New Member
May 17, 2008
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The pyro's go off in the ChaosZone. While the crowd is going nuts, Paul Heyman takes center stage. With him are Mr. C's Executive Assistants. Paul Heyman takes the word.

Heyman: In just a few moments, I am privileged to open GEW. But before that time, let me just tell you why you are here. You are here because some people do love this business... and some don't. A few months ago, I was asked by one man to be the face of GEW and I refused.

The crowd starts to boo.

Heyman: But then, I turned on the tv and saw... I can't begin to describe what I saw. It was so horrible, I couldn't keep away. A few months ago, this business was dead, but I will bring it back to life. We will bring it back to life.

And that is not because of a great wrestling mind, a legendary booker or a Vince. No, tonight, wrestling is brought to you by fans. By people who do have a heart for this business.

No, this isn't ECW, this is bigger. This is the future. And in the future, we honor the past. The past that some people tried to bury, the past that some people tried to make look ridiculous. The past, which has survived those people.

And don't think this won't be extreme.

Heyman's theme hits, while the camera fades out.

We go to the backstage area, where Priceless has gathered. Ted Dibiase Jr. takes the word.

Dibiase: In my world, nothing tastes as sweet as success. And tonight, I am going to taste it's sweet, sweet aroma, when I beat CM Punk, John Morrison and AJ Styles for the Intercontinental championship.

Now, that'll be simply priceless.

We cut back to the ring, where Kevin Thorn is finishing his entrance. Eric Young is already waiting inside the ring. Thorn looks at Young and starts to smile.

Eric Young vs. Kevin Thorn

Styles: Goodevening ladies and gentlemen, this is Chaos. I am your host, Joey Styles, and with me is John Layfield. I'm can't wait to get this show underway.

Layfield: Why wait, let's start it now.

Styles: Have you got a problem, John?

Layfield: Yes, if I had known they'd put me next to you, I'd have been in that ring, or in Texas. At least somewhere far away from you.

Styles: I'm as trilled as you, don't worry.

In the ring, the referee is start. The bell rings and GEW is underway.

Thorn motions for Young to come closer. Reluctantly, the Canadian answers the call. He takes one step forward and gets thrown to the ground hard with a powerslam takedown. Young grabs his back in pain. Thorn grabs hold of Young's hair and pulls him up. Once to his feet, Young fights his way out of Thorn's claws, giving him a hard right to the face. Young bounces off the ropes and goes for a Spinning Wheel kick, which catches Thorn right in between the eyes. The bigger man goes down hard. Young takes this opportunity to lock in a headlock. However, Thorn is near the ropes and grabs them. Young is forced to abandon the hold before it can do any damage. Both men regain their vertical base and the match can go back to the way it started, with none of the competitors having gained any advantage.

Styles: This match hasn't even started yet.

Layfield: Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Thorn now steps forward, trying to grab hold of Young. The quicker Young, however, ducks away from the upcoming Thorn. Thorn turns around and can just catch the leg of Young. Bad idea of Thorn, as Young hits the Enzuigiri. Thorn drops the mat.

Styles: Young is getting the upper hand in this.

Young now checks if Thorn if far enough from the ropes, before locking in another headlock.

Layfield: Another headlock? How boring is this guy?

Styles: You have to give him credit, he has the bigger man on the ropes.

Layfield: What are you talking about? Thorn isn't even near the ropes.

Styles: It's an expression.

Layfield: A bad one.

In the ring, Thorn is regaining his posture. He has made it to his knees and is slowly getting up. Young tightens the hold, but it's too late. Thorn gets up and pushes Young in the ropes. He whips Young into the opposing ropes and waits. Young bounces back and gets taken down with a Flapjack. Thorn covers.


No! Young kicks out in time. Thorn looks to continue his assault, as he pulls Young up. Thorn hits the Scoop Slam, then looks to put Young in a triangle choke. Young is close to being helpless after the two hard crashes and lets it be locked in. Thorn starts putting pressure on the upper body of Young, who is close to tapping. Suddenly Thorn releases.

Styles: What in the world? Thorn had this match won. What is he doing?

The sooner you shut up, the sooner we find out.

