[size=x-small][align=left]Breakdown: #1[/align] [/size]
Opening Segment
Josh: Alright! Let's kick off this Pay Per View by analyzing each and every match!!
Michael: Sure, it'll be good to let the fans know exactly why Phreak will be the winner tonight.
Josh: :facepalm: Lets start off with a different match....like Hans vs Super Spider!
Michael: A bad time for Super Spider....remember just about a month ago Hans broke his Super Spider's neck.
Josh: It was very bad, Hans hit Super Spider with his finishing move, the Giant Driver about three times, and the medical team had to stretcher him out.
Michael: And Hans has been dominating for weeks upon weeks, he hasn't lost a single match.
Josh: He came to the aid of his friend Masked Machine after Super Spider shoved him off his wheel chair, but he took it way to far.
Michael: I have to agree....this match is going to be intense, Super Spider will defiantly want some revenge, but everyone will still wonder of he can do it.
Josh: Well Super Spider seemed very impressive upon returning, he took down Hans easily.
Michael: He did sneak up on him though, and Hans didn't expect it.
Josh: Guess that's true, but still, Super Spider looked very impressive, and he even has the crowd behind him.
Michael: The crowd can only take you so far....remember, the crowd isn't behind Hans and look at him now.
Josh: He could be tonight's winner and ending that huge winning streak Hans has created.
Michael: Doubt it, I think the only person who can end it is Phreak, no one else has much of a shot.
Josh: And your fanboyness of Phreak continues....lets move onto another match, how abou--
Michael: Phreak vs Luis! It'll be a gr---
Josh: No not yet! The next match we'll discuss is Vinnie Rose vs Alex Kidd!
Michael: Alex Kidd won the Internet Championship back at Summer Bash in that Fatal Four Way Ladder Match, but since then he hasn't scored a single victory, perhaps the Internet Championship is cursed
Josh: The title isn't cursed, Vinnie Rose has just had his number, and now Alex Kidd's Career is on the line when he lost 24 hours ago to PuffPuffPass.
Michael: 2 out of 3 falls match, Alex Kidd needs to win tonight, otherwise he is gone
Josh: Then we have Ryo Akita vs Johnny Hernandez.. Both men have victories over the other, but Ryo Akita perhaps has the biggest victory when he won the Extreme Rumble
Michael: Ryo Akita however has had 3 title opportunities at the Federation X Championship. Hernandez had 1 and it was in a handicap match, I think Hernandez can win it tonight and show he is a contender for the title
Josh: Ryo vs Aftershock 3 is coming up, but moving onto the tag team division..
Michael: Iron Baba & Mike Silva have been on Stars Of X more and more since their TNT stunts of causing havoc. They both own a victory over the Tag Team Champions in singles matches, but there is much speculation can they beat the Tag Team Champions in a tag match
Josh: I don't think they can, Bones Brothers have defeated many teams in the past, and they can beat them easy.
Michael: Then we get to the Most Anticipated Match of the evening, Spike vs Saturn in an Ankle Lock match. Both these guys use the Ankle lock as a vital part of their arsenal, admittedly Saturn is better and Spike will not win
Josh: I think your wrong their Michael, Spike has been focused and I believe he will beat Saturn
Michael: Spike has never, never beaten Saturn Josh, on Warzone or here on Stars Of X, he has lost to Saturn
Josh: The X-Championship is on the line, then we go to the Main Event, the Clash Of The Titan's rematch. Luis Boden defends his title against Phreak and Apollo
Michael: My pick for it is Phreak. Luis the Champion, Phreak the psychotic one and Apollo the Dark Horse. Federation X Championship Match.
Josh: We are Live in Saint Louis Missouri, in the Saint Edward Dome. Ready for Breakdown!
Michael: Sure, it'll be good to let the fans know exactly why Phreak will be the winner tonight.
Josh: :facepalm: Lets start off with a different match....like Hans vs Super Spider!
Michael: A bad time for Super Spider....remember just about a month ago Hans broke his Super Spider's neck.
Josh: It was very bad, Hans hit Super Spider with his finishing move, the Giant Driver about three times, and the medical team had to stretcher him out.
Michael: And Hans has been dominating for weeks upon weeks, he hasn't lost a single match.
Josh: He came to the aid of his friend Masked Machine after Super Spider shoved him off his wheel chair, but he took it way to far.
Michael: I have to agree....this match is going to be intense, Super Spider will defiantly want some revenge, but everyone will still wonder of he can do it.
Josh: Well Super Spider seemed very impressive upon returning, he took down Hans easily.
Michael: He did sneak up on him though, and Hans didn't expect it.
Josh: Guess that's true, but still, Super Spider looked very impressive, and he even has the crowd behind him.
Michael: The crowd can only take you so far....remember, the crowd isn't behind Hans and look at him now.
Josh: He could be tonight's winner and ending that huge winning streak Hans has created.
Michael: Doubt it, I think the only person who can end it is Phreak, no one else has much of a shot.
Josh: And your fanboyness of Phreak continues....lets move onto another match, how abou--
Michael: Phreak vs Luis! It'll be a gr---
Josh: No not yet! The next match we'll discuss is Vinnie Rose vs Alex Kidd!
Michael: Alex Kidd won the Internet Championship back at Summer Bash in that Fatal Four Way Ladder Match, but since then he hasn't scored a single victory, perhaps the Internet Championship is cursed
Josh: The title isn't cursed, Vinnie Rose has just had his number, and now Alex Kidd's Career is on the line when he lost 24 hours ago to PuffPuffPass.
Michael: 2 out of 3 falls match, Alex Kidd needs to win tonight, otherwise he is gone
Josh: Then we have Ryo Akita vs Johnny Hernandez.. Both men have victories over the other, but Ryo Akita perhaps has the biggest victory when he won the Extreme Rumble
Michael: Ryo Akita however has had 3 title opportunities at the Federation X Championship. Hernandez had 1 and it was in a handicap match, I think Hernandez can win it tonight and show he is a contender for the title
Josh: Ryo vs Aftershock 3 is coming up, but moving onto the tag team division..
Michael: Iron Baba & Mike Silva have been on Stars Of X more and more since their TNT stunts of causing havoc. They both own a victory over the Tag Team Champions in singles matches, but there is much speculation can they beat the Tag Team Champions in a tag match
Josh: I don't think they can, Bones Brothers have defeated many teams in the past, and they can beat them easy.
Michael: Then we get to the Most Anticipated Match of the evening, Spike vs Saturn in an Ankle Lock match. Both these guys use the Ankle lock as a vital part of their arsenal, admittedly Saturn is better and Spike will not win
Josh: I think your wrong their Michael, Spike has been focused and I believe he will beat Saturn
Michael: Spike has never, never beaten Saturn Josh, on Warzone or here on Stars Of X, he has lost to Saturn
Josh: The X-Championship is on the line, then we go to the Main Event, the Clash Of The Titan's rematch. Luis Boden defends his title against Phreak and Apollo
Michael: My pick for it is Phreak. Luis the Champion, Phreak the psychotic one and Apollo the Dark Horse. Federation X Championship Match.
Josh: We are Live in Saint Louis Missouri, in the Saint Edward Dome. Ready for Breakdown!
Written by Farooq. Click the link to rep him for his work
[/size]Ryo Akita vs Johnny Hernandez
[size=x-small]Ryo Akita's Theme hits
*Crowd Pop*
Ryo emerges from the curtain very energetically wearing MMA gloves, white shorts with The Lightening Dragon on them with white wrestling boots. He bows to the audience on the center of the stage. He then walks down the ramp[/size]
Mark Chivel: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, From Tokyo, Japan weighing in at 195lbs, Ryo Akita
Josh: Here comes the man who will face the Federation X Champion at Immortality
Michael: This man has the shot, the match, the dream of all the Federation X Superstars, to headline the end of year PPV, Immortality
[size=x-small]Ryo walks down the ramp smiling at the young fans in the crowd, he walks up the stairs and into the ring.[/size]
Josh: Ryo Akita faces probably the man who has tested him of recent weeks, Johnny Hernandez, who in my books will be looking for a win tonight, a win over Ryo could put him in a title match Michael
[size=x-small]He stands in the ring and points to the roof, triggering blue pyro to go off on the stage[/size]
Michael: True Josh, Ryo will also be looking to pick up a win for momentum, as he gets closer and closer to Immortality
[size=x-small]Johnny Hernandez's Theme hits
*Crowd pop*
he lights go off for about 4 seonds. Fireworks shoot up from the stage. Johnny Hernandez jumps up from the stage and soaks up the fans reaction wearing a medium dark red hat with the bill facing backwards, faded green/blue jeans with an embedded Biohazard symbol in the back of his pants, a spiked belt, medium/dark red and black high tops on, with black shoelaces and low-cut socks.[/size]
Mark Chivel: And his opponent, From San Diego, California, weighing in at 163lbs, Johnny "Aftershock" Hernandez
Josh: Here comes the Aftershock, this man was probably the most watched star on Warzone, known as the renegade of Warzone
Michael: But Warzone is gone and Hernandez needs a win here to get back in the title hunt
[size=x-small]Aftershock then walks to the ring, where he climbs the turnbuckle and does a 720 flip dismount landing on his feet.[/size]
Josh: Hernandez, impressive as always
[size=x-small]Johnny sits back on the turnbuckle[/size]
Michael: Both men have a victory over each other, who will get the decisive win
[size=x-small]The referee calls for the bell for the match to begin[/size]
Aftershock and Ryo began to lock arms.
Josh: And the match begins between Aftershock and the winner of the extreme rumble.
Aftershock slipped behind Ryo and held onto him.
Michael: Ryo may be the winner at the Extreme Rumble, but Phreak is going to become the Federation X Champion tonight!
Aftershock jumped onto Ryo's head, then twisted around so he was on the front of Ryo.
Josh: Really? Because remember Phreak still has to go threw the Federation X Champion, Luis tonight.
Aftershock leaned down towards the mat and performed an hurricarana.
Michael: Luis is a pushover, he doesn't even deserve to be int eh same ring as Phreak.
Ryo flipped forward and landed on his back onto the mat.
Josh: I think he does, Luis has made himself to be a great wrestler, just like Ryo.
Aftershock then ran to the ropes, and jumped onto the second one and did a backflip off of them.
Michael: Because what? Ryo got lucky on some rumble? Phreak will defeat Luis tonight, and then defend his championship against Ryo at Immortality.
Aftershock hit Ryo with the moonsault, as their stomachs connect.
Josh: Luis also was the one to bring the championship over to our brand, so we should thank him for that.
Aftershock then got up and ran towards the turnbuckle nearest to them.
Michael: And Phreak will be the one to take the championship, I don't think Luis was even good to beat Cutlass, he just got lucky again.
Aftershock jumped onto the top rope as Ryo slowly began to make his way to his feet, holding his stomach in slight pain.
Josh: Are you kidding?! Luis had everything going against him before, and then it became a fair fight. Luis earned that championship, it wasn't a fluke he was the better man, just as Ryo won that Extreme Rumble.
Aftershock was now on top of the turnbuckle as Ryo was on his feet. After shock jumped off the top rope, and both his feet connected with Ryo's chest executing the dropkick.
Michael: Whatever, all I know is that Phreak is going to destroy Luis and become the Federation X champion.
Aftershock quickly got up once more, and picked up Ryo then put his head around his arm. Aftershock got got Ryo in position for the 1080 DDT.
Josh: And if he loses?
Ryo countered the attacked by punching Aftershock in the stomach multiple times.
Michael: Not possible, he's to good, not even a fluke will happen, he'll win for sure.
Aftershock let go of his grip and Ryo grabbed Aftershock's arm. Ryo irish whipped Aftershock towards the turnbuckle.
Josh: And he'll keep his championship ALL the way until Immortality? I doubt it....
Aftershock turned around, and didn't move, and then irish whipped Ryo instead.
Michael: Of course you do, you can't recognize talent when you see it, Saturn, is the best inside the ring.
Ryo followed close behind Aftershock as he ran to the turnbuckle. Aftershock though, jumped onto the top of the turnbuckle and did a corkscrew off of the turnbuckle, executing the whisper in the wind.
Ryo then turned over onto Aftershock and hooked his legs for the pin.
2.NO!!! Aftershock kicked out of the pin before the three count.
Josh: Well seeing the way Ryo is winning this match, it shows he won't be an easy opponent.
Ryo lifted up Aftershock and chopped him across his chest.
Michael: For someone simple like Aftershock no, but for someone like Phreak, Ryo won't be able to land two punches, and if he does it won't hurt Phreak.
Ryo then irish whipped Aftershock towards the ropes.
Josh: That's just unfair, Aftershock is a great wrestler.
Aftershock came running back, and then slid underneath Ryo.
Michael: Yeah right, Aftershock needs some wins if he really wants to be a threat.
Ryo was looking around, confused onto where Aftershock was, then Aftershock jumped onto the second row of rows.
Josh: Are you forgetting that he beat Ryo once? That's why they're tied.
Aftershock jumped off as Ryo turned around and hit him with both feet, successfully hitting Ryo with another dropkick, this time in springboard style.
Michael: And that win will be useless unless Aftershock can pick up the win tonight, which I doubt.
Aftershock quickly got back up and picked up Ryo.
Josh: Well that is actually true...but only because this is a two out of three series, but it's still a win.
Aftershock grabbed Ryo, but Ryo kneed Aftershock in the stomach to break his grip.
Michael: Winning that one match was like winning a normal match by DQ, it's a win, but nothing special.
Ryo then grabbed Aftershock and irish whipped Aftershock to the ropes, and Ryo followed closely behind him.
Josh: Except it wasn't DQ, it was a legitimate win by Aftershock.
Aftershock stopped at the ropes, but Ryo grabbed Aftershock and hit him with an STO, sending Aftershock outside of the ring.
Michael: And look at the great Aftershock! Knocked out of the ring by an STO!
Aftershock landed on his feet and fell back to the barricade. Ryo jumped onto the outside apron and executed a moonsault.
Josh: Ryo isn't a weak opponent, and Aftershock is still in this match still.
Ryo crashed onto Aftershock as now both of them were outside of the ring.
