FWA 'Winter Wasteland' 2023 || RESULTS

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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score


Live from Bahçeşehir Gölet Park in Istanbul, Turkey.
Saturday 30th December, 2023 (@ 2PM local time).



The camera pans over a repurposed park in a birdseye view. What looks like thousands of fans (eighteen thousand four hundred and twenty, to be precise) are packed into every available space upon the greenery, a huge stage area visible in the distance beyond a wrestling ring. It is cold - a chill lingers in the air and frost lies upon the ground - but, alas, there is no snow. No natural snow, that is. From either side of the stage, artificial snow is expelled from large, rotating cannons, an effect that will continue for the entire show, until a thick layer lies underfoot.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Welcome, wrestling fans, to Winter Wasteland! It’s been a long road to this point, but today we see scores settled aplenty, with thirteen professional wrestling bouts ahead of us, split up over two arenas. No arena in Istanbul was big enough for all of this action!"

As a huge pyrotechnic display emanates from the stage area at the eastern end of the park, the camera pans across the assembled audience. Some signs that are seen: ‘SUMMER’S OVER :(‘, ‘GODDESS NO MORE’, ‘MANDEM’, ‘CHRIS BIRDMAN’, ‘ALLEN PRICE SUCKS’, ‘I M WEASEL (I R BABBOON)’, ‘TOM O’BEDLAM’, ‘JEREMY BE MY FRIEND’, ‘UNDISPUTED APPLIANCE’, ‘I CHOOSE TR1CK’, ‘TERROR OF DARKNESS’ (with an arrow pointing down), and ‘LUNA PIPER FIRST WORLD CHAMP PRESIDENT’.

Rod Sterling: "We have six of those bouts scheduled for this day-time Part One, including two of the day's six championship contests. Part One culminates with the FWA World Tag Team Championships. Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall have their maiden defense with those crowns against the last two sets of champions: Konchu Hao and Cyrus Truth of the Dark Roads Alliance, alongside Chris Peacock and Alyster Black of FTN."

Anzu Kurosawa: "As you mentioned, that's not the only gold on the line here in Bahçeşehir Gölet Park. Bryan Baxter will put his FWA North American Championship up for grabs, his year-long reign in serious jeopardy here beneath a canopy of fake snow. The man facing him is Chris Crowe, who never lost that belt at the end of his own reign in 2022."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "And I mentioned scores to be settled: two bloody rivalries will reach their conclusion this afternoon. First, Gerald Grayson will finally have the chance to earn some retribution against Death Walker, whilst later on Madison Gray gets the chance to put her hands on Blake Taylor."

The camera cuts to the commentators, who are wearing their best along with heavy, thick coats, gloves, scarves, and hats. Anzu looks particularly fetching in an ushanka.

Rod Sterling: "Meanwhile, the peculiar relationship between Sawyer Xavier and Jason Randall will come to a head, with the two meeting in singles action following the Wildcard's challenge back at Fallout 035. And if all that wasn't enough - alongside the second bumper show later on this evening - Jeffry Mason will issue an open challenge for a ten minute Deathmatch exhibition!"

Anzu Kurosawa: "We'll see if anyone is silly enough to answer that challenge…"

The Savior of Death steps out from the curtain in a festive mood. Sporting a red Santa hat in addition to his usual outfit of gray jeans and a white t-shirt decorated with ‘Orphanage Onslaught coming soon to DVD!’ written in green marker, Jeffry Mason makes his way down to the ring smoking a cigarette. He rolls into the ring, careful not to crush any of the gingerbread structures in the process. He takes one last drag of his cigarette before flicking it away. The crowd suddenly begins to chant HOLY SHIT, catching Jeffry off guard. He turns around and sees a small bit of smoke coming from the chimney of one of the edible houses, and is stunned when he realizes that he just accidentally made an almost impossible trick shot.

Rod Sterling: "The look on his face after that really puts the grin in Grinch."

He grabs the microphone left for him on the apron and calls for the music to be cut.

Jeffry Mason: "Can you feel it? Even a few days later, the Christmas spirit still hangs in the air. That’s the only way I can explain what just happened. Christmas day may be over, but the Christmas season is just beginning. In case you couldn’t tell, Orphanage Onslaught was a success and I can’t wait for you all to see it. I won’t give too much away, but spoiler alert: we saved the orphanage! Hopefully the DVD will be out in time for you all to buy and give the perfect gift to your loved ones for MY Christmas, King of Deathmatches. In the meantime, though, to make sure you all stay in the spirit, I’ve set up this open challenge. Welcome, Winter Wastelanders, to the first ever Gingerbread or Alive Deathmatch! Yes, I know it’s not the greatest name, but give me a break here, TYLER and I spent way more time sucking these candy canes sharp and putting this little village of pain together than I originally planned. That’s enough from me, though. I’ve revealed the match type. Now it’s time for my opponent to reveal themself."

Out from the curtains comes TYLER, who walks to the ring with a purpose. He gets in the ring and the music ceases.

Jeffry Mason: "Wow, TY, I’m proud of you for stepping up like this. I mean, you could have mentioned it was you earlier, but I’m still thrilled. This is awesome, like a classic teacher vs. student battle for the ages! And with us being in each other’s heads, it should make for an even more…"

TYLER cups his hand and leans toward Jeffry’s ear, whispering something.

Jeffry Mason: "Oh no shit? I’m sorry dude. Well just grab one of the gingerbread men without the thumbtack buttons and eat that, that should settle your stomach. Go get some rest, man."

TYLER takes Jeff’s advice and runs off with a gingerbread man in hand, presumably to go to the back and lay down.

Jeffry Mason: "Well the open challenge is once again open! Who will come down and help me kick off the deathmatch season festivities right? Don’t forget about what’s at stake here. Just like I stated in the announcement, all you’ve gotta do is last ten minutes with this deathmatch legend and you’ve got a spot in the King of Deathmatches. You don’t even need to win, just survive. That’s my gift to all of you. So who’s it gonna be?"

Jeffry looks up the ramp with a smile and waits patiently for his opponent to make their arrival.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Is this guy trying to change the name of the tournament to King of Deathmatches? Does he even have the authority to hand out spots?"

Rod Sterling: "I don’t know, but quite frankly I doubt it. I can’t see anyone buying into -- wait, Anzu? What are you doing?"

The camera cuts to the commentary booth where, slowly, Anzu Kurosawa is standing from her seat. There is no fear in her eyes, rather an excited glint and a wide, beaming smile.

Anzu Kurosawa: "This is my year, boys! King of the Deathmatch, 2024!"

Anzu removes her headset and walks around the table, climbing up the steel ring steps and finally getting Jeffry’s attention as she climbs through the ropes. Mason has a slight smile on his face and nods his head as Anzu reaches over the top rope to collect a microphone.

Jeffry Mason: "Wait, Anzu, aren’t you in the tournament every year anyway? I’m not sure you really need to qualify."

Anzu’s smile fades slightly as she remembers KODMs past.

Anzu Kurosawa: "Yes, I’m in the tournament every year, and every year I’m eliminated in the first round. And, let’s face it, there aren’t that many more opportunities for me to do better. I don’t know how many more KODMs left in me."

She sighs and shakes her head, dialling up the wistfulness.

Anzu Kurosawa: "This one might be my last. A deathmatch tournament in Japan? That might be the perfect way for me to bow out. But I’m not sure I want to line up in the starter’s blocks through sympathy. At NTE: Worlds Unite, I told the world that 2024 would be my year in the King of the Deathmatch. Those of you in Japan along with the bootleggers will already have seen it, whilst my American fans will have to wait until the DVD drops. It’s pretty good, though. I win! Spoilers! But Sawyer and Kage aren’t big enough scalps to redeem the failures of the past two years. Jeffry Mason, though?"

Anzu lowers the microphone, her beaming smile returned. She throws the microphone over the top rope and begins to loosen up. Jeffry does the same, enjoying the opponent’s candour, as the official makes his checks before calling for the bell.

With a characteristically broad smile on her face, Anzu slides into the ring and finds herself face to face with Jeffry Mason. The official calls for the bell.


FIRST MATCH || 1/10.
Jeffry Mason vs. ???.
Deathmatch Open Challenge.
Match writer: ???.

<< 00:00. >>

Anzu spends a few moments glancing around at the hardware that has been installed in the ring. She stands in between two gingerbread houses that are about waist high. One of them has roof tiles comprised of thousands upon thousands of tracks, whilst the one to her right has a flat roof made of a single glass pane. Anzu stares through the pane and into a house, where a small gingerbread family is preparing for their evening meal. Being careful not to get caught up in the scene, she turns back to Jeffrey and offers him a handshake.

Jeffry is also smiling, and it seems obvious from his body language (as well as the interaction before the match) that he has some respect for his surprise opponent. Without much hesitation, he takes her hand and shakes it…

… and Anzu catches him with a boot to the midsection! Mason is doubled over, with Anzu putting him in a front face lock and dragging him to the gingerbread house with a glass roof…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "DDT!! Anzu puts Jeffry headfirst through a pane of glass!!!"

Rod Sterling: "Jeffry Mason may be a Deathmatch icon, but Anzu is no slouch in that department either. She takes things right to Mason in the opening minute, and she's going for a cover! This could be an upset!"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "I thought she might have done it too, but Jeffry Mason wouldn't have got where he is without a streak of resilience. This match rolls on…"


<< 03:51. >>

Jeffry has worked his way back into the match, and now has Anzu in a seated position in the corner. He's already bleeding heavily from the top of the head after the DDT through the glass, which has only been exacerbated by Anzu and the thumbtack house in the meantime. Mason has the advantage now, though, and lays into Kurosawa with some stomps before rolling beneath the bottom rope. He grabs a nearby spool of barbed wire and wraps it around Anzu’s neck and the steel ring post, placing the sole of his boot against the post for extra leverage!! Before long, Anzu is bleeding too, with respite only coming when Mason can no longer hold onto his end of the barbed wire. He unwraps it to drag Anzu away from the post, hooking the far leg…


Jeffry doesn't show his disappointment, and - knowing that he's against the clock - promptly goes back to work. He lifts Anzu up, grasping her from behind and backing over towards the gingerbread house with the thumb tack roof tiles.

Rod Sterling: "Up Anzu goes… Jeffry Mason is going for a backdrop driver onto that roof!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Anzu knows better. She over-rotates and lands on her feet… inverted facelock… reverse DDT!! Jeffry is planted onto the thumbtacks!"

Rod Sterling: "But Anzu neglects going for a cover, instead hoisting Jeffry back to his feet and applying a front facelock, maybe looking for her patented brainbuster? Can she lift him?!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "She can… but Jeffry Mason lands behind her… he stomps on the back of the knee and Anzu drops to her front… LOCK OF AGES! Jeffry has her in the Lock of Ages!!"

Jeffry wrenches on the Dragon Clutch, Anzu sundered in the middle of the ring and in incredible agony. She reaches out impotently with both hands, unable to sense where the ropes are, or see them with the blood in her eyes. She is nowhere near them, but reaching out with her right hand allows it to wriggle free from Jeffry’s grip. It doesn’t grasp a rope (not that this would do anything, anyway), but she does find her hand tightening around a long, slender shard of glass…

… which she plants into Jeffry’s right knee!!

Rod Sterling: "Anzu is stabbing Jeffry Mason!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "In the surgically repaired right knee, no less!!"

Mason lets out a yelp of agony and immediately relinquishes Anzu. He hops to a corner, taking the weight off his leg and watching on as Anzu struggles to get to her feet. He limps back towards her and hoists her onto his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. He carefully positions himself near the thumbtack gingerbread house…

Rod Sterling: "Jeffry Mason with the Death Valley Driver! And the thumbtack-covered roof finally gives way!!"

Jeffry crawls onto the gingerbread wreckage to make a cover…


A slight look of frustration passes over Jeffry’s face, but then he goes back to work…


<< 08:12. >>

We rejoin with Jeffry and Anzu trading blows on the apron, Mason thudding into her with right hands and Kurosawa replying with hard forearm strikes. Both are bloody and fatigued, but it's Jeffry who gets the better of the exchange, rocking Anzu with three consecutive right hands and then turning her around with a vicious headbutt!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Jeffry Mason wins the apron slugfest, and now he has Anzu in a rear waist lock. Oh no, there's a lighttube gingerbread house beneath them!"

Mason has spotted it also. He glances over his shoulder at the monstrosity of glass and dough, and then hoists Anzu up and off the apron!!

Rod Sterling: "GERMAN SUPLEX!! Jeffry huffs and he puffs, and down goes another gingerbread house!!"

The fans go wild for the move, but previous time is wasted as Jeffry picks himself out of the wreckage. He pulls some shards of glass out of his arms and neck with his hands before turning back to Anzu. He picks her up and throws her beneath the bottom rope, following her into the ring and then watching patiently as she rises to her feet.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "SAIGON KICK!! Jeffry Mason damn near takes Anzu's head off with the Yakuza! He slumps into the cover…"


Rod Sterling: "Kick out from Anzu! She's alive!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Jeffry Mason is apoplectic!!"

Indeed, but he soon regains his composure when he realises that time is ticking. He picks Anzu up and boots her in the midsection, his intention being to set her up for his finish, but Kurosawa slumps down to the mat instantly! Mason is frustrated, but then lifts up Anzu's dead weight, getting her up onto his shoulders…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "VULGAR DISPLAY OF POWER!!! Jeffry throws Anzu out of the ring!!!"

Mason is quick to follow her out, hooking the leg on the outside. The official slides in to make the count…


But the bell rings! Ten minutes has expired!

Ten minute time limit draw.

Jeffry slumps down to the ground next to Anzu, clearly frustrated at not being able to finish the job in ten minutes. The crowd, meanwhile, cheer for the fast and violent romp, but their adulation does little to sooth Mason.

Kurt Harrington: "Ladies and gentlemen, the ten minute time limit has expired… this match is a draw!"

There's applause in the audience as Mason lifts himself up to his feet. He has his hands on his hips, and then he boots the steel ring steps, his displeasure at the result clear. He notices that Anzu has a hand lifted, offering it after the hard-fought contest. The rest of her is motionless. Mason stares at it for only a moment before stomping off up the ramp.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Anzu Kurosawa offering a show of sportsmanship after the match, but Jeffry Mason wants none of it."

Rod Sterling: "He probably remembers how that turned out at the start of the match…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Either way, Jeffry Mason is the one who walks out of here under his own power. I'm not sure Anzu will be walking anywhere, let alone joining us for commentary for the next ten hours."

Rod Sterling: "For once I'd have to agree with you, Jean-Luc. In fact, here comes the stretcher."

Anzu tries to get to her feet but she is swarmed by medical staff. She is loaded up onto the stretcher and wheeled up the ramp. There is a disquieted hush in the arena until Anzu offers a weak double thumbs up from her supine position on the stretcher, the crowd cheering the signal as she disappears from the stage.


We open up on a shot of a remote, uninhabited island. It is surrounded on all sides by sea. On the horizon, the sun rises as a red disc casting a glow over the scene. The only soundtrack is the wind rustling the cherry blossom.

Upon the beach, an old man stands with a sword at his side and a crown of thorns upon his head.

He stares out to sea.

In the distance, a small rowing boat battles against the current.

The old man sighs, and grips the hilt of his sword.

from an undisclosed location in Japan.
Saturday 8th March, 2024.


There’s a loud pop around the park as Gerald Grayson bounds onto the stage, but Grayson isn’t his usual happy-go-lucky self. He seems focused, his gaze intent on the man waiting in the ring. He slaps hands with the fans along the front row as he makes his way down the ramp.

Kurt Harrington: “Ladies and gentlemen, the contest is scheduled for one-fall and with a twenty minute limit. Introducing first, weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds… he hails from Raleigh in North Carolina… ‘the Daredevil’... GERAAAAAALD… GRAAAAYSON!!"

Rod Sterling: "It's been an interesting few weeks, to say the least, for ‘the Daredevil’ Gerald Grayson, who returned to FWA programming after Lights Out."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "His return has been somewhat marred so far by his opponent tonight, who has thus far refused to let Grayson conduct his business without the threat of assault."

Rod Sterling: "All of this has led to this match-up, with Grayson deciding to confront the problem head on and issue the challenge. Whether that was a sensible idea remains to be seen."

Grayson is in the ring but refrains from climbing up to the second rope to further hype up the fans, instead choosing to remain in his corner and loosen up ahead of the upcoming match. He surveys the faces - thousands and thousands of them - surrounding him in the repurposed city park as his music fades out, replaced by…

All of the positivity that accompanied Gerald Grayson’s arrival now instantly fades away, instead replaced by a chorus of boos. They don't seem to have any effect on the man himself, masked and focused, as he paces down the ramp and towards the ring.

Kurt Harrington: “And his opponent: from the depths of HELL! He weighs in tonight at two hundred and forty three pounds. HE… IS… DEATH WAAAAALKEEEEEER!"

Rod Sterling: "I've lost count of the times over the past few weeks that we've seen Death Walker involve himself in Gerald Grayson’s business, frequently leaving the Daredevil unconscious as a result."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "You sound surprised, Rod."

Rod Sterling: "And I shouldn't be?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Probably not. That's clearly been Death Walker’s modus operandi since his arrival here in the FWA. We saw him execute a similar tactic against XYZ during their feud earlier in the year."

Rod Sterling: "Modus operandi?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It's Latin, Rod. They taught it me at school."

Death climbs into the ring, undaunted and perhaps even dismissive of Grayson, slowly removing his robe and his mask ready for the oncoming encounter. Gerald seems eager and impatient, pacing this way and that as he waits to get his hand on his foe. Finally, with Death Walker ready for battle, the official talks to each man separately to conduct his final checks, and then - eventually - he calls for the bell…


Death Walker vs. Gerald Grayson.
Singles Match.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>

The match kicks off and the two begin to circle the ring, and already you can see the contrasting styles that the two intend to implement. Gerald seems to be looking for some sort of tie-up to kick things off, but Death has a guard up, moving around the ring more like a boxer than a wrestler. When Grayson moves to close, Walker attempts a jab or a hook, but Gerald is able to quickly dance away again during these early stretches.

This cat and mouse game continues until Gerald is able to miraculously catch one of the attempted jabs, and the Daredevil proceeds to wrench Walker’s arm up and behind his back in a hammerlock. Death reaches around for the ropes, but finds that they're just out of reach. Gerald transitions into a side headlock, with Death pushing Grayson into the ropes and attempting to fling him off into the opposite set, only for GG to stay his momentum and keep the headlock in place!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Gerald Grayson has come with a very clear strategy, it seems. He's attempting to outwrestle the brawler here. Not a bad idea, if you ask me."

Death fires some elbow strikes into the gut of Gerald, who tries his best to keep the headlock, but the fourth such strike causes separation. Grayson stumbles back one pace, and it’s enough space for Death Walker to unleash a powerful three punch combination! A left hook, a right jab, and then a bruising uppercut are enough to drop GG to the mat!

Rod Sterling: "Gerald is down! Death Walker does not need much space or time at all to show his devastating power!"

Death looks down at the fallen Grayson, but only for a second. He promptly gathers the Daredevil and hoists him up to his feet, grasping him from behind and dropping Gerald on his head with a brutal backdrop driver! The crowd winces and Death follows up with a lateral press…


Gerald kicks out, but is clearly worse for wear after the big early power move. Death allows himself a smirk before applying a grounded side headlock, repaying the favour from earlier in the match. The contest rolls on.


<< 04:41. >>

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Gerald Grayson is struggling here, with Death Walker pressing home his advantage with elbow strike after elbow strike. We're only a few minutes in, but already the Daredevil is on Dream Street!"

A sixth elbow strike backs Gerald into the corner, with Death working him over with some lefts and rights to the body. Finally, Gerald slumps out of the corner, his bodyweight draped over Death, who proceeds to place him in a front facelock and spike him onto his head with a snap DDT! Walker with another cover…


Gerald is once more able to kick out, but again Death looks to immediately continue the momentum. He hoists Grayson up to his feet and backs him into the ropes with alternating right hands and chops, before hurling him into the opposite set with an Irish whip. Death first goes for a clothesline, but Grayson ducks beneath it and continues to the ropes. Walker changes tact and goes for an axe kick, but once again the wiley Daredevil evades it, this time halting his momentum and hitting the turning Death with an enziguri! Death Walker stumbles backwards, and then eats a dropkick, sending him back into the ropes.

Rod Sterling: "Is this the opening that Gerald needs? He’s been searching for one this whole match, and now he finally has Death on the ropes…"

Grayson charges at his opponent, but Death ducks the attempted clothesline and hoists him over with a back body drop. Gerald lands on the apron and then brings Death down throat-first over the top rope, causing Walker to stumble into the centre of the ring. Grayson tees Walker up…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Gerald Grayson is looking for Anything Springboard here! He hurls himself at Death Walker with a cross-body… but he’s met by a jumping knee strike!! Death thuds into Grayson, sending the Daredevil hurtling to the mat!"

Rod Sterling: "Effective anti-air! Once more, Death Walker asserts his dominance over this match, much to the chagrin of the audience here at the Bah… at the Bahces… at the Bah-ces-e–... ah shit, much to the chagrin of the audience here at the park!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Bahçeşehir Gölet Park, Sterling. Jesus."

Death Walker stands over the downed Grayson again, taunting the booing audience with a brief flex before he focuses on his opponent.


<< 07:37. >>

Death has work Gerald down with a sleeper hold, the Daredevil having gone through the obligatory fading process, but now he fights back up to his feet with the audience cheering him on. After finally regaining a vertical base, Grayson flings some elbows into Death’s gut, but his larger opponent refuses to budge. Death transitions from his sleeper hold into a side headlock, which allows Grayson to wrap his arms around his opponent…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "A back suplex from Gerald Grayson! It’s the Daredevil’s turn to drop Death Walker on his head at an ugly angle!"

Rod Sterling: "But can he follow up?! Gerald Grayson has been on the receiving end of some sustained punishment from Death Walker since this one started, but this may be his chance to get himself back into this match…"

It appears that Gerald thinks so, too, with the Daredevil dragging himself over to the ropes and using them to pull himself up to his feet. He stumbles as he turns around but keeps his vertical base, watching on as Death also struggles up. Grayson stalks as Death turns to face him, the Daredevil striking with a right forearm, then a spinning back elbow, and then a mule kick to the gut! Gerald throws Death into the ropes at speed, and then plants him with a snap powerslam!! The audience cheers as Grayson kips up to his feet, but when the Daredevil turns to face his downed foe he notices that Death Walker has rolled out beneath the bottom rope.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Death Walker may think that he’s in a safe place, but we know that not to be true! Grayson hits the opposite set of ropes… TOPE SUICIDA!!"

Grayson pumps his fist as he climbs to his feet, the audience cheering his name after this display of his aerial ability. Gerald stumbles backwards after the exertions of the match, using the steel ring steps behind him for some support. He shakes loose the cobwebs, and then goes back to work…


<< 12:30. >>

Grayson has Death Walker in a front facelock with his arm hooked, attempting to wrench him up and over with a front facelock. Walker, however, is doing all he can to block the move, firstly by dropping to a knee, then by placing his leg behind Gerald's, and then by desperately reeling off a series of right hands to Grayson's side. Eventually, GG stops attempting the lift, which allows Death to hoist Grayson up instead with an attempted delayed vertical suplex. Grayson slips behind and lands on his feet, proceeding to turn Death around and strike with a right forearm, and then a left.

Rod Sterling: "Death Walker is staggered here! He looks a little unsteady on his feet! Gerald hits the ropes, looking to bowl Death over with a lariat, but Walker ducks beneath it…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "He's going for another backdrop driver, back to how we started this contest… but Grayson over-rotates and lands on his feet! And he connects with a slingblade!!"

Death Walker is down but not for long, with the irrepressible force once more making his way up to a vertical base. Gerald is waiting for him this time, though, and he levels Death Walker with a spinning back fist!! The crowd goes wild as Death slumps down to the mat, with Gerald losing his own footing and falling back into the ropes. Grayson's breath is laboured as he rolls out beneath the bottom one and onto the apron, seemingly taking an eternity to fight his way up to his feet again.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Gerald Grayson can barely stand, but he's looking for one more big move here to finish Death Walker off."