Thorn stalks the battered Young, who uses the ringropes to get up. Once up, Young staggers straight into the hands of Thorn. Thorn looks to connect with the Crusifix Powerbomb, when suddenly, Young starts to move again, he manages to spring free. Young grabs hold of Thorn and puts him into a roll up pin.


Young quickly exits the ring, as he is announced the winner. He starts moving up the ramp rather quick, leaving a pissed off Thorn in the ring.

Styles: An amazing turn of events here in our first match, isn't it, partner?

Layfield: One, I am not your partner. And two, Thorn should have won.

We cut to a commercial.

We come back from the commercial break with Priceless standing in the ring. Cody Rhodes is holding the mic.

Rhodes: Tonight, Priceless will show all of you why we are the best. In a matter of minutes, Jimmy, Harry and Manu will beat their opponents from pillar to post and later tonight, Priceless will have won the first championship awarded in GEW history.

Rhodes hands the mic to Dibiase.

Dibiase: And that is not all, because...

London and Kendrick's theme interrupts Dibiase. London, Kendrick and Bourne come out of the back to a huge ovation. They taunt for the crowd, before rushing at the ring. While they slide into it, Dibiase, Rhodes and Natalya Neidhart leave the ring.

Styles: This will be a 6-man tag match.

Layfield: Another pointless match between Jobbers and Talent.

Styles: Every GEW superstar is an accomplished wrestler, John.

Those three aren't wrestlers, those three are jumping beans.

It seems like Evan Bourne and Manu will start things out, as the referee calls for the bell.

Paul London, Brian Kendrick & Evan Bourne vs. Priceless (Jimmy Snuka Jr., Manu & Hary Smith)

Bourne immediately goes for Manu, going for the crossbody. Manu, however, catches him and drops him down to the mat. Manu follows up by pulling Bourne up and whipping him into the turnbuckle. He follows up by rushing at Bourne and connecting with a devastating corner splash on top of Bourne. The latter stumbles out of the corner and gets met with a Belly-to-Belly suplex. Manu grabs hold of Bourne and drags him towards the Priceless corner. There Manu tags out to Jimmy Snuka Jr. The adopted son of Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka grabs the head of Bourne and starts talking trash towards him, before slamming him face first onto the mat. He tags out to Harry Smith and forces Bourne into a hold. Smith looks to put his fist against the head of Bourne, but the latter manages to break free and Smith hits his partner instead.

Styles: That didn't exactly go as planned.

layfield: You found that out completely by yourself? I'm impressed.

Bourne rushes towards his corner and tags out to Kendrick. The highflyer takes his chance and dives straight in with a Springboard Crossbody, knocking Smith down. Kendrick covers.


Smith powers out. Both men now get up and start taxing each other. Smith is the first to reach for his opponent and instantly regrets this. Kendrick gets a hold of Smith's arm and locks in an armbar. Kendrick heads for his corner and London gets the tag. He comes in and rushes towards the ropes. Just when he bounces back, however, he goes down. Ted Dibiase Jr. has tripped him, but the referee didn't see. In the ring, Harry Smith has fought out of the hold and has taken out Kendrick by clotheslining him over the top rope.

He now turns his attention towards the downed London. Smith pulls London up and whips him in the Priceless corner. Manu gets the tag, as Smith whips London in the opposing ropes. London bounces back and is met with a drop toe hold from Smith and an elbow drop from Manu. Smith exits the ring, leaving Manu alone with London. Manu picks the smaller wrestler up and puts him into a powerbomb position. However, London starts to fight out of the predicament. Manu is forced to release and London bounces off the ropes, rushing at the second generation superstar. But London would soon regret that, as Manu countered the attack, putting London in a Samoan Drop position. It connects and Manu covers.


No! Brian Kendrick breaks up the count. Snuka and Smith enter the ring and grab hold of Kendrick. They whip him into the ropes and await his return. They deliver a devastating double Flapjack to Kendrick. Now Evan Bourne comes flying in, taking both Snuka and Smith over the top rope with a double clothesline. Bourne then Suicide Dives to the outside.

Styles: Business has just picked up!

Layfield: I'm seeing only one thing, Manu being in total control.

And Layfield is right. Inside the ring, Manu has London right where he wants him. He connects with the Light Out. Cover!


This one is over. Manu slides out the ring and is met by the other members of Priceless. Bourne and Kendrick slide into the ring to check up on London.

Priceless starts its run in GEW with an impressive victory.

Layfield: See, Joey, that's what guys like me do to guys like you. So I'd watch out if I were you.

Backstage, Todd Grisham is standing with Shawn Michaels for an interview.

Grisham: I am standing here with one of the competitors in tonights Main Event, the heartbreak kid, Shawn Michaels. Shawn, tonight you will feature in the first Main Event in Chaos history, your thoughts?

Michaels: Look, Todd, I am the Main Event, the Showstopper and, until recently, Mister Wrestlemania. I have done it all, I have been it all and tonight, I will emerge victorious in this first Main Event. And I will win the next, and the next, and the next and eventually, I will be crowned the first ever GEW World Champion. And why is that, you might ask. Well, Todd, because the people wants to see that happen and what the people want, I deliver.

Suddenly the camera pans out to reveal Randy Orton.

Orton: A nice speech, Shawn, however, I regret having to inform you that tonight, you will not be victorious. Tonight, the dream of the Age of Orton will re-emerge and will consume you. Tonight, I will deliver what the crowd really wants. They want me, Shawn, not some old, washed-up, balding piece of trash like you. No, they want to see a third generation superstar surpassing all the so-called greats. They will erect a new Hall of Fame, the Hall of Orton, just for me. No, Shawn, you are not the future, you are the past. And tonight, that fact will be proven.

Out of nowhere, Orton connects with the RKO on Michaels, knocking the Showstopper out. Orton walks out and we go to a commercial break.

We come back from our commercial break, which consisted of several TNA hypes, damn those bastards. Anyway, we cut to ringside.

Styles: We're back for more of the same, and next up is a Women's Division match between Mickie James and Melina Perez.

Layfield: Great, two pairs of boobs fighting, you'd think that without men like Jerry Lawler this bullcrap would've been pulled, but no.

Styles: The GEW women are some of the best in the world, John.

Layfield: Which still means they're crap.

Styles: I wouldn't say that out loud, John.

But it's too late, the GEW themesong hits and out come Mr. C's Executive Assistants, Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson. They make their way to the ring, being cheered on by the fans.

Styles: You've done it now, partner.

Keibler and Wilson have entered the ring.

Torrie: I think someone needs to be taught a lesson, don't you Stacy?

Stacy: John, me and Torrie, we don't like it when people like you talk about women in such a way. So, why don't you come up here and show us what you've got?

Hesitantly, Layfield gets up and enters the ring.

Styles: Ladies and gentlemen, this truly is a surprise. Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson just challenged my broadcast partner, John Layfield, to defend his words inside the ring.

Layfield is now in the ring and is challenged by Keibler. layfield doesn't seem to want this to take long and rushes in for the Clothesline. Keibler ducks and connects with the Spinning Heel Kick.

Styles: Spinning Heel Kick! Spinning Heel Kick!

Layfield is dazed and stumbles to his feet. Once up, Wilson locks in the DDT hold. She connects with the Swinging DDT. The crowd is going nuts by now. Layfield now grabs hold of the ropes and pulls himself up. Mr. C's Executive Assistants look at each other and rush towards Layfield, sending him to the outside with a double clothesline. Wilson and Keibler start to celebrate, while the GEW themesong hits again.

Styles: Words like John's won't go unpunished in this company, that much is proven here tonight. And next up, we'll see more Women's action, but first, we take you backstage, where Todd Grisham is standing with Santino Marella.

We cut to Todd and Santino.

Todd: Santino...

Santino: itsa Mr. Marella to you, Toddy the Grischam.

Todd: Mr. Marella, you have something you want to say to the fans?

Santino: Indeed, I have. See, me, Santino Marella, is the biggest-e star in the whole of the GEW universa, and I don't even have a match tonight? That is wrong, that is wrong. So, me, Santino Marella, challenge anyone in this arena to a match.

