Live from Hung Hom Coliseum in Hong Kong, China.
Saturday 27th January, 2024.

Boos fill the Cung thể thao Quần Ngựa arena, which is quite the juxtaposition for the friendly tunes of the Muppets and Jason Segel playing over the speakers. But the fans clearly are not excited for what this music means. The arrival of the Friendship Wrestling Alliance.
Big Bryan Bastard walks out first with his North American Championship around his shoulder, dressed not to wrestle but in blue jeans and a button up black dress shirt. Perhaps the most well put together we’ve seen BBB though that’s not saying much. He is followed by Sir Stache, dressed in a bright blue tuxedo and Mejor Amigo who is just wearing his normal wrestling attire - a black and blue cowboy vest and long blue tights.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Winter Wasteland was a huge night for the Friendship Wrestling Alliance, namely the Buddy System… Bryan Bastard successfully retained his North American title and then it was their leader, Jeremy Best who pulled off the upset in the main event, defeating Alyster Black for a third time in the calendar year to become the FWA Champion. And those two little cronies of theirs had a big hand in both of those matches!”
Inside the ring, a red carpet has been laid and there’s a podium that is covered in a black sheet. Stache and Amigo climb the apron first and sit down on the bottom rope, opening the ropes to allow Bryan Baxter to step through. Amigo and Stache follow suit as Sir Stache and Bryan Baxter both have microphones.
Sir Stache: “Welcome ladies and gentlemen… to the…”
Sir Stache can barely speak over the booing.
Sir Stache: “...Welcome to the… celebration of…”
Sir Stache can’t even get a word in.
Yeah, okay that didn’t help.
Bryan Baxter: “I didn’t get all dressed up for tonight’s festivities to have you people be so damn rude! So if you could all just SIT DOWN and SHUT UP… that’d be great. Now, please, go on.”
Sir Stache: “Oh, right… thank you… so, uhh, as I was saying… LADDDIEES AND GEEENNTTLEEEMEN… tonight you all have the pleasure of being in attendance for a celebration. And not just any celebration for just anyone. No, it is a celebration of our hero.. The Defender… no… the SAVIOR of Friendship… and the BRAND NEW… FWA… WORLD… CHAMPION… JEREMY. BEST!”
Red balloons fall from the rafters and confetti shoots out from cannons around the arena as Jeremy’s music begins to play. The crowd just continues to boo as Jeremy Best walks out from the back wearing your traditional black and white style tuxedo. His eyes are wide and he is in complete awe of the celebration before him, bringing his hand to his mouth in surprise.
In the ring, Baxter, Stache, and Amigo are giving Jeremy a round of applause as he slowly makes his way down the ramp, climbing in to join his friends.
Jeremy Best: ”Awwww you guys… you shouldn’t have!”
Sir Stache: “Oh but we definitely should have! This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. All the Besties around the world have wanted to see for so long. Not only you winning the FWA championship… but defeating Alyster Black to do it… putting a finishing touch on that chapter of your life. We wanted to give you the celebration you deserve so… first and foremost… Amigo.. Get the bag!”
Mejor Amigo nods as he grabs a bag that was situated in the corner of the ring. Out of the shopping bag he pulls out some party hats. The little cardboard ones used for kids birthday parties. He hands one to Jeremy who happily puts it on. Amigo and Stache also put one on, while Bryan tosses his into the crowd.
Jeremy Best: ”Now it really feels like a party. Nice touch guys. Nice touch.”
Sir Stache: “It’s about to get even better. Because what party isn’t complete without… a little bit of… MAGIC?”
The crowd is insure of what to make of what’s happening and most aren’t quite sure what to make of the music, though GroundZero viewers may happen to recognize it.
The lights strobe along with the beats of "Lola Blanc-The Magic" as the big screen in invaded by all manner of star graphics. All those lights dim however leaving only a spotlight with catches the glittering tux of Tonya Scott as she struts out casually twirling her top hat in her hand with a dazzling smirk on her face, once she hits the centre of the stage she turns her back to the crowd, spreads out her hands and in a few smooth, dramatic well practised motions she places her top hat on her head and turns her head with a confident smile. In the ring, Jeremy is quite amused by the entrance, clapping for Tonya while Bryan Baxter’s face shows his own confusion.
Tanya begins to make her way down to the ring arms outstreched making a few playful "magic" hand flurries at the crowd, before sautering up the steps and ducking in between her the top and second rope, careful to keep her hand on her hat as she enters the ring, the lone spotlight follows her all the way to the ring as she takes centre, places her hand on her stomach and in a well practised motion twirls her hand and flamboyantly bows before the crowd as the music comes to a close and the lights come back up.
Bryan Baxter: “Holy shit, Frank - you got Jeremy a stripper?”
Tonya Scott darts her eyes at Baxter, obviously quite offended while Jeremy’s jaw drops and his face starts to turn a little red.
Sir Stache: “What? NO! Of Course not! This is “Littl’ Miss Magic’ Tonya Scott!
Baxter shrugs his shoulders.
Bryan Baxter: “Still sounds like a stripper.”
Tonya Scott: “How dare you, I am a respected woman of magic!”
Jeremy Best: ”Oooh! Magic! This is fun!”
Sir Stache: “Go ahead, Ms. Scott, do your stuff!”
Tonya Scott: “Very well..”
Tonya once again begins to go through her motions, similar to her entrance as she moves about the ring, gracefully, she removes her top hat, spinning it around in her hand and placing it first in front of the camera and then tipping it toward Jeremy himself, showing that it is in fact empty… for now. Jeremy acts like he is going to touch the hat…
Tonya Scott: “Ah ah! Don’t touch the hat; it’s full of magic!”
Tonya gives a wink as she pulls the hat back and Jeremy claps playfully. Tonya spins the hat round again and then reaches in, and pulls out a bouquet of flowers, handing them to Jeremy. Bored by it all, Bryan Baxter leans against the ropes in the back.
Jeremy Best: ”Bravo! Bravo! That was amazing!”
Tonya Scott: “Of course, I am quite amazing, aren’t I? But that’s just the beginning… next up I will…”
Jeremy Best: ”Ooh! Do you do balloon animals? I would love a balloon dog!”
Tonya Scott: “What? Balloon? I’m not a clown, I’m a magici–”
Sir Stache: “Ahem! If the guest of honor wants a balloon animal… then he gets a balloon animal!”
Tonya Scott: “But…”
Sir Stache: “Excuse me… are we paying you or not?”
Bryan Baxter perks up in the back.
Bryan Baxter: “Wait, what? Paying her? How much are we paying her?
Mejor Amigo leans over and whispers into Baxter’s ears. His eyes grow wide.
