FWA North American Showdown || RESULTS.

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the FWA proudly presents


The North American Showdown.

only on the WCNetwork.

Thursday 22nd February, 2024.

Live from SaskTel Centre in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.



The SaskTel Centre, just over 15,000 strong, have packed into the arena tonight for one of the most hotly anticipated showdowns in recent FWA history. A Back in Business rematch as a technicality, sure, but this is really the contest that we were expecting at the biggest event of the year. This time, however, the stakes are even higher than that, as the record for the longest reigning North American Champion is on the line.

The FWA have spared no expense for this extravaganza, with a full set present in the SaskTel. Ringside are Rod Sterling and Jean-Luc Watkins, ready to call the action that is going to streamed out live on all FWA platforms. The camera cuts to ringside.

Rod Sterling: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the night is upon us. Big Bryan Baxter, the long reigning North American Champion, to much surprise agreed to put his championship on the line tonight against the man who’s record he is set to break, ‘The Prodigy’ Mike Parr”

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “I’m not the biggest fan of Parr, I’ll give you that, but the idea to goad Baxter into this challenge in one last desperate attempt to maintain the record he values, you have got to kind of respect it.”

Rod Sterling: “In fairness to Bryan, Rod, I don’t think it took a significant amount of goading. Parr called out Baxter for being a coward, not only for his actions at Back in Business where he attacked Parr from behind before the bell even rang, but for putting the championship on the line in the F1 Climaxxx tournament.”

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “An interesting concept that, calling someone a coward for voluntarily putting his championship on the line against 7 other of the best that the FWA has to offer in a tournament that is riddled with treachery whatever way you look. I think it was an inspired move from Big Bryan Bastard, and will be one of the most impressive achievements in FWA history when he pulls it off.”

Rod Sterling: “Regardless, thank you all for joining us on whatever platform that you decide to engage with the FWA. We are not far away from the clock turning onto Day 454, and before we get there, we need to make sure that we know who is going to hold the record for the longest reigning North American Champion. Before we get to that hotly anticipated contest, lets take a look back at how we got here.”

The camera feed cuts to a video package that is also piped into the arena as we start with the challenge being laid on A very Crossfire Christmas.

Rod Sterling: “Well, here we go. Guess we’re kicking things off tonight with the North American Champion.”

The crowd boos loudly as Big Bryan Bastard walks out from the back, holding the aforementioned North American champion in his left hand by on of the straps, letting it hang down. Wearing his “BASTARD” embroidered red letterman jacket, Bryan lifts the championship high up on the stage to ruckus heat from the fans. BBB is all alone tonight, no sign of any Friendship Wrestling Alliance cohorts.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Winter Wasteland was a bit of deja vu. Another pre-match attack to Bryan Baxter’s opponent that lead to another title defense. He certainly lives up to the Bastard name.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “To be fair, we never saw who attacked Chris Crowe backstage before the match.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Come on Anzu, we all know if it wasn’t Bryan Bastard… it was probably one of those masked weirdos that hang out with him.”

Rod Sterling: “And despite that prematch attack, it was those masked men from the Friendship Wrestling Alliance - Sir Stache and Mejor Amigo - who still got involved to help Baxter during the match itself too.”

Baxter walks down to the ring, climbing up onto the apron and then steps through the middle ropes to enter the ring and takes the microphone.

Bryan Baxter: “Everybody kept sayin’ it… they all kept sayin’ it… just wait. Just wait until Chris Crowe came back. Just want until Chris Crowe came back and took back the belt he never lost. Your days are numbered, Bryan! You’re just holdin’ that belt til Chris Crowe comes back.”

Bryan smirks, looking down at the North American championship in his hand.

Bryan Baxter: “Well, what happened? Chris Crowe came back. And yeah, I’ll give him credit… he earned his shot. But guess what…”



Big Bryan Bastard lifts the North American title up into the air to resounding boos from the crowd.

Bryan Baxter: “Like it or not, I took down yet another obstacle. Yet another person who thought they deserved the title more than me. Over four hundred days now… and no one has been able to stop me. You have to wonder… who can stop me? Can it even be done? Because so far, everyone that has lined up has been knocked right back down. One by one they’ve shown up and one by one I’ve destroyed the competition.”

“And quite honestly… it’s getting a little boring.”

More boos as Baxter smirks, now lifting the title up and draping it over his shoulder.

Bryan Baxter: “Don’t get me wrong, I love this belt and am not about to give it up. Not a damn chance. A few months ago… I was actually loosing sleep at night. I was actually stressing out about all the people who wanted to come after me for this belt. I was worried about this huge target on my back…. But boy… I was wrong. I was wrong to be so worried. Because I’m starting to think there’s no one on my level. There’s not a damn person in that locker room that I have to worry about! This belt is where it belongs and I can assure you… it ain’t goin’ ANYWHERE!”

Big Bryan Bastard pauses as he gets another wave of boos from the fans.

Bryan Baxter: “Which is why I wanna make things interesting. Like I said… these whole one at a time beatdowns… are getting a little old, don’t ya think? So… let’s spice things up. I’m in this little F1 thing again this year… you know, the thing I shoulda won last year? Where I beat now former chump Chris Peacock AND Cyrus Truth? Remember that? I know there’s already some high stakes in this baby… but let’s up them some more. I ain’t scared of Chris Peacock. I beat his ass last year in this event. Halloween Knight? Don’t make me laugh. Xavien Marshall? Just some punkass kid who needs his mouth punched in to teach him a lesson. XX… he can take the beating I’ve given his little Undisputed Alliance buddies. Konch Hao… happy to beat him down once again. Weaseldreamer… well, we have some unfinished business from last year, I do believe. And then.. Mike Parr… I think Back in Business speaks for itself.”

“I’m so confident I’m going to crush this F1…”

“That I’m putin’ the North American Title on the line!”

The boos suddenly turn to cheers as the fans get pumped.

Rod Sterling: “Wait, is he saying what I think he is?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Sure seems that way. I think his four-hundred plus day title reign has gone to his head!”

Bryan Baxter: “You heard me right. When all is said and done in this tournament…. Whoever walks out with the 2024 F1 will also walk out with this belt… and don’t worry, I’ll spare you the drama… it’s gonna be…




Rod Sterling: “Well, this could be about to get interesting..”

The crowd let out an audible gasp as their attention turns away from Bryan Baxter and towards the entrance, where from the backstage area indeed emerges “The Prodigy” Mike Parr. No custom made suit or hair slicked today for Parr, it is a customer t-shirt and taped fists.

Rod Sterling: “Back in Business was mentioned not too long ago, and that of course was the last time we saw Mike Parr until a couple of weeks ago on Fallout. Worth noting, however, that since his return he hasn’t exactly set the world alight. A closely contested loss to Konchu Hao followed by a time limit draw with Johnny Johnson at Winter Wasteland isn’t the return that he would’ve had planned.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “He did manage to get a spot in the upcoming F1 though, so I doubt he is too upset.”

It is a fairly positive reaction for Parr, who hasn’t done a whole bunch to appeal to the crowd since his return. However, positive or negative, you wouldn’t know by looking at Mike’s face. His jaw is clenched, and his glare has not moved from Baxter in the ring. Baxter, for his part, far from being upset about being interrupted, has a wry grin spread across his face. Bringing his hand to his face, The Prodigy fidgets he tries to gather the words, the words that adequately explain how he feels encountering the man who nearly ended his FWA career.

Mike Parr: “You couldn’t have thought that I was just going to let it slide, could you?”

A few audible ‘ooooh’s’ from the audience, the majority remain relatively silent awaiting Mike’s next few words.

Mike Parr: “I’m not going to stand up here and bitch and moan about taking the…shall I say…morally questionable….route in terms of how you got things done at Back in Business. In my time, I’ve been known to be a very big advocate of the ends justifying the means. I’m plenty of things Bryan, plenty, but I’m not a hypocrite. But….what you must not do is mistake my avoidance of hypocrisy and think that it somehow results in letting bygones be bygones, what you must not think is that somehow because I begrudgingly respect the moves that you have made that I accept them…..not for a second.””

The fans cheer, as Bryan starts to mouth back at Prodigy, the camera not quite fast enough to pick up the right angle to make out exactly what his retort was.

Mike Parr: “ If The Prodigy was going to come back to FWA, you bet that he was going to come straight after the man that took him out and embarrassed him on the biggest show of the year, right? It’s was an absolute guarantee ... .but I didn’t. And I wasn’t. I was playing the long game Bryan, I was going to come back here and have some fun for what feels like the first time in forever. I was going to get some wins, remind everyone of exactly who I am and then, just when you thought that it was safe and clear to stop glancing over your shoulder in case I was there, I was going to strike. I was going to strike, and strike again and again and again until you really finally got the message, until you understood both the reality and gravity of your situation. The gravity is that you crossed me, you crossed Mike Parr, and the reality is that the North American Championship is my property and my legacy and you’ve been holding onto my property for far too long.””

The crowd cheer, the sort of intensity you don’t often see in a public setting from The Prodigy. He usually operates in the shadows, a man of many words but really few reads. But here, it seems abundantly clear what he is after.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Not that I would expect much less, but it sounds like Baxter has just given Parr some extra motivation in the F1!”

The camera pans to Baxter, who lets out an exaggerated exhale.

Mike Parr: “In saying that though, I won’t lie to you and say I'm not really disappointed, because it is so underwhelming. I thought I was coming back here to slay the one that everyone thinks is indomitable, the one that swatted aside challengers for over 400 days. The one who came within a whisker of winning the F1 last year. I’m disappointed because when I do what I said I was going to do, it just doesn’t mean as much when instead of beating some indomitable monster I’m beating on some coward little bitch.””

Baxter, for the first time since Parr walked out,visually appears to be taking Parr seriously. No longer mouthing or overexaggerating a reaction, he is now stony-faced, his glare narrowed as he stares up at the only man to hold the North American Championship longer than he has done.

Mike Parr: “I haven’t explained to you yet why I couldn’t just play the long game with you, have I? It’s because I couldn’t sit back there and watch and listen to any of this any longer. You wanted to show up tonight and have everyone talk about how amazing the greatest North American Champion of all time is, voluntarily putting his championship on the line in a tournament between 8 of the best that the company has to offer. You wanted the narrative to be about whether or not Baxter can bulldoze through this tournament like he has done every other challenger that he has faced over the last 400 days. Not on my watch, Baxter. Not on my watch.

You taught me a couple of things when you attacked me at Back in Business ahead of our match, one of them obvious. One of them is that you are someone to be respected, that will do whatever it takes to win. The other….the other thing you taught me is that you’re scared. Look at the size of you, you don’t need to go attacking people from behind to win but you choose to do it because you are scared that someone might just be that much too fast for you or that much more intelligent than you. You mitigate the chance of defeat where you can because you are afraid that you just don’t have it, you just don’t have what it takes to get it done.””

There is another silence in the arena, as Parr’s words reverberate around the arena. Baxter looks quizzically up at Parr, almost still trying to assess exactly what he is hearing.

Mike Parr: “And that is what tonight is Bryan, I see you. I don’t know how many people see you, but I do. You aren’t out here showcasing your almighty strength, you are out here exposing your weakness. You aren’t putting your championship on the line in this tournament to prove how dominant you are or to put another exclamation mark on that reign of yours, you are putting it on the line in the tournament so it’s tied up for another…oh, I don’t know….40 days at least?””

Another telling reaction from the crowd, as they begin to converse with each other and work out exactly what Prodigy is referencing. Our commentary team take a couple of moments to get there.

Rod Sterling: “That would take Baxter to his 454th day as North American Champion, which would tie the record held by the man with the microphone currently held to his mouth”

Mike Parr: “Prove me wrong, Bryan. While those couple of errant brain cells in that dome of yours click together and try and process what I’m saying to you, let me remove any potential obstacles that you try to erect. The North American Championship will be awarded to the victor of this tournament regardless. We both can remain in the tournament, I don’t need a Fallout. Hell, I don’t even need a Meltdown or a Fight Night.”

I need a ring, and on February 22nd I need you to bring my belt and after 453 days of misery you’re going to turn up and I’m going to take back what is mine.””

The crowd erupts as the challenge is laid out for the current holder of the North American Championship. Parr plays into the emotions of the crowd and extends both arms to either side and riles them up even further, giving Baxter the opportunity to collect his thoughts before responding.

Bryan Baxter: “You gotta lotta nerve Mikey… comin’ out here… havin’ proven nothin’ since last time I beat your ass… but you know what… I enjoyed it the first time… and trust me… I’m not a coward… I have no problem kickin’ your ass again. I’ll send you on yet another hiatus… and this time… this time Mike… you ain’t comin’ back!”

Baxter tosses the microphone down as the two go toe to toe for a staredown.

The camera cuts back to Jean-Luc and Rod at ringside, as the atmosphere in the SaskTel has picked up considerably in the intervening time whilst the video played.

Rod Sterling: “And indeed, that confrontation is exactly why we have ended up here tonight! So now, we have 454 days versus 453 days and counting, lets talk a quick walk down memory lane and see exactly how each man got to this point.”

The arena fades to black so all attention is on the massive screens above the ring and entrance way.

"Giving In" by Adema begins as the crowd comes to its feet to let out a massive about of boos. "The Prodigy" Mike Parr heads to the ring in a full suit with the fake FWA Television Championship "belt" on his shoulder. He looks into the nearest camera and shouts, "I'm the best thing on TV! I'm the champ of TV! Late night! Mid-afternoon! Morning! EVERYTHING!"

Langdon Trafford: Not a shy one, this Mike Parr.

Piers Gallagher: Why should he be? He's the TV Champ! He has the right to be outspoken!

Parr comes to the ring and steps up to the apron. He steps through the ropes and looks at the crowd before reluctantly handing the TV title belt to abewildered ref, who doesn't know what to do with it.

"Phenomenal" by CFO$ is next as Thomas Jordan comes out to a loud ovation. His fists are taped up, his red boxing shorts cover down to his kneecaps, and he hops around before heading down the aisle and steps up to the apron.

Langdon Trafford: Thomas Jordan has been so so so close to landing his Silencer punch on Chris Kennedy for weeks. Will tonight be the night?

Piers Gallagher: Thomas Jordan is a fantastic boxer, but he doesn't have the smarts to keep up with Kennedy or Parr.

"Here to Stay" by KoRn hits and the crowd rises up with a massive mixed expression for "The Astonishing" Chris Kennedy, who comes out with his sunglasses on and sparkling white jacket covered in part by his prized FWA North American Championship belt.

FWA North American Championship

"The Astonishing" Chris Kennedy (c) vs. Thomas Jordan vs. "The Prodigy" and "The Champion of Television" Mike Parr

The bell rings and the trio stay still, waiting for someone to strike first. Parr and Kennedy are most hesitant, and Thomas Jordan grows the courage by coming in and going for Kennedy with his furious punches and jabs. He backs Kennedy into the turnbuckle and repeatedly goes for punch after punch until Kennedy finally gets his hands up to defend. Jordan dodges a running clothesline from Parr, who slams into Kennedy in the corner, and now Jordan is laying punches into Parr's stomach while Kennedy is squished between "The Prodigy" and the turnbuckle.

Jordan keeps it up until he lands some of his jab-hook combos. Parr stumbles out, and Jordan does the reverse of the combo — this one a left jab, right hook combo — to Kennedy, who topples over and leans face down against the top rope as his balance fades.

Jordan grabs Parr around the neck and lands more body shots to his standing foe. He lands a left hook to the body and right hook to the head, causing Parr to fall to the canvas. Then he hits a Dempsey Roll to Kennedy, who goes back into the turnbuckle. Jordan lands rapid fire gut shots as the champ slouches down to a seated form. Jordan steps away and lands a big uppercut when Parr is up, sending him right back down! Jordan covers as the crowd cheers a potential title change!

..................1......................2...............Kennedy breaks it up!

Langdon Trafford: That was nearly a quick one!

Kennedy grabs Jordan and whips to the ropes, but Jordan ducks a spinning wheel kick and lands a thez press with repeated, wild hooks across the champ's face. Parr greets Jordan with a flying knee to the face when Jordan rises, and finally one of the heels takes control.

"The Prodigy" grabs Jordan by the neck and whips him to the turnbuckle. He charges, but Jordan lands a jab to the gut and fires back more jabs. Parr shows his skill by blocking one and landing his own hooks and jabs as Jordan is sent backwards to the corner. Parr whips Jordan across the ring, where Kennedy greets him with a snap scoop powerslam!

Kennedy then motions to Parr to double team Jordan. The two heels work together, with Kennedy and Parr hitting a double snap suplex! Kennedy tells Parr to go to the top rope. Kennedy leans down to bring Jordan to his feet and holds his arms behind his back. Parr leaps off the top for a flying knee to the face, and Jordan goes down as Parr celebrates.

"The Prodigy" turns for a high-five with Kennedy, but the champ has crouched behind him and BAM!!!