Suddenly Kevin Thorn appears, he's in a foul mood, clearly. Santino looks at him and backs down a bit.

Santino: Except-a you.

From the other side, Samoa Joe appears. Again, Santino is not looking very confident.

Santino: And-a you.

Lastly, Beth Phoenix appears. Santino screams like a girl and rushes away in the only direction that is still free. Todd looks on in amazement, as the camera zooms in on him.

Todd: This was Todd Grisham with Santino Marella, back to you, Joey.

"Obsession" hits and Mickie James makes her way to the ring. She gets a huge pop from the crowd in the ChaosZone. She claps hands with the fans.

Styles: Next up is the first Women's match and I'll have to call it on my own, since John has been called into our bosses office. And here is Mickie James and she is looking damn good tonight.

James finishes up her entrance, when Melina's theme hits. Melina comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. She starts doing her regular routine.

Styles: These two women have had several run-ins in the past, let's see how this will end up.

Melina just entered the ring after having done the split. She glances at Mickie, before finishing her entrance. The referee then calls for the bell.

Mickie James vs. Melina Perez

Melina rushes straight towards Mickie, ducking a right hand and connecting with a spinning heel kick. Mickie goes down, but rolls through, regaining a vertical base. However, Melina had anticipated that and connects with the dropkick, knocking Mickie in the ropes. Melina starts to punch away on her former rival, who is basically a sitting duck. The referee has to interfere to pull Melina off of Mickie. The latter gets up again, but while she is trying to get her act back together, Melina gets her down with a springboard bulldog. Melina covers.


No! Mickie James gets a shoulder up. Melina pulls Mickie to her feet, but Mickie starts to fight back with right hands. She then whips Melina into the ropes and connects with a back body drop. Melina gets back to her feet, but is still wobbly. Mickie takes advantage and clotheslines Melina over the top rope. Mickie then goes to stand on the apron and awaits Melina getting up, before connecting with a hurricanrana. While the referee starts to count, both women get up again and start trading punches. At the count of four, Melina rakes the eyes of Mickie and slides back in the ring. Mickie shrugs it off and enters the ring as well.

Styles: We've seen some nice back and forth action between these ladies, I wonder what they have left.

Melina manages to outsmart Mickie by luring her into going for a punch. Melina grabs the arm of Mickie and locks in the armbar. She then whips her into the ropes, but in the return, it is Mickie who gains control by hitting a Shoulder Block. Melina is back to her feet quickly, but is taken down again with a Thesz Press, which is followed by by a series of vicious punches. Mickie covers.


No! Melina gets her shoulder off the mat just in the nick of time. Melina tries to get back in the match by getting up quickly, but Mickie has her number and goes to look for the Mickie-DDT.

Suddenly Beth Phoenix comes rushing down the ramp. Mickie throws Melina into a corner and gets ready. Beth enters the ring. Mickie is ready for her, but not for....


Styles: OH MY GOD!

Mickie drops down to the floor, out cold, while the referee calls for the bell. Melina is standing behind James with a steel chair. She looks at Beth, before dropping the chair and celebrating with the Glamazon. The crowd is livid.

Lillian: Due to a Disqualification, the winner is Mickie James!

With this, we cut to a commercial break.

We return to the ChaosZone, where CM Punk, AJ Styles, John Morrison and Ted Dibiase Jr. are all waiting in the ring for the bell. On the outside, only Cody Rhodes can be seen. The referee calls for the bell and the first championship match in Chaos history, and GEW history, for that matter, is underway.

CM Punk vs. AJ Styles vs. John Morrison vs. Ted Dibiase Jr.

And Chaos starts, as CM Punk starts to brawl with Dibiase and Styles targets Morrison. All four men are exchanging punches. Morrison is the first to gain an advantage by blocking a punch from Styles, then catapulting him over the top rope. Morrison and Dibiase now team up on Punk. They whip him into the ropes and hits the double armdrag, before a double elbow drop. Punk is hurting. Now Morrison and Dibiase start targetting each other, trading punches, when suddenly, AJ Styles comes crashing down onto both of them. Morrison rolls out of the ring. Styles now pulls up Dibiase and starts hitting hard rights, forcing him into the ropes. Styles whips Dibiase into the ropes, ducks him on the pass and locks in the head scissors after Dibiase has bounced back. Styles gets Dibiase on his back and locks in the triangle choke.

