Tommy "Tiny" Lister, who worked for WWF as Zeus in the Hulk Hogan film "No Holds Barred" and a subsequent storyline that included three PPV appearances, including the Summerslam '89 main event, has plead guilty to mortgage fraud and could be facing a sentence of up to five years in federal prison.
According to, Lister, was involved in a fraud scheme where he and seveal others used false information and falsified bank statements to obtain mortgages on homes in Los Angeles, then defaulted, causing losses of nearly 3 million for the lenders.
Lister also withdrew over a million dollars using the aforementioned properties as collatoral and failed to also repay those debts, so he's accused of stealing close to $4 million total.
Lister, who went on to become best known as Debo in the "Friday" film series starring Ice Cube, rarely wrestled after his WWF run, although he did a series of bouts against Abdullah the Butcher in Puerto Rico after the WWF run and did a few appearances for WCW in the mid-1990s as "Ze Gangsta."