Bitter Sweet Chin Symphony!!!

Right to the chest!

Parr falls to the canvas! The crowd is absolutely STUNNED!

Kennedy covers!

....................1......................2.................Jordan breaks it up at the last second!

Langdon Trafford: Oh my God, that was close! Kennedy, the mastermind, getting Parr to let his guard down.

Kennedy is up fairly quick and grabs Jordan for a waist lock. He brings Jordan to his knees and then rolls back for a roll-up pin!

..................1.....................2.............Kick out!

Kennedy applies a head lock and then turns into an inverted headlock backbreaker on Jordan! Parr is on the apron as the champ covers one of his challengers in the middle of the ring.




Kennedy turns his focus to Parr now. He grabs "The Prodigy" but gets an eye poke! Parr was playing possum! Kennedy doubles over as Parr pulls himself upright with the middle rope. Then he hits a belly-to-back suplex on Kennedy!!! The crowd cheers but Parr's momentum is short lived. Jordan is up and clotheslines him to the ground, and then begins ground punches with forearm hooks across the face. Jordan keeps it up before covering Parr, who has taken some damage!

................1..................2...............Shoulder up!

Jordan grabs Parr by the neck and rolls him out the ring. Jordan's attention is squarely on Kennedy now! The crowd cheers as Jordan stalks his foe. When the champ is up, Jordan goes for The Silencer...

But Kennedy dodges it AGAIN, like he has so many times before!!!

Jordan misses, looks around, and turns just in time for ...

The Bittersweet Chin Symphony!!!

But Jordan dodges it, in Matrix-like style! The crowd cheers! Jordan stumbles away as Kennedy catches his balance. Jordan turns and meets Kennedy's gaze and launches himself at him for EVERYTHING...


Langdon Trafford: There it is!!! Jordan is going to win the North American Championship!

Jordan kneels for a half second next to the unconscious Chris Kennedy. Then he lays atop and hooks the far leg!







The referee cannot disqualify Parr! It's a triple threat match!

Jordan is fading out of consciousness! Parr takes the TV Championship belt and holds it up for the crowd to see! Then as Jordan rises, holding the back of his head, Parr swings it one more time and hits him RIGHT IN THE FACE with the plate!!!

Langdon Trafford: Kennedy hasn't recovered yet!!! No one will stop Mike Parr!

"The Prodigy" covers!






Winner and NEW FWA North American Champion: "The Prodigy" Mike Parr

Parr's theme music plays as the crowd explodes with boos watching the ending unfold. Parr holds up his fake TV Championship belt, which has a small blood stain from Jordan's face busted open from the final smash. After a few seconds, Parr is handed the North American Championship and he raises BOTH belts into the air for the crowd to see and boo hellaciously, disgusted by the sight.

Langdon Trafford: Mike Parr has stolen the North American Championship! He won't be shutting up any time soon!

Piers Gallagher: He's the ONLY double champion in the FWA! He should talk as long as he wants!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I knew it was a fraud, he always mentions that he beat Chris Kennedy for his North American Championship but it turns out he just bypassed him!”

Rod Sterling: “Well, Kennedy was a part of the match that began Mike Parr’s 454 day reign as champion – and for over one year he took on all challengers, from those up and comers wanting to prove themselves like what happened in May of 2017."

Kurt Harrington: The following contest is your main event and is scheduled for ONE FALL!

The crowd sure enough repeated the phrase “ONE FALL!” with excitement!

Kurt Harrington: AND it is for the FWA NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP!

“Turn the Page” by Metallica played over the speakers as Tristan James Galloway made his way out to the ring. The Samoan Warrior looked to be on a mission as he was intensely focused all the way down to the ring. Galloway wasted no time getting into the ring and trying to mask his slight nervousness, paced inside the ring.

“Giving in” by Adema interrupted the song and a confident Mike Parr, smugly smiled as he set foot onto the stage. He looked with pride at his North American Championship, hanging over his shoulder, before briskly moving down towards the ring. He arrogantly smiled at Tristan as he looked him up and down, brushing past him to hand the championship over to referee Ricky Bobbenwoggen.

Kurt Harrington: And now, introducing the challenger, first weighing in at 275 pounds, and towering at a frightening 6’6 tall, he is the number one contender to the North American Championship...TRRRRRRRRISTAN JAMES GALLOWAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!

The crowd popped hard for the fresh face in the title scene. Some Galloway chants could be heard through the crowd.

Kurt Harrington:And his opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, standing at 6’2 tall, and weighing in at 240 lbs.....he is the current FWA North American Champion.....”The Prodigy” MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE PARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FWA North American Championship Match

“The Prodigy” Mike Parr vs Tristan James Galloway

Parr starts off testing Galloway by getting in his face, running his mouth and then slapping him hard across the jaw. Galloway responds by charging forward and taking parr down with a Double Leg takedown and the two begin rolling around the ring in a brawl on the canvas! Parr rolls through it and waistlocks Galloway, lifting him up and taking him back down to the canvas in a side slam but maintaining the rear waistlock. Galloway slips out but Parr gets himself back into position with another rear waistlock but Galloway fights his way to the ropes and pulls himself up, forcing the referee to call for the break. Parr confidently backs up as Galloway hangs on to the ropes, and nods his head to Parr that he got him that time. The twomen again circle the ring, this time with Galloway quickly going for an arm wrench and quickly countering to a Side Headlock to Parr, before taking him down to the mat Judo-style and keeping a side headlock locked in, and also wrenching back on Parr’s left arm. Parr managed to shift his hips and swing his bodyweight, putting TJG onto his shoulders in a pinning predicament but Galloway swung back into position before a 2 count. Parr managed to push his way up to his knees, with the strength of Galloway maintaining that headlock. Parr got up to his knees and tried to shove TJG off, but Galloways maintained control ad once again brought Parr back to his knees. Parr managed to lock his arms around Galloways waist and hoisted him up into a Back Body Suplex but Galloway managed to keep the headlock locked in! Parr struggled to get back to his knees, but once he did, he managed to get himself into a position to throw an elbow into the gut of Galloways and then used all his strength to shove Galloway off and into the ropes, but Galloway came back with a hard shoulder block that took Parr back to the mat! When Parr got back to his feet, Galloway again applied a side headlock,tossed him down to the mat,and a frustrated Parr was once again in the sameOnce again, Parr tried to roll it into a pin and once again Galloway shifted his weight back to the headlock. Parr again fought his way to his feet, and again tried to shove Galloway off but Galloway this time held on and both men slid to the mat, with the power of Galloway’s headlock still frustrating Mike Parr. Once again, Parr fought to his feet and this time managed to drive Tristan into the corner turnbuckle where the referee had to force the break. Parr backed up as the twomen once again exchanged glances, this time, with Parr’s confidence not as glowing as it was before. The two men againtied up, exchanging rear waistlocks, before Parr shoved Galloway into the ropes, but this time, Galloway came back with a Sunset Flip that caught Parr by surprise!



Parr kicked out and as both men reached their feet, Parr ducked a clothesline and hooked Galloway up with a backslide attempt!



Galloway kicked out! Both men two their feet and this time Parr drives Galloway to the far corner and starts unleashing a barrage of rights and lefts onto this opponent! The referee tries to intervene but Galloway manages to counter it and toss Parr into the corner and unleash some fury of his own! After several punches, Parr regains control and it’s a melee! The referee forces another break and Galloway leaves the corner, turning his back to Parr momentarily, who makes him pay for it with a forearm to the back of the head and when Galloway fell to the canvas, trying to quickly lock in the Inverted Sharpshooter! Galloway uses his leg strength to kick Parr away and into the ropes! Galloway gets to his feet and clotheslines Parr out of the ring and both men tumble to the floor!

Once they get to their feet, Parr goes on the attack with a series of forearms that send Galloway staggering. Parr looks for a vertical suplex on the floor, but Galloway slips out, and looks for a German Suplex on the floor. Parr delivers a few back elbows, fighting out of it, turns around and launches Galloway right into the steel steps! Parr dives into the ring, as the referee reaches a count of 6, breaking the count as he slides back outside and goes to work with a series of strikes to the lower back and neck of Galloway. Parr slides him into the ring before drilling him with a hard snap suplex and going for the cover, forcing TJG to kick out.

Parr scissors his legs around Galloways waist and applies a chinlock. Galloway manages to squirm out of it and gets to his feet, throwing a few desperation punches, but Parr grabs his left arm and throws him hard into the turnbuckle! Galloway screams out in agony as he grabs his lower back and then walks right into a Belly to Back Suplex from Parr! Parr picks him up and delivers another Belly to Back Suplex and this time covers, but only gets a 2 count.

Parr wastes no time in pushing his knee into the lower back of Galloway, and wrenching back by locking his fingers just underneath the chin of his opponent. Dueling “Let’s Go Parr!” “GAL-LO-WAY!” chants fill the arena as Galloway fights out of the hold and back to his feet. Both men up and suddenly it turns into dueling knife edge chops, with each one getting harder than the last, until Galloway’s chop becomes another slap to the face! An incredulous Parr responds with a devastating clothesline!

Parr goes for the cover but again receives a 2 count!

Parr gets up and pulls TJG to his feet, driving him to the turnbuckle and delivering a series of punches. Before the ref calls for the break, Parr uses all his strength but lifts Galloway up to the top rope!

Parr pulls up for a Super-Plex but Galloway blocks it! Galloway delivers a few right hands to the jaw and Parr falls to the canvas! Galloway stands atop looking for a Big Body Splash, but Parr rolls out of the way! Parr stalks his prey, as he awaits Galloway to get to his feet and tries to hook him up for the Rolling Cutter but Galloway gets free, shoves Parr into the ropes and delivers

Double A Spinebuster on the return!

Both men lay motionless on the canvas for a moment as the referee’s count reaches 7. Parr clings to the bottom rope as he looks across the ring at Galloway pulling himself up to his feet. Both men meet in the middle of the ring,once again exchanging blows, Galloways strength is the bigger factor here as he sends Parr staggering! He whips Parr into the ropes and then follows in with a hard body splash! Parr stumbles out of the corner and Galloway nails him with the God Send Conspirator!



Parr kicks out!

Galloways getting frustrated, screams that it was three as the crowd is really getting into it. That was a rookie mistake aasit allowed Parr to get back into the match with some basic strikes and followed up by an enziguiri! Galloway fellto his knees which allowed Parr to connect with a Shining Wizard that took him allthe way to the mat! Parr covered but only got a two count for his troubles! Parr shouted that it’s time to end this as he climbed up to the top rope,signaling for X Marks the Spot!

He balanced himself in position for the moonsault but Tristan scrambled to his feet and pushed the rope,crotching Parr on the top! Tristan than found a way and managed to hook up Parr for the Carcinogen Crush! Tristan lifted him up and began to move forward, but Parr slid free! Before Tristan could turn around,Parr hooked the neck and managed to level Galloway with a lightning fast ROLLING CUTTER! Parr dropped down for the cover!




Parr slammed his fists to the mat in frustration, before beginning to pull at his hair! He even began to talk to himself, questioning how that was possible! But that momentary self doubt was all the Galloway needed to recover. Parr walked over, grabbed Galloway by his hair, but Galloway leveled him with an unbelievable Saito Suplex! Galloway covered!



Kickout by Parr!

Galloway sensed the end was near by Parr barely kicking out of that move. He fought through the pain,pushed himself up to his feet, and hoisted Parr up for another attempt at the Carcinogen Crush! Galloway made sure he had a good grasp, ran forward and though Parr did wiggle,causing TJG to hold on longer than he expected, the move connected and the crowd stood up!



3!....is what you would have heard had Mike Parr not out reached his hand and barely touched the bottom rope!

This time it was Galloway showing frustration but he already knew his next move. He crawled back to the far corner and awaited Parr to pull himself up to his feet. When Parr was up, Galloway charged forward for the Shattered Symphony but Parr dodged it and Galloway went shoulder first into the turnbuckle! Parr took advantage by grabbing Galloway by the hair and drilling himwith a second Rolling Cutter! But Parr didn’t go for the cover! Knowing Galloways resilience he decided to head up top and putthe icing on the cake with a X Marks the Spot Split Legged Moonsault! Parr landed on top for the cover!




Here is your winner and STILL FWA North American Champion: ”The Prodigy” Mike Parr!

Parr barely is able to get to his feet as his music hits, even with the referee’s help. He takes his belt from the official and holds it high in the air, making sure to step up to each turnbuckle and proudly raise his championship for all to see. Parr stares out at the Back In Business sign hanging over the arena, and then pats his championship asking “Who’s got the balls to try?” as the crowd cheers along in agreement. Parr turns towards the ropes and notices Galloway pulling himself up in the corner. Once Galloway reaches his feet, he hangs his lead low in the corner, out of disappointment. Galloway turns to leave the ring, but Parr puts his hand on his shoulder. He mouths the words “ I underestimated you. You proved me wrong tonight. Good show.” before taking his arm and holding it high up in the air. The crowd chants “Gal-lo-way! Gal-lo-way!” as both men give each other a nod of respect and Galloway leaves the ring to Parr, who continues his celebration with the crowd!

Trafford: What a match! What a main event!

Weinstock: The stars are shining bright on Mike Parr, but tonight, gentlemen, even though he came up short, Tristan james Galloway has proven that he belongs with the big dogs of Fight Night!

Rod Sterling: “But success is a two edged sword, you can revel in it or it can begin to corrupt you. Mike was happy to give opportunities to those that had yet to earn it, but when he started to take down future legends of this industry, you could just see the complacency that may have resulted in his eventual downfall.”

FWA North American Championship

"The Prodigy" Mike Parr vs. Danny "F'n" Toner

Match Summary: The two have a solid back-and-forth match for a good five minutes before Toner misses on a flying crossbody. Parr begins dissecting Toner with his knees to the gut and a nice variation of suplex moves. His belly-to-back suplex nets a two count but his double-underhook backbreaker does real damage.

<redacted> begins walking to the ring, igniting boos from the crowd, as Toner appears about to take the pinfall. This distracts Mike Parr enough for Toner to get a surprise roll-up from behind!


<redacted> thought Toner had it — and him an opening to win the North American Championship at Back in Business — but the near-fall elicits a groan from <redacted> Parr lands an enzuiguri that stymies Toner, sending him into the ropes, and stumbling back right into a Rolling Cutter finisher!

Parr eyes <redacted>, who is steamed and fuming as he looks at the fallen Danny Toner laying in the middle of the ring. "The Prodigy" waves "goodbye" to <redacted> and his chances of winning the title as he flies off, hitting X Marks the Spot moonsault-into-frogsplash aerial finisher, and pins Toner for the dominant 1-2-3 title defense.

Winner and STILL FWA North American Champion: "The Prodigy" Mike Parr

Parr stays in the ring, with the North American Championship in his hand, and <redacted> stalks the outside of the ring. He's waiting for Parr to leave so he can have his way with the fallen Danny Toner to make him pay for the failure and letting him down. Parr never leaves, though, and <redacted> must relinquish the opportunity for assault and head to the back. Parr stays in the ring, smiling, and celebrates with the belt.

Danny Toner looks disappointed, sitting against the turnbuckle as he knows his shot at a title ended in just 7 minutes. Mike Parr moves around to the back side of the ring and demands a microphone.

"This ... this is all we got? This is the BEST the FWA has to offer me? I've been the North American Champion ... for ONE YEAR!

Is there ... NO ONE ELSE?"

Just then, Hanz Gruber's theme music hits and the crowd turns to the stage. Hanz Gruber comes slowly out to the stage. In a matter of moments, his theme music pauses for James Sync's! The crowd erupts into a nice-sized pop as James Sync comes and takes a spot on the other side of the stage.

Zako Wraith comes out next, Risky Douglas and Starr emerge together, and Humanity is out last. The six men stand on the stage as a well-rounded group, eager to show they SHOULD be given the next title shot.

Then Ashley comes out, with the crowd perking up, eager to hear what he says.

"Aye, Mike Parr, ye' 'ave been quite a champion. At Back in Business ... I'm thinkin' it'll be wise to ... let the field decide who is next, eh? So it'll be these six men ... in a battle royal. The winner ... face you later in the night ...for the North American title."

The crowd cheers the announcement as Mike Parr nods his head, saying off the mic, "That's fine. None of them can hang with me. Danny F'n Toner couldn't even last six minutes!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “And as last, we get to day 454 and Mile High 2017 – the day Mike Parr’s fragile ego finally cracked!”

Rod Sterling: “Whilst I wouldn’t necessarily subscribe to that agenda Rod, it’s certainly the day that the record-breaking reign came to a close.”

A video starts playing, set to an abbreviated version of "Man" by Skepta.

The video opens with scenes of WOLF standing in the ring on Fight Night holding his old FWA contract. It then shows a faraway shot of the ensuing brawl from a skybox-view.