On the outside, we can see Morrison and Punk trading punches, kicks, whatever you want. Punk suddenly whips Morrison head first into the ringpost. Punk now enters the ring to break up the submission hold. Styles gets up and starts arguing with Punk. But he goes down, knocked out cold by Morrison, who has hit the roundhouse kick to the back of Styles' head. Morrison ducks a strike from Punk and connects with a Neckbreaker. Morrison covers.


No! Morrison gets pulled of by Rhodes. An enraged Morrison starts running after Cody Rhodes, but when the rest of Priceles appears on the ramp, he quickly decides otherwise.

Inside the ring, Punk is receiving a beating at the hands of Dibiase. Just as Morrison returns, Dibiase, who hadn't seen, goes for a cover.


No! Morrison interrupts. Morrison and Dibiase now get into each others faces. This gives punk the opportunity to get back up and connect with a springboard crossbody on the both of them. And when Styles gets back into the fight, this match quickly becomes chaos.

With all four men battling, there seems to be no clear cut winner on the horizon. Suddenly Styles reverses an attack by Dibiase into a neckbreaker, while Punk knocks down Morrison with an Enzuigiri.

Styles: It seems that Punk and Styles have taken the upper hand in this one.

Layfield: Look, Joey, I can see that, I've just had to undergo a lecture by Paul Heyman and I haven't seen a bottle of liquor within a mile of this dump, so please, shut it.

Styles: I liked it better when you were gone, partner.

Layfield: And I'm not your *censored* partner!

In the ring, Punk has gained the upper hand. He has Styles firmly in a headlock and uses this as a base for the bulldog. Punk now climbs to the top. Styles slowly makes it to his feet, but only to get hit with a swinging DDT from Punk. Punk now goes for a cover.


No! Styles kicks out. Punk pulls up his opponent and looks to finish it with the Go To Sleep. But out of nowhere, Ted Dibiase comes rushing in with a running clothesline, not only knocking Punk out, but also turning the GTS into a modified Samoan Drop. Dibiase throws out Punk and goes for the cover on Styles.


No! Somewhere, Styles found the power necessary to break up the count. A clearly annoyed Dibiase pulls him up and looks to put him into the Cobra Clutch. But Styles isn't dead yet, he starts to fight back with rights and lefts, with everything he got. Suddenly he rakes the eyes of Dibiase and uses the opportunity to go for the top turnbuckle. From there, he launches himself straight towards Dibiase, looking to hit the hurricanrana. He connects, sending Dibiase to the other side of the ring. Styles now rushes towards that turnbuckle and connects with the frog splash, looking to end it.

Styles: This one is over! This one is...!

But as AJ goes for the downed body of Dibiase, Morrison hits him with a kick to the head. Morrison smiles for a second before pinning Dibiase.


Layfield: ... Over.

The referee calls for the bell and the Intercontinental championship. He awards it to John Morrison.

Lillian: Here is your winner and the NEW Intercontinental Champion, John Morrison!

Layfield: Now that, Joey, that is having the upper hand.

Styles: Oh, come on, he just stole the victory here.

Layfield: He pinned Dibiase, so you either love it or hate it, but you can't do anything about it.

Morrison exits the ring and sneaks out through the crowd, as the other members of Priceless come down the ramp to check up on Dibiase.

One last time for tonight, we cut to the backstage area. Jeff Hardy is finishing up on his preparations when Chris Jericho enters. Hardy leaves his boots alone.

Hardy: Look, Chris, I...

Jericho: Hold your horses, Jeff. I've just come to wish you good luck in our match. You'll need it.

Hardy: Chris, I don't know what you have been smoking, but I need no good luck wishes from you. I am better then you, Chris. And tonight, I will prove it.

Jericho: Oh, is that so? Why, what a load of crap. You're better then me, right? And who says so? Those hypocrites out there, who would trade everything they have just to see me get beaten? Newsflash, Jeff, they have got nothing to trade, the have nothing, the are nothing. Just like you and that brother of yours.

