Foley comments on his depature from TNA

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Mick Foley wrote a blog on his website discussing his departure from TNA today. I would highly advise everyone check it out, but Foley, writing from the point of view of someone who's come to a realization that his relationship with the company has come to an end, commented on a number of topics, including:

Being 'Difficult to Work With': "I think it's always a good idea to try see problems from other people's points of view. I mentioned on Twitter a few days ago that I pushed hard for changes I thought would be beneficial to Impact, and as a result, was thought to be "difficult to work with." You know, after a few days of serious thinking, I can really see how that "difficult" label could indeed apply to me. I was incredibly critical of the company on Jeff Katz's "Geek Week" last November, did an interview with the opposition to support my book, forgot to mention the company I worked for on several interviews, took part in a handful of interviews that I was asked politely not to by the company that employed me, and lastly, sent out a fairly immature and hurtful tweet comparing my Empty Arena match with the Rock in 1999 to Impact house shows - in terms of attendance. If not for Congessman Weiner's boner shot, my "empty arena" crack may have been the most ill-thought and costly tweet of the month."

His Release: "I also mentioned my "request" to be released from my contract. Actually, it began as an a legitimate offer to Terry Taylor to help trim the Impact roster of some expensive fat. I had some genuine differences creatively with Impact, and honestly didn't think the company should have to continue to pay good money to someone who had lost faith ion the product. At the time, it seemed like a pretty fair offer. But at the point we agreed to forge ahead with me as the Network rep, I should have just shut up and done the best I could in the role, at least until the Destination X show was over - at which point my departure could have become an interesting part of the show. I regret that an initial offer made in the company's best interest became a request and maybe even a demand in my own self-interest - or at least what i thought was my own self-interest.. until I realized I didn't get to go to Universal or to the mailbox anymore."

How He Handled His Exit and Dixie Carter: "I think I did become disagreeable there for a few days, and ultimately, the manner in which I departed was not good for anybody involved - me, TNA, the wrestlers, or the fans. I am especially sorry that some of the things I did or said hurt Dixie Carter personally. While some of the criticisms leveled at TNA/Impact by me or others are valid, I think it's been very helpful for me to step back and visualize the landscape of the wrestling business without the faith and vision of that one specific person. Because, make no mistake about it, without Dixie's leap of faith several years ago, Impact does not exist. 100's of incredibly talented wrestlers wrestlers would not have had the chance to show what they could do on a national stage. Dozens of others, myself included, would not have been able to enjoy second chances, last chances, or have the luxury or making choices, had Dixie chosen not to invest her time, passion and money into the complicated, frustrating world of pro-wrestling/sports entertainment. For me, personally, the opportunity at TNA/Impact afforded me the chance to enjoy almost three great years with my family, while being able to explore other passions, like my work with RAINN - even while my passion for wrestling was fading."

His Attitude towards the company: "Far too often, I was guilty of looking at the Impact glass half-empty - wishing the show and the company could be what I thought it should be, instead of seeing it half-full and appreciating TNA/Impact for what it was - a very good place to work, full of good people, who treated me and my family very well."

Interesting blog post by Foley. Sounds like he had a change of heart very soon after leaving. I found it funny that in the second or third line in the blog he mentions that he will miss the regular paycheck :p In the end this is a good decision for both sides and I am sure he will find something else to do to earn money in the coming years.


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This was very cool to read. Makes you respect Foley as a down to earth guy, who has a good head on his shoulders, even after the countless abuse he went through. Made me laugh in a lot of parts to. Very respectful thing to do on Foleys part. Really impressed me to be honest. I still would love to see him in the WWE someday again, as he will always be one of my favorites.


Nov 13, 2010
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Foley's always best when he puts his feelings in word form. People like him and Chris Jericho would be described as difficult to work with, but that just means they are passionate about their characters and the promotion.

It's refreshing to see someone reflect back positively towards a promotion they just left instead of the usual mud slinging that happens.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Won't disgree with any of that, Foley is a highly intelligent person, with a passion for wrestling, and just a class nature to him.

Personally I would like to see him take some time out from wrestling now, because unless WWE can offer him a really plum role [one that would benefit the talent as well as Foley] then don't see why there is much reason for him to go back there he did the Indie Tour De Force a few years back, so I don't think there are that many fresh options for him right now. The guy has so much going on, and unlike many has made a lot of money from other non-wrestling projects, than he is free now to do what he whats, and good for him! I say take a break, do some other stuff, and then return in a year or two when it matters more.