Live from Bahçeşehir Gölet Park in Istanbul, Turkey.
Saturday 30th December, 2023 (@ 2PM local time).

The camera pans over a repurposed park in a birdseye view. What looks like thousands of fans (eighteen thousand four hundred and twenty, to be precise) are packed into every available space upon the greenery, a huge stage area visible in the distance beyond a wrestling ring. It is cold - a chill lingers in the air and frost lies upon the ground - but, alas, there is no snow. No natural snow, that is. From either side of the stage, artificial snow is expelled from large, rotating cannons, an effect that will continue for the entire show, until a thick layer lies underfoot.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Welcome, wrestling fans, to Winter Wasteland! It’s been a long road to this point, but today we see scores settled aplenty, with thirteen professional wrestling bouts ahead of us, split up over two arenas. No arena in Istanbul was big enough for all of this action!"
As a huge pyrotechnic display emanates from the stage area at the eastern end of the park, the camera pans across the assembled audience. Some signs that are seen: ‘SUMMER’S OVER
Rod Sterling: "We have six of those bouts scheduled for this day-time Part One, including two of the day's six championship contests. Part One culminates with the FWA World Tag Team Championships. Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall have their maiden defense with those crowns against the last two sets of champions: Konchu Hao and Cyrus Truth of the Dark Roads Alliance, alongside Chris Peacock and Alyster Black of FTN."
Anzu Kurosawa: "As you mentioned, that's not the only gold on the line here in Bahçeşehir Gölet Park. Bryan Baxter will put his FWA North American Championship up for grabs, his year-long reign in serious jeopardy here beneath a canopy of fake snow. The man facing him is Chris Crowe, who never lost that belt at the end of his own reign in 2022."
Jean-Luc Watkins: "And I mentioned scores to be settled: two bloody rivalries will reach their conclusion this afternoon. First, Gerald Grayson will finally have the chance to earn some retribution against Death Walker, whilst later on Madison Gray gets the chance to put her hands on Blake Taylor."
The camera cuts to the commentators, who are wearing their best along with heavy, thick coats, gloves, scarves, and hats. Anzu looks particularly fetching in an ushanka.
Rod Sterling: "Meanwhile, the peculiar relationship between Sawyer Xavier and Jason Randall will come to a head, with the two meeting in singles action following the Wildcard's challenge back at Fallout 035. And if all that wasn't enough - alongside the second bumper show later on this evening - Jeffry Mason will issue an open challenge for a ten minute Deathmatch exhibition!"
Anzu Kurosawa: "We'll see if anyone is silly enough to answer that challenge…"

Small Town Titans - You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch (Official Lyric Video)
Have you ever heard The Grinch like this? Here's the official lyric video for "You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch". Video by 12 Inch Media. Be sure to give this...

The Savior of Death steps out from the curtain in a festive mood. Sporting a red Santa hat in addition to his usual outfit of gray jeans and a white t-shirt decorated with ‘Orphanage Onslaught coming soon to DVD!’ written in green marker, Jeffry Mason makes his way down to the ring smoking a cigarette. He rolls into the ring, careful not to crush any of the gingerbread structures in the process. He takes one last drag of his cigarette before flicking it away. The crowd suddenly begins to chant HOLY SHIT, catching Jeffry off guard. He turns around and sees a small bit of smoke coming from the chimney of one of the edible houses, and is stunned when he realizes that he just accidentally made an almost impossible trick shot.
Rod Sterling: "The look on his face after that really puts the grin in Grinch."
He grabs the microphone left for him on the apron and calls for the music to be cut.
Jeffry Mason: "Can you feel it? Even a few days later, the Christmas spirit still hangs in the air. That’s the only way I can explain what just happened. Christmas day may be over, but the Christmas season is just beginning. In case you couldn’t tell, Orphanage Onslaught was a success and I can’t wait for you all to see it. I won’t give too much away, but spoiler alert: we saved the orphanage! Hopefully the DVD will be out in time for you all to buy and give the perfect gift to your loved ones for MY Christmas, King of Deathmatches. In the meantime, though, to make sure you all stay in the spirit, I’ve set up this open challenge. Welcome, Winter Wastelanders, to the first ever Gingerbread or Alive Deathmatch! Yes, I know it’s not the greatest name, but give me a break here, TYLER and I spent way more time sucking these candy canes sharp and putting this little village of pain together than I originally planned. That’s enough from me, though. I’ve revealed the match type. Now it’s time for my opponent to reveal themself."

Anti-Nowhere League - Streets Of London
From the A-side of the 1981 single, Streets Of London.Originally by Ralph McTell.LYRICS:Well did you see the old man. Outside the seamen's mission. Memories ...

Out from the curtains comes TYLER, who walks to the ring with a purpose. He gets in the ring and the music ceases.
Jeffry Mason: "Wow, TY, I’m proud of you for stepping up like this. I mean, you could have mentioned it was you earlier, but I’m still thrilled. This is awesome, like a classic teacher vs. student battle for the ages! And with us being in each other’s heads, it should make for an even more…"
TYLER cups his hand and leans toward Jeffry’s ear, whispering something.
Jeffry Mason: "Oh no shit? I’m sorry dude. Well just grab one of the gingerbread men without the thumbtack buttons and eat that, that should settle your stomach. Go get some rest, man."
TYLER takes Jeff’s advice and runs off with a gingerbread man in hand, presumably to go to the back and lay down.
Jeffry Mason: "Well the open challenge is once again open! Who will come down and help me kick off the deathmatch season festivities right? Don’t forget about what’s at stake here. Just like I stated in the announcement, all you’ve gotta do is last ten minutes with this deathmatch legend and you’ve got a spot in the King of Deathmatches. You don’t even need to win, just survive. That’s my gift to all of you. So who’s it gonna be?"
Jeffry looks up the ramp with a smile and waits patiently for his opponent to make their arrival.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Is this guy trying to change the name of the tournament to King of Deathmatches? Does he even have the authority to hand out spots?"
Rod Sterling: "I don’t know, but quite frankly I doubt it. I can’t see anyone buying into -- wait, Anzu? What are you doing?"
The camera cuts to the commentary booth where, slowly, Anzu Kurosawa is standing from her seat. There is no fear in her eyes, rather an excited glint and a wide, beaming smile.
Anzu Kurosawa: "This is my year, boys! King of the Deathmatch, 2024!"
Anzu removes her headset and walks around the table, climbing up the steel ring steps and finally getting Jeffry’s attention as she climbs through the ropes. Mason has a slight smile on his face and nods his head as Anzu reaches over the top rope to collect a microphone.
Jeffry Mason: "Wait, Anzu, aren’t you in the tournament every year anyway? I’m not sure you really need to qualify."
Anzu’s smile fades slightly as she remembers KODMs past.
Anzu Kurosawa: "Yes, I’m in the tournament every year, and every year I’m eliminated in the first round. And, let’s face it, there aren’t that many more opportunities for me to do better. I don’t know how many more KODMs left in me."
She sighs and shakes her head, dialling up the wistfulness.
Anzu Kurosawa: "This one might be my last. A deathmatch tournament in Japan? That might be the perfect way for me to bow out. But I’m not sure I want to line up in the starter’s blocks through sympathy. At NTE: Worlds Unite, I told the world that 2024 would be my year in the King of the Deathmatch. Those of you in Japan along with the bootleggers will already have seen it, whilst my American fans will have to wait until the DVD drops. It’s pretty good, though. I win! Spoilers! But Sawyer and Kage aren’t big enough scalps to redeem the failures of the past two years. Jeffry Mason, though?"
Anzu lowers the microphone, her beaming smile returned. She throws the microphone over the top rope and begins to loosen up. Jeffry does the same, enjoying the opponent’s candour, as the official makes his checks before calling for the bell.
With a characteristically broad smile on her face, Anzu slides into the ring and finds herself face to face with Jeffry Mason. The official calls for the bell.

FIRST MATCH || 1/10.
Jeffry Mason vs. ???.
Deathmatch Open Challenge.
Match writer: ???.

<< 00:00. >>
Anzu spends a few moments glancing around at the hardware that has been installed in the ring. She stands in between two gingerbread houses that are about waist high. One of them has roof tiles comprised of thousands upon thousands of tracks, whilst the one to her right has a flat roof made of a single glass pane. Anzu stares through the pane and into a house, where a small gingerbread family is preparing for their evening meal. Being careful not to get caught up in the scene, she turns back to Jeffrey and offers him a handshake.
Jeffry is also smiling, and it seems obvious from his body language (as well as the interaction before the match) that he has some respect for his surprise opponent. Without much hesitation, he takes her hand and shakes it…
… and Anzu catches him with a boot to the midsection! Mason is doubled over, with Anzu putting him in a front face lock and dragging him to the gingerbread house with a glass roof…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "DDT!! Anzu puts Jeffry headfirst through a pane of glass!!!"
Rod Sterling: "Jeffry Mason may be a Deathmatch icon, but Anzu is no slouch in that department either. She takes things right to Mason in the opening minute, and she's going for a cover! This could be an upset!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "I thought she might have done it too, but Jeffry Mason wouldn't have got where he is without a streak of resilience. This match rolls on…"
<< 03:51. >>
Jeffry has worked his way back into the match, and now has Anzu in a seated position in the corner. He's already bleeding heavily from the top of the head after the DDT through the glass, which has only been exacerbated by Anzu and the thumbtack house in the meantime. Mason has the advantage now, though, and lays into Kurosawa with some stomps before rolling beneath the bottom rope. He grabs a nearby spool of barbed wire and wraps it around Anzu’s neck and the steel ring post, placing the sole of his boot against the post for extra leverage!! Before long, Anzu is bleeding too, with respite only coming when Mason can no longer hold onto his end of the barbed wire. He unwraps it to drag Anzu away from the post, hooking the far leg…
Jeffry doesn't show his disappointment, and - knowing that he's against the clock - promptly goes back to work. He lifts Anzu up, grasping her from behind and backing over towards the gingerbread house with the thumb tack roof tiles.
Rod Sterling: "Up Anzu goes… Jeffry Mason is going for a backdrop driver onto that roof!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Anzu knows better. She over-rotates and lands on her feet… inverted facelock… reverse DDT!! Jeffry is planted onto the thumbtacks!"
Rod Sterling: "But Anzu neglects going for a cover, instead hoisting Jeffry back to his feet and applying a front facelock, maybe looking for her patented brainbuster? Can she lift him?!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "She can… but Jeffry Mason lands behind her… he stomps on the back of the knee and Anzu drops to her front… LOCK OF AGES! Jeffry has her in the Lock of Ages!!"
Jeffry wrenches on the Dragon Clutch, Anzu sundered in the middle of the ring and in incredible agony. She reaches out impotently with both hands, unable to sense where the ropes are, or see them with the blood in her eyes. She is nowhere near them, but reaching out with her right hand allows it to wriggle free from Jeffry’s grip. It doesn’t grasp a rope (not that this would do anything, anyway), but she does find her hand tightening around a long, slender shard of glass…
… which she plants into Jeffry’s right knee!!
Rod Sterling: "Anzu is stabbing Jeffry Mason!!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "In the surgically repaired right knee, no less!!"
Mason lets out a yelp of agony and immediately relinquishes Anzu. He hops to a corner, taking the weight off his leg and watching on as Anzu struggles to get to her feet. He limps back towards her and hoists her onto his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. He carefully positions himself near the thumbtack gingerbread house…
Rod Sterling: "Jeffry Mason with the Death Valley Driver! And the thumbtack-covered roof finally gives way!!"
Jeffry crawls onto the gingerbread wreckage to make a cover…
A slight look of frustration passes over Jeffry’s face, but then he goes back to work…
<< 08:12. >>
We rejoin with Jeffry and Anzu trading blows on the apron, Mason thudding into her with right hands and Kurosawa replying with hard forearm strikes. Both are bloody and fatigued, but it's Jeffry who gets the better of the exchange, rocking Anzu with three consecutive right hands and then turning her around with a vicious headbutt!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Jeffry Mason wins the apron slugfest, and now he has Anzu in a rear waist lock. Oh no, there's a lighttube gingerbread house beneath them!"
Mason has spotted it also. He glances over his shoulder at the monstrosity of glass and dough, and then hoists Anzu up and off the apron!!
Rod Sterling: "GERMAN SUPLEX!! Jeffry huffs and he puffs, and down goes another gingerbread house!!"
The fans go wild for the move, but previous time is wasted as Jeffry picks himself out of the wreckage. He pulls some shards of glass out of his arms and neck with his hands before turning back to Anzu. He picks her up and throws her beneath the bottom rope, following her into the ring and then watching patiently as she rises to her feet.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "SAIGON KICK!! Jeffry Mason damn near takes Anzu's head off with the Yakuza! He slumps into the cover…"
Rod Sterling: "Kick out from Anzu! She's alive!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Jeffry Mason is apoplectic!!"
Indeed, but he soon regains his composure when he realises that time is ticking. He picks Anzu up and boots her in the midsection, his intention being to set her up for his finish, but Kurosawa slumps down to the mat instantly! Mason is frustrated, but then lifts up Anzu's dead weight, getting her up onto his shoulders…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "VULGAR DISPLAY OF POWER!!! Jeffry throws Anzu out of the ring!!!"
Mason is quick to follow her out, hooking the leg on the outside. The official slides in to make the count…
But the bell rings! Ten minutes has expired!
Ten minute time limit draw.
Jeffry slumps down to the ground next to Anzu, clearly frustrated at not being able to finish the job in ten minutes. The crowd, meanwhile, cheer for the fast and violent romp, but their adulation does little to sooth Mason.
Kurt Harrington: "Ladies and gentlemen, the ten minute time limit has expired… this match is a draw!"
There's applause in the audience as Mason lifts himself up to his feet. He has his hands on his hips, and then he boots the steel ring steps, his displeasure at the result clear. He notices that Anzu has a hand lifted, offering it after the hard-fought contest. The rest of her is motionless. Mason stares at it for only a moment before stomping off up the ramp.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Anzu Kurosawa offering a show of sportsmanship after the match, but Jeffry Mason wants none of it."
Rod Sterling: "He probably remembers how that turned out at the start of the match…"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Either way, Jeffry Mason is the one who walks out of here under his own power. I'm not sure Anzu will be walking anywhere, let alone joining us for commentary for the next ten hours."
Rod Sterling: "For once I'd have to agree with you, Jean-Luc. In fact, here comes the stretcher."
Anzu tries to get to her feet but she is swarmed by medical staff. She is loaded up onto the stretcher and wheeled up the ramp. There is a disquieted hush in the arena until Anzu offers a weak double thumbs up from her supine position on the stretcher, the crowd cheering the signal as she disappears from the stage.

We open up on a shot of a remote, uninhabited island. It is surrounded on all sides by sea. On the horizon, the sun rises as a red disc casting a glow over the scene. The only soundtrack is the wind rustling the cherry blossom.
Upon the beach, an old man stands with a sword at his side and a crown of thorns upon his head.
He stares out to sea.
In the distance, a small rowing boat battles against the current.
The old man sighs, and grips the hilt of his sword.
from an undisclosed location in Japan.
Saturday 8th March, 2024.

Psychedelic Porn Crumpets - Cornflake (Official Video)
Our brand new album Night Gnomes drops April 22nd 2022. Pre-order/ pre-save it here - https://psychedelic-porn-crumpets.lnk.to/Night_GnomesIDFollow PPC - htt...

There’s a loud pop around the park as Gerald Grayson bounds onto the stage, but Grayson isn’t his usual happy-go-lucky self. He seems focused, his gaze intent on the man waiting in the ring. He slaps hands with the fans along the front row as he makes his way down the ramp.
Kurt Harrington: “Ladies and gentlemen, the contest is scheduled for one-fall and with a twenty minute limit. Introducing first, weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds… he hails from Raleigh in North Carolina… ‘the Daredevil’... GERAAAAAALD… GRAAAAYSON!!"
Rod Sterling: "It's been an interesting few weeks, to say the least, for ‘the Daredevil’ Gerald Grayson, who returned to FWA programming after Lights Out."
Jean-Luc Watkins: "His return has been somewhat marred so far by his opponent tonight, who has thus far refused to let Grayson conduct his business without the threat of assault."
Rod Sterling: "All of this has led to this match-up, with Grayson deciding to confront the problem head on and issue the challenge. Whether that was a sensible idea remains to be seen."
Grayson is in the ring but refrains from climbing up to the second rope to further hype up the fans, instead choosing to remain in his corner and loosen up ahead of the upcoming match. He surveys the faces - thousands and thousands of them - surrounding him in the repurposed city park as his music fades out, replaced by…

All of the positivity that accompanied Gerald Grayson’s arrival now instantly fades away, instead replaced by a chorus of boos. They don't seem to have any effect on the man himself, masked and focused, as he paces down the ramp and towards the ring.
Kurt Harrington: “And his opponent: from the depths of HELL! He weighs in tonight at two hundred and forty three pounds. HE… IS… DEATH WAAAAALKEEEEEER!"
Rod Sterling: "I've lost count of the times over the past few weeks that we've seen Death Walker involve himself in Gerald Grayson’s business, frequently leaving the Daredevil unconscious as a result."
Jean-Luc Watkins: "You sound surprised, Rod."
Rod Sterling: "And I shouldn't be?"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Probably not. That's clearly been Death Walker’s modus operandi since his arrival here in the FWA. We saw him execute a similar tactic against XYZ during their feud earlier in the year."
Rod Sterling: "Modus operandi?"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "It's Latin, Rod. They taught it me at school."
Death climbs into the ring, undaunted and perhaps even dismissive of Grayson, slowly removing his robe and his mask ready for the oncoming encounter. Gerald seems eager and impatient, pacing this way and that as he waits to get his hand on his foe. Finally, with Death Walker ready for battle, the official talks to each man separately to conduct his final checks, and then - eventually - he calls for the bell…

Death Walker vs. Gerald Grayson.
Singles Match.
Match writer: SS.