Michael: Look at this. Doesn't seem like Aftershock will even win this match.
Ryo gets up quickly and lifts up Aftershock. Ryo then throws Aftershock onto the barricade, as Aftershock's back hit the barricade.
Josh: Don't count him out yet, Aftershock is an amazing wrestler, while Ryo is one too, Aftershock as much of a chance as Aftershock does.
Ryo then lifted up Aftershock one more time a rolled Aftershock into the ring.
Michael: Doubt it, Ryo won the Extreme Rumble, all Aftershock did was win a butt whopping.
Ryo slid into the ring and picked up Aftershock. Ryo wrapped Aftershock's arm around his neck, and grabbed onto Aftershock's leg.
Josh: Well Ryo was the best man that night, that's why he won.
Ryo executed a fishermen suplex, crashing Aftershock's back onto the center of the ring and keeping the hold on as the referee counted for the pin.
Aftershock kicked out of the hold before the three count.
Michael: And I really thought that the match would be over....
Ryo got up and ran towards the ropes. He jumped onto the second row of ropes and executed a springboard leg drop and landed on Aftershock's head.
Josh: As I said, don't under estimate Aftershock, he is one tough kid.
Ryo then got up and lifted up Aftershock quickly. Ryo irish whipped Aftershock to the ropes and Aftershock came running back.
Michael: Toughness can only get you so far, you need skill too.
Ryo went for a dropkick and aftershock got hit and fell down onto the mat.
Josh: Aftershock has skill! You know everyone else besides Phreak has skill!
Ryo then got up and grabbed Aftershock's legs and put his feet between them and crossed Aftershock's legs.
Michael: Well of course, it's everyone BUT Aftershock that has skill.
Ryo flipped Aftershock onto his belly and executed a sharpshooter.
Josh: Do you think Aftershock would have made it this long in Federation X with no skill?
Ryo kept applying pressure as Aftershock crawled to the ropes.
Michael: Of course, because he had luck!
Ryo pulled Aftershock up a little bit and applied even more pressure to aftershock.
Josh: There's no such thing as luck Michael....
Aftershock clenched his fist in pain and crawled towards the ropes even more.
Michael: Obviously there is if Aftershock is still with us.
Aftershock was near the ropes now as he kept crawling, but Ryo applied even more pressure.
Josh: He's here because he is a useful and great wrestler.
Aftershock grabbed onto the bottom rope now, to get the rope break to break the sharpshooter.
Michael: No you know who a great wrestler is?
Ryo let go of the sharpshooter, but lifted Aftershock once more.
Josh: Luis? :umad:
Ryo wrapped Aftershock's arm around his neck and went for a suplex.
Michael: ugh....well sadly yes, Luis is a decent wrestler actually, but it's actuall--
Aftershock put his foot behind Ryo's foot though, and stopped the suplex. Aftershock reversed the suplex now, by using a suplex of his own.
Josh: Phreak :facepalm:
Aftershock crashed Ryo onto the mat, then rolled over while still having the hold and got back up. He then executed another suplex.
Michael: Exactly :Smug:
Aftershock rolled over one more time and got back up. He then executed another suplex, this time releasing his grip on Ryo.
Josh: Well look at this match. Who's in control right now?
Aftershock then got up and lifted up Ryo. Aftershock got Ryo in a DDT position, then got lifted up into the air.
Michael: Aftershock by a--wait what's he doing?
Aftershock executed a 1080 DDT onto Ryo successfully, as Ryo's head crashed onto the mat.
Josh: 1080 DDT!! This match is over!!!
Michael: :dafuq: No way!!
Aftershock hooked Ryo's leg now for the pin.
Ryo put his leg on the bottom rope right before the three count, so the pin was broken.
Josh: Pin was broken!!
Aftershock lifted up Ryo and irish whipped him to the ropes. Ryo came running to Aftershock, and Aftershock hit Ryo with a clothesline.
Michael: :facepalm: Even after getting his finishing move, Aftershock can't put Ryo away.
Aftershock then ran to the turnbuckle and jumped to the top rope.
Josh: Well that shows how strong RYO is, not taking away anything from Aftershock.
Aftershock jumped off, performing a frog splash onto Ryo.
Michael: Excuses excuses, Aftershock isn't good enough to take him down.
Aftershock connected with Ryo, then stayed ontop and hooked Ryo's leg for the pin.
Ryo lifted his shoulder to break the pin.
Josh: And Ryo once again breaks the pin!
Aftershock got up, and lifted up Ryo. Aftershock then irish whipped Ryo onto the turnbuckle.
Michael: Still not surprising. :smug:
Aftershock walked over to the turnbuckle and set Ryo on the top rope.
Josh: Uhhh so you're saying Aftershock can never pin Ryo?
Aftershock climbed onto the second row of ropes and placed his hands on Ryo's shoulder. Aftershock then jumped onto Ryo to execute a huricanrana
Michael: Absolutely!
Aftershock though, couldn't flip Ryo. Ryo instead lifted up Aftershock now.
Josh: Didn't Aftershock pin him already? That's why Aftershock tied this series.
Ryo jumped off the top rope, and executed a powerbomb, slamming Aftershock onto the mat. Ryo stayed in position as he went for the pin now.
Aftershock lifted his shoulder to kick out of the pin.
Michael: And Aftershock just barely kicked out.
Ryo got frustrated now not being able to put away Aftershock. Ryo got up and lifted up Aftershock.
Josh: Still waiting for an answer....
Michael: It was a fluke!
Ryo pushed Aftershock away and then hit him with the Lightning Dragon.
Josh: Lightning Dragon!!!
Michael: This match is done!
Ryo then dragged Aftershock onto the center of the ring and hooked his legs for the pin.
Aftershock kicked out of the pin right before the three count.
Josh: Aftershock kicked out!!!
Michael: :mog: Impossible!!
Ryo was shocked, he lifted up Aftershock and wrapped Aftershock's arm around his neck.
Josh: See, Aftershock has a big chance of winning this match!
Ryo lifted up Aftershock, but Aftershock broke the hold and landed behind Ryo. Aftershock then dropkicked Ryo, as Ryo got pushed onto the ropes.
Michael: No! Ryo is the winner, he won't win at Immortality against Phreak, but he will beat this joke!
Aftershock turned Ryo around and irish whipped Ryo to the ropes.
Josh: Even if Ryo wins, this match was amazing, you can't doubt that.
As Ryo came running back, Aftershock went for a clothesline. Ryo ducked and dodged the clothesline and went for the Lightning Dragon one more time.
Michael: Alright it was a little exciting...
Aftershock dodged the kick and jumped onto the ropes and jumped off to hit Ryo with a springboard dropkick.
Josh: A little? This is amazing, both hit their finishing moves, and still each one comes back for more!
Aftershock then got up quickly and ran towards the turnbuckle. Aftershock jumped onto the top rope as Ryo made his way to his feet.
Michael: Ehhh it's fine, still thinking thhis match would be better with Phreak...
Aftershock jumped towards Ryo. Ryo was on his feet, and kicked Aftershock 9n the face, executing the Lightning Dragon as Aftershock jumped towards him.
Josh: Lightning Dragon!!!
Aftershock fell to the mat, not moving now. Ryo went down and hooked Aftershock's leg for the pin.
Mark Chivel: The winner of the match as a result of pinfall, Ryo!!!!
[size=x-small]Ryo got up slowly and the referee raised Ryo's arm.[/size]
Michael: Told ya, Ryo won.
Josh: This was a hard match to call, they both put on a great show.
Michael: Well Aftershock was better this match I guess....still knew Ryo would win.
[size=x-small]Ryo picked up Aftershock and hugged him. Aftershock then raised Ryo's arm.[/size]
Josh: Aftershock showing great sportsmanship there.
Michael: Good for him, bet he wishes that was his arm being raised.
[size=x-small]Aftershock high fived Ryo and left the ring smiling as Ryo celebrated in the ring. The screen then went black.[/size]
*Crowd Pop*
Ryo emerges from the curtain very energetically wearing MMA gloves, white shorts with The Lightening Dragon on them with white wrestling boots. He bows to the audience on the center of the stage. He then walks down the ramp[/size]
Mark Chivel: The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, From Tokyo, Japan weighing in at 195lbs, Ryo Akita
Josh: Here comes the man who will face the Federation X Champion at Immortality
Michael: This man has the shot, the match, the dream of all the Federation X Superstars, to headline the end of year PPV, Immortality
[size=x-small]Ryo walks down the ramp smiling at the young fans in the crowd, he walks up the stairs and into the ring.[/size]
Josh: Ryo Akita faces probably the man who has tested him of recent weeks, Johnny Hernandez, who in my books will be looking for a win tonight, a win over Ryo could put him in a title match Michael
[size=x-small]He stands in the ring and points to the roof, triggering blue pyro to go off on the stage[/size]
Michael: True Josh, Ryo will also be looking to pick up a win for momentum, as he gets closer and closer to Immortality
[size=x-small]Johnny Hernandez's Theme hits
*Crowd pop*
he lights go off for about 4 seonds. Fireworks shoot up from the stage. Johnny Hernandez jumps up from the stage and soaks up the fans reaction wearing a medium dark red hat with the bill facing backwards, faded green/blue jeans with an embedded Biohazard symbol in the back of his pants, a spiked belt, medium/dark red and black high tops on, with black shoelaces and low-cut socks.[/size]
Mark Chivel: And his opponent, From San Diego, California, weighing in at 163lbs, Johnny "Aftershock" Hernandez
Josh: Here comes the Aftershock, this man was probably the most watched star on Warzone, known as the renegade of Warzone
Michael: But Warzone is gone and Hernandez needs a win here to get back in the title hunt
[size=x-small]Aftershock then walks to the ring, where he climbs the turnbuckle and does a 720 flip dismount landing on his feet.[/size]
Josh: Hernandez, impressive as always
[size=x-small]Johnny sits back on the turnbuckle[/size]
Michael: Both men have a victory over each other, who will get the decisive win
[size=x-small]The referee calls for the bell for the match to begin[/size]
Aftershock and Ryo began to lock arms.
Josh: And the match begins between Aftershock and the winner of the extreme rumble.
Aftershock slipped behind Ryo and held onto him.
Michael: Ryo may be the winner at the Extreme Rumble, but Phreak is going to become the Federation X Champion tonight!
Aftershock jumped onto Ryo's head, then twisted around so he was on the front of Ryo.
Josh: Really? Because remember Phreak still has to go threw the Federation X Champion, Luis tonight.
Aftershock leaned down towards the mat and performed an hurricarana.
Michael: Luis is a pushover, he doesn't even deserve to be int eh same ring as Phreak.
Ryo flipped forward and landed on his back onto the mat.
Josh: I think he does, Luis has made himself to be a great wrestler, just like Ryo.
Aftershock then ran to the ropes, and jumped onto the second one and did a backflip off of them.
Michael: Because what? Ryo got lucky on some rumble? Phreak will defeat Luis tonight, and then defend his championship against Ryo at Immortality.
Aftershock hit Ryo with the moonsault, as their stomachs connect.
Josh: Luis also was the one to bring the championship over to our brand, so we should thank him for that.
Aftershock then got up and ran towards the turnbuckle nearest to them.
Michael: And Phreak will be the one to take the championship, I don't think Luis was even good to beat Cutlass, he just got lucky again.
Aftershock jumped onto the top rope as Ryo slowly began to make his way to his feet, holding his stomach in slight pain.
Josh: Are you kidding?! Luis had everything going against him before, and then it became a fair fight. Luis earned that championship, it wasn't a fluke he was the better man, just as Ryo won that Extreme Rumble.
Aftershock was now on top of the turnbuckle as Ryo was on his feet. After shock jumped off the top rope, and both his feet connected with Ryo's chest executing the dropkick.
Michael: Whatever, all I know is that Phreak is going to destroy Luis and become the Federation X champion.
Aftershock quickly got up once more, and picked up Ryo then put his head around his arm. Aftershock got got Ryo in position for the 1080 DDT.
Josh: And if he loses?
Ryo countered the attacked by punching Aftershock in the stomach multiple times.
Michael: Not possible, he's to good, not even a fluke will happen, he'll win for sure.
Aftershock let go of his grip and Ryo grabbed Aftershock's arm. Ryo irish whipped Aftershock towards the turnbuckle.
Josh: And he'll keep his championship ALL the way until Immortality? I doubt it....
Aftershock turned around, and didn't move, and then irish whipped Ryo instead.
Michael: Of course you do, you can't recognize talent when you see it, Saturn, is the best inside the ring.
Ryo followed close behind Aftershock as he ran to the turnbuckle. Aftershock though, jumped onto the top of the turnbuckle and did a corkscrew off of the turnbuckle, executing the whisper in the wind.
Ryo then turned over onto Aftershock and hooked his legs for the pin.
2.NO!!! Aftershock kicked out of the pin before the three count.
Josh: Well seeing the way Ryo is winning this match, it shows he won't be an easy opponent.
Ryo lifted up Aftershock and chopped him across his chest.
Michael: For someone simple like Aftershock no, but for someone like Phreak, Ryo won't be able to land two punches, and if he does it won't hurt Phreak.
Ryo then irish whipped Aftershock towards the ropes.
Josh: That's just unfair, Aftershock is a great wrestler.
Aftershock came running back, and then slid underneath Ryo.
Michael: Yeah right, Aftershock needs some wins if he really wants to be a threat.
Ryo was looking around, confused onto where Aftershock was, then Aftershock jumped onto the second row of rows.
Josh: Are you forgetting that he beat Ryo once? That's why they're tied.
Aftershock jumped off as Ryo turned around and hit him with both feet, successfully hitting Ryo with another dropkick, this time in springboard style.
Michael: And that win will be useless unless Aftershock can pick up the win tonight, which I doubt.
Aftershock quickly got back up and picked up Ryo.
Josh: Well that is actually true...but only because this is a two out of three series, but it's still a win.
Aftershock grabbed Ryo, but Ryo kneed Aftershock in the stomach to break his grip.
Michael: Winning that one match was like winning a normal match by DQ, it's a win, but nothing special.
Ryo then grabbed Aftershock and irish whipped Aftershock to the ropes, and Ryo followed closely behind him.