Giant green text superimposes itself on the screen as the melee continues to play out in the background.

"15 MONTHS vs 7 YEARS"

Narrator: "It is said that good things comes... to those who wait. It is also said that Excellence is not an act.... but a habit."


Footage of Parr’s multiple NA Championship defenses are shown.

Narrator: "For over a year, Mike Parr has found no equal, nobody who could pry his championship from him. He has become the immovable object occupying the North American Championship, with all who toe the line against him inevitably falling short...So perhaps to unlock the puzzle of a dominant NA Champion, one must bring in.... a Triple Crown Champion."


The scene switches to multiple clips of WOLFs illustrious FWA run.

Narrator: "X Division Champion.... World Heavyweight Champion... 2-time North American Champion. The living legend of the FWA pack has truly been there and done it all. But now, in 2017, WOLF has made it an obsession to prove himself against the best and brightest of the current generation of FWA standouts. And in Mike Parr, he has found a challenge worth cashing in a 7-year ticket for."

The video winds down with a split screen of Parr holding the NA title after his defense against HUMANITY and legacy footage of WOLF with the old NAtitle.

Narrator: "Will the legend who has sprung a November surprise on the North American title picture enjoyone more day as a lion?? Or will the new breed continue its dominance, and continue rewriting the history books???"

".... also Zachary Kazadi is in this match too."

The scene switches back from the video to the ring, where Zachary Kazadi is already in the ring, to the tune of the theme song of 'Thomas the Tank Engine".

"Number of the Beast" by Iron Maiden the plays as WOLF is out first. The crowd gives him a mixed yet loud reception.

Langdon Trafford: We all knew he was crazy, but WOLF confirmed on Fight Night that he was well and truly crazy like a fox, inserting himself into NA Championship match and ruining the best laid plans of Zachary Kazadi!! But the time for games and tricks is over, here at Mile High, its time to deliver!!

David Weinstock: He sat on this for 7 years, stewed for 7 years, whatever he has planned, he better make it worth it!

WOLF arrives to the ring with an oddly subdued demenour, yet there is no mistaking the intensity.

"Giving In" by Adema then plays, bringing out Mike Parr, who hoists the North American Championship high in the air. The reception for Parr is suprisingly strong.

Langdon Trafford: It’s a title reign that grows more legendary by the day! And you can hear from the reception hes getting tonight from the Pepsi Center, the FWA Universe knows greatness when they see it!! Mike Parr has entered the arena!!!

Piers Gallagher: Theres been so much controversy surround this match, guys, what frame of mind has it thrown Parr into?? This guy is used to being the star of the division, but its almost like in this match, the antics of WOLF have made Parr seem like the third wheel!!!

The referee gives each man a good look at the championship title then holds it high overhead, getting a loud pop from the capacity crowd! The referee hands the title to the ring announcer on the outside then checks with all three competitors again before he looks at the timekeeper and signals him to ring the bell.

NA Championship Match

"The Prodigy" Mike Parr vs WOLF vs Zachary Kazadi

Right off the bat, Wolf charges forward, pushing the referee out of the way so hard that the ref falls out of the ring!!!

David Weinstock: What the hell was that?!

Langodn Trafford: He just blasted the referee!!!!

Wolf charges across the ring, nailing Parr with a vicious right hand and he drives him back into the turnbuckle! Wolf opens up with some heavy duty right hands then goes downstairs with a big knee to the abdomen, followed by a double axehandle across the back! Wolf slings Parr around and over the top rope, sending him crashing to the concrete floor on the outside! Wolf quickly spins around and eyes Kazadi - who hasn't made a move out of the corner yet - andWolf lifts both hands, waving the Kazadi in for a fight. Kazadi starts out of the corner but Wolf doesn't wait for him, going in on him with a couple hard right hands and we've got a slugfest inside the ring! Kazadi pummels Wolf with a flurry of rights and lefts while Wolf smashes him with several big haymakers! Wolf starts to get the upper hand but Kazadi catches him with a glancing low blow. He goes for an irish whip and Wolf reverses Kazadi into the ropes instead. Wolf misses with a clothesline attempt but he takes a hard step, nailing Kazadi with a stiff back elbow off the rebound! Kazadi is already pushing himself up when Wolf pulls him into position and he spikes Kazadi with a devastating powerbomb! Kazadi is shook up and Wolf rolls to the outside, going up underneath the ring in search of something.

Piers Gallagher: What's he doing now, he should be trying to get the pin!

Langon Trafford: HOW?! There's no referee! WOLF had a premeditated plan!!!

David Weinstock: Wolf's on the outside and he...uh-oh, I think he's got a steel chair...

Wolf pulls two steel chairs out then hauls a table out from underneath the ring. The crowd pops loudly as Wolf picks the table up and slides it into the ring.

Wolf then heads around ringside. Parr is back on his feet and starting to climb back into the ring but Wolf nails him from behind with a clubbing blow, leaving him sprawled out across the floor again! Wolf rolls back into the ring and he stomps Kazadi a few times, then went to grab the table. Wolf sets the table up in the corner, leaning it back against the turnbuckle then he turns and glares at Kazadi, who's already pushing himself back onto his feet. Wolf delivers some clubbing shots across the back, just beating Kazadi down through pure force with blow after blow. Parr slides back into the ring, keeping behind Wolf while he continues to pummel Kazadi. Wolf drags him towards the table in the corner and sets him up for a powerbomb but Parr strikes, connecting with a running axehandle to the back of the skull! Parr peppers Wolf with some hard shots then takes him up and over with a german suplex, driving Wolf head-first through the table!

Langdon Trafford: German suplex from the Prodigy and they just obliterated that table!

Parr crawls out from under Wolf and what's left of the now-destroyed table and quickly gets back onto his feet. He turns his attention to Kazadi and grabs Kazadi by the hair, hauling him back onto his feet. Parr hooks his arms and he connects with the Double underhook backbreaker! Kazadi is down and Parr goes for the cover, hooking the leg high and tight but the referee's still down! Parr slaps three counts a couple times over before standing, frustrated. Wolf is shaking the cobwebs out and Parr decides to go to work on him. A running kick to the chops puts Wolf down to his back once more. Parr drops onto him and laying in right hands. Parr, after a few moments of this, is finally satisfied. He stands quickly, throwing his arms in the air, receiving a mixed reaction. Parr turns and Kazadi lunges! Parr goes to his back and the crowd gets on its feet!

Piers Gallagher: Never turn your back on Zachary Kazadi!

Kazadi delivers several solid shots, then rolls off. Sliding out of the ring, he holds his head and tries to regain his composure. Parr is left dazed on the mat. Wolf sits straight up and arena explodes! Blood trickles down Wolf's face, past gnashed teeth, as he climbs to his feet. His eyes are zeroed in on Mike Parr, the fans add a steady stomping to their cheering as Wolf nears his target. The electricity of the crowd is felt as the stomping gets faster and faster with each stalking step. So many fans are in on it, they overpower the sound of those cheering for Kazadi as he climbs to the top turnbuckle from the apron. Wolf doesn't see Kazadi as he begins to steady himself. Instead, he only sees the vulnerable Parr. As the fans explode for the prospective carnage, Wolf hefts Parr to his feet.

Kazadi dives off the top, but Wolf grabs Parr and pulls him in front of him! Kazadi NAILS Parr with a flying knee! Wolf steps clear of the collision and grabs Kazadi. Wolf pulls him up and puts a right hand to his jaw. Kazadi takes it. Wolf throws a left, it's blocked! Kazadi hits a quick elbow shot, then jumps onto Wolf wrapping his legs around Wolf's massive torso. With his hands around Wolf's throat, Kazadi begins to squeeze and bite down on his forehead! Wolf stomps frantically back and forth around the ring!

David Weinstock: Kazadi is going to take Wolf out!

Wolf turns Kazadi' back toward the corner then barrels in as fast as he can. Kazadi shakes, but doesn't let go. Wolf backs out, then tries again. He still can't shake Kazadi. Backing out again, Wolf turns toward the other corner. Wolf sprints toward it, but Parr comes off the mat with a clothesline into the back of Kazadi! Wolf and Kazadi hit the mat! Parr rolls to the ropes, then uses them to get to his feet, determination painted all over his face.

Langdon Trafford: Mike Parr kills two birds with one stone! This Prodigy has been impressive!

Piers Gallagher: Mike Parr is impressive every time he steps into an FWA ring, Langdon. That isn't news. What I will say is, he is hungry.

Look at his face! He wants to remain the champion!

David Weinstock: Those two guys on the mat may have something to say about that.

Piers Gallagher: I'm sure they do, but they're not doing much talking knocked silly in the middle of the ring.

David Weinstock: Touché.

Wolf slides out under the bottom rope, Parr goes in for Kazadi. Parr locks Inverted Sharpshooter on Kazadi. Kazadi struggles, the ref stays unconscious, Wolf goes under the ring. Kazadi struggles. Wolf rummages under the ring, the pulls out what seems to be a table at first... But then he flips it over. It's a long piece of wood with barbed wire stapled to it. The wire was still practically rolled, it was pulled and stapled across the board as haphazzardly as possible. Most likely by some tech at the behest of Wolf moments before the match. Wolf slides the board into the ring, Parr sees it clearly. Wolf tosses a chair over the top rope, then another, and another. The last one comes so close to Parr and Kazadi that Parr releases the hold just in time for a chair to plop onto the head of a fallen Kazadi.

Langdon Trafford: This has turned into a hardcore match.... no, WOLF has turned this into a hardcore match!!!

Piers Gallagher: This is Brutalistic Anarchy!!!

Parr quickly grabs a chair as Wolf slides back into the ring. Parr charges, swinging for Wolf who rolls away in the nick of time! Wolf rolls to his feet and goes to the ropes. He slings back toward Parr, who is brandishing his chair - ready to strike. Wolf stops short and leans back, letting Parr swing and miss a second time. Parr can't recover fast enough and he eats a big boot! Parr falls NEXT TO the barbed wire. Wolf throws a fist in the air, he thought his aim was better.

The ref starts to come to, Wolf delivers a stiff kick to the back of his head. The ref goes back down. Wolf turns in time to get his with a quick chairshot to the gut by Parr. Mike uses the chair to get to his feet before bringing it down on Wolf's back. Kazadi starts to get to his feet, Parr stomps over and pops him with the chair. Wolf stands straight, holding his back. Parr charges and BLASTS him with the chair. His aim is better, Wolf falls into the barbed wire!

David Weinstock: Mike Parr makes sure it all backfires!

Wolf is having a hard time rolling off the wire. The camera catches him using his fingers to pull barbs from his shoulder, his skin stretching just enough before the metal pops out and the blood oozes forth. Wolf manages to sit up, but with another POP! Parr puts him back down! Kazadi gets to a knee, with a gallop and an underhand swing... POP! Parr lifts the chair high in the air, the only one standing in the center of the ring! The crowd goes crazy!!!

David Weinstock: I gotta be honest, I'd showboat a little too... Putting Wolf and Kazadi down, essentially beating them at their own game, when it looked like it will be match between the two? It's worth a celebration


Langdon Trafford: But I'm sure you'd agree, David. You can't celebrate too long!

Piers Gallagher: Case in point...

Wolf is struggling, but he's standing. The barbed wire is coming with him. Barbs stuck in to spots of his back that he can't reach hold strong as staples pop from board. Wolf stands, but he hasn't left the corner yet. Parr takes a couple of steps and winds up, Wolf ducks. The chair hits the top turnbuckle and Wolf fires off the punches! Right hand, right hand, right hand, big boot! Parr is on his back. Wolf grabs a hold of a the wire and yanks hard, pulling it out of his back and causing what's left to slinky back onto the board. Wolf pulls the board up and leans it in the corner, like the table before. A groggy Kazadi is on his feet, shaking his head. Wolf stomps over and hefts him up, getting him in position for a fallaway slam. Kazadi starts to hammer elbows into the back of his head, Wolf lets go! Kazadi lands on his feet and lays in the shots. After a couple of quick hands land flush, Kazadi goes to the ropes and comes back with a swinging neck breaker. Parr is on a knee, Kazadi hops up and charges him. Parr stands, an attempted kick by Kazadi whiffs. Parr swings, but Kazadi blocks. Kazadi swings, Parr blocks. Parr throws a knee into Kazadi's gut, Kazadi doubles over and Parr hits a Tornado DDT! Parr gets to his feet and turns, Wolf grabs him by the throat! Wolf lifts Parr off the ground, kicking and fighting. Holding him by the throat and back, Wolf walks Parr to the corner. The barbed wire waits as Wolf approaches. Parr starts to struggle harder, Wolf is forced to chokeslam him in front of his intended destination. Parr winces and holds his back before sliding from the ring.

Piers Gallagher: Smart move by Parr, getting out to regroup after a devastating Chokeslam by Wolf.

Parr is shaking his head, Wolf motions from the ring for Parr to get back in. Parr gives him the finger then waves him off. Wolf goes to the ropes on the other side of the ring. Parr looks at the camera, then shouts: No! This is ridiculous! No! He shakes his head and turns to walk away, he doesn't get far... WOLF DIVES OVER THE TOP ROPE AND TACKLES PARR TO THE FLOOR!

Langdon Trafford: OH MY GOODNESS! Mike Parr wanted to walk away, Wolf says: "No!"

David Weinstock: That was insane!

Wolf and Parr lay on the floor next to the ring. The fans are going crazy, just when you thought they couldn't get louder... Kazadi hops to his feet, scanning the cheering masses. His head darts around inquisitively. A droplet of blood streaks down his head. He slings it to the mat with the sweat in his hair before zeroing in on the recovering Wolf. Kazadi goes to the ropes as Wolf gets to his feet. Wolf takes a step toward the ring and Kazadi hits him with a baseball slide! Wolf is propelled backward into the barricade! Wolf slides to a seated position, the wind taken clean out of him. At this moment, the cameras get a good shot of the bloody mess Wolf has become. His face is covered in crimson, red streaks around his midsection and shoulders - and up the bottoms of both his arms - showcase only the visible barbed wire wounds. When the cameras cut back to the ring, Kazadi has pushed the barbed wire to the side, it lays near the center of the ring now, wire-side-up. Kazadi is perched on the top rope, sizing up Parr. When Parr gets to his groggy feet, Kazadi flies! Kazadi lands on Parr and rides him down. Kazadi is already in a mounted position when the two hit the floor. Kazadi lays in a few lefts and rights, then rolls off Parr. Kazadi zeroes in on Wolf, deciding to hop up and charge the Beast. A split second before impact, Wolf rolls away, Kazadis chest hits the barricade! Kazadi falls to his back. Wolf stands and drops and elbow into his sternum. Kazadi actually cries out! Wolf stands and gets ready to drop another, but is tackled through the barricade! Parr rips and tears at Wolf in the front row. After landing several shots, Wolf blocks one away and follows up with a headbutt that allows him to separate.

Langdon Trafford: And without any official, this has just turned into a brawl outside of the ring!

Piers Gallagher: Wolf said he wanted a fight, he said Mike Parr and Zachary Kazadi would be in his element, he made sure that happened right off the bat!

Wolf picks up a chair, closes it and throws it at Parr. Parr knocks it away. The second chair, however, Mike wasn't expecting. It hits him hard in the head, with the edge. Parr goes to a knee, holding his forehead. Wolf tries to capitalize, but Kazadi runs off what's left of the barricade and hits Wolf with an elbow that clears out another section of chairs! The fans scatter like cheering cockroaches! Kazadi wastes no time, he locks Cobra Clutch onto Wolf. Wolf struggles all he can, but eventually his arms go limp. Kazadi still doesn't release the hold. Parr grabs a chair and makes his way to the scene, security clears a path in front of him. Parr brings the hammer down right away. Kazadi releases and rolls away, Wolf takes the brunt of the shot. Parr tosses the chair away as Kazadi charges.

Kazadi leaps, but Parr showcases his quickness and weaves away. Parr smiles lifting his hands and using his fingers to beg Kazadi on. Kazadi is more than happy to comply, turning and going for another charge. Parr weaves away again, he and Kazadi begin to circle around the downed Wolf. Parr fakes the first move and Kazadi hops onto the barricade! It starts to give way and Kazadi is forced to dive early. Parr catches him and quickly turns him to get him vertical.

With Kazadi in a suplex position, Parr attempts a brainbuster... But Kazadi twists and lands on his feet, keeping hold of Parr's head! Kazadi quickly nails Veteran Driver! Kazadi hops up and the crowd pops! Kazadi picks up Par and throws him back toward the ring. Parr hits the apron and falls. When Kazadi turns Wolf comes off the floor with a clothesline. Kazadi anticipates it and manages to duck. Wolf grabs him as he fall foreword and rolls Kazadi up, knowing well that he can't pin him outside the ring - with no ref - he uses the opportunity to sling himself to his feet. He doesn't stay there long. Coming up awkwardly, Wolf leans too far foreword and hit caught in the face with Parr's boot. Intentional or not, the shot puts Wolf to his back. Parr climbs into the ring, Kazadi grabs a chair and stomps toward Wolf. Kazadi sets the chair up in front of Wolf's face. In the ring, Parr goes to the ropes.