<< 00:00. >>
The match kicks off and the two begin to circle the ring, and already you can see the contrasting styles that the two intend to implement. Gerald seems to be looking for some sort of tie-up to kick things off, but Death has a guard up, moving around the ring more like a boxer than a wrestler. When Grayson moves to close, Walker attempts a jab or a hook, but Gerald is able to quickly dance away again during these early stretches.
This cat and mouse game continues until Gerald is able to miraculously catch one of the attempted jabs, and the Daredevil proceeds to wrench Walker’s arm up and behind his back in a hammerlock. Death reaches around for the ropes, but finds that they're just out of reach. Gerald transitions into a side headlock, with Death pushing Grayson into the ropes and attempting to fling him off into the opposite set, only for GG to stay his momentum and keep the headlock in place!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Gerald Grayson has come with a very clear strategy, it seems. He's attempting to outwrestle the brawler here. Not a bad idea, if you ask me."
Death fires some elbow strikes into the gut of Gerald, who tries his best to keep the headlock, but the fourth such strike causes separation. Grayson stumbles back one pace, and it’s enough space for Death Walker to unleash a powerful three punch combination! A left hook, a right jab, and then a bruising uppercut are enough to drop GG to the mat!
Rod Sterling: "Gerald is down! Death Walker does not need much space or time at all to show his devastating power!"
Death looks down at the fallen Grayson, but only for a second. He promptly gathers the Daredevil and hoists him up to his feet, grasping him from behind and dropping Gerald on his head with a brutal backdrop driver! The crowd winces and Death follows up with a lateral press…
Gerald kicks out, but is clearly worse for wear after the big early power move. Death allows himself a smirk before applying a grounded side headlock, repaying the favour from earlier in the match. The contest rolls on.
<< 04:41. >>
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Gerald Grayson is struggling here, with Death Walker pressing home his advantage with elbow strike after elbow strike. We're only a few minutes in, but already the Daredevil is on Dream Street!"
A sixth elbow strike backs Gerald into the corner, with Death working him over with some lefts and rights to the body. Finally, Gerald slumps out of the corner, his bodyweight draped over Death, who proceeds to place him in a front facelock and spike him onto his head with a snap DDT! Walker with another cover…
Gerald is once more able to kick out, but again Death looks to immediately continue the momentum. He hoists Grayson up to his feet and backs him into the ropes with alternating right hands and chops, before hurling him into the opposite set with an Irish whip. Death first goes for a clothesline, but Grayson ducks beneath it and continues to the ropes. Walker changes tact and goes for an axe kick, but once again the wiley Daredevil evades it, this time halting his momentum and hitting the turning Death with an enziguri! Death Walker stumbles backwards, and then eats a dropkick, sending him back into the ropes.
Rod Sterling: "Is this the opening that Gerald needs? He’s been searching for one this whole match, and now he finally has Death on the ropes…"
Grayson charges at his opponent, but Death ducks the attempted clothesline and hoists him over with a back body drop. Gerald lands on the apron and then brings Death down throat-first over the top rope, causing Walker to stumble into the centre of the ring. Grayson tees Walker up…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Gerald Grayson is looking for Anything Springboard here! He hurls himself at Death Walker with a cross-body… but he’s met by a jumping knee strike!! Death thuds into Grayson, sending the Daredevil hurtling to the mat!"
Rod Sterling: "Effective anti-air! Once more, Death Walker asserts his dominance over this match, much to the chagrin of the audience here at the Bah… at the Bahces… at the Bah-ces-e–... ah shit, much to the chagrin of the audience here at the park!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Bahçeşehir Gölet Park, Sterling. Jesus."
Death Walker stands over the downed Grayson again, taunting the booing audience with a brief flex before he focuses on his opponent.
<< 07:37. >>
Death has work Gerald down with a sleeper hold, the Daredevil having gone through the obligatory fading process, but now he fights back up to his feet with the audience cheering him on. After finally regaining a vertical base, Grayson flings some elbows into Death’s gut, but his larger opponent refuses to budge. Death transitions from his sleeper hold into a side headlock, which allows Grayson to wrap his arms around his opponent…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "A back suplex from Gerald Grayson! It’s the Daredevil’s turn to drop Death Walker on his head at an ugly angle!"
Rod Sterling: "But can he follow up?! Gerald Grayson has been on the receiving end of some sustained punishment from Death Walker since this one started, but this may be his chance to get himself back into this match…"
It appears that Gerald thinks so, too, with the Daredevil dragging himself over to the ropes and using them to pull himself up to his feet. He stumbles as he turns around but keeps his vertical base, watching on as Death also struggles up. Grayson stalks as Death turns to face him, the Daredevil striking with a right forearm, then a spinning back elbow, and then a mule kick to the gut! Gerald throws Death into the ropes at speed, and then plants him with a snap powerslam!! The audience cheers as Grayson kips up to his feet, but when the Daredevil turns to face his downed foe he notices that Death Walker has rolled out beneath the bottom rope.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Death Walker may think that he’s in a safe place, but we know that not to be true! Grayson hits the opposite set of ropes… TOPE SUICIDA!!"
Grayson pumps his fist as he climbs to his feet, the audience cheering his name after this display of his aerial ability. Gerald stumbles backwards after the exertions of the match, using the steel ring steps behind him for some support. He shakes loose the cobwebs, and then goes back to work…
<< 12:30. >>
Grayson has Death Walker in a front facelock with his arm hooked, attempting to wrench him up and over with a front facelock. Walker, however, is doing all he can to block the move, firstly by dropping to a knee, then by placing his leg behind Gerald's, and then by desperately reeling off a series of right hands to Grayson's side. Eventually, GG stops attempting the lift, which allows Death to hoist Grayson up instead with an attempted delayed vertical suplex. Grayson slips behind and lands on his feet, proceeding to turn Death around and strike with a right forearm, and then a left.
Rod Sterling: "Death Walker is staggered here! He looks a little unsteady on his feet! Gerald hits the ropes, looking to bowl Death over with a lariat, but Walker ducks beneath it…"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "He's going for another backdrop driver, back to how we started this contest… but Grayson over-rotates and lands on his feet! And he connects with a slingblade!!"
Death Walker is down but not for long, with the irrepressible force once more making his way up to a vertical base. Gerald is waiting for him this time, though, and he levels Death Walker with a spinning back fist!! The crowd goes wild as Death slumps down to the mat, with Gerald losing his own footing and falling back into the ropes. Grayson's breath is laboured as he rolls out beneath the bottom one and onto the apron, seemingly taking an eternity to fight his way up to his feet again.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Gerald Grayson can barely stand, but he's looking for one more big move here to finish Death Walker off."
Rod Sterling: "It looks like he's shaping up for Extreme Impact, with Death finally regaining his own base in the ring. Grayson somersaults over the ropes… but Death ducks beneath the clothesline!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "BACKDROP DRIVER!! The second of the match!! Gerald Grayson lands on the top of his head… AGAIN… and now Death Walker drapes an arm over him."
Rod Sterling: "Shoulder up! Gerald Grayson gets the shoulder up!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "That might've just been instinct, Sterling. I don't think Gerald Grayson knows where he is. You're at the Bahçeşehir Gölet Park, Gerald! Don't worry, Rod doesn't know where he is either!"
Walker slowly pulls himself up to his feet, using the ropes to help him do so. Gerald still hasn't moved an inch. The manner in which Death looks down at him is almost indicative of a new found respect, but this doesn't stop Walker from promptly hoisting Gerald back to his feet. He drags Grayson's head into position and then joists him up over his shoulders.
Rod Sterling: "DARK CLOUD!! Death Walker gets all of it!!"
Gerald Grayson is laid out after the Dominator, and all that is left for Death to do is make the cover.
Winner: Death Walker via pinfall at 15:37.
Death is slow to get to his feet, the match clearly having taken a lot out of him, but eventually he does. The official attempts to lift his hand but it is snatched away almost immediately by Walker.
Kurt Harrington: “Here is your winner… DEATH WALKER!!"
Rod Sterling: "An impressive showing today for Death Walker, who overcomes the valiant and resilient Gerald Grayson to record the victory."
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Death Walker will hope this is a win that he can build from, whilst Gerald Grayson will hope that this is a defeat he can forget. A hard-hitting contest that could've gone either way, but it's Death that stands victorious at the end of it."
The camera shows Death Walker standing over Gerald Grayson, who is only now stirring, as we fade away from the ring.

In the parking area backstage, the camera focuses on a very determined-looking Allen Price. As has been the case in recent weeks, he is in his wheelchair and wears a neck brace, still feeling the effects of what Cyrus Truth did to him at Lights Out. Price is clearly worried about something, with Chris Peacock unseen and not confirmed to have been appearing on the show to team up with Alyster Black later on in the night. A stagehand appears and passes him a note, which he reads out loud.
Allen Price: “Sorry to hear about Chris’s car trouble… HAVE THE BEST DAY!”

Kurt Harrington: “This next match is scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit and is for the FWA North American Championship!”

Nirvana - Come As You Are (Official Music Video)
REMASTERED IN HD!!Official Music Video for Come As You Are performed by Nirvana. ‘Nevermind (30th Anniversary Edition)’ is available now: https://Nirvana.lnk...

The crowd get to their feet in anticipation of the challenger for tonight’s match, the former FWA North American Champion, to make his way out. While the music starts, there is no sign of the Showman just yet as Harrington continues.
Kurt Harrington: “Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at two-hundred forty pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Crazy Harry… he is… THE SHOWMAN… CCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRIIIIIISSSSSSSS CCCCCCCRRROOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEE!”
As Harrington completes the introduction and the fans continue to be anxiously waiting, there is still no sign of Chris Crowe.
Rod Sterling: "I don’t like the looks of this."
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Can we get a camera backstage? Someone check into this…”
Almost on cue, we do cut to the back as we get the POV of a camera man running through the corridors backstage. We can hear some commotion and as we round the corner, we hear the concerned voice of Crazy Harry calling out for Crowe. Harry rushes over as we find Chris Crowe laid out backstage. A dented up steel chair lays beside him but also the glass shards of a shattered beer bottle.
Rod Sterling: "What is going on here? Chris Crowe has been attacked backstage before his match! Bryan Bastard no doubt once again stooping to whatever it takes…”
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Not so fast Rod, we can’t just jump to conclusions here, can we?”
Rod Sterling: "Bryan Bastard ducked Crowe for weeks before Crowe EARNED this title shot! A title shot for a belt HE NEVER LOST, Jean-Luc. This has his finger prints all over it! It’s Back in Business all over again!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "I’m just sayin… I think Bryan Baxter was pretty eager to get his hands on Crowe now… and look, there’s a broken beer bottle! I don’t think Bryan Baxter would’ve been handling one of those.”
Rod Sterling: "I don’t put anything past that bastard.”
Crazy Harry is joined by FWA officials who try to check on Crowe who begins to come to. Finally, Tommy Bedlam comes rushing over.
Tommy Bedlam: "Crowe! Crowe, dang it man! What’s happening! Who did this Harry? Who did this?”
Crazy Harry is speechless, shrugging his shoulders just as in the dark as the rest of us.
Tommy Bedlam: "That damn Bryan Bastard! Crowe, come on man, you gotta get up. You gotta get out there! They’re callin’ your name!”
Chris Crowe begins to come to… staggering up with the help of Harry and Tommy.
Tommy Bedlam: "Did you see what happened? Who did this to ya?”
Chris Crowe: "God damn if I know… sum bitch… attacked me from behind. Piece of shit…”
Crowe is winded just getting those words out. Crazy Harry seems concerned about Crowe going down to the ring, but Crowe shoves him off.
Chris Crowe: "I got this… I’m getting my damn title back..”
The Showman pulls himself away from Tommy and Harry… and begins to stagger his way out, making his way through the curtains with Crazy Harry giving chase, seemingly still trying to talk him out of it.
Rod Sterling: "Attack be damned, Chris Crowe is making his way out here after all!”
The fans are to their feet as Crowe stumbles his way down to the ring, rolling in.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "This seems like a bad idea… but The Showman is a crazy sonofabitch if there ever was one.”
The crowd is fired up as The Showman faces the entrance way, challenging Baxter to come on down.

Nickelback-Animals.Please Rate and Subscribe,Thank You., I'm driving black on black Just got my license backI got this feeling in my veins this train is comi...