Josh: Except it wasn't DQ, it was a legitimate win by Aftershock.
Aftershock stopped at the ropes, but Ryo grabbed Aftershock and hit him with an STO, sending Aftershock outside of the ring.
Michael: And look at the great Aftershock! Knocked out of the ring by an STO!
Aftershock landed on his feet and fell back to the barricade. Ryo jumped onto the outside apron and executed a moonsault.
Josh: Ryo isn't a weak opponent, and Aftershock is still in this match still.
Ryo crashed onto Aftershock as now both of them were outside of the ring.
Michael: Look at this. Doesn't seem like Aftershock will even win this match.
Ryo gets up quickly and lifts up Aftershock. Ryo then throws Aftershock onto the barricade, as Aftershock's back hit the barricade.
Josh: Don't count him out yet, Aftershock is an amazing wrestler, while Ryo is one too, Aftershock as much of a chance as Aftershock does.
Ryo then lifted up Aftershock one more time a rolled Aftershock into the ring.
Michael: Doubt it, Ryo won the Extreme Rumble, all Aftershock did was win a butt whopping.
Ryo slid into the ring and picked up Aftershock. Ryo wrapped Aftershock's arm around his neck, and grabbed onto Aftershock's leg.
Josh: Well Ryo was the best man that night, that's why he won.
Ryo executed a fishermen suplex, crashing Aftershock's back onto the center of the ring and keeping the hold on as the referee counted for the pin.
Aftershock kicked out of the hold before the three count.
Michael: And I really thought that the match would be over....
Ryo got up and ran towards the ropes. He jumped onto the second row of ropes and executed a springboard leg drop and landed on Aftershock's head.
Josh: As I said, don't under estimate Aftershock, he is one tough kid.
Ryo then got up and lifted up Aftershock quickly. Ryo irish whipped Aftershock to the ropes and Aftershock came running back.
Michael: Toughness can only get you so far, you need skill too.
Ryo went for a dropkick and aftershock got hit and fell down onto the mat.
Josh: Aftershock has skill! You know everyone else besides Phreak has skill!
Ryo then got up and grabbed Aftershock's legs and put his feet between them and crossed Aftershock's legs.
Michael: Well of course, it's everyone BUT Aftershock that has skill.
Ryo flipped Aftershock onto his belly and executed a sharpshooter.
Josh: Do you think Aftershock would have made it this long in Federation X with no skill?
Ryo kept applying pressure as Aftershock crawled to the ropes.
Michael: Of course, because he had luck!
Ryo pulled Aftershock up a little bit and applied even more pressure to aftershock.
Josh: There's no such thing as luck Michael....
Aftershock clenched his fist in pain and crawled towards the ropes even more.
Michael: Obviously there is if Aftershock is still with us.
Aftershock was near the ropes now as he kept crawling, but Ryo applied even more pressure.
Josh: He's here because he is a useful and great wrestler.
Aftershock grabbed onto the bottom rope now, to get the rope break to break the sharpshooter.
Michael: No you know who a great wrestler is?
Ryo let go of the sharpshooter, but lifted Aftershock once more.
Josh: Luis? :umad:
Ryo wrapped Aftershock's arm around his neck and went for a suplex.
Michael: ugh....well sadly yes, Luis is a decent wrestler actually, but it's actuall--
Aftershock put his foot behind Ryo's foot though, and stopped the suplex. Aftershock reversed the suplex now, by using a suplex of his own.
Josh: Phreak :facepalm:
Aftershock crashed Ryo onto the mat, then rolled over while still having the hold and got back up. He then executed another suplex.
Michael: Exactly :Smug:
Aftershock rolled over one more time and got back up. He then executed another suplex, this time releasing his grip on Ryo.
Josh: Well look at this match. Who's in control right now?
Aftershock then got up and lifted up Ryo. Aftershock got Ryo in a DDT position, then got lifted up into the air.
Michael: Aftershock by a--wait what's he doing?
Aftershock executed a 1080 DDT onto Ryo successfully, as Ryo's head crashed onto the mat.
Josh: 1080 DDT!! This match is over!!!
Michael: :dafuq: No way!!
Aftershock hooked Ryo's leg now for the pin.
Ryo put his leg on the bottom rope right before the three count, so the pin was broken.
Josh: Pin was broken!!
Aftershock lifted up Ryo and irish whipped him to the ropes. Ryo came running to Aftershock, and Aftershock hit Ryo with a clothesline.
Michael: :facepalm: Even after getting his finishing move, Aftershock can't put Ryo away.
Aftershock then ran to the turnbuckle and jumped to the top rope.
Josh: Well that shows how strong RYO is, not taking away anything from Aftershock.
Aftershock jumped off, performing a frog splash onto Ryo.
Michael: Excuses excuses, Aftershock isn't good enough to take him down.
Aftershock connected with Ryo, then stayed ontop and hooked Ryo's leg for the pin.
Ryo lifted his shoulder to break the pin.
Josh: And Ryo once again breaks the pin!
Aftershock got up, and lifted up Ryo. Aftershock then irish whipped Ryo onto the turnbuckle.
Michael: Still not surprising. :smug:
Aftershock walked over to the turnbuckle and set Ryo on the top rope.
Josh: Uhhh so you're saying Aftershock can never pin Ryo?
Aftershock climbed onto the second row of ropes and placed his hands on Ryo's shoulder. Aftershock then jumped onto Ryo to execute a huricanrana
Michael: Absolutely!
Aftershock though, couldn't flip Ryo. Ryo instead lifted up Aftershock now.
Josh: Didn't Aftershock pin him already? That's why Aftershock tied this series.
Ryo jumped off the top rope, and executed a powerbomb, slamming Aftershock onto the mat. Ryo stayed in position as he went for the pin now.
Aftershock lifted his shoulder to kick out of the pin.
Michael: And Aftershock just barely kicked out.
Ryo got frustrated now not being able to put away Aftershock. Ryo got up and lifted up Aftershock.
Josh: Still waiting for an answer....
Michael: It was a fluke!
Ryo pushed Aftershock away and then hit him with the Lightning Dragon.
Josh: Lightning Dragon!!!
Michael: This match is done!
Ryo then dragged Aftershock onto the center of the ring and hooked his legs for the pin.
Aftershock kicked out of the pin right before the three count.
Josh: Aftershock kicked out!!!
Michael: :mog: Impossible!!
Ryo was shocked, he lifted up Aftershock and wrapped Aftershock's arm around his neck.
Josh: See, Aftershock has a big chance of winning this match!
Ryo lifted up Aftershock, but Aftershock broke the hold and landed behind Ryo. Aftershock then dropkicked Ryo, as Ryo got pushed onto the ropes.
Michael: No! Ryo is the winner, he won't win at Immortality against Phreak, but he will beat this joke!
Aftershock turned Ryo around and irish whipped Ryo to the ropes.
Josh: Even if Ryo wins, this match was amazing, you can't doubt that.
As Ryo came running back, Aftershock went for a clothesline. Ryo ducked and dodged the clothesline and went for the Lightning Dragon one more time.
Michael: Alright it was a little exciting...
Aftershock dodged the kick and jumped onto the ropes and jumped off to hit Ryo with a springboard dropkick.
Josh: A little? This is amazing, both hit their finishing moves, and still each one comes back for more!
Aftershock then got up quickly and ran towards the turnbuckle. Aftershock jumped onto the top rope as Ryo made his way to his feet.
Michael: Ehhh it's fine, still thinking thhis match would be better with Phreak...
Aftershock jumped towards Ryo. Ryo was on his feet, and kicked Aftershock 9n the face, executing the Lightning Dragon as Aftershock jumped towards him.
Josh: Lightning Dragon!!!
Aftershock fell to the mat, not moving now. Ryo went down and hooked Aftershock's leg for the pin.
Mark Chivel: The winner of the match as a result of pinfall, Ryo!!!!
[size=x-small]Ryo got up slowly and the referee raised Ryo's arm.[/size]
Michael: Told ya, Ryo won.
Josh: This was a hard match to call, they both put on a great show.
Michael: Well Aftershock was better this match I guess....still knew Ryo would win.
[size=x-small]Ryo picked up Aftershock and hugged him. Aftershock then raised Ryo's arm.[/size]
Josh: Aftershock showing great sportsmanship there.
Michael: Good for him, bet he wishes that was his arm being raised.
[size=x-small]Aftershock high fived Ryo and left the ring smiling as Ryo celebrated in the ring. The screen then went black.[/size]
Written by Farooq. Click the link to rep him for his work
[/size]Backstage Luis and Apollo
[size=x-small]The camera fades to an English Pub, Rule Britannia playing in the background, The camera zooms to a man with a shaven head, grey eyes wearing a black tank top and a pair of union jack gym shorts who is drinking a pint and watching a football game[/size]
Man & Crowd behind him: Take me home, United road,
To a place that I belong,
To Old Trafford, to see United,
Take me home, United road...
[size=x-small]Two American tourists enter the pub and the chant stops almost immediately. They make their way to the bar[/size]
Tourist 1: A Pint of Samuel Adams Partner
[size=x-small]The bartender hands him an american beer in a glass[/size]
Man: Hey fellas, you can't be drinking that stuff in here. This is Britain, you should try one of these.
[size=x-small]Rick points to his tall glass of European beer.[/size]
Tourist 1: No thanks buddy, I prefer beer from the states.
Man: Ah no harm done.
[size=x-small]The man turns around but fakes it and turns to smash Tourist 1 across the head with the glass, shattering it. Tourist 2 comes to swing at the man, but he dodges and punches Tourist 2 in the face. To finish them both off he smashed their heads against the bar.[/size]
Man: Damn tourist.
[size=x-small]Camera fades to black with the word "Ruthless Rick" fades in written in a Union Jack color[/size]
[size=x-small]Camera pans backstage to Luis's locker room where Luis is sitting before he stands up as Apollo walks in the locker room[/size]
Luis Boden: Yo man, listen if your here to say lets team up on Phreak, I chose both of you so we could have a triple threat match
Apollo: No I am here to see how you are doing, last night you fought the German Giant and lost, so I am wondering are we going to have a triple threat match tonight
Luis Boden: Yes, I can't say I am at my best, but I am always ready to compete, so I will see you and Phreak in the ring tonight, Spike & Saturn look to steal the show, well we will do it better
Apollo: Ok, good luck tonight man,
Luis Boden: Ok, you too and thanks for coming out last night,
Apollo: I wanna win my title with no critics, that is why I came down to the ring
[size=x-small]Apollo then walks out the locker room. Luis then begins to tie his boots as the camera fades to Matt Link standing in the interview area[/size]
Matt Link: Ladies and gentlemen, I am now joined by Vinnie Rose
Vinnie Rose Thanks for having me Matt, my pleasure.
Matt Link: Rose, up next you face Alex Kidd up next, and the question is can you beat him?
Vinnie Rose Yes, ofcourse I can! I planned the whole thing out for a week. Alex Kidd, I know your weakness baby, and I will use all of me to get you down, dude. Prepare yourself!
Matt Link: What do you plan on doing if you win tonight?
Vinnie Rose Well, everyone can guess it.. Big, big, BIG party tonight in an LA club!
We will do it all night, man. Are you joining the crew?
Matt Link: And as Champion who would be your ideal opponent and why?
Vinnie Rose Can't answer you this one right now. We will have to wait and see who has the most potential and the best streak to deserve a match against me, ''The Overnight Sensation'' Vinnie Rose.
Matt Link: Thank you Vinnie and good luck tonight
Man & Crowd behind him: Take me home, United road,
To a place that I belong,
To Old Trafford, to see United,
Take me home, United road...
[size=x-small]Two American tourists enter the pub and the chant stops almost immediately. They make their way to the bar[/size]
Tourist 1: A Pint of Samuel Adams Partner
[size=x-small]The bartender hands him an american beer in a glass[/size]
Man: Hey fellas, you can't be drinking that stuff in here. This is Britain, you should try one of these.
[size=x-small]Rick points to his tall glass of European beer.[/size]
Tourist 1: No thanks buddy, I prefer beer from the states.
Man: Ah no harm done.
[size=x-small]The man turns around but fakes it and turns to smash Tourist 1 across the head with the glass, shattering it. Tourist 2 comes to swing at the man, but he dodges and punches Tourist 2 in the face. To finish them both off he smashed their heads against the bar.[/size]
Man: Damn tourist.
[size=x-small]Camera fades to black with the word "Ruthless Rick" fades in written in a Union Jack color[/size]
[size=x-small]Camera pans backstage to Luis's locker room where Luis is sitting before he stands up as Apollo walks in the locker room[/size]
Luis Boden: Yo man, listen if your here to say lets team up on Phreak, I chose both of you so we could have a triple threat match
Apollo: No I am here to see how you are doing, last night you fought the German Giant and lost, so I am wondering are we going to have a triple threat match tonight
Luis Boden: Yes, I can't say I am at my best, but I am always ready to compete, so I will see you and Phreak in the ring tonight, Spike & Saturn look to steal the show, well we will do it better
Apollo: Ok, good luck tonight man,
Luis Boden: Ok, you too and thanks for coming out last night,
Apollo: I wanna win my title with no critics, that is why I came down to the ring
[size=x-small]Apollo then walks out the locker room. Luis then begins to tie his boots as the camera fades to Matt Link standing in the interview area[/size]
Matt Link: Ladies and gentlemen, I am now joined by Vinnie Rose
Vinnie Rose Thanks for having me Matt, my pleasure.
Matt Link: Rose, up next you face Alex Kidd up next, and the question is can you beat him?
Vinnie Rose Yes, ofcourse I can! I planned the whole thing out for a week. Alex Kidd, I know your weakness baby, and I will use all of me to get you down, dude. Prepare yourself!
Matt Link: What do you plan on doing if you win tonight?
Vinnie Rose Well, everyone can guess it.. Big, big, BIG party tonight in an LA club!
We will do it all night, man. Are you joining the crew?
Matt Link: And as Champion who would be your ideal opponent and why?
Vinnie Rose Can't answer you this one right now. We will have to wait and see who has the most potential and the best streak to deserve a match against me, ''The Overnight Sensation'' Vinnie Rose.