Bryan Baxter: “Jesus Christ, you could’ve gotten a stripper for less.”
Baxter walks over to Tonya, giving her his most intimidating stare as he looks down at her.
Bryan Baxter: “Make our champion a God damn balloon dog.”
Tonya sighs.
Tonya Scott: “But… I don’t even have any balloons. Well, besides the ones already filled with air.”
Tonya playfully kicks one of the red balloons that had dropped from the rafters.
Sir Stache: “Ah, we come prepared. AMIGO!”
Mejor Amigo nods and runs back over to the grocery bag, producing a bag of white balloons. He tosses it over to Tonya. She is reluctant but for the sake of getting paid, she opens it up and begrudgingly proceeds to make a fine looking balloon dog that she hands to Jeremy.
Jeremy smiles, quite pleased with her work. He wipes away a tear from his eye.
Jeremy Best: ”This… this is wonderful you guys. I never thought this day would come. I always dreamed of it. I always dreamed of sharing a ring with my best friends… and being able to say… that Friendship has won. Alyster Black… he tried his darnedest. He kept me from Krash. So on behalf of friendship, I vanquished him and took something he cared about. And now… now the FWA can have a champion that represents friendship the way its supposed to be.”
“It’s a new year but it’s also a new era. I can put Alyster Black behind me but this is not the end of my story but just the beginning. Friendship will reign supreme in the FWA. And we are defenders of Friendship. Those of us in the ring right now… yes, even you Miss Scott, you are too wonderful not to be part of this! And I think we could use a little magic in the Friendship Wrestling Alliance, don’t you guys think?”
Stache and Amigo, who has been having a hard time keeping his eyes off Tonya himself, both nod in agreement while Baxter is less enthused.
Jeremy Best: ”So we have some magic. We have my two masked compatriots. You two showed just how far you were willing to go for a friend in need both for myself and for Bryan at Winter Wasteland. Sir Stache. Mejor Amigo. The world needs more friends like you. In fact, there’s probably others in the FWA who could use friends like you. That’s why… from now on… you two will be known as Friends For Hire. Anyone out there who is in need, you can call on Stache and Amigo, indeed! Just another way we are sprinkling more and more friendship into the FWA in this new era.”
Stache and Amigo give each other a high five in solidarity.
Jeremy Best: ”And good ole Bryan Baxter. I am so proud of you. You are closing in on a record breaking championship reign… but more importantly, you’ve proven to be loyal through and through. I know I can count on you to do… anything for me. Things that I personally am not really capable of doing. As we’ve seen in the past. You are the Protector of Friendship. Because I know I can count on you to do whatever it takes to make sure I do not lose this FWA Championship.”
Jeremy gives his partner a pat on the back as Bryan nods solemnly.
Jeremy Best: ”I know later tonight five worthy opponents will battle for a shot at my title. And I look forward to watching. I look forward to seeing who my new playmate is going to be. Making new friends is fun… so I hope to make a new one tonight.”
“But more importantly… tonight is about the F..W..A. Not the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance. You can erase that from your memory.”
“Because from now on…”
“Only stands for one thing.”
“The Friendship Wrestling Alliance.”

The screens in the arena all display the new FWA logo while a banner drops down from the rafters displaying it as well. The crowd’s reception to the branding is loud boos.
Jeremy Best: ”Thank you so much everyone! Thank you for coming to my party… just remember…”
Sir Stache: “Wait! Wait! I have one more surprise for you!”
Jeremy lifts up one eyebrow in curiosity.
Sir Stache: “Miss Scott… if you would be so kind.”
Tonya Scott nods as she prances over to the podium with the black sheet on it that up til this point had surprisingly not been touched or mentioned. Tonya Scott takes the black sheet, slowly pulling it up to reveal… the FWA Championship.
Tonya Scott: “As you can see… I have here your FWA Championship… but… Mr. Stache here… said it wasn’t quite right. He said… it was missing something.”
Tonya lays the black sheet back down over the belt.
Tonya Scott: “I said… perhaps, it just needs a little… MAGIC!”
Tonya waves her wand around the belt and then taps it three times. She pulls back the black sheet and the Fantasy Wrestling Association belt had been redesigned before our eyes… to include the Friendship Wrestling Alliance branding!
Jeremy once again tears up as he rushes over, clutching the belt tightly in his arms.
Jeremy Best: ”It’s beautiful!”
The boos rain down on the group as Jeremy takes his newly designed belt and lifts it up in the air.
Jeremy Best: ”Thank you! Thank you all! I love each and every one of my Besties! Now remember… let’s don’t make this a good day… let’s make this… THE BEST DAY!”
Jeremy calls everyone over - Bryan, Stache, Amigo, and even Tonya… in for a group hug. Perhaps reluctantly at first, but Tonya does join them, as Amigo shuffles himself between Stache and Tonya for some reason, and the group hugs it out in the ring as “Life’s a Happy Song” once again plays them out.

There's a mixed reaction amongst the audience as Madison Gray emerges on stage, but a sizable amount of cheers are heard as Madison Gray begins to make her way down the ramp.
Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit… and is a number one contendership match for the FWA Television Championship. Introducing first, from Portsmouth, England… she is ‘the Young Lioness’... MADISON… GRAY!"
Gray climbs into the ring and stares across it, a slight smile on her face as she regards her young opponent.
Natalie Rosenberg: “And her opponent, already in the ring… from Savannah, Georgia… Sawyer Xavier!”
The official makes his final checks, the two wrestlers never removing their eyes from one another, until…
Brooklyn Steiner emerges from the back to a warm reaction from the crowd. The former Hollywood star and current Television Champion is decked out in a slick leather vest incorporating both pink and black. He stops to pose for the fans on the stage, then begins his trot down to the ring, stopping to tilt his sunglasses toward the camera and the fans, garnering some more positive reaction, especially from some of the females at ringside.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Seems that the champion isn’t staying away from the announcer’s booth, despite what happened to him at A Very Crossfire Christmas at the hands of Death Walker. No doubt scouting his next contender, who will face him in Tokyo at Fight Night for that championship he has upon his shoulder. Brooklyn, welcome to the broadcast.”
Brooklyn Steiner: “Thankyou, Jean-Luc. I heard a filthy rumour that my opponent for tonight was a no-show, so I thought the audience deserved at least a little Brooklyn Steiner this evening.”
Both Xavier and Gray have had their focus disturbed by the arrival of Steiner, but after he sits down at the commentary desk they return their own staredown. The official conducts his final checks and then he calls for the opening bell.

FIRST MATCH || 1/20.
Madison Gray vs. Sawyer Xavier.