Langdon Trafford: This is insane!!!

Kazadi charges and Baseball slides into the chair! Kazadi hops to his feet and rolls into the ring. Kazadi slings Parr into the ropes. Kazadi leans over, telegraphing. Parr stops short, kicks Kazadi in the face, then quickly hooks his arms... Parr lifts and turns slighty... Rolling Cutter onto the barbed wire!

David Weinstock: Oh my God...

Parr covers out of sheer instinct. It's unclear if he realizes he too is laying on top of the barbed wire. The ref gets to his knees then falls foreword to slap the count. The camera pulls in on the referee as he slaps one.. two... WOLF HITS THE REF WITH A CHAIR!

Piers Gallagher: HA! I love it! He took him out just as he came back to the match!

Langdon Trafford: He didn't have a choice, Mike Parr had it right there! Instead, he picks up a near-fall.

Parr rolls away then scrambles to his feet. He makes a move foreword, but Parr is tired. His move is sloppy. Wolf grabs him by the throat. Kazadi hops up! Wolf grabs Kazdi by the throat. Wolf's wild eyes and grinding teeth are seen through the gore decorating his face. Wolf lifts them both into the air, but - as if on cue- Kazadi and Parr grab his head and shift their weight. They turn a would-be double chokeslam into a double DDT, onto the barbed wire! Wolf rolls off as fast as he can, long tufts of his hair are left behind. He has to pull a strand from his eyebrow to get off entirely. Wolf holds his head and rolls on the mat, kicking his feet. Kazadi grabs Parr and slings him into the nearest corner. Parr hits and slides to a seated position. Kazadi looks at the board, looks at the barbed wire, then picks it up. Stomping to the corner opposite Parr, Kazadi sets the board up. He runs back toward Parr, hitting a sit-out dropkick to keep him down. Kazadi slings himself up, then pulls up Parr. With one motion, Kazadi yanks Parr from the floor, then slings him across to the other corner! Parr hits the barbed wire!

Luckily, he's able to turn himself so his back hits. But still, the damage is done. The board bends, but it doesn't break. Parr writhes in pain as he tries frantically to free himself. Kazadi charges, Parr sidesteps, KAZADI GOES HEAD-FIRST THROUGH THE BARBED WIRE! Kazadi hits the ringpost with his head and falls backward into the splinters of the board. The wire is practically wrapped around Kazadi now. Parr looks to follow up, but he's hit with a quick boot from Wolf.

Parr collapses against the ropes, Wolf grabs the top rope and gives it a yank, sending Parr to his back! Wolf shoves Kazadi out of the way enough to climb the turnbuckle. Before he does, Wolf grabs a free strand of Barbed Wire. The fans go crazy as Wolf mounts the turnbuckles, stopping to steady himself on the top.

They get even louder when they see him start to wrap the barbed wire around his arm.

Piers Gallagher: No B-S, no color commentary. Honest opinion, I think we've come to the end of this one. Listen to these people, I think they know it too.

David Weinstock: Look at the violence, look at the brutality, look at the carnage... This wasn't even a No DQ match! Blood and chairs and tables and barbed wire, frankly, this should have ended long ago. Could we see a new Champion here? Well, we're about to find out.

Wolf has the wire wrapped around his whole forearm. With the wrapped hand, he points at Mike Parr. The crowd puts punctuation on a gesture by shouting a nearly-unanimous: "YOU!!" Parr doesn't even notice. He struggles, but staggers up to a standing position. Blood drips down Wolf's arm, to his fist.

When he dives off the top rope, he throws his arm out and slings crimson all over the canvas. Wolf hits Parr with a barbed wire wrapped flying clothesline! Parr holds his head as he tries to roll away. Wolf chases him, dropping to his knees next to Parr - who was still on his back. Parr grabs the bottom rope, trying to pull himself up. But Wolf attacks him, using his barbed wire-wrapped forearm to grind into Parr's head! Blood begins to trickle from Parr's forehead, down his face, to the mat. Parr cries out in pain, this only brings a smile to Wolf's face. Behind them, Kazadi is showing signs of life. Wolf pulls his arm away, only for a moment, to survey the damage... Of which there was a little bit. Parr's face wasn't nearly as bloody as his or Kazadi's but Parr couldn't be accused of not shedding anything at all, not by a long shot. The lacerations, made by Wolf, were visible and all along his hair line. There were a could punctures and scratches around his neck and chin - where the clothesline landed. Wolf throws a punch. Kazadi takes it and sways, but doesn't fall. Wolf rears back for another, Wolf kicks him in the midsection. Wolf picks Kazadi up into military press position with nothing left in his tank.

David Weinstock: He is going for the Final Howl!

Wolf goes for his finisher, but instead of slamming Kazadi on his back he drops him on his head! He falls down on him. The ref is back to slap:





Langdon Trafford: And we have a new champion, but at what cost? WOLF JUST MIGHT HAVE BROKE KAZADI'S NECK BEFORE ROLLINGHIM OVER FOR THE THREE COUNT!!!

David Weinstock: That was one Hell of a battle... All three of these men were taken to the limit and beyond, pushed to places they've never been, but when it's all said and done? The only one surviving a brutal display like this is Wolf. Thats what it took to wrest the NA Championship away from Mike Parr... multiple acts of just downright insanity!

Piers Gallagher: Don't take this away from Mike-

David Weinstock: Not in a million years, but look at this... Wolf took out the ref first thing, FIRST THING. It takes a lunatic to go thedistance in a free-for-all like this. Mike Parr isn't a lunatic, that's for sure. He's cold and calculating at times, sure. But a loony toon? No. The moment Wolf dropped the ref, Wolf got an advantage. Period. But I would never expect him to take it this far with Kazadi. The EMTs are rushing to the ring. He's really hurt, guys, this is no act...

The cameras cut to ringside to see Mike Parr on his hands and knees, glaring at the small puddle of blood collecting under his face. Parr has more visible bruises than lacerations, but that doesn't mean a damn thing. Dried and wet-drying streaks of blood run down his face from his forehead. He punches the mat covering the floor in total frustration before the camera cuts to Wolf. Wolf pulls himself up, only to drop back to a knee. Wolf is a disgustingly bloody mess as he hangs his head and coughs before spitting across the ring.

The atmosphere in the SaskTel somewhat dimmed after witnesses what was one of the most barbaric championship matches of all time.

Rod Sterling: “I remember watching that Jean-Luc, I couldn’t believe my eyes. A match that, thankfully, has faded from memory with time.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Rough, Rod. Just rough. But now, lets turn our attention how our current reigning and defending champion of 453 days got to this evening, lets see how Big Bryan Bastard is about to become the longest reigning champion in history!”

Natalie Rosenberg: “It is now time for your Fallout main event!"

The crowd cheers wildly in excitement and anticipation.

Natalie Rosenberg: "The next contest is a scheduled for one fall with a sxty minute time limit, it is a F1 Climaxx Match and it is for the FWA North American Championship!"


The crowd meets Big Bryan Baxter with boos as he jogs out from the back in his glossy red, Buddy System letterman jacket, and it’s not just because of the tunes of Nickelback blaring through the speakers. Joining him is his agent, Mr. Bill Scorpane, who walks out with a confident swagger in his gray leisure suit. The pair ignore the boos from the crowd as they make their way down to the ring.

Allen Price: “The crowd certainly has done a full 360 on Big Bryan Baxter as of late, and a lot of it has to do with the arrival of this man, Mr. Scorpane, who has been appearing in Bryan’s corner instead of the popular Jeremy Best.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “And we’ve certainly seen a different side of Bryan Baxter since then, but he continues to struggle with a guilty conscience as he wants to prove to Jeremy that he’s not the same guy he used to be…winning at any cost…while Mr. Scorpane is certainly pushing that ‘cheat to win’ agenda.”

Allen Price: “It was utilizing Jeremy's clean wrestling style that got him to this point. That’s something he needs to remember!”

The reaction for Lizzie Rose is a drastic change as she runs out from the back with a flurry of energy as she pumps her fists up for the crowd. Lizzie has the North American championship around her waist as she high fives fans down the aisle on her way to the ring.

Allen Price: “Lizzie Rose has been on a roll lately! Not only winning that North American championship back at Fallout 20, but defeating her rival Johnny Johnson at Lights Out and then last week she defeated TV Champion Philip A. Jackson to go up 1-0 in the F1 Climaxxx!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: ““It’s certainly been quite the run for The Rave, but she’s up against a man more than double her size tonight in Big Bryan Baxter. And Baxter himself is up 1-0 in the pool after his win at Fallout 21 against Gerald Grayson. This will be a real David vs. Goliath style match.”

Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing the challenges, being accompanied to the ring by Mr. Bill Scorpane, from Hickory, Noooorrrtthh Caarrooolina, he weighs in at three-hundred and two pounds, he is BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG BRYAN BAAAAAAAAAAXTER!”

Bryan does some jumping jacks in his corner to warm up as the crowd continue to shower him in boos.

Natalie Rosenberg: “AND his opponent, from Broooooooklyn, NEW YORK, she weighs in at ninety-nine pounds… she is the reigning and defending FWA North American Champion… ‘THE RAVE’.... LLLLLLLIIIZZZZIIIIIIEEEE RRRRRRRRRRRRRROSE!”

The crowd cheers loudly as Lizzie perches the turnbuckles, holding up the North American championship.

She climbs down as the referee brings them to the center of the ring to get this match under way


Lizzie Rose (c) v Bryan Baxter.

Singles Match for the FWA North American Championship - FWA Climaxxx (Pool B).

Match Writer: Dubb.

The bell rings as Lizzie and Bryan meet in the center of the ring. Bryan towers over Lizzie with a confident smirk as she looks up at him, not backing down.

Allen Price: “Just look at this size differential, JLW. It’s astonishing!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Big Bryan Baxter certainly represents one of the quite literally biggest challenges of her career. But one thing is for sure, we’ve learned you can never count ‘The Rave’ out!”

They start the match out with a collar and elbow tie up, but Baxter quickly exerts his strength advantage as he tosses her away to the mat with ease. Baxter rotates his neck, loosening himself up while sharing a laugh with Mr. Scorpane who watches on from ringside.

Lizzie cuts her eyes at both men as she quickly gets back up and charges in at BBB! Her clothesline doesn’t even cause Bryan to flinch but she unloads some chops and punches to her larger challenger, but Bryan is simply unphased before he grabs a handful of her hair and tosses her with ease into the far left corner of the ring. From there, Bryan begins to unload a series of knees to Lizzie’s ribs. He then raises his right arm high into the air and brings down an overhead open palm chop right to Lizzie’s chest. The sound of the chop echoes through the arena.

Bryan Baxter slowly walks backwards, taunting the crowd and receiving a warm round of boos for his actions thus far. He then charges in towards Lizzie for a corner splash…

But Lizzie telegraphes the incoming Baxter with a Pendelum Kick! He staggers backwards as Lizzie now ascends the turnbuckles…MISSLE DROPKICK!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Big Bryan Baxter perhaps getting a little too confident in the early goings of this one and Lizzie just made him pay!”

Allen Price: “But look at that! Even that dropkick couldn’t take Baxter off his feet!”

Sure enough, Baxter was staggered by the incoming Lizzie, but he wasn’t down! She starts targeting the tree trunk like legs of Baxter with some stiff kicks that finally takes Baxter down to one knee. Lizzie rushes the ropes but Baxter gets back up to both feet and catches Lizzie off the ropes in a POWERSLAM!

Allen Price: “Oooooh - that certainly took the wind out of her sails!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “And Baxter stays on for the pin! One - Two - NO! It’s going to take more than that to keep Lizzie down!”

Baxter placed some boots to the ribs of Lizzie while she was on the mat before pulling her back up to her feet by the hair. Ignoring the warnings from the referee about the hair, Baxter pulls Lizzie to the corner once again and now slams her head repeatedly into the turnbuckles. After dishing out some damage in the corner, Baxter pulls Rose back and lifts her up for a back suplex…

But Lizzie flips over and lands on her feet behind BBB! Baxter turns around… STEP UP ENZIGURI surprises the big man and has him staggering once again! Lizzie leaps up to the middle turnbuckles before jumping off and hitting the Girl Meets Mat Tornado DDT to Baxter! BBB is down on the mat for the first time in the match and Lizzie wastes no time going for the pin!

One! Tw - NO!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “And Big Bryan Baxter simply POWERS out of that pinning attempt by the champion!”

Lizzie is back to her feet quickly, bouncing off the far ropes as Baxter starts to roll to his feet, striking with a running dropkick square in the face to Baxter! Bryan stumbles back into the ropes as Lizzie rushes to the opposite side of the ring and once again charges in with a lighting quick dropkick, this one landing in the right shoulder but it sends Baxter toppling through the middle ropes, smacking the apron before landing on the ground at ringside!

Lizzie pumps up her arms, garnering a roar from the fans before she bounces off the ropes and takes to the air, flying out of the ring with a somersault plancha out of the ring to the recovering Baxter to take him back down!

Allen Price: “Look at ‘The Rave’ go! I don’t think Baxter knows what hit him, she’s so fast!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “If Baxter has underestimated what the champion can do, despite her size, he may have made a huge mistake here tonight.”

The fired up Lizzie takes a moment to high five some of the fans at ringside, clearly pumped up from the momentum she’s gained. But she notices Mr. Scorpane coming around the corner, trying to poke his nose into the match - but she gives him an intimidating point and he quickly decides to back off.

Rose climbs back onto the apron as Baxter pulls himself up. She runs the apron and leaps into Baxter, going for the Roseacarana in bloom hurricanrana off the apron..

But Baxter holds on as she is unable to take the big man off his feet! She’s leg dangling with her legs wrapped around Baxter’s neck as Baxter gives her a giant SWING into the steel ring post, her ribs connecting hard with the steel before Baxter pulls her back up..


Jean-Luc Watkins: “My GOD! Baxter may have just broken her in half! Her spine just folded around the hardest part of the ring!”

Lizzie collapses over to the floor as Baxter shakes his head to get rid of the proverbial cobwebs while Mr. Scorpane encourages Bryan to ‘show no mercy’ outside the ring. Baxter seems to take his agent’s advice as he pulls Lizzie up by her hair before tossing her like a ragdoll head first into the ring post!

The boos rain down on Baxter, whose temper begins to get the best of him as he gets into a verbal altercation with a fan at ringside. This gives Lizzie the chance to try to recover, grabbing the curtain of the ring apron to valiantly try to pull herself up to her feet, but Baxter puts a stop to that as he comes in with a boot to the side of her head.

Baxter rolls Lizzie up onto the apron before he slowly climbs back up onto it himself. He pulls the North American Champion up to her knees before lifting her up…PILEDRIVER ONTO THE APRON!

Allen Price: “Oh dear! First the powerbomb and now a piledriver onto the apron as well! As you stated, JLW, it’s the hardest part of the ring!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: ““The champ is in trouble here! This could be it! Baxter is sending her back into the ring and he’s going for the pin!”


The champ somehow finds the wherewithal to get her left shoulder up off the mat from Bryan’s lateral press. Baxter questions the referee, but it’s reiterated that it was just a two count. Turning his attention back to the champ, Bryan leaps into the air with a DOUBLE FOOT STOMP to Lizzie’s ribs - bringing all 300 pounds of his weight crushing down onto her midsection.

Lizzie immediately rolls over on the mat, clutching her midsection and giving an agonizing scream. Bryan looks down and smirks at his handy work.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “All that weight coming down onto the diminutive Lizzie…she’s in a world of pain right now and I wouldn’t be surprised if she had some internal injuries! And Bryan Baxter is just SMILING at seeing her withering in pain!”

Allen Price: “We really are seeing a different side of Bryan Baxter without Jeremy Best in his corner! He just seems so much more ruthless.”

Not letting up and looking to take advantage of the situation, Bryan bounces off the ropes and comes in with a big falling splash to Lizzie before hooking the leg for another pin.

ONE! TWO! THRE…NO! Lizzie once again manages a shoulder up, much to the chagrin of both BBB and Mr. Scorpane.

While clearly frustrated, Baxter goes back to work as he pulls Lizzie closer to the near turnbuckle. Baxter marches over to the corner and to the surprise of just about everyone…begins to ascend them.

Allen Price: “Now wait just a minute…what’s Baxter planning here? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him come off the top besides when he was going for that briefcase in the Spooktacular!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I don’t know, Price…but whatever he has planned, I don’t like it for Lizzie one bit! With the damage she’s taken so far - imagine 300 pounds coming off the top rope onto her little 90 pound frame. We’ll be scraping her up off the mat like a pancake!”

