What was your favorite match at payback, mine was Cena vs. Ryback in the three stages of hell match for the WWE title
Going into the show I just wanted good wrestling, some sort of surprise, and no Blue Daniel Bryan heel turn.
Even after the ending was spoiled Del Rio and Ziggler was the first match this year where I forgot I was watching scripted entertainment. Poor Ziggler tore at my emotions before my smart-mark brain kicked in and saw the logical/unorthodox/awesome booking you don't see from WWE very often. Both sides were completely impressed. After Del Rio's promo I just said "If the rest of the show sucks and Daniel turns after all, I'll be fine with this PPV since this match/injury angle was so damn good".
Match of the night easily, match of the year so far depending on your perspective. And there were 3 other matches (Kaitlyn vs AJ, the IC Title match, and Punk/Jericho) which would have been MOTN at some PPV's recently.
Wow, Mustafar, are we in the Twilight Zone? Did you really just ask to be linked to an Alberto Del Rio promo? Damn, never thought I'd ever hear that.
Pretty much this^I'm going to go with the triple threat Intercontinental Title match. The match was decent and the ending was awesome. I was scared at the end because I thought Miz was going to win the title again,but, Axel came in and stole the win from Miz which was just great to me. Plus,Axel winning the same title his father once held on father's day really added some emotion to everything.
Ziggler/Del Rio followed by the IC Triple Threat, mostly because of the finisher.