Singles Match - #1 Contendership for the FWA Television Championship.
Match writer: SS.

<< 03:00. >>
Madison Gray has survived and thrived during the opening exchanges of the match, and now succeeds in locking in an octopus stretch on Xavier. The Lioness anchors her weight down, digging an elbow into his ribs for good measure. Xavier looks in pain, but eventually manages to inch his way over to the ropes…
Jean-Luc Watkins:Sawyer Xavier reachers out with his fingertips, only a few centimetres away from the sanctuary of those ropes… but Madison Gray releases to wriggle through, taking Sawyer down with a sunset flip! His shoulders are down!"[/b][/color]
Brooklyn Steiner: "Xavier is able to escape, but Madison Gray impresses, shifting from a submission to a flash pinning predicament in the blink of an eye."
Xavier uses the ropes to climb up to his feet, and Gray stalks him from behind. Sawyer turns to face her, stumbling towards the middle of the ring, and the Lioness comes at him with a front thrust kick… but it’s sidestepped by Sawyer, who rolls her up with a schoolboy!
Brooklyn Steiner: "Sawyer Xavier replies with one of his own! Madison kicks out, but Sawyer showing that she’s not going to have it all her own way..."
<< 07:07. >>
Madison rises to her feet just in time to see Sawyer charge at her for a clothesline. She ducks beneath it and goes into a rear waistlock. She bundles him into the ropes and looks to roll backwards with an O’Conner roll, but Xavier grips the ropes to stop himself and she is sent back without him. Madison stumbles as she finds her feet…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "SHINING WIZARD!! Sawyer connects!"
Brooklyn Steiner: "That might do it, out of nowhere!"
Madison kicks out, but the unrelenting Sawyer continues in his work. He drags her to her feet, applying a front facelock and hooking the leg for good measure. He hoists her up, perhaps looking for his fisherman’s driver, but Madison slips out the back. She turns before the off-balanced Sawyer…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Madison Gray with the inverted frankensteiner! These two are trading back-and-forth bombs!"
Brooklyn Steiner: "I think that trade off might be over, Jean-Luc. Xavier landed on his head from the poisonrana, and Madison looks to finish the match…"
Sawyer kicks out, with the Young Lioness backing off him into a corner and watching him rise.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Madison Gray is perhaps teeing up for one more big attack, perhaps that Disappointed Master elbow we’ve seen her end matches with before."
Brooklyn Steiner: "A devastating move, highlighted extensively in my scouting team’s report. Sawyer looks done for, almost unable to stand…"
Eventually he manages it, and turns around to see Madison charging at him. She goes for the elbow strike… but Sawyer ducks beneath it, hits the ropes, and lands a springboard cutter!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Sawyer Xavier elects not to go for a cover, instead looking for a killer blow of his own."
Brooklyn Steiner: "A big mistake, in my eyes. He should be pressing home his advantage, not waiting for the Lioness to rise."
Jean-Luc Watkins: "He wants her in position for that Brain Squasher knee strike, here it comes…"
Brooklyn Steiner: "Madison lies out! Sawyer Xavier passes right over her!"
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Playing a little possum, maybe?"
Sawyer is off balance as Gray climbs to her feet. Xavier turns around as the Lioness roars towards him…
Brooklyn Stiner: That is indeed it…"[/b][/color]
Winner: Madison Gray via pinfall at 09:59.
Madison is quick to her feet, almost defiantly so, but is breathing a little heavily as the official lifts her hand into the air.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner, and the #1 contender for the FWA Television Championship… Madison Gray!!”
Gray turns her attention to Steiner at the booth, who is still sat in his chair. He offers the Lioness a round of applause for her exploits.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Madison Gray emerges, as Natalie Rosenberg just announced, as the number one contender for the FWA Television Championship… that very title that sits on your shoulder, Brooklyn.”
Brooklyn Steiner: “Hell of an effort. She was too much for Sawyer Xavier tonight in every way. But Fight Night will be a different story. Sawyer Xavier is one thing, but Brooklyn Steiner?”
Steiner smirks, glances at his championship, looks back up at Madison…
Brooklyn Steiner: “Something else entirely.”
Brooklyn stands and removes his headset, holding his championship belt in the air and offering Madison Gray a great view of it. We fade to black on this image.

El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck was walking towards the catering area with Burger Mane (who was Sir Marmaduke Whistle's personal valet). The leader of Ctrl Alt Repeat had been explaining to Burger Mane the do's and don'ts he would be expecting him if he were to ever allow him to accompany the tag team on his own. However, the conversation turned into something else as the waft of food hit both their noses.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck:I am feeling generous. Do you fancy a treat on me? Anything you want and I will get it for you.
Burger Mane paused for a moment and tried not to stare directly at the camera that was filming him. This was his big moment. The first time he would ever speak on camera in the FWA Universe. So he had to make it count.
Burger Mane:Snacks.
Von Truck, Jr. nodded his head.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck:I will be sure to get you snacks. Why don't you go and sit with that chap over there that is sitting my themselves and make some friends, and perhaps do you best to convince him why he would be best suited as a disciple of the The High Command squared.
The man is a short looking man who is wearing a jazzy Hawaiian shirt and bright lime green chino shorts.
Burger Mane:Him?
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck:Don't be shy. Go on, just go over and share with him the good word.
The man seems to be biting quite contently into a hotdog and seems to be talking to himself.
]Leafdom: I wonder what these are made of?
As Burger Mane approaches, Leafdom's eyes goes wide almost unsure whether this was really happening or whether this hotdog had something funky it in. He waves his hand in the air as he shouted.
Leafdom:Hey, you Burger man, come here!
Burger Mane trotted off, awkwardly and skittish and pulled up a seat directly opposite Leafdom.
Burger Mane:Have you heard the good word?
Leafdom:Good Word? I know oh many types of preachings. However, I will try my best not to spread false rumors or irrelevant teachings. Anyway, come take a seat and tell me your story, Burger Man.
Leafdom finishes the hot dog, with their green eyes staring at the Burger man.
Leafdom: What drives you, my guy? And just as important can you set me up with dinner?
Burger Mane was a bit confused by this man sitting opposite him, particularly his fashion sense.
Burger Mane:The good word according to the The High Command of course. Sometimes referred to as THC or THC ². If you haven't, then when my boss makes his way over here he might be able to answer your question. And I don't have any money, but maybe if you make good life choices the boss will set you up with a plate too.
Burger Mane was unaware that all the food in catering was free to employees of the promotion.
Leafdom:The High Council, I'm afraid I haven't, do they have a doctrine? Because I kinda like the gods of my world.
They (Leafdom) held out a locket with an adventurer's symbol.
Leafdom:But please, who was that man with you?
Leafdom leaned in, whispering.
Leafdom:Who is he? He seems smelly, fishy maybe..."
Burger Mane looks over his shoulder before he carries on speaking.
]Burger Mane:That is El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck or Von Truck, Jr. In all honesty I just call him The Big Boss. He is the manager and leader of the group at the moment, and knows more about how things work. I am just happy that Marmaduke got a gig, because that is the only reason I am here.
Burger Mane turned back round to look at Leafdom.
Burger Mane:Doctrine? Gods? Adventurer's Symbol? I am going to be honest, I don't know what any of that means and I want no part of a Filet O-Fish.
Leafdom: It's okay, Burger Man. All will be revealed in time; I only just got here. Can I speak to Garbage Von now?
Leafdom turns to the side as if looking for something.
]Leafdom: This High Council if they don't have rules to follow, I'd actually be quite interested.
Burger Mane whispers under his breath.
Burger Mane: Its The High Command. I made that mistake before. Just remember it like pot. THC. Not that I touch drugs. I am 100% drug free.
Burger Mane may have offered a facial expression, if he wasn't wearing such a large mask.
Leafdom leans in
]Leafdom:Oh thanks for the warning, so who is involved in this group? Are they all FWA Wrestlers?
Leafdom finally notices von Truck waving him over.
]Leafdom: Come on over Mr. Garabage Von.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck drops a bag of potato chips and a kitkat bar in front of Burger Mane before taking a seat down.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck: My underling.
He looks at Burger Mane.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck:Should of introduced me properly. My name is El Hio de Garbage Von Truck or Von Truck, Jr. for short. And who are you then Good Sir?
]Leafdom:Well before arrival, I called myself Dom Leaf to fit in with the masses. Starting Tonight I ditch that dirt, so call me Leafdom! I'm from Golarion. Nice to meet you.
Leafdom looks behind him, a bit nervous.
Leafdom: So tell me about this This High Command, and is Burger Man here involved?
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck Burger Mane is one of the personal valets of one the two wrestlers that are currently part of the unit. Sir Marmaduke Whistle. He isn't a wrestler.
Von Truck looked at Burger.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck: You don't wrestle do you?
]Burger Mane: I mean no, but I could.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck:He doesn't wrestle.
Von truck turned back to Leadom.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck:We are the most dedicated unit for justice and the correct way of living possible. Of course there is a monthly subscription and a tonne of hidden fees, but all in all we are the guys you would want in your corner. If you are willing to take the knee and submit yourself to the righteous path.
Leafdom seemed to glaze over for a second.
]Leafdom: Fees and Righteous Paths? Well, I don't really have a home anymore, so I can't afford fees... On the other hand, It would be nice to ally with people, but I'm still young in my career, so I'm not sure about picking sides before my first match.
]El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck:Well we can't just accept anyone. There is an interview process and sorts of others thing you would need to complete.
Von Truck reaches into his pocket and places a piece of paper in front of Leafdom.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck:This was just an initial consultation and introduction session. So of course you will only be billed $14.99 for this first chat.
Von Truck slides the paper over to Leafdom and smiles.
]El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck:See as you are paying for this time, do you have any more questions?
Leafdom looks shocked, grabbing the paper and skimming through it before putting it in their backpack. Leafdom checks it, making sure it's not near the arrow compartment.
Leafdom:A. Am I paying per minute? and B. How many do you think a Shield Bow resells for, not in Silver or Gold Pieces but in these, D-o-l-l-a-r-s?
Leafdom asks, halfway off the chair and looking in their backpack.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck: Oh don't worry about making any payments just yet. If you end up becoming an official member of The High Command, then we will just take away that fee from your first bonus payment. You only have to worry about paying, if you decide to reject us and mark yourself as a target for future persecution. I am sure that we don't have anything to worry about though, right?
The tone in Von Truck's voice, sounded more serious and almost threatening.
Leafdom: Oh, thanks. Good chat. I look forward to your match.
El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck: Well it was nice to meet you Leafdom. Be sure to find us next show if you're interested in starting the interview process, otherwise you can send the bill to use via all the information on the receipt.
Von Truck stands up and starts walking away, turning around to look at Burger Mane. Who abruptly gets up and looks like is about to say something then moves fast after Von Truck.
Leafdom looks as the two men exit, before mumbling to themselves.
Leafdom:Great, how am I gonna sell this big thing?
As they look into their bag.

We return to action on Fallout where some new and unfamiliar music plays, indicating that it is time for the debut of a new FWA star. Medina Alvarez confidently strides out from the back and waves out to the fans, who offer her up some cheers in return. She jogs towards the ring with a smile on her face.
Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is a Four-Way Match scheduled for one fall with a twenty-minute time limit! Introducing first, from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico… MEDINA ALLLLLVARRREZZZZZ!!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Welcome back to Fallout, wrestling fans and a welcome to the FWA for Medina Alvarez! This is someone who we are excited about welcoming on board here as part of this talent influx at the beginning of 2024. She’s accomplished in a number of disciplines and could really pose a problem for the more established stars here in the FWA.”
Medina gets into the ring and climbs onto the middle ropes, holding her arms out and making the most of the support she is being shown by the fans. As she jumps down, the camera cuts to another person standing in the ring.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Her opponents… first, and already in the ring… from San Juan, Puerto Rico… SAVIOR HAAAWWWKKINNSSS!!!”
Savior Hawkins raises an arm into the air to a kind response from the crowd. He performs a a few stretches, but seemingly gets caught off guard by something. He mumbles a couple of words to himself.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Savior Hawkins from Puero Rico there; a young man with a large frame but I understand that he can move around the ring pretty quickly for a man of his size.”
Natalie Rosenberg: “Also in the ring… from Wilmington, Delaware… MARIA CAPPPPPITTAAAAANIIII!!!”
In another corner, Maria Cappitani can be seen taking a selfie and then texting on her mobile phone, which she has brought to the ring with her. The fans boo at the lack of effort being shown.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Maria Cappitani! As you all know, I am very in tune with trends and consider myself well within the zeitgeist, and an influencer such as Maria here can say the same thing. Well, there’s three of them, we’ve got a fourth still to come!”
“You grew from a seed. Forever strong as a Pine tree. Always in Evergreen.”
Dom Leaf, also known as Leafdom, comes out to Knuckle Puck's ‘Evergreen’ dressed in a casual leaf-patterned Hawaiian shirt.” They reach back into the backpack they are wearing and pull out an arrow, which they twirl around with one hand to impress those in the front row. Leafdom smiles and slap hands with fans in the front row on their way to the ring.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Finally… originally from Golarion and now seeking a home, weighing in at one-hundred and seventy-five pounds… THIS IS LEEAAAFFFDOMMMMMM!!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Perhaps the most unorthodox of these four debutants in this match, Leafdom will look to educate us of Golarionite customs with their skills in this match. I assume what we are witnessing now is a usual pre-match ritual over on Golarion.”
Leafdom slides into the ring before springing to their feet and going to the post closest to the announcers’ table. They climb to the top rope and sit cross-legged, pulling out a flute from their backpack. They play a ditty before their match, impressing those at ringside. The referee orders them down and for everyone to dispose of their belongings; Leafdom is much more willing to part with their backpack than Maria is with her phone.

Leafdom vs. Maria Cappitani vs. Medina Alvarez vs. Savior Hawkins.
Four-Way Match.
Match writer: Man.

<< 00:00. >>
In the middle of the ring, Maria screams in protest that her phone was taken away, but the other three competitors in the match seem to tire of this act pretty quickly. First, Medina Alvarez catches her with a Savate Kick to the midsection, and then another to the face. This sends Cappitani into the path of Leafdom, who jumps into the air to catch her with a Dropkick to the chest. Maria does not go down yet though, but a big forearm to the face from the larger Hawkins knocks her down onto the mat.
With Cappitani incapacitated, there were just three. Hawkins, Alvarez and Leafdom each look at each other for a moment, seeing who is going to blink first. Both Alvarez and Leafdom give away a lot in terms of size to Hawkins, so they decide to team up on him. They both get in a couple of shots, until Hawkins catches Leafdom with an elbow to the side of the head. This leaves him open and available for Alvarez to lay into him with some body shots; her palms rattling his ribs. Perhaps unwisely, Alvarez attempts to hook Hawkins for a Suplex.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “You have got to respect the effort, but I don’t think that Hawkins is going to be going over for this Suplex. Here comes Leafdom to lend a hand, though!”
Whilst Alvarez is unable to Suplex Savior Hawkins on her own, she is joined by Leafdom, who takes Hawkins’s other arm. Still though, they are unable to elevate the larger man up from the mat… and Hawkins Suplexes them both at the same time! With them both down, Hawkins finds himself confronted by Maria who is back in the mix. However, he wastes no time in elevating her up into the air and dropping her down into the mat with a move which he refers to as BITTER CONSEQUENCES! With Maria laid out, Hawkins flips her onto her back, looking for a rapid victory;
Leafdom breaks up the count with a basement Dropkick to Hawkins in the head. Cappitani rolls out of the ring, reaching out feebly for her phone. Leafdom measures Hawkins as the big man rises to his feet in the middle of the ring. They turn to the corner and line Hawkins up, but Leafdom changes direction and leaps from the top to the outside… wiping out Cappitani with a Diving Cross Body! That move wows the fans, but it seems that Alvarez wishes to one-up Leafdom, as she hits Hawkins with a Springboard Moonsault!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “An impressive one-two by Leafdom and Alvarez to the woe of their fellow competitors. Alvarez off the Moonsault into the cover;”
Leafdom slides back into the ring, initially wanting to break the count but is saved from being required to do so by Hawkins kicking out. Alvarez stands back up, and the two look at one another. Both have the same idea and charge in, looking for Running Dropkicks, but they collide in the air! All four competitors are down with the fans impressed by what they are seeing from the new wave of talent here in the FWA.
<< 05:43. >>
Savior Hawkins is the one in control, keeping all three of his opponents at bay in separate corners. He charges across and collides into Leafdom, before doing the same to Medina Alvarez. Maria is in her corner and shouting about her phone once again… but Hawkins charges in and ploughs his boot into her face with the SINNER’s DREAM!! This causes her to drop to the mat limply, and Hawkins makes the cover;
It is broken up just in time by Alvarez, who lines the rising Hawkins up and cracks him on the jaw with a Crescent Kick! Cappitani rolls out of the ring once more. Hawkins stumbles back and sits against the ropes. Leafdom gives Medina a quick call to move out of the way, and they run in… Senton to Hawkins against the ropes! This knocks Hawkins down onto his side and he too falls under the bottom rope and out. This time Alvarez does not offer Leafdom the luxury of standing up to face her. Immediately, she connects with a series of stiff kicks to Leafdom’s legs as they try to rise to their feet.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It seems like it may just boil down to Medina Alvarez and Leafdom. Leafdom has impressed with some of those high flying moves and their agility; Alvarez could be looking to reduce the arsenal here. If Leadfom can’t walk they can’t fly!”
Leafdom manages to absorb the harsh kicks, and get back to their feet with the assistance of the ropes. Their venture leads them to the corner, where Medina runs up the ropes and attempts to take them down with a Tornado DDT. However, with great leg strength and determination, Leafdom blocks the attempt. They place Alvarez down on the mat on her feet, and connect with a Superkick! The damage caused by Medina’s kicks begins to tell, with Leafdom’s leg buckling after they caught her on the jaw.
They slap their thigh in an attempt to bring it back to life, and they turn their attention to the corner once more as Medina is down on the mat. Leafdom steadies themselves on the top rope… as they do so though, there is a brief shot of an interested-looking group watching on backstage.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Doug, Dan and Lucy LuPone? The Lumberjacks seem to be pretty invested in Leafdom here… with Ctrl Alt Repeat taking an interest as well from what we saw before this match…”
Back to Leafdom… LEAP OF FAITH ELBOW… NOBODY HOME!!! Alvarez had been yanked out of the way by Maria Cappitani! More importantly, Maria has located her phone and she recorded herself causing Leafdom to crash and burn on the mat. Leafdom’s body convulses on the mat, the impact of the fall seemingly taking them out of the match.
Maria brings Medina up from the mat and attempts to take a selfie with her in a dazed state, but drops her to take a spot in the corner. Cappitani charges in, looking for a knee strike, but Alvarez transitions it into the VALLARTA VORTEX!! The combination ending in a Neckbreaker wows the crowd, and Medina goes for the cover;
Winner: Medina Alvarez via pin fall at 8:21.
Leafdom was very close to breaking it up, but the damage sustained from the missed elbow drop came back to bite them. The winner rises to her feet from the successful pin and holds her jaw as her arm is raised by the official.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Here s your winner… MEDINA ALVAREZ!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “An impressive performance in there by Medina Alvarez, with Leafdom being a standout in particular, too. One has to wonder what is going to be next for these competitors, as they look to carve their own paths here in the treacherous waters of the FWA.”
Alvarez leaves the ring and shares a nod with Leafdom as she does so; a bit of respect formed between the two of them.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The next contest is set for one fall with a twenty-minute-time-limit!”
The crowd begins to boo as the music plays and Ctrl Alt Repeat make their way out while being led by El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck. El Hijo walks with his men and taunts some of the fans, one in particular he offers a handshake but then he lightly slaps the fan’s hand away and continues the walk to the ring with his team.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing first, being accompanied by El Hijo de Garbage Von Truck… weighing in at a combined weight of 363 lb…the team of Sir Marmaduke Whistle and Kenji Marufuji…Ctrl Alt Repeat!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m still not quite sure what to make of this team, wrestling fans, but they did manage to score their first ever win in FWA at ‘A Very Crossfire Christmas’ over The Bad Boys Band. I’m sure they’ll be looking to continue their winning ways, but this time they’re facing a more established duo.”
The crowd’s mood changes to cheers as the familiar song plays, and The Undisputed Alliance make their way out. As usual, Jackson Fenix postures for the fans while Nate Savage remains stoic on the stage. Soon they’re joined by their mascot Bubbles the Clown, much to the dismay of Nate Savage, but Fenix hops on Bubbles’ back and takes a ride down to the ring.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Their opponents, being accompanied by Bubbles the Clown…weighing in at a combined weight of 476 lb…the team of Nasty Nate Savage and The Sin City Bad Boy Jackson Fenix…The Undisputed Alliance!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Fenix and Savage are coming off of a tough loss at Winter Wasteland where along with Xperienx Silenx they were unsuccessful in capturing trios gold. Now, they’re starting off 2024 by dipping their toes back into the tag team division and they’re surely hoping to kick off the new year right with a win.”
Savage and Fenix are unsure of what to make of Sir Marmaduke Whistle and Kenji Marufuji, but eventually Savage opts to start for their team while Marmaduke Whistle will start for CAR while El Hijo loudly berates referee Joey Ortiz for some reason, but Ortiz isn’t having it, waves him off, and calls for the bell.

THIRD MATCH || 1/20.
Ctrl Alt Repeat (Kenji Marufuji and Sir Marmaduke Whistle) vs. the Undisputed Alliance (Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage).
Tag Team Match.
Match writer: Jimmy.

<< 00:00. >>
Nate and Whistle engage in a lock up with Nate backing Whistle against the ropes, and Whistle is ordering the official to get Savage to back away. Nate obliges the referee’s request and the split second that Oritz turns a blind eye, Whistle pokes Nate in the eyes! Nate is temporarily blinded and Whistle drills Nate with a few forearm strikes before taking him down with an arm drag. Whistle claps for himself but in return he’s greeted with booing from the crowd. Whistle slaps Nate around on the head as he picks him up in a front facelock, but Nate fights back with a headbutt that stuns Whistle! Savage strikes with another headbutt and Whistle is knocked back a few steps, and Savage strikes with a kitchen sink to Whistle! Savage backs up near the ropes and nearly tripped up by El Hijo on the outside…
El Hijo seems rather proud of himself while Nate reaches over the ropes to grab at him but El Hijo backs away right into Bubble the Clown, who honks his horn at El Hijo and Hijo scatters away. Savage shakes his head but in the midst of all that there was a tag made to Marufuji and Marufuji drills Savage from behind…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It may not have appeared so at first, but El Hijo’s distraction has paid off now for Kenji Marufuji who is on the attack on Savage…”
Marufuji sends Savage toward the ropes and nails him with a dropkick on the return! Marufuji brings Savage up in a front facelock and drags him toward his corner where he tags a hesitant Whistle back in. The two men double team Savage with a barrage of stomps and kicks to Savage who is cornered. Marufuji tags back in to become the legal man again and he drags Savage away from the corner and looks to send him to the opposite corner, but Savage counters with his own irish whip that sends Marufuji to the corner and Savage wastes no time crushing Marufuji with a running corner splash! Marufuji is slumped down now in a prone position…corner cannonball senton from Savage who makes the pin…
<< 04:56. >>
The tag is made to Jackson Fenix and Fenix has dragged Marufuji out of the corner and goes for a snap suplex, but Marufuji flips out behind him and counters with a roll-up on Fenix…
Fenix rolls through and he’s quickly back on his feet and avoids a clothesline from Marufuji, and Fenix has Marufuji locked up from behind in a rear waistlock. Fenix has Marufuji set up for the Double Shot, but Marufuji spins out of it and behind Fenix where he nails him with a dropkick to the back that knocks Fenix forward into the ropes. Fenix manages to shake that off and turns around right into an enziguri from Marufuji! Fenix is staggered and Marufuji sends him to the mat with a hurricanrana! Fenix crawls to the ropes in hopes to help himself to his feet but El Hijo is right there to slap him across the face while the referee’s back is turned. Once again, Bubbles the Clown scares off El Hijo with his horn, but the damage is done. Marufuji has Fenix’s neck against the middle rope and starts to choke him with it while the referee’s back is turned again, this time focused on the happenings of El Hijo and Bubbles.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Once again El Hijo has helped his team gain the upper hand, but to be fair, Bubbles the Clown is not doing Fenix any favors there as well. Regardless, Joey Ortiz has had his hands full with one so far.”
<< 07:52 >>
Marafuji has Fenix in the corner and tags Whistle back into the match. The two perform another double team of stomps and kicks in the corner, but this time Ortiz breaks it up. Whistle drags Fenix out of the corner but then suddenly he points at nothing particular and tells Ortiz to look, and while Ortiz is uncertain he still looks, and Whistle goes for another eye poke but Fenix blocks it and drills Whistle with a forearm strike and with Whistle stunned, Fenix runs the ropes and comes back with a sling blade! Whistle stumbles back to his feet while Fenix is waiting for him and a spinning heel kick from Fenix stuns Whistle, and Fenix spins him around…snap dragon suplex…bicycle knee strike…Double Shot! Fenix with the pin…
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Fenix has picked up some steam now but Sir Marmaduke Whistle stays alive in this.”
Fenix tags in Savage, who comes in hot just as Whistle made the tag to Marufuji, and Savage takes Marufuji down with a clothesline! Marufuji kips back up though but he’s taken down with a spinning back fist from Savage! Savage is feeling it now and he hits the ropes and goes for a jumping seated senton but hits the mat after Marufuji moves out of the way in time! Marufuji positions himself while Nate is getting to his feet…Daybreak! Marufuji then tags in Whistle, who heads up to the top rope…Loaded Bases! Diving headbutt on Savage and Whistle is in for the cover…
Somehow, some way, Nate Savage stays in this match! Whistle can’t believe it and he goes to pick up Nate, but Nate counters with a jawbreaker that stuns Whistle, who stumbles back into his corner where Marufuji tags himself in…
<< 11:46. >>
Fenix is tagged in now and ducks a clothesline from Marufuji…sling blade! Marufuji is slowly rising up to one knee…shining wizard!
