You see, nobody has shouted out "oh shell no!", because, you see my dear friend Rainman, nobody hates SharkBoy. I mean, how could anyone possibly hate my at one time arch-nemesis, now best friend, Sharky? Look at the guy, I mean, c'monnnnnnn :OH SHELL YEAH! Best 365 video hands down.
Wait, how has noone on here shouted out "oh shell no!" Sounds like a @Potato Dick Muncher go-to line.
This oughta be good. 1:
It seems as though, that is a new "thing" around here to do to The Hoff. HARDYHARHAR. Replying "tldr" to The Hoff's posts. Bros, you don't wanna hassle the Hoff. The Hoff and allllllllll of his Hoffaholics are gonna hoff you, hoff you hard. ::ksi:^tldr
Oh, no, we won't try and "contain" you here in Hoff'Merica. You are free to do as you please. So long as you adhere to the strict, strict nationwide curfew of 12am.Can't contain me. Like Miley I can't be tamed.
The Hoff sees your point. Though, Sean Connery did it a little better iho.Tom Selleck was better.
OH SHELL YEAH!OH SHELL YEAH! Best 365 video hands down.
Wait, how has noone on here shouted out "oh shell no!" Sounds like a @Potato Dick Muncher go-to line.
This oughta be good. 1: