During a PWTorch Livecast last Friday, Former WWE Creative Seth Mates & Andy Goldstein "painted an image" of WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, as well as Stephanie and Triple H, hating Paul Heyman to which his ideas tend to be overlooked.
The former Creative staff said that Vince did not want to use the idea of CM Punk as ECW Champion back in 2006 but instead opting for a Big Show title run.
However, Vince, Steph & HHH all agree on the idea of Paul Heyman as a "useful TV character".
"The three of them cannot stand Paul Heyman," said Goldstein. "They sit around and they joke about Paul Heyman - about him sweating and his suits are cheap and he showed up in a rented, broken-down limo the first day he signed a contract to make himself look like a big deal, and they make fun of his ideas and they do imitations of him. But, I think all three of them are extremely jealous of his brain."
"Paul doesn't care what anybody thinks of him, but the three of them can't stand Paul," said Goldstein. "But, I will give Vince credit to this - he will do whatever is right for business."