Matt Link: Thank you Vinnie and good luck tonight
Written by Sackfist. Click the link to rep him for his work
DatKidFromJersey Wrote his character's vignette
Jose Tortilla Wrote his character's responses
[/size]DatKidFromJersey Wrote his character's vignette
Jose Tortilla Wrote his character's responses
Internet Championship. 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match
Michael: It is now time for the Internet Championship match Josh, Alex Kidd the champion, has been on a losing streak since winning the title, Vinnie Rose owns three victories over the champion and the fans voted for 2 out of three falls match
Josh: And don't forget, if Alex Kidd loses, he is gone, his contract will be terminated and he will be fired from Federation X
[size=x-small]Vinnie Rose's Theme hits
*Crowd Pop*
Vinnie Rose jumps out wearing grey trunks with purple/pink designs and his initials on it. Black elbow pads and knee pads,white boots, one long wrist/hand tape almost to the elbow pad, and on the left hand a purple/pink power balance wristband. He waves to the fans as pyro goes off behind him[/size]
Mark Chivel: The following match is for the Internet Championship and it is for 2 out of three falls. Introducing first, From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 260lbs, Vinnie Rose!
Josh: Here comes the Overnight Sensation, Vinnie Rose, the number #1 contender and the party boy, and if Vinnie Rose wins, he says he will have a Big Big Party tonight, go out to all the clubs in Saint Louis
Michael: And if he is able to, he will also celebrate that he got Alex Kidd fired from Federation X
[size=x-small]Rose walks down to the ring waving to the fans. He walks up the stairs and into the ring.[/size]
Josh: Vinnie Rose, a Federation X original, started his career with The Sholi, he refused to stop being a party boy, and left Sholi & James Fatal, Rose then faced Alex Kidd at Summer Bash in the ladder match which Kidd won, but since that night, Alex Kidd has never won a match
Michael: Alex Kidd lost to PuffPuffPass, which is why if Alex Kidd cannot win, he is fired
[size=x-small]Rose poses on two turnbuckles showing his muscles to the crowd[/size]
Josh: Vinnie Rose, an obvious favorite of the Forum, THEAidsJohnson, Y2J Enigma listed him as a fan favorite and Rose's match choice got 100% of the votes Michael
[size=x-small]*Alex Kidd's theme hits*
*Crowd Boo*
Alex Kidd eventually walks out wearing black knee pads, black elbow pads, black boots and black trunks with Kidd printed on the back, the Internet Championship around his waist and raises his arm as pyro goes off behind him[/size]
Michael: And here comes the Champion, Alex Kidd, this could very well be his last match ever on Federation X Josh
Josh: Alex Kidd will be fired from Federation X, which means he cannot go to Warzone or TNT, he is gone, finito, tonight is do or die
Mark Chivel: And introducing his opponent, From Sonora, Mexico. Weighing in at 212lbs, the Internet Champion Aleeex..Kidd!
Michael: Alex Kidd, he came here as a draft from Warzone, he lost the battle royal to face Cutlass at Clash Of The Titans, and then won the Internet Championship at Summer Bash, now at his 2nd PPV appearance, his career is in jeopardy
[size=x-small]Alex slowly walks to the ring, scaling the steel steps and steps through the ropes. He stands in the middle of the ring raising his arms again[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd needs to get the 1st victory tonight, he needs to get the first win as an insurance, if Rose gets a win, he still has one fall remaining
Michael: I think people know how this match works Josh
[size=x-small]The referee takes the title from Kidd and raises it above his head, he then hands it to stage hands and signals for the bell[/size]
Alex Kidd and Rose lock up in a collar and elbow tie-up, Kidd then pushes Kidd to the floor and covers, the referee counts
1.... Kidd quickly gets a shoulder up
Michael: Just like that, Rose trying to get the first victory, if Rose gets the 1st fall, Kidd will be one fall away from the unemployment line
Kidd moves back to the ropes and stands up as Rose stares him down, saying to him "almost had ya". Kidd then runs at Rose in anger, Rose ducks the clothesline from Kidd, Kidd turns around to Rose, Rose delivers a gut-kick to Kidd and then applies a front face-lock. Rose then falls back, clutching the head and plants Kidd to the mat head first hitting a DDT
Josh: Kidd frustrated by the situation he is in, Rose hits a DDT to Kidd fresh off the bat
Rose rolls Kidd onto his back and hooks the leg, the referee counts
2.... Kidd kicks out
Michael: Alex Kidd almost caught out right there
Rose drags Kidd up to his feet and delivers a right hand to Kidd knocking him to the ropes, Rose then whips Alex Kidd into the ropes, Kidd rebounds, Rose then runs at Kidd, driving his shoulder into the gut of Kidd and pulls the legs up to drive Kidd to the mat
Josh: Vinnie Rose has his eyes on the prize, if you notice going for cover after cover
Rose rolls off Kidd and then hooks the leg, the referee counts
2.... Alex Kidd kicks out
Michael: Alex Kidd needs to start getting into this match Josh,
Alex Kidd rolls out the ring and then begins to walk up the ramp, he then stops half way up the ramp
[size=x-small]*Crowd Boo*[/size]
Michael: Alex Kidd seems to have stopped trying to walk out, he knows Michael, if he gets counted out, he will be fired, he knows he has to get back in that ring and fight the overnight sensation, Vinnie Rose
Alex Kidd walks back and climbs up onto the apron, he stares out on the crowd as they chant "Fire Alex". Rose approaches Kidd and turns him to face him, he then grabs the head and pulls him over the ropes and Kidd flips onto the mat back first
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd brought back in the ring by the powerful Vinnie Rose.
Rose stalks Alex Kidd as he gets to his feet and clutches his back, he then approaches him and lifts his foot, kicking Alex Kidd in the jaw and knocking him to the mat
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Rose showing his finisher, the LA Crusher, he could have the 1st fall here
Rose drags Kidd up and then lifts Kidd up into a fireman's carry and stands in the ring
Josh: Vinnie Rose displaying his strength here!
Rose then throws the upper-body of Kidd up and over his head, Rose then falls back and plants Alex Kidd to the mat face first hitting a flapjack
Michael: Flatliner by Rose!
Josh: Rose delivers a vicious reverse STO to Kidd
Rose rolls Kidd onto his back and hooks the leg of Kidd, the referee counts
3.... The referee calls for the bell
Mark Chivel: The winner of the 1st fall, Vinnie Rose!
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop then chant "One more pin!*[/size]
Michael: The fans here in Saint Louis know Alex Kidd is one more fall away from being fired from Federation X Michael, I believe he will be the 1st ever star fired from Federation X
Alex Kidd staggers to his feet and then quickly ducks out as Rose approaches him again
[size=x-small]*Crowd Boo*[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd getting out of the ring, trying to recuperate from the LA crusher and Flatliner he just suffered
Kidd walks round to the announce table and the steps over the guard rail, Rose quickly ducks out and grabs the black trunks of Kidd and pulls him back over the guard rail, he then slams his head on the announcetable
Michael: Rose drives Kidd's head into our announce-table hard
Rose then whips Kidd into the steel steps, Kidd hits the stairs back first, Rose then drags Kidd up and back into the ring
Josh: Kidd tried to run away, Kidd's career is on the line, Rose wants another pinfall, he cannot win the title via countout
Kidd goes to deliver a gut-kick to Rose, Rose catches the leg of Kidd and throws it down, Rose lifts Alex Kidd up into a fireman's carry clutch, he then falls back and slams Kidd to the mat back first
Michael: Vinnie Rose none stop assault on the champion, you can imagine if Rose wins, he will party all night long
Rose stalks Alex Kidd and places his head under the armpit of Alex Kidd, Rose then hooks the inside leg and lifts Alex Kidd onto his shoulders sideways, spins during the lift and falls back slamming Alex Kidd to the mat
Josh: Homage to Kurt Angle with that move by Rose
Rose hooks the leg of Alex Kidd. The referee counts
2.... Kidd kicks out
Michael: Kidd still has some fight left in him Josh
Rose drags Kidd up and then lifts Kidd up into a fireman's carry and stands in the ring
Josh: Vinnie Rose displaying his strength here!
Rose then throws the upper-body of Kidd up and over his head, Rose then falls back and plants Alex Kidd to the mat face first hitting a flapjack
Michael: Flatliner by Rose!
Josh: Rose delivers a vicious reverse STO to Kidd
Rose rolls Kidd onto his back and hooks the leg of Kidd, the referee counts
3.... The referee calls for the bell
[size=x-small]Vinnie Rose's Theme hits
*Crowd Pop*
Vinnie Rose sits up on his knees as the referee raises his arm[/size]
Mark Chivel: Here is your winner and the neeewww Internet Champion..... Vinnie Rose!
[size=x-small]The referee then hands Rose the Internet Championship belt, he then gets to his feet and runs over to the turnbuckle where he raises the title above his head
*Crowd Pop[/size]
Josh: Vinnie Rose is now the Internet Champion!!
Michael: But now Josh, don't forget, Rose is Champion, but Alex Kidd, he is fired, gone, finished, he is no longer a Federation X Superstar
[size=x-small]Rose dismounts the turnbuckle and rolls out the ring, he then makes his way up the ramp as Alex Kidd sits in a corner with disbelief on his face
*Crowd Chant: Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na! Hey Hey, Goodbye*[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd's career in Federation X is over, his reign of champion has ended and he is gone
[size=x-small]Kidd then stands up and grabs a mic from stage hand[/size]
Alex Kidd: I am not going anywhere, I am Alex Kidd I tell you, I am Alex Kidd!
[size=x-small]Security come out to the ring, they then enter the ring and grabs Kidd, taking the mic away and drag him out the ring
*Crowd Chant: Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na! Hey Hey, Goodbye*[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd now being forcible ejected from the arena
Michael: He was a loser Josh, and now heads where he belongs on the streets
[size=x-small]Kidd tries to run back, two security guards grab his legs and then carry him to the back[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd has left, and we have a new Internet Champion, one of four championships on the line tonight, we still have Bones Brothers vs Iron Baba & Mike Silva for the Stars Of X Tag Team Championship, Luis Boden vs Phreak vs Apollo for the Federation X Championship and the most anticipated match, the ankle lock match for the X-Championship.
Michael: But coming up next we have Super Spider's return to the ring against the German Giant, the man who took him out, Hans Schleimer
Josh: And don't forget, if Alex Kidd loses, he is gone, his contract will be terminated and he will be fired from Federation X
[size=x-small]Vinnie Rose's Theme hits
*Crowd Pop*
Vinnie Rose jumps out wearing grey trunks with purple/pink designs and his initials on it. Black elbow pads and knee pads,white boots, one long wrist/hand tape almost to the elbow pad, and on the left hand a purple/pink power balance wristband. He waves to the fans as pyro goes off behind him[/size]
Mark Chivel: The following match is for the Internet Championship and it is for 2 out of three falls. Introducing first, From Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 260lbs, Vinnie Rose!
Josh: Here comes the Overnight Sensation, Vinnie Rose, the number #1 contender and the party boy, and if Vinnie Rose wins, he says he will have a Big Big Party tonight, go out to all the clubs in Saint Louis
Michael: And if he is able to, he will also celebrate that he got Alex Kidd fired from Federation X
[size=x-small]Rose walks down to the ring waving to the fans. He walks up the stairs and into the ring.[/size]
Josh: Vinnie Rose, a Federation X original, started his career with The Sholi, he refused to stop being a party boy, and left Sholi & James Fatal, Rose then faced Alex Kidd at Summer Bash in the ladder match which Kidd won, but since that night, Alex Kidd has never won a match
Michael: Alex Kidd lost to PuffPuffPass, which is why if Alex Kidd cannot win, he is fired
[size=x-small]Rose poses on two turnbuckles showing his muscles to the crowd[/size]
Josh: Vinnie Rose, an obvious favorite of the Forum, THEAidsJohnson, Y2J Enigma listed him as a fan favorite and Rose's match choice got 100% of the votes Michael
[size=x-small]*Alex Kidd's theme hits*
*Crowd Boo*
Alex Kidd eventually walks out wearing black knee pads, black elbow pads, black boots and black trunks with Kidd printed on the back, the Internet Championship around his waist and raises his arm as pyro goes off behind him[/size]
Michael: And here comes the Champion, Alex Kidd, this could very well be his last match ever on Federation X Josh
Josh: Alex Kidd will be fired from Federation X, which means he cannot go to Warzone or TNT, he is gone, finito, tonight is do or die
Mark Chivel: And introducing his opponent, From Sonora, Mexico. Weighing in at 212lbs, the Internet Champion Aleeex..Kidd!
Michael: Alex Kidd, he came here as a draft from Warzone, he lost the battle royal to face Cutlass at Clash Of The Titans, and then won the Internet Championship at Summer Bash, now at his 2nd PPV appearance, his career is in jeopardy
[size=x-small]Alex slowly walks to the ring, scaling the steel steps and steps through the ropes. He stands in the middle of the ring raising his arms again[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd needs to get the 1st victory tonight, he needs to get the first win as an insurance, if Rose gets a win, he still has one fall remaining
Michael: I think people know how this match works Josh
[size=x-small]The referee takes the title from Kidd and raises it above his head, he then hands it to stage hands and signals for the bell[/size]
Alex Kidd and Rose lock up in a collar and elbow tie-up, Kidd then pushes Kidd to the floor and covers, the referee counts
1.... Kidd quickly gets a shoulder up
Michael: Just like that, Rose trying to get the first victory, if Rose gets the 1st fall, Kidd will be one fall away from the unemployment line
Kidd moves back to the ropes and stands up as Rose stares him down, saying to him "almost had ya". Kidd then runs at Rose in anger, Rose ducks the clothesline from Kidd, Kidd turns around to Rose, Rose delivers a gut-kick to Kidd and then applies a front face-lock. Rose then falls back, clutching the head and plants Kidd to the mat head first hitting a DDT
Josh: Kidd frustrated by the situation he is in, Rose hits a DDT to Kidd fresh off the bat
Rose rolls Kidd onto his back and hooks the leg, the referee counts
2.... Kidd kicks out
Michael: Alex Kidd almost caught out right there
Rose drags Kidd up to his feet and delivers a right hand to Kidd knocking him to the ropes, Rose then whips Alex Kidd into the ropes, Kidd rebounds, Rose then runs at Kidd, driving his shoulder into the gut of Kidd and pulls the legs up to drive Kidd to the mat
Josh: Vinnie Rose has his eyes on the prize, if you notice going for cover after cover
Rose rolls off Kidd and then hooks the leg, the referee counts
2.... Alex Kidd kicks out
Michael: Alex Kidd needs to start getting into this match Josh,
Alex Kidd rolls out the ring and then begins to walk up the ramp, he then stops half way up the ramp
[size=x-small]*Crowd Boo*[/size]
Michael: Alex Kidd seems to have stopped trying to walk out, he knows Michael, if he gets counted out, he will be fired, he knows he has to get back in that ring and fight the overnight sensation, Vinnie Rose
Alex Kidd walks back and climbs up onto the apron, he stares out on the crowd as they chant "Fire Alex". Rose approaches Kidd and turns him to face him, he then grabs the head and pulls him over the ropes and Kidd flips onto the mat back first
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd brought back in the ring by the powerful Vinnie Rose.
