If Goldberg squashes Owens then I drink my piss.
If Goldberg squashes Owens then I drink my piss.
I want a vid or it didn't happenPay per views go 2 ways and 2 ways only nowadays:
1.The overall card is good while the main event or the ending to the main event is shit.
2.The whole card is shit while the main event is good.
It is true.
If Goldberg squashes Owens then I drink my piss.
We have Owens vs Goldberg for the belt: mic drop. I'm out!Damn I was actually going to watch Fast lane this year, but after this incredible thread and the way you stated the argument - how can I?
Sounds like it'll be good especially Joe/Zayn. The main event will probably be some over booked shenanigans with HHH.
Damn I was actually going to watch Fast lane this year, but after this incredible thread and the way you stated the argument - how can I?
Nuff said
I was right. Anyone could've guessed. Vince runs raw and he's running into the fucking ground. Smackdown will slowly pull ahead and then they'll move styles and Cena back to raw, along with Corbin and dean eventually"I TOLD YOU SO!" - Go ahead and say it. You were right, man.