A collective gasp goes through the crowd as Baxter teeters on the top rope, trying to catch his balance in a position he clearly isn’t very comfortable with. But he regains his composure…


And down he came crashing…ONTO NOTHING BUT CANVAS!


Allen Price: “Oh thank God!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The high risk maneuver does NOT pay off for Baxter and THIS could be the opening Lizzie needs to get back into this match!”

Both competitors are down as the referee begins to do a standing ten count. Baxter slowly starts to stir, but Lizzie is also pulling herself up, clutching her ribs with one arm as she gets to her feet. But it's The Rave striking first, fighting through the pain, delivering kick after kick to the body of Baxter while holding her side. Baxter fells over into a seated position as Lizzie finishes off the kick combination by delivering the Calling Mr. Vain roundhouse kick right to the recovering Baxter’s head!

Lizzie goes for the pin!


Once again clutching her side, Lizzie grimaces as she gets to her feet, some blood showing in her mouth to indicate the internal damages she may have received during the match so far. But she battles through as she grabs Baxter and attempts to lift the big man up for a back suplex, but she can’t muster up the strength to get the three-hundred pounder up off the mat.

Instead, Baxter battles back with a boot to the midsection before sending Lizzie into the ropes with an Irish Whip. Baxter tries to take her head off with a clothesline, but Lizzie ducks and comes back off the ropes with The Brooklyn Flash! Lizzie goes for the pin once again!


The courageous Lizzie continued to ride the wave of her momentum, letting that adrenaline help ease her pain. Once back up to his feet, Lizzie leaped up onto Baxter’s shoulders before spinning around looking for the Rosecanrana, but once again Baxter counters by using his strength to hold on to the move! He pulled Lizzie back up into the air, looking to once again reverse it into a powerbomb…

But Lizzie battled back with punches to the top of Baxter’s head! She then positioned herself back onto Bryan’s shoulders in a shoulder mount position, laying the point of her elbow right into the top of BBB’s head before she slid down his back and locked in a DRAGON SLEEPER! She added pressure by wrapping her legs around Baxter’s massive body with a body scissors, leg legs just barely reaching around his trunk. Baxter stumbled around the ring before dropping down..

First just to one knee…but then both knees….

Allen Price: “Could this be it? Bryan looks like he could be a goner here!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is some solid strategy by The Rave! She isn’t going to be able to pick the big man up, so put him to sleep!”

The crowd is to their feet in anticipation as it looked like Bryan may be going down. With Lizzie firmly wrapping her legs around his body and clutching tight to his neck in that Dragon Sleeper, Bryan slumped down to the mat!

The referee checked in on him…he lifted up Baxter’s arm…



But behind the referee’s back, Mr. Scorpane had reached in and PUT BAXTER’S LEG ON THE ROPES!

The referee almost calls for the bell to award the match to Lizzie, but notices the leg! He waves off the finish and pats Lizzie on the back, instructing her to break the hold. Thinking the match is over, Lizzie jumps up in excitement.

Allen Price: “Oh no Lizzie! You should have the match won but thanks to Mr. Scorpane, it’s not over yet!”

The referee explains to Lizzie, pointing to his feet as Lizzie also notices a smirking Scorpane at ringside nearby. He holds up his hands, professing his innocence as Lizzie argues that it had to have been his interference. Lizzie walks to the ropes, warning Scorpane but the referee steps in, turning his back to both Scorpane and Baxter as she continues to argue with him..

Scorpane tosses something into the ring to Baxter.

Allen Price: “Wait just a minute! What was that?!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It’s those damn brass knux! Last week Baxter elected not to use them against Gerald Grayson…but this week the stakes are much higher!”

Baxter is up on his hands and knees on the mat, noticing the brass knuckles that Scorpane had slid to him.

But Baxter shakes his head and slides them BACK OUT OF THE RING!

Allen Price: “He’s still refusing to cheat to win! Maybe this man does have a conscience after all!”

As Baxter continues to pull himself up, Lizzie comes in from behind and grabs him by the head…she runs to the turnbuckle..



Baxter drops down to a knee, the referee now taking a moment to check on Baxter, who still seems a bit out of it from the Dragon Sleeper he spent so much time locked in. With the referee once again distracted, Mr. Scorpane once again elects to get involved…

AS HE CRACKS A CHAIR ACROSS LIZZIE’S BACK! Scorpane then rolls Lizzie back into the ring before innocently walking away, whistling like nothing happened.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It seems as if Bryan Baxter isn’t going to cut the corners, Mr. Scorpane has no problems doing it for him!”

Allen Price: “This is awful! I don’t want to see Lizzie go down like this!”

Unaware of Scorpane’s involvement, Baxter stumbles over and goes for the pin.


We have a new…WAIT, now it was LIZZIE WHO GOT HER FOOT ON THE ROPE!

And now it's Bryan Baxter who thinks he has won the match! He climbs to his feet with his arms lifted up to the sky, but the referee steps in to break the bad news, pointing to the foot on the ropes. Baxter argues it was a three first and GRABS THE REFEREE BY THE COLLAR! His temper is starting to get the best of him.

Baxter is threatened with disqualification, so he lets go of the referee…



NO! Bryan escapes in time!

Both get back to their feet but it's a DISCUSS LARIAT that FLIPS Lizzie head over heels and down to the mat! Bryan goes for the pin again!

ONE! TWO! THRE - NO! The fight in Lizzie continues as Bryan now punches the canvas repeatedly in frustration.

Allen Price: “There is just no quit in this girl!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “And if he’s not careful, this frustration could really cost Baxter!”

With Scorpane encouraging Bryan to end things, Baxter pulls Rose back up to her feet, now positioning her in a front face lock before lifting her up into the air…

Allen Price: “This could be it…we’re going to have a new champion!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “He’s going for the Baxter Driver and if he connects, you’ll be right, Price.”

Baxter displays his strength as he holds Lizzie high in the air, letting the blood rush to her head before he spins her around going for the sitout piledriver finish of the Baxter Driver…


She slides down the back of Baxter! Baxter spins around…she grabs him by the head…RUNS UP THE TURNBUCKLES..



Lizzie goes for the pin!

ONE! TWO! THREE! The crowd counts…but there’s no referee!

Lizzie’s foot had arrantly connected with the referee in the transition from the turnbuckles in midair and he was down on his knees trying to shake off the incidental contact!

Allen Price: “For a second time in the match, Lizzie had this thing won!”

Lizzie gets up from the pin on Baxter and goes to check on the referee…as Mr. Scorpane ONCE AGAIN slides in the brass knuckles to Baxter!

Baxter rolls to his side..and sees them. This time he grabs them…

Allen Price: “I don’t like the look on his face right now!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: ““I think the frustration is getting to him, Price. I think Bryan wants this so bad…and he just can’t seem to put the elusive Lizzie Rose away…”

Baxter clutches the knuckles and begins to get to his feet…

But from the back, it’s Bryan’s tag partner and best friend Jeremy Best! Jeremy rushes down and jumps onto the apron, waving at Baxter to get his attention.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What’s HE doing out here?”

Allen Price: “He doesn’t want to see his friend win like this!”

Sure enough, those are the words we can hear coming from Jerem as he pleads with his friend to not cheat to win. A furious Mr. Scorpane comes over and demands Jeremy to “mind his own business,” while Baxter just appears conflicted in the ring.

Lizzie turns around and notices Bryan and Jeremy arguing on the corner and she rushes in at Baxter..

But Baxter moves out of the way! LIZZIE COLLIDES WITH JEREMY on the apron! Jeremy falls to the mat and Lizzie stumbles backwards into…


As Lizzie drops to the mat, Bryan actually seems surprised that what he had done.

Allen Price: “No! He did it! Not like this! Not like this, Jean-Luc!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I can’t tell if Bryan meant to do that or if he was striking out of instinct when Lizzie rushed in! He actually seems shocked!”

Allen Price: “I don’t buy it, Jean-Luc! You said it yourself, he couldn’t keep Lizzie down and he had no choice but to cheat to win!”

Still confused by what had just happened, Bryan quickly flings the brass knuckles to ringside and opts to take advantage of the situation. He drops down and makes the pin on Lizzie as the referee gets back into position


Winner: Big Byran Baxter at 27:11

Big Bryan Baxter sits up on his knees in disbelief as he has his arm lifted up in victory. Mr. Scorpane climbs into the ring with a big grin on his face as he carries in the North American championship to hand over to BBB.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner and NEW FWA NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPION… BIG BRYAN BAXTER!

The announcement is met with loud boos from the crowd, but Big Bryan Baxter ignores them as he gladly accepts the title and his agent, Mr. Scorpane, greets him with a proud hug.

Rod Sterling: “Capturing the championship from Lizzie Rose as part of last years installment of the Climaxxx tournament, doesn’t it say something to Baxter’s longevity as champion that we are here again at the very next installment and he hasn’t relinquished the championship once”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Not just that, but he has taken on the greatest and best that the FWA has to offer, including a man who is still in with a shot in this years Climaxxx. Konchu Hao at the Grand March of last year.”

‘Animals’ by Nickleback begins to blast as the crowd immediately begin to boo. The reigning North American Champion- Big Bryan Baxter- emerges from behind the curtain- alone- with the North American title raised high in the air. The big man takes his sweet time heading down the entrance way, soaking in the jeers from the raucous Chicago crowd. Baxter slides into the ring and lets out an animalistic roar while holding his title high above his head!

The reigning North American Champion along with the anxious crowd wait in anticipation for the mystery opponent…

But before we get a sight of who this mystery opponent is, a group of perhaps a dozen dancers - all dressed in fine suits or fancy cocktail dresses - walk out onto the stage, which is still shrouded in darkness. We can just about make out the outlines of these figures, and of a small orchestra that has appeared on the left hand side of the stage. Shortly after, we notice a choir of about the same size on the other flank. Whilst the singers remain silent, the orchestra begins to play - but the music is off-tempo and discordant.

Still, the dancers begin their dance, and as they are slowly (and only partially) illuminated by a host of candles around the stage, we realise that all is not as it seemed with this group. Their clothing, which in the cover of darkness seemed immaculately pristine, are actually in tatters, and their faces are scarred, bruised, bloody… on some of them, in some areas, their flesh is tearing off the bones. But still, they appear almost elegant as they move through their dance, the orchestra building, until, to accompany them…

'Army of the Night' begins to play as THE ROOF BLOWS OFF the United Center! The orchestra embellish the metal back-in track, the choir joining in for the vocals, as KONCHU HAO emerges from behind the curtain! The dancers clear a path as ‘the Mad Wizard’ marches through them. Baxter looks on from inside the ring, knowing he is going up against one of the more heralded members of the FWA roster, and will be doing so ALONE tonight!

Emerging behind Konchu, right at his heels, is his trusted confidant EPSILON! The duo walk with a purpose down to the ring, ready to kick things off!

Kurt Harrington: "The next contest is scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit for the NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP! First, the challenger…weighing in at 215 pounds…THE MAD WIZARD…KONCHU HAOOOO!"

The crowd is still amped up from the surprise mystery of Konchu Hao and give 'The Mad Wizard' a thunderous ovation.

Kurt Harrington: "And, to my left….hailing from Hickory, North Carolina…weighing in at 312 pounds…he is the North American Champion…BIG BRYAN BAXTERRR!"

The crowd boos at Baxter who holds his title up high while walking right up to Konchu Hao! The referee separates the two as he takes the title from Baxter. The referee holds the prestigious North American title high in the air for the world to see…

Bryan Baxter (c) vs. Konchu Hao.
Singles Match. FWA North American Championship.
Match Writer: BattleTank.

The reigning North American Champion wastes no time once the bell rings, delivering a huge knee to the sternum of Konchu! Baxter follows it up with another big knee, followed by a toss into the corner! Baxter runs full speed ahead but at the last minute Konchu gets up an elbow that connects with the big man in the side of the head. Konchu then spins underneath, taking out Baxter with a legsweep which knocks the big man to the mat!

Allen Price: "Konchu knows what he has to do in order to win this match-cut the big man down like a redwood tree!"

Baxter slides to the outside, slamming the mat in frustration. 'The Mad Wizard' isn’t here to play games tonight and once Baxter looks up…


Baxter falls back into the guard rail, jamming his back right up against the steel! Konchu continues his assault with rights, lefts, chops and elbows until Baxter is able to successfully cover up. Konchu goes for a big right hand but Baxter blocks it and connects with a HEADBUTT! The force of the big man’s head crashing into Konchu’s face is enough to knock "[/b][/color]The Mad Wizard"[/b][/color] back onto the ringside floor. Baxter slides into the ring and then back out to avoid the countout. Baxter then stomps on Konchu’s hand and twists, bringing all of his weight onto the powerful right hand of Konchu!

Rod Sterling: "Big Bryan Baxter with a very successful strategy right now. Putting all of his 300 plus pounds right on top of one of Konchu Hao’s most important assets- his hand!"

Baxter finally releases and taunts Epsilon who cheers on his main man Konchu from a distance. Baxter slides Konchu back into the ring and follows suit. Baxter hits a few more lethal stomps on the right hand of Konchu for good measure before playing into the crowd, who tell Baxter just how they feel. Baxter lifts Konchu up to his feet and goes to toss him off the ropes but Konchu attempts a reversal, but Baxter doesn’t budge. Instead of playing tug of war with the 300 plus-pounder, Konchu rears back and delivers a SAVATE KICK right to the chin of Baxter! Baxter staggers back, but is still on his feet. Konchu darts off the ropes…LEAPING LARIAT! The move knocks Baxter down to one knee…bicycle kick right to the nose of Baxter! The big man is finally down as Konchu goes for the first pinfall of the match…


Baxter kicks out! Konchu stays on the offensive with swift kicks to the side of Baxter. Konchu then lifts Baxter to his knees before delivering crushing knee strikes to the head of the North American Champion! Baxter seemingly becomes enraged with each kick and catches Konchu’s last kick. Baxter shows off his brute strength as he muscles Konchu up in the Powerbomb position…


Baxter waits for 'The Mad Wizard' to fall in the corner as he races full speed ahead…


Baxter signals for the end as he walks around the ring, zeroing in on his opponent.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Big Bryan Baxter showing everyone that he doesn’t need any help after all! He can take care of business all by himself!"

Baxter waits for the beaten-up Konchu Hao to use the ropes to get to his feet. Baxter runs full speed ahead and goes for the DISCUSS LARIAT…



Konchu hooks the leg!!


Konchu can’t put the big man away quite yet! Konchu knows he is within striking distance as Baxter slowly gets to one knee…Konchu races behind Baxter…


Baxter is stuck in the middle of the ring with nowhere to go!! Konchu tries his hardest to get his legs around in a body scissors position but Baxter is just too big. Nevertheless, 'The Mad Wizard' has his submission finisher locked in tightly and Baxter is slowly fading in and out of consciousness. Baxter slowly begins his best to loosen the grip of Konchu while simultaneously attempting to get to one knee to relieve the pressure of the move. Baxter is successful and grabs a hold of Konchu…

Baxter uses his brute strength to lift Konchu up and over his shoulder! Baxter runs forward but Konchu slips out behind. Konchu quickly grabs a hold of Baxter from behind…


Konchu with the cover!!


Baxter is able to kick out of one of the most devastating finishers in FWA!

Both men are down. Both men are exhausted. Escaping the Black Locust Bite and then taking a Rasputin’s Revenge from 'The Mad Wizard' took a lot out of Baxter, and just staying in the ring with the punishing North American Champion has exhausted Konchu Hao! Epsilon slams on the mat from ringside as the crowd as Konchu slowly gets to his feet. Baxter is also slowly getting to his feet. Baxter rears back and delivers a vicious Open Hand Chop to the chest of Konchu. Konchu responds with a ridiculously loud chop of his own! Baxter with another chop…Konchu with another chop…The chops grow louder and quicker from each man until they are face to face chopping the ever-living shit out of each other! The crowd eats it up as the two men chop at each other’s chest with such force you could feel it in your living room! Baxter falls back, bent over after one last vicious chop from Konchu…


Baxter didn’t miss this time, and nearly takes Konchu’s head off! Baxter wastes no time lifting the motionless Konchu up…


It’s all elementary from here…


At 2.999 Konchu gets his shoulder up! Whether it was just muscle memory or reflex, somehow, some way, Konchu Hao kicks out! Baxter is infuriated and doesn’t know what else to do. He drags the motionless Konchu over towards the turnbuckles and lifts him up onto the top buckle. Baxter, not known for being a high flying climbs up with Konchu and in another show of the strength of Baxter, he lifts Konchu up in a Vertical Suplex position….


Baxter hooks both legs for good measure…


Winner: Bryan Baxter by pinfall at 15:05

Kurt Harrington: ”Here is your winner… and STILL the FWA North American Champion… BRYAN BAXTER!!”