El Hijo is up on the apron now and starts shouting at anyone that will listen to him, and referee Ortiz does his best regain some order, but this distraction leads to Whistle entering the match and he drills Fenix from behind…but Savage joins the fray and takes down Whistle with a tackle and starts pummeling him until Whistle is disposed of on the outside…Savage sees El Hijo still on the apron and knocks him off with a clothesline!
Savage is then clipped from behind by Marufuji and Savage goes down. Marufuji lays into him with some stomps, much to the dismay of the crowd. Marufuji then turns around where Fenix is waiting for him…Superkick Me Baby One More Time! Marufuji is stunned and Fenix lifts him up…Sin City Hangover!
Winner: The Undisputed Alliance via pinfall at 13:44.
Natalie Rosenberg: “The winners of the match, The Undisputed Alliance!”
Fenix assists Savage to his feet and they relish in their win together before exiting the ring. Back in the ring Whistle tends Marufuji while El Hijo berates the referee.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “What better to kick off the new year with a win for Fenix and Savage! Ctrl Alt Repeat held their own though and showed they can hang with the best of the best in the tag team division.”
“Moving on though, our next scheduled match will not be taking place this evening due to unforeseen circumstances. XYZ was supposed to face the FWA TV Champion, Brooklyn Steiner, but XYZ never arrived at the building today so by forfeit Steiner will get the win. XYZ’s whereabouts remain unknown but as soon as there is an update I’ll be sure to notify you all, but the show must go on so stay tuned for more action on the way wrestling fans!”

Kleio De Santos is seen in the backstage lounge with none other than the manager of The Coven, Grandma Ethel. The rest of The Coven is nowhere to be seen. Grandma is relaxing in an armchair in the lounge with Family Feud playing in the background on the Game Show Network.
Kleio is not dressed to compete, and neither is Grandma Ethel who is in her bathrobe and slippers.
Kleio looks over at Grandma, and Ethel senses her frustrations.
Grandma Ethel: Something bothering you dearie?
Kleio De Santos: Oh Ethel, I don't know if it's worth bringing up...it's something that should've been buried long ago.
Grandma Ethel: Burying it never helps.
Kleio De Santos: It's just an old bone. It is buried, really...
Grandma Ethel: Clearly. Just tell Grandma what's wrong.
Kleio lets out a sigh
Kleio De Santos: XYZ.
Grandma Ethel's face turns into more of an "oh shit here we go again" look.
Kleio De Santos: No, see...forget I said anything.
Grandma Ethel: No, no I'm sorry. Go ahead.
Kleio De Santos: It's just...how many chances are they going to keep giving him Ethel? Steiner got lucky over me. That stupid barber got in the way, and it costed me the match. Now instead of a rematch, what? XYZ just gets thrown into the TV title picture instead? Why? Because he's whimsical I guess? I'm over the interview thing. We fought at Back in Business, it was settled. And Steiner? It is what it is...I lost my title. I did what I wanted to do, I won a title and I successfully defended it. But, I also think...there's better options out there Ethel. I mean, Trixie would've been great! But instead, let's give it to XYZ the guy who's team couldn't even cut it in the Trios tournament.
It is what it is I suppose.
To be honest with you...I'm rooting for him. I don't even like Steiner so much. Just something about a guy going around calling himself a king...gives me bad vibes.
Grandma Ethel: He is definitely a yoyo.
Kleio then gets up off the coach and turns to the camera.
Kleio De Santos: XYZ...look, I want you know something....I'm watching. Don't be like the Buffalo Bills. I wanted the Buffalo Bills to beat the Kansas City Chiefs and avenge my Miami Dolphins. But instead, they choked. They choked like they always do. I know you don't care what I think, but I'm going to say it anyway...this is your last chance to prove yourself. Because if you choke here, against Steiner...I think I'll have lost all respect for you.
With that Kleio leaves the lounge.
The camera zooms in on Ethel who has fallen asleep in her chair, Family Feud still playing in the background.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, your next match is a tag-team match set for ONE FALL! Introducing first, the FWA X-Champion, Tommy Bedlam, “The Showman,” Chris Crowe, DEAAAAATHSWITCH!”
Tommy Bedlam and Chris Crowe appear at the top of the ramp, much to the delight of the capacity crowd. They walk to opposite sides of the stage and raise their arms in the air before meeting back at the center and fist-bumping. The camera pans in close at the men yell “FLIP THE SWITCH” in perfect unison.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Deathswitch has seemed a bit out of sync as of late. It’ll be interesting to see if they can overcome those hurdles against a team we haven’t seen on FWA television in quite some time. A team, I might add, that includes a former tag-team champion.
Bedlam and Crowe climb into the ring as each man climbs up onto a middle turnbuckle and raises his arms into the air. They climb down and look at the ramp, waiting for their opponents.
Natalie Rosenberg: “And their opponents, “The Crimson Ghost” Aka Yurei, “The Mistress in Blue” Keiko Hirabayashi, AKAAAA MANTOOOOOOOOOOOO!”
Aka and Keiko appear at the top of the ramp as the lights in the arena begin to flash on and off in perfect time with the beat of the music. They both walk toward the ring slowly, as if they’re stalking the members of Deathswitch.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It’s been a while since we’ve seen Aka Manto. It’ll be interesting to see if there’s any ring rust here. They certainly look ready, and it could be argued that they’re catching Deathswitch at a time when both men are focused on other pursuits.”
Aka slides under the bottom rope and into the ring as Keiko climbs through the ropes. Neither of them ever take their eyes off Crowe and Bedlam. The lights in the arena finally return to normal as the music fades, revealing that the members of Aka Manto have somehow slipped behind Deathswitch in a clear effort to play some mind games with their opponents.
The official, who also didn’t notice the move directs both teams to their corners and prepares to get this one underway!

Deathswitch (Tommy Bedlam and Chris Crowe) vs. Aka Manto (Aka Yurei and Keiko Hirabayashi).
Tag Team Match.
Match writer: Tommy.

<< 00:00. >>
Chris Crowe and Aka Yurei start this one out in the ring, and Aka quickly looks for an opportunity to use her speed. She charges across the ring toward “The Showman” and attempts a jumping knee strike. Crowe ducks out of the way, but Yurei catches herself on the ropes. She charges in again and goes for a hip attack, but once again, Crowe is a step faster, managing to side step her. She catches herself again, let’s out a scream, and charges toward her larger opponent. She doesn’t miss this time! Yurei plants a dropkick into Crowe’s left knee that drops “The Showman” to the ground.
