So i might get a 360 for christmas. I have no idea if i will or not i just know that i told my dad i didn't have one and he called me today saying he sent a "present" and he never refers to money as a present he just tells me ill get money. Really i don't care if i get one or not because i hate microsoft with a passion. I don't hate the 360 or gears or anything but i fucking hate microsoft. They think there the shit and buy half of sonys exclusives instead of making more themselves. Sony never bragged when the PS2 rapped the fuck out of the xbox and absolutely killed it in sales. Still though i can't deny that xbox live and gears is sick. So on to the topic of games is Gears 2,Halo 3, and Left 4 Dead really the only thing i have to look forward to? Is Mass Effect worth a buy? It sucks because the 360 is so limited. Fable or Banjo? Fuck that. Make some suggestions but multi platform games are a no no because they will be purchased on the PS3. Unless the PS3 version is seriously lacking im buying on the PS3. I know ill buy Fear and Orange Box for the 360 and maybe Dead Space because i first played it on the 360 but very few multi platforms games will be purchased. Of course this is if my 360 doesn't get the red light lmao because chances are im going to get the fucking core xbox 360 with no memory. Also is xbox live 50 for a year?