With awful tunes of Nickelback hitting the speakers, Big Bryan Bastard walks out onto the stage, loosening up ahead of the bout. He hasn’t come alone, either, with Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache appearing behind him. They keep a safe distance from Bryan as he walks down the ramp.
Kurt Harrington: "And introducing second, the reigning and defending FWA North American Champion… accompanied to the ring by Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance… from Hickory, North Carolina… he weighs in tonight at three hundred and twelve pounds… BIG… BRYAN… BASTARD!!"
Bryan holds his championship belt above his head after climbing into the ring, just as his name is read out. He hands it over to the official to parade around the ring.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Three hundred and ninety nine days with that championship belt… only Chris Crowe stands between Big Bryan Bastard and four hundred days. And Bryan has loaded the deck in his favour. How much can Chris Crowe have left to give?!"
Rod Sterling: "I guess we’re about to find out…"
The official issues one more plea to Crowe, asking him to reconsider competing after the attack. The Showman waves him on, glaring at Baxter across the ring. The referee shrugs his shoulders, and then calls for the bell…

THIRD MATCH || 1/60.
Big Bryan Bastard (c) vs. Chris Crowe.
Singles Match for the FWA North American Championship.
Match writer: SS.

The match starts with Chris Crowe, somewhat surprisingly, charging across the ring and hammering into Big Bryan with some untechnical but savage strikes. The clubbing blows back Baxter up into the corner, with Crowe proceeding to drive a shoulder repeatedly into Bryan's abdomen.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Despite suffering an attack backstage - or perhaps even because of it - Chris Crowe comes out of the gates swinging! Baxter is overwhelmed!!"
Crowe mounts the second rope with Baxter beneath him, following up with ten right hands from above. The audience counts along with the strikes and, on the tenth, Baxter falls down into a seated position. Crowe is unrelenting, hopping down off the ropes and laying into Bryan with stomp after stomp. Eventually, the official has to start a count to get the Showman off him, with Crowe relenting only at four. Crowe hoists Baxter up out of the corner and applies a front facelock.
Rod Sterling: "Chris Crowe looking for a DDT… but Big Bryan Bastard shows his strength! He hoists Crowe up, drives to the corner, and slams Crowe’s head off the bottom turnbuckle with a double leg takedown!!"
Crowe immediately clutches the back of his head, which was where the beer bottle was smashed over his head just prior to the match. Baxter is seething when he picks Crowe up to his feet. He throws him against a nearby set of ropes, the Showman hitting them chest first before stumbling - backwards - towards Baxter… who thuds into the back of his head with a discus lariat!!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Big Bryan Bastard is savouring this moment. Chris Crowe is face-down and motionless, and it seems only moments before Baxter retains his title…"
Baxter neglects to cover Crowe, instead grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and draggin him up. The Showman is virtually dead weight, and this isn’t an easy task for Bryan, but he eventually manages it and tucks Crowe’s head between his legs. Baxter deadlifts Crowe up…
Rod Sterling: "And now a devastating powerbomb into the turnbuckles! Crowe slumps forward to the mat, rolling onto his back… a cocky cover from Baxter here, with a boot placed on the challenger’s chest!"
Crowe kicks out, which seems to annoy Baxter. He follows up with about a dozen stomps to specific body parts of his challenger, before once more grabbing Crowe by the scruff of the neck and dragging him into powerbomb position.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Once isn’t enough for Big Bryan Bastard! Here we go again…"
Rod Sterling: "NO! Chris Crowe slips out of the powerbomb… DDT!! The champion is dropped on the top of his head!"
Baxter, to his credit, fights immediately back to his feet, but he seems a little dizzy as he turns to face Crowe. The challenger doubles Bryan over with a boot to the midsection…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Piledriver!!! This is swinging back into Crowe’s favour!"
Rod Sterling: "Cover him! Why isn’t he covering him?!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Big Bryan Bastard has been North American Champion for over a year now, Sterling. It’s gonna take more than a transitional move like a piledriver to put him down for three!"
Crowe seems to agree with Jean-Luc’s assessment. He stumbles to the corner, still clutching the back of his head, and then begins a slow, steady ascent towards the top rope.
Rod Sterling: "This crowd, initially undecided on Chris Crowe, seems to have come around to him. I guess that’s why they call him the Showman! They cheer him on as he makes his climb towards the top turnbuckle, perhaps looking for that 450 Splash that we’ve seen him land before…"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "We’ve seen him miss it a fair few times, too, and this ascent is even slower than usual… and… Jesus Christ! Sir Stache is up on the apron! You hate to see it!"
Rod Sterling: "The official is over to deal with Sir Stache… and, yep, that’s Mejor Amigo’s cue! He’s up on the apron on the opposite side of the ring, behind the official’s back… and he pushes Crowe from the top rope! The Showman lands in a heap next to Baxter, who is rousing…"
Baxter climbs to his feet as a confused referee turns back towards the scene. He scratches his head as Big Bryan Bastard drags Chris Crowe up into a front facelock…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "BAXTER DRIVER!!"
Rod Sterling: "He hooks the leg…"
Winner: Big Bryan Bastard via pinfall at 07:31.
Baxter climbs back to his feet and has no interest in allowing the official to raise his hand. Stache and Amigo enter the ring, celebrating behind the champion as he’s handed his belt.
Kurt Harrington: "Here is your winner, and STILL the FWA North American Champion… BIG… BRYAN… BASTARD!!"
Rod Sterling: "That’s it, and chalk up an assist to the Friendship Wrestling Alliance."
Jean-Luc Watkins: "For once we’re in agreement, Rod. With the backstage assault earlier on, coupled with the involvement of Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache at the match’s culmination, Chris Crowe wasn’t really given much of a chance."
Bryan lifts his championship belt high above his head, Amigo and Stache shaking hands behind him to congratulate one another on a job well done.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "But the history books will only remember that Big Bryan Bastard defeated Chris Crowe in under eight minutes tonight, and - as of tomorrow morning - he will have held that FWA North American Championship for four hundred consecutive days. He is only the second man to do that in FWA history after ‘the Prodigy’ Mike Parr."
Rod Sterling: "The magnitude of that accomplishment cannot be underestimated, and Big Bryan doesn’t look like relinquishing that title any time soon…"
We fade out on Baxter clutching his championship belt in the ring.

The bright vignette unfolds, casting a nostalgic glow on the earlier days of La Sombra Filosa – a hero adorned in vibrant colors, adored by fans, and soaring through the air with grace. Cheers resonate through the arena as the footage captures his triumphant moments. But then, the scene shifts.
The hues fade to grayscale, the vibrant colors draining away as the video chronicles the fateful day of the knee injury. The cheers morph into gasps, and the lively atmosphere turns somber. La Sombra Filosa, once a symbol of hope, now clutches his injured knee, the pain etched across his masked face.
As the footage turns grungey and black-and-white, a stark transformation unfolds. La Sombra Filosa, now shrouded in darkness, emerges with a menacing demeanor. The scenes of violence and chaos unfold, capturing the raw intensity of his new persona. Shadows dance across his figure as he unleashes relentless strikes and brutal maneuvers.
The crowd, once filled with cheers, now watches in awe and trepidation as the grungey black-and-white footage unfolds, revealing the depths of La Sombra Filosa's descent into darkness. The imagery echoes the struggles, the pain, and the violent rebirth of a fallen hero.
The vignette concludes with La Sombra Filosa standing tall, his silhouette imposing against a backdrop of shadows. The grungey, black-and-white footage leaves an indelible mark, a testament to the haunting journey that led him to this enigmatic and vengeful incarnation.

Kurt Harrington: “The next contest is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit!”

Go To Sleep
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music GroupGo To Sleep · Eminem · DMX · Obie TriceCradle 2 The Grave℗ 2003 The Island Def Jam Music GroupReleased on: 2003-0...

The song plays and once the opening lyrics start, Jason Randall walks out on stage with his usual demeanor. No fanfare and no posturing from The Wildcard who is all business as usual as he makes his way down to the ring.
Kurt Harrington: “Introducing first, from San Diego, California and weighing in at 234 lb…he is The Wildcard…Jason Randall!”
Randall is in the ring; he tosses aside his jacket and paces around the ring as his music gradually fades out…

Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Official Music Video)
Official Music Video for Smells Like Teen Spirit performed by Nirvana.Nevermind (30th Anniversary Edition) is available now: https://Nirvana.lnk.to/Nevermind...

Sawyer Xavier appears on stage and much like his opponent there’s little to no fanfare from him, as well no posturing to the fans despite the mixed reception. There’s no time wasted either as Xavier is quickly inside the ring…
Kurt Harrington: “His opponent, from Savannah, Georgia and weighing in at 176 lb…he is Sawyer Xavier!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It was a few weeks ago following Lights Out we saw Sawyer Xavier lay it on thick for The Wildcard, but somewhere in that berating was an offer for an alliance of sorts between the two.”
Rod Sterling: “Randall declined that offer but instead issued the challenge for this match, and Sawyer Xavier accepted. I have a feeling that the reason Randall made the challenge was to teach Xavier a lesson in respect.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Perhaps you’re right, Rod. Sawyer spoke some cold hard truths that had to have stung for The Wildcard. Regardless, the year has not been kind to both men so both of them will be looking to end the year on a positive note with a win.”

Jason Randall vs. Sawyer Xavier.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Jimmy.