Rod Sterling: "It looks like he's shaping up for Extreme Impact, with Death finally regaining his own base in the ring. Grayson somersaults over the ropes… but Death ducks beneath the clothesline!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "BACKDROP DRIVER!! The second of the match!! Gerald Grayson lands on the top of his head… AGAIN… and now Death Walker drapes an arm over him."


Rod Sterling: "Shoulder up! Gerald Grayson gets the shoulder up!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "That might've just been instinct, Sterling. I don't think Gerald Grayson knows where he is. You're at the Bahçeşehir Gölet Park, Gerald! Don't worry, Rod doesn't know where he is either!"

Walker slowly pulls himself up to his feet, using the ropes to help him do so. Gerald still hasn't moved an inch. The manner in which Death looks down at him is almost indicative of a new found respect, but this doesn't stop Walker from promptly hoisting Gerald back to his feet. He drags Grayson's head into position and then joists him up over his shoulders.

Rod Sterling: "DARK CLOUD!! Death Walker gets all of it!!"

Gerald Grayson is laid out after the Dominator, and all that is left for Death to do is make the cover.


Winner: Death Walker via pinfall at 15:37.

Death is slow to get to his feet, the match clearly having taken a lot out of him, but eventually he does. The official attempts to lift his hand but it is snatched away almost immediately by Walker.

Kurt Harrington: “Here is your winner… DEATH WALKER!!"

Rod Sterling: "An impressive showing today for Death Walker, who overcomes the valiant and resilient Gerald Grayson to record the victory."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Death Walker will hope this is a win that he can build from, whilst Gerald Grayson will hope that this is a defeat he can forget. A hard-hitting contest that could've gone either way, but it's Death that stands victorious at the end of it."

The camera shows Death Walker standing over Gerald Grayson, who is only now stirring, as we fade away from the ring.


In the parking area backstage, the camera focuses on a very determined-looking Allen Price. As has been the case in recent weeks, he is in his wheelchair and wears a neck brace, still feeling the effects of what Cyrus Truth did to him at Lights Out. Price is clearly worried about something, with Chris Peacock unseen and not confirmed to have been appearing on the show to team up with Alyster Black later on in the night. A stagehand appears and passes him a note, which he reads out loud.

Allen Price: “Sorry to hear about Chris’s car trouble… HAVE THE BEST DAY!”


Kurt Harrington: “This next match is scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit and is for the FWA North American Championship!”

The crowd get to their feet in anticipation of the challenger for tonight’s match, the former FWA North American Champion, to make his way out. While the music starts, there is no sign of the Showman just yet as Harrington continues.

Kurt Harrington: “Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at two-hundred forty pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Crazy Harry… he is… THE SHOWMAN… CCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRIIIIIISSSSSSSS CCCCCCCRRROOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEE!”

As Harrington completes the introduction and the fans continue to be anxiously waiting, there is still no sign of Chris Crowe.

Rod Sterling: "I don’t like the looks of this."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Can we get a camera backstage? Someone check into this…”

Almost on cue, we do cut to the back as we get the POV of a camera man running through the corridors backstage. We can hear some commotion and as we round the corner, we hear the concerned voice of Crazy Harry calling out for Crowe. Harry rushes over as we find Chris Crowe laid out backstage. A dented up steel chair lays beside him but also the glass shards of a shattered beer bottle.

Rod Sterling: "What is going on here? Chris Crowe has been attacked backstage before his match! Bryan Bastard no doubt once again stooping to whatever it takes…”

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Not so fast Rod, we can’t just jump to conclusions here, can we?”

Rod Sterling: "Bryan Bastard ducked Crowe for weeks before Crowe EARNED this title shot! A title shot for a belt HE NEVER LOST, Jean-Luc. This has his finger prints all over it! It’s Back in Business all over again!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I’m just sayin… I think Bryan Baxter was pretty eager to get his hands on Crowe now… and look, there’s a broken beer bottle! I don’t think Bryan Baxter would’ve been handling one of those.”

Rod Sterling: "I don’t put anything past that bastard.”

Crazy Harry is joined by FWA officials who try to check on Crowe who begins to come to. Finally, Tommy Bedlam comes rushing over.

Tommy Bedlam: "Crowe! Crowe, dang it man! What’s happening! Who did this Harry? Who did this?”

Crazy Harry is speechless, shrugging his shoulders just as in the dark as the rest of us.

Tommy Bedlam: "That damn Bryan Bastard! Crowe, come on man, you gotta get up. You gotta get out there! They’re callin’ your name!”

Chris Crowe begins to come to… staggering up with the help of Harry and Tommy.

Tommy Bedlam: "Did you see what happened? Who did this to ya?”

Chris Crowe: "God damn if I know… sum bitch… attacked me from behind. Piece of shit…”

Crowe is winded just getting those words out. Crazy Harry seems concerned about Crowe going down to the ring, but Crowe shoves him off.

Chris Crowe: "I got this… I’m getting my damn title back..”

The Showman pulls himself away from Tommy and Harry… and begins to stagger his way out, making his way through the curtains with Crazy Harry giving chase, seemingly still trying to talk him out of it.

Rod Sterling: "Attack be damned, Chris Crowe is making his way out here after all!”

The fans are to their feet as Crowe stumbles his way down to the ring, rolling in.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This seems like a bad idea… but The Showman is a crazy sonofabitch if there ever was one.”

The crowd is fired up as The Showman faces the entrance way, challenging Baxter to come on down.

With awful tunes of Nickelback hitting the speakers, Big Bryan Bastard walks out onto the stage, loosening up ahead of the bout. He hasn’t come alone, either, with Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache appearing behind him. They keep a safe distance from Bryan as he walks down the ramp.

Kurt Harrington: "And introducing second, the reigning and defending FWA North American Champion… accompanied to the ring by Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance… from Hickory, North Carolina… he weighs in tonight at three hundred and twelve pounds… BIG… BRYAN… BASTARD!!"

Bryan holds his championship belt above his head after climbing into the ring, just as his name is read out. He hands it over to the official to parade around the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Three hundred and ninety nine days with that championship belt… only Chris Crowe stands between Big Bryan Bastard and four hundred days. And Bryan has loaded the deck in his favour. How much can Chris Crowe have left to give?!"

Rod Sterling: "I guess we’re about to find out…"

The official issues one more plea to Crowe, asking him to reconsider competing after the attack. The Showman waves him on, glaring at Baxter across the ring. The referee shrugs his shoulders, and then calls for the bell…


THIRD MATCH || 1/60.
Big Bryan Bastard (c) vs. Chris Crowe.
Singles Match for the FWA North American Championship.
Match writer: SS.

The match starts with Chris Crowe, somewhat surprisingly, charging across the ring and hammering into Big Bryan with some untechnical but savage strikes. The clubbing blows back Baxter up into the corner, with Crowe proceeding to drive a shoulder repeatedly into Bryan's abdomen.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Despite suffering an attack backstage - or perhaps even because of it - Chris Crowe comes out of the gates swinging! Baxter is overwhelmed!!"

Crowe mounts the second rope with Baxter beneath him, following up with ten right hands from above. The audience counts along with the strikes and, on the tenth, Baxter falls down into a seated position. Crowe is unrelenting, hopping down off the ropes and laying into Bryan with stomp after stomp. Eventually, the official has to start a count to get the Showman off him, with Crowe relenting only at four. Crowe hoists Baxter up out of the corner and applies a front facelock.

Rod Sterling: "Chris Crowe looking for a DDT… but Big Bryan Bastard shows his strength! He hoists Crowe up, drives to the corner, and slams Crowe’s head off the bottom turnbuckle with a double leg takedown!!"

Crowe immediately clutches the back of his head, which was where the beer bottle was smashed over his head just prior to the match. Baxter is seething when he picks Crowe up to his feet. He throws him against a nearby set of ropes, the Showman hitting them chest first before stumbling - backwards - towards Baxter… who thuds into the back of his head with a discus lariat!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Big Bryan Bastard is savouring this moment. Chris Crowe is face-down and motionless, and it seems only moments before Baxter retains his title…"

Baxter neglects to cover Crowe, instead grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and draggin him up. The Showman is virtually dead weight, and this isn’t an easy task for Bryan, but he eventually manages it and tucks Crowe’s head between his legs. Baxter deadlifts Crowe up…

Rod Sterling: "And now a devastating powerbomb into the turnbuckles! Crowe slumps forward to the mat, rolling onto his back… a cocky cover from Baxter here, with a boot placed on the challenger’s chest!"


Crowe kicks out, which seems to annoy Baxter. He follows up with about a dozen stomps to specific body parts of his challenger, before once more grabbing Crowe by the scruff of the neck and dragging him into powerbomb position.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Once isn’t enough for Big Bryan Bastard! Here we go again…"

Rod Sterling: "NO! Chris Crowe slips out of the powerbomb… DDT!! The champion is dropped on the top of his head!"

Baxter, to his credit, fights immediately back to his feet, but he seems a little dizzy as he turns to face Crowe. The challenger doubles Bryan over with a boot to the midsection…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Piledriver!!! This is swinging back into Crowe’s favour!"

Rod Sterling: "Cover him! Why isn’t he covering him?!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Big Bryan Bastard has been North American Champion for over a year now, Sterling. It’s gonna take more than a transitional move like a piledriver to put him down for three!"

Crowe seems to agree with Jean-Luc’s assessment. He stumbles to the corner, still clutching the back of his head, and then begins a slow, steady ascent towards the top rope.

Rod Sterling: "This crowd, initially undecided on Chris Crowe, seems to have come around to him. I guess that’s why they call him the Showman! They cheer him on as he makes his climb towards the top turnbuckle, perhaps looking for that 450 Splash that we’ve seen him land before…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "We’ve seen him miss it a fair few times, too, and this ascent is even slower than usual… and… Jesus Christ! Sir Stache is up on the apron! You hate to see it!"

Rod Sterling: "The official is over to deal with Sir Stache… and, yep, that’s Mejor Amigo’s cue! He’s up on the apron on the opposite side of the ring, behind the official’s back… and he pushes Crowe from the top rope! The Showman lands in a heap next to Baxter, who is rousing…"

Baxter climbs to his feet as a confused referee turns back towards the scene. He scratches his head as Big Bryan Bastard drags Chris Crowe up into a front facelock…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "BAXTER DRIVER!!"

Rod Sterling: "He hooks the leg…"


Winner: Big Bryan Bastard via pinfall at 07:31.

Baxter climbs back to his feet and has no interest in allowing the official to raise his hand. Stache and Amigo enter the ring, celebrating behind the champion as he’s handed his belt.

Kurt Harrington: "Here is your winner, and STILL the FWA North American Champion… BIG… BRYAN… BASTARD!!"

Rod Sterling: "That’s it, and chalk up an assist to the Friendship Wrestling Alliance."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "For once we’re in agreement, Rod. With the backstage assault earlier on, coupled with the involvement of Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache at the match’s culmination, Chris Crowe wasn’t really given much of a chance."

Bryan lifts his championship belt high above his head, Amigo and Stache shaking hands behind him to congratulate one another on a job well done.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "But the history books will only remember that Big Bryan Bastard defeated Chris Crowe in under eight minutes tonight, and - as of tomorrow morning - he will have held that FWA North American Championship for four hundred consecutive days. He is only the second man to do that in FWA history after ‘the Prodigy’ Mike Parr."

Rod Sterling: "The magnitude of that accomplishment cannot be underestimated, and Big Bryan doesn’t look like relinquishing that title any time soon…"

We fade out on Baxter clutching his championship belt in the ring.


The bright vignette unfolds, casting a nostalgic glow on the earlier days of La Sombra Filosa – a hero adorned in vibrant colors, adored by fans, and soaring through the air with grace. Cheers resonate through the arena as the footage captures his triumphant moments. But then, the scene shifts.

The hues fade to grayscale, the vibrant colors draining away as the video chronicles the fateful day of the knee injury. The cheers morph into gasps, and the lively atmosphere turns somber. La Sombra Filosa, once a symbol of hope, now clutches his injured knee, the pain etched across his masked face.

As the footage turns grungey and black-and-white, a stark transformation unfolds. La Sombra Filosa, now shrouded in darkness, emerges with a menacing demeanor. The scenes of violence and chaos unfold, capturing the raw intensity of his new persona. Shadows dance across his figure as he unleashes relentless strikes and brutal maneuvers.

The crowd, once filled with cheers, now watches in awe and trepidation as the grungey black-and-white footage unfolds, revealing the depths of La Sombra Filosa's descent into darkness. The imagery echoes the struggles, the pain, and the violent rebirth of a fallen hero.

The vignette concludes with La Sombra Filosa standing tall, his silhouette imposing against a backdrop of shadows. The grungey, black-and-white footage leaves an indelible mark, a testament to the haunting journey that led him to this enigmatic and vengeful incarnation.



Kurt Harrington: “The next contest is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit!”

The song plays and once the opening lyrics start, Jason Randall walks out on stage with his usual demeanor. No fanfare and no posturing from The Wildcard who is all business as usual as he makes his way down to the ring.

Kurt Harrington: “Introducing first, from San Diego, California and weighing in at 234 lb…he is The Wildcard…Jason Randall!”

Randall is in the ring; he tosses aside his jacket and paces around the ring as his music gradually fades out…

Sawyer Xavier appears on stage and much like his opponent there’s little to no fanfare from him, as well no posturing to the fans despite the mixed reception. There’s no time wasted either as Xavier is quickly inside the ring…

Kurt Harrington: “His opponent, from Savannah, Georgia and weighing in at 176 lb…he is Sawyer Xavier!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It was a few weeks ago following Lights Out we saw Sawyer Xavier lay it on thick for The Wildcard, but somewhere in that berating was an offer for an alliance of sorts between the two.”

Rod Sterling: “Randall declined that offer but instead issued the challenge for this match, and Sawyer Xavier accepted. I have a feeling that the reason Randall made the challenge was to teach Xavier a lesson in respect.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Perhaps you’re right, Rod. Sawyer spoke some cold hard truths that had to have stung for The Wildcard. Regardless, the year has not been kind to both men so both of them will be looking to end the year on a positive note with a win.”


Jason Randall vs. Sawyer Xavier.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Jimmy.


<< 00:00 >>

Randall offers up a handshake to start things off but Xavier turns his nose up to it and ignores it. Randall looks around at the crowd, nods and gives a shrug before clobbering Xavier with a roaring elbow smash! Sawyer is brought to a knee and Randall unloads on Xavier with a barrage of knee strikes to the head! Randall has Xavier up in a front face lock and then punishes him some more with relentless forearm smashes until Xavier is backed up in the corner…

Randall goes to work on Xavier with the corner stomps with no signs of letting up. Randall does stop for a brief moment and acts like he’s going to shake hands with Xavier, but Randall then strikes with another stomp to the chest. Randall yanks Xavier out of the corner by the wrist and obliterates him with a ripcord lariat! Randall brings Xavier up once more and then back down again with a snapmare this time, and then lights up his chest with a pair of shoot kicks…

Rod Sterling: “I bet Xavier is wishing he had accepted that handshake right about now.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Perhaps, but I’m sure it’s just more than that. This is years worth of pent up frustration for Randall and he’s unleashing it on this young man, who in Randall’s mind, spoke out of turn.”

Randall eyes his opposition as he readies his next move by lining up Xavier and goes for the Kill-Shot running knee strike, but Xavier moves out of the way and Randall catches himself on the ropes but he’s not prepared enough for Xavier to catch him from behind with a roll-up!


Xavier kicks out and rolls through and he’s back on his feet, and he ducks an incoming clothesline from The Wildcard and he catches Randall with a standing dropkick to the back that sends Randall into the ropes. Xavier charges at Randall, taking him out over the ropes with a clothesline, but Randall prevents himself from hitting the outside as he hangs on but Xavier is ready for that and catches him with a running dropkick that sends Randall to the outside…

Randall gathers himself and shakes that off but before he react quick enough he’s knocked back into the barricade by a suicide dive from Xavier! Referee Matthew Dean starts a count as Xavier drags Randall away from the barricade and toward the turnbuckle pole. Xavier leans Randall up against the pole and goes for a chop, but Randall side steps it and Xavier chops the pole at full force! Xavier howls in pain and clutches at his wrist but then he’s shoved back first into the ring apron! Randall then picks him up in a spinebuster position and rams Xavier back first into the turnbuckle pole!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Wildcard deploying some of his more extreme tactics from his arsenal despite this not being an extreme rules match.”

Rod Sterling: “One of those matches was enough for one night, we don't need another!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’d suggest that Anzu would beg to differ, but then again she probably can’t think straight right now.”

Randall tosses Xavier back inside the ring and he lies in wait before leveling Xavier with a discus lariat! Randall then makes the cover…



<< 05:50 >>

Randall expertly applies a headlock and gradually transitions into a dragon sleeper on Xavier. Randall is doing his best to keep the speedy Xavier grounded and maintaining control of the match so far. Xavier manages to get to the ropes though to eventually break the hold, much to the dismay of Randall. Randall brings Xavier up in a front face lock, but Xavier fights out of it with repeated punches to Randall and then a sitout jawbreaker that stuns Randall! Randall is on spaghetti legs and Xavier strikes again with a roundhouse kick! Xavier runs the ropes and propels himself off and clatters Randall with a disaster kick! Randall goes down as Xavier hits the ropes again and comes off with a springboard corkscrew splash into a pin!


Xavier slows the pace now as he applies a lion tamer submission, focusing on that wounded knee of Randall that’s in a brace…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xavier wisely focuses on the lower region for Randall. The Wildcard has that nagging knee that gives him trouble and Xavier must’ve done his homework.”

Randall grits his teeth and refuses to quit despite the excruciating pain he’s experiencing. Eventually, he uses enough leg strength to flip Xavier out of the hold. Randall wastes no time and ignores the pain that’s shooting through his leg, and takes down Xavier from behind at the knee and he goes for his bulldog choke that’s put away opponents in the past…but Xavier was close enough to get to the ropes to break it up…

Randall limps back to a vertical base and gathers his bearings as he briefly isolates himself from Xavier. Xavier is up on his feet now and the two of them start trading blows. Lefts and rights from each man that’s reminiscent of a hockey fight, but a bit more slowed down due to the wear and tear of the match thus far. Randall gains the upper hand with a rake of the eyes, and he takes his time to bring Xavier in close and he goes for a snap suplex, but Xavier flips out behind him and Xavier has Randall in a rear waistlock. This time Randall spins behind Xavier, and he shoves him into the ropes…german suplex! Randall doesn’t miss a beat and hits Xavier with a dragon suplex into a bridge!



<< 09:57 >>

Randall is sizing him up and he has Sawyer in position for the Deuces Wild, but Xavier blocks it and unloads on Randall with several back fist strikes. Xavier then hits the ropes and comes back with a springboard DDT! Xavier is feeling it now as he ascends to the top and he readies himself as he waits for Randall to rise up…Xavier leaps off in hopes to hit a meteora, but Randall catches him in mid-air…there’s a struggle and Xavier is trying to fight back as Randall hoists him up in a powerbomb position…BUCKLE BOMB! Randall launches Xavier into the corner with a powerbomb! Xavier bounces off the buckle right into the waiting arms of Randall…Hail Mary! Randall drops Xavier with his signature cutter…he hooks the far leg for the pin…


Rod Sterling: “How did he survive that?! His back has got to be in shambles after that buckle bomb and then a cutter on top of that! I thought for sure Xavier was done for after that!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “These fans thought the same and so did Randall, who is surprised but he’s learning there’s still a lot of fight left in Sawyer Xavier!”

Randall brings Xavier up and he’s about to go for the Wildcard Special, which sometimes can lead into the Snake Eyes…Randall lifts him up but Sawyer counters…stundog millionaire! Sawyer with his own take on a stunner! Randall falls back and Sawyer lines him up…Brain Squasher! Xavier then climbs to the top as the fans will him on…Genesis of Truth! Xavier makes the pin…


WInner: Sawyer Xavier via pinfall at 12:18.

Kurt Harrington: “The winner of the match…Sawyer Xavier!”

Xavier is helped to his feet and has his hand raised by the referee. The crowd is on their feet showing their appreciation for him, and he looks exhausted yet relieved that he did it.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Sawyer Xavier has done it, wrestling fans! He has pinned the self-proclaimed gatekeeper of FWA at Winter Wasteland!”

Rod Sterling: “What a moment, what a match!”

Randall starts to stir and he’s eventually helped to his feet, but he’s not helped by the referee, he’s helped by Sawyer Xavier. The two men have a staredown with the crowd buzzing, and Xavier extends his hand toward Randall. The Wildcard briefly ponders it before accepting the handshake, and he points at Xavier before he raises Xavier’s hand in victory and points at him again, and then Randall exits the ring to let Xavier have his moment as the show rolls on…


A commercial airs for a blender.


The camera catches up with Madison Gray as she makes her way from her lockerroom, an intense look in her eyes. In the background, we hear someone yelling for her, but Gray never breaks her stride. She finally stops as Laramie, her friend who Blake Taylor kidnapped several weeks ago, catches up.

Laramie: “Are you ready for this? A street fight with Blake Taylor? Since anything goes, I thought it’d be a good idea if I went to ringside with you.”

Madison Gray: “Laramie, I’m not sure if you’ve caught on yet, but I really don’t need you anymore. I don’t need you tonight, I won’t need you next week. I’m not in this match because of you, you were just a byproduct of this entire thing. Get lost, Laramie. You’re fired.”

Kurt Harrington: “Ladies and gentlemen, your next bout is scheduled for ONE FALL, and is a STREEEET FIIIIIGHT! Introducing first, hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada, he is “The Prodigal Son,” Blake Taaaaylor!”

The crowd rains down a chorus of boos that almost shake the venue as Blake Taylor appears at the top of the ramp. He arrogantly smirks at the jeering audience, seeming to love the hatred that they spew toward him.

Kurt Harrington: “And his opponent, hailing from Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth, she is the “Young Lioness,” she is MAAAADISOOOOON GRAAAAAAAAAAAY!”

Madison Gray doesn’t stand at the top of the ramp and soak in the cheers that the capacity crowd rains down on her. With a kendo stick in hand, she locks eyes with her opponent and makes a mad dash toward the ring.


FIFTH MATCH || 1/20.
Blake Taylor vs. Madison Gray.
Street Fight.
Match writer: Tom O’Bedlam.

Rod Sterling: “Madison Gray has a look in her eyes that I’m not sure I’ve ever seen before. She looks like she’s out for blood.”

As the bell sounds, Madison begins swinging wildly at Blake Taylor, who appears to be taken somewhat off guard. The kendo stick begins to splinter against his ribs, and Madison finishes off the shards of the stick against the side of his head, knocking Taylor to the mat.

Jean Luc Watkins: “Blake Taylor is the one who demanded this be a street fight, but he may be rethinking that decision now.”

Madison doesn’t slow down, delivering a flurry of kicks to Taylor’s head. With her opponent incapacitated, she stomps over to the corner of the ring and rips the bottom turnbuckle pad off. She glances over her shoulder, making sure that he’s still down, and gets a sadistic smirk on her face.

She grabs her wounded opponent and shoves him into the corner, his head resting against the cold steel. Madison quickly slides out of the ring, grabs a steel chair, and puts it on his head.

Jean Luc Watkins: “She has Blake Taylor’s head sandwiched between a turnbuckle and that chair. I’m not sure what she’s going to do here, but it can’t be good for “The Prodigal Son.”

Madison grabs the top rope, pops herself into the air, and delivers a brutal double stomp, crushing Taylor’s head between two pieces of steel. The crowd lets out an audible scream of approval. The chair falls to the side, revealing Blake Taylor’s bloodied face.

Rod Sterling: “She may have just killed Blake Taylor!”

Gray pulls Taylor from the corner by his feet and goes for the pin.



Madison Gray pulls Blake Taylor up by the head and laughs in his face. She reaches down, wipes some of the blood away, and uses it to paint her own face. She yells something indeterminable in Blake Taylor’s face, as he tries to swing at her, but he’s too disoriented and misses wildly. She slams him down on the back of his head. Gray stands up and walks around her fallen foe laughing at him.

Blake Taylor manages to pull himself up to his knees, but that doesn’t prove to be much help. He’s quickly met by a series of rapid-fire kicks to the chest and head, the last of which snaps his head straight back. He falls back to the mat in a bloodied heap.


NO! Gray breaks her own pin attempt once again.