Rose stalks Alex Kidd as he gets to his feet and clutches his back, he then approaches him and lifts his foot, kicking Alex Kidd in the jaw and knocking him to the mat
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Rose showing his finisher, the LA Crusher, he could have the 1st fall here
Rose drags Kidd up and then lifts Kidd up into a fireman's carry and stands in the ring
Josh: Vinnie Rose displaying his strength here!
Rose then throws the upper-body of Kidd up and over his head, Rose then falls back and plants Alex Kidd to the mat face first hitting a flapjack
Michael: Flatliner by Rose!
Josh: Rose delivers a vicious reverse STO to Kidd
Rose rolls Kidd onto his back and hooks the leg of Kidd, the referee counts
3.... The referee calls for the bell
Mark Chivel: The winner of the 1st fall, Vinnie Rose!
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop then chant "One more pin!*[/size]
Michael: The fans here in Saint Louis know Alex Kidd is one more fall away from being fired from Federation X Michael, I believe he will be the 1st ever star fired from Federation X
Alex Kidd staggers to his feet and then quickly ducks out as Rose approaches him again
[size=x-small]*Crowd Boo*[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd getting out of the ring, trying to recuperate from the LA crusher and Flatliner he just suffered
Kidd walks round to the announce table and the steps over the guard rail, Rose quickly ducks out and grabs the black trunks of Kidd and pulls him back over the guard rail, he then slams his head on the announcetable
Michael: Rose drives Kidd's head into our announce-table hard
Rose then whips Kidd into the steel steps, Kidd hits the stairs back first, Rose then drags Kidd up and back into the ring
Josh: Kidd tried to run away, Kidd's career is on the line, Rose wants another pinfall, he cannot win the title via countout
Kidd goes to deliver a gut-kick to Rose, Rose catches the leg of Kidd and throws it down, Rose lifts Alex Kidd up into a fireman's carry clutch, he then falls back and slams Kidd to the mat back first
Michael: Vinnie Rose none stop assault on the champion, you can imagine if Rose wins, he will party all night long
Rose stalks Alex Kidd and places his head under the armpit of Alex Kidd, Rose then hooks the inside leg and lifts Alex Kidd onto his shoulders sideways, spins during the lift and falls back slamming Alex Kidd to the mat
Josh: Homage to Kurt Angle with that move by Rose
Rose hooks the leg of Alex Kidd. The referee counts
2.... Kidd kicks out
Michael: Kidd still has some fight left in him Josh
Rose drags Kidd up and then lifts Kidd up into a fireman's carry and stands in the ring
Josh: Vinnie Rose displaying his strength here!
Rose then throws the upper-body of Kidd up and over his head, Rose then falls back and plants Alex Kidd to the mat face first hitting a flapjack
Michael: Flatliner by Rose!
Josh: Rose delivers a vicious reverse STO to Kidd
Rose rolls Kidd onto his back and hooks the leg of Kidd, the referee counts
3.... The referee calls for the bell
[size=x-small]Vinnie Rose's Theme hits
*Crowd Pop*
Vinnie Rose sits up on his knees as the referee raises his arm[/size]
Mark Chivel: Here is your winner and the neeewww Internet Champion..... Vinnie Rose!
[size=x-small]The referee then hands Rose the Internet Championship belt, he then gets to his feet and runs over to the turnbuckle where he raises the title above his head
*Crowd Pop[/size]
Josh: Vinnie Rose is now the Internet Champion!!
Michael: But now Josh, don't forget, Rose is Champion, but Alex Kidd, he is fired, gone, finished, he is no longer a Federation X Superstar
[size=x-small]Rose dismounts the turnbuckle and rolls out the ring, he then makes his way up the ramp as Alex Kidd sits in a corner with disbelief on his face
*Crowd Chant: Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na! Hey Hey, Goodbye*[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd's career in Federation X is over, his reign of champion has ended and he is gone
[size=x-small]Kidd then stands up and grabs a mic from stage hand[/size]
Alex Kidd: I am not going anywhere, I am Alex Kidd I tell you, I am Alex Kidd!
[size=x-small]Security come out to the ring, they then enter the ring and grabs Kidd, taking the mic away and drag him out the ring
*Crowd Chant: Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na! Hey Hey, Goodbye*[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd now being forcible ejected from the arena
Michael: He was a loser Josh, and now heads where he belongs on the streets
[size=x-small]Kidd tries to run back, two security guards grab his legs and then carry him to the back[/size]
Josh: Alex Kidd has left, and we have a new Internet Champion, one of four championships on the line tonight, we still have Bones Brothers vs Iron Baba & Mike Silva for the Stars Of X Tag Team Championship, Luis Boden vs Phreak vs Apollo for the Federation X Championship and the most anticipated match, the ankle lock match for the X-Championship.
Michael: But coming up next we have Super Spider's return to the ring against the German Giant, the man who took him out, Hans Schleimer
Written by Sackfist. Click the link to rep him for his work
[/size]Hans vs Super Spider
[size=x-small]Han's Theme hits
*Crowd Boo*
Lights flash on and off as Hans is eleveated up to the stage with his head down. Han is wearing Pink tank top with black spots, pink tights with a chain belt, and brown boots. along with wrist bands. Masked Machine is at his side in a wheel chair. He walks down the ramp pumped pushing Masked Machine[/size]
Mark Chivel: The following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, From Salt Lake Utah. Weighing in at 450lbs, "The German Giant" Hans Schleimer
Josh: Hans the German Giant is one the biggest role in Federation X. He has defeated the current Federation X Champion, Luis Boden, his two opponents, Phreak and Apollo, the Tag Team Champions, the list goes on and on
[size=x-small]Hans parks Masked Machine ring-side, walks up the steel steps and walks over the ropes into the ring[/size]
Michael: Masked Machine, the tag team partner of Hans, Masked Machine however was injured by Clash Of Styles before the brand split and since then he has been managing Hans throughout his singles career, and has done a hell of a job
[size=x-small]Hans approaches all four turnbuckles and raises his arms up[/size]
Josh: No doubt, Masked Machine is an impressive competitor, but the German Giant has taken a more vicious turn when he attacked and concussed Super Spider a few weeks ago, which is why we are here right now
[size=x-small]*Super Spider's theme hits*
*Crowd Pop*
Super Spider walks out ignoring the fans. Wearing black tights and black mask. It has the spider web colored on mask and on ass. Spider walks to the ring focusing on the ring[/size]
Mark Chivel: And his opponent, From Whitehorse, Yukon Canada. Weighing in at 330lbs, Super...Spider!
Josh: Super Spider, the 1st ever Federation X Champion is the man to stop Hans's rampage, this guy has had a big career already, most eliminations in the Extreme Rumble, the longest reigning Federation X Champion to date, the 1st ever Federation X Champion, winner of the King Of The World tournament, and to add defeated Hans to it would top it off
[size=x-small]Super Spider walks down the to the ring and slides in[/size]
Michael: Hans has lost 1 and only one singles match and that was against Super Spider, since then he has been dominant, tonight is retribution for Hans, revenge for Super Spider
[size=x-small]Spider raises his fist in the ring[/size]
Josh: Super Spider vs Hans, who will win it here?
The referee calls for the bell
Hans and Super Spider stare down.
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: These two guys just staring down one another, trying to intimidate the other
Hans and Super Spider approach one another, Spider punches Hans in the face, Hans staggers back slightly, Hans then attempts to return with a right hand, Spider ducks underneath and kicks Hans in the back of the leg, bringing him down to a knee
Josh: Here comes Spider, doing what he does best
Super Spider rebounds off the ropes, he then locks hands with Hans attempting to whip him into the ropes, Hans stands his ground and whips Spider at the ropes, Hans follows him and delivers a clothesline sending Spider to the floor, Spider lands on his feet.
Michael: Hans does what he does best, beating chumps
Spider grabs the leg of Hans and pulls him underneath the ropes out to the floor, Spider then delivers a kick to the gut of Hans as he tries to get up.
Josh: Spider, very versatile there, beating down the Giant
Spider climbs up onto the apron, he then jumps at Hans and lands back first across the back of Hans.
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Super Spider using some high-flying offense which is something he never goes for
Spider then grabs Hans by the head and drags him up to his knees, Hans then pushes Spider back into the guard rail
Josh: Super Spider is actually taking it to the Giant Hans
Michael: Oh, Hans using his size to get control
Hans then holds Spider against the guard rail and delivers a headbutt to Spider, Hans then breaks the count at 7, Spider however locks in a sleeper hold on Hans as he pulls his head from beneath the ropes
Josh: Hans took his eyes of Spider and now pays for it with Spider's finishing sleeper hold, the move he used to beat Hans weeks ago
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Hans falls to his knees quickly, Spider then locks his legs and brings Hans to the floor as the referee continues to count for count out
1....2....3....4....5....6....7 Spider releases the hold
Michael: Spider has got to watch out he doesn't get counted out
Spider then breaks the count and grabs hold of Hans's hand, he then places it on a steel step and stomps on it quickly, Hans clutches his hand in pain
Josh: Super Spider is just not stopping his attack, I thought Hans would dominate as he has done, but Spider is just not going down
Spider walks up the steel steps and into the ring where he raises his arm up
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Hans climbs up onto the apron, he then walks over the ropes and into the ring, Spider quickly rushes at Hans delivering clubs to the back of Hans and pushes him back into the corner
Michael: At least let the guy get into the ring, Spider attacks Hans before he is fully in the ring
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Spider then runs at the ropes, he then runs towards Hans and jumps at him, Hans quickly moves out the corner and Spider hits the turnbuckle chest first, Hans rebounds off the ropes and drives his shoulder at Spider knocking him hard to the mat, Hans drops to his knees and covers, the referee counts
Josh: Spider missed that splash, Hans now has his opening, is Spider finished?
2..... Spider gets a shoulder up
Hans gets to his feet and drags Spider up by his mask, Hans then scoops up Spider, turns him upside down and slams him to the mat back first, Hans drops to his knees and covers, the referee counts
Michael: Hans trying to end this match quickly it seems
2..... Spider gets a shoulder up
Hans then sits Spider up in a seated position and places his hand on the shoulder of Spider, gripping it with a vice grip
Josh: A very common move Hans goes to, that shoulder vice grip
Spider grabs Hans's hand and tries to pull it away, he struggles but brings the hand away from his shoulder and stands up as Hans tries to put his hand back in the vice grip, Spider then jumps in and lands on the mat in a seated position pulling the arm of Hans down and impacting it on his shoulder, Hans turns away holding his arm
Michael: What has gotten into Hans, stay on him
Spider gets to his feet and delivers a punch to the kidneys and then pushes Hans into the corner, Hans then delivers a knee to the mid-section of Spider and puts him in the corner where he delivers a headbutt to Spider, Hans then delivers another headbutt the referee counts as Hans continues to deliver headbutts to Spider
Josh: Hans traps Spider in the corner, and delivers headbutts to Spider, each headbutt more vicious than the last
1....2....3....4..... Hans steps back from the corner
Hans then whips Spider into the opposite corner, Spider delivers a boot to Hans as Hans attempts to deliver a corner splash, Spider then gets up onto the second rope, Hans hits Spider with a frying pan chop and then throws him off the ropes, over his head, flipping him over and to the mat back first
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Super Spider again trying to go for a diving move, and this time Hans caught him before he jumps and instead slams him to the mat with authority
Hans then turns to the turnbuckle pad and pulls it off with one pull, he then drags Super Spider up, and whips him into the ropes, Spider rebounds and delivers a kick to Hans as he bends forward attempting a back body drop
Josh: Spider saw that coming....
Spider then kicks the knee of Hans and applies a front face-lock, he then leans back pulling Hans head first to the mat
Josh:...and finishes up with a DDT
Spider then gets to his feet, he runs at the ropes and rebounds, he then jumps into the air, extending his leg and lands across Han's chest, Spider then hooks the leg of Hans, the referee counts
2..... Hans gets a shoulder up
Michael: Hans still to strong
Spider leans back to stand on his knees when he notices the turnbuckle exposed, he drags Hans up and goes to whip him at the turnbuckle, Hans runs forward and then reverses the whip sending Spider into the turnbuckle, Spider pulls his foot upto the second rope, stopping himself, he turns around as Hans leaps at him splashing him against the exposed turnbuckle
Josh: Spider hits the steel! The referee cannot see it
Michael: Hans and Spider are quite wide, it is difficult to see
Hans scoops up Spider, turns him upside down and plants him to the mat back first, Hans then drops to his knees and covers Spider, the referee counts
2..... Spider gets a shoulder up
Josh: Super Spider still to strong
Hans looks up at the referee with frustration, he then looks at the Masked Machine ring side who shouts out: "aplastarlo"
Michael: What did he say?
