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Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
Defendng John Cena!!

Ive been reading around this forum and others as of late and it is quite apparent that John Cena is very hated in the IWC though i did already no this.

My question is WHY? Why is sooo Hated i just dont get it at first i agreed and followed like sheep
and i thought about it and the IWC is Wrong Very WRONG

Ok first reason people put why they hate him so much, he has a moveset of SUPPOSEDLY 5, although he is limited in move set and hes no Chris Benoit and he is learning and Expanding. BUT Did you guys miss the shortcommings of The Rock , Stone Cold and Hulk Hogan. Eg. The Rock - Sharpshooter, Spinebuster, Peoples Elbow, Rock Bottom, Hes Hand Slapping Combo. WHAT MAKES THESE GREATS SUCH A BETTER WRESTLER?

They Had Awsome Promos!! i hear you say, The Rock ripping on everyone, Stone cold being a hell raiser. John Cena is as good as anyone one the Mic, tell me WHEN DID HE LAST DO A SHIT PROMO

The LATEST reason i seem to hear why people Hate him is WHY DID WWE MAKE JOHN CENA BEAT SHAWN MICHAELS AND TRIPLE AND BLAH BLAH WITH THE STFU!! again ill refer to these legends everyone reckons were faultless

Why did the rock beat supposedly the supposedly GREATEST wrestler ever HULK HOGAN with the Peoples Elbow a SIMPLE DROP OF THE ELBOW or Why did Hulk Hogan beat so many greats with a LEG DROP!! Explain that i didnt see the huge Rants about that. and atleast the STFU applies Pain.

ANOTHER reason I HATE HES GIMMICK AND HES STUPID CLOTHES HES TRYING TO BE BLACK. Your using a bloody stereotype!! and its not even like he wears the Chains and that etc nowadays. Did you see what The Rock Stone Cold Triple H Wore when they started! You let that go but Cena no.
You just give bullshit like "Ive Cen-Anuff"

ANOTHER reason WWE pushed him to hard and they make him look like Superman. This is the only credible Reason But it was the WWE who wanted the new superstars you had alot of the Older Guys and couple of people leaving and the WWE needed a new Superstar to step up and he was there hes the guy they goes to all the places representing the wwe and good on him for stepping up. And WWE have given BIGGER pushes than the one gave to Cena What about Brock Lesnar, Kurt Angle Etc...

Backlash: I do hope he loses the title because he has had it for 2 long and wwe needs to mix it up abit BUT NOT TO RANDY ORTON COME ON!! the guy Has Harrasement claims against him hes been reported to have done 30 grand of damages and YET HES DEEMED WORTHY OF HAVING THE TITLE?

Another one would have to be making Chris Jericho look bad, The Guy was on hes way out why not put over some talent in the process that the problem these days with the WWE is the Older guys dont get out of the way for the New guy with the exception of Triple H.

Would you like cena if he was heel do you just wanna be different and not follow the guy the wwe makes a face because you dont wanna be like the 12yr olds? Or can you not move on from the rock stone cold hulk hogan... and just arent willing to accept a replacement. Like when your dog dies and you get a new one and you think that dog will never be as good as the new one so you pick apart its faults ( i know bad example )

Bottom line short the Man carried the WWE for 2 years and deserves more Respect than he gets he gets booed to the shit house and does he complain, NO! he just goes out and does hes job.

So my Answer to you is WHY DO YOU HATE HIM SO MUCH, Whys he so bad? and you cant have bad without something being good So why is he so much Shitter compared to the other WWE greats?


You make some good points except when u say hes good on the mic. NO. Hes not. He thinks he can rap, and thats a complete joke


actually, he's actually pretty good on the mic. i just don't understand why he should look invincible, like beating chris benoit before WM. it is ok for a champion to lose once a while for us to know hes human

Viva La Luke

Apr 20, 2007
Reaction score
Newcastle, Australia
When was the last time he did a rap!! you cant hold someone back for something that did awhile ago for ever. And crap on the mic!! Hes one of the best on the mic in the wwe.

And yes i agree with you phantongerald but that is where the WWE is at fault not Cena.
Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
I havent bothered to read this, but i will agree that Cena is good on the mic, no matter what he is doing. Rapping or just having one of his little fit thingos, he is charismatic on the mic.

I still hate him though...

This has been discussed many times before on the site too...


