Get rid of ECW

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I honestly think WWE should get rid of ECW as soon as the TV contract with Sci Fi runs out. ECW is the main reason why the brand extension is being tarnished. It forces the WWE to stretch the rosters for all 3 brands so thin that they have no choice but to use guys from other brands just to fill up time. Not to mention, there are guys on the ECW roster who deserve to be on either RAW or Smackdown! but are being held back on the "C" show that nobody watches or cares about. So please WWE, all I ask is to get rid of ECW as soon as you can. It will only help the promotion


Moonlight Drive

No, just no.

ECW is fantastic. It gives the WWE a chance to gauge who has the potential to be a future star and who isn't going to make it far in the WWE. young guys are given a chance to develop on screen so when they go over to the big leagues they'll be much more prepare than if they just jumped straight from FCW to Raw/SD. Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, hell, even CM Punk, none of those guys would've gone anywhere without ECW.


If the ECW talent goes to other brands, then talent will be overcrowded and overflowing on the main brands, and we will have to release talent who don't deserve to be released. ECW is also a place for the younger stars to come in, get tested out and be given the chance that they probably wouldn't get on one of the main shows. ECW is a good hour of wrestling, and it should stay in the WWE imo.


At least I'm not the only one who's a fan of wwECW still. Hell it got to the point when CM Punk was on the show I'd watch it more then Smackdown. But I guess that's just me and hell I still watch it more then TNA.


They can develop young guys on Smackdown!, there is no need for a 3rd brand. Not to mention, RAW and Smackdown!'s rosters are in need of more guys. If WWE split the ECW roster in half and put one half on RAW and the other on Smackdown! then both rosters would be set and we won't have to deal with all this cross brand shit. The brand extension will mean something again

Moonlight Drive

They cannot develop guys on Raw and Smackdown. Look at the Smackdown mid-card. Shelton Benjamin, MVP, Mr. Kennedy, Hurricane Helms, R-Truth, Carlito. There's no room for anybody else to try and squeeze in and prove themselves. On ECW, they get the spotlight.


In need of guys? I see sooooo much wasted talent on Raw and Smackdown. No way are they in need of guys. For instance guys that have been let go like Shannon Moore, D-Lo, Colt Cabana. Many guys like that could have been used way better. With wasted talent like that how can you say there in need of guys?


Raw and Smackdown are both packed and have too much wrestlers for them to properly be given time to shine and prove themselves. Look at Scotty Goldman, Kizarny, Sim Snuka, Manu. They were on the main brands and never got a chance, now they are either released or never featured.


^ They could have been.

And if RAW and Smackdown! have packed rosters why are ECW guys constantly on all 3 shows, and guys jumping from RAW to Smackdown! and vice versa?


Only guys I see wrestling on Raw and Smackdown constinitly are Miz and Morrison and that seems to be for the fact fans can't get enough of them. Hell I can't every segment they have is gold and they matches aren't always 5 star but there always good.

Moonlight Drive

Because John Morrison & The Miz (the guys I assume you're referring to) are now big stars. All thanks to ECW. Without ECW, both men would've been floundering at the bottom of the card on Raw and Smackdown, never getting their shot. Thanks to ECW they're huge stars.

Let's look at Shelton Benjamin. ECW rejuvenated his dying career. He got a shot, got lots of ring time and proved himself worthy. Then he went to Smackdown and get the US Championship, and is now on top of the Mid-Card. Thanks to ECW he's a huge star.


Because John Morrison & The Miz (the guys I assume you're referring to) are now big stars. All thanks to ECW. Without ECW, both men would've been floundering at the bottom of the card on Raw and Smackdown, never getting their shot. Thanks to ECW they're huge stars.

Let's look at Shelton Benjamin. ECW rejuvenated his dying career. He got a shot, got lots of ring time and proved himself worthy. Then he went to Smackdown and get the US Championship, and is now on top of the Mid-Card. Thanks to ECW he's a huge star.

Couldn't agree more. Miz was pretty much on his way out the door before being sent to ECW and recieving a push along with Morrison. Had it not been for ECW The Miz would most likely be doing The Gauntlet 3405030 by now.


Miz and Morrison are also the Raw tag champs officially on ECW who are in a unification feud with the Smackdown tag champs. It's kinda a given that they'd be on all 3 shows. Also if you are referring to the Raw/ECW talent exchange, that is to give stars on ECW a little more exposure and has nothing to do with filling up roster space.


Mark Henry, Miz, Morrison, Evan Bourne, Vladimir Kozlov, John Cena, Big Show, Triple H, Edge, and Finlay all appeared on shows OTHER than their own at one point. This proves that the rosters for both RAW and Smackdown! have extra space that can be used for the young guys. They can easily build them up just like they do on ECW. Besides, a developmental promotion is made for the reason that many of you are pointing out, to build up the young guys. They should be ready once they get called up to the main roster anyway so the amount of air time they receive on RAW or Smackdown! should be enough

Moonlight Drive

So? John Cena wrestling Big Show doesn't mean the rosters have extra space. There's so many talented people who don't get much ring time each week. It's fine for those who already have a name, but for the young guys trying to get over with the crowd (Johnny Nitro, remember that guy?) their is just no room for them to compete, unless it's a squash.

Take Scotty Goldman. A very talented performer if you've seen his RoH stuff, he started on Smackdown. There was no room for him, he wrestled 2-3 matches and got released.

EDIT-We aren't talking mid-carders like Mr. Kennedy here, we're talking the guys who are being squashed down at the bottom of the card, like Shelton Benjamin, John Morrison or The Miz at one point, who need somewhere to get over.