Hans then gets to his feet he pulls Spider up and whips him into the south corner, and then runs at Spider, he jumps at him, Spider moves out the way and then jumps on Hans's back and applies a sleeper hold to Hans
Josh: Sleeper hold, Spider trying to put the German Giant to sleep
Hans reaches out the ropes, Spider locks his legs around the waist Hans begins to fade
Michael: Fight it Hans, Fight it
Josh: Many have fought the sleeper hold from Spider, he is just to strong
Hans then runs back against the exposed corner, hitting Spider's back against the exposed turnbuckle, releasing the hold. Hans then drags Spider along the ropes and locks his arms in the ropes
Michael: Baloney, Hans uses the ring to aid him
Josh: And now Spider is defenseless
Hans then delivers a headbutt to Spider, he then follows up with an even harder one, the referee begins to count for disqualification, Hans delivers a headbutt on each count
1.....2.....3.....4 Hans walks back
Josh: Someone has to do something, Spider cannot defend himself from the German Giant
Hans then approaches Spider again as blood begins to soak through Spider's black mask, Hans then delivers a headbutt to Spider again, Hans then delivers a heabutt as the referee counts, delivering a headbutt everytime the referee counted
Josh: The referee has to call disqualification, Hans cannot be allowed to do that
Michael: He is breaking after 4 Josh
1.....2.....3.....4 Hans walks back, Spider's arms are freed by the referee, Spider drops to the mat and pushes himself up onto his knees
Josh: Spider is dazed, I don't think he knows where he is
Hans then runs at Spider, delivering a big boot to Spider knocking him to the mat, Hans then lifts Spider into a seated position and rebounds off the ropes delivering another big boot to the head
Michael: Two nasty boots to the head
Josh: That is enough now, get the cover, the man cannot stand up
Hans then drags Spider up and leans him against the ropes, he then rebounds off the ropes he then delivers a boot to Spider's head knocking him over the ropes and to the floor
Josh: Spider cannot defend himself and yet Hans continues
The referee slides out of the ring and checks on Spider, he then calls for the bell
[size=x-small]Han's Theme hits
*Crowd boo*
Hans raises his arm and exits the ring to Masked Machine. The referee runs round the ring to Mark Chivel and informs him of his decision[/size]
Mark Chivel: The referee has informed me that Super Spider can no longer continue, therefore the winner of this match, Hans Schleimer
Josh: Hans wins by technical Knockout. The referee made the right call before Spider risked serious injury
Michael: Hans delivered Headbutt after headbutt to Spider while he was restrained in those ropes, he then had Spider beat then but continued to boot Spider in the head over and over again, Spider was defenseless
[size=x-small]Hans begins to wheel Masked Machine up the ramp as referee's come down and help Spider onto his feet[/size]
Josh: Hans's path of destruction continues claiming Super Spider's name to his list of victories.
Michael: Coming up next we have the tag team championship match, Iron Baba & Mike Silva vs Bones Brothers for the Stars Of X Tag Team Championship
*Crowd Boo*
Lights flash on and off as Hans is eleveated up to the stage with his head down. Han is wearing Pink tank top with black spots, pink tights with a chain belt, and brown boots. along with wrist bands. Masked Machine is at his side in a wheel chair. He walks down the ramp pumped pushing Masked Machine[/size]
Mark Chivel: The following match is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, From Salt Lake Utah. Weighing in at 450lbs, "The German Giant" Hans Schleimer
Josh: Hans the German Giant is one the biggest role in Federation X. He has defeated the current Federation X Champion, Luis Boden, his two opponents, Phreak and Apollo, the Tag Team Champions, the list goes on and on
[size=x-small]Hans parks Masked Machine ring-side, walks up the steel steps and walks over the ropes into the ring[/size]
Michael: Masked Machine, the tag team partner of Hans, Masked Machine however was injured by Clash Of Styles before the brand split and since then he has been managing Hans throughout his singles career, and has done a hell of a job
[size=x-small]Hans approaches all four turnbuckles and raises his arms up[/size]
Josh: No doubt, Masked Machine is an impressive competitor, but the German Giant has taken a more vicious turn when he attacked and concussed Super Spider a few weeks ago, which is why we are here right now
[size=x-small]*Super Spider's theme hits*
*Crowd Pop*
Super Spider walks out ignoring the fans. Wearing black tights and black mask. It has the spider web colored on mask and on ass. Spider walks to the ring focusing on the ring[/size]
Mark Chivel: And his opponent, From Whitehorse, Yukon Canada. Weighing in at 330lbs, Super...Spider!
Josh: Super Spider, the 1st ever Federation X Champion is the man to stop Hans's rampage, this guy has had a big career already, most eliminations in the Extreme Rumble, the longest reigning Federation X Champion to date, the 1st ever Federation X Champion, winner of the King Of The World tournament, and to add defeated Hans to it would top it off
[size=x-small]Super Spider walks down the to the ring and slides in[/size]
Michael: Hans has lost 1 and only one singles match and that was against Super Spider, since then he has been dominant, tonight is retribution for Hans, revenge for Super Spider
[size=x-small]Spider raises his fist in the ring[/size]
Josh: Super Spider vs Hans, who will win it here?
The referee calls for the bell
Hans and Super Spider stare down.
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: These two guys just staring down one another, trying to intimidate the other
Hans and Super Spider approach one another, Spider punches Hans in the face, Hans staggers back slightly, Hans then attempts to return with a right hand, Spider ducks underneath and kicks Hans in the back of the leg, bringing him down to a knee
Josh: Here comes Spider, doing what he does best
Super Spider rebounds off the ropes, he then locks hands with Hans attempting to whip him into the ropes, Hans stands his ground and whips Spider at the ropes, Hans follows him and delivers a clothesline sending Spider to the floor, Spider lands on his feet.
Michael: Hans does what he does best, beating chumps
Spider grabs the leg of Hans and pulls him underneath the ropes out to the floor, Spider then delivers a kick to the gut of Hans as he tries to get up.
Josh: Spider, very versatile there, beating down the Giant
Spider climbs up onto the apron, he then jumps at Hans and lands back first across the back of Hans.
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Super Spider using some high-flying offense which is something he never goes for
Spider then grabs Hans by the head and drags him up to his knees, Hans then pushes Spider back into the guard rail
Josh: Super Spider is actually taking it to the Giant Hans
Michael: Oh, Hans using his size to get control
Hans then holds Spider against the guard rail and delivers a headbutt to Spider, Hans then breaks the count at 7, Spider however locks in a sleeper hold on Hans as he pulls his head from beneath the ropes
Josh: Hans took his eyes of Spider and now pays for it with Spider's finishing sleeper hold, the move he used to beat Hans weeks ago
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Hans falls to his knees quickly, Spider then locks his legs and brings Hans to the floor as the referee continues to count for count out
1....2....3....4....5....6....7 Spider releases the hold
Michael: Spider has got to watch out he doesn't get counted out
Spider then breaks the count and grabs hold of Hans's hand, he then places it on a steel step and stomps on it quickly, Hans clutches his hand in pain
Josh: Super Spider is just not stopping his attack, I thought Hans would dominate as he has done, but Spider is just not going down
Spider walks up the steel steps and into the ring where he raises his arm up
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Hans climbs up onto the apron, he then walks over the ropes and into the ring, Spider quickly rushes at Hans delivering clubs to the back of Hans and pushes him back into the corner
Michael: At least let the guy get into the ring, Spider attacks Hans before he is fully in the ring
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Spider then runs at the ropes, he then runs towards Hans and jumps at him, Hans quickly moves out the corner and Spider hits the turnbuckle chest first, Hans rebounds off the ropes and drives his shoulder at Spider knocking him hard to the mat, Hans drops to his knees and covers, the referee counts
Josh: Spider missed that splash, Hans now has his opening, is Spider finished?
2..... Spider gets a shoulder up
Hans gets to his feet and drags Spider up by his mask, Hans then scoops up Spider, turns him upside down and slams him to the mat back first, Hans drops to his knees and covers, the referee counts
Michael: Hans trying to end this match quickly it seems
2..... Spider gets a shoulder up
Hans then sits Spider up in a seated position and places his hand on the shoulder of Spider, gripping it with a vice grip
Josh: A very common move Hans goes to, that shoulder vice grip
Spider grabs Hans's hand and tries to pull it away, he struggles but brings the hand away from his shoulder and stands up as Hans tries to put his hand back in the vice grip, Spider then jumps in and lands on the mat in a seated position pulling the arm of Hans down and impacting it on his shoulder, Hans turns away holding his arm
Michael: What has gotten into Hans, stay on him
Spider gets to his feet and delivers a punch to the kidneys and then pushes Hans into the corner, Hans then delivers a knee to the mid-section of Spider and puts him in the corner where he delivers a headbutt to Spider, Hans then delivers another headbutt the referee counts as Hans continues to deliver headbutts to Spider
Josh: Hans traps Spider in the corner, and delivers headbutts to Spider, each headbutt more vicious than the last
1....2....3....4..... Hans steps back from the corner
Hans then whips Spider into the opposite corner, Spider delivers a boot to Hans as Hans attempts to deliver a corner splash, Spider then gets up onto the second rope, Hans hits Spider with a frying pan chop and then throws him off the ropes, over his head, flipping him over and to the mat back first
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Super Spider again trying to go for a diving move, and this time Hans caught him before he jumps and instead slams him to the mat with authority
Hans then turns to the turnbuckle pad and pulls it off with one pull, he then drags Super Spider up, and whips him into the ropes, Spider rebounds and delivers a kick to Hans as he bends forward attempting a back body drop
Josh: Spider saw that coming....
Spider then kicks the knee of Hans and applies a front face-lock, he then leans back pulling Hans head first to the mat
Josh:...and finishes up with a DDT
Spider then gets to his feet, he runs at the ropes and rebounds, he then jumps into the air, extending his leg and lands across Han's chest, Spider then hooks the leg of Hans, the referee counts
2..... Hans gets a shoulder up
Michael: Hans still to strong
Spider leans back to stand on his knees when he notices the turnbuckle exposed, he drags Hans up and goes to whip him at the turnbuckle, Hans runs forward and then reverses the whip sending Spider into the turnbuckle, Spider pulls his foot upto the second rope, stopping himself, he turns around as Hans leaps at him splashing him against the exposed turnbuckle
Josh: Spider hits the steel! The referee cannot see it
Michael: Hans and Spider are quite wide, it is difficult to see
Hans scoops up Spider, turns him upside down and plants him to the mat back first, Hans then drops to his knees and covers Spider, the referee counts
2..... Spider gets a shoulder up
Josh: Super Spider still to strong
Hans looks up at the referee with frustration, he then looks at the Masked Machine ring side who shouts out: "aplastarlo"
Michael: What did he say?
Hans then gets to his feet he pulls Spider up and whips him into the south corner, and then runs at Spider, he jumps at him, Spider moves out the way and then jumps on Hans's back and applies a sleeper hold to Hans
Josh: Sleeper hold, Spider trying to put the German Giant to sleep
Hans reaches out the ropes, Spider locks his legs around the waist Hans begins to fade
Michael: Fight it Hans, Fight it
Josh: Many have fought the sleeper hold from Spider, he is just to strong
Hans then runs back against the exposed corner, hitting Spider's back against the exposed turnbuckle, releasing the hold. Hans then drags Spider along the ropes and locks his arms in the ropes
Michael: Baloney, Hans uses the ring to aid him
Josh: And now Spider is defenseless
Hans then delivers a headbutt to Spider, he then follows up with an even harder one, the referee begins to count for disqualification, Hans delivers a headbutt on each count
1.....2.....3.....4 Hans walks back
Josh: Someone has to do something, Spider cannot defend himself from the German Giant
Hans then approaches Spider again as blood begins to soak through Spider's black mask, Hans then delivers a headbutt to Spider again, Hans then delivers a heabutt as the referee counts, delivering a headbutt everytime the referee counted
Josh: The referee has to call disqualification, Hans cannot be allowed to do that
Michael: He is breaking after 4 Josh
1.....2.....3.....4 Hans walks back, Spider's arms are freed by the referee, Spider drops to the mat and pushes himself up onto his knees
Josh: Spider is dazed, I don't think he knows where he is
Hans then runs at Spider, delivering a big boot to Spider knocking him to the mat, Hans then lifts Spider into a seated position and rebounds off the ropes delivering another big boot to the head
Michael: Two nasty boots to the head
Josh: That is enough now, get the cover, the man cannot stand up
Hans then drags Spider up and leans him against the ropes, he then rebounds off the ropes he then delivers a boot to Spider's head knocking him over the ropes and to the floor
Josh: Spider cannot defend himself and yet Hans continues
The referee slides out of the ring and checks on Spider, he then calls for the bell
[size=x-small]Han's Theme hits
*Crowd boo*
Hans raises his arm and exits the ring to Masked Machine. The referee runs round the ring to Mark Chivel and informs him of his decision[/size]
Mark Chivel: The referee has informed me that Super Spider can no longer continue, therefore the winner of this match, Hans Schleimer
Josh: Hans wins by technical Knockout. The referee made the right call before Spider risked serious injury
Michael: Hans delivered Headbutt after headbutt to Spider while he was restrained in those ropes, he then had Spider beat then but continued to boot Spider in the head over and over again, Spider was defenseless
[size=x-small]Hans begins to wheel Masked Machine up the ramp as referee's come down and help Spider onto his feet[/size]
Josh: Hans's path of destruction continues claiming Super Spider's name to his list of victories.
Michael: Coming up next we have the tag team championship match, Iron Baba & Mike Silva vs Bones Brothers for the Stars Of X Tag Team Championship
Written by Farooq. Click the link to rep him for his work
[/size]Tag Team Championship
Josh: Hans victorious tonight, Rose is the new Internet Champion, Ryo Akita picks up a big victory over Johnny Hernandez & Alex Kidd has been fired from Federation X, so much has happened at Breakdown, but next PPV Stars Of X will be is Immortality, the end of the year PPV, and the biggest PPV of Federation X
Michael: But coming right up it is Iron Baba & Mike Silva vs The Bones Brothers, who have been the tag team champions for 4 months and 4 days, a total of 27 days
Josh: Iron Baba & Mike Silva destroyed TNT before it was renovated into a development territory, and in the past few weeks have defeated the Bones Brothers in single action, but the question is can they defeat the tag team champions tonight?