Rod Sterling: “We thought that Madison Gray hated Blake Taylor because of what he did to Laramie, but before this match started, she made it pretty obvious that this has nothing to do with her. I’m not sure what’s brought out this side of “The Young Lioness.”

Jean Luc Watkins: “I think she just hates the guy, Rod. There isn’t much to figure out here.”

Madison stalks her prey like a lioness stalks an antelope, poking at him with the tip of her boot, trying to elicit some type of reaction, but he just doesn’t have much left. Once she’s satisfied that he’s incapacitated, she sits down on the mat beside him, and for a moment, she just stares at the crimson mask that flows down his face.

Suddenly, she grabs his arm, throws it between her legs, and snaps back, planting both her feet on the other side of his head.

Rod Sterling: She’s put him in The Grey Effect! She may just break his arm here!”

Taylor helplessly tries to free himself from the clutches of The Grey Effect, but it’s all futile. Madison has him right where she wants him, in the middle of the ring. Finally, he relents and begins slapping the mat, tapping out.

WInner: Madison Gray via Submission at 6:26.

Kurt Harrington: “Here is your winner… MADISON GRAY!!!”

The official lifts Gray’s hand in victory, with the young woman looking satisfied that she’s seen off her long-term foe.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Not just a win for Madison Gray but a dominant one. Blake Taylor has been vanquished, and the sky is the limit for the Young Lionesss…”

We fade away from the park as Gray climbs up onto the second turnbuckle to celebrate her win.


A commercial announces that tickets are currently on sale for the upcoming Asian leg of the FWA’s world tour. Dates include:

Sunday 14th January, 2024 - A Very Crossfire Christmas: The Secular Spectacular || Beijing, China.

Thursday 25th January, 2024 - Meltdown XXXVII || Hanoi, Vietnam.
Saturday 27th January, 2024 - Fallout 037 || Hong Kong, China.

Thursday 8th February, 2024 - Meltdown XXXVIII || Seoul, South Korea.
Saturday 10th February, 2024 - Fallout 038 || Tsushima, Japan.

Friday 7th March, 2024 - Fight Night || Tokyo, Japan.
Sunday 9th March, 2024 - King of the Deathmatch III || An undisclosed location in Japan.

Thursday 28th March, 2024 - Meltdown XXXIX || Osaka, Japan.
Saturday 30th March, 2024 - Fallout 039 || Sapporo, Japan.


There is a sense of anticipation from the fans gathered as it is time for the final match of the first part of Winter Wasteland. This excitement is eroded when Xavien Marshall slowly appears through the entrance-way, with his FWA World Tag Team Championship belt strewn over his shoulder. There is an assured and quiet air of confidence from X, who also has the Gunfight One Ring in his possession.

Kurt Harrington: “The following contest is your main event of Winter Wasteland Part One, and it is a Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the FWA World Tag Team Championships!

“Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio and weighing in at two-hundred and eighteen pounds, he is the holder of the Gunfight One Ring and one half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions… XAVIEN MAAAAAAARRRRSSHHAAAAAAALLLL!!!

Rod Sterling: “Well, for the first part of Winter Wasteland at the very least, it’s time for the main event! The FWA World Tag Team Championships are on the line, with the odd couple pairing of Jay Kenny and this man, Xavien Marshall, making their first defence of the titles.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xavien Marshall has not been part of the FWA roster for very long, but to say that he has made an immediate impact would be an understatement, wrestling fans. Undefeated in both singles and multi-person competition, one half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions and the holder of the Gunfight One Ring, entitling him a future shot at the FWA X Championship, against either Tommy Bedlam or Keres.”

Marshall slowly walks up the steps and into the ring where he stands with his arms outstretched and the championship hanging down from his left hand. He enjoys his moment in the spotlight on his own for a moment, and looks over at the stage disdainfully as the music of his partner plays.

Jay Kenny emerges from backstage next, shadow boxing with his head bowed down low. Thomas Princeton places a reassuring hand on his shoulders and gives him a nod, after which Kenny makes his way towards the ring. Jay makes a point to not look in the direction of his fellow tag team champion as he pats the title belt around his waist.

Kurt Harrington: “His tag team partner; accompanied by FWA Hall of Famer Thomas Princeton and weighing in at two-hundred and seven pounds… he is the other half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions… JAAAAAAY KENNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYY!!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Of course, the man that Xavien Marshall defeated to capture that Gunfight One Ring is his fellow FWA World Tag Team Champion. Defeated could actually be underplaying how dominantly Xavien Marshall won that match, in all honesty…”

Rod Sterling: “Well, Jay Kenny seems focused on the job at hand tonight; if he wants to remain a champion here in the FWA he needs to put that defeat to one side and find a way to work with Marshall. We’ve had some unlikely pairings as champions in the past, but these two could be the least-cohesive unit we’ve ever seen hold that gold!”

As Kenny walks up the steps to enter the ring, he locks eyes with Marshall for the first time and X seems roundly unimpressed with his tag team partner. Jay shakes his head and then does some more shadow boxing as Princeton offers some final words of encouragement; trying to put his partner’s indifference towards him to one side.

In a stark contrast to the reactions displayed for the champions, the first set of challengers are clear fan favourites. Epsilon sprints out from behind the curtain and jumps up and down excitedly, and he is quickly joined by Konchu Hao. ‘The Mad Wizard’ applauds the fans and the duo are joined by Cyrus Truth. The appearance of ‘The Exile’ brings about an extremely loud pop and Truth gets his partners to focus up and together the Dark Roads Alliance marches towards the ring.

Kurt Harrington: “Introducing the challengers… First, being accompanied by Epsilon and weighing in at a combined weight of four-hundred and forty-two pounds… ‘The Mad Wizard’ Konchu Hao and ‘The Exile’ Cyrus Truth; they are the DAAAAARK ROADS ALLLLLIIIIIIIAAANNNNCCE!!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here come the former FWA World Tag Team Champions; defeated by Marshall and Kenny on Meltdown XXXIV. Kenny and Marshall won that match in acrimonious circumstances to say the least, but it is safe to say that with Xavien Marshall’s recent win in singles competition over Konchu Hao, the champions have DRA’s numbers.”

Rod Sterling: “We saw it at Lights Out, Jean-Luc. These two are big game players and well, what happened in the last few weeks won’t matter once the bell rings tonight.”

Cyrus is the first one into the ring and he is joined by Konchu and Epsilon. Epsilon climbs up onto the turnbuckle and takes in the applause and adoration from the fans but Cyrus and Konchu take on a much more serious tone. Across the ring, Xavien Marshall smirks and waves sarcastically at them whilst Jay Kenny keeps his head down still.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, a question we’ve been asking ourselves all night so far; is Chris Peacock going to be joining us for this match?”

An answer to that question is provided when the FWA World Champion’s music plays and not ‘Try a Little Tenderness’ by The Commitments. Black’s appearance would usually be received well by the fans, but the fact that Allen Price is with him means that is not the case this evening. Black’s entrance is not befitting of the top guy in the company, either, as he has to push Price around in his wheelchair down the ramp. Price barks obscenities at the crowd, with one audience member throwing a paper cup at him.

Kurt Harrington: “Finally, representing FTN and being accompanied to the ring by Allen Price… from San Dimas, California and weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, he is the current FWA World Champion… ‘Black Jesus’ AAAAAAALLLLYSSTERRRRR BLAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!”

As Alyster Black makes his entrance, we are shown a shot of the parking lot and all that can be seen are Sir Stache and Mejor Amigo. The Friendship Wrestling Alliance members are clearly standing guard.

Rod Sterling: “Well, no Chris Peacock as of yet and we have those two clowns in place in case he does arrive. A ploy by Jeremy Best to deny Alyster Black of back up in this match, to soften him up for tomorrow night, no doubt.”

Black does not get straight into the ring or acknowledge anyone inside of it. He wheels Price around the ring and parks him up alongside the commentary table.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh no… this isn’t fair.”

Allen Price: “Ah, it feels great to be back! Jean-Luc, Rod, how are we doing, gentlemen? I thought that as a Christmas treat to you and our fans at home… I’M BACK!”

Rod Sterling: “Where’s Chris Peacock, Rod?”

Allen Price: “He’s next to your liver spots, Rod. Don’t have that attitude with me - I might be in this chair but I’m a battle-hardened warrior. I’m not to be trifled with!”


Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall (c) vs. The Dark Roads Alliance (Cyrus Truth and Konchu Hao) vs. FTN (Chris Peacock and Alyster Black).
Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the FWA World Tag Team Championships.
Match writer: Man.

The bell rings and to the frustration of those in the ring and the crowd, it becomes immediately clear that neither of the champions will actually be starting off the match in the ring for their first title defence. Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall both stand on the apron in their assigned corner. This means that Alyster Black has no choice but to start, representing FTN, and Cyrus Truth nominates himself to begin opposite the FWA World Champion on behalf of the Dark Roads Alliance.

It is as if Alyster Black already knows that he is in for a long weekend wrestling-wise and he takes a deep breath before turning on the swagger and marching straight up to Cyrus and piefacing him. This gets a big reaction from the crowd and ‘The Exile’ smirks for a moment before his face transitions into a frown and he smashes his elbow into Black’s head. The two begin exchanging these strikes in the middle of the ring and the crowd shows their excitement that the match has started off hot like this.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m not surprised that neither Alyster Black or Cyrus Truth are standing on ceremony here, wrestling fans. There’s a lot of bad blood between FTN and the Dark Roads Alliance and of course it was going to spill over into this match.”

Allen Price: “Well, I think you’re forgetting that my client Alyster Black is the best pure striker here in the FWA and not even that degenerate Cyrus Truth can dny him of that accolade, Jean-Luc.”

Black establishes an advantage with a kick to the midsection and he sends Truth into the FTN corner, which is of course empty. Truth blocks Black’s attempt to drive his head into the top turnbuckle with a well-placed boot on the middle one, and then cuts him off with a pointed elbow to the ribs. This allows Truth to put Black in the corner and he stings his chest with a chop. Before Truth can do it again, Black catches him with a Headbutt to the bridge of his nose and Cyrus drops down to a knee.

Thinking quickly, Black then grabs both of Truth’s arms and holds them behind him… and HE CURBSTOMPS CYRUS INTO THE MAT! Black quickly flips ‘The Exile’ over and goes for the cover;


The pin is broken up just in time by Jay Kenny! Kenny beat Konchu in the foot race to break up the early pin. Xavien Marshall did not even bother trying to break it up, even though it could have ended the match very early. The referee quickly gets ‘The Mad Wizard’ back in his corner, but this leaves Kenny free to stomp out both Black and Cyrus whilst both are down on the mat. Kenny impressively lifts Black from the mat around his waist and then takes the FWA World Champion over with a Gutwrench Suplex!

Allen Price: “Can someone get this kid the hell out of there? Do your damn job, referee! This is a travesty!”

Rod Sterling: “I’d like to see you get in there and don the stripes, Price. Let’s see how you get on controlling five men like this. I think the referee knows that he’s going to have his hands full.”

Allen Price: “How dare you, Rod? I have suffered serious neck-related trauma and I am bound to this chair for goodness knows how long. Show a bit of consideration for my plight, you balding geriatric fuck.”

Meanwhile in the ring, the referee was able to divert attention to Jay Kenny and he ordered the non-legal man out of the ring. The suplex on Black means that Cyrus is free to lick his wounds for a moment and he tags in Konchu Hao, who enters to a big pop from the fans. Alyster Black reaches towards his corner but realising that Chris Peacock is not there, looks to the champions instead. Kenny and Marshall seem thoroughly amused and neither offers to take Black’s place.

The FWA World Champion does not have a chance to pick himself up from the mat because Konchu does it for him and Hao lifts both arms up and connects with a Mongolian Chop which causes Black to crumble down to his knees slightly. This leaves him in prime position for John Dee’s Knees, of which Konchu drives seven into the face of Alyster Black. This causes Black’s body to go limp momentarily and Konchu applies a quick headlock before bringing him towards the DRA corner.

Cyrus reaches out and gets tagged back into the match. As Truth enters, Konchu lifts Black up for a Back Suplex, but delays the impact for a moment. Truth jumps up and catches Black with a Neckbreaker on the way down! Black holds the back of his head and Cyrus goes for a pin himself this time;


Jean-Luc Watkins: “Jay Kenny in to break the pin up once again and well, it seems that he wants to keep the tag titles, but not actively defend them.”

The stomp to the back of Truth’s head to break up the pin is enough to stun ‘The Exile’, and Kenny takes his shot and attempts to hook Cyrus up for The Zulu… but Truth stands stong and runs backwards towards the champions’ corner and Kenny releases him when he collides with the turnbuckle. Xavien Marshall simply watches on as Truth then reaches behind and Snapmares Kenny into the ring from the corner. Truth then cocks his arm back and he catches Marshall with a back elbow… and the referee calls for a tag!

The surprise blow knocked Marshall to the floor and he has a look of fury when he realises that he has become the legal man. His first act is to grabs Truth’s legs and pull ‘The Exile’ from the ring under the bottom rope… and he shoves Truth backwards into the announce table! Epsilon and Konchu Hao both arrive on the scene to go after Marshall, but the referee is quickly out of the blocks to stop them and he orders Hao back into his corner and Marshall into the ring. There is a cocky smirk on Xavien’s face as he methodically enters the ring for the first time in the match.

Rod Sterling: “Xavien Marshall strikes me as an opportunist and with Cyrus Truth out of the equation for now, it does present an opportunity for him to do some real damage to Alyster Black, who is still all alone out there as Chris Peacock has not yet arrived… if he even will.”

Allen Price: “Oh yeah? Oh yeah?! OH YEAH?! Well, Rod, I assure you that not only is Chris Peacock on his way, but even if he wasn’t Alyster Black can take these four dicks at once, no problem.”

Xavien Marshall gives Jay Kenny a disapproving look as the latter retreats to the apron after his tangle with Truth and he turns his attention to Alyster Black. The FWA World Champion slowly rises to his feet with his back to Marshall and this allows the Gunfight One Ring holder to measure him up. Marshall charges forwards, looking for the DECAPITATOR - BUT BLACK DUCKS IT!! The momentum sends Marshall into the FTN corner… AND ALYSTER BLACK WELCOMES HIM TO A VIOLENCE PARTY!!!

The crowd go wild as Black unleashes repeated powerful strikes to the head, face and body of Marshall, who they have wanted to see knocked down a peg or two since his arrival in the FWA. Marshall gets his block up as best as he can, but a punch finds its way through and causes him to go limp momentarily and Black catches him as he falls forward from the corner. He spins him around… BACKDROP SUPLEX!! With Marshall dropped on the back of his head, Black rises to his feet and beats his chest.

Seeing Black in control, Jey Kenny rushes the ring again but is immediately cut off with a Headbutt from Black. This allows Black to cradle Kenny by the back of the head and he throws the Birmingham native out of the ring, and Kenny lands down on the floor next to Cyrus Truth. As Konchu Hao reaches out from the DRA corner, Black takes his chance and tags out of the match!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, Alyster Black has been in this match since the very beginning but handled himself admirably despite the best efforts of his opponents to wear him down.”

Allen Price: “Well if there’s anyone that can take a pounding from a bunch of dicks, it is Alyster Black. He enjoys it. He thrives-”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “For the love of all that is holy would you please shut the fuck up, Price?”

Seemingly overtaken by the adrenaline and the moment, Black does not stop there as he sees both Kenny and Cyrus in a heap at ringside and waits on them momentarily to rise from the floor and he runs the ropes… AND TAKES OUT TRUTH, EPSILON AND KENNY WITH AN ELBOW SUICIDA!! All are down at ringside and Black can be heard groaning in regret after putting his body on the line.

With Black, Truth and Kenny down at ringside, the two legal men are left in the ring. Xavien Marshall meets Konchu Hao with a boot to the midsection as ‘The Mad Wizard’ approaches him and he looks to kick upwards and strike Hao in the face but Konchu stands up straight to avoid it. A Savate Kick to the gut of Marshall causes him to double over and Konchu then sends him into the corner, through the turnbuckles and Marshall’s shoulder collides with the ring post! Hao then quickly rolls Xavien up;


Marshall pops up out of the pin and with both up, flattens Konchu with a Clothesline! The strike knocks Hao down onto his back and Marshall takes a moment to check on his mouth for blood following Black’s assault. He is happy that there is not so he lifts Konchu up from the mat and puts his head down into position and lifts him up… and POWERBOMBS HIM INTO THE FTN CORNER!! Konchu crumples down onto the mat in the corner, and this is as Alyster Black is picking himself up onto the apron.

Looking to exit the match, Marshall paws out towards Black but ‘Black Jesus’ drops down to the floor once again and then flips Marshall off to a loud ovation from the fans.

Rod Sterling: “Very good from Alyster Black there, guys. Marshall has not wanted to be part of this match at all and let the others do the work. Not this time, though.”

Whilst Alyster Black is not available for reentry back into the match, Marshall does have his own partner at his disposal and he drags Konchu towards Jay Kenny. Once there, he holds out a hand and Kenny reluctantly accepts it and gets back into the ring. He sets up Konchu in the corner and lays into his midsection with a barrage of hard punches, with Epsilon showing some concern at ringside.

Kenny grabs Konchu’s arm and takes him over and attempts to lock him into an armbar, but Hao clasps his hands and then deadlifts Kenny up from the mat and slams him back down. Konchu rolls away and then reaches in and tags Cyrus Truth back into the mat. With Truth coming in, Kenny attempts to get away but Truth quickly grabs his ankle and pulls him back. Cyrus drops an elbow down on Kenny’s back to keep him in position.

He sets Kenny up and then leaps into the air and drops a knee down across the back of his head. Truth pulls Kenny away and then places him against the bottom turnbuckle in the DRA corner and the crowd swells in anticipation as he looks around at them. They count along as Cyrus drives his boot repeatedly into Kenny’s head and chest with the FIRST FIVE STEPS!! Truth tags in Konchu… and Hao gives Kenny the SECOND FIVE STEPS!!! DRA get large cheers from the crowd and Kenny looks out of it.

Allen Price: “Oh, this is just grand. What next? We’re going to get that little freak Epsilon in here to have a go? Give me a break…”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Never had you down as a grinch, Price. Come on, the Dark Roads Alliance are just working together as a team and that’s more than can be said of their opponents at the moment.”

It is safe to say that the fans are enjoying the youngster getting a hiding and Thomas Princeton on the outside seems to be almost pulling his hair out as he wills Kenny on and demands he gets back into the match. Konchu Hao looks around and then points… at Alyster Black. This gets a big ovation from the fans as Hao approaches the FWA World Champion, seemingly offering him a go as well… and Black gladly accepts!

‘Black Jesus’ stomps across the ring and then delivers the THIRD FIVE STEPS!! It is a strange sight to see Black working alongside the Dark Roads Alliance, but one man who is unconvinced is Cyrus Truth… and Black tags ‘The Exile’ back into the match by SLAPPING HIM ACROSS THE FACE!!! Truth immediately enters the ring with a face of fury but before he can get close to Black, Alyster is already well out of harm’s way. Instead it is Jay Kenny left to once again face the ire of the four-time World Champion and Cyrus pulls him up from the mat and places him up on his shoulders.

Rod Sterling: “You’ll know this one well, Price… because I think Jay Kenny’s journey could be about to end…”

Cyrus transitions Kenny down, looking for JOURNEY’S END - BUT KENNY ROLLS THROUGH INTO A SMALL PACKAGE!!


It took Alyster Black to get back into the ring to break up the pin, but he is quickly accosted by Konchu Hao, who is not pleased about him going after Cyrus after he was so kind to involve him in the attack on Kenny. Konchu barrels Black into the corner and the two begin to exchange blows. The referee’s attempts to stop this are futile. Cyrus pops up to his feet once again and he is about to go after Kenny once more… BUT XAVIEN MARSHALL TAKES HIM DOWN WITH THE DECAPITATOR FROM BEHIND!!!

Truth drops to his knees after the blow and Kenny knocks him down onto his back with a ROUNDHOUSE KICK!! This sends Truth down onto the mat, desperately reaching upwards and not aware of his surroundings at all. Marshall orders Kenny to cover him but before he can do so, Kenny is bowled over by Konchu Hao. Konchu reaches into his pocket to utilise Baba Vanga’s Illumination, but Marshall catches him with a Switch Knee to the side of the head, causing the substance to fly into the air in a cloud.

With both members of the Dark Roads Alliance taken care of for the moment, the tag champions turn their attention to the other lone man in the match, Alyster Black. Black is proactive in his defence, cracking Marshall with a strong forearm and then charging at Kenny looking for the ONE SHOT KILL - BUT KENNY DUCKS IT! The standing switch from Kenny is impressively quick, and he soon has Alyster Black locked in THE ZULU!!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Alyster Black is not the legal man in the match here - that would be Cyrus Truth, along with Jay Kenny - but he’s stuck in this hold with nowhere to go and he could be put out of commission here by Kenny and Marshall.”

As Kenny squeezes on Black and drops to the floor with him in the submission, Xavien Marshall drops down to his knees and puts his face in Alyster’s to taunt him and he sarcastically waves goodnight to the FWA World Champion. Despite this, there is a feeling of hope for Black.
Rod Sterling: “Marshall may be right… is this lights out for Alyster Black?”

Allen Price: “It can’t be!”

Black’s resistance rapidly fades away as his arm falls towards the mat. He reaches towards the ramp and the stage… and the scene quickly cuts elsewhere.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “We’re being taken away from the action in the ring… something must be going on. Take us there, please!”

In the parking lot, where we have been a couple of times already tonight, there is a commotion going on. The camera’s perspective is on the floor, with the camera operator’s footsteps being heard in the distance as they run away from the scene unfolding. There are two figures on the ground, groaning and yelping in pain as a white car that was not previously present is shown.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s Sir Stache and Mejor Amigo… members of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance! We heard what they said earlier on…”

Allen Price: “It was them! They were behind the car trouble and oh… oh… this is good. YES!”

Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache both wince and groan in pain as a pair of shoes stands in front of the camera and to some they are instantly recognisable and a mixed reaction goes off in the arena as the footage is shown on the large screen in front of all of the fans. The figure’s body and face cannot be seen, but they drop something down onto the ground - a Singapore Cane.

Rod Sterling: “That’s got to be who we think it is, surely?”

Before the identity of the new arrival in the parking lot can be fully revealed, we find ourselves back in the ring where Jay Kenny still has Alyster Black locked in The Zulu, and Black is almost entirely unconscious. Neither Kenny nor Marshall paid much attention to what was happening on the screen for everyone to see. Marshall barks at Kenny, ordering him to put Black out of commission for good and Kenny wrenches back on the hold.

The reaction from the fans is completely mixed, with some pleased to see Alyster Black about to be saved and others showing their justifiable disdain for Chris Peacock. The former FWA World Champion marches out from the back, dressed in a black tank top and trousers with his hair tied back in a pony tail and he has his eyes firmly squared on the men in the ring attacking his tag team partner.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, despite the best efforts of Jeremy Best and the Friendship Wrestling Alliance, Chris Peacock has made it to Winter Wasteland! We doubted whether he’d show up for Alyster Black, but well, he’s here.”

Allen Price: “Doubted? Pff. I knew that my boy would be making it here this entire time! It may only be December, but FTN are back in business, baby!”

Jay Kenny lets Alyster Black go and then rushes out of the ring to meet Chris Peacock on the ramp, and the two of them begin to exchange blows. The fresher and angrier man in Chris Peacock comes out on top of this initial skirmish, and he sends Kenny into the ring barricade alongside the ramp and then stomps on him a couple of times for good measure. Once Kenny is out of the way, Peacock points at Xavien Marshall and then slides into the ring.

As Peacock slides in, he is met by stomps from the tag champion and he has to fight his way back up to a vertical base as Marshall stays on top of him. He pushes Marshall away and creates a bit of separation. He rocks Marshall with a couple of punches and then spins on the spot and smears a middle finger into X’s face and hits him with a third punch to the face. Xavien shakes these off and goes for a strike of his own, but Peacock ducks it… kick to the midsection… DISCO THRILLER STUNNER!!

The move knocks Marshall back and down to his knees and Peacock then runs the ropes… AND GOES STRAIGHT THROUGH MARSHALL WITH THE STRUT!!! The move causes X to fall down to the mat and he then rolls under the bottom rope.

Rod Sterling: “Chris Peacock has come into this match like a house on fire and he has definitely tipped the scales in the favour of FTN since arriving. Wait… this one could get spicy.”