Baxter is slow to get to his feet after the exertions of the match, and allows the official to lift his hand in victory before promptly snatching it away. Konchu, meanwhile, rolls out of the ring following the devastating avalanche finisher, where Epsilon meets him on the outside to check on and console his master.

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”An incredible fight put up by Konchu Hao, our mystery opponent here at the Grand March... but it’s Bryan Baxter who marches on…”

Rod Sterling: “Then, of course, we get to the anticipated match-up from Back in Business this year where Mike Parr was set to face Bryan Baxter one on one.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Face him, he certainly did. One on one, and he lost. He lost and he disappeared for months.”'

Rod Sterling: “One has to wonder if things hadn’t gone down the way they had in Mexico that night, would we even be here this evening?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well I, in that case, am glad that they did go down, just like that. Let’s have a look.”

The music hits and “The Prodigy” Mike Parr trots out from the back, tossing his hands up in the air to the crowd who greets him with a big ovation. Parr stops at the top of the ramp, scopes out the fans before locking his eyes to the ring.

Anzu Kurosawa: “You can see the determination in that man’s eyes. This is a man who wants something he thinks he never should’ve lost in the first place.”

Rod Sterling: “Of course referring to the FWA North American Championship, a title he has held a record setting four times, including the record for longest title reign of an astounding 454 days. When you think about the North American Championship, it’s hard not to think about The Prodigy.”

Kurt Harrington: “The following match is scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit and it is for the FWA… NORTH AMERICAN CHAMPIONSHIP! Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at two hundred forty pounds, from Toronto, Canada… he is… “THE PRODIGY”.... MMMMMIIIIIIIKKKKKEEE PPPPPPAAAARRRRRRRR!”

Parr gives a slight smirk before he begins to walk down the ramp, stretching out his wrists and arms as he makes his way down, the determination evident.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “But winning that belt back won’t come easy as the champion, Big Bryan Baxter, has shown that he’ll do whatever it takes to keep that belt..”

Allen Price: “Dirty little cheater…”

Rod Sterling: “We’ve certainly seen him utilize every trick in the book… though he no longer has Mr. Scorpane by his side and Jeremy Best is otherwise preoccupied tonight… this is one of the rare defenses where Baxter has to go at this one with no one in his corner.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Yeah so hopefully we’ll… WAIT! LOOK OUT!”


That’s the sound of a metal chair cracking across the back of Mike Parr halfway down the aisle to the ring. Parr drops to a knee as the chair comes down for a second time across his back, sending him down to the floor.

Standing over Parr, holding the chair in hand is the North American Champion, Bryan Baxter.

Allen Price: “What is the meaning of this?!”

Rod Sterling: “The North American Champion is just assaulting his challenger with the chair before the match is even under way! This isn’t a no disqualification match. What is going on right now?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The match hasn’t started yet, technically, Rod.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I guess this is what he meant earlier by showing us Big Bryan Bastard.”

Baxter brings the chair down three more times across Parr’s back as the boos in the arena intensify for the North American champion. He looks to the crowd and simply smirks before pulling Parr up to his knees. Parr attempts to battle back, but Baxter knees him in the face before lifting him up and diving him a Piledriver onto the floor!

Allen Price: “This is disgusting!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “And unfortunately, I don’t think he’s done yet…”


The crowd lets BBB have it, but he just smiles and once again pulls Parr to his feet, walking with him down the aisle and to ringside before tossing him head first into the steel ring post. Baxter pulls the ring steps away from the post before once again grabbing Parr and POWERBOMBING HIM ONTO THE RINGSTEPS!


Rod Sterling: “I can’t help but agree with the sentiment of the fans. I’m not sure this match is going to be able to even happen at this point…”

Several FWA security members rush down to try and stop Baxter’s assault on Parr, but Baxter meets the first one with a right hand, the second one with a left hand, the third one with a headbutt and the fourth one gets tossed into the ring post as well for his troubles.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well now he’s not only ruining this match but also will be getting fined.”

Anzu Kurosawa: “I don’t think he cares too much about either.”

With some of the security disposed of, Baxter pulls Parr up and rolls him into the ring. Parr climbs in and stares at Kurt Harrington. “Announce me!” he demands.

Reluctantly, Harrington complies.

Kurt Harrington: “....And… his opponent… from Hickory, North Carolina… weighing in at three hundred twelve pounds… he is the FWA North American Champion… BIG… BRYAN… BAXT…”

Baxter cuts Harrington off and whispers something in his ear. Kurt seems unsure but Baxter gives him a threatening look.

Kurt Harrington: “Excuse me… BIG… BRYAN… BASTARD!”

Baxter extends his arms out toward the booing crowd as he now takes off the North American Championship from around his waist and tries to hand it over to FWA Official Tommy Palmer while Palmer is more interested in checking on Parr.

Bryan grabs Palmer by the arm, pulling him over and forcing him to take the title from him. Baxter then shouts, “ring the fucking bell!”

Anzu Kurosawa: “Oh come on! What’s he trying to pull here! There’s no way this match can go on right now.”

Palmer argues with Baxter, pointing over to Parr, who begins showing signs of life as he grabs the bottom ropes and pulls himself up to a seated position in the corner. Baxter continues to demand the match start, as Palmer goes over to check on Parr again.

Rod Sterling: “It’s amazing that Parr is even conscious right now… but ultimately it’s up to him if the match happens or not…”

Palmer consults with Parr, who now somehow, someway begins to pull himself up to his feet using the ropes… and he… tells Palmer to start the match!

Allen Price: “Unbelievable! He still wants the match!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I spent a lot of time with Parr during Executive Excellence… and if he has his mind set on something, then it’s probably going to happen. And he obviously has his mind set on that North American title… but even I think this is ill-advised.”

Clearly reluctant… Tommy Palmer calls for the bell.


FIFTH MATCH || 1/60.
Bryan Baxter
[c] vs. Mike Parr.
Singles Match for the FWA North American Championship.
Match writer: Dubb.


Baxter charges in the second the bell is rang, looking to splash Parr in the corner..


There’s still life in The Prodigy! He hits a series of jabs in the corner to Baxter’s large midsection before springboarding onto the ropes and going for a Tornado DDT, but Baxter holds on and turns it into a Northern Lights Suplex instead!

Baxter doesn’t bridge, and instead gets right back up to his feet and hits a big standing splash on the fallen Parr. And another splash! And another!

Rod Sterling: ”Three hundred plus pounds keep splashing down on the already beaten and bruised Parr! This match shouldn’t even be happening and Baxter is just piling on more and more punishment!”

Baxter grab Parr by the hair, pulling him up to his feet…

BUCKLE BOMB TO PARR! Parr slums over, in the corner as Baxter then charges in with a running hip attack, Parr’s head bouncing off the bottom turnbuckle.

He then grabs the leg of Parr, dragging the dead weight out of the corner before pulling him up by his hair once again… he lifts Parr up…


Baxter hooks the leg..



Parr didn’t kick out… Baxter pulled him up!


Baxter pulls Parr up one more time..


He hooks the leg again.


WInner: Bryan Baxter via pinfall at 1:18.

Bryan Baxter drops Parr’s leg down to the mat as some FWA Officials and medics enter the ring, beginning to check on him. The boos continue to food in as Bryan Baxer snatches back his FWA North American Title from Palmer, and climbs the turnbuckle, holding the belt up in the air proudly amidst the sea of boos.

Kurt Harrington: “Here is your winner… and still FWA North American Champion… Big Bryan Baxter!”

Allen Price: “Mercifully… its finally over..”

Anzu Kurosawa: ““There was little mercy being shown there, unfortunately.

Rod Sterling: ”It was not the match any of us expected… but once again… Bryan Baxter walks away holding that title… by any means necessary.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “He may have won today… but you can believe that when he’s able to… Parr will be coming back for him… and when he does… Baxter better watch his own back because you know there’s going to be Hell to pay! So enjoy your time now Baxter… I have a feeling your days as champion are numbered!”

Perhaps having painted an even bigger target on his back, Baxter seems to care less as he climbs out of the ring, smirking as he places the championship belt over his shoulder and begins to walk away from the ring as the medics continue to tend to Parr in the ring.

Rod Sterling: “As out there as it may seem, there was an asterisk hanging over Bryan Baxter’s reign, a shadow being cast over it if you will. And that, was one of Chris Crowe, the champion who never lost the championship. You would always hear whispers of how Baxter was only taking care of the championship for Crowe until Crowe decided to return.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “And then, he did return, and I think at this point we all know what happened…”

Kurt Harrington: “This next match is scheduled for one fall with a sixty minute time limit and is for the FWA North American Championship!”

The crowd get to their feet in anticipation of the challenger for tonight’s match, the former FWA North American Champion, to make his way out. While the music starts, there is no sign of the Showman just yet as Harrington continues.

Kurt Harrington: “Introducing first, the challenger, weighing in at two-hundred forty pounds, being accompanied to the ring by Crazy Harry… he is… THE SHOWMAN… CCCCCCCCCCCCHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRIIIIIISSSSSSSS CCCCCCCRRROOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEE!”

As Harrington completes the introduction and the fans continue to be anxiously waiting, there is still no sign of Chris Crowe.

Rod Sterling: "I don’t like the looks of this."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Can we get a camera backstage? Someone check into this…”

Almost on cue, we do cut to the back as we get the POV of a camera man running through the corridors backstage. We can hear some commotion and as we round the corner, we hear the concerned voice of Crazy Harry calling out for Crowe. Harry rushes over as we find Chris Crowe laid out backstage. A dented up steel chair lays beside him but also the glass shards of a shattered beer bottle.

Rod Sterling: "What is going on here? Chris Crowe has been attacked backstage before his match! Bryan Bastard no doubt once again stooping to whatever it takes…”

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Not so fast Rod, we can’t just jump to conclusions here, can we?”

Rod Sterling: "Bryan Bastard ducked Crowe for weeks before Crowe EARNED this title shot! A title shot for a belt HE NEVER LOST, Jean-Luc. This has his finger prints all over it! It’s Back in Business all over again!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I’m just sayin… I think Bryan Baxter was pretty eager to get his hands on Crowe now… and look, there’s a broken beer bottle! I don’t think Bryan Baxter would’ve been handling one of those.”

Rod Sterling: "I don’t put anything past that bastard.”

Crazy Harry is joined by FWA officials who try to check on Crowe who begins to come to. Finally, Tommy Bedlam comes rushing over.

Tommy Bedlam: "Crowe! Crowe, dang it man! What’s happening! Who did this Harry? Who did this?”

Crazy Harry is speechless, shrugging his shoulders just as in the dark as the rest of us.

Tommy Bedlam: "That damn Bryan Bastard! Crowe, come on man, you gotta get up. You gotta get out there! They’re callin’ your name!”

Chris Crowe begins to come to… staggering up with the help of Harry and Tommy.

Tommy Bedlam: "Did you see what happened? Who did this to ya?”

Chris Crowe: "God damn if I know… sum bitch… attacked me from behind. Piece of shit…”

Crowe is winded just getting those words out. Crazy Harry seems concerned about Crowe going down to the ring, but Crowe shoves him off.

Chris Crowe: "I got this… I’m getting my damn title back..”

The Showman pulls himself away from Tommy and Harry… and begins to stagger his way out, making his way through the curtains with Crazy Harry giving chase, seemingly still trying to talk him out of it.

Rod Sterling: "Attack be damned, Chris Crowe is making his way out here after all!”

The fans are to their feet as Crowe stumbles his way down to the ring, rolling in.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This seems like a bad idea… but The Showman is a crazy sonofabitch if there ever was one.”

The crowd is fired up as The Showman faces the entrance way, challenging Baxter to come on down.

With awful tunes of Nickelback hitting the speakers, Big Bryan Bastard walks out onto the stage, loosening up ahead of the bout. He hasn’t come alone, either, with Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache appearing behind him. They keep a safe distance from Bryan as he walks down the ramp.

Kurt Harrington: "And introducing second, the reigning and defending FWA North American Champion… accompanied to the ring by Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance… from Hickory, North Carolina… he weighs in tonight at three hundred and twelve pounds… BIG… BRYAN… BASTARD!!"

Bryan holds his championship belt above his head after climbing into the ring, just as his name is read out. He hands it over to the official to parade around the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Three hundred and ninety nine days with that championship belt… only Chris Crowe stands between Big Bryan Bastard and four hundred days. And Bryan has loaded the deck in his favour. How much can Chris Crowe have left to give?!"

Rod Sterling: "I guess we’re about to find out…"

The official issues one more plea to Crowe, asking him to reconsider competing after the attack. The Showman waves him on, glaring at Baxter across the ring. The referee shrugs his shoulders, and then calls for the bell…


THIRD MATCH || 1/60.
Big Bryan Bastard (c) vs. Chris Crowe.
Singles Match for the FWA North American Championship.
Match writer: SS.

The match starts with Chris Crowe, somewhat surprisingly, charging across the ring and hammering into Big Bryan with some untechnical but savage strikes. The clubbing blows back Baxter up into the corner, with Crowe proceeding to drive a shoulder repeatedly into Bryan's abdomen.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Despite suffering an attack backstage - or perhaps even because of it - Chris Crowe comes out of the gates swinging! Baxter is overwhelmed!!"

Crowe mounts the second rope with Baxter beneath him, following up with ten right hands from above. The audience counts along with the strikes and, on the tenth, Baxter falls down into a seated position. Crowe is unrelenting, hopping down off the ropes and laying into Bryan with stomp after stomp. Eventually, the official has to start a count to get the Showman off him, with Crowe relenting only at four. Crowe hoists Baxter up out of the corner and applies a front facelock.

Rod Sterling: "Chris Crowe looking for a DDT… but Big Bryan Bastard shows his strength! He hoists Crowe up, drives to the corner, and slams Crowe’s head off the bottom turnbuckle with a double leg takedown!!"

Crowe immediately clutches the back of his head, which was where the beer bottle was smashed over his head just prior to the match. Baxter is seething when he picks Crowe up to his feet. He throws him against a nearby set of ropes, the Showman hitting them chest first before stumbling - backwards - towards Baxter… who thuds into the back of his head with a discus lariat!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Big Bryan Bastard is savouring this moment. Chris Crowe is face-down and motionless, and it seems only moments before Baxter retains his title…"

Baxter neglects to cover Crowe, instead grabbing him by the scruff of the neck and draggin him up. The Showman is virtually dead weight, and this isn’t an easy task for Bryan, but he eventually manages it and tucks Crowe’s head between his legs. Baxter deadlifts Crowe up…

Rod Sterling: "And now a devastating powerbomb into the turnbuckles! Crowe slumps forward to the mat, rolling onto his back… a cocky cover from Baxter here, with a boot placed on the challenger’s chest!"


Crowe kicks out, which seems to annoy Baxter. He follows up with about a dozen stomps to specific body parts of his challenger, before once more grabbing Crowe by the scruff of the neck and dragging him into powerbomb position.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Once isn’t enough for Big Bryan Bastard! Here we go again…"

Rod Sterling: "NO! Chris Crowe slips out of the powerbomb… DDT!! The champion is dropped on the top of his head!"

Baxter, to his credit, fights immediately back to his feet, but he seems a little dizzy as he turns to face Crowe. The challenger doubles Bryan over with a boot to the midsection…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Piledriver!!! This is swinging back into Crowe’s favour!"

Rod Sterling: "Cover him! Why isn’t he covering him?!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Big Bryan Bastard has been North American Champion for over a year now, Sterling. It’s gonna take more than a transitional move like a piledriver to put him down for three!"

Crowe seems to agree with Jean-Luc’s assessment. He stumbles to the corner, still clutching the back of his head, and then begins a slow, steady ascent towards the top rope.

Rod Sterling: "This crowd, initially undecided on Chris Crowe, seems to have come around to him. I guess that’s why they call him the Showman! They cheer him on as he makes his climb towards the top turnbuckle, perhaps looking for that 450 Splash that we’ve seen him land before…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "We’ve seen him miss it a fair few times, too, and this ascent is even slower than usual… and… Jesus Christ! Sir Stache is up on the apron! You hate to see it!"

Rod Sterling: "The official is over to deal with Sir Stache… and, yep, that’s Mejor Amigo’s cue! He’s up on the apron on the opposite side of the ring, behind the official’s back… and he pushes Crowe from the top rope! The Showman lands in a heap next to Baxter, who is rousing…"

Baxter climbs to his feet as a confused referee turns back towards the scene. He scratches his head as Big Bryan Bastard drags Chris Crowe up into a front facelock…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "BAXTER DRIVER!!"

Rod Sterling: "He hooks the leg…"


Winner: Big Bryan Bastard via pinfall at 07:31.

Baxter climbs back to his feet and has no interest in allowing the official to raise his hand. Stache and Amigo enter the ring, celebrating behind the champion as he’s handed his belt.

Kurt Harrington: "Here is your winner, and STILL the FWA North American Champion… BIG… BRYAN… BASTARD!!"

