Kayfabe Framed?

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
*After his long and tiring match with Buster Gates, Will Neilson is walking backstage with a crutch under one of his arms, his knee injury from Viewer's Choice starting to take its toll, though not serious, it still causes him a lot of pain. Will is in his ring gear with a Precision T-Shirt on and then suddenly...*


*Reginald, the general manager, opens the door to his office and Neilson looks confused and startled at his appearance. Will reluctantly follows him into his office, where Yuri Williamson is also waiting. Williamson helps his cousin sit down on the chair by him and Reginald begins to speak.*

"Mr. Cole and Mr. Kirkshaw are not in the building today, so we've gathered you two up to solve this issue out. How many of you are there in Anarchy Inc?"

"5, but currently 4."

"5? Who is this 5th member you speak of?"

"Antonio Stark, the dude is currently recovering from a bad injury, I ain't seen Tony in months but we've all spoken to him."

"... ahem, please watch this video and you'll see why I am so furious with Anarchy Inc and what you did tonight.."

*A video plays on the TV in the office, it shows the masked man attacking Golden Dragon earlier on in the night, delivering a Crucifix Powerbomb and helping Joseph Diamond become a 2 time Intercontinental Champion, Reginald picks up the TV remote and pauses the clip, a clear shot of the masked man but his face is unidentifiable.*

"Who is this?! He is wearing an Anarchy Inc hoodie and just caused Golden Dragon to lose the Intercontinental Championship... we told you your actions have consequences Mr. Neilson and those consequences will be brought upon you.. as of this moment Will Neilson is removed from the triple threat at Bad Blood."

"This is BULLSHIT! I didn't send anyone out! Nor do we have a 6th member! Reginald, you've got to listen to me, I'm telling the truth and even Yuri can agre-"

"SILENCE! Those hoodies have never been seen here in Precision before, we only sell shirts for Anarchy Inc... not hoodies. Those are custom made, and you can ask the staff here backstage, we didn't make them."

"How did... "he" get a hold of a custom Anarchy Inc hoodie? There are only 5 in existence? Yes, there were made for us by one of Reagan's friends, but no one else has one. That person who attacked Golden Dragon, isn't an Anarchy Inc member... and when we find who it is, they will never enter a wrestling ring again after screwing me out of a match that I rightfully deserve. Reginald... put me back in the match."

"There is ZERO evidence to prove that it is not an Anarchy Inc member, he has the custom hoodie and I can't think of anyone... past or present who would want to join such a disgusting group like Anarchy Inc. Oh, and about you wanting a match next week... I'll give you one better. Will, you will help Mr. Diamond set up his championship coronation that he has requested for winning the IC title for the second time, despite it being under these circumstances. You will also prepare Golden Dragon's gear for his match next week and make a formal apology to him."

"For god sakes Reginald! How much more do I need to say? Do you want me to get all the hoodies and shove them up your arse? Is that evidence?! I am going to... wait... who's Golden Dragon facing then?"


*Reginald points at Yuri Williamson, who hasn't said a word yet. Yuri is still in suprsie over the incident. Reginald escorts them both out of his office and slams the door shut.*

"We need to get to the bottom of this.. it wasn't one of us. Then who could it be and how did they get one of our custom hoodies?"

"You're right, it is confusing... but next week I will beat Golden Dragon and at Bad Blood... me and Gabe ain't gonna let you down. We will be Tag Team Champions forever, and that is a promise to you Will."

"Good luck... I'm off to mine some Diamonds, for real."

*Will storms off, clearly frustrated at the incident. But has he been framed? Or is it all a plan to not only make Dragon lose the title, but get Will back into the match? Neilson walks off down the corridor, his hatred for Joseph Diamond and Reginald reaching its boiling point. Only time will tell what will happen...*