Fuck your step-dad!!

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Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
Easton, Maryland
This is long, so bare with me.

So I've been going out with my gf since October. I've know her for 3 years. She's 19, I'll be 21 in Aug. When we started hanging out more, I noticed she would get in trouble over dumb stuff at her house. I kept saying it was cause of me but she informed me it wasn't.

Well recently, we decided we're going to look for a place to stay together, and when she told her parents, they were happy for her. Yet when she said it was me she was moving with, her step-dad got mad and started snapping. Saying society would look down on her, it's not right, she's embarrassing hr self and her family, her grand parents are sick to their stomachs, shit like that. And I was thinking, why would they feel that way when they don't know me. Well she's white, I'm black. He told her that if she moved with someone else, then he'd help all that he can, but if she still moved with me, she was on her own. That it wouldn't last 2 months and that she'd be begging to go back but he wouldn't let her back in. Her REAL dad has no problem with me, her mother has no problem with me, her sisters and step sisters have no problem with me.

So we were talking at my house about it when she said she had to go home real quick cause her step-dad wanted to "talk" to her. 2 hrs later, still no show, no call, nothing. I call her a couple times, I get nothing. Eventually I get a text from her, and she fwds messages that he sent to her. Apparently, she had to go to her room, and her step dad would text her rather than talk. Then he went down and started yelling at her. Calling her a bitch and stuff and talking shit about me. When I found this out I went off and hung up and told her if she hears noises, don't go down stairs. I went to my car ( which I forgot that I let my brother use) so I started walking. An hour in a half later, I make it to her neighborhood. My gf kept calling me but I didn't anwser, so she texted me and said she knows what I'm going to do and that I should leave cause he heard her step dad on the phone and he just called the cops. What a pussy. He talks a bunch of shit, but when I go there, he pussies out. He didn't leave the house all night. I stayed out there in the area for at least 2 hrs waiting for the cops to leave and for him to come outside but he never did. I know people that live in the developement so I went to their house and staked out, but he didn't come outside, not once. He sent others to go out to his truck to get stuff, before he went out to the garage, he closed it, and opened it when he went back in. Bigger Pussy.

So after all of that, she moves out and now she's with me until we get our own place. Her mom, her sister were all crying because how he was yelling at her before I got there. They kept telling him stop but he kept going, and was gettting in my gf face. I told her straight up, next time I see him, I don't care where he is or what he's doing, I'm going after him.

The other night, he kept driving past my house slow numourous times. And he had all these guys in there and kept pointing and shit. I knew he was coming again so I hid in the ditch and waited for him to go by. When he got to where I was at, I came out with a mini-baseball bat stood in front of his truck ( you know how it be in the horror movies with the seriel killers with the axe/knife, that was me). i stood there tapping the bat on my hand, one of the guys are about to get out of the truck but before he could, her step-dad throws it in reverse and hauls ass( I started walking to the truck when the guy was about to get out, so I guess that's why he did it.

So pretty much, I have my gf step-dad on my hit list. I don't like how he talked/treated my gf, don't like how he talked shit about me, don't like how he talked to my gf little sister. And now he's crossing the line by putting my family in this. If the guy had a problem with me, he should have let it know in the beginning. I use to take the little one's to carnivals, to amusement parks, regular, take them out for ice cream, get them from school, and he was all happy smilely. So pretty much, fuck him. My gf wants to move away from the area all together, but she doesn't want to be far from the rest of her fam. Everyone else says as long as sheis happy, they are happy. It's sad her step-dad doesn't feel the same and brought it to this.


The guy sounds like a total dick. Probably a racist. Basically, a scum. But trying to fight him won't help. It'll just tear your GF's family apart more, and cause alot of shit. I'd just move on, and live your life happily with you girlfriend, and see her damily from time to time as well. Maybe eventually shit with the step dad will work itself out. If not, just continue on with life.
I'm all for fighting people if they deserve it, but even though this guy deserves it, with him being your girlfriends stepmom, I don't know what it'd solve.
Apr 12, 2008
Reaction score
The Altar of Sacrifice
Yo, fuck that shit. I would just keep scaring him for a while. I'm assuming that you scaring the holy fuck out of him and his friends made you feel good out of a sense of pride. Just keep that pride strong and keep your head up and let things unfold as they should.

And it should unfold in you not beating the shit out of him. You would lose your girlfriend and you would definitely not be in a house with her.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Yeah....your totally getting lynched in the next 3 months. Sorry dude. If he keeps getting more and more white racist friends, your fucked.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
Easton, Maryland
I'm all for fighting people if they deserve it, but even though this guy deserves it, with him being your girlfriends stepmom, I don't know what it'd solve.

Well my gf doesn't like him either. He's a recovering alcoholic and one night she woke up and saw him drinking in the kitchen and she was like " you shouldn't be drinking that" and he just snaps and goes off on her. Last time it snowed real bad, the night before, she came over my house and the snow was bad so she stayed. He MADE her drive in fucking blizzard like weather, just to get her away from me. And was calling her dumb ass for NOT going home. Her mom was pissed about that though, that he made her drive in that weather.

Yo, fuck that shit. I would just keep scaring him for a while. I'm assuming that you scaring the holy fuck out of him and his friends made you feel good out of a sense of pride. Just keep that pride strong and keep your head up and let things unfold as they should.

And it should unfold in you not beating the shit out of him. You would lose your girlfriend and you would definitely not be in a house with her.

I guess he thought I was going to be scared and run away or something. I've been out numbered in everything my entire life. I've been jumped before, when I was younger I got picked on a lot by losts of people, him and his buddes are nothing new to me. I gave up being scared and running a long time ago.

Yeah....your totally getting lynched in the next 3 months. Sorry dude. If he keeps getting more and more white racist friends, your fucked.

Funny story. My cousin said he saw him run into a hardware store and by a shit load of rope. Then he said don't worry, I'm sure you'll see the rope sooner or later.

The guy sounds like a total dick. Probably a racist. Basically, a scum. But trying to fight him won't help. It'll just tear your GF's family apart more, and cause alot of shit. I'd just move on, and live your life happily with you girlfriend, and see her damily from time to time as well. Maybe eventually shit with the step dad will work itself out. If not, just continue on with life.

I don't think it's going to work it self out. Apparently he's been saying shit even before we stared dating, like when we started hanging out more. She never told me though cause she knows how i get when I get mad. But she doesn't need to stay in a house where you are forced to drive in weather like that, just to get away from me, grounding a 19 year old for 2 weeks cause she didn't feed the dog cause she was sick and in bed all day, yet 3 other people were in the house (another plot to keep her from me, taking her car away when she was 18 and made her walk home from work at 2am ( I gave her rides though, but he fact that he would make her do that is sad, there are alot of sick people around here, young 18 year old girl walking alone at 2 am, easy pickings). The fact that her mom wouldn't even stick up for her when he was yelling and putting his hands up like he was going to hit her, she don't need to stay at a place like that. You can't call a place like that home when you could do better.


If your GF doesn't like her either, then go for it. I wasn't sure how your girlfriend felt about him, and obviously, if she liked him, fighting wouildn't be a good option. If she's sick of him too, you gotta do what you gotta do.