What have you two accomplished over the years? Jumped off some ladders, Jumped onto each others women, lost those women, need I continue?

Look, Jeff, take it from me, an honest and decent man, you and Shawn have no chance in hell tonight.

With that being said, Jericho walks out of the room, leaving Jeff Hardy.

And with that, we go to our last commercial break.

The commercial break ends with....

"I think I'm cute"

"Sexy Boy" hits, with Shawn Michaels coming out. The crowd gives HBK a pop like he's the biggest damn thing since bread. HBK is pumped up, clearly.

Styles: And this is our Main Event for tonight. A huge tag team match between this man, the HeartBreak Kid, Shawn Michaels, and his partner Jeff Hardy and the team of Randy Orton and Chris Jericho.

Layfield: Why does Shawn Michaels still call himself the heartbreak kid?

Styles: I hear shades of one rather crappy video game here, partner.

Layfield: What are you talking about?

Styles: Never mind.

Once Shawn Michaels has entered the ring, the soundsystem gets taken over by "No More Words". Jeff Hardy appears, getting his rockstarlike pop from the crowd.

Styles: Hardy is arguably the hottest superstar in wrestling today.

Layfield: He is just what wrestling doesn't need. A no good, overly dangerous indivual running around the ring. He could hurt superstars that actually have talent.

"Break the Walls Down" takes over, sparking boo's from the crowd. Chris Jericho appears from the back, ready for action.

Layfield: Finally, business is picking up Joey, these man really are the best.

Styles: If you say so.

"I hear Voices in my head..."

"Voices" by Rev Theory hits to announce the coming of the last superstar, Randy Orton. Randy Orton gets quite possibly the biggest heat of the night, whilst joining Jericho on his way to the ring. Both men get in to be able to start the match.

Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho will start things off, as the referee calls for the bell.

Shawn Michaels & Jeff Hardy vs. Chris Jericho & Randy Orton

Michaels and Jericho lock up in the middle of the ring. Michaels manages to force Jericho into the ropes, but when he wants to whip him into the opposing ropes, Jericho reverses and it is Shawn who gets whipped. Shawn bounces back and is met with an elbow by Jericho. Michaels gets up quickly, walking straight into a belly-to-belly suplex. Jericho grabs Michaels by the arm and drags him towards his corner, where he tags out to Orton.

Orton comes in and starts kicking away on HBK, methodically targeting various parts of Michaels' body, before covering.


Kick out by Michaels. Orton pulls up the heartbreak kid and locks in a headlock. Michaels is forced down to his knees quite rapidly, but when the crowd starts building up a pro-Michaels atmosphere, HBK manages to get back to his feet and fights out of the hold. He then bounces off the ropes and looks to get Orton, but the latter had the move scouted well and hits Shawn straight into the gut with the knee. Michaels falls to his knees and Orton connects with his knee to the head of Michaels, before dragging him back to his corner. There Orton tags out to Jericho, who picks Michaels up by the head and starts trashtalking towards him. He then looks at Michaels getting up for a second, before bouncing off the ropes and connecting with the one-handed bulldog. Jericho covers.


No! Michaels gets a shoulder up. Jericho then pulls him up again, but Michaels breaks free by raking the eyes of Jericho. Michaels rushes towards his corner and tags in Hardy. Hardy enters the ring, ducks a clothesline attempt from Jericho and connecting with a neckbreaker. He quickly gets up to stop Orton in his track. Orton has to stop, now holding Jeff's foot in his hands. Jeff connects with the Spinning Back Kick. Hardy now climbs onto the turnbuckle. In the meantime, Jericho made it to his feet, but is still staggering. Hardy jumps off in a crossbody attempt, but Jericho manages to evade it by rolling towards the turnbuckle, making Hardy jump over him and landing hard to the floor.

With a four men down, the match has come to a sudden halt. Both Jericho and Hardy are the first to move, getting up with the help of the ropes. Hardy beats Jericho to the punch and rushes at him, hoping to deliver a clothesline. However, Jericho manages to force Hardy over his head and the ropes, but Hardy hangs on. As Jericho turns around, Hardy gets ready to leap over the ropes. He does so and finally connects with the crossbody. Hardy goes for the pin.