Rod Sterling: "That’s it, and chalk up an assist to the Friendship Wrestling Alliance."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "For once we’re in agreement, Rod. With the backstage assault earlier on, coupled with the involvement of Mejor Amigo and Sir Stache at the match’s culmination, Chris Crowe wasn’t really given much of a chance."

Bryan lifts his championship belt high above his head, Amigo and Stache shaking hands behind him to congratulate one another on a job well done.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "But the history books will only remember that Big Bryan Bastard defeated Chris Crowe in under eight minutes tonight, and - as of tomorrow morning - he will have held that FWA North American Championship for four hundred consecutive days. He is only the second man to do that in FWA history after ‘the Prodigy’ Mike Parr."

Rod Sterling: "The magnitude of that accomplishment cannot be underestimated, and Big Bryan doesn’t look like relinquishing that title any time soon…"

We fade out on Baxter clutching his championship belt in the ring.

Finally, the live feed returns to the SaskTel Centre where Kurt Harrington is stood in the middle of the ring.

Rod Sterling: “And at last, the moment we have all been waiting for, the North American Showdown!”


Kurt Harrington: “Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 60 minute time limit, and it is for the FWA North American Championship. Introducing first…”

Kurt Harrington: “Introducing first, standing at 6’2” and weighing in at 240 lbs. Hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. ‘The Prodigy’ Mike Parr!”

Parr makes his way to the top of the stage to what can only be described as a thunderous pop; the credit for that a combination of fighting in Canada and a reflection on his opponent for this evening. Parr has his fists taped and has a steely determination that we haven’t seen in quite some time. You would also have to believe, given the events of Back in Business, that he likely has eyes in the back of his head in the event of another attack.

Ignoring the tags of fans desperate for a touch from their favourite superstar for the evening, Parr slides in under the bottom rope and raises an arm in the air as acknowledgement of the reception that he received.

Rod Sterling:”It has been a long time since Mike Parr probably experienced an ovation such as this, if ever.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The crowd love an underdog story, don’t forget. And make no mistake about it, The Prodigy is an underdog tonight, and that very fact is going to bother him considerably.”

Parr’s music fades, as the noise of the crowd audibly pivots from cheers to unease and boos, in anticipation of the arrival of the next competitor.

Kurt Harrington: “And his opponent….”

The boos are as deafening as the corresponding cheers were.

Kurt Harrington: “....hailing from Hickory, North Caroline, weighing in at three hundred and twelve pounds. He is representing the Friendship Wrestling Alliance and he is your current and defending FWA North American Champion…..BIG Bryan Bastard!”

Baxter walks into the arena and extends his arms out to his side, milking the reception from the SaskTel. He brings his arms back down to reveal the North American Championship fastened around his waist, and has a grin across his face both at the reception and in anticipation of what is to come - breaking the record of the man that awaits him in the ring.

Rod Sterling: “And here comes, for 453 days he has held the North American Championship and defeated all challengers. His final challenge ahead of becoming the most dominant champion, arguably, of all time stands in the ring ahead of him.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “No chair shots or attacks from behind tonight from TrIple B, you know why? He has seen Mike Parr and he knows he doesn’t need it.”

Rod Sterling: “The worst thing that Baxter could do would be to underestimate Mike Parr tonight, I haven’t seen him look this determined in quite some time.”

Baxter has made his way into the ring and is stood across the ring from Parr, in opposing corners. He unstraps the championship belt and hands it over to the referee who makes his way to the centre of the ring and raises it above his head.

Rod Sterling: “454 day record holder against the 453 day and counting reigning champion, Mike Parr versus Bryan Bastard. North American Championship. Here. We. Go. ”


THE MATCH | 1/60.
Big Bryan Bastard (c) vs. "The Prodigy" Mike Parr.
Singles Match for the FWA North American Title.
Match Writer: Dubb & Prod.

The bell rings to officially get the match underway. There’s not a butt in their seats in the SaskTel Centre as Bryan Bastard and Mike Parr meet in the center of the ring. Toe to toe. Nose to nose. Eye to eye. Baxter has no problem mouthing off to Parr to start the match, but Parr just grins and has some choice words for Baxter as well. We can’t quite pick it up on camera but whatever was said was enough to send Bryan over the edge as he takes a wild swing at Parr to kick things off!

But Parr ducks the punch and goes right at the big man with a series of jabs to the North American Champion! Bryan is slightly rocked but comes back with another furious right hand, that is BLOCKED by Parr. Parr grabs ahold of Bryan’s right arm, twisting it back into an arm wrench before spinning his foot up and connecting with a heel hook to Bryan’s jaw!

Bryan is staggered by the kick, stumbling backward into the corner as Parr keeps on the attack with a stiff kick to the back of Bryan’s upper leg/thigh. Parr gives another couple of kicks in the corner to Baxter before Bryan reaches out, grabbing Parr by the throat and reverses their position, tossing Mike into the corner. Baxter reaches in, clutching Parr’s face while digging his fingers deep into the eyes of the challenger, earning a stern warning from Larry Stevens.

Baxter barked back at Stevens before letting go of Parr’s face, and immediately lights up his bare chest with a STIFF back hand chop. Baxter then rears back and delivers another sickening CHOP, but this one to the THROAT of Parr, sending a groan through the crowd as Mike reaches up, clutching at his throat in pain. But Bryan Bastard continued on the attack, snapmaring Parr out of the corner into a seated position on the mat before coming with a kick to Parr’s upper back.

With Parr still in a seated position on the mat, Bryan Bastard runs to the ropes, getting a big head of steam before coming back with a big running hip attack, sending Prodigy to the mat! Bryan drops down for a pin


Kickout by Prod!

Rod Sterling: “After a quick start from the challenger, Bryan Bastard is quickly imposing his will on Parr with his sheer power.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “But a pinfall attempt there was certainly wishful thinking on the part of the champion. Mike Parr was not going down that easily!”

BBB pulls Parr back up to his feet, delivering a standing headbutt that sends Prod stumbling backward into the corner once again where Baxter unloads a series of hard forearm shots to the side Mike’s head over and over again… but Parr begins to battle back! He blocks a forearm and instead hits Bryan with a knee lift to his large midsection. Parr slips behind Bryan and takes him by the head… driving him head first into the top turnbuckle! He grabs his head again and slams it once again into the top turnbuckle!

Bryan is staggered as he comes out of the corner swinging a wild right hand at Parr, who ducks it… and LIFTS UP BRYAN with a BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX, drawing a big pop from the Canadian crowd.

Parr with the over!


Kickout by Bryan!

Parr drops a knee down onto Bryan Bastard’s back as he tries to roll back to his feet and then locks in a rear naked choke submission to the big man. While Larry Stevens is there to check on Bryan, the Bastard does not appear to be in any danger of submitting and instead begins to pull himself back up to his feet while Parr tries to keep the submission locked in, turning it into a side headlock…

But Bryan shoves Parr off into the ropes! Parr bounces off the far side ropes, coming back at Bryan who throws up his arm for a clothesline, but Prod DUCKS the clothesline attempt! Parr bounces back off the opposite ropes, comes flying in with a crossbody..





Bryan sits up to his knees following the two count, grabbing Mike by the hair with his left hand while he rains down right hands to Parr’s forehead before pulling the challenger back up to his feet. Bryan sends Parr into the ropes with an Irish Whip before charging in with a big CORNER SPLASH to Prod!

Rod Sterling: “300 plus pounds sandwiching The Prodigy against the unforgiving turnbuckles! And Baxter isn’t done as he backs up for another!”

Sure enough, Bryan heads back to the opposite corner and charges in with a big running splash to Parr in the corner. This time Parr falls to the mat, seated in the corner. Which was only further bad news for the challenger as Bryan heads back to that opposite corner once again…


The North American Champion tosses his arms up in the air, receiving a big round of boos from the fans as Mike Parr rolls out from the corner out onto the apron. The Prodigy grabs the ring ropes, pulling himself up on the apron…

Only for Bryan Bastard to charge in with a running shoulder tackle that sends Parr flying off the apron.. THROUGH THE AIR AND INTO THE GUARD RAILS!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That was NBA levels of air time from Mike Parr as he is sent sailing from the apron to the safety rails!”

Bryan Bastard follows Parr out to ringside, stalking his prey like a lion as Parr struggles to try and get back up to his feet. Bryan moves in, helping him up by grabbing him by the head only to immediately take Parr over to the announce booth and SLAMS Parr head first into the booth!

He takes him by the head…

AND AGAIN! Head to the announce booth!

Bryan Baxter: “How’s that? Huh?! This belt ain’t goin’ nowhere!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Keep your eyes on the match big boy!”

Rod Serling: “Easy Watkins! Or I’m about go be doing this show solo like you on Fallout.”

Bryan’s momentary barking at the commentary booth bought Parr some time and he comes back with a kick to Bryan’s upper leg again, but Bryan immediately fires back with a stiff forearm shot to rock Prod. Bryan grabs his challenger by the head and CHARGES with him before HURLING Parr into the steel safety railing once again, leaving a big dent in the barricade.

Baxter’s confidence is through the roof as he takes a moment to argue with some fans at ringside while Parr again begins trying to get to his feet, using a steel chair at ringside as some support before Bryan Bastard comes in with a boot to the ribs. Bryan unfolds the chair, setting it up against the safety barricade and then moves Parr to the chair, allowing the challenger to take a load off as he now sits rest in the chair, his body leaning back against the steel barricade…

As Bryan makes his way back and then CHARGES IN..



BRYAN BASTARD CRASHES INTO THE STEEL CHAIR AND BARRICADE WITH HIS HIP! Another huge dent left in the safety equipment.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That was like watching a big rig jack knife on the high way! Big Bryan Bastard just crashed and burned!”

Rod Sterling: “What an opportunity now for The Prodigy!”

Parr is slow back to his feet after avoiding the incoming Baxter, giving Bryan some time to begin to get up as well, but the Prodigy immediately charges in with a running low dropkick to that thigh of Baxter, taking his legs out from under him and down to the floor.

Prodigy takes a moment to break the count of Larry Stevens, rolling in and out of the ring before turning his attention back to the recovering Bryan Bastard. Parr hits a pair of stiff kicks to the thigh again before pulling Baxter by the head and leading him to the apron, rolling Bryan back into the ring.

Parr slides into the ring and goes for the pin!




The challenger immediately is back up and stomps on Triple B’s leg while Bryan battles through, trying to pull himself up but instead Parr takes him by the arm and send Bryan into the corner with an Irish Whip. Mike follows him in, charging in with a running high knee! He then takes Bryan’s leg, lifts it up and places it through the middle rope, before pulling back - wrenching back on Bryan’s leg with all the pressure of the ring rope being applied to the leg.

One! Two! Three! Four! “C’mon Parr!” Larry Stevens issues a warning to Mike as Prod backs up, releasing Bryan’s leg though it still sits against the middle rope. Prod coms back in and begins stomping at the upper thigh up against the ropes over and over again before running to the ropes and hits a running dropkick to the thigh again as it’s trapped in the middle ropes in the corner!

Rod Sterling: “You have to like this strategy from The Prodigy, targeting that upper leg of Bryan Bastard after that huge crash into the steel barricade at ringside.”

Bryan staggers out of the corner, clutching at his leg as Parr comes in with a chop block, taking Baxter down to the mat. He takes a hold of the leg, dropping an elbow down onto the inner thigh, getting back up and doing it one more time, this time transitioning into a modified inverted reverse figure four. Parr leans back on the submission, pumping the pressure on those legs of Bryan Bastard

Triple B’s eyes grow wide as groans out in pain while Larry Stevens comes over to check in on him. Bryan frantically shakes his head “NO!” but Parr keeps the pressure going, continue to apply the pressure. Bryan reaches for the ropes, but Parr has him in good ring position.

At least for the time being. Because Bryan begins to use his upper body strength to begin to scratch and crawl his way across the mat… inch by inch slowly making his way to the ropes…

Reaching out…

And he manages to grab the bottom rope!

Mike Parr releases the hold, but holds onto the legs of Baxter… pulling him away from the ropes and then begins stomping a mudhole into that upper thigh.

Prod steps back, plays to the fans as he’s fired up at seeming to have the North American champion right where he wants him. He measures up Bryan as the champion begins to stumble up, limping… he meets Bryan with a boot to the midsection and sets him up looking for a double underhook backbreaker…

But he can’t quite get the big man up!

And Bryan COUNTERS with a back body drop!

Rod Sterling: “Mike Parr might have underestimated that a bit…”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “He definitely did, but the damage has certainly been done to that thigh and hip area of Bryan Bastard. He can’t capitalize!”

After lifting Parr up and over his head, Bryan drops to a knee on the canvas while Parr begins to roll back to his feet as well… both competitors getting back up…

And Prod strikes first with a dropkick to the chest that sends Bryan backward into the turnbuckles!

Parr comes in with another running knee to Bryan before lifting the big man up… and getting him up to the top turnbuckle!

Prod begins to climb up with Bryan, stepping up to the middle turnbuckles and hitting a combination of forearm blows to Bryan’s massive torso on the ropes… before he steps up onto the top turnbuckle with Bryan…

And he begins grappling Bryan, looking to lift the big man up for a superplex…

Rod Sterling: “A precarious position here for both men!”

But Bryan begins to battle back! He HEADBUTTS Parr and then pushes him off the turnbuckles, sending Parr to the side and groin first across the ring ropes. Parr straddles the top ropes while Bryan stands up on the middle ropes…

AND JUMPS OFF WITH A CLOTHESLINE TO PARR sending him off the top ropes to the mat!

Bryan goes for the cover, hooking the far leg!




Bryan sits up off the mat, getting back to his feet and breathing heavy, walking with a noticeable limp as Parr crawls his way into the corner. Bryan turns and notices the positioning of Parr in the corner and a grin crosses his face…


But PARR charges out of the corner, dives through the legs of Parr, grabbing his leg into a takedown into a rolling Half Boston Crab!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What a counter by The Prodigy! A true student of this sport, he has the North American champion as well scouted as I’ve ever seen!”

Larry Steven slides into position, checking on Baxter who is struggling once again against the submission from Par, who cranks his leg back as he sits down on the small of Bryan’s back. But Bryan is still refusing to give up, looking to the ropes…

As Bryan begins to pull himself to the ropes, Prod realizes Baxter was going to get there, he turns over, rolling Bryan back onto his back and gives him another pair of stomps to the leg - but Bryan uses his free leg to fight back - kicking Parr in the head three times sending the challenger stumbling backward, giving Bryan some time to recover.

Baxter staggers to his feet as Parr regains his composure, immediately meeting Bryan with another pair of kicks to the thigh, but Bryan fires back with a forearm shot to Parr, sending Prod falling into the ropes. Parr bounces back off the ropes into a big Discus Lariat from Baxter sending the challenger head over heels to the mat!

With Parr down, Bryan bounces off the ropes and then drops a big falling headbutt down onto Parr and goes for another pin.



Thre - Kickout!

Bryan lets out his frustrations with a deep yell and slams the mat before grabbing Parr by the hair to pull him up to his feet… and he decides he’s going to try and put Parr away.

Lifting Prod up for The Bastard Driver!

But Parr escapes the hold and slides down the back of Baxter!

Dropkick to Bryan’s back sends him falling into the ropes and then through the middle ropes to the apron!

Baxter grabs the ropes, pulling himself up on the apron as Parr runs to the ropes, hits a springboard into a clothesline, but Bryan ducks down! Parr flies over, landing on his feet on the apron. Bryan hits a backfist to Parr, staggering Parr before giving him a boot to the midsection.

Bryan Bastard begins to set up Parr for an Apron Piledriver….

But Parr fights it off!

Parr drives his shoulders into Bryan’s midsection and Bryan stumbles off the apron down to the floor. But Bryan comes back, blocks a kick from Parr off the apron and comes back with a pair of forearms to Parr on the apron… and then positions himself underneath Parr..

Baxter uses the apron to help him get Parr up in the air and then he runs forward into a…


Rod Sterling: “LOOK OUT!”

While Sterling and Watkins stand around the wreckage, Parr lies crumped up around the pieces of the collapsed announce table while Bryan drops to the floor as well, clutching his leg. Larry Stevens rushes out of the ring and immediately begins checking on Parr amid the wreckage of the announce booth.

Larry Stevens and some other FWA officials come in to check on both Bryan and Parr, but it’s Baxter who stumbles to his feet, shoving one of the officials away. He hobbles his way over where Parr is lying motionless, and shoves the other FWA officials out of the way! He drags Parr through the debris over to the apron before lifting him and rolling him into the ring.

Baxter slides into the ring and goes for the cover on Parr!



Three! NO!

Parr just barely gets his shoulder up!

Rod Sterling: “I thought that was it! Parr seemed done for! And so did Baxter! He’s beside himself!”

Following the nearfall, a frustrated Bryan Bastard confronts Larry Stevens, arguing about a slow count while Stevens holds his ground, insisting it was only two.