[size=x-small]*Bones Brother's theme hits*
*Crowd (insert action)*
Dark red lights fill the arena as white smoke fills the stage. Buster and Butch walks through the smoke facing the stage wearing black tights with a long rectangle design and a border made of bones. Within the rectangle is the star's name, formed by bones with black elbow pads, this has a red wire pattern on each. Also wearing black boots with white laces Buster is wearing a T-Shirt that reads "Sumb Dhit" and "profanity rules underneath" and the Stars Of X Tag Team Championship belt on his shoulder. Butch wearing a T-shirt that reads Bones Brothers for life and the Stars Of X Tag Team Championship on his shoulder. Butch turns and walks backwards as Buster fist bumps the air as he walks down[/size]
Josh: Here come the Canadian born tag team champions, Buster the older brother, two cage fighters defeated Clash Of Styles at Summer Bash
Michael: But since then, they have gotten lazy Josh, Bones Brothers have had the same opponents for a few months now, so Iron Baba & Mike Silva are new, and have their number
Mark Chivel: The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall and is for the Stars Of X Tag Team Championship!....introducing first...From Toronto, Canada. At a combined weight of 344 lbs, the Stars Of X Tag Team Champions....The Bones Brothers!
[size=x-small]Buster and Butch walk down the ramp and high five the fans, they then turn around at the bottom of the ramp and finger fire towards the ramp, setting of their pyro. They walk around the ring and high five the fans as they make their way to the announcetable where they high five Josh and slides in the ring[/size]
Josh: Good luck fellas
[size=x-small]Buster and Butch each pose on a set of turnbuckles before meeting in the middle of the ring and clack their title belts together[/size]
Michael: The tag team champions making their 5th PPV appearance here in Saint Louis, the best superstar
[size=x-small]* Music hits*
*Crowd boo slightly*
Baba walks out staring at the ring as he jogs in place wearing white trunks, black wrestling boots, white knee pads and one white elbow pad on his right arm Silva walks out wearing jean shorts that cover the knee, black knee pads and black wrestling boots. Also wearing white elbow pads and white wrist tapes. The two men then walks down to the ring[/size]
Mark Chivel: And their opponents. At a combined weight of 485 lbs, Mike Siva, Iron Baba, Badass Mugs!
Josh: Badass Mugs?
Michael: Chosen by Mike Silva Josh, these two guys were pretty badass back in TNT
[size=x-small]Silva and Baba shun the fans as they walk down the ramp, Silva then walks up the ramp, Baba climbs up onto the apron and enters the ring, Silva wipes his feet on the apron before entering the ring[/size]
Josh: Mike Silva defeated Butch Bones, then Baba defeated Buster Bones, these two guys are singles competitors, and I have said before, Bones Brothers are a tag team, you can defeat these guys on their own, but together they are a hell of an obstacle
[size=x-small]Silva and Baba then climb up onto a set of turnbuckles and raise their middle fingers to the fans before dismounting and standing in their corner[/size]
Josh: Very true Michael, Bones Brothers have been the tag team champions for months, they are the longest reigning champions in Federation X to date, The Sholi trailing behind them with 107 days.
The referee takes the belts from the Bones Brothers and holds them above his head, he then hands them to stage hand as Butch and Silva get on the apron. The referee then calls for the bell
Josh: Buster looks to start things of for the Tag Team Champions whil Iron Baba going to start it out for..
Josh: Badass Mugs Josh,
Buster and Baba lock up in a collar and elbow tie-up, Baba delivers a knee to the mid-section of Buster and then whips him into the corner
Michael: Iron Baba taking control early on in this match Josh, this is the guy that defeated every member of team Stars Of X, which is all three men in tonight's main event
Baba then rushes at Buster and goes to drive his shoulder into the gut of Buster, Buster uses the ropes to jump up, he then underhooks the arms of Iron Baba with his legs and rolls forward pulling Iron Baba down to the map with a roll-up, the referee count
1.... Iron Baba kicks out
Josh: Buster trying to get a win early, Baba not being caught that quickly, and to refer back to what you were saying Michael, Iron Baba did defeat every man on team Stars Of X, but that was with the aid of Ashraf and Johnny Hernandez.
Baba rolls back and gets to his feet Buster ducks under the arm of Baba and locks in a rear waist lock on Baba and pulls him back rolling over on the mat and hits a roll-up on Baba, the referee counts
1.... Iron Baba kicks out
Michael: Baba kicks out again, Iron Baba did you know Josh had the most wins on Warzone upon reaching the draft, barely a loss to his name
Baba and Buster get to their feet, Buster locks in a front waist lock and lifts Baba up, he then drops to a knee and delivers an atomic drop to Baba
Josh: The Anti-Christ from the South has been quite successful on Warzone which I believe is why he did what he did on TNT, he was one of the final five in the Extreme Rumble, as was his partner Mike Silva
Buster applies a front face-lock on Baba then drags him to his corner where he tags in Butch, Butch then climbs to the top rope as Buster brings Baba away from the corner, he lifts him up in a fireman carry lift, Butch leaps off the top rope, applies a three quarter front face lock and twists as Buster release Baba, planting Baba to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Nice move there by the Bones Brothers
Josh: I believe that was a move they were working on this week, they call it the FNB
Butch quickly hooks the leg of Baba, the referee counts
2..... Baba gets a shoulder up
Michael: Iron Baba needs to make a tag, like we were saying, Baba and Silva are used to single competition, but the Bones Brothers are skilled tag team competitors, these guys have beaten teams like Thug Era, Hans & Masked Machine, Clash Of Styles, they are the best tag team we have
Butch drags Baba up to his feet and pushes him back at the ropes, he then whips Baba towards the ropes, Baba reverses and sends Butch into the ropes, Butch rebounds off the ropes and runs towards Baba, who attempts a clothesline, Butch ducks and jumps at the ropes, he springboards and applies a front-face lock to Baba and attempts to pull him back, Baba stands his ground, he then applies a front waist lock and throws Butch over his head, flipping him over and Butch lands on the mat back first
Josh: Baba takes control now with a big belly to belly suplex, this is what we have been saying, Baba has some experience in tag matches, winning the big tag match at Battle Lines, but Mike Silva really has none, except that of last week
Baba gets to his feet and walks over to Butch, he drags him up by his head and quickly applies a front waist lock on Butch, he then throws Butch over his head, flipping him over and Butch lands on the mat back first
Michael: I think that is why Smith has put the two together, a potential great tag team, two men who have a common goal and are quite similar
Baba gets to his feet and then walks over to Butch, he then drops an elbow drop on Butch's gut, he gets back to his feet and drops another elbow drop, Baba then gets to his feet and drops another elbow drop on Butch, Baba then gets to his feet and removes his elbow pad on his right arm and then delivers another elbow drop to Butch's gut, Baba then hooks the leg, the referee counts
Josh: Iron Baba delivering those series of elbow drops that only he is know for, removing the pad is becoming a sort of signature move he performs
Baba drags Butch to his corner and he tags in Mike Silva, Silva gets in. Silva then stalks Butch as he gets to his feet groggy, Silva leaps into the air and delivers a dropkick to the head of Butch.
Michael: Silva tonight is looking to make his mark on Federation X, as he hasn't been successful as far, he has lost to a lot since he started, Silva is hungry and wants to be taken seriously
Silva hooks the leg and covers. The referee counts
Josh: Silva hooks the leg, will it be over here?
2.... Butch kicks out
Michael: Mike Silva now in the driving seat of this match
Mike Silva drags Butch up and whips Butch into the corner, he dashes and delivers a clothesline to Butch
Josh: Mike Silva has had a title opportunity in the past, he was involved in the four man tournament to become the X-Champion, however for those that remember, Silva lost to Spike in the 1st round and Spike went onto the finals
Mike Silva places Butch on the turnbuckle and scales the turnbuckle
Michael: Spike would lose to the greatest Champion in Federation X, Joy Saturn and tonight we will see who is better, Spike of the obvious winner Saturn
Silva locks in a front face lock as both men stand on the top rope, Silva then lifts Butch and hits a superplex on Butch
[size=x-small]*Crowd pop*[/size]
Josh: Mike Silva with a superplex, that move does damage to both men
Silva hooks the leg of Butch, the referee covers
2.... Butch kicks out
Silva gets to his feet gradually as does Butch, Silva delivers a gut kick and applies a side headlock to Butch he the drags him to his corner where Baba tags himself in, Baba gets in as Silva holds the outside arm of Butch up and Baba delivers a kick to the gut
Josh: Here comes Iron Baba, the Anti-Christ from the south
Baba then moves round behind Butch and underhooks the arms of Butch and locks them behind Butch's head, Baba then lifts Butch up and over his head planting him neck first to the mat, Baba releases the hold and pulls himself up using the ropes
Michael: Iron Baba with the full nelson suplex to Butch, Baba and Silva are isolating Butch, hitting big moves on him and tagging in and out, keep each other fresh and wear down Butch
Baba walks over to Butch and drags him up, he then turns away from him, applies a three quarter front face lock on Butch then leans forward pulling Butch over his shoulder, flipping him over into a seated position, he then runs back at the ropes, rebounds and delivers a boot to the back of the head of Butch
[size=x-small]*Crowd: Oh!*[/size]
Josh: Iron Baba with that big boot to the back of the head! He almost took Butch's head off
Michael: A big boot to the back of the head, Baba could have just knocked Butch out, he could have serious head damage
Baba drops to his knees and hooks the leg of Butch, the referee counts
3.... No! Buster luckily breaks the count
Josh: Buster I think just saves the match up, so so close.
Baba then walks over to Buster as he gets back onto the apron and goes to deliver a right hand, Buster catches the hand and drops off the apron, pulling the arm down on the ropes, Baba turns as he clutches his arm, Butch pulls himself up on the ropes and runs at Baba and leaps up into a rana clutch, he then compresses the head of Baba as he back flips sending Baba forward to the mat back first Butch then crawls to his corner
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Butch creates some area of separation between him and Baba, now trying to tag his partner
Baba tags in Mike Silva as Butch tags in Buster, Buster gets into the ring and runs towards Baba, Buster ducks a right hand he the ducks his head under the right arm of Silva, reaches across his chest with one arm and around the back with the other and clutches the neck. Buster then jumps forward and brings Silva to the mat back first
Josh: Buster with that jumping side slam, to the Mastermind, Mike Silva, he is picking up momentum now
Baba goes to deliver a right hand, Buster ducks underneath and scoops up Baba then turns him upside down and plants him on the mat
Michael: Buster Bones very well known for, the triple scoop slam which follows their tag team finisher the Bones Collide
Buster then turns to Silva and scoops him up, he turns him upside down and plants him to the mat back first
Josh: That's 2
Buster stalks Silva as he gets to his feet he then scoops up Silva and turns him upside down, and plants him to the mat, Butch gets in quickly and leaps into the air and delivers a dropkick to Baba knocking him out to the floor
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: The crowd here in Saint Louis know what time it is Josh, I believe it is your favorite time as well
Josh: That is right Michael, the Bones Collide!
Buster looks at Butch as Butch stares at Buster, Butch then slaps Buster, Buster returns the slap, they then shout as the crowd shout with them "Bones Collide!"
Josh: Bones Collide!
Buster picks up Silva and whips him into the ropes, Silva rebounds off the ropes, Buster lifts Silva up, Butch grabs the head of Silva as he falls to the mat, bringing his knees up and Silva lands on the knee's of Butch
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Bones Collide, but on the wrong man, Baba is the legal man
Iron Baba slides back in, and delivers a clothesline to Buster, knocking him to the mat, he then runs at Butch as he gets up. locking in a front waist lock and then throws him over his head, flipping him over and lands on the mat back first
Josh: Iron Baba now dominating the tag team champions, Baba and Buster the legal men in this match
Baba then runs at Buster, Buster scoops up Baba, spins him round and plants him to the mat back first with a powerslam
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Buster stops Baba in his tracks with that powerslam
Silva gets to his feet and rebounds off the ropes and delivers a punt kick to Buster
Josh: Silva out of nowhere with the Last Blow!
Silva drags Baba onto Buster he then walks over and pushes Butch underneath the ropes and out as the referee counts the cover
3.....! The referee calls for the bell
Michael: We have new tag team champions!
[size=x-small]* Badass Mugs theme hits*
*Crowd boo slightly*
Baba clutches his back as he stands up, Silva walks over to him and the referee raises their arms up[/size]
Mark Chivel: Here are your winners! And the neeeewwww Stars Of X Tag Team Champions..., Mike Siva, Iron Baba, Badass Mugs!
Josh: Mike Silva and Iron Baba are now the Federation X Champions. The Bones Brother's tag reign has ended
Silva and Baba climb the turnbuckles and raise the Stars Of X Tag titles above their heads
Michael: Badass Mugs are now the tag team champions Josh, your little buddies could not stand up to the Mastermind, Mike Silva or the Anti-Christ from the South, Iron Baba
Josh: Iron Baba and Mike Silva win tonight, and so far tonight no champion has defended their championship, Vinnie Rose is the new Internet Champion, and Badass Mugs are the new tag team champions
Michael: Lets take a look at some replays of this match Josh.
Michael: Then it looked like Buster had the match all wrapped up with that side slam
Josh: The Bones Collide, is usually the game ender, but Iron Baba luckily was there to make the save
Michael: But the mastermind, in the right place, the right time and knocks Buster out with that boot to the head
[size=x-small]Baba and Silva exit the ring, placing their arms over each other and holding their titles up with the other
*Crowd Boo*[/size]
Michael: Ladies and gentlemen it coming up next, the most anticipated match, the ankle lock match, Spike vs Joey Saturn, this match has been brewing for months
Michael: But coming right up it is Iron Baba & Mike Silva vs The Bones Brothers, who have been the tag team champions for 4 months and 4 days, a total of 27 days
Josh: Iron Baba & Mike Silva destroyed TNT before it was renovated into a development territory, and in the past few weeks have defeated the Bones Brothers in single action, but the question is can they defeat the tag team champions tonight?