Jean-Luc Watkins: I wasn’t sure that Aka Yurei should keep going back to that well, but it worked. She’s got Crowe on the ground, but she needs to capitalize.
Instead of immediately jumping on her fallen opponent, Aka makes a quick tag to her partner, Keiko Hirabayashi who jumps into the ring. She quickly clamps Crowe down with some textbook headscissors, allowing Aka to climb to the middle turnbuckle and drive a diving fistdrop into Crowe’s solar plexus.
This is enough to bring Tommy Bedlam off the apron, and things are quickly breaking down in this one. Bedlam runs across the ring and hits Yurei with a clothesline that takes both of them over the top rope. The referee is quickly losing control of this one, as Keiko has released Crowe from the headscissors and hits him with a DDT. Meanwhile, Tommy Bedlam and Aka Yurei are battling it out on the outside of the ring. Bedlam whips Yurei into the ring steps and she lands with a sickening thud.
The official is trying to watch everything that’s going on, but it’s too fast-paced and too action-packed. Yurei hits Bedlam in the stomach with a kick as he closes in on her, staggering “The Cowboy.” With Crowe still down from the DDT, Keiko ascends the ropes and goes airborne with a diving leg drop. But Crowe rolls out of the way! Keiko hits the mat, and both competitors are down.
They both crawl toward their respective corners, but their partners are still battling it out on the outside.
Bedlam manages to get back to the apron first and extend a hand. Crowe gets the tag and Bedlam is in! Just as he grabs Keiko by the heel, she slaps the outstretched hand of Aka.
<< 05:01. >>
Tommy has had most of the offense since he and Aka resumed their brawl, this time, legally, inside the ring. Tommy pins Aka into the turnbuckle, pressing his massive boot against her head and neck as the official begins to count.
Tommy breaks the hold.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Bedlam really pushed that one to the limit there.”
Tommy backs away from the corner and as Aka begins to stagger out, struggling to catch her breath, he charges in and hits a brutal spinning back elbow that almost decapitates her! Tommy goes for a quick pin attempt.
NO! Aka Yurei kicks out.
Tommy grabs her by the shoulders and slams the back of her head into the mat repeatedly and goes for another pin.
Tommy looks like he’s starting to get frustrated. He grabs one of her ankles and drags her lifeless body across the ring toward his corner and makes a tag to Chris Crowe. Tommy props Aka Yurei up against the bottom rope and holds her in place long enough for Chris to charge in and hit a corner canonball!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “That has to be it! Aka may be out cold here.”
Now it’s Crowe’s turn to go for a quick cover. He pins Aka Yurei, while burying a forearm in her face.
NO! Aka, perhaps out of desperation, perhaps out of pure instinct drapes her foot over the bottom rope. This one’s going to continue.
<< 08:35. >>
Aka Yurei has made a much-needed tag to Keikio Hirabayashi, and she has hit the ring like a bat out of hell. She charges across the ring and lands a forearm shot that knocks Tommy Bedlam from the apron. With Crowe on the ground following a textbook drop toe hold, Keiko bounces off the ropes and lands a leg drop. She quickly pops back up to her feet and hits another. Finally, she lands a third leg drop across the neck of Chris Crowe, going for them in rapid succession.
She goes for a quick pin.
CROWE KICKS OUT! In fact, he kicks out with such ferocity that he launches Keiko into the air and she comes crashing down to the mat.
With the shift in momentum, Chris Crowe goes on the offensive and begins pummeling Keiko on the mat. He hits her with a series of punches, and when the official finally gets him to stop using the closed fist, he begins delivering forearm shots to her head and knees to her abdomen and midsection.
Crowe saunters toward his own corner and makes a tag to Bedlam. The two whisper something to one another as Crowe picks up Aka Yurei from the mat. She seems to be out on her feet. Tommy charges in and nails her with a spear that knocks her across the ring!
Jean-Luc Watkins: “There have been some communication issues between Bedlam and Crowe as of late, but that doesn’t seem to be the case tonight. They’re operating like a well-oiled machine.”
Keiko bounds into the ring, catching both members of Deathswitch off guard. When Aka went across the ring after the spear, Keiko managed to get a blind tag. She chop blocks Tommy Bedlam, bringing him to the ground. By the time Chris Crowe realizes what’s happening, she’s hit with him a hurricanrana, flipping him out of the ring and onto the floor.
As she gets back to her feet, she charges toward Bedlam once again. She launches herself toward him, but he smacks her out of the air, sending her crashing to the mat. Meanwhile, Aka Yurei is back to her feet, but as she bounds across the ring, Chris Crowe catches her, pops her up into the air, and delivers a brutal sit-out powerbomb.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “I hope the official knows who’s legal in this one. I think it’s Keiko and Bedlam, but I wouldn’t swear to it.”
It looks like that’s the case as the official tries desperately to direct Aka and Crowe out of the ring.
Tommy picks Keiko up from the mat, throws her head under his arm, hooks her arms behind her back, and he hits it! He hits The Bullseye! Simultaneously, Chris Crowe grabs Aka and hits her with The Closing Act! Crowe rolls Aka out of the ring and slides out under the bottom rope. Tommy hooks the leg.
Winner: Deathswitch via pinfall at 13:44.
Tommy rises from the pin with his arms in the air and he bumps fists with Crowe as Keiko rolls out of the ring to join Aka. Bedlam is handed his championship and Deathswitch have their arms raised by the official.
Natalie Rosenberg: “Here are your winners… DEATHSWITCH!!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: Deathswitch wins, spoiling the return of Aka Manto to FWA television, but what a match that was!
The celebrations continue for the victors, but the arena is suddenly plunged into darkness, save for a video which has appeared on the large screen. Crowe and Bedlam turn their attention to the screen in confusion.
In what seems like some sort of supply closet or other small room, two figures stand in the background before walking closer to the lens. The one on the left has a black mask covering their face, but are easily identifiable by the scarring on their chest bearing the company’s name - ‘FWA’. Next to him is another man, his eyes heavy and sullen, as if he has not slept in days. He also has lettered scarring on his chest, but this reads ‘FTN’.
They are of course, former FWA World Tag Team Champions and both former FWA World Champions in their own right; Alyster Black and Chris Peacock, collectively known as FTN.
Alyster Black: “There’s been a lot of shit slung about in the last few months about me and this man here. I don’t need to get into why, because everyone running their mouths knows why. We piss people off because of how successful we have been. It pisses people off that two guys can just be friends without strings attached or thoughts of stabbing each other in the back every five minutes.