Whilst Peacock watches Marshall leave the ring, he does not notice someone else rising to their feet behind him. ‘Disco’s Last Warrior’ turns around to face the man that he defeated in the main event of Back in Business, Cyrus Truth. Neither says a word or takes immediate action, instead they circle the ring for a moment, sizing each other up.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is a rivalry that has underpinned a large portion of 2023 and more and more people have been sucked into the sheer disdain and animosity shared between Chris Peacock and Cyrus Truth. These are two men with every reason in the world to respect each other, but they just simply do not.”

Allen Price: “That’s because Cyrus Truth is a depraved animal, Jean-Luc. Look at what he did to me! He’s confined me to this chair for goodness knows how long. I haven’t taken this neck brace off in two months. Two months!”

After the performance, both Peacock and Truth rush the middle of the ring and meet where they windmill punches at each other to a loud cheer from the fans. Again, due to his freshness, Peacock comes out on top and he cuts Truth off with a European Uppercut and then runs the ropes, but CYRUS CATCHES HIM WITH THE MEMENTO MORI ON THE WAY BACK!! Peacock’s head bounces off of the mat and the fans cheer loudly. Cyrus - one of the legal men along with Jay Kenny - looks at Kenny on the ramp but opts not to follow up on him just yet, instead taking the chance to lay a beating on Chris Peacock.

In fact, Konchu Hao joins him too and after checking each other are okay, DRA lift Peacock from the mat and then bundle him into the corner. Konchu spins Peacock around and lifts him up onto the top rope, and Cyrus approaches him from behind and puts him up into an Argentine Rack… EXILE’S EDGE!!! The fans enjoy seeing Peacock getting some more just desserts from the Dark Roads Alliance and Truth makes a cutthroat gesture to Konchu, who then lifts Peacock up from the mat.


Rod Sterling: “Chris Peacock is in a lot of trouble here, because I think Konchu and Cyrus want to take him out of this match just as quickly as he came into it.”

‘The Mad Wizard’ sets Peacock up for the end and curls his arm around him before he unravels it… RASPUTIN’S REVENGE - NO - DUCKED!! Peacock advances forward but only to find himself up on the shoulders of Cyrus Truth! Truth prepares to drive Peacock into the mat with Journey’s End… but he is distracted by ALYSTER BLACK FLATTENING KONCHU HAO WITH A ONE SHOT KILL!!!

Black is back in the mix and Peacock shuffles from Truth’s shoulders and pushes him towards Black, who pops him up into a Powerbomb position and FTN HIT THE LOAD BLOWER ON CYRUS TRUTH!!! Cyrus arches his back on the mat and Peacock instructs Black to jump up on the turnbuckle so they can start their frog splashes… but something appears on the ring apron next to Alyster Black…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s… weaseldreamer! What does she want here? The last time we saw her was at the Buddy Bowl, teaming with Madison Gray! I know there have been some issues between her and Alyster Black in the past…”

Allen Price: “This furry freak has no business being here, guys! She wasn’t even booked for this damn show.”

Both Black and Peacock look at weaseldreamer in sheer astonishment which quickly morphs into fury and Peacock charges towards weaseldreamer on the apron. Sensing the danger, she drops down and then makes her escape up the ramp… and Chris Peacock is in hot pursuit! It seems that Peacock did not take too kindly to FTN’s title challenge being interrupted and he is going to make her pay for it!

With Peacock out of the picture momentarily and out of sight, Alyster Black is left vulnerable on the top rope… AND THIS ALLOWS JAY KENNY TO CRACK HIM WITH AN UPPERCUT!! The Knockout blow causes Black to fall from his perch and his body slams against the apron on his way down to the floor, where he is just a few feet from an equally motionless Konchu Hao. Kenny turns around and sees the other legal man in the match, Cyrus Truth. Truth tries to pull himself up from the mat but then finds a foot resting on the back of his head, belonging to Xavien Marshall.

Rod Sterling: “This is not an enviable position for Cyrus Truth, folks. He’s all alone with the FWA World Tag Team Champions.”

Cyrus grits his teeth and tries to fight off Marshall pulling his arms back, but the man with the higher ground wins out in the end. Marshall takes a look around at the fans who are loudly booing, AND STOMPS TRUTH OUT WITH THE DEBT COLLECTOR!! Marshall then walks away and Jay Kenny flips Truth onto his back and goes for the cover;


WInner: Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall via pin fall at 22:28.

The fans aren’t best pleased at the result of the match, with most perhaps even taking an FTN victory over this outcome. Despite this though, the champions have retained and Thomas Princeton enters the ring with Marshall and Kenny’s championships. They do not celebrate together, with Marshall just leaning on the turnbuckle with his belt over his shoulder whilst Kenny looks rather relieved to have held onto the championships for at least a little longer.

Kurt Harrington: “Here are your winners and STILL the FWA World Tag Team Champions… JAY KENNY and XAVIEN MARSHALL!!!”

Rod Sterling: “Well, perhaps a result that many would not have seen coming, but this unorthodox pairing have retained the FWA World Tag Team Championships and against two more established teams at the same time. Phenomenal efforts from the Dark Roads Alliance and Alyster Black - I’m not sure whether Peacock’s participation merits credit.”

Allen Price: “What the hell are you talking about, Rod? If it wasn’t for that freak of nature in that damn weasel suit, you’d be looking at two-time tag team champions in Alyster Black and Chris Peacock right now. Get some new glasses you revisionist old-”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “One does have to wonder whether there will be any sort of retaliation from FTN for that intrusion… but with a match against Jeremy Best tomorrow night, I think Alyster Black may have more pressing matters on his mind…”

Chris Peacock is shown jogging out from the back and shaking his head in frustration as the match is over and apparently also having failed to catch weaseldreamer. He checks on Alyster Black and picks him up from the mat, holding the FWA World Championship for him. There is a brief moment where Peacock gazes longingly into the belt that he held for the best part of this year, but he snaps out of this and helps Alyster Black to the back.

Epsilon does his best to piece together the Dark Roads Alliance, but it is clear that both Konchu Hao and Cyrus Truth have been through the wringer. They are supported and encouraged by fans in the front row which tempers their disappointment slightly.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Our farewell to the year of 2023 is halfway completed now, wrestling fans, but please be sure to return later on tonight as we’re going to do it all over again. See you then!”

The final shot of the first part of Winter Wasteland is Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall standing opposite each other with their championships in hand and there seems to be a little understanding between them forming… which spells danger for any aspiring future challengers.


Jimmy King

It’s Britney, bitch
Dec 12, 2010
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Bloody fantastic show, top notch work! I can't wait for part 2 later.
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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Live from Ali Sami Yen Spor Kompleksi in Istanbul, Turkey.
Saturday 30th December, 2023 (@ 8PM local time).



We open up on a wideshot of the Ali Sami Yen Spor Kompleksi, fifty thousand rabid FWA fans packed inside and hollering for the start of the show. As the show's opening theme (Batista Beat Box, naturally) continues to blare out, a large display of pyrotechnics emanates from the elaborate stage area at one end of the arena.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Wrestling fans, welcome to Part Two of Winter Wasteland! We had six enthralling contests for you earlier today at Bahçeşehir Gölet Park, and seven more are waiting for us tonight here at Ali Sami Yen Spor Kompleksi. I am, of course, Jean-Luc Watkins, and I'm joined again by Meltdown’s Rod Sterling, along with another very special guest."

Christian Quinn: "Thank you for the introduction, Jean-Luc, even though I really don't need one. Anzu has taken a trip to Istanbul General Hospital, and so I've been asked to join the booth and keep an eye on you two. Let's leave the fighting to the ring, yes fellas?"

We cut to a shot of the announcers, sitting behind their booth in tuxedos..

Rod Sterling: "There's plenty of that ahead of us, including no less than four championship bouts. It was a good afternoon for the champions earlier during Part One, with both Bryan Baxter and the team of Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall successful in defending the North American and World Tag Team Championships respectively."

Christian Quinn: "Tommy Bedlam, Kleio De Santos, and Alyster Black will be hoping to keep that streak going, as they put the X, Television, and World Championships on the line tonight. Black, of course, will face Jeremy Best for the richest prize in the game in our main event."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "But before all that, we'll see Trixie Bordeaux and the Ravenwood Sisters of the Coven put the FWA Trios Championships on the line against Jackson Fenix, Nate Savage, and Xperienx Xtacee. And that bout, gentlemen, is starting right now!"


Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage make their way out to a loud, positive ovation from the sold out crowd. They’re accompanied by Monica, Antonio, and Bubbles the Clown. Fenix is looking around as they wait on stage while Savage seems annoyed and their music fades out…

“Jack, where is he? I thought he was going to be here!”

“I don’t know bro, give him a minute, maybe he stopped to use the bathroom…”

“We haven’t seen him all day, so that can’t be possible…”

“Maybe he’s stuck in traffic…”

Savage is growing more irate by the second while Monica and Antonio look around for Xperienx Xtacee. Meanwhile, Bubbles the Clown is getting unusually excited and starts honking his little horn repeatedly while hopping in place.

Honk honk honk honk honk

“What is his problem?!”

Monica puts her hand on Nate’s shoulder.

“Nate, calm down. He’ll be here, I know it. I know he wouldn’t miss this.”

“Bubbles, are you okay?”

Jackson asks the clown, who responds with more horn honking…

Honk honk honk honk honk

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m just as confused you are, wrestling fans. Xperienx Xtacee is nowhere to be found and he has a match with his partners for the trios championship that’s scheduled for right now.”

Suddenly, the lights go out and the screen lights up…

Smoke fills up the stage and a figure starts slowly rising up from the stage as the unfamiliar music plays, and the words Xperienx Xtacee appear on the screen but soon those fade out and are replaced by…



Savage, Fenix, Monica, and Antonio all look shocked at this new appearance of what was once Xperienx Xtacee but now Xperienx Silenx. The glowing red mask shines brightly in the darkness as he stares at his partners before walking past them and down to the ring. Fenix and Savage eventually follow Silenx to the ring with Monica, Antonio, and an excited clown in tow.

Kurt Harrington: “The following contest is a trios match set for one fall with a thirty-minute-time-limit! Introducing first the team of Jackson Fenix, Nate Savage, and Xperienx Silenx…The Undisputed Xperienx!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I don’t know who is more surprised, the fans or the Undisputed Alliance at the sight of the new appearance of their partner, Xperienx X…I mean Xperienx Silenx!”

Silenx is already in the ring as the lights come back on and he’s joined by Fenix and Savage. He nods at them to reassure them it’s okay and they still don’t know what to think but let it pass as they have a match to worry about…

The moans of the “Take me to Church” cover echo through the speakers of the arena as the lights flash with some candles are seen on stage. First making their way to the stage is Celestia and Blair Ravenwood. Over their usual gear, they have witch robes on and hats. In their arms are their FWA Trios Championship belts.

As “Hex Girl” kicks in, the lights in the arena shine once more, as though a party had just started, as Bellatrix Bordeaux skips excitedly onto the stage, drawing delight from the fans! Trixie returns their love with a big smile and plenty of waving as she joins Blair and Celestia. Donning the same witchy getup as her partners, Trixie’s robe is open, showing her usual gear with a red plaid design, along with her portion of the FWA Trios Championship, which is wrapped loosely around her slender waist. She constantly adjusts her pointy hat, which keeps attempting to flee her head as she stands between her two tag team partners.

Kurt Harrington: “And their opponents, from Lock Haven, Pennsylvania, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana respectively, they are the reigning, defending, FWA Trios Champions! Blair and Celestia Ravenwood, and Bellatrix Bordeaux…THE COVEN!”

Upon their introduction, the Trios Champions make their way towards the ring to a mixed reaction from the crowd, with Trixie’s presence garnering most of the positive reactions, and the presence of the Ravenwood sisters earning the negative.

The Trios Champions remove their witchy getup and climbs into the ring, staring their challengers down, with Blair giving the masked Xperienx Silenx a devious, smug wink. As the music fades, Trixie elects to start for her team, and Nate Savage for his, and their partners exits to their respective aprons as the bell rings!


FIRST MATCH || 1/30.
The Coven (Blair Ravenwood, Celestia Ravenwood, and Trixie Bordeaux) (c) vs.The Undisputed Xperienx (Jackson Fenix, Nate Savage, and Xperienx Xtacee).
Trios Match for the FWA Trios Championships.
Match writer: Welshy.

<< 00:00. >>

Despite giving up 140 pounds on Nate Savage, Trixie doesn’t seem the slightest bit intimidated as two lock up…and almost immediately, Nate shoves Trixie off him, sending her stumbling backwards into her team’s corner with a heavy thud, before wiping his hands and mouthing “easy work.”...

Jean-Luc Watkins: “And Nate Savage demonstrating his clear power advantage over his far lighter adversary.”

Rod Sterling: "Yeah, no disrespect to Trixie, but in a test of strength, there was only ever going to be one winner…but she seems to be calling for a rematch!”

Christian Quinn: “Strength only gets you so far when you’re been punched in the nuts.”

Nate, knowing full well that he can do this all day, happily obliges, and the two lock up once more…and once more, Trixie is sent flying backwards, this time crashing butt first onto the canvas. “Is that all you got, little girl?” Nate asks mockingly…

Rod Sterling: "They say that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results…well, if that’s the case, then someone needs to think about getting Trixie checked out.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Maybe, Rod…she’s asking for another go.”

Taking exception to being called a “little girl”, Trixie lifts herself off the canvas and signals for one more try. Nate accepts, and the two lock up once mo-NO, kick to the gut by Trixie, and the wannabe witch unloads with a barrage of punches and knees that sends the big man stumbling back!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Trixie showcasing some uncharacteristic ring-savvy with that feint.”

Rod Sterling: "There may be a brain in there somewhere after all!”

Nate pushes Trixie off him, trying to create some separation, but the vicious young woman jumps right back on the attack with another barrage of strikes, before once again being shoved away. Trixie then charges forward and connects with a dropkick to Nate’s right knee, causing the big man to drop to a knee, before she runs off the ropes and looks to connect with a crossbody…

…AND Nate Savage damn near beheads her with a thunderous clothesline!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Jesus Christ, what a clothesline! That might be it!”

Christian Quinn: “Took her damn head off! This has been a complete mismatch between Trixie and Nate at times.”

Nate rolls the motionless Trixie onto her back and goes for the cover…


Kicking out just in the nick of time, Trixie groggily crawls for the tag, but Nate is having none of it as he grabs Trixie by the leg and drags her to his corner, before making the tag to Xtacee, with the usually fun-loving “X” looking anything but as he enters the ring with the hopes of unleashing a tremendous beating upon the loopy Trixie, wanting to enact some measure of revenge upon The Coven after Blair had launched a fireball in his face on Fallout.

As Trixie climbs groggily to her feet in the enemy corner, Xtacee charges and connects with his knees to Trixie’s face! She would fall, but Nate Savage sneakily holds her up as Xtacee backs up and connects AGAIN! The referee notices Natholding Trixie up by her arms and gives him a stern warning as Trixie crumbles to a seated position as Xtacee backs up once more and charges…BRONCO BUSTER! Xtacee bounces groinal area first off of Trixie’s face, again, and again, and again!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Bronco Buster by Xtacee, and Trixie looks to be in a bad way right now!”

Rod Sterling: "I think he may be enjoying that a little too much, if you ask me…”

After perhaps a few too many bounces, Xtacee finally removes himself from Trixie’s face and drags her to the center of the ring, going for a pin!

ONE…TWO…TH-NO! Trixie kicks out at two!

As Trixie is trying to shake the cobwebs off, Xtacee leaps and connects with a double foot stomp to Trixie’s abdomen, driving the wind right out of her! As Trixie coughs her lungs up, Xtacee locks eyes with the woman that launched a fireball at his face. Blair meets his gaze and says “You want some, bitch?”. Xtacee nods and smiles as he picks the winded Trixie up and tosses her unceremoniously to her corner, much to the dismay of Nate and Jackson. Blair reaches down and slaps Trixie on the shoulder, tagging herself in.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Xperienx wants Blair Ravenwood. He wants payback for whatever that damn spell was that Blair cast straight into his face.”

Rod Sterling: "Well, he’s gonna get his chance….”

Blair and Xperienx face-off in the center of the ring, talking trash to each other before they start trading punches! Neither competitor wants to give an inch, but but Blair has no choice as one of Xperienx’s right hands lands flush on her jaw, causing her to stagger back. Xperienx follows with fists flying, backing Blair up to the ropes before Irish whipping her across the ring and connecting with a beautifully executed dropkick on the rebound. Blair quickly staggers back to her feet, trying to create some distance between her and her adversary, but Xperienx is having none of it and drives Blair into a neutral corner, before Irish whipping her to the opposite corner and attempting a body splash…WHICH MISSES, as Blair telegraphs the maneuver and gets out of dodge, with Xperienx crashing torso first into the corner and knocking the wind right out of himself. In the time it takes Xperienx to turn around, Blair has already launched an attack of her own as she connects with a picture perfect neck breaker, before going for the cover…

ONE…TWO-NO! Xperienx kicks out!

Having taken control of her vengeful opponent, Blair cinches in a headlock and talks some trash to her downed opponent as we go to a commercial break…WE BRINGING REST HOLDS BACK, BABY!!

<< 08:36. >>

Having been on the receiving end of a well-oiled assault at the hands of The Coven for the past few minutes, Xperienx looks in a bad way as he is trapped in the enemy corner as Celestia makes the tag to a furious looking Trixie, who climbs to the top rope. Celestia nails Xperienx with a scoop slam, before lifting his legs in the air, leaving his groinal area vulnerable as Trixie, eyes filled with a need for vengeance after Xtacee had repeatedly bounced his naughty bits off of Trixie’s face, and she leaps HEAD FIRST onto Xperienx’s groin!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Oh Jesus Christ, that can’t be legal, Rod!”

Rod Sterling: "I don’t think it is, and the UX corner are protesting to the referee…”

As Xperienx clutches his crushed scrotum, Trixie yells furiously at him…


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Trixie seems to have taken offense to being on the receiving end of Xperienx’s Bronco Buster maneuver…”

Rod Sterling: "I mean, I don’t really blame her, Jean-Luc…do you want some guy bouncing crotch first off your face!?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: "…no, I suppose I wouldn’t.”

As Celestia leaves the ring, the referee gives Trixie a stern warning not to perform maneuvers like that again, or else she’d be disqualified. Trixie doesn’t seem to pay much attention, however, as she continues her assault on the downed Xperienx. She mounts him and lands several hammerfists, punches and slaps to Xperienx’s face and guard, before “X” shoves her off and climbs to his feet as fast as he can while still nursing his groin…and Trixie with the Shotgun Dropkick! Xperienx bounces off the turnbuckle and is down, and Trixie climbs to the top rope!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Trixie’s looking to end this…”

Christian Quinn: “If she can keep her balance…”

Steadying herself on the top rope, Trixie leaps backwards, going for Whistling Trixie!

…AND SHE MISSES! Trixie crashes back first on the canvas, knocking the wind right out of her as Xperienx rolls out of dodge! Both corners are screaming for their partners’ to make the tag, all stretching their arms as far as they can as Xperienx and Trixie crawls, each desperate to make the tag. Trixie managed to tag Celestia in, but it’s too late, as Xperienx makes the tag, and in comes Jackson Fenix to a big pop from the crowd!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "AND IN COMES FENIX!”

All fired up, having not spent a single solitary second in this match up to now, Fenix catches the charging Celestia with a clothesline, and another clothesline, and a spinning heel kick! Celestia scrambles to her feet, trying to regain composure, but Fenix is stalking her…SPEAR!


And Jackson Fenix makes the cover!

ONE…TWO…THR-NO! Blair with the save!

Not content with just breaking the pin attempt, Blair begins to unload with a series of punches on Fenix, but here comes Nate Savage! The big man of the match drops Blair with a Discus Forearm, before Trixie leaps off the top rope with a crossbody-…and Nate Savage catches her, before spinning and nailing her with a Uranage!

Seeing Celestia sat in a corner clutching her ribs, and Blair Ravenwood in the opposite corner nursing her jaw, Nate spawns an idea…Cannonball Senton to Blair! Immediately, Nate darts to his feet and charges to the opposite corner and the younger Ravenwood sister…Cannonball-NO! Celestia avoids, AND TRIXIE WITH THE BUNDLE OF FUN TO AN UPSIDE DOWN NATE SAVAGE!

Rod Sterling: "This is ridiculous! The referee has lost all control of this match! FIRE HIM, DAMNIT!”

Christian Quinn: “Loosen up, Rod!”

Having gotten out of harms way of Nate’s cannonball, and with all of the illegal bodies rolling out of the ring to recuperate, Celestia turns her attention back to Fenix, who stares back at her in turn…after a brief moments hesitation from both, they both decide “fuck it” and just starts trading punches, much to the delight of the crowd.

<< 14:21. >>

With The Coven and UX back on their respective aprons, the referee seems to have finally regained some control of the match as Nate Savage repeatedly stomps Celestia in his team’s corner, before making the tag to Jackson Fenix, who in turn, tags in Xperienx, who climbs to the top rope. Nate Savage lifts Celestia up and hits an Atomic Drop, Jackson then follows up with a Superkick which floors Celestia, and XPERIENX SILENX WITH A SWANTON BOMB! COVER!


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Celestia Ravenwood showing her championship metal after a devastating triple team!”

As Xperienx is about to pick Celestia up, his attention is once again drawn to Blair Ravenwood and the prospect of vengeance. The elder Ravenwood, seeing an opportunity to save her sister from further punishment, gestures for Xperienx to bring it. Nate and Jackson try to reason with Xperienx and get his mind back on the task at hand, and the masked man seems to have given in to reason as he drags Celestia towards his corner and tags in Nate Savage…before charging by at Blair and diving straight over her hea-BLOCKBUSTER BY XPERIENX! Blair and Xperienx crashes to the floor in a heap!

Christian Quinn: "Jesus Christ, what an impact! They’re both out of it!”

Rod Sterling: "Xperienx just couldn’t help himself. He wanted payback for what happened on Fallout, and I think he may have just got it!”

Seeing Blair getting flattened right by her, Trixie drops down to check on her friend. Jackson, seeing Trixie make a move towards Xperienx, drops down off the apron and CHARGES AT TRIXIE, tackling the young woman to the ground, and they both begin rolling around and swinging punches!

Rod Sterling: "It’s become an all out brawl!”

As Nate Savage watches the carnage transpire from outside the ring, Celestia slowly climbs to her feet. Noticing his opponent storing, Nate gets his head back in the game lifts Celestia the rest of the way, before throwing her towards the ropes, going for the Nasty Bomb! Nate Savage is looking to end this…he pops Celestia up, AND NAILS HER WITH THE NASTY BOMB!

Rod Sterling: "NASTY BOMB! IT’S OVER!”

Nate goes for the cover…





Jean-Luc Watkins: "Wait, was that a three!?”

Rod Sterling: "The referee isn’t calling for the bell! THE MATCH IS STILL GOING! Trixie Bordeaux with the save of a lifetime!”

Jackson Fenix, having lost control of Trixie for a moment, rushes into the ring and charges at her, looking for Britney Spear…AND TRIXIE LEAPFROGS FENIX! Fenix crashes into the turnbuckle…HOCUS POCUS! Trixie lays out Jackson Fenix!

As the referee tries to get Trixie out of the ring, Celestia and Nate Savage begin to stir. They both gingerly rise to their feet, with Celestia behind Nate, and seeing the referee distracted, Celestia punts Nate Savage in the peepee!


Christian Quinn: “Can’t call what you don’t see!”

Nate Savage crumbles to the floor as Celestia stumbles her way to the top rope, steadies herself, and takes flight…HEX BOMB! Celestia nails the Swanton! She makes the cover, and Trixie quickly leaves the ring…THE REF IS MAKING THE COUNT…




Winners: The Coven via pinfall at 18:24.

Kurt Harrington: “Here are your winners, AND STILL, the FWA Trios Champions…Blair and Celestia Ravenwood and Trixie Bordeaux, THE COVEN!”

Trixie immediately slides back into the ring to check on Celestia, but Celestia tells her to go check on Blair. Trixie rolls out of the ring to see Blair and Silenx stirring after their nasty crash landing. As Trixie helps her friend to her feet, Celestia collects their championship belts from the referee and rolls out of the ring as Nate Savage and Jackson Fenix comes too.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Much like they did at Lights Out against YDS, The Coven have stolen a win using nefarious means and have escaped with their Trios Titles by the skin of their teeth.”