<< 00:00 >>
Randall offers up a handshake to start things off but Xavier turns his nose up to it and ignores it. Randall looks around at the crowd, nods and gives a shrug before clobbering Xavier with a roaring elbow smash! Sawyer is brought to a knee and Randall unloads on Xavier with a barrage of knee strikes to the head! Randall has Xavier up in a front face lock and then punishes him some more with relentless forearm smashes until Xavier is backed up in the corner…
Randall goes to work on Xavier with the corner stomps with no signs of letting up. Randall does stop for a brief moment and acts like he’s going to shake hands with Xavier, but Randall then strikes with another stomp to the chest. Randall yanks Xavier out of the corner by the wrist and obliterates him with a ripcord lariat! Randall brings Xavier up once more and then back down again with a snapmare this time, and then lights up his chest with a pair of shoot kicks…
Rod Sterling: “I bet Xavier is wishing he had accepted that handshake right about now.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Perhaps, but I’m sure it’s just more than that. This is years worth of pent up frustration for Randall and he’s unleashing it on this young man, who in Randall’s mind, spoke out of turn.”
Randall eyes his opposition as he readies his next move by lining up Xavier and goes for the Kill-Shot running knee strike, but Xavier moves out of the way and Randall catches himself on the ropes but he’s not prepared enough for Xavier to catch him from behind with a roll-up!
Xavier kicks out and rolls through and he’s back on his feet, and he ducks an incoming clothesline from The Wildcard and he catches Randall with a standing dropkick to the back that sends Randall into the ropes. Xavier charges at Randall, taking him out over the ropes with a clothesline, but Randall prevents himself from hitting the outside as he hangs on but Xavier is ready for that and catches him with a running dropkick that sends Randall to the outside…
Randall gathers himself and shakes that off but before he react quick enough he’s knocked back into the barricade by a suicide dive from Xavier! Referee Matthew Dean starts a count as Xavier drags Randall away from the barricade and toward the turnbuckle pole. Xavier leans Randall up against the pole and goes for a chop, but Randall side steps it and Xavier chops the pole at full force! Xavier howls in pain and clutches at his wrist but then he’s shoved back first into the ring apron! Randall then picks him up in a spinebuster position and rams Xavier back first into the turnbuckle pole!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Wildcard deploying some of his more extreme tactics from his arsenal despite this not being an extreme rules match.”
Rod Sterling: “One of those matches was enough for one night, we don't need another!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’d suggest that Anzu would beg to differ, but then again she probably can’t think straight right now.”
Randall tosses Xavier back inside the ring and he lies in wait before leveling Xavier with a discus lariat! Randall then makes the cover…
<< 05:50 >>
Randall expertly applies a headlock and gradually transitions into a dragon sleeper on Xavier. Randall is doing his best to keep the speedy Xavier grounded and maintaining control of the match so far. Xavier manages to get to the ropes though to eventually break the hold, much to the dismay of Randall. Randall brings Xavier up in a front face lock, but Xavier fights out of it with repeated punches to Randall and then a sitout jawbreaker that stuns Randall! Randall is on spaghetti legs and Xavier strikes again with a roundhouse kick! Xavier runs the ropes and propels himself off and clatters Randall with a disaster kick! Randall goes down as Xavier hits the ropes again and comes off with a springboard corkscrew splash into a pin!
Xavier slows the pace now as he applies a lion tamer submission, focusing on that wounded knee of Randall that’s in a brace…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xavier wisely focuses on the lower region for Randall. The Wildcard has that nagging knee that gives him trouble and Xavier must’ve done his homework.”
Randall grits his teeth and refuses to quit despite the excruciating pain he’s experiencing. Eventually, he uses enough leg strength to flip Xavier out of the hold. Randall wastes no time and ignores the pain that’s shooting through his leg, and takes down Xavier from behind at the knee and he goes for his bulldog choke that’s put away opponents in the past…but Xavier was close enough to get to the ropes to break it up…
Randall limps back to a vertical base and gathers his bearings as he briefly isolates himself from Xavier. Xavier is up on his feet now and the two of them start trading blows. Lefts and rights from each man that’s reminiscent of a hockey fight, but a bit more slowed down due to the wear and tear of the match thus far. Randall gains the upper hand with a rake of the eyes, and he takes his time to bring Xavier in close and he goes for a snap suplex, but Xavier flips out behind him and Xavier has Randall in a rear waistlock. This time Randall spins behind Xavier, and he shoves him into the ropes…german suplex! Randall doesn’t miss a beat and hits Xavier with a dragon suplex into a bridge!
<< 09:57 >>
Randall is sizing him up and he has Sawyer in position for the Deuces Wild, but Xavier blocks it and unloads on Randall with several back fist strikes. Xavier then hits the ropes and comes back with a springboard DDT! Xavier is feeling it now as he ascends to the top and he readies himself as he waits for Randall to rise up…Xavier leaps off in hopes to hit a meteora, but Randall catches him in mid-air…there’s a struggle and Xavier is trying to fight back as Randall hoists him up in a powerbomb position…BUCKLE BOMB! Randall launches Xavier into the corner with a powerbomb! Xavier bounces off the buckle right into the waiting arms of Randall…Hail Mary! Randall drops Xavier with his signature cutter…he hooks the far leg for the pin…
Rod Sterling: “How did he survive that?! His back has got to be in shambles after that buckle bomb and then a cutter on top of that! I thought for sure Xavier was done for after that!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “These fans thought the same and so did Randall, who is surprised but he’s learning there’s still a lot of fight left in Sawyer Xavier!”
Randall brings Xavier up and he’s about to go for the Wildcard Special, which sometimes can lead into the Snake Eyes…Randall lifts him up but Sawyer counters…stundog millionaire! Sawyer with his own take on a stunner! Randall falls back and Sawyer lines him up…Brain Squasher! Xavier then climbs to the top as the fans will him on…Genesis of Truth! Xavier makes the pin…
WInner: Sawyer Xavier via pinfall at 12:18.
Kurt Harrington: “The winner of the match…Sawyer Xavier!”
Xavier is helped to his feet and has his hand raised by the referee. The crowd is on their feet showing their appreciation for him, and he looks exhausted yet relieved that he did it.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Sawyer Xavier has done it, wrestling fans! He has pinned the self-proclaimed gatekeeper of FWA at Winter Wasteland!”
Rod Sterling: “What a moment, what a match!”
Randall starts to stir and he’s eventually helped to his feet, but he’s not helped by the referee, he’s helped by Sawyer Xavier. The two men have a staredown with the crowd buzzing, and Xavier extends his hand toward Randall. The Wildcard briefly ponders it before accepting the handshake, and he points at Xavier before he raises Xavier’s hand in victory and points at him again, and then Randall exits the ring to let Xavier have his moment as the show rolls on…

A commercial airs for a blender.

The camera catches up with Madison Gray as she makes her way from her lockerroom, an intense look in her eyes. In the background, we hear someone yelling for her, but Gray never breaks her stride. She finally stops as Laramie, her friend who Blake Taylor kidnapped several weeks ago, catches up.
Laramie: “Are you ready for this? A street fight with Blake Taylor? Since anything goes, I thought it’d be a good idea if I went to ringside with you.”
Madison Gray: “Laramie, I’m not sure if you’ve caught on yet, but I really don’t need you anymore. I don’t need you tonight, I won’t need you next week. I’m not in this match because of you, you were just a byproduct of this entire thing. Get lost, Laramie. You’re fired.”
Kurt Harrington: “Ladies and gentlemen, your next bout is scheduled for ONE FALL, and is a STREEEET FIIIIIGHT! Introducing first, hailing from Las Vegas, Nevada, he is “The Prodigal Son,” Blake Taaaaylor!”

Till I Collapse
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music GroupTill I Collapse · Eminem · Nate DoggThe Eminem Show℗ 2002 Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope RecordsReleased on: ...

The crowd rains down a chorus of boos that almost shake the venue as Blake Taylor appears at the top of the ramp. He arrogantly smirks at the jeering audience, seeming to love the hatred that they spew toward him.
Kurt Harrington: “And his opponent, hailing from Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth, she is the “Young Lioness,” she is MAAAADISOOOOON GRAAAAAAAAAAAY!”

Fred again.. - Jungle
Fred again.. - Jungle Spotify Playlist: https://cldkid.com/spotify My Discord: https://wrestlingsmarks.com/cloudkid"Fear the culture and the vulture will come. Fe...

Madison Gray doesn’t stand at the top of the ramp and soak in the cheers that the capacity crowd rains down on her. With a kendo stick in hand, she locks eyes with her opponent and makes a mad dash toward the ring.

FIFTH MATCH || 1/20.
Blake Taylor vs. Madison Gray.
Street Fight.
Match writer: Tom O’Bedlam.

Rod Sterling: “Madison Gray has a look in her eyes that I’m not sure I’ve ever seen before. She looks like she’s out for blood.”
As the bell sounds, Madison begins swinging wildly at Blake Taylor, who appears to be taken somewhat off guard. The kendo stick begins to splinter against his ribs, and Madison finishes off the shards of the stick against the side of his head, knocking Taylor to the mat.
Jean Luc Watkins: “Blake Taylor is the one who demanded this be a street fight, but he may be rethinking that decision now.”
Madison doesn’t slow down, delivering a flurry of kicks to Taylor’s head. With her opponent incapacitated, she stomps over to the corner of the ring and rips the bottom turnbuckle pad off. She glances over her shoulder, making sure that he’s still down, and gets a sadistic smirk on her face.
She grabs her wounded opponent and shoves him into the corner, his head resting against the cold steel. Madison quickly slides out of the ring, grabs a steel chair, and puts it on his head.
Jean Luc Watkins: “She has Blake Taylor’s head sandwiched between a turnbuckle and that chair. I’m not sure what she’s going to do here, but it can’t be good for “The Prodigal Son.”
Madison grabs the top rope, pops herself into the air, and delivers a brutal double stomp, crushing Taylor’s head between two pieces of steel. The crowd lets out an audible scream of approval. The chair falls to the side, revealing Blake Taylor’s bloodied face.
Rod Sterling: “She may have just killed Blake Taylor!”
Gray pulls Taylor from the corner by his feet and goes for the pin.
Madison Gray pulls Blake Taylor up by the head and laughs in his face. She reaches down, wipes some of the blood away, and uses it to paint her own face. She yells something indeterminable in Blake Taylor’s face, as he tries to swing at her, but he’s too disoriented and misses wildly. She slams him down on the back of his head. Gray stands up and walks around her fallen foe laughing at him.
Blake Taylor manages to pull himself up to his knees, but that doesn’t prove to be much help. He’s quickly met by a series of rapid-fire kicks to the chest and head, the last of which snaps his head straight back. He falls back to the mat in a bloodied heap.
NO! Gray breaks her own pin attempt once again.
Rod Sterling: “We thought that Madison Gray hated Blake Taylor because of what he did to Laramie, but before this match started, she made it pretty obvious that this has nothing to do with her. I’m not sure what’s brought out this side of “The Young Lioness.”
Jean Luc Watkins: “I think she just hates the guy, Rod. There isn’t much to figure out here.”
Madison stalks her prey like a lioness stalks an antelope, poking at him with the tip of her boot, trying to elicit some type of reaction, but he just doesn’t have much left. Once she’s satisfied that he’s incapacitated, she sits down on the mat beside him, and for a moment, she just stares at the crimson mask that flows down his face.
Suddenly, she grabs his arm, throws it between her legs, and snaps back, planting both her feet on the other side of his head.
Rod Sterling: She’s put him in The Grey Effect! She may just break his arm here!”
Taylor helplessly tries to free himself from the clutches of The Grey Effect, but it’s all futile. Madison has him right where she wants him, in the middle of the ring. Finally, he relents and begins slapping the mat, tapping out.
WInner: Madison Gray via Submission at 6:26.
Kurt Harrington: “Here is your winner… MADISON GRAY!!!”
The official lifts Gray’s hand in victory, with the young woman looking satisfied that she’s seen off her long-term foe.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Not just a win for Madison Gray but a dominant one. Blake Taylor has been vanquished, and the sky is the limit for the Young Lionesss…”
We fade away from the park as Gray climbs up onto the second turnbuckle to celebrate her win.