Feb 7, 2002
Reaction score
Just like Cena, this thread is the same old shit. I never bothered reading it. Cena is a decent wrestler who earns the WWE a tonne of cash through his merchendising. That is why he is on top of WWE. I have no problem with Cena being in the ME or being the #1 guy in WWE. But he doesn't need to hold the title 365 days a year for that to happen. Superman died the other year, i guess nobody told Vince.


I can agree with most of what you say here, however, I think you are a year late. Cena had every right to keep the belt last year. Now he doesn't need it anymore. It might even benefit him to drop it.

Cena has to drop the belt and put someone over. I would love Cena to lay down for Orton. I could care less about Orton troubles. its not like good behavior and class are prerequisites for carrying the company. He would be WWE champ not Miss American. Hell, even Miss America was forgivin for being a drunken loser.


Cena is the Biggest Loser in the Wwe today I hate him so very much.
The One and only reason I hate Cena:

1. He is Champion for so long and when it's time for him to drop the title he drops it and then again after one month a long title Reign. And because of this other people don't get to show their Talent.
(It Really sucks you know)

I think that people like Cena are Great and Awesome, but when they are dragged as Champions and Always are kept in the Main Event Spot then they start getting Boring and Lame.
Same was the Case with one of the Very best Wwe had to offer at the early 90's and Mid 80's Hulk Hogan.
Hulk Hogan was really cool in the 1985,6,7,8 but after 88' People Started hating him simply because he was Dragged as a Champion, not listening to the Fans and listening to the Greenbags of Hogan, Mcmahon still Dragged him as a Champion and as a Main Eventer and now just look at Hogan's Fan base go down and down day by day.
Bret "Hitman" Hart one of the Greatest as well, Wwe and Bret had a Great time together and Bret Retired early and look at the people they love Hart so very much.
Jericho and Lesner are also some Examples of not being Dragged,
I think Cena will hit Hogan's Category if this goes on.


Cena has a ton of room to improve in the ring. For a near 60 minute match on raw, he only brought out one new move. His offense needs to have more high impact moves. The Suplex, 5 knuckle shuffle, Leg Drop and face buster are solid, but he's got to expand on that. Whens the last time you've seen Cena do basic moves like a drop kick, powerbomb, backbreaker or a neckbreaker. These moves should be common in his offense.

Perhaps the problem is there no good heels to oppose cena anymore. He run through all the competiton on raw and its gotten pretty boring. It look like perhaps Khali and maybe even Carlito could be possible opponents. Personally thats my problem. The booking of cena. His in ring work, if good enough for me.


Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
Hes good on the mic, but bad in the ring. I hate him, just like 60 percent of the wrestling world. Please take the belt off him.


New Member
Mar 24, 2007
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Cena is the Biggest Loser in the Wwe today I hate him so very much.
The One and only reason I hate Cena:

1. He is Champion for so long and when it's time for him to drop the title he drops it and then again after one month a long title Reign. And because of this other people don't get to show their Talent.
(It Really sucks you know)
Yeh cena has been champ for a while but Don't hate him because of it. It's WWE who has kept the title for so long so hate them not cena.

Hes good on the mic, but bad in the ring. I hate him, just like 60 percent of the wrestling world. Please take the belt off him.
thats probaly the only reason you hate him, because everyone else does. It's probaly more like 30% anyway.

Defiant One

Active Member
Apr 2, 2007
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St. Louis, Missouri
I read something earlier and I have to correct it, Viva La Luke you said Rock beat Hogan with the people's elbow, actually he did three rock bottoms before, (two right before) then he did the people's elbow for the victory. Not to mention you also said Hogan was the greatest wrestler, I dont know anyone who thinks Hogan is the greatest wrestler, if anything Hogan was the biggest name not the greatest. In your defenseyou make some valid points about Cena. There are some people who hate cuz others do, he is charismatic, he is the biggest draw. However I dont know bout the STFU hurting but whatever, he should drop the belt.


Active Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Yet another John Cena thread.....God these are so pointless.Alot of people love him and alot of people hate him and it will probably stay like that forever.


In the 1980's the Case was the Same Many people hated Hulk Hogan and many people loved him.
Now, it's 2007 and instead it's Cena and many people hate him and many love him your right this will go on forever.


Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
I dont like him because he is so boring in the ring, he does the same 5 move combo and its over. I mean the fu what kind of finisher is that. It looks like something 5 years old would do. Plain and simple we've Cen'Anuff. How can you compare Cena to legends like Rock, Stone Cold, and Hogan. He is NO WHERE and i repeat NO WHERE near their level. Hogan is a trillion times better then Cena on the mic as so is Rock and Stone Cold.