Rod Sterling: "Yes they did. The Undisputed Xperienx looked every bit the equal of The Coven here tonight, and the trio of witches can count themselves lucky that they’re leaving with those titles in hand. I don’t think this will be the last time that these two face off, and I for one would love to see that rematch.”

As The Coven walk backwards up the isle, with Trixie in the middle, struggling to hold her two battered friends up, and raises their Trios Titles in the air, Nate and Jackson sit on the canvas, staring The Coven down, before their attention turns to Silenx, who gingerly rolls into the ring. Nate and Fenix stares at their masked friend intently, clearly needing to hash some things out between themselves. As UX turn their attention back to The Coven, the final image before the scene fades is Blair, Celestia, and Trixie Bordeaux holding their championships high, with the fans airing their disapproval at the method with which they achieved victory.


A commercial airs for the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance’s next foray on pay-per-view: May 2024’s the Grand March. Particular attention is paid to the F1 Climaxxx, with its final due to take place on the supershow.

Live from San Francisco, California.
Sunday 12th May, 2024.


The stadium is pitch black, except for a single spotlight shining down on the entrance ramp. The crowd is dead silent, waiting with bated breath. The air is thick with anticipation.

Christian Quinn: “Either of you two know what is going on here? Are we having some sort of power issue?”

Rod Sterling: “This is certainly not something I have down on my run sheet, but I think we’ve all been doing this long enough to know to expect the unexpected and just roll with the punches.”

Suddenly, the music starts. The opening bass line of Devil's Dance by Metallica fills the air, then the opening guitar riff begins to shriek through the air. There is a break in the guitar, the spotlight gets shut off for a second and as the guitars come back heavier the spotlight flashes back on and as it does Johnny “The Legend” Johnson throws his arms up in a flex pose as pyro flares up on both sides of the stage next to him and loud booms are popped off as some of the fireworks fly up in the air.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Johnny Johnson? He’s back! We’ve not seen him since before Lights Out and well, we weren’t sure whether we were going to see him again but 2023 is ending with another big return to the FWA. He’s a former North American Champion!”

Johnny then brings his arms down and flexes his arms in front of his body as he lets out a scream. At that point the lights are back on in the rest of the stadium.

With how the crowd is reacting to the return of The Legend, the only way to describe it would be a mixed reaction. With a fair amount of cheers for the returning superstar, but those cheers are still in a sea of boos and insults being slung at Johnny’s way.

Rod Sterling: “In the case of Johnson, it seems that absence has not made the heart grow fonder…”

Dressed in his ring gear. Wearing a dark blue pair of wrestling trunks with the words, “The Legend”, on the back side of them in white lettering. He is wearing a matching pair of dark blue wrestling boots. To complete the entire ensemble he’s wearing his own t-shirt, with “The Legend” on the front in gold lettering, and then on the back of the t-shirt it says in the same gold lettering, “continues”.

Once he is done flexing his arms to the crowd, he then raises his right arm in the air with a clenched fist. Wearing a cocky smirk on his face he begins to make his way to the ring. As he walks down to the ring the fans try to interact with him any way they want to. Some tell him they love him, most of the fans, however, share their displeasure for him being there. Even with the insults being flung his way he doesn’t flinch and keeps walking towards the ring with his arm in the air and cocky smirk on his face.

Johnny finally gets to the ring steps, he then bends over and slaps the steel steps with his hands. After he slaps the steps he stands back up and yells out to the crowd, “Guess who’s back baby!”.

Johnny then makes his way up the ring steps, he walks on the apron of the ring to get to the next turnbuckle, as he does he climbs up the turnbuckle, he reaches his arms in the air and then begins to flex them, once again. As he flexes he begins to yell out to the crowd, answering back from all the insults he took as he walked down to the ring. After he’s satisfied with the amount of trash he talked to the crowd Johnny climbs down from the turnbuckle and enters the ring through the ropes.

Johnny then makes his way to the middle of the ring and puts his hand in the air with a clenched fist. As the music is still pumping Johnny rocks his head to the beat, and then he just starts playing air guitar in the middle of the ring, then as the words, “let’s dance” are sung the music stops. Johnny reaches around the back of him and grabs the microphone that he had stuff in his trunks. He then holds up to his mouth and utters the first words he can think of.

Johnny Johnson: “What the fuck am I doing here?!”

Amused by himself he laughs hysterically in the ring. The crowd, not pleased with the tone of Johnny’s voice, roar with boos toward him.

Johnny Johnson: “I’m gonna need you all to shut your mouths and open your ears, cause I have the mic and, well I think it’s only polite that I tell you why I have returned to this trash heap of a place.

Johnny begins to pace the ring, like a tiger pacing in a cage.

Johnny Johnson: “You see, five months ago, I thought I was done. It wasn’t because I didn’t think I could still get in this ring and be the greatest. No, instead, five months ago I had to decide how much I actually wanted to be in this ring. How much I wanted to actually put my body through the physical punishment, night after night. I didn’t want to turn out like my bottom of the barrel, dead beat father that will probably see himself in a wheelchair by the time he’s sixty.”

The crowd grows a little silent with the boos as Johnny continues to talk and instead the crowd isn’t sure how to act as you can tell the sincerity in Johnny’s voice for once. Johnny gets a little more firm with his voice and he continues to speak in the ring as he paces.

Johnny Johnson: “But you know what, that’s what made me realize I needed to come back here. I needed to get back in this ring. I have lived in the shadow of a piece of garbage like my father way too long. Not only did I realize that, but I also realized that there are reasons I won’t have the same fate as that loser. It’s because, unlike him, I actually have top tier talent. I am one of the best in this ring.”

As Johnny ends his last sentence, he pauses in the middle of the ring. He also stops speaking for a second. He gets a sly grin on his face.

Johnny Johnson: “Not only that, but that’s what I’m doing here in this low level country. I flew twelve plus hours to come here and give all you pissants a reason for you to actually be entertained. So, you’re welcome. And that is why I am here to do one thing.”

Johnny then turns and faces towards the backstage area, while still holding the microphone to his mouth.

Johnny Johnson: “Do I think I should have needed to come to this trash heap, no, but I did. I did it to give one person back there the chance of a lifetime. I am serving up an open challenge for any of the people in the back there. If anyone back there thinks they’re good enough. If they think they’re strong enough. I am begging them to come out here and face me.”

The fans cheer as Johnny challenges anybody in the FWA to come out and face him in a match. Johnny just stands there a little bit, and begins to look annoyed that no one has answered the call in the first ten seconds after he offered it.

Johnny Johnson: “Look, I get it, I’d be scared to come out here and be embarrassed in front of this crowd as you tried to fight against a man who hasn’t stepped in this ring for half a year either. You know what, maybe I was overzealous with this challenge. Maybe I thought there was someone, back there, that actually had the stones to face me. Maybe I-”

Johnson pauses as someone does walk out from the back and the crowd are very elated to see that it is none other than ‘The Prodigy’ Mike Parr coming out to answer the call! In the heat of the moment, there is no music playing, but it seems that given he is dressed to compete, Parr is more than welcome to come out and take up Johnson on his challenge. Gracelynn Guerrero jogs out from the back at the same time to officiate this impromptu match!

Rod Sterling: “Well, here’s a chance to see whether Johnny Johnson is just full of hot air! He’s had an answer to his challenger and it is someone that would give any competitor on the planet a tough time at the very least!”

Christian Quinn: “Running your mouth here in the FWA is a very risky business and whilst Johnson can usually back up his bold claims, he may be found out here against one of the best to ever step foot in an FWA ring.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is Mike Parr fresh off of a return to the FWA himself - he appeared as a replacement opponent against Konchu Hao but failed to overcome ‘The Mad Wizard’ and well, he didn’t take the defeat very well.”

Parr slides into the ring and Johnson stands up to face him with his arms outstretched, but he does not expect Parr to leap right at him and take him down with a Clothesline! Hurriedly, Guerrero calls for the bell for this unannounced match to get underway!


Mike Parr vs. Johnny Johnson.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Man.

<< 00:00. >>

Johnson snaps up from the mat from the Clothesline, but quickly gets knocked down to the mat once again by a second one from the very fired up Mike Parr. Once Johnson rises once again, ‘The Prodigy’ charges towards him and connects with a Running Dropkick to the chest and this sends ‘The Legend’ tumbling through the ropes to the floor. Parr rises to his feet and absorbs the supportive reaction from the crowd and goes to follow up on Johnson on the outside, who has already begun to make an exit.

Rod Sterling: “Looks like ‘The Legend’ has had some second thoughts after Mike Parr has got off to such a quick start to the match. You know how it goes - be careful what you wish for!”

Christian Quinn: “I don’t think Johnson was expecting someone of Mike Parr’s calibre to come out here and answer his challenge - probably wanted the vampire guy or dawg that wore the bikini.”

At ringside, Johnson has his back to the ring and he holds his chest on his way up the ramp, but Parr clubs him from behind and Johnson tumbles down onto his hands and knees. Picking Johnson up, the fans cheer Parr on as he walks him towards the ring and then rolls him back inside under the bottom rope. Johnson is able to rise to his feet as Parr slides into the ring himself and he meets Parr with a stomp to the back as he slides back in.

There is a look of anger and aggression in Johnny’s face as he stomps on Parr some more and then brings him up to his feet. Johnson looks to take Parr over with a Snap Suplex, but Parr is able to shift his centre of gravity to make it hard for Johnson to do so. Parr then turns the tables on Johnson and delivers a Suplex of his own! Johnson’s back arches on the mat and he then crawls back up to his feet but is met with a knee to the face from Parr that causes his legs to wobble from underneath him.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is a very focused Mike Parr we’re seeing here tonight. He’s looking to make that impact and show everyone why he has always been considered one of the top stars here in the FWA.”

Johnson’s wobbles take him back into the corner where he rests his back against the turnbuckle and Parr charges in, delivering a shoulder block to the midsection which doubles Johnson over. Parr lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle from below and then mounts the middle rope himself. He clubs Johnson on the back a couple of times and applies a Double Underhook. Parr steps up onto the top rope with Johnson in position… AVALANCHE DOUBLE UNDERHOOK SUPLEX!!!

The massive move so early in the match has the fans on their feet and Parr shakes off the effects of the impact on himself to get a cover on Johnson;


Rod Sterling: “To his credit, Johnny Johnson kicks out but this could have negative consequences as it gives Mike Parr more of a chance to inflict punishment!”

<< 07:33. >>

Jean-Luc Watkins: “If you had to chart Johnny Johnson’s emotional state right now, my money would be on ‘regret’, wrestling fans. This open challenge of his is really on course to backfiring”

Mike Parr waits in the corner as Johnny Johnson slowly picks himself up from the mat and measures him. He runs in, looking for a Shining Wizard, but Johnson manages to lay flat and duck it in time. With Parr having run past him, Johnson reaches up and pulls him down to the mat with a Schoolboy - and Johnson grabs onto the middle rope at the same time!


The referee stopped the count as she spotted Johnson grabbing the rope! Johnson rises to his feet and puts his arms in the air, believing that he had won the match but his face shifts into shock and then anger as he realises that he had been caught. He gets in the referee’s face and tells her that she is going to regret doing that to him, but Guerrero maintains her professionalism.

Rod Sterling: “Johnson isn’t pleased about that one, but he really needs to turn his attention back to Mike Parr. Here comes ‘The Prodigy’!”

With Johnson having his back to Parr whilst he remonstrates with the referee, ‘The Prodigy’ is presented with an opportunity to continue his advantage. However it seems that this was all by design as Johnson evades the clubbing strike from behind and Parr has to pump the brakes in order to avoid striking the referee with his hit. Parr turns around and Johnson takes him down with a Clothesline of his own. The fans shower Johnson with boos as he stands tall in the ring over Parr.

Parr rises up to his knees and starts picking himself up from the mat but Johnson approaches him and then hits Parr with a Float Over DDT!! After getting spiked on his head, Parr lands on his back and Johnson goes for a pin, tightly hooking the leg;


Parr shoots his shoulder up forcefully to end the count and he ends up face down on the mat, holding the back of his head. Wasting no time, Johnson rises back up and then runs the ropes and comes back… and he lands on top of Parr with a Back Senton to the back of Parr’s head!

Christian Quinn: “Oof, that one didn’t look nice. I think when Mike gets up we’re going to see an imprint of his face on the mat.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Lateral press from Johnson - he could take it here!”


Once again, Parr kicks out and once again Johnson finds himself entering a debate with the official, arguing that it was three and the match should be over.

<< 12:01. >>

The fans clap in unison as they attempt to rouse Mike Parr as he finds himself trapped in a Side Headlock by Johnson in the middle of the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is some sound strategy from Johnny Johnson - he’s wearing Mike Parr down and once he’s done that for long enough, theoretically, it should be easy for ‘The Legend’ to put things to bed here in Istanbul.”

It seems as if the support is doing its job as Mike Parr gets his knees underneath him and uses this to start to bring himself up to a vertical base. He meets Johnson with a couple of elbow strikes to the ribs and this seems to cause Johnson to back off slightly. Parr backs Johnson into the ropes and then uses the momentum to shoot him across the ring. Parr jumps in the air, looking for a dropkick, but Johnson grabs onto the ropes and doesn’t come back.

This allows Johnson to charge in and drop another Back Senton across Parr’s back after he missed the Dropkick. He then lifts Parr up from the mat and hooks him up, looking for a Brainbuster, but Parr shifts his weight and then lands on the mat behind Johnson… and he attempts to hook him up for the ROLLING CUTTER - BUT JOHNSON SPINS OUT OF IT AND DROPS PARR WITH A CLOTHESLINE!!

Christian Quinn: “Good awareness from Johnson there - he’s hanging in there with Mike Parr and you’ve got to give the kid some credit.”

Johnson picks Parr up from the mat once more and sends him into the corner and then tries to elevate him up onto the turnbuckle. Parr manages to fight Johnson off though and connects with a boot to the head and then Parr steadies himself on the middle turnbuckle and waits for Johnson to come closer to him once more. Parr hooks him up and kicks off from the turnbuckle… TORNADO DDT!!! Parr goes for another pin;


Rod Sterling: “Some more impressive resilience shown there by Johnson. He’s taken everything that Parr has thrown at him in this match and you know, he could squeak this one out if things continue.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, we saw against Konchu Hao how frustrated Mike Parr was getting with his inability to finish his opponent off. That could present a chance for Johnson here…”

<< 18:00. >>

Christian Quinn: “You can really see how much this match has taken out of both of these guys and well, I’m not sure how much either of them have left.”

Johnson lifts Parr up from the mat one more time and he holds his arms in position and then drives his forehead into Parr’s face several times. The blows seem to cause Parr to slowly fade and his legs fall out from underneath him and Johnson nods his heads as the fans voice their disapproval. Johnson holds his arms out and the fans jeer him more. He then motions that he’s going to end things and hooks Parr up from behind and lifts him up for the LEGEND’S END - BUT PARR ROLLS THROUGH!

The move causes Johnson to roll forwards and both men then get up to their feet. Parr charges in and looks for another Clothesline, but Johnson ducks it and locks in a Cobra Clutch Sleeper Hold! THE GREATEST SUBMISSION IS LOCKED IN!! Parr struggles in the hold for a few seconds as Johnson looks to finish the match off with the submission victory.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Johnson has the hold locked in - can Parr escape it or is it just a matter of time before he succumbs to the so-called Greatest Submission?”

Parr flails his arms around, trying to free himself, but he cannot. Johnson lifts him up in the air and then drops down, but Parr uses this momentum to once again roll Johnson forward but this time he is able to act quicker and hit Johnson with the ROLLING CUTTER!!! Johnson gets dropped on his head and Parr reaches across for the cover, but Johnson rolls under the bottom rope!!

Rod Sterling: “That’s not where Parr wanted him to go! Johnson is out on the floor and WAIT!”


WInner: Draw at 20:00.

Kurt Harrington: “Ladies and gentlemen, due to the expiration of the twenty-minute time limit… this match has been ruled as a DRAW!”

There is a deflated feeling among the fans as Mike Parr reaches out of the ring and looks down at Johnny Johnson. The two competitors lock eyes, with Johnson looking somewhat relieved for a moment before a smirk creeps on his face. He picks himself up and backs away towards the ramp and away from ‘The Prodigy’, not wanting any further part of Parr and content with the fact that the record states that Parr could not defeat him.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “A turn up for the books! It isn’t often you see two time limit draws on the same night but with Jeffry Mason and Anzu Kurosawa contesting one during Part One of Winter Wasteland that’s two. Despite there not being a conclusive winner in this one, both should be pleased with their performances. Perhaps there is some solace for them in that.”

Rod Sterling: “Johnny Johnson has certainly picked up from where he left off in being the FWA’s resident irritant. He constantly frustrated Mike Parr throughout this match and I think for a return performance, he will be pleased.”

Christian Quinn: “I don’t think Mike Parr is too happy, though! The loss against Konchu Hao was frustrating enough but he seems pretty pissed off to me!”

Indeed, Parr has now reached his feet and he is not happy at all. His refusal to shake Konchu Hao’s hand on Fallout 036 pales to the showing of anger that is on display as he kicks the bottom rope and shrugs off the referee’s attempts to talk to him. With Johnson disappearing with a wave, Parr exits the ring and storms up the ramp himself - his return to the FWA not going exactly to plan…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Things aren’t quite clicking for Mike Parr - perhaps a change of approach is required?”


After a brief advertisement for FWA-branded noodles, we return to the stadium where play-by-play man Jean-Luc Watkins stands alone in the ring. His music, ‘America is Waiting’ by Eno and Byrne, is still playing and he has a microphone in his hand.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Good evening, wrestling fans. Apologies for the break in service, but it is now time for me to make a very special announcement: the reveal of the eight competitors lined up for 2024’s F1 Climaxxx!"

The crowd's impatience turns to applause, J-L lowering the microphone slightly to bask in his momentary importance.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Let's start with the champions entering the field, of which we have only two this year. Firstly:"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "The man who, last year, went undefeated through five matches in Block B, and has now held the FWA North American Championship for a full year. He will be hoping to go one better this year… Bryan Baxter!"

General booing in the audience, many of whom were in attendance earlier today to see this man squeeze out another not-so-clean victory.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Next up:"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "A man who joined the FWA only a few weeks ago, but has remained Undefeated in his six matches thus far. Along the way, he's picked up both the Gunfight One Ring and the FWA World Tag Team Championships… Xavien Marshall!"

More of a mixed reaction for the second competitor. Jean-Luc plows on.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Plowing on…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "A former X Champion and World Tag Team Champion here in the FWA, the Daredevil returned to the promotion two months ago. He went close in the Buddy Bowl, and perhaps that tag team effort will prove vital practise for this singles tournament. Introducing entrant three… Gerald Grayson!"

A huge cheer erupts for entrant three, with the fans relieved to see a wrestler they can get behind.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Next up…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Really? No. I won't do it. No! Number four is Halloween Knight et cetera et cetera."

Despite J-L’s obvious contempt, the cheers continue for the Tr1ck or Tr4sh member.


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Resuming regular service with a former World, X, and World Tag Team Champion, who qualified from Pool B last year but withdrew from proceedings to focus on his championship match against Devin Golden. That decision was vindicated, with Peacock going on to stabilize a division that had been in turmoil for years. Entrant five… Chris Peacock!"

Mostly boos for the fifth wrestler, although there are pockets of cheers and a defiant ‘FTN!’ chant circulates amongst these pockets.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Entrant six…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "One of four wrestlers who wasn’t in the FWA last year…"

J-L pauses to roll his eyes.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Out next combatant has been a part of the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance, in one fashion or another, for almost a year now, and joins the F1 field following a victory over Violet Dreyer at Lights Out and defeat in the Buddy Bowl final. The next entrant in the Climaxxx is… weaselperson!"

A very mixed reaction for the sixth competitor, though it appears the boos have it.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "And next…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Another F1 debutant, this man has held FWA gold in the form of the X and World Tag Team Championships since his debut following Ground Zero Season Two. Our penultimate competitor in the F1 Climaxxx 2024: Konchu Hao!"

Cheers for the picture of the seventh entrant on the big screen. J-L waits for the audience to settle…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Finally…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "One of four wrestlers who were present in the starter’s blocks of 2023’s F1 Climaxxx, our final competitor is perhaps most associated with the FWA North American Championship, which he has held a total of four times for five hundred and ninety two days. That includes a record reign of four hundred and fifty four days, a record currently under threat by Baxter’s ongoing reign, which hits day number four hundred tomorrow. Rounding out the F1 2024 field: Mike Parr!!"

Another mixed reaction in the audience, with the image on the screen changing to that of the (unpopulated) F1 schedule:


Jean-Luc Watkins: "With the F1 due to begin on January 1st, the two pools of four will be announced as a New Year’s Day gift, along with the fixtures for the first three rounds of matches. Furthermore, on the 14th January, after the upcoming ‘A Very Crossfire Christmas’ show, all eight entrants will be present in Beijing for a press conference, where they’ll be invited to give their own thoughts ahead of the FWA’s annual test of endurance. Let the games begin!"

With that, J-L’s music plays and he leaves the ring, heading back to the announce booth. The big screen displays an image of all eight men involved in the upcoming tournament, along with key information for the Grand March 2024, where the final will take place.

We fade out to a brief commercial for the new range of FWA action figures, including a Trixie Bordeaux figure with crotch-punching arm actions, a Harry the Sane Wizard doll with removable hand, and a five-piece set of Shawn Summers’ legal team.


Kurt Harrington: Ladies and gentlemen, your next match is set for ONE FALL and is for the FWA X-CHAMPIONSHIP!”

“Introducing first, the challenger, hailing from The Residence, ‘The Daughter of Demise,’ KERES!”

Keres appears at the top of the entrance ramp, flanked by two masked individuals wearing suits. As the fog rolls across the stage, they pick her up on their shoulders and carry her to the ring, seemingly careful to not let her feet touch the floor. They set her up on the apron and walk away in perfect unison.

Christian Quinn: “What the hell is all this? Creepy little girl, isn’t she?”

As Keres methodically saunters toward the corner to wait on Tommy, there’s a disturbance in the crowd behind the broadcast table. Tommy Bedlam has come through the crowd, hopped the security railing, and is blindsiding Keres! He unleashes a series of kicks and punches on her as she’s pinned in the corner of the ring, and the crowd of 50,000-plus is going wild! The bell sounds, and the X-Title match is officially underway.


THIRD MATCH || 1/60.
Tommy Bedlam (c) vs. Keres.
X Rules Match (No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere) for the FWA X Championship.
Match writer: Tom O’Bedlam.


Jean Luc Watkins: “Tommy Bedlam isn’t wasting any time getting into this one.”

Christian Quinn: “Dammit. I was kinda looking forward to singing ‘Wanted Dead or Alive.’”

Tommy is quick on the offense, pounding on the fallen Keres with a bevy of rights and lefts. The official can’t do much about the closed fists in this no-rules contest. Sure that Keres is at least slowed down, Tommy rolls out of the ring, flips up the ring skirt, and begins plundering for weapons.

Rod Sterling: “It’s been something to see, watching Tommy Bedlam slowly become more adept at this X-Rules matches. He seems to be relishing this higher level of violence.”

As Tommy continues pulling out chairs, trashcans, and everything else he can find under the ring, the lights in the arena suddenly go out.

Jean Luc Watkins: “What the hell is happening? Folks, I guess we’re having some technical difficu-”

Before he can finish his thought, the lights in the arena come back on, but Keres is gone. Tommy climbs back into the ring and starts running around, looking over each rope. He slides back out of the ring and starts looking under it for Keres, but she’s nowhere to be seen. The big screen at the top of the ramp flickers a couple times before Keres appears, standing in the darkness.

Keres: “My, Tommy. That was a nice start for you. You do seem to do well when the lights are at their brightest. But I am a daughter of the darkness. If you really want to put an end to this whole thing, you’ll do so on my conditions. Step into the darkness if you dare.”

Tommy jumps out of the ring and heads up the ramp with a steel chair in hand, as official, Richard Davis jogs behind him.