A commercial announces that tickets are currently on sale for the upcoming Asian leg of the FWA’s world tour. Dates include:
Sunday 14th January, 2024 - A Very Crossfire Christmas: The Secular Spectacular || Beijing, China.
Thursday 25th January, 2024 - Meltdown XXXVII || Hanoi, Vietnam.
Saturday 27th January, 2024 - Fallout 037 || Hong Kong, China.
Thursday 8th February, 2024 - Meltdown XXXVIII || Seoul, South Korea.
Saturday 10th February, 2024 - Fallout 038 || Tsushima, Japan.
Friday 7th March, 2024 - Fight Night || Tokyo, Japan.
Sunday 9th March, 2024 - King of the Deathmatch III || An undisclosed location in Japan.
Thursday 28th March, 2024 - Meltdown XXXIX || Osaka, Japan.
Saturday 30th March, 2024 - Fallout 039 || Sapporo, Japan.

"Knife Talk" Xavien Marshall Entrance Video
FWA character Xavien Marshall's entrance video.

There is a sense of anticipation from the fans gathered as it is time for the final match of the first part of Winter Wasteland. This excitement is eroded when Xavien Marshall slowly appears through the entrance-way, with his FWA World Tag Team Championship belt strewn over his shoulder. There is an assured and quiet air of confidence from X, who also has the Gunfight One Ring in his possession.
Kurt Harrington: “The following contest is your main event of Winter Wasteland Part One, and it is a Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the FWA World Tag Team Championships!
“Introducing first, from Cleveland, Ohio and weighing in at two-hundred and eighteen pounds, he is the holder of the Gunfight One Ring and one half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions… XAVIEN MAAAAAAARRRRSSHHAAAAAAALLLL!!!
Rod Sterling: “Well, for the first part of Winter Wasteland at the very least, it’s time for the main event! The FWA World Tag Team Championships are on the line, with the odd couple pairing of Jay Kenny and this man, Xavien Marshall, making their first defence of the titles.”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Xavien Marshall has not been part of the FWA roster for very long, but to say that he has made an immediate impact would be an understatement, wrestling fans. Undefeated in both singles and multi-person competition, one half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions and the holder of the Gunfight One Ring, entitling him a future shot at the FWA X Championship, against either Tommy Bedlam or Keres.”
Marshall slowly walks up the steps and into the ring where he stands with his arms outstretched and the championship hanging down from his left hand. He enjoys his moment in the spotlight on his own for a moment, and looks over at the stage disdainfully as the music of his partner plays.

P110 - Jaykae - Toothache [Music Video]
Buy Toothache now on iTunes here: http://itun.es/gb/j4hLcbStream Toothache on Spotify here: https://open.spotify.com/track/1hxwGDei6E7DkUoPP4ZNLuSUBSCRIBE ...

Jay Kenny emerges from backstage next, shadow boxing with his head bowed down low. Thomas Princeton places a reassuring hand on his shoulders and gives him a nod, after which Kenny makes his way towards the ring. Jay makes a point to not look in the direction of his fellow tag team champion as he pats the title belt around his waist.
Kurt Harrington: “His tag team partner; accompanied by FWA Hall of Famer Thomas Princeton and weighing in at two-hundred and seven pounds… he is the other half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions… JAAAAAAY KENNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYY!!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Of course, the man that Xavien Marshall defeated to capture that Gunfight One Ring is his fellow FWA World Tag Team Champion. Defeated could actually be underplaying how dominantly Xavien Marshall won that match, in all honesty…”
Rod Sterling: “Well, Jay Kenny seems focused on the job at hand tonight; if he wants to remain a champion here in the FWA he needs to put that defeat to one side and find a way to work with Marshall. We’ve had some unlikely pairings as champions in the past, but these two could be the least-cohesive unit we’ve ever seen hold that gold!”
As Kenny walks up the steps to enter the ring, he locks eyes with Marshall for the first time and X seems roundly unimpressed with his tag team partner. Jay shakes his head and then does some more shadow boxing as Princeton offers some final words of encouragement; trying to put his partner’s indifference towards him to one side.

In a stark contrast to the reactions displayed for the champions, the first set of challengers are clear fan favourites. Epsilon sprints out from behind the curtain and jumps up and down excitedly, and he is quickly joined by Konchu Hao. ‘The Mad Wizard’ applauds the fans and the duo are joined by Cyrus Truth. The appearance of ‘The Exile’ brings about an extremely loud pop and Truth gets his partners to focus up and together the Dark Roads Alliance marches towards the ring.
Kurt Harrington: “Introducing the challengers… First, being accompanied by Epsilon and weighing in at a combined weight of four-hundred and forty-two pounds… ‘The Mad Wizard’ Konchu Hao and ‘The Exile’ Cyrus Truth; they are the DAAAAARK ROADS ALLLLLIIIIIIIAAANNNNCCE!!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here come the former FWA World Tag Team Champions; defeated by Marshall and Kenny on Meltdown XXXIV. Kenny and Marshall won that match in acrimonious circumstances to say the least, but it is safe to say that with Xavien Marshall’s recent win in singles competition over Konchu Hao, the champions have DRA’s numbers.”
Rod Sterling: “We saw it at Lights Out, Jean-Luc. These two are big game players and well, what happened in the last few weeks won’t matter once the bell rings tonight.”
Cyrus is the first one into the ring and he is joined by Konchu and Epsilon. Epsilon climbs up onto the turnbuckle and takes in the applause and adoration from the fans but Cyrus and Konchu take on a much more serious tone. Across the ring, Xavien Marshall smirks and waves sarcastically at them whilst Jay Kenny keeps his head down still.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, a question we’ve been asking ourselves all night so far; is Chris Peacock going to be joining us for this match?”

An answer to that question is provided when the FWA World Champion’s music plays and not ‘Try a Little Tenderness’ by The Commitments. Black’s appearance would usually be received well by the fans, but the fact that Allen Price is with him means that is not the case this evening. Black’s entrance is not befitting of the top guy in the company, either, as he has to push Price around in his wheelchair down the ramp. Price barks obscenities at the crowd, with one audience member throwing a paper cup at him.
Kurt Harrington: “Finally, representing FTN and being accompanied to the ring by Allen Price… from San Dimas, California and weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, he is the current FWA World Champion… ‘Black Jesus’ AAAAAAALLLLYSSTERRRRR BLAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!”
As Alyster Black makes his entrance, we are shown a shot of the parking lot and all that can be seen are Sir Stache and Mejor Amigo. The Friendship Wrestling Alliance members are clearly standing guard.
Rod Sterling: “Well, no Chris Peacock as of yet and we have those two clowns in place in case he does arrive. A ploy by Jeremy Best to deny Alyster Black of back up in this match, to soften him up for tomorrow night, no doubt.”
Black does not get straight into the ring or acknowledge anyone inside of it. He wheels Price around the ring and parks him up alongside the commentary table.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh no… this isn’t fair.”
Allen Price: “Ah, it feels great to be back! Jean-Luc, Rod, how are we doing, gentlemen? I thought that as a Christmas treat to you and our fans at home… I’M BACK!”
Rod Sterling: “Where’s Chris Peacock, Rod?”
Allen Price: “He’s next to your liver spots, Rod. Don’t have that attitude with me - I might be in this chair but I’m a battle-hardened warrior. I’m not to be trifled with!”

Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall (c) vs. The Dark Roads Alliance (Cyrus Truth and Konchu Hao) vs. FTN (Chris Peacock and Alyster Black).
Triple Threat Tag Team Match for the FWA World Tag Team Championships.
Match writer: Man.