[size=x-small]*Bones Brother's theme hits*
*Crowd (insert action)*
Dark red lights fill the arena as white smoke fills the stage. Buster and Butch walks through the smoke facing the stage wearing black tights with a long rectangle design and a border made of bones. Within the rectangle is the star's name, formed by bones with black elbow pads, this has a red wire pattern on each. Also wearing black boots with white laces Buster is wearing a T-Shirt that reads "Sumb Dhit" and "profanity rules underneath" and the Stars Of X Tag Team Championship belt on his shoulder. Butch wearing a T-shirt that reads Bones Brothers for life and the Stars Of X Tag Team Championship on his shoulder. Butch turns and walks backwards as Buster fist bumps the air as he walks down[/size]
Josh: Here come the Canadian born tag team champions, Buster the older brother, two cage fighters defeated Clash Of Styles at Summer Bash
Michael: But since then, they have gotten lazy Josh, Bones Brothers have had the same opponents for a few months now, so Iron Baba & Mike Silva are new, and have their number
Mark Chivel: The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall and is for the Stars Of X Tag Team Championship!....introducing first...From Toronto, Canada. At a combined weight of 344 lbs, the Stars Of X Tag Team Champions....The Bones Brothers!
[size=x-small]Buster and Butch walk down the ramp and high five the fans, they then turn around at the bottom of the ramp and finger fire towards the ramp, setting of their pyro. They walk around the ring and high five the fans as they make their way to the announcetable where they high five Josh and slides in the ring[/size]
Josh: Good luck fellas
[size=x-small]Buster and Butch each pose on a set of turnbuckles before meeting in the middle of the ring and clack their title belts together[/size]
Michael: The tag team champions making their 5th PPV appearance here in Saint Louis, the best superstar
[size=x-small]* Music hits*
*Crowd boo slightly*
Baba walks out staring at the ring as he jogs in place wearing white trunks, black wrestling boots, white knee pads and one white elbow pad on his right arm Silva walks out wearing jean shorts that cover the knee, black knee pads and black wrestling boots. Also wearing white elbow pads and white wrist tapes. The two men then walks down to the ring[/size]
Mark Chivel: And their opponents. At a combined weight of 485 lbs, Mike Siva, Iron Baba, Badass Mugs!
Josh: Badass Mugs?
Michael: Chosen by Mike Silva Josh, these two guys were pretty badass back in TNT
[size=x-small]Silva and Baba shun the fans as they walk down the ramp, Silva then walks up the ramp, Baba climbs up onto the apron and enters the ring, Silva wipes his feet on the apron before entering the ring[/size]
Josh: Mike Silva defeated Butch Bones, then Baba defeated Buster Bones, these two guys are singles competitors, and I have said before, Bones Brothers are a tag team, you can defeat these guys on their own, but together they are a hell of an obstacle
[size=x-small]Silva and Baba then climb up onto a set of turnbuckles and raise their middle fingers to the fans before dismounting and standing in their corner[/size]
Josh: Very true Michael, Bones Brothers have been the tag team champions for months, they are the longest reigning champions in Federation X to date, The Sholi trailing behind them with 107 days.
The referee takes the belts from the Bones Brothers and holds them above his head, he then hands them to stage hand as Butch and Silva get on the apron. The referee then calls for the bell
Josh: Buster looks to start things of for the Tag Team Champions whil Iron Baba going to start it out for..
Josh: Badass Mugs Josh,
Buster and Baba lock up in a collar and elbow tie-up, Baba delivers a knee to the mid-section of Buster and then whips him into the corner
Michael: Iron Baba taking control early on in this match Josh, this is the guy that defeated every member of team Stars Of X, which is all three men in tonight's main event
Baba then rushes at Buster and goes to drive his shoulder into the gut of Buster, Buster uses the ropes to jump up, he then underhooks the arms of Iron Baba with his legs and rolls forward pulling Iron Baba down to the map with a roll-up, the referee count
1.... Iron Baba kicks out
Josh: Buster trying to get a win early, Baba not being caught that quickly, and to refer back to what you were saying Michael, Iron Baba did defeat every man on team Stars Of X, but that was with the aid of Ashraf and Johnny Hernandez.
Baba rolls back and gets to his feet Buster ducks under the arm of Baba and locks in a rear waist lock on Baba and pulls him back rolling over on the mat and hits a roll-up on Baba, the referee counts
1.... Iron Baba kicks out
Michael: Baba kicks out again, Iron Baba did you know Josh had the most wins on Warzone upon reaching the draft, barely a loss to his name
Baba and Buster get to their feet, Buster locks in a front waist lock and lifts Baba up, he then drops to a knee and delivers an atomic drop to Baba
Josh: The Anti-Christ from the South has been quite successful on Warzone which I believe is why he did what he did on TNT, he was one of the final five in the Extreme Rumble, as was his partner Mike Silva
Buster applies a front face-lock on Baba then drags him to his corner where he tags in Butch, Butch then climbs to the top rope as Buster brings Baba away from the corner, he lifts him up in a fireman carry lift, Butch leaps off the top rope, applies a three quarter front face lock and twists as Buster release Baba, planting Baba to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Nice move there by the Bones Brothers
Josh: I believe that was a move they were working on this week, they call it the FNB
Butch quickly hooks the leg of Baba, the referee counts
2..... Baba gets a shoulder up
Michael: Iron Baba needs to make a tag, like we were saying, Baba and Silva are used to single competition, but the Bones Brothers are skilled tag team competitors, these guys have beaten teams like Thug Era, Hans & Masked Machine, Clash Of Styles, they are the best tag team we have
Butch drags Baba up to his feet and pushes him back at the ropes, he then whips Baba towards the ropes, Baba reverses and sends Butch into the ropes, Butch rebounds off the ropes and runs towards Baba, who attempts a clothesline, Butch ducks and jumps at the ropes, he springboards and applies a front-face lock to Baba and attempts to pull him back, Baba stands his ground, he then applies a front waist lock and throws Butch over his head, flipping him over and Butch lands on the mat back first
Josh: Baba takes control now with a big belly to belly suplex, this is what we have been saying, Baba has some experience in tag matches, winning the big tag match at Battle Lines, but Mike Silva really has none, except that of last week
Baba gets to his feet and walks over to Butch, he drags him up by his head and quickly applies a front waist lock on Butch, he then throws Butch over his head, flipping him over and Butch lands on the mat back first
Michael: I think that is why Smith has put the two together, a potential great tag team, two men who have a common goal and are quite similar
Baba gets to his feet and then walks over to Butch, he then drops an elbow drop on Butch's gut, he gets back to his feet and drops another elbow drop, Baba then gets to his feet and drops another elbow drop on Butch, Baba then gets to his feet and removes his elbow pad on his right arm and then delivers another elbow drop to Butch's gut, Baba then hooks the leg, the referee counts
Josh: Iron Baba delivering those series of elbow drops that only he is know for, removing the pad is becoming a sort of signature move he performs
Baba drags Butch to his corner and he tags in Mike Silva, Silva gets in. Silva then stalks Butch as he gets to his feet groggy, Silva leaps into the air and delivers a dropkick to the head of Butch.
Michael: Silva tonight is looking to make his mark on Federation X, as he hasn't been successful as far, he has lost to a lot since he started, Silva is hungry and wants to be taken seriously
Silva hooks the leg and covers. The referee counts
Josh: Silva hooks the leg, will it be over here?
2.... Butch kicks out
Michael: Mike Silva now in the driving seat of this match
Mike Silva drags Butch up and whips Butch into the corner, he dashes and delivers a clothesline to Butch
Josh: Mike Silva has had a title opportunity in the past, he was involved in the four man tournament to become the X-Champion, however for those that remember, Silva lost to Spike in the 1st round and Spike went onto the finals
Mike Silva places Butch on the turnbuckle and scales the turnbuckle
Michael: Spike would lose to the greatest Champion in Federation X, Joy Saturn and tonight we will see who is better, Spike of the obvious winner Saturn
Silva locks in a front face lock as both men stand on the top rope, Silva then lifts Butch and hits a superplex on Butch
[size=x-small]*Crowd pop*[/size]
Josh: Mike Silva with a superplex, that move does damage to both men
Silva hooks the leg of Butch, the referee covers
2.... Butch kicks out
Silva gets to his feet gradually as does Butch, Silva delivers a gut kick and applies a side headlock to Butch he the drags him to his corner where Baba tags himself in, Baba gets in as Silva holds the outside arm of Butch up and Baba delivers a kick to the gut
Josh: Here comes Iron Baba, the Anti-Christ from the south
Baba then moves round behind Butch and underhooks the arms of Butch and locks them behind Butch's head, Baba then lifts Butch up and over his head planting him neck first to the mat, Baba releases the hold and pulls himself up using the ropes
Michael: Iron Baba with the full nelson suplex to Butch, Baba and Silva are isolating Butch, hitting big moves on him and tagging in and out, keep each other fresh and wear down Butch
Baba walks over to Butch and drags him up, he then turns away from him, applies a three quarter front face lock on Butch then leans forward pulling Butch over his shoulder, flipping him over into a seated position, he then runs back at the ropes, rebounds and delivers a boot to the back of the head of Butch
[size=x-small]*Crowd: Oh!*[/size]
Josh: Iron Baba with that big boot to the back of the head! He almost took Butch's head off
Michael: A big boot to the back of the head, Baba could have just knocked Butch out, he could have serious head damage
Baba drops to his knees and hooks the leg of Butch, the referee counts
3.... No! Buster luckily breaks the count
Josh: Buster I think just saves the match up, so so close.
Baba then walks over to Buster as he gets back onto the apron and goes to deliver a right hand, Buster catches the hand and drops off the apron, pulling the arm down on the ropes, Baba turns as he clutches his arm, Butch pulls himself up on the ropes and runs at Baba and leaps up into a rana clutch, he then compresses the head of Baba as he back flips sending Baba forward to the mat back first Butch then crawls to his corner
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Butch creates some area of separation between him and Baba, now trying to tag his partner
Baba tags in Mike Silva as Butch tags in Buster, Buster gets into the ring and runs towards Baba, Buster ducks a right hand he the ducks his head under the right arm of Silva, reaches across his chest with one arm and around the back with the other and clutches the neck. Buster then jumps forward and brings Silva to the mat back first
Josh: Buster with that jumping side slam, to the Mastermind, Mike Silva, he is picking up momentum now
Baba goes to deliver a right hand, Buster ducks underneath and scoops up Baba then turns him upside down and plants him on the mat
Michael: Buster Bones very well known for, the triple scoop slam which follows their tag team finisher the Bones Collide
Buster then turns to Silva and scoops him up, he turns him upside down and plants him to the mat back first
Josh: That's 2
Buster stalks Silva as he gets to his feet he then scoops up Silva and turns him upside down, and plants him to the mat, Butch gets in quickly and leaps into the air and delivers a dropkick to Baba knocking him out to the floor
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: The crowd here in Saint Louis know what time it is Josh, I believe it is your favorite time as well
Josh: That is right Michael, the Bones Collide!
Buster looks at Butch as Butch stares at Buster, Butch then slaps Buster, Buster returns the slap, they then shout as the crowd shout with them "Bones Collide!"
Josh: Bones Collide!
Buster picks up Silva and whips him into the ropes, Silva rebounds off the ropes, Buster lifts Silva up, Butch grabs the head of Silva as he falls to the mat, bringing his knees up and Silva lands on the knee's of Butch
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Bones Collide, but on the wrong man, Baba is the legal man
Iron Baba slides back in, and delivers a clothesline to Buster, knocking him to the mat, he then runs at Butch as he gets up. locking in a front waist lock and then throws him over his head, flipping him over and lands on the mat back first
Josh: Iron Baba now dominating the tag team champions, Baba and Buster the legal men in this match
Baba then runs at Buster, Buster scoops up Baba, spins him round and plants him to the mat back first with a powerslam
[size=x-small]*Crowd Pop*[/size]
Michael: Buster stops Baba in his tracks with that powerslam
Silva gets to his feet and rebounds off the ropes and delivers a punt kick to Buster
Josh: Silva out of nowhere with the Last Blow!
Silva drags Baba onto Buster he then walks over and pushes Butch underneath the ropes and out as the referee counts the cover
3.....! The referee calls for the bell
Michael: We have new tag team champions!
[size=x-small]* Badass Mugs theme hits*
*Crowd boo slightly*
Baba clutches his back as he stands up, Silva walks over to him and the referee raises their arms up[/size]
Mark Chivel: Here are your winners! And the neeeewwww Stars Of X Tag Team Champions..., Mike Siva, Iron Baba, Badass Mugs!
Josh: Mike Silva and Iron Baba are now the Federation X Champions. The Bones Brother's tag reign has ended
Silva and Baba climb the turnbuckles and raise the Stars Of X Tag titles above their heads
Michael: Badass Mugs are now the tag team champions Josh, your little buddies could not stand up to the Mastermind, Mike Silva or the Anti-Christ from the South, Iron Baba
Josh: Iron Baba and Mike Silva win tonight, and so far tonight no champion has defended their championship, Vinnie Rose is the new Internet Champion, and Badass Mugs are the new tag team champions
Michael: Lets take a look at some replays of this match Josh.
Baba tags in Mike Silva as Butch tags in Buster, Buster gets into the ring and runs towards Baba, Buster ducks a right hand he the ducks his head under the right arm of Silva, reaches across his chest with one arm and around the back with the other and clutches the neck. Buster then jumps forward and brings Silva to the mat back first
Michael: Then it looked like Buster had the match all wrapped up with that side slam
Breakdown said:Buster picks up Silva and whips him into the ropes, Silva rebounds off the ropes, Buster lifts Silva up, Butch grabs the head of Silva as he falls to the mat, bringing his knees up and Silva lands on the knee's of Butch
Josh: The Bones Collide, is usually the game ender, but Iron Baba luckily was there to make the save
Breakdown said:Silva gets to his feet and rebounds off the ropes and delivers a punt kick to Buster
Michael: But the mastermind, in the right place, the right time and knocks Buster out with that boot to the head
[size=x-small]Baba and Silva exit the ring, placing their arms over each other and holding their titles up with the other
*Crowd Boo*[/size]
Michael: Ladies and gentlemen it coming up next, the most anticipated match, the ankle lock match, Spike vs Joey Saturn, this match has been brewing for months
Written by Sackfist. Click the link to rep him for his work