Tommy is deep in the bowels of Ali Sami Yen Spor Kompleksi searching for Keres when he finally approaches a room at the bottom of a flight of metal stairs. The corridor is dark, but there’s a soft purple light coming from under the door.

Tommy kicks the door open and barges in, but once again sees nothing. Before he can fully search, Keres emerges from the shadows and digs her long, black fingernails into Tommy’s back, raking his flesh.

Rod Sterling: “I don’t even know where this match is taking place. It appears that it’s in a room that is beneath the stadium. The X-Title match has literally gone underground.”

Jean Luc Watkins: “Keres has managed to get this match a few feet closer to hell, and I don’t think that bodes well for the champion.”

Keres backs away a few feet and then charges in delivering a chop block to the back of Bedlam’s legs, bringing the champion to the ground. She quickly follows up with a series of kicks to his back and ribs, chopping him down little by little.

With Tommy on the ground, Keres grabs one of his legs and applies a Leg-Vine submission. Richard Davis gets on the ground and starts asking Tommy if he wants to submit. The X-Champion is fighting hard, but he’s obviously in significant pain. He refuses to give up, and eventually, Keres breaks the hold.

Christian Quinn: “I like what Keres is doing here, guys. She’s not going to overpower Tommy Bedlam, but if she can take out his knees and weaken that back, size won’t matter much at all.”

Keres walks into the shadows of the room where the fight has moved to and comes back with a short lead pipe in her hand. She looks at the weapon with a sick smile, the soft purple light reflecting from it and back into her dark, lifeless eyes. She lets out a guttural scream and swings the pipe down hard into Tommy’s ribs. A slow, demented chuckle begins to come from Keres as she drives the pipe into his ribs again, and again. The chuckle has turned into a full-blown demonic laugh, as she’s doing everything she can to destroy Tommy Bedlam. Keres hooks the leg and goes for the pin.


NO! Tommy gets a shoulder up at the last second, but he’s obviously hurting. Bedlam manages to land a kick to Keres’ midsection in an effort to create some distance between himself and the challenger.

Rod Sterling: “You have to think that Bedlam suffered some broken ribs there. Keres has really taken it to the FWA X Champion.”


It’s not quite clear what sort of room Keres has lured Tommy to, or how large it is, but the fight continues Keres continues to keep Tommy slowed down with a series of kicks to the thighs and midsection, and it’s becoming more and more obvious that “The Cowboy” is in some serious trouble.

Keres charges through the darkness and lands a beautiful dropkick to Tommy’s sternum that knocks him into a wall. Tommy lets out an audible grunt as the wind is forced from his lungs. Keres can be heard mumbling something to herself as she goes back across the room.

She lets out a screech and charges in toward Tommy, but Bedlam catches her! Bedlam catches Keres and hoists her high above his head. He charges toward the door with her, and Tommy Bedlam powerbombs Keres through the door of the dungeon-like room where they’ve been fighting and into the hallway.

Keres lands on the metal steps that lead toward the door with a sickening thud, and her body is contorted and twisted against the grated steel steps. Barely breathing, Tommy manages to crawl toward Keres, hook a leg, and goes for the pin.

Rod Sterling: “That has to be it for this one. Tommy Bedlam just powerbombed Keres through a door and onto those steel steps.”


NO! NO! Keres kicks out. She will not stay down. Tommy quickly goes for another pin.


NO! She kicks out even quicker this time.

Christian Quinn: “I’m not sure how that powerbomb didn’t break every bone in her body!”

Tommy rolls off of Keres, and both competitors are lying on the steps that lead somewhere under the stadium. Tommy grabs Keres by the hair and begins dragging her back up the steps.


After battling through the concourse, Tommy and Keres appear in the crowd not far from the entrance ramp. He hits her with a crushing right hook to the jaw, but the diminutive Keres seems almost unphased by it. He hits her with a quick left-right combo, but once again, it doesn’t look like it’s doing anything. Keres tilts her head ever so slightly to the left and…she’s smiling at Tommy!

Jean Luc Watkins: “Is she enjoying this? Keres is smiling at a man who outweighs her by 100 pounds and is punching her in the face.”

With no warning, Tommy spins around and delivers a crushing lariat. It’s The Last Call! Tommy Bedlam hits the last call! Keres goes airborne, but somehow, she lands perfectly on her feet on the edge of the entrance, some 20 feet away.

Rod Sterling: “WHAT THE HELL?! Did she just…levitate?!”

Tommy looks both terrified and enraged as he charges down the bleacher steps, hops the barricade, and climbs up onto the stage. Keres quickly grabs him before he can get up and drives him head first into one of the screens on the side of the stage, busting open “The Cowboy.”

Keres walks over to the edge of the stage and starts fidgeting with something. The camera struggles to pick up what it is, but it looks like…a match! She finally gets the match to light and for a moment, stares, almost lustfully, at the flickering flame in her hand. She smiles at the burning match and tosses it off the stage, igniting a large ring between the side of the stage and the crowd.

Jean Luc Watkins:: “She’s literally trying to send Tommy Bedlam to hell!, and it’s all completely within the rules in an X-Title match.”

Tommy is obviously disoriented and still nursing the injured ribs that he suffered earlier in the match as Keres pulls him over closer to the side of the stage. He manages to get up to one knee, but she begins unloading on him with a series of kicks. Out of what could only be instinct, Tommy forces himself up to his feet, as Keres continues unleashing a flurry of fast-paced kicks and elbow shots.

Rod Sterling: “The champion is teetering here, folks! Tommy Bedlam is only inches away from falling into that fire that Keres ignited at the side of the stage! This may very well be the end of his title reign.”

Jean Luc Watkins: “His title reign? This very well may be the end of Tommy Bedlam! We’ve heard and seen how she’s been tormenting him as of late, but things are going to a whole new level here!”

Tommy, bloodied and battered is wobbling on the edge of the stage, as the capacity crowd has fallen almost into a stunned silence. Keres takes a couple steps back and spins herself around. She’s going for the Oscurità! She spins around, but Tommy catches her! He throws her up on his shoulders and hits the 8 Second Ride! Tommy Bedlam hits the 8 Second Ride on Keres, taking both of them from the edge of the stage and into the middle of the burning ring! The crowd comes completely unhinged, as Richard Davis hops off the ramp and moves toward the fallen competitors.

Tommy has an arm draped across Keres’ chest, and Davis manages to get close enough to make the count.


WInner: Tommy Bedlam via Pinfall at 22:31

FWA officials, medical personnel, and others rush from the back, extinguishing the flames and checking on both competitors. The camera shifts to the broadcast table where Rod Sterling, Christian Quinn and Jean Luc Watkins sit with stunned looks on their faces.

Rod Sterling: “Tommy Bedlam has retained his title, but at what cost? While FWA officials tend to Bedlam and Keres, sit tight for a word from our sponsors.


A commercial airs for the WCNetwork, featuring the FWA archives for a low price of $49.99 per week! Inflation's a bitch.


It appears the previous advertisement either ran long or was played accidentally, because we cut right back to the ring which already has Jobber Jimbo, Jiggy Jon, and Jugem Jugem standing within it. The middle of Tr1ck or Tr4sh’s entrance music is still blaring out, with Juan Tothrefor, Trash Mammal, and Halloween Knight at the foot of the ramp. Kurt has already been making his introductions, and we just about hear the conclusion thereof.

Kurt Harrington: “... they are… Tr1ck or Tr4sh!!”

There is some cheering but mostly bemusement in the arena as the three enter the ring. The official conducts his final checks and then calls for the bell.


Tr1ck or Tr4sh (Juan Tothrefor, Trash Mammal, and Halloween Knight) vs. Triple J Security (Jobber Jimbo, Jugem Jugem, and Jiggy Jon).
Trios Match.
Match writer: AON.

The contest opened with Jobber Jimbo attempting to take things into his own hands, taking on Juantothrefor but was quickly overwhelmed by the impressive amount of teamwork displayed between Tr1ck or Tr4sh, all three men tagging in and out repeatedly and keeping the various members of Triple J Security completely off of her game. Only when Jugem Jugem managed to reverse a Juan tothrefor suplex by chunking him over the top rope and to the floor did he get a chance to do anything, and that one thing was to tag in Jiggy Jon, hoping to use a ground-and-pound style in their corner would be able to stop the nimble luchadors.

Things did go as planned for Triple J as Jiggy Jon and Jugen Jugen kept Juan tothrefor flat on the mat, but when Jiggy Jon attempted to run the ropes and, the ever-crafty Trash Mammal, used a little bit of cleverness and bent the rules by bending the top rope, sending Jiggy Jon tumbling over. When Jugem Jugem and Jobber Jimbo rushed across the ring to stop it, they were sent through the ropes and to the floor to join him by defensive hurricanranas from Trash Mammal and Halloween Knight. With all three of the heels outside the ring, Juan, Knight, and Trash Mammal took to the apron and NAILING ALL THREE OPPONENTS WITH TRIPLE ASAI MOONSAULTS!!!

Jiggy Jon is the first wrestler to recover and get back into the ring; Jiggy Jon greets Juan before whipping him into the ropes, only for Juan to spring off of them with a back handspring…HANDSPRING ELBOW!! Jon gets cracked across the jaw with Juan's athleticism, Juan spinning to his feet and giving the crowd another salute to a pop. He then pulls Jon over into his corner and tags Halloween Knight, who tags in Trash Mammal and sets up the gutbuster...PUMPKIN PATCH II CONNECTING!! Jon's head, neck, and gut all get hit here as Mammal goes to cover – 1…2…3-NO!! Jon is able to find his way out!

With Jon throwing his shoulder up so hard he rolls over, Mammal tags back in Halloween Knight before looking over his shoulders and seeing the two other members recovering outside. He makes a small motion to Halloween Knight, they both gear up...AND HIT THE COMBO DIVE KNOWN AS THE JUMPSCARE-!

Back in the ring the now legal men (Lucha rules-!) Jiggy Jon gets hit by a superkick...to the midsection (OHHH-!) superkick to the...shin...(OHHH-!!) Superkick to the...knee (OHH-!!!) Superkick to the...head...(OHHH!!!) followed by SENOR SENTON-!!! From Juan!! 1...2...3!!!

WInner: Tr1ck or Tr4sh via pinfall at 04:20.

Kurt Harrington: “Your winners… Tr1ck or Tr4sh!!”

The official hoists Juan Tothrefor’s hand into the air, with Trash Mammal and Halloween Knight joining him in the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I… just… I am at a loss for words.”

Rod Sterling: “Lighten up, Watkins…”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I thought we’d finally turned the corner after we got rid of Steve and Ratin but… now this? Something has to be done about this nonsense.”

With J-L seething at the booth and Tr1ck or Tr4sh celebrating in the ring, we fade away from the arena. A commercial airs about the power of advertising on the WCNetwork.


The crowd is on their feet as Gabrielle Montgomery walks out on stage. She surveys the stadium for a moment, her music blaring out and the audience cheering. She locks eyes on the empty ring ahead of her, a look of focus on her face as she begins to march towards it.

Kurt Harrington: ”Her opponent, weighing in one hundred and thirty two pounds…The Caramel Naiad…Gabrielle Montgomery!"

Rod Sterling: "It’s now time for a rematch from Back in Business 2022, with this woman about to take on one of her proteges from her coaching days on Ground Zero…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "That may be true, but the woman about to appear on the stage here in Istanbul is nearly unrecognizable when compared to the one Gabrielle once knew. I’m not sure there’s much of the original Lizzie left in Elizabeth…"

Gabrielle climbs into the ring, the audience still cheering her name as the music fades out. There’s a moment of anticipation before the next song htis.

The lights of the arena power down and there are small flashes of light as the music builds, with the only light coming from the big screen playing the entrance video. After seventeen seconds, a red spotlight appears on the stage as ‘The Blacklight Knight’ Elizabeth Rose, stands on the stage, back turned. Her signature Rose cane rests on her shoulders. She slowly turns around, planting her cane on the ground, looking forward with an almost bored look on her face. Lifting her cane up, she places it on her shoulder. before walking down the ramp.

Kurt Harrington: ”And her opponent, representing Eternal, from Brooklyn, New York by way of The Residence… ‘the Blacklight Knight’, Elizabeth Rose!"

Ignoring the fans who once cheered her, Elizabeth Rose looks forward to the ring, walking slowly. Heading around the ring, she runs her finger along the apron before she slides onto the edge of the ring. She sits along the apron, cane on her shoulder as she looks over her shoulder before rolling into the ring. In the middle of the ring, she plants the end of her cane on the ring canvas and looks forward at the hard camera. She spins her signature weapon around before heading to her corner, placing it down and removing her cap as her theme music fades. The official is now in the ring, conducting his final checks before calling for the bell.


FIFTH MATCH || 1/20.
Gabrielle vs. Elizabeth Rose.
Singles Match.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>

The fans are chanting for Gabrielle at the outset of this one, with both women stood motionless for a second and staring directly into the other’s eyes. All playfulness has disappeared from Gaby’s visage, a look of determined focus now upon it. Rose, though, has a sinister smirk on her own face, which she maintains as the two begin to circle the ring. Gabrielle offers a hand for a test of strength, which Elizabeth tentatively and hesitantly reached up towards…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "A boot to the midsection from Rose! It looked like we were going to get a test of strength between these two, but Elizabeth takes a shortcut to avoid that."

Rose follows up with a series of chops, backing Gabrielle into the ropes, and then looks to Irish whip her into the opposite set. Montgomery reverses, though, whipping Rose across the ring instead… but Elizabeth connects with a spinning heel kick upon reapproach! Gabrielle is quick to rise to her feet and charge at her opponent, but Rose is waiting for her with a flapjack! Elizabeth goes for the match’s first cover…

ONE… T – NO!

Gabrielle thrusts a shoulder up off the mat, with Elizabeth grabbing the arm immediately and attempting to wrench her over into an armbar. Gabrielle senses the peril, promptly dragging herself to the ropes. The referee forces a break, with Gabrielle pulling herself beneath the bottom rope. She walks around the outside with her hands on her hips.

Rod Sterling: "Gabrielle looks somewhat frustrated after that opening exchange. She takes some respite on the outside to re-evaluate her options."

After the success of the first tussle, Elizabeth's sinister smile is still firmly in place.


<< 03:51. >>

Gabrielle has Elizabeth in a side headlock, her feet planted in the middle of the ring, keeping Rose well clear of the ropes. Elizabeth reaches out for them but finds herself too far away, so instead is forced to fire off with elbow strikes into Gabrielle's gut. Montgomery holds on with the headlock but Rose feels her opponent's grip loosen, taking the opportunity to wrap her arms around Gabrielle's waist and wrench her off the ground…

Christian Quinn: "Back suplex from Elizabeth Rose! She breaks free of Gabrielle's headlock and plants the former Goddess on her back!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Rose has managed to stay one step ahead of Gabrielle so far in this one. Elizabeth did, of course, defeat Gabrielle back at Back in Business 2022. It appears that Rose has her former mentor’s number."

Rose hits some stomps on Gabrielle as she begins to climb up to her feet, eventually lifting her the rest of the way in a cravate style hold. She drags Montgomery over towards a corner, looking for Sliced Elizabeth. Rose managed to run up the turnbuckles, but before she can complete the cutter she is pushed off by Gabrielle. Rose flies over the top rope, landing in a heap on the outside!!!

Rod Sterling: "An ugly landing there for Elizabeth Rose on the outside! This is perhaps the opening that Gabrielle has been looking for."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "She looks to press that advantage by climbing to the top rope. This might not be the best idea – Elizabeth is a long way down!"

Rose slowly struggles to her feet on the outside, with (unbeknownst to her) Gabrielle looming high above…

Christian Quinn: "DIVING CROSS BODY!! Gabrielle collides with Elizabeth and both women go tumbling to the ground."

With the audience cheering for Gabrielle, the official starts a ten count with both women on the outside. Gabrielle fights up at six, rolls into the ring to break the count, and then takes it to Rose.


<< 08:46. >>

Gabrielle has Elizabeth in the corner, where she has mounted the second rope and rains down with right hands - ten in total as the audience chant along with her. She hops down to the mat, takes Rose by the hand, and whips her hard into the opposite corner. Elizabeth hits the turnbuckles with impact and stumbled back towards Gabrielle, who in turn charges across the ring to connect with a shotgun dropkick! Rose falls back into the corner, her head hitting the second turnbuckle as she slumps into a heap. Gabrielle drags her out from the corner and hooks the leg.


Jean-Luc Watkins: "A kick out from Rose, who is showing her resilience in the face of a prolonged period of offense for Gabrielle, but Elizabeth has to get something going of her own here."

Gabrielle hoists Rose back to her feet and applies a front facelock. She hoists Elizabeth up and over but allows Rose to land on her feet, perhaps looking for her split-legged hangman’s neckbreaker. Rose wants none of it, though, fighting out with side elbows, the third of which breaks her loose from Gabrielle's grip.

Rod Sterling: "Enziguri from Rose! And then a jumping heel kick! A savate kick knocks Gabrielle down!!"

Christian Quinn: "Those are strikes with seen utilized by Gabrielle for many years! Elizabeth Rose looking to embarrass Gabrielle here, maybe?"

The crowd boos the flourish from Rose, but the young woman pays them no mind. She instead hoists Gabrielle up once more, applying a straight jacket on her from behind.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Knightmare!! Rose connects with the backstabber! She goes for the pub…"


Gabrielle kicks out and the match rolls on, but with the advantage firmly with Elizabeth Rose.


<< 13:01. >>

Rod Sterling: "Elizabeth Rose connects with that low roundhouse kick that she calls Calling Mr. Violence. Gabrielle is doubled over… ETERNAL EFFECT!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Gabrielle is spiked onto the top of her head with the float-over tornado DDT! Lizzie with the cover…"


Gabrielle forces the shoulder up, and Rose signals that this ones over. She once more hoists Gabrielle to get feet and doubles her over with a spin kick to the gut. Rose charges off the nearby set of ropes.

Rod Sterling: "She's going for Kiss From A Rose… but Gabrielle reversed! Back body drop… Lizzie lands on her feet, showing impressive agility…"

Christian Quinn: "But she's WIPED OUT by a Savate kick from Gabrielle!! Repaying the favour from earlier in the match."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "The crowd goes wild, and Gabrielle is looking over to the corner. Is she thinking high risk?"

Indeed, Gabrielle climbs out onto the apron and then begins a slow, exhausted ascent towards the top turnbuckle. The going is tough for her, though, after the exertions of the match, and Elizabeth Rose is able to climb to her feet before Gabrielle reaches her perch.

Rod Sterling: "Gabrielle is cut off at the pass, with Rose striking with a hard right hand. And then another, and another! Rose is climbing up with her."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "She applies a front face lock, maybe looking for a superplex, but Gabrielle grips the top rope with her free hand. She's fighting for her life up there!!"

Despite repeated attempts from Rose to hoist her up, Gabrielle refuses to budge. Elizabeth has to pause to draw in some deep lung-fulls of oxygen, with Gabrielle seizing the opportunity to nail some right hands to the ribs. Rose teeters, and then falls from the second rope when Gabrielle thuds into her with a headbutt! Elizabeth lands on her feet as Gabrielle steps up onto the top rope.

Christian Quinn: "HEAD OVER HEELS!! Gabrielle connects with the top rope diving hurricanrana!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "But still Elizabeth Rose fights up to her feet! She just won't quit!!"

Rose stumbled around to face Gabrielle, who boots her in the midsection and applies a front facelock…

Rod Sterling: "34 DOUBLE D-DT!! Gabrielle plants Rose onto the top of her head! That's it!"


Winner: Gabrielle via pinfall at 15:40.

Gabrielle rolls off her defeated former protege, but for now that's all she is able to do. She sucks in oxygen and stares at the stadium lights as her music blares out.

Kurt Harrington: ”Here is your winner… GABRIELLE!!"

Rod Sterling: "It wasn't easy, but Gabrielle has done it! She's overcome the mind games of Eternal to avenge her defeat to Lizzie Rose last year at Back in Business!"

Christian Quinn: "Elizabeth Rose put up a hell of a fight, but in the end Gabrielle just had too much experience. That win was exactly what Gabrielle needed."

Finally, Gabrielle is helped back up to her feet by the referee. She allows the official to lift her hand in victory, the audience rampant in their celebrations of the win.

Gabrielle stares out of the ring and notices that Keres (bandaged up from her earlier exploits) and Princess Nova have now come down to ringside, where they help Elizabeth up to her feet. The three women almost snarl at Gabrielle as they back away from her, the hall of famer finally allowing herself a smile of her own as she climbs to the second turnbuckle to bathe in the crowd's adulation.




There’s a cold chill in the air as the music hits, the lights go out, and purple smoke begins to surround the entryway when Vengador steps out on stage to a mixed reaction. Vengador walks through the smoke that now lines the ramp on the way to the ring.

Kurt Harrington: “The following contest is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit! Introducing first, from The Realm of Despair and weighing in at 250 lb…he is Vengaaaaaadooooor!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This all began with a bouquet of roses, a peace offering of sorts from XYZ. Things seemed to be going well at first after Vengador accepted the roses in kind, but following a loss after teaming with XYZ and Trevor Walker, Vengador wasn’t as accepting of the roses. On the most recent edition of Fallout, we witnessed Vengador involve himself in XYZ’s match with our broadcast colleague, Anzu Kurosawa, and he left not only Anzu laid out but XYZ as well and that has brought us to tonight.”

The lights come back on and Vengador is in the ring now and starts to slowly pace around…

XYZ makes his way out to a warm reception and he seems a bit serious and focused, but that doesn’t stop him from handing out roses to audience members on his way to the ring.

Kurt Harrington: “His opponent, from Sitka, Alaska and weighing in at 185 lb…he is X…YYYYYYYY... ZZZZZZZZ!”

Christian Quinn: “Despite the recent actions of his opponent, XYZ seems unperturbed by it all as he’s still handing out roses to fans.”

Rod Sterling: “If you ask me that’s a mistake on his behalf, Quinn. He should definitely be more concerned with what awaits him inside the ring.”

XYZ enters the ring and referee Tommy Palmer does his best to keep Vengador at bay while XYZ readies himself in his corner while his music gradually fades out.


SIXTH MATCH || 1/20.
XYZ vs. Vengador.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Jimmy.


<< 00:00 >>

XYZ has one last rose in his possession and he tries to offer it to Vengador as one last attempt at an offering of peace, but Vengador answers with a stiff right hand to the jaw that rocks XYZ! The rose falls to the mat while Vengador lays into XYZ with lefts and rights that have XYZ in the corner now. Vengador starts to light up XYZ’s chest with machine gun chops before he sends XYZ to the opposite corner with a hard irish whip, and Vengador nearly knocks XYZ out of his boots with a stiff corner clothesline! Vengador unloads on XYZ with more machine gun chops before dragging him away from the corner and he hits an arm drag on XYZ. To his credit, XYZ kips back up to his feet, but he’s met with a standing dropkick from Vengador that knocks him off his feet once more.

Rod Sterling: “I’m not sure how wise that was for XYZ to offer up another rose, but it certainly didn’t play out like he had probably hoped it would so probably not a wise move on his part.”

Christian Quinn: “Perhaps he’s not a fan of roses, maybe he’s more of a daisy or sunflower kind of guy.”

Vengador strikes with a jumping leg drop to XYZ and then quickly applies a rear chin lock. Vengador is doing his best to slow down the pace but XYZ quickly puts a stop to that with repeated elbows to the midsection that break the hold. XYZ strikes with a sharp european uppercut to Vengador and then a standing dropkick to the chest that sends staggering back into the ropes, and off that Vengador stumbles into another standing dropkick from his opponent…

XYZ goes for a springboard moonsault, but it turns out to be a fake out on his part as he flips back and lands on his feet. He goes to finish off this sequence with a quick standing senton, but Vengador rolls out on the way and XYZ hits the canvas back first! Vengador goes to pick XYZ up in a front facelock, but XYZ comes back with another standing dropkick to the chest! Vengador is knocked back into the ropes and XYZ charges at Vengador, but Vengador is ready and ducks him and pulls the ropes down for XYZ to tumble to the outside…

Vengador ascends to the top rope and patiently waits as XYZ collects himself…diving moonsault on XYZ to the outside! The crowd reacts accordingly with clapping and cheering while Vengador gathers himself and tosses XYZ back inside the ring. Vengador positions himself on the apron and then launches himself back through the ropes with a slingshot senton and pin…



<< 05:20 >>

The match continues with Vengador still in control but unable to keep XYZ down for long. Vengador blocks another standing dropkick from XYZ and in turn he responds with a kick to the gut, and plants XYZ with a DDT! Vengador hooks the leg again…


Vengador lies in wait as XYZ sits up and Vengador strikes with a rolling neck snap! Vengador continues his relentless assault with stomps and kicks to his downed opponent, which garners some jeers from the audience…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Vengador is giving absolutely no quarter to XYZ!”