No! Jericho gets a shoulder up. Hardy waits for Jericho to get up and looks to lock in the Twist of Fate, when Jericho evades the kick and manages to tag out to Orton. Orton gets in and starts pounding away on Hardy. Orton whips Hardy into a corner and connects with a corner clothesline, sending Hardy straight to the ground. Orton starts stalking Hardy, who makes it to his feet. Orton looks to hit the RKO, but Hardy pushes him away. Hardy now goes for a clothesline, but Orton had the same idea, causing them both to go down.

Both men go looking for the tag, and both of them get it! Michaels comes in and hits Jericho with the flying forearm smash. Michaels kips up and connects with the Inverted Atomic Drop on a dazed Jericho. Michaels is firing up. He turns around and....

Styles: RKO! RKO! Out of nowhere!

Indeed, Randy Orton connected with the RKO, leaving Michaels out cold. Jericho stumbles towards the downed Michaels and falls on top of him. The referee has no choice but to count the fall.


Yes! What a splendid victory for these deserving winners.

Styles: Sure they deserve something, what's coming to them.

Layfield: What are you talking about?

Styles: Just look inside the ring.

In the ring, Orton has singled out Shawn Michaels, while Jericho is laying the boot onto Jeff Hardy. With both men incapacitated, Orton and Jericho have easy targets. Suddenly the crowd is getting on their feet.

Styles: It's Matt Hardy! Matt Hardy is here to help out his brother.

And indeed, Matt Hardy comes rushing down the ramp, when suddenly a cane appears out of the audience. Matt goes down hard, while the attacker reveals himself. It is Edge.

Styles: This isn't right, this was planned all along.

Layfield: Oh, shut it, Joey, this is great.

And with Edge, Orton and Jericho celebrating, Chaos comes to an end.


New Member
May 17, 2008
Reaction score
Last week, we saw Chris Jericho, Randy Orton and Edge seize the opportunity to inflict damage on potential opponents for the GEW World Championship. As a result, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy and Shawn Michaels requested matches against their respective nemesisses. Now, in light of the events of last week, Paul Heyman decided to make things a little more interesting by announcing the eight possible contenders for the GEW World Championship and putting them all into a Battle Royal. But not any Battle Royal. In this Battle Royal, whoever gets eliminated is out of the competition, the men standing after 15 minutes are one step closer to becoming the GEW World Championship. Contenders are Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Edge, Jeff Hardy, Matt Hardy, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio and Ken Kennedy.

In other action, Santino Marella will find himself in the ring with Samoa Joe. The Samoan Submission Machine wants to show to the world that he is the best, as does Santino. Will the cocky Italian finally live up to his words?

The Women’s Division started out with a Disqualification. This week they continue where they left of, as Mickie James teams up with Gail Kim to take on Melina Perez and Beth Phoenix.

Also in action are Priceless members Jimmy Snuka Jr. and Harry Smith, as they team up against Cryme Tyme. And newly crowned Intercontinental champion, John Morrison meets the first obstacle on his way as a champion, Kofi Kingston



- AJ Styles will be out for 2 weeks following a bad fall in last weeks Fatal 4-Way.
- Originally, AJ was scheduled to win the match, but the decision was reversed in Morrison’s advantage minutes before the match started.
- The incident with John Layfield was not originally staged, but was due to the way Layfield was commenting. He was notified over headphone just before it happened. The reprimande did indeed occur.
- A version of the The Future Is Now Poster is circulating. It features Shawn Michaels and Ken Kennedy. It is not sure at this time whether it is real or false.



Priceless (Jimmy Snuka Jr & Harry Smith) vs. Cryme Tyme

John Morrison vs. Kofi Kingston

Mickie James & Gail Kim vs. Melina Perez & Beth Phoenix

Santino Marella vs. Samoa Joe

15 Minute Over The Top Battle Royal
Shawn Michaels vs. Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Ken Kennedy vs. Randy Orton vs. Edge vs. Chris Jericho​