Former WWE writer reveals what was planned for Vince's limo explosion angle 5 yrs. ago
Vince McMahon is returning to WWE Raw this coming Monday, and today on the PWTorch Livecast a former WWE Creative Team member Chris DeJoseph explains what it's like behind the scenes when Vince McMahon decides to appear on TV after an absence.
So what was the plan five years ago when Vince McMahon's limousine exploded, apparently with him inside of it, dying a fiery death - a storyline dropped abruptly after the real-life death of Chris Benoit and his family via murder-suicide.
"I think we were excited about it," says DeJoseph. "It was kind of a directive from the network in a way to try to create a huge story arc of - I think at the time everybody was into Whodunit? Okay, we are given the task of coming up with a Whodunit? We sat around that room enough hours and days and finally came up with: We're going to blow up Vince. We had a pretty long-term storyline. I don't know if we have a complete, defined finish of who it was or why it was done. I think that was going to be an evolving process. We couldn't necessarily get an answer out of the boss. Sometimes that's a little difficult. Even if you did get a definitive answer it would probably change anyway."
Was the idea to sell the idea he would have died inside the explosion? "Yes, I think the idea was for Vince to just be missing and his body is burned beyond recognition, he is gone, something like that, I think.
The idea was to say he was actually dead."
And where would the storyline go from there? What was the point of it all? Says DeJoseph: "I think it was going to be a scramble for power in the company. That was really the idea behind it. Now that he was gone, everybody was fighting for power and everybody has different motives. What were some of those motives to get the power?"
That was one example of a storyline being dropped before it was resolved, but that was a special circumstance due to the awful Benoit family situation.
For the full interview that also talks about Vince McMahon's disregard storyline inconsistencies, go here.