Vengador ignores the referee’s pleas before eventually backing off. XYZ is gradually rising to his feet while Vengador lies in wait, and he goes for a jumping big boot, but misses after XYZ rolls out of the way! XYZ nails Vengador in the back with a dropkick that sends Vengador into the corner, where he bounces off the turnbuckle and stumbles backward into a roll-up from XYZ!


Vengador furiously kicks out and pops back to his feet, and he swings wildly but misses after XYZ avoids it. XYZ unloads vicious kicks to the thighs and shin area of Vengador for about 20 seconds before following up with a sweep of the legs and a quick jumping elbow drop! XYZ is feeling it now and he’s feeding off the energy from the crowd…springboard moonsault to Vengador into a pin!



<< 09:17 >>

Jean-Luc Watkins: “XYZ nearly had an upset victory, but Vengador stays alive, wrestling fans!”

Christian Quinn: “The fans certainly bought it, listen to them!”

The fans are on their feet now in support of XYZ, who is doing his best to feed off of their positive energy. XYZ hits several clotheslines on Vengador in succession and he’s feeling it as he postures a little to the fans. XYZ starts to ascend to the top rope but Vengador meets him up there, and there’s an exchanging of blows between both men but both of them refuse to budge for the other. Vengador eventually regains control and he musters up all of his strength as he hoists XYZ up on his shoulders…avalanche samoan drop!

Rod Sterling: “Just like that, Vengador lets the air out of the room and turns the tide back in his favor.”

Christian Quinn: “The fans are still feeling it though, Rod, and neither man has moved since that samoan drop from the top!”

Eventually, Vengador does begin to stir and he has XYZ set up for Justicia…but XYZ flips him back behind himself…but Vengador manages to land on his feet and just as XYZ turns around he’s met with a boot to the gut…Justicia! Vengador gets all of that move and makes the pin…


Winner: Vengador via pinfall at 11:32.

Kurt Harrington: “The winner of the match, Vengador!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “XYZ came close and put up a valiant effort, but Vengador was just too mighty for him to overcome.”

Vengador has his hand raised but before he leaves he retrieves the rose from the start of the match, and places it near XYZ before he exits the ring.

Rod Sterling: “I’m not sure what the meaning of that was.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “We’re left with more questions than answers but the show must move along…”


We cut to the back, interrupting Jon Russnow’s customary darts-based booking brainstorming session. He pauses with a dart in his hand, turning his head slightly to address the camera.

Jon Russnow: "Ah, nice of you to join me! Just one second and I'll be right with you!"

He throws his dart into a board, around which a series of ideas are written on scrawled notes. The dart lands in a region that says ‘short-lived and ill-fated legend return’. Two more are in the same section, which reads ‘bounty????’. Jon turns away from the board, adjusts his lapels, and sits down behind his untidy desk.

Jon Russnow: "What a day it's been, eh?! And I don't just mean its duration. Though it has indeed been a very long day. Not to mention the action! Few too many advertisements for my liking, but you've got to pay the bills. And what about Jean-Luc’s announcement? F1, yes, all very exciting! But I have a little announcement of my own."

Russnow begins to rearrange the clutter on his desk, seemingly looking for something but - eventually and mid-spiel - gives up and addresses the camera directly.

Jon Russnow: "I was messaged by a few people, including a Welsh fan whose name escapes m, on the socials this week about whether the Secular Spectacular will make a return at the beginning of 2024. Amateur Sherlocks will have noticed that we have a show named after it, afterall. Well, I can confirm that the Secular Spectacular will indeed take place as the main event of ‘A Very Crossfire Christmas’. But this year's edition will feature a twist, for only three of the four presents at the top of the poles will contain prizes. For the fourth winner, the Secular Spectacular will be their very last appearance in an FWA ring! I call this madcap idea… Satisfied or Sacked. Though I might need a better title. ‘Sacked’ might be a region-specific thing from my time in England."

He pauses and trails off for a moment, as if reminiscing, before clearing his throat and picking up his thread.

Jon Russnow: "Other than this anti-prize, there are three actual boons to pick up. First, there is an opportunity to challenge for the FWA Trios Championships with two partners of the winner's choice. And the other two present-winners will face off against each other on the very next episode of Fallout, with the winner challenging for the FWA Television Championship at Fight Night in Tokyo!"

He pauses for applause. None can be heard from his office. After a handful of moments, he picks up a clipboard from his desk and holds it up to the camera. ‘Secular Spectacular Participants’ is written on the front in the same scrawl we saw upon the dartboard.

Jon Russnow: "And as for who will be lining up in the starter's blocks for this match? Well, some of the participants will be announced in Beijing on the night, but I can reveal that you will see a mix of established stars - such as Death Walker, Madison Gray, XYZ, and Sawyer Xavier - alongside some of the FWA’s newest signings. I recently put pen to paper in the acquisition of two hot free agents’ services, and both Colby Sol and La Sombra Filosa will make their debuts in the Secular Spectacular. Now, back to you in the studio, gentlemen: I believe we've got two more thrilling contests ahead of us!"

As Russnow returns to his darts, we fade away from his office.


The arena plunged into darkness, the only source of illumination emanating from the pulsating glow of a neon "Brooklyn Steiner" emblazoned on the titantron. Suddenly, the words “There is no tomorrow” shimmered into view, as well as audio of Apollo Creed screaming at Rocky from the scene in Rocky III playing over the PA system.

“There is no tomorrow”

The opening chords of "A Real Hero" by College and Electric Youth echoed through the arena…

… and a thunderous roar erupted from the crowd. Streaks of golden pyrotechnics exploded across the stage, creating a dazzling display that mirrored the vibrancy of Brooklyn Steiner's energy.

As the music increases, the spotlight illuminated the entrance ramp, revealing Brooklyn Steiner in an awe-inspiring ensemble. His attire, a gleaming expanse of gold, glistened under the arena lights, radiating a regal aura befitting the grandeur of the moment.

In a display of solidarity and support, a team of trainers, dressed in boxing entourage attire, flanked Brooklyn on both sides. Their presence added a touch of theatricality, reinforcing the idea that Steiner wasn't just an individual; he was backed by a team committed to his success.

Kurt Harrington: “Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a triple threat match, scheduled for one-fall and with a thirty minute time limit… and is for the FWA Television Championship! Introducing first, from New York City, New York… he weighs in tonight at two hundred and five pounds… This… Is… BROOKLYN STEINER!!"

With each beat of the music, Brooklyn made his way to the ring, absorbing the adulation from the fervent crowd. The golden fireworks continued to burst overhead, mirroring the intensity building within the arena.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Brooklyn Steiner has impressed during his first few matches here in the FWA, earning his spot in this triple threat match with a victory over Vengador back on Meltdown XXXIV."

Rod Sterling: "And Steiner has gone from strength to strength since. Back on Meltdown XXXV, he - along with fellow challenger tonight Jack the Clipper and the Undisputed Alliance - recorded a victory over Television Champion Kleio De Santos and her stable mates in the Coven."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Perhaps most impressive was his victory over former X and Tag Champion Gerald Grayson on Meltdown XXXVI. That's quite the winning streak for Brooklyn Steiner, and if he keeps that going tonight he'll be leaving Istanbul with gold around his waist."

Christian Quinn: "I've managed to see a fair bit of Steiner since his arrival here in the FWA, and always noticeable has been the manner of his victories and the nature of his contests. Always one to give fans their money's worth, it is unsurprising and well-earned that he's quickly gaining a reputation as a workhorse after only a few weeks at the company."

The live performance of "A Real Hero" elevated the entrance to a climax, encapsulating the essence of Brooklyn Steiner's journey. As he stepped between the ropes, the arena erupted in a chorus of cheers, setting the stage for an epic showdown.

There's a mixed reaction but mostly booing as Jack the Clipper appears on the stage, looking brooding as he scans the faces of those assembled in the stadium before making his way to the ring.

Kurt Harrington: “Next, from Whitechapel, London and weighing in at two hundred and seventy three pounds… Jack the Clipper!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Brooklyn Steiner may have been impressive recently, but so too has been Jack the Clipper, who won his passage into this match with a victory over Trevor Walker back on XXXIV. He was also on that winning team over the Coven in eight-person action, and continued his own winning streak on Fallout 036 with singles success against Sawyer Xavier."

Rod Sterling: "Both of the men gunning for the FWA Television Championship here in Istanbul have picked up a real head of steam recently, that much is inarguable."

Christian Quinn: "Wouldn't want to be Kleio De Santos right now, really…"

Christian Quinn: "Speaking of whom…"

There's another mixed reaction with mostly boos as Kleio De Santos appears on stage, Grandma Ethel stood next to her and the FWA Television Championship on her shoulder.

Kurt Harrington: “And finally, accompanied to the ring by Grandma Ethel… from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil and currently residing in Miami, Florida… she is ‘the Master of the Seven Trials’ and the reigning, defending FWA Television Champion… KLEIO DE SANTOS!!"

Christian Quinn: "We've already seen Trixie Bordeaux, Celestia Ravenwood, and her sister Blair out here earlier tonight. Kleio’s partners in the Coven were successful in defending their FWA Trios Championships in a hard-fought contest against the Undisputed Xperienx. That would probably explain their absence from ringside here for Kleio’s own defense."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "But she doesn’t come completely alone: Grandma Ethel is at her side. Ethel has shown she can have a decisive impact despite her advanced years. No offense, Rod."

Rod Sterling: "None taken. Wait, what?"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Anyway, Kleio De Santos picked up a win of her own last time out, and it was a big one. She defeated her former mentor - as well as multiple-time world champion and hall of famer - Gabrielle Montgomery, perhaps the biggest win of Kleio’s young career."

Kleio joins her two challengers in the ring, a slight smirk on her face as she hands her championship belt to the official. She glances at both Brooklyn Steiner and Jack the Clipper, seemingly unmoved by her challengers as she makes her own final preparations. The referee holds the gold up over his head for the fans to see before handing it out to Kurt Harrington at ringside. With all three competitors ready to get things gong, the official calls for the opening bell.


Kleio De Santos (c) vs. Jack the Clipper vs. Brooklyn Steiner.
Triple Threat Match for the FWA Television Championship.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>

The match begins with Jack and Brooklyn watching on as Kleio leans over the top rope to converse with Ethel. The Boa Constrictor nods her head before, eventually, she climbs out onto the outside.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Looks like Kleio De Santos, under the guidance of Grandma Ethel, is happy to let the other two fight this one out for the time-being."

Christian Quinn: "Jack the Clipper and Brooklyn Steiner might have other ideas about that. A rare bit of common ground in this triple threat contest. Every man for himself, and all of them against Kleio…"

Jack and Brooklyn share a nonplussed glance at one another before climbing out of the ring and converging on KDS. Jack is first to her, but Kleio ducks beneath his attempted clothesline, with Clipper stopping himself before he collides with Steiner. Jack then realises that Brooklyn is the enemy too and doubles him over with a boot to the midsection, before taking him by the scruff of the neck and hurling him into the nearby steel ring steps! Clipper turns around to see De Santos charging at him, the champion taking him out at the knees with a low dropkick!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "The temporary alliance between Jack the Clipper and Brooklyn Steiner proves to be just that, allowing Kleio De Santos to take control of this one on the outside!"

Rod Sterling: "She isn’t finished there, hoisting Jack the Clipper back up to his feet… DDT on the outside! The champion seizes control of this one!"


<< 06:50. >>

Kleio has Brooklyn Steiner in the ring, succeeding to back him up into the corner with a combination of front jabs and elbow strikes. She tries to throw Steiner across the ring with an Irish whip, but Brooklyn reverses it and sends her into the opposite corner instead. Steiner notices Jack charging at him and ducks beneath the attempted big boot. Clipper stumbles towards the ropes, Brooklyn charging at him in an attempt to clothesline him out of the ring. Jack ducks the lariat, though, and hoists Steiner all the way over the top with a BIG back body drop!

Christian Quinn: "Brooklyn is LAUNCHED across Istanbul! He lands on the ramp after that huge reversal from Jack the Clipper!"

Jack stands up just in time to see Kleio launching herself at him, and this time all he can do is drop down to the mat, pulling the top rope down with him.

Rod Sterling: "De Santos follows him out! Jack the Clipper has both of his opponents on the outside, and he seems to be waiting for them to get to their feet…"

Indeed, Jack patiently waits for both Kleio and Brooklyn to rise before charging off the opposite set of ropes…

Rod Sterling: "SUICIDE DIVE!! Over the TOP rope!! Jack the Clipper flattens both Steiner and De Santos!!"

Jack gets to his feet, the audience - up until now mostly on the side of Brooklyn Steiner - giving him his props as he dusts himself off from the dive…


<< 11:12. >>

Jack the Clipper has Kleio in the ring, where he takes her over with a snap suplex, attempting a cover…


It’s broken up by Brooklyn Steiner, who backs Jack up into the corner with a flurry of knife edge chops and forearm strikes. He continues with Jack in the corner, Kleio rising behind him and charging in, attempting a lariat to the back of Brooklyn’s head. He ducks beneath it, Kleio colliding with Jack instead! De Santos turns to face Steiner, who mounts the second rope, sandwiching KDS between himself and Jack. He starts to rain down right hands on the Boa Constrictor…

Rod Sterling: "These fans sure do love counting along!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "But I think Brooklyn might be milking this tenth one a little too long… Kleio walks out of the corner!! She’s looking for a powerbomb?!"

Christian Quinn: "But Steiner adjusts himself on her shoulders… POISONRANA!!"

Rod Sterling: "Kleio is spiked on the top of her head!! Brooklyn isn’t going for a cover?!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "He’s going to the top rope! He wants to finish this one off once and for all…"

Brooklyn climbs to the top as swiftly as he can, steadying himself with the audience on their feet. He leaps off with a picture perfect shooting star press…

… but. In the meantime, Jack the Clipper charges from his cornered position… and connects with a Polish Hammer on Brooklyn Steiner mid-rotation!!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Upper-CUTTER!!! Jack the Clipper LEVELS Brooklyn Steiner! He might steal it!"


Christian Quinn: "Kleio De Santos breaks it up, and perhaps saves her championship!!"

All three wrestlers remain down following the exchange, the audience showing their appreciation as the official starts a three-way ten count.


<< 17:12. >>

Jack the Clipper is sat on the top turnbuckle, with Kleio also ascending it from the inside. She slaps on a front facelock, looking to heave him up and into the ring with a superplex. He is resistant, though, resorting to some nefarious tactics to fend her off…

Rod Sterling: "He's raking the eyes!! Jack the Clipper is clawing at Kleio De Santos here to avoid a superplex!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "And there's nothing the official can do about it! Triple threat means no disqualification!"

Jack takes the opportunity, with Kleio blind and incapacitated, to pull the champion up onto his shoulders in a fireman's carry. He stands up on the second turnbuckle…

Rod Sterling: "FADE ZONE!! Jack the Clipper might have it here!"

But there is a third person in the match, and Brooklyn takes advantage of a seated Clipper. He thuds into him with a running knee strike! The champion has rolled beneath the bottom rope, and Brooklyn senses that this might be his opportunity. He climbs back to the top rope as quickly as his exhaustion will allow…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Brooklyn Steiner, perhaps encouraged by these fans, is once again going to the top rope… this didn't turn out so well for him last time…"

Steiner takes a deep breath, and then goes for a Phoenix splash… only for Jack the Clipper to roll out of the way! Brooklyn Steiner crashes and burns!!

Somewhat fortunately for Brooklyn, Jack is in no condition to follow up after being leveled with the knee strike. Unfortunately, though, Kleio is up and looming behind him as Steiner pushes himself to his knees.

Christian Quinn: "Kleio helps Brooklyn the rest of the way up, and then doubles him over with a mule kick…"

Rod Sterling: "LETTERS TO KLEIO!! De Santos gets all of it! She heaves Steiner over onto his back and hooks the far leg…"


Jack the Clipper throws himself onto the cover! This one isn't over just yet!


<< 23:30. >>

Jack the Clipper and Kleio De Santos share strikes in the centre of the ring, Clipper with straight right slugs, KDS with slightly more nuanced jabs and hooks.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Jack might be accomplished in the backstreets of London, but I'm not sure he wants to trade hands with Kleio…"

Indeed, a combination culminating in a spinning back fist and a roundhouse kick sends Jack back into the ropes. KDS whips him into the opposite set, before slamming him down to the mat with a hip toss. She slumps back into a corner, breathing heavily after the exchange and watching Jack slowly drag himself to his feet. He turns to face her…

Christian Quinn: "Jumping Scissors Kick! Kleio is picking Jack the Clipper apart!"

Rod Sterling: "He might be out already… De Santos is on the verge of retaining her championship."

Kleio drags Jack to his feet, holding his seemingly dead weight in a front face lock for what seems like an eternity. She surveys the audience, a satisfied smirk upon her face.

Kurt Harrington: ”Ladies and gentlemen, this is your… FOUR MINUTE WARNING!"

Rod Sterling: "Kleio De Santos is looking for Letters to Kleio again…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Reversal from Jack the Clipper! He has her in a reverse facelock!"

Rod Sterling: "CLIPPER CUTTER!! Jack hits it!! Out of nowhere! He crawls towards a cover…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "… but he's dragged out of the ring! Brooklyn Steiner drags him out of the ring!"

Jack is still dizzy from the exchange of strikes with Kleio, allowing Brooklyn to grasp him from behind, hooking both arms…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Tiger suplex on the outside!! Steiner might have just forced an opening!"

With the crowd cheering him on, Brooklyn hops up onto the apron and then begins his ascent back to the top rope. Kleio De Santos is spread out in front of him, his eyes never drifting from her as he steadies himself on the top rope…

Rod Sterling: "630 SPLASH!! A thing of beauty!"

Perhaps from fatigue, Brooklyn doesn’t transition into the STF, instead slumping backwards into a cover…


Winner: Brooklyn Steiner via pinfall at 27:36.

The crowd erupts in cheers as the three count us made, despite the fact that the new champion can barely lift himself back up to his feet.

Kurt Harrington: ”Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and NEW FWA Television Champion… Brooklyn… STEINER!!"

Brooklyn finally manages to heave himself up to a vertical base, using the official for support as she gets his hand lifted in victory.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Another incredible performance from Brooklyn Steiner, putting another one in the win column… and this time that win means his first taste of gold here in the FWA."

His newly won Television Championship is handed to him, which Brooklyn Steiner lifts high above his head.

Rod Sterling: "Something tells me that won't be the last championship belt we see Brooklyn Steiner parading around the ring."

As Steiner climbs up to the second rope with his gold, we fade away from the scene.


More blenders.


Kurt Harrington: "The following match is scheduled for one fall and is our MAIN EVENT of the evening for the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance WWWWWOOOOORRRRRRLLLLLLDDDD CHAMPIONSHIP!"

The crowd is electric but quickly turns to boos as the melancholy, uneasy and unsettling version of a beloved classic begins to play over the speakers.

Jeremy Best casually walks out from the back, waving to his adoring fans. His Besties if you will. Except actual Besties are few and far between as it's mostly a sea of boos for the challenger. But he seems absolutely oblivious to the fact that he's getting such a negative reaction. For Jeremy, it's all rainbows and butterflies as he smiles and waves on the stage.

Rod Sterling: "Don't let this man's pleasant and amiable demeanor fool you... he has shown us his true self in 2023 and it wasn't the friendly, loveable goofball we saw upon his debut."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Hey, I said all along I didn't trust the guy."

Christian Quinn: "I mean he is doing everything in the name of friendship, is he not?"

Rod Sterling: "Nothing says friendship liking kidnapping and holding a man against his will. The former best friend and tag partner of the FWA World Champion. Alyster Black has been eager to get his hands on Jeremy Best since he returned for the Buddy Bowl."

Christian Quinn: "Let's not forget that Jeremy Best has bested Alyster not just once but twice in this very calendar year while Alyster has never beat him one on one."

The challenger continues his polite waves before climbing into the ring.

It's a most more positive reaction for Alyster Black as his music hits the speakers. Despite skirting the line between face and heel with his tag partner Chris Peacock and FTN, there's no doubt the fans in Turkey are pro Alyster getting his hands on Jeremy Best. Black Jesus emerges from the back, holding the FWA Title in his hand, letting it drape as he marches to the ring with a purpose. He may be battered and bruised from the tag title match, but he is ready for this match nevertheless.

Kurt Harrington: "And his opponent, he is the reigning and defending FWA CHAMPION OF THE WORLD..... weighing in at two-hundred twenty pounds, from San DImas, California... he is BLACK JESUS... he is... AALLLLLLLLLYYYSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTERRRRRR BBBBBBBLLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCKKKK!"

Rod Sterling: "Alyster Black cannot be in a good mood. FTN were unsuccessful earlier tonight in capturing the tag titles..."

Christian Quinn: "Even more reason I would not want to be in Jeremy Best's shoes right now."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "But Alyster Black is clearly not 100% after the tag title match. That has to give Jeremy a considerable advantage here."

Rod Sterling: "One might think, but the desire to completely annihalte Jeremy Best may be enough to give Alyster Black all the strength he needs. It's been bubbling over for weeks with the restraining order in place that has kept him from laying a finger on Jeremy."

Christian Quinn: "This one might not be for the faint of heart."

Alyster Black wastes no time, climbing right into the ring and tossing the belt down. He's clearly ready to get his hands on Jeremy Best.


Alyster Black (c) vs. Jeremy Best.
Singles Match for the FWA World Championship.
Match writer: Dubb.

The bell rings and a perhaps a little too overconfident Jeremy Best walks to the center of the ring and extends his arm out to Alyster Black, offering to start the match with a dubious at best handshake.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Surely he can’t think that Alyster Black would want to shake his hand to start the match.”

Christian Quinn: “No, not even Jeremy Best could possibly be that naive.”

Alyster approaches Jeremy… and grabs him by the hand. And begins to SQQQQUUUUEEEEZZZEEEE Jeremy’s hand with all his might! The smile on Jeremy’s face quickly turns to agony as Black transfers all the resentment, all the anger, all the hatred that has built up for Jeremy Best over the last year into this simple “handshake.”

The pain is so intense that it brings Jeremy to his knees as he now begins to plead with Alyster to let go, trying to pry the tight grip with his free hand. But Black instead lifts up his right leg and kicks Jeremy right between the eyes! The fans roar with delight as Alyster continues to hold onto Jeremy’s right hand as he delivers stomp after stomp after stomp after stomp to Jeremy’s face!

Christian Quinn: “Nothing opens up a match like a good face stompin’, Rod! The crowd is eating it up!”

Rod Sterling: “That they are. They’ve been wanting to see Jeremy get whats coming to him for just as long as Alyster has!”

Black lets go of Jeremy’s hand but does not relent on the stomps as Jeremy tries to scurry away while the boot of Black Jesus keeps raining down onto his back as he crawls to the ropes. Jeremy grabs the ropes, pulling himself through them to earn some type of reprieve as FWA official Richard Davis steps in between Alyster and Jeremy, forcing him off due to the ropes. Alyster looks ready to plow right through Davis, but instead agrees to back off as Jeremy begins to slowly pull himself up, but looking worse for wear as he gets to his feet in the corner.

Davis steps aside, and Black immediately charges in with a lariat to Jeremy in the corner! He lights up Jeremy’s chest with a series back hand chops that segues into the Violence Party, once again lighting up the fans in excitement.

The punishment dished out in the corner, Alyster lifts Jeremy up off the mat, driving him down onto the back of his neck with a backdrop suplex. Best staggers back up to his feet, clutching his neck.

Rod Sterling: “Jeremy sure seemed to land awkwardly on his neck there. And he’s only planting a target right on it when he gets to his feet favoring it.”

Black moves right back in, lifting Jeremy up again with a backdrop to Jeremy, once again Best’s neck taking the brunt of the fall. He hits the canvas and rolls out to the apron, again looking to try and get a break from Alyster’s all out assault. But as he pulls himself up on the ropes on the apron, Black charges in..