The bell rings and to the frustration of those in the ring and the crowd, it becomes immediately clear that neither of the champions will actually be starting off the match in the ring for their first title defence. Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall both stand on the apron in their assigned corner. This means that Alyster Black has no choice but to start, representing FTN, and Cyrus Truth nominates himself to begin opposite the FWA World Champion on behalf of the Dark Roads Alliance.
It is as if Alyster Black already knows that he is in for a long weekend wrestling-wise and he takes a deep breath before turning on the swagger and marching straight up to Cyrus and piefacing him. This gets a big reaction from the crowd and ‘The Exile’ smirks for a moment before his face transitions into a frown and he smashes his elbow into Black’s head. The two begin exchanging these strikes in the middle of the ring and the crowd shows their excitement that the match has started off hot like this.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m not surprised that neither Alyster Black or Cyrus Truth are standing on ceremony here, wrestling fans. There’s a lot of bad blood between FTN and the Dark Roads Alliance and of course it was going to spill over into this match.”
Allen Price: “Well, I think you’re forgetting that my client Alyster Black is the best pure striker here in the FWA and not even that degenerate Cyrus Truth can dny him of that accolade, Jean-Luc.”
Black establishes an advantage with a kick to the midsection and he sends Truth into the FTN corner, which is of course empty. Truth blocks Black’s attempt to drive his head into the top turnbuckle with a well-placed boot on the middle one, and then cuts him off with a pointed elbow to the ribs. This allows Truth to put Black in the corner and he stings his chest with a chop. Before Truth can do it again, Black catches him with a Headbutt to the bridge of his nose and Cyrus drops down to a knee.
Thinking quickly, Black then grabs both of Truth’s arms and holds them behind him… and HE CURBSTOMPS CYRUS INTO THE MAT! Black quickly flips ‘The Exile’ over and goes for the cover;
The pin is broken up just in time by Jay Kenny! Kenny beat Konchu in the foot race to break up the early pin. Xavien Marshall did not even bother trying to break it up, even though it could have ended the match very early. The referee quickly gets ‘The Mad Wizard’ back in his corner, but this leaves Kenny free to stomp out both Black and Cyrus whilst both are down on the mat. Kenny impressively lifts Black from the mat around his waist and then takes the FWA World Champion over with a Gutwrench Suplex!
Allen Price: “Can someone get this kid the hell out of there? Do your damn job, referee! This is a travesty!”
Rod Sterling: “I’d like to see you get in there and don the stripes, Price. Let’s see how you get on controlling five men like this. I think the referee knows that he’s going to have his hands full.”
Allen Price: “How dare you, Rod? I have suffered serious neck-related trauma and I am bound to this chair for goodness knows how long. Show a bit of consideration for my plight, you balding geriatric fuck.”
Meanwhile in the ring, the referee was able to divert attention to Jay Kenny and he ordered the non-legal man out of the ring. The suplex on Black means that Cyrus is free to lick his wounds for a moment and he tags in Konchu Hao, who enters to a big pop from the fans. Alyster Black reaches towards his corner but realising that Chris Peacock is not there, looks to the champions instead. Kenny and Marshall seem thoroughly amused and neither offers to take Black’s place.
The FWA World Champion does not have a chance to pick himself up from the mat because Konchu does it for him and Hao lifts both arms up and connects with a Mongolian Chop which causes Black to crumble down to his knees slightly. This leaves him in prime position for John Dee’s Knees, of which Konchu drives seven into the face of Alyster Black. This causes Black’s body to go limp momentarily and Konchu applies a quick headlock before bringing him towards the DRA corner.
Cyrus reaches out and gets tagged back into the match. As Truth enters, Konchu lifts Black up for a Back Suplex, but delays the impact for a moment. Truth jumps up and catches Black with a Neckbreaker on the way down! Black holds the back of his head and Cyrus goes for a pin himself this time;
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Jay Kenny in to break the pin up once again and well, it seems that he wants to keep the tag titles, but not actively defend them.”
The stomp to the back of Truth’s head to break up the pin is enough to stun ‘The Exile’, and Kenny takes his shot and attempts to hook Cyrus up for The Zulu… but Truth stands stong and runs backwards towards the champions’ corner and Kenny releases him when he collides with the turnbuckle. Xavien Marshall simply watches on as Truth then reaches behind and Snapmares Kenny into the ring from the corner. Truth then cocks his arm back and he catches Marshall with a back elbow… and the referee calls for a tag!
The surprise blow knocked Marshall to the floor and he has a look of fury when he realises that he has become the legal man. His first act is to grabs Truth’s legs and pull ‘The Exile’ from the ring under the bottom rope… and he shoves Truth backwards into the announce table! Epsilon and Konchu Hao both arrive on the scene to go after Marshall, but the referee is quickly out of the blocks to stop them and he orders Hao back into his corner and Marshall into the ring. There is a cocky smirk on Xavien’s face as he methodically enters the ring for the first time in the match.
Rod Sterling: “Xavien Marshall strikes me as an opportunist and with Cyrus Truth out of the equation for now, it does present an opportunity for him to do some real damage to Alyster Black, who is still all alone out there as Chris Peacock has not yet arrived… if he even will.”
Allen Price: “Oh yeah? Oh yeah?! OH YEAH?! Well, Rod, I assure you that not only is Chris Peacock on his way, but even if he wasn’t Alyster Black can take these four dicks at once, no problem.”
Xavien Marshall gives Jay Kenny a disapproving look as the latter retreats to the apron after his tangle with Truth and he turns his attention to Alyster Black. The FWA World Champion slowly rises to his feet with his back to Marshall and this allows the Gunfight One Ring holder to measure him up. Marshall charges forwards, looking for the DECAPITATOR - BUT BLACK DUCKS IT!! The momentum sends Marshall into the FTN corner… AND ALYSTER BLACK WELCOMES HIM TO A VIOLENCE PARTY!!!
The crowd go wild as Black unleashes repeated powerful strikes to the head, face and body of Marshall, who they have wanted to see knocked down a peg or two since his arrival in the FWA. Marshall gets his block up as best as he can, but a punch finds its way through and causes him to go limp momentarily and Black catches him as he falls forward from the corner. He spins him around… BACKDROP SUPLEX!! With Marshall dropped on the back of his head, Black rises to his feet and beats his chest.
Seeing Black in control, Jey Kenny rushes the ring again but is immediately cut off with a Headbutt from Black. This allows Black to cradle Kenny by the back of the head and he throws the Birmingham native out of the ring, and Kenny lands down on the floor next to Cyrus Truth. As Konchu Hao reaches out from the DRA corner, Black takes his chance and tags out of the match!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, Alyster Black has been in this match since the very beginning but handled himself admirably despite the best efforts of his opponents to wear him down.”
Allen Price: “Well if there’s anyone that can take a pounding from a bunch of dicks, it is Alyster Black. He enjoys it. He thrives-”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “For the love of all that is holy would you please shut the fuck up, Price?”
Seemingly overtaken by the adrenaline and the moment, Black does not stop there as he sees both Kenny and Cyrus in a heap at ringside and waits on them momentarily to rise from the floor and he runs the ropes… AND TAKES OUT TRUTH, EPSILON AND KENNY WITH AN ELBOW SUICIDA!! All are down at ringside and Black can be heard groaning in regret after putting his body on the line.
With Black, Truth and Kenny down at ringside, the two legal men are left in the ring. Xavien Marshall meets Konchu Hao with a boot to the midsection as ‘The Mad Wizard’ approaches him and he looks to kick upwards and strike Hao in the face but Konchu stands up straight to avoid it. A Savate Kick to the gut of Marshall causes him to double over and Konchu then sends him into the corner, through the turnbuckles and Marshall’s shoulder collides with the ring post! Hao then quickly rolls Xavien up;
Marshall pops up out of the pin and with both up, flattens Konchu with a Clothesline! The strike knocks Hao down onto his back and Marshall takes a moment to check on his mouth for blood following Black’s assault. He is happy that there is not so he lifts Konchu up from the mat and puts his head down into position and lifts him up… and POWERBOMBS HIM INTO THE FTN CORNER!! Konchu crumples down onto the mat in the corner, and this is as Alyster Black is picking himself up onto the apron.
Looking to exit the match, Marshall paws out towards Black but ‘Black Jesus’ drops down to the floor once again and then flips Marshall off to a loud ovation from the fans.
Rod Sterling: “Very good from Alyster Black there, guys. Marshall has not wanted to be part of this match at all and let the others do the work. Not this time, though.”
Whilst Alyster Black is not available for reentry back into the match, Marshall does have his own partner at his disposal and he drags Konchu towards Jay Kenny. Once there, he holds out a hand and Kenny reluctantly accepts it and gets back into the ring. He sets up Konchu in the corner and lays into his midsection with a barrage of hard punches, with Epsilon showing some concern at ringside.
Kenny grabs Konchu’s arm and takes him over and attempts to lock him into an armbar, but Hao clasps his hands and then deadlifts Kenny up from the mat and slams him back down. Konchu rolls away and then reaches in and tags Cyrus Truth back into the mat. With Truth coming in, Kenny attempts to get away but Truth quickly grabs his ankle and pulls him back. Cyrus drops an elbow down on Kenny’s back to keep him in position.
He sets Kenny up and then leaps into the air and drops a knee down across the back of his head. Truth pulls Kenny away and then places him against the bottom turnbuckle in the DRA corner and the crowd swells in anticipation as he looks around at them. They count along as Cyrus drives his boot repeatedly into Kenny’s head and chest with the FIRST FIVE STEPS!! Truth tags in Konchu… and Hao gives Kenny the SECOND FIVE STEPS!!! DRA get large cheers from the crowd and Kenny looks out of it.
Allen Price: “Oh, this is just grand. What next? We’re going to get that little freak Epsilon in here to have a go? Give me a break…”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Never had you down as a grinch, Price. Come on, the Dark Roads Alliance are just working together as a team and that’s more than can be said of their opponents at the moment.”
It is safe to say that the fans are enjoying the youngster getting a hiding and Thomas Princeton on the outside seems to be almost pulling his hair out as he wills Kenny on and demands he gets back into the match. Konchu Hao looks around and then points… at Alyster Black. This gets a big ovation from the fans as Hao approaches the FWA World Champion, seemingly offering him a go as well… and Black gladly accepts!
‘Black Jesus’ stomps across the ring and then delivers the THIRD FIVE STEPS!! It is a strange sight to see Black working alongside the Dark Roads Alliance, but one man who is unconvinced is Cyrus Truth… and Black tags ‘The Exile’ back into the match by SLAPPING HIM ACROSS THE FACE!!! Truth immediately enters the ring with a face of fury but before he can get close to Black, Alyster is already well out of harm’s way. Instead it is Jay Kenny left to once again face the ire of the four-time World Champion and Cyrus pulls him up from the mat and places him up on his shoulders.
Rod Sterling: “You’ll know this one well, Price… because I think Jay Kenny’s journey could be about to end…”
Cyrus transitions Kenny down, looking for JOURNEY’S END - BUT KENNY ROLLS THROUGH INTO A SMALL PACKAGE!!
It took Alyster Black to get back into the ring to break up the pin, but he is quickly accosted by Konchu Hao, who is not pleased about him going after Cyrus after he was so kind to involve him in the attack on Kenny. Konchu barrels Black into the corner and the two begin to exchange blows. The referee’s attempts to stop this are futile. Cyrus pops up to his feet once again and he is about to go after Kenny once more… BUT XAVIEN MARSHALL TAKES HIM DOWN WITH THE DECAPITATOR FROM BEHIND!!!
Truth drops to his knees after the blow and Kenny knocks him down onto his back with a ROUNDHOUSE KICK!! This sends Truth down onto the mat, desperately reaching upwards and not aware of his surroundings at all. Marshall orders Kenny to cover him but before he can do so, Kenny is bowled over by Konchu Hao. Konchu reaches into his pocket to utilise Baba Vanga’s Illumination, but Marshall catches him with a Switch Knee to the side of the head, causing the substance to fly into the air in a cloud.
With both members of the Dark Roads Alliance taken care of for the moment, the tag champions turn their attention to the other lone man in the match, Alyster Black. Black is proactive in his defence, cracking Marshall with a strong forearm and then charging at Kenny looking for the ONE SHOT KILL - BUT KENNY DUCKS IT! The standing switch from Kenny is impressively quick, and he soon has Alyster Black locked in THE ZULU!!!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Alyster Black is not the legal man in the match here - that would be Cyrus Truth, along with Jay Kenny - but he’s stuck in this hold with nowhere to go and he could be put out of commission here by Kenny and Marshall.”
As Kenny squeezes on Black and drops to the floor with him in the submission, Xavien Marshall drops down to his knees and puts his face in Alyster’s to taunt him and he sarcastically waves goodnight to the FWA World Champion. Despite this, there is a feeling of hope for Black.
Rod Sterling: “Marshall may be right… is this lights out for Alyster Black?”
Allen Price: “It can’t be!”
Black’s resistance rapidly fades away as his arm falls towards the mat. He reaches towards the ramp and the stage… and the scene quickly cuts elsewhere.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “We’re being taken away from the action in the ring… something must be going on. Take us there, please!”
In the parking lot, where we have been a couple of times already tonight, there is a commotion going on. The camera’s perspective is on the floor, with the camera operator’s footsteps being heard in the distance as they run away from the scene unfolding. There are two figures on the ground, groaning and yelping in pain as a white car that was not previously present is shown.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s Sir Stache and Mejor Amigo… members of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance! We heard what they said earlier on…”
Allen Price: “It was them! They were behind the car trouble and oh… oh… this is good. YES!”
Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache both wince and groan in pain as a pair of shoes stands in front of the camera and to some they are instantly recognisable and a mixed reaction goes off in the arena as the footage is shown on the large screen in front of all of the fans. The figure’s body and face cannot be seen, but they drop something down onto the ground - a Singapore Cane.
Rod Sterling: “That’s got to be who we think it is, surely?”
Before the identity of the new arrival in the parking lot can be fully revealed, we find ourselves back in the ring where Jay Kenny still has Alyster Black locked in The Zulu, and Black is almost entirely unconscious. Neither Kenny nor Marshall paid much attention to what was happening on the screen for everyone to see. Marshall barks at Kenny, ordering him to put Black out of commission for good and Kenny wrenches back on the hold.

The reaction from the fans is completely mixed, with some pleased to see Alyster Black about to be saved and others showing their justifiable disdain for Chris Peacock. The former FWA World Champion marches out from the back, dressed in a black tank top and trousers with his hair tied back in a pony tail and he has his eyes firmly squared on the men in the ring attacking his tag team partner.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, despite the best efforts of Jeremy Best and the Friendship Wrestling Alliance, Chris Peacock has made it to Winter Wasteland! We doubted whether he’d show up for Alyster Black, but well, he’s here.”
Allen Price: “Doubted? Pff. I knew that my boy would be making it here this entire time! It may only be December, but FTN are back in business, baby!”
Jay Kenny lets Alyster Black go and then rushes out of the ring to meet Chris Peacock on the ramp, and the two of them begin to exchange blows. The fresher and angrier man in Chris Peacock comes out on top of this initial skirmish, and he sends Kenny into the ring barricade alongside the ramp and then stomps on him a couple of times for good measure. Once Kenny is out of the way, Peacock points at Xavien Marshall and then slides into the ring.
As Peacock slides in, he is met by stomps from the tag champion and he has to fight his way back up to a vertical base as Marshall stays on top of him. He pushes Marshall away and creates a bit of separation. He rocks Marshall with a couple of punches and then spins on the spot and smears a middle finger into X’s face and hits him with a third punch to the face. Xavien shakes these off and goes for a strike of his own, but Peacock ducks it… kick to the midsection… DISCO THRILLER STUNNER!!
The move knocks Marshall back and down to his knees and Peacock then runs the ropes… AND GOES STRAIGHT THROUGH MARSHALL WITH THE STRUT!!! The move causes X to fall down to the mat and he then rolls under the bottom rope.
Rod Sterling: “Chris Peacock has come into this match like a house on fire and he has definitely tipped the scales in the favour of FTN since arriving. Wait… this one could get spicy.”
Whilst Peacock watches Marshall leave the ring, he does not notice someone else rising to their feet behind him. ‘Disco’s Last Warrior’ turns around to face the man that he defeated in the main event of Back in Business, Cyrus Truth. Neither says a word or takes immediate action, instead they circle the ring for a moment, sizing each other up.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is a rivalry that has underpinned a large portion of 2023 and more and more people have been sucked into the sheer disdain and animosity shared between Chris Peacock and Cyrus Truth. These are two men with every reason in the world to respect each other, but they just simply do not.”
Allen Price: “That’s because Cyrus Truth is a depraved animal, Jean-Luc. Look at what he did to me! He’s confined me to this chair for goodness knows how long. I haven’t taken this neck brace off in two months. Two months!”
After the performance, both Peacock and Truth rush the middle of the ring and meet where they windmill punches at each other to a loud cheer from the fans. Again, due to his freshness, Peacock comes out on top and he cuts Truth off with a European Uppercut and then runs the ropes, but CYRUS CATCHES HIM WITH THE MEMENTO MORI ON THE WAY BACK!! Peacock’s head bounces off of the mat and the fans cheer loudly. Cyrus - one of the legal men along with Jay Kenny - looks at Kenny on the ramp but opts not to follow up on him just yet, instead taking the chance to lay a beating on Chris Peacock.
In fact, Konchu Hao joins him too and after checking each other are okay, DRA lift Peacock from the mat and then bundle him into the corner. Konchu spins Peacock around and lifts him up onto the top rope, and Cyrus approaches him from behind and puts him up into an Argentine Rack… EXILE’S EDGE!!! The fans enjoy seeing Peacock getting some more just desserts from the Dark Roads Alliance and Truth makes a cutthroat gesture to Konchu, who then lifts Peacock up from the mat.
Rod Sterling: “Chris Peacock is in a lot of trouble here, because I think Konchu and Cyrus want to take him out of this match just as quickly as he came into it.”
‘The Mad Wizard’ sets Peacock up for the end and curls his arm around him before he unravels it… RASPUTIN’S REVENGE - NO - DUCKED!! Peacock advances forward but only to find himself up on the shoulders of Cyrus Truth! Truth prepares to drive Peacock into the mat with Journey’s End… but he is distracted by ALYSTER BLACK FLATTENING KONCHU HAO WITH A ONE SHOT KILL!!!
Black is back in the mix and Peacock shuffles from Truth’s shoulders and pushes him towards Black, who pops him up into a Powerbomb position and FTN HIT THE LOAD BLOWER ON CYRUS TRUTH!!! Cyrus arches his back on the mat and Peacock instructs Black to jump up on the turnbuckle so they can start their frog splashes… but something appears on the ring apron next to Alyster Black…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s… weaseldreamer! What does she want here? The last time we saw her was at the Buddy Bowl, teaming with Madison Gray! I know there have been some issues between her and Alyster Black in the past…”
Allen Price: “This furry freak has no business being here, guys! She wasn’t even booked for this damn show.”
Both Black and Peacock look at weaseldreamer in sheer astonishment which quickly morphs into fury and Peacock charges towards weaseldreamer on the apron. Sensing the danger, she drops down and then makes her escape up the ramp… and Chris Peacock is in hot pursuit! It seems that Peacock did not take too kindly to FTN’s title challenge being interrupted and he is going to make her pay for it!
With Peacock out of the picture momentarily and out of sight, Alyster Black is left vulnerable on the top rope… AND THIS ALLOWS JAY KENNY TO CRACK HIM WITH AN UPPERCUT!! The Knockout blow causes Black to fall from his perch and his body slams against the apron on his way down to the floor, where he is just a few feet from an equally motionless Konchu Hao. Kenny turns around and sees the other legal man in the match, Cyrus Truth. Truth tries to pull himself up from the mat but then finds a foot resting on the back of his head, belonging to Xavien Marshall.
Rod Sterling: “This is not an enviable position for Cyrus Truth, folks. He’s all alone with the FWA World Tag Team Champions.”
Cyrus grits his teeth and tries to fight off Marshall pulling his arms back, but the man with the higher ground wins out in the end. Marshall takes a look around at the fans who are loudly booing, AND STOMPS TRUTH OUT WITH THE DEBT COLLECTOR!! Marshall then walks away and Jay Kenny flips Truth onto his back and goes for the cover;
WInner: Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall via pin fall at 22:28.
The fans aren’t best pleased at the result of the match, with most perhaps even taking an FTN victory over this outcome. Despite this though, the champions have retained and Thomas Princeton enters the ring with Marshall and Kenny’s championships. They do not celebrate together, with Marshall just leaning on the turnbuckle with his belt over his shoulder whilst Kenny looks rather relieved to have held onto the championships for at least a little longer.
Kurt Harrington: “Here are your winners and STILL the FWA World Tag Team Champions… JAY KENNY and XAVIEN MARSHALL!!!”
Rod Sterling: “Well, perhaps a result that many would not have seen coming, but this unorthodox pairing have retained the FWA World Tag Team Championships and against two more established teams at the same time. Phenomenal efforts from the Dark Roads Alliance and Alyster Black - I’m not sure whether Peacock’s participation merits credit.”
Allen Price: “What the hell are you talking about, Rod? If it wasn’t for that freak of nature in that damn weasel suit, you’d be looking at two-time tag team champions in Alyster Black and Chris Peacock right now. Get some new glasses you revisionist old-”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “One does have to wonder whether there will be any sort of retaliation from FTN for that intrusion… but with a match against Jeremy Best tomorrow night, I think Alyster Black may have more pressing matters on his mind…”
Chris Peacock is shown jogging out from the back and shaking his head in frustration as the match is over and apparently also having failed to catch weaseldreamer. He checks on Alyster Black and picks him up from the mat, holding the FWA World Championship for him. There is a brief moment where Peacock gazes longingly into the belt that he held for the best part of this year, but he snaps out of this and helps Alyster Black to the back.
Epsilon does his best to piece together the Dark Roads Alliance, but it is clear that both Konchu Hao and Cyrus Truth have been through the wringer. They are supported and encouraged by fans in the front row which tempers their disappointment slightly.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Our farewell to the year of 2023 is halfway completed now, wrestling fans, but please be sure to return later on tonight as we’re going to do it all over again. See you then!”
The final shot of the first part of Winter Wasteland is Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall standing opposite each other with their championships in hand and there seems to be a little understanding between them forming… which spells danger for any aspiring future challengers.