Shaking his head, Bryan returns to Parr, stomping on his ribs on the the mat before bouncing off the ropes and hitting a running senton splash to Parr. Bryan goes for another pin.




Bryan snarls, getting back up, bouncing to the ropes and leaping into the air, bringing his three hundred pounds down across Parr’s prone body for a big splash. He hooks the leg again!



Thre - NO!

Baxter yells out in frustration as Parr keeps kicking out. He grabs The Prodigy by the arm, dragging him closer to the corner… and Bryan begins to climb the turnbuckles..

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I don’t like the looks of this! Big Bryan Bastard is out of his element when it comes to high risk maneuvers but I’m not sure Parr can withstand much more!”

On shaky legs and looking quite nervous, Bryan continues his ascent, perching himself on the top turnbuckle… struggling but gets his balance..



Rod Sterling: “He connected! Mike Parr is like roadkill on the side of the road after that HUGE flying splash off the top rope from Big Bryan Bastard!”

Another cover by Triple B.



Three…. NO! Parr once again just barely gets his shoulder up!

Once again, the frustrated Bryan Bastard gets up and confronts Larry Stevens, this time getting a bit more physical as he grabs Stevens by the collar of his shirt. Larry threatens disqualification, but Bryan does let him go and turns his attention back to his challenger.

Bryan pulls Parr back off the ground and once again goes for his Bastard Driver, but struggles to get Parr’s dead weight up off the ground with just one good leg… but finally he goes lift him up… only to have Parr ONCE AGAIN escape down his back! And Parr immediately locks in a rare naked choke submission!

But the submission isn’t locked in for long as Bryan charges backward, breaking the hold by running into the corner, sandwiching Parr in the turnbuckles. Baxter stumbles away from the corner… but Parr recovers, coming out and grabbing Baxter from behind by the head..


Baxter was down but so was Parr, unable to immediately get the cover!

Rod Sterling: “This could be hit! If Parr can get the cover we’re going to have a new North American champion!”

The exhausted Prodigy makes the crawl over…

And he… gets the cover!





A shoulder up by the champion!

A disappointed gasp went through the crowd as the Canadian fans all thought they had just witnessed a changing of the guard, but the match goes on!

Parr labors his way to his feet, positioning himself at Bryan’s tree trunk leg legs… and he grabs ahold of them, stepping through, intertwining Bryan’s legs before turning him over into his Inverted Sharpshooter submission!

The crowd is on their feet, cheering on Parr as Larry Steven checks on Bryan. Will he submit?

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Prodigy has his Inverted Sharpshooter submission locked in… Bryan’s one of the toughest people in the fed but can he even withstand much more himself? Parr has wisely targeted that upper leg all match and now he is applying so much pressure to that weakened limb… I’m not sure even Bryan Bastard can take much more!”

The North American champion was certainly in a world of hurt as Parr pulled back on his legs in the submission, but was still waving of Larry Stevens, frantically shaking his head that he was not giving up. He was refusing to submit. He wouldn’t lose his North American championship this way….

The electric cheers for Parr turn to loud boos as Bryan’s associates from the Friendship Wrestling Alliance - Sir Stache and Mejor Amigo - rush out from the back, seeing their friend in need.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Ugh, not these guys.”

Rod Sterling: “I guess here comes the calvary for Bryan Bastard - sensing the North American title in real danger here. We’ve seen these two being very involved in both Bryan Bastard and Jeremy Best’s matches lately.”

Mejor Amigo jumps to the apron, drawing the attention of both Larry Stevens and Mike Parr. Parr releases the submission and confronts Amigo, while Stache slides into the ring!

Stache attempts to attack Parr from behind, but Parr ducks his right hand and hits him with a belly to back suplex! He then grabs Stache by the mask, pulls him up, and lays him out with a Rolling Cutter much to the delight of the crowd.

The Prodigy gets back to his feet and is out of nowhere by a big lariat from Bryan Bastard!

Bryan regains his senses, looking around and notices Amigo on the apron and Stache rolling out of the ring to the floor. Bryan approaches Amigo… and does not seem pleased to see either one of them. He argues with Amigo… and points to the back!

Rod Sterling: “What’s this? Bryan Bastard doesn’t even appear to be happy to have the Friends for Hire duo out here.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Since when has Bryan Bastard ever not taken the chance to win by any means necessary?”

Rod Sterling: “I think this one is different, Jean-Luc. He wants to be considered the best North American champion ever. He wants this one to be decisive! He wants to win this match and make sure there’s no one who can dispute that fact!”

Amigo seems confused as he hops down off the apron, holding his head down as he helps Stache up to his feet and the pair sulk off to the back!

Meanwhile, Parr had rolled out onto the apron and as Bryan turned back around…

HE’S HIT BY A SPRINGBOARD FLYING KNEE to the face! Triple B drops to the mat and Parr goes for the pin!



Thre - NO!

Mike sits up and looks to the top rope… and he makes his way over, making his ascent..

He glances back on more time to make sure Bryan was still in position as he turns his back to him on the top rope..



The Prodigy rolls to the canvas, clutching his midsection while Bryan grabs his upper leg - both men down as Larry Stevens begins a standing ten count.

One! Two! Three! Four! Five! Six! Bryan begins to get up to his knees… Seven!... As does Parr… Eight! Both men are up!

Forearm shot from Baxter!

Thigh kick from Parr!

Forearm shot from Baxter!

Thigh kick from Parr!

Forearm shot from Baxter!

Thigh kick from Parr! Another thigh kick from Parr! And another - but Bryan grabs his leg to block it only to have Parr to leap up with an enziguri! Bryan drops to his knees as Parr comes back in with a Shining Wizard!

Parr goes for the pin!



Thre - shoulder up!

Kurt Harrington:“This is your FOUR MINUTE WARNING!”

With time ticking down on the match time limit, Parr grabs Bryan Bastard and struggles to get the big man up, but hooks him by the head…

He’s looking for another Rolling Cutter!

But Bryan blocks it! He turns himself around and counters with a Northern Lights Suplex!



Thre - kickout by Parr!

Bryan immediately stomps the back of Parr’s head before pulling him back up and hooking him in a front headlock, tossing his arm around his own neck and looking to go for the Bastard Driver again, but this time it’s Parr blocking it as he gets free from the grip and twists Bryan’s arm back into an arm wrench before lifting the three hundred pounder up in the air with another belly to back suplex!

With the exhaustion becoming overwhelming, Parr is left on his back after the massive suplex… but slowly makes the crawl over and makes the pin.



Thre… NO!

Feeling some frustration himself now mixed with the exhaustion, the weary Prodigy leans his head forward, resting his head on the mat as the sweat drips down from his forehead to the mat. He punches the mat… but less out of anger and more out of trying to hype himself and the crowd up, which works as the fans are on their feet and solidly behind their fellow Canadian.

Bryan Bastard sits up to his knees as Parr runs to the ropes, charging in with a running knee to the face to take Bryan back down to the mat!

The Prodigy heads to the legs of Bryan, grabbing them again and stomping on the leg repeatedly before tying him up and turning him over into the Inverted Sharpshooter again!

Larry Stevens once again gets into position, checking in on BBB. Bryan shakes his head through the pain, still refusing to give in but he’s currently trapped in the middle of the ring! Parr isn’t letting go, and is cinching the move in tighter. While Larry keeps asking Bryan, the champion begins to claw his way across the canvas…

Inching toward the rope while Parr cranks back on the legs, applying more and more pressure as Bryan lets out a scream of pain as he continues his effort to reach the ropes.

Closer and closer Bryan gets…

He reaches his arm out… not quite there! He’s so closer…

But Parr releases the hold!



He kneels back further, Bryan can’t take much more.

Rod Sterling: “Big Bryan Bastard may have used whatever energy he has left trying to get to the ropes… he looks like he’s fading!”

Larry Steven kneels down with Bryan… his eyes are starting to roll… but no, he opens them wide! He digs down deep and once again begins to try and use whatever inner strength he can find… what fuel he has left in the tank..

To once again begin to crawl…

He inches his way toward the rope… but Parr sits back further!

Bryan’s face shows the agony as it looks like he’s about to tap…


Parr releases the hold, holding his arms up in victory!

But Bryan never tapped!

Larry Stevens rushes over to break the news to Parr…

Winner: Draw via time limit at 60:00.

Parr drops to his knees, exhausted and clearly disappointed as Bryan crawls his way to the corner, leaning back, resting his head on the middle turnbuckle.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Unbelievable! Sixty minutes of action and nothing is determined! But that ust means Bryan Bastard retains the title and will beat Mike Parr’s record of longest North American title reign!”

Kurt Harrington: “Ladies and gentlemen… this match is a time limit draw!”

The crowd boos loudly, voicing their displeasure in the outcome while Mike Parr shakes his head vehemently. He leans against the ropes, demanding the microphone from Harrington. Harrington shrugs his shoulders and hands the microphone over.

Mike Parr: “No! No! This isn’t how it ends. You know… what has to happen… Bryan… you know… what we gotta do….”

Bryan watches, seated from the corner, trying to catch his breath while clutching his leg in pain.


The crowd pops loudly and begins to chant in approval: “FIVE MORE MINUTES! FIVE MORE MINUTES!”

But Bryan doesn’t quite seem as enthusiastic about the prospect. But he remains in the corner, not giving a response.

Mike Parr: “Come on Bryan… we’ve come this far! You came here to prove you can beat me right? To prove your the best North American Champion of all time? RIGHT? WELL YOU HAVEN’T DONE IT! YOU HAVEN’T BEATEN ME!”

Back in the corner, Bryan sneers before grabbing the middle ropes and pulling himself to his feet.

Bryan hobbles to the center of the ring to meet Parr. He grabs the microphone.

Bryan Baxter: “You want five more minutes? YOU GOT FIVE MORE FUCKING MINUTES!”

Larry Steven rushes to take the microphone and gets rid of it to ringside, signaling that this match isn’t over yet!

Rod Sterling: “We’ve got overtime, ladies and gentlemen! I know it’s getting late but stick with us, we aren’t going anywhere!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Getting late? It’s almost midnight, Rod!”

Rod Sterling: “There’s no sleeping at a time like this, Jean-Luc! Let’s get a decisive winner of this thing.”

As the bell rings once again to continue the match, Bryan and Parr begin to just wail away at one another in the center of the ring as the fans cheer in delight. Bryan breaks up the slugfest with a knee to the midsection to double Parr over before setting Parr up for a powerbomb. He lifts the Prodigy up, but Parr rains down some right hands to Bryan’s forehead… and Bryan falls backward, Parr landing on top, reaching back to cradle his legs for a pin!




Bryan reverses it into a pinning combination of his own!




Parr kicks out and flips forward into another pinning combination.



Thre - Kickout!

Both competitors slowly pull themselves up and Bryan strikes first with a rolling forearm shot that sends Parr backward into the ropes, before coming back into powerslam from Bryan Bastard!



Three! NO!

Staggering back up, Bryan pulls Prod back up with him… and he sets him up… looking for the Bastard Driver…

He lifts Parr up in the air…








Baxter clutches at his leg in pain as Parr rolls off of him… and grabs Bryan’s legs and then locks in the Inverted Sharpshooter once again!

He pulls back on that leg, wrenching back the submission as Bryan reaches his arms out… the ring position isn’t as favorable for Parr now but the pain has become overwhelming for Baxter…

He reaches for the ropes… he needs to find the strength for just a couple of inches…

He reaches out…

Soo close…. He can almost touch it…

But the pain is too much!


Winner: Mike Parr via submission at 63:56.

Mike Parr releases the hold, falling down to the mat in exhaustion and shock. He had done it. He had defeated Bryan Baxter and once again become the FWA North American Champion!

Kurt Harrington: “The winner of this match and NEW FWA North American Champion… MIKE PARR!”

Rod Sterling: “The Prodigy has done it once again! He breaks his own record for a FIFTH North American title reign!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I do not believe my eyes, Rod! Did I fall asleep? Am I dreaming?”

Rod Sterling: “You’re not dreaming, Jean-Luc! Not only has Mike Parr reclaimed the North American championship but he’s also done something no one else has done - made Big Bryan Bastard submit!”

Mike Parr begins to get to his feet while Bryan crawls to the ropes, using the ropes to pull himself up his knees, he leans through the ropes. The disappointment is evident on the face of the now former North American Champion.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Tonight for Baxter was suppose to for him… the night he vanquished the challenge of Mike Parr, the only obstacle standing between him and the title of “greatest North American Champion” of all time…but it was not to be. And the look on that face tells us everything we need to know about what’s going through the mind of Big Bryan Bastard.”

Rod Sterling: “And instead it’s Parr who starts his fifth reign and will now have to look to defend it in the F1, fulfilling what Bryan started… what a night it’s been… it’s been a night many will never forget… and look at the time, we’ve rolled over into Friday!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Wait… just past midnight? You know what that means, Rod?”

Rod Sterling: “It’s way past your bedtime?’

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, besides that. It’s Day 454! While Bryan Baxter may not have held on to BEAT Mike Parr’s record… but those five extra minutes have earned himself a TIE with Parr as the longest title reign in history!”

Rod Sterling: “I don’t believe it but you are right, Jean-Luc. Parr may have defended his record but now he’ll instead share it with Bryan. 454 days… both these men have held this title… but for Mike Parr… his fifth reign starts with Day 1.”

Kurt Harrington hands the North American title to Larry Stevens, who begins to head over to hand it over to Parr…

But Bryan stops him! Baxter pulls the title away from Larry!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh here we go. Now we’re going to see the Bastard. He’s going to let Mike Parr have it here!”

Parr turns around, coming face to face with Bryan now holding the North American title. Bryan limps over to The Prodigy… Prod prepares himself to continue the fight…

But Bryan…

…holds the belt out to him!

Mike eyes Bryan and then the belt, taking it from the former champion as Bryan then extends his hand out to the new champion. Parr seems unsure but he does take Bryan by the hand, ending the night with an unlikely handshake between the competitors, the crowd cheering in approval.

Rod Sterling: “That was certainly not what I was expecting there… Big Bryan Bastard with a rare sign of respect to an opponent as he willingly hands over the title!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “These two men are now linked together in the history books as the two top North American title reigns of all time! And we could very well see them going at it again soon depending on the outcome of the F1. I certainly wouldn’t argue with an encore.”

Bryan Baxter exits the ring, gingerly climbing down off the apron as Mike Parr is left alone in the ring.

Rod Sterling: “What a night it’s been wrestling fans! Mike Parr is our new North American champion! We will see you next week for Fight Night and King of the Deathmatch! You won’t want to miss either show!”

The show comes to a close as Mike Parr celebrates his victory amid the fanfare of the Canadian crowd, holding the title high.



Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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Fantastic write up and a heck of an ending to a title reign which legit has gone on for most my time in the fed. Some of the chaos at ringside really was great. Some moves I didn't expect to get surprised with on a near-fall, thanks to the writing I got sucked in for a moment or two (Flying Fat Fuck off the top from Triple B, yes, I am calling it that, and a Springboard knee to name a couple). Then the submission tease at the finale, OT, the leg buckling due to the previous submission and then the tap, all worked well and Bryan doesn't look "weak" but loses clean in a satisfying way. Then the hand-off at the end provides great closure to the title reign and leaves things open to what is next for Triple B.

Great job, and major props to Prod for his promo too. This match was the first time I read through proper promos in months and I was impressed by both, but the Intervention/Addict promo by Parr was perfect for him, answering the importance of the title to him, meeting some of his past figures. Since you've been in and out over the past year, I've only been able to read a handful of your promos, but this was the promo where I was like "That's why this dude's the King of the NA title." Congrats to Dubb for top quality content as NA Champ and Congrats to Prod for punching your ticket as the best NA Champ. Give that man a copy of the belt to hang in his house.


New Member
Sep 29, 2022
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Thank you both for the comments and kind words!

Massive credit to Dubb for this. He had no rational reason to roll with the story as I had not really justified it since returning but the fact he went for it is a credit to him. Hell of a run to go that length of time with a championship and glad he's in the record books for it.

Really happy how this turned out (would've been the case outcome aside)


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2022
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This is absolutely amazing. KAIZEN/Golden vibes. This is the hottest thing that’s happened in ages. I tip my hat to you both. Riveting, edge-of-the-seat stuff. Surefire MOTY IMO. Classic.


E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
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Had a chance to read this in full last night and I was totally blown away by how good this was, not that I was expecting anything else.

Tremendous work by both of you, and I agree with Tig that this is definitely going to be up there come awards season. Both of the promos were top quality, too.

Baxter’s NA reign has been fantastic and I can’t think of a better conclusion to it than him tying the record. Dubb should be very proud of that accomplishment.

Congratulations to Prod for capturing another NA title. I’ve really enjoyed this return run so far and really think that world title is coming soon if he keeps on this trajectory.
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Reactions: Dubb and TheProdigy