Jeremy gets his knee up and connects with Black’s chest! Jeremy’s first offense of the match scores and he immediately hooks Black and tries to suplex him out of the ring from the apron, but once up in the air Black comes back down on the apron, landing on his feet beside Jeremy. Black strikes Jeremy with a pair of elbows to the face before kicking him in the midsection to double over Your New Best Friend.

Aylster lifts Jeremy up off the apron…


Christian Quinn: “We are just minutes into this match but I think Alyster Black isn’t here to win, he’s here to kill this man!”

As Jeremy’s body folds over off the apron down to the floor in a motionless heap, the crowd explodes into a “HOLY SHIT” chant. But Black Jesus isn’t done. He grabs Jeremy by the head, pulling him to the ring steps where he slams Jeremy’s head into the steel. He backs up… and then charges in with a running boot to Jeremy’s head as it leans against the steps!


Jean-Luc Watkins: “The blood lust in these fans is only surpassed by that of Alyster Black himself!”

Black obliges the request from the blood thirsty fans as he charges in for another boot to Jeremy’s prone head, it bouncing off the unforgiving steel.

Alyster grabs Jeremy by his hair, pulling him back up to his feet, only to toss him over his back again with another backdrop, this time on the outside as Jeremy lands on his neck on the floor!

Christian Quinn: “Jesus Christ! This may be going too far.”

Rod Sterling: “I’m not one to sympathize for Jeremy Best, but you may be right. Jeremy isn’t moving. His neck may be seriously injured right now.”

Richard Davis interrupts the ring out count, noticing Jeremy’s precarious state and exits the ring, stopping Black from any further attack. He kneels down to Jeremy, checking on him while the fans seem eager for Black to dish out some more damage.

But there seems to be a concerned look on Rich’s face as he motions to the back. Some more FWA officials come down to the ring, rushing to the far side of the ringside area by the announce booth where Jeremy Best lies motionless. The officials begin to talk amongst themselves while they are joined now by the FWA medical team.

Alyster Black protests with Davis, telling him to let the match go on while the medics check on Jeremy.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I know the fans in attendance and at home want to see this match continue as well, but love him or hate him…”

Christian Quinn: “Mostly hate I imagine.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Jeremy Best’s health is still important here and this match may have to be stopped, unfortunately.”

The medics begin to place a neck brace around Jeremy as one of them heads over to Richard Davis. Frustrated, Alyster rolls back in the ring and begins to pace back and forth as it looks like a decision has been made as Richard Davis approaches Kurt Harrington.

Rod Sterling: “Well wrestling fans, it looks like we’re about to make this one official.”

Kurt Harrington: “Ladies and gentlemen, I have been informed that due to the injuries that have been sustained by Jeremy Best, this match has been…”


Jean-Luc Watkins: “What now?”

The voice belongs to Jeremy’s friend, Sir Stache, the former phony Krash and he is joined by Mejor Amigo as the two rush down to the ring.

Sir Stache: “Not yet! Let me talk to him!”

In the ring, Alyster continues to pace, but lets the scene play out as Stache and Amigo kneel down beside Jeremy just as he is about to be loaded onto a stretcher.

Sir Stache: “Jeremy! Jeremy! You have to get up! You can’t go out like this! Think of all your Besties out there! This is the moment they have been waiting for! Do it for them.”

“Do it…”


The word ‘Friendship’ lingered through the air as the crowd began to shower the Friendship Wrestling Alliance with boos… but suddenly…



Christian Quinn: “It’s a miracle!”

Richard Davis and the rest of the FWA Officials quickly rush over to Jeremy to see if he was sure he wants to continue the match.

Meanwhile, during all the commotion…

BRYAN BAXTER SLIDES INTO THE RING and BLASTS ALYSTER BLACK with the FWA North American Title from behind!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Big Bryan Bastard! Out of nowhere just lays out Alyster Black! Was this all just some kind of set up??”

While Jeremy vehemently agrees that the match will go on, Bryan Baxter exits the ring. Jeremy, with the neckbrace still on, slides into the ring! He slides into the ring and crawls over to Alyster… and he makes the pin.





Alyster Black with the SHOULDER UP!

Bryan Baxter pounds the apron in frustration as Jeremy’s eyes grow wide in shock. “Friendship! Do it for Friendship!” Sir Stache shouts, reminding Jeremy. Best nods his head as he gets to his feet… adrenaline pumping through his veins as his body shakes. Alyster Black gets back up as well, looking worse for wear after the blast from Baxter and his body still clearly exhausted from the punishment he took in the tag title match. His anger and hatred had fueled him to unleash the beating on Jeremy to start the match, but he now showing signs of the wear and tear.

Alyster moves in for a right hand, but Jeremy BLOCKS IT! Jeremy waves a finger in Alyster’s face…

Christian Quinn: “The power of Friendship has revived Jeremy and he looks like a new man in their now! He’s FRIENDING UP, ROD!”

Jeremy winds up his arm and delivers a devastating right hand to Black…



Alyster stomps on the back of Jeremy’s head, reaching down and yanking the neckbrace off of Best.

Concerned, Sir Stache and Amigo climb to the apron, trying to distract Alyster and Davis…


Peacock clearly has seen enough from backstage, rushing down to the ring as for the second time tonight he is met by Stache and Amigo, and once again Peacock quickly lays waste to them before encountering the lumbering Bryan Bastard in the aisle. Peacock and Baxter begin to exchange blows!

Back in the ring, Black pulls Jeremy up as Baxter and Peacock’s brawl disappears to the back… and he goes for another backdrop suplex, but Jeremy flips over and lands on his feet! But Alyster spins around…


NO! Jeremy counters it into an ARM DRAG..


Rod Sterling: “Chris Peacock has taken the Friendship Wrestling Alliance out of the equation - but Alyster is in trouble now trapped in Jeremy’s submission!”

Richard Davis checks in on Black, he tilts his head back and lets out a yell in pain but shakes his head while Jeremy wrenches back on the arm. Black utilizes his size advantage as he begins to position himself up to his knees while Jeremy continues to hold onto the arm, but Alyster lifts Jeremy up off the mat and SLAMS him back down to break up the hold.

Jeremy stumbles back up to his feet as Alyster once again goes for the ONE SHOT KILL, but Jeremy ducks it this time and runs to the rope. Best comes back off the ropes and hits a Tiltawhirl DDT! Alyster’s head spikes off the canvas!

Black begins to sit back up to his knees, as Jeremy measures him up… and begins to unleash a the Friendly Fire series of kicks to the chest of Black! He finishes it off with a running single leg dropkick to Black’s head, sending the FWA champion to the mat!

Jeremy drops down and makes the cover.



THRE - NO! Black with the kickout again.

Jeremy immediately follows up the pinfall attempt with a rear naked choke to Black, slowing things down a bit as Black looks to be struggling now to fight against the hold after all he has been through tonight. Richard Davis is there in position to see if Black either gives in the submission or losses consciousness…

The ambience in the arena grows louder and louder as the fans begin to attempt to rally Black up from the submission… and Black eyes through the mask can be seen growing wide as he begins to try and fight his way back up to his feet. He begins to get back up and manages to break things up with a pair of back elbows to Jeremy, but Jeremy immediately grabs Alyster’s mask and yanks him down to the mat!

Standing shooting star press from Jeremy while Alyster hits the mat!




Rod Sterling: “The tables have really turned here as we’re starting to see the double duty really taking its toll on the reigning FWA Champion. But Alyster Black will not go down without a fight, that’s for sure.”

Jeremy sits up on the mat before slowly getting up and stumbling his way over to the corner. Best ascends to the top turnbuckle as now Black begins to get up to his feet as well! Jeremy takes a little bit too long, and Black has time to recover and he falls over the top ropes, causing Jeremy to lose his balance! Best falls down groin first across the top turnbuckle!

Black uses the top rope to help stabilize himself as he makes his way to the corner as well. After delivering a pair of forearms to Jeremy as he is poached across the top turnbuckle, Black begins to climb up as well, now standing on the middle ropes. He looks to position Jeremy to Ride the Bomb to Hell… but Jeremy fights him off, biting Alyster’s head through the mask! He then elbows Black three times in a row, freeing himself from Black’s grasps…

And then leaps over Black..


Jeremy hangs on for the pin!




NO! Alyster once again gets his shoulder up at the last second!

Christian Quinn: “I thought that was it!”

Rod Sterling: “Jeremy Best did too! And it’s a big sigh of relief from the fans as well.”

A determined look in his eyes, Jeremy stood up, pulling Black up along with him by the mask. He lifts Black up onto his shoulders… “FOR FRIENDSHIP!” he declares as he goes for the..


But Black FIGHTS IT OFF! He slides down Jeremy’s back…


Jeremy clutches his neck again as he staggers to his feet as Black shakes off the cobwebs enough to land the Saka Otoshi into the Bulldog Choke submission! The crowd pops as Black cranks back on Jeremy’s neck that has taken so much punishment in this match…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “He may have bounced back from the initial onslaught, but that neck has clearly been the focal point of Black’s offense in this match… and I’m not sure Jeremy can hang on here.”

Richard Davis now checks in on Jeremy, his face showing the clear pain he’s in as Black shows no mercy in applying the choke. Jeremy’s eyes begin to roll into the back of his head…

Christian Quinn: “He’s fading! He’s fading, Rod!”

Davis is right there… Jeremy is going… He’s fading…

And he’s…



But only because SIR STACHE had recovered at ringside and managed to sneak Jeremy’s leg onto the ropes. Davis pats Black on the shoulder, telling him that the hold had to be released! Black stands up and looks to the ropes and notices Sir Stache hiding beside the apron, but he ignores the masked man and pulls Jeremy’s body to the middle of the ring.

Black hooks the legs for a pin.



THRE… Shoulder up by Jeremy!

Black shakes his head as he pulls Jeremy back up… and now he looks for the Satan’s Spike, getting Jeremy hooked by the head in position… as Sir Stache jumps to the apron! Black drops Stache and charges toward the ropes… but Stache jumps down to safety. Black curses at him, and turns around into..





Both wrestlers slowly get back up and Jeremy strikes first with a leaping knee to Black’s head that staggers the champion as Jeremy runs to the ropes and scores with a shotgun dropkick to take Black back down to the mat. Jeremy rolls to his feet and staggers over to the ropes once again… and he once again climbs up to the top turnbuckle…

Black staggers back up..


Jeremy with another pin attempt.



Thre - No!

Jeremy slams the mat in frustration as the crowd pops for another kickout from Black. Jeremy immediately grabs Black and begins to lift him up for the BFF.. he swings Black around but Black lands on his feet! ROLLING ELBOW to Jeremy followed by a running forearm smash takes Best back down to the mat!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here we go! Alyster Black finds a second wind here… or third or fourth wind at this point of the night…”

Black measures up Jeremy as he begins to slowly try and pull himself up…





But not Jeremy…


Stache hit the mat and Black shrugs it off and goes for it again…





This time… TO MEJOR AMIGO!

Christian Quinn: “I gotta say, Jeremy Best has some very good friends. I wouldn’t be taking a One Shot Kill from Alyster Black for anyone.”

Rod Sterling: “But he’s all out of friends to help him now!”

Clearly frustrated and exhausted, Black winds up for another…





Jeremy drops down for the cover..




WInner: Jeremy Best via pinfall at 21:11.

Rod Sterling: “He did it… he actually did it…”

Rod’s tone not celebratory and with certainly very little excitement. Jeremy Best sits up, his eyes wide with shock and awe as the bell rings and the creepily altered “You Got a Friend in Me” begins to play. The fans are vehemently voicing their unhappiness with the outcome of the match, but Jeremy is oblivious to their reaction.

Kurt Harrington: “Here is your winner… and… NEW… FWA World Champion… JEREMY BEST!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “How many lives does this creepy little bastard have? Krash buried him alive at Back in Business… Alyster Black had him moments from being on a stretcher tonight… but somehow… someway… he walks out of Istanbul… with the FWA World Championship. I worry FWA will never be the same.”

Richard Davis brings Jeremy the World Title, which he grabs and clutches tightly to his chest as colorful balloons begin to fall from the rafters of the arena. Jeremy begins to wave to the fans cheerfully with his right hand while clutching the belt to his chest with his left. The fans return his friendly waves with more loud boos.

Jeremy finally staggers to his feet, and walks to the corner… climbing the turnbuckles and holding the FWA Championship up in the area.

Rod Sterling: ”Tonight, wrestling fans, not only we wrap up 2023 and prepare to usher in a new year… with this win tonight, Jeremy Best ushers in a new era for the FWA. The era of Friendship. The era… of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance. Thanks for joining us tonight… we will see you in 2024!”

Winter Wasteland comes to a close with one last shot of Jeremy celebrating in the ring as balloons fill the ring and ringside area, tears rolling down his face as he continues to cling to the title like his life depended on it.



Neo Genesis
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The crazy Steve from Blues Clues did it-


Stay Fluid
Mar 30, 2020
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Winter Wasteland CakeBack #1

- I love the idea of fake snow being pumped out to create the lie of a White Christmas.
- Thirteen matches! I don't think I really took in how many matches that actually is. Excited to get my teeth into all of this now.
- Jeffry Mason with the cigarette trick shot! How do you come up with this feet tickling shenanigans? Very cute and fun.
- Interesting build towards the open challenge to open the night. I guess its Mason vs. Kurosawa! I love the idea of a Gingerbread Deathmatch though. (reading this whilst watching GCW also makes the experience more spicy)
- Suffering from the glass spot so early into the contest is fiery as fuck! Makes Anzu seems like a real force in this match that you don't wanna fuck with.
- I also like the idea that its a ten minute survive or die match. Offers a different element for the challenger.

- DVD onto the thumbtack roof! This match is sort of making me want to turn MG into a Deathmatch specialist in the future.
- Loved this match to get into the swing of things, great read and ending in a draw. WE LOVE DRAWS! (put that in your spreadsheet!)
- A plug for KOTDM in March. In Japan. Much more pumped for that event his time round, I 100% wasn't invested in the fed as I am currently.

- the one thing I wish we had was match graphics before matches. Maybe it just me, but I always find it easier to attach a face to a name. Rather a name to a name.

- Grayson vs. Deathwalker is actually a match I am very interested. My match with Walker really pushed me, and sort of have a strange kind of the one that beat me, the one you revere sort of feel as of late.
- Match starting well. Once again as a reader I am really being drawn in to the early stage of the PPV.
- This match is solid AF. Easily could be a main-event match for the episodic. The author is impressing whilst writing this bad boy.
- DeathWalker claims the victory, but based on the match alone Grayson can surely be happy even in defeat. Hard to imagine there is eleven matches still to come!

- first title match of the night for the North American. I am still 100% sure what the prestige and value hierarchy of all the belts are at this point. But I feel as this title featuring so early on the card is actually a really treat for all involved.
- Crowe being attacked before the match has even started backstage. Getting the rousing check on from Tommy, but still wanting to fight. This has been pumped for this. I love these sort of pre-match moments.
- Wow if Bryan wins he holds the title for 400 days? In e-fedding that is rare as fuck. What an achievement!
- Will admit I really don't know much about either character, still getting into the spin of things but I feel like this is clearly the end of a long-term rivalry and if this is the finale then as things have been going - this is going to be great!
- Match was shorter than I had imagined - but that awesome group the Friendship Wrestling Alliance getting involved in the contest!
- Applause for Big Bryan Bastard for reaching the big 400!
- La Sombra Filosa is a signup I am very curious about (a Penta rep is something I really am excited about for sure). Excited for this character to debut or return? Either way I am interested.

- Randall vs. Sawyer. Jimmy vs. Blaine. Xavier is a character that I was really interested about on the other promotion, and I have always felt that Blaine has some great ideas that can lead him to become a real dangerous e-fedder as he progresses naturally. Excited for this match more outside of character, and about behind the curtain stuff if that makes sense.
- Jimmy also using Moxley picbase has cured by dislike I previously had for this rep - because of reasons.
- This match is solid. A good read and also been written in a manner that is really helping to sell the feud between the two characters.
- Sawyer wins! Throw Blaine flowers, this is an important win for the Kid Bino! The Saus-X!
- Feel like a really coming of age match, and I am genuinely pleased for Blaine.

- can give some insights into my match. first off I really want to thank Tommy for his time and effort - and also patience he has shown during this feud. Being quite honest, even if the feud seemed to be 95:5 ratio of actually effort I did feel that whilst working under Tommy's eye that I went from being someone who roleplays, to actually belonging to the FWA and not just being a tourist that was already a member of WS.
- Laramie served a purpose - but really serves no benefit because of other stuff that has happened as well as future plans. Gipper feel free to take Laramie and a half eaten pizza slice to the Gibson Gym.
- I am in love with this double footed stomp onto the steel chair that is causing Blake to be busted wide open. That popped me!
- I feel that the match length was perfect for showing the frustration of the Madison character and helping to put me over, which I am very grateful for. Getting a submission win is also awesome, as technical wins like that really fit into the original character of Madison that I imagined for her. Excited to see what 2024 bring me, in what is still the first year of Madison Gray, which I suppose will be a year in March (not including the short hiatus I had). Excited for the next phase when we restart next year or rather this year. HAPPY 2024!

- tag team action. have I ever said how much I love tag team action!
- the team of Kenney and Marshall is great. Cap impact since joining has been nothing short of fucking incredible, and a real superstar. Can't help but pump for someone who is part of the same rookie class.
- Konchu and Cyrus. Don't need to say anything more but fuck yeah. Especially Chu.
- Black coming out by himself. Scratches head. Hmmmm.
- this is quite the match to end the first part of WW.
- This match is starting strong as hell. Mando - this is always a fucking amazing writeup and its not even really started.
- I like the idea of Peacock being blocked backstage by the FWA, that is a cool moment and add more fire to the cauldron.
- The match is really top marks. Like if I was hearing a hat, it would be rude if I hadn't taken it off. Props to Cap and Tig for retaining the straps too. Surely turning themselves into a team everyone wants to either become and beat at the same time.
- Part One was a great read. And I am looking forward to getting my teeth into part two.



Stay Fluid
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Winter Wasteland CakeBack #2

- seven more matches to enjoy, and I have a strong feeling that this part two is going to be even stronger than the first. Y'all are spoiling us during this festive period and starting the new year strong for us all. FWA! FWA! FWA!
- new look. new name. welcome Xperienx Silenx!
- Can't pretend I am not a massive fan of The Coven, so very much not only cheering for their win but also very much looking forward to this match in general.
- Also who doesn't love Trios action. Because I doooooooooo!
- liking the early flow of the match, another great match to kickoff the second part of the PPV.
- Match is really fun to read, man this is enthralling stuff.
- that fake end of match spoiler tag is genius. Now I am going to be second guess myself every time I read a match moving forward.
- Congrats to the Coven on their victory, now its confirmed. Sully and Welshy as a team always bring the excitement and are without a doubt a truly exciting trio in the division. Welshy well done buddy :)

- don't know really anything about Parr or JJ. No doubt I am an educated fool, without their history bookk.
- Match was a decent read, but wasn't fully invested in this one and I won't lie about it. Still was a good read, and another draw. And people say draws aren't common place!

- 2024 F1 Cllimax Entries! I have no expectation I qualified considering it is the top eight averages, although would love to know how my roleplay for WW affected my final average ranking score if I didn't get in.
- Bryan Baxter. Makes a lot of sense.
- Xavian Marshall (big congrats to Cap - this feels like a real shining start moment!)
- Grayson. Nice, even in defeat still performing at a high level to earn his spot.
- Halloween Knight? I am so confused who this is, but ignorance once again is in effect for sure (love the rep though).
- PEACOCK. say no more.
- weaselperson! (kayfabe for sure Madison is routing for them to win the whole F1)
- KONCHU! Another character that I really enjoy.
- Mike Parr. Another character I hopefully will learn more about during this tournament.
- As people know - tournaments are one of my favourite parts of wrestling, so very excited for this. (and also motivated to push myself to earn qualification for this next year).

- excited about Bedlam vs. Keres. X Title on the line. no doubt this is going to be a good read.
- I was looking forward to singing Wanted Dead or Alive. So was I - but the new cover version is my fave.
- Keres going missing. THIS IS SPOOKY! THIS IS SPOOKY!
- Taking the fight backstage. That is what I liked to see. Didn't say earlier, but I do enjoy the Keres character an awful lot too. (secretly, no so secret that would be a fun match for Madison I feel one day).
- Levitation. What a great idea. What level spell was that, and who rolled a Natty 20.
- The whole match was fun as hell to read. And really if I were to give feedback, I would just quote the match and say to people - READ THIS MATCH FUCKERS!
- Bedlam retains the belt, and is very much becoming a figurehead that challengers are surely going to grow scared of facing.
- that advert is true. inflation is in fact a bitch!

- this trios match is already presenting itself as a lot of fun. for reasons #spoilers. it is matches like this that filled me with personal excitement for what 2024 is going to bring.
- A win for Tr1ck or Tr4sh - but really its a win for the readers. One person's nonsense is another's pure joy. And I want more!

- Gab vs. Liz. Two characters that have really grown on me as of late, so this match really does tickle my fancy. Like an assortment of miniature cakes that I want to eat all in one sitting.
- Another really enjoyable read, that I actually found myself just reading rather than taking any notes. Women's Wrestling when it is written write really has a habit of drawing me in and that is exactly what this match did.
- The ending was great, and curious to see what Gab's direction is going to be moving forward.

- I love me a slice of Vengador. Have full hype that this match is going to be fun as fuck to read.
- XYZ name alone always make me smile and with the Dalton rep. BIG THUMBS UP!
- Venja really not interested in any peace offering of roses being given his way. Now is the time, the time to fight!
- Early portions are great, really does sell itself as a match that you really wish you could have the honour of watching in erson.
- I thought XYZ had turned it his favour and was going to claim the victory and just like that Vengador wins the match. (just remember there was no roleplay, but you would never know from the way the match is presented).
- Did Vengador just lay flowers on XYZ grave?

- TV Championship Triple Threat. Santos (Sully) took me to a great match at Lights Out - that I really enjoyed and hopefully one day we can go for a round two. Jack and Steiner are also both great characters, so personally would also love a chance to work against both AON and Willis again in the future. I have no doubt this match is going to be a great read, but I also have zero clue who is the person most likely of walking away from this with the gold in their possession.
- the fact that this match is the SF event can only mean we are in for a real treat.
- Got to love an impromptu alliance dying almost as soon as it has started. As is the nature of odd numbers in a wrestling ring.
- Steiner taking a big bump on the ramp. MAN OH MAN! BOY OH BOY! OUCH OH OUCHIES!
- This match is really selling the interjecting nature of a three way contest, so great work in getting this tip top and really selling it.
- At that 23 minutes mark of the match - and storytelling wise I really don't know which direct this is going. All I know is that it is riveting stuff.
- FOUR MINUTE WARNING! We aren't going to be treated to another draw are we? That would be nuts.
- HOLY FUCK! New champion! Just like that the KDS run is over. I am honestly shocked.
- Congrats to Willis on winning their first gold with the character. Match was awesome as hell, and I guess my hopes of a rematch with the gold on the line against KDS (Sully) isn't on the cards. Either way, a rematch without the gold is still something that eventually character wise and personally would love. Maybe its cause The Coven are such a draw and hype train for me.
- blenders. who comes up with this funny AF shit.

- main-event already. just realizing that I have been reading the show for hours. Fucking lol. Been paying more attention to this than actual IRL wrestling, which is only props at the high standard that Winter Wasteland has been.
- Jeremy Best is one of my favourite character. I dunno by Dub is just a creative that I really enjoy. I fear the day we are lined up to face each other.
- MAIN EVENT TIME! (sort of already know the result, based on conversations previously in terms of roleplays - but that won't take away from the match itself. I hope. Mystery is always great going into a read).
- As reads on the tin. BIG MATCH. BIG MATCH WRITE UP. BOOM! BOOM!
- Jeremy not quitting. not giving up. BECAUSE OF FRIENDSHIP!
- The match was such a great write up and such a great read. FRIENDSHIP really was the biggest winner not just for this match, but for the entire Winter Wasteland show. And another new champion for us all to get excited about.
- The Era of Friendship has officially begun.
- everyone involved in putting that show together, well fucking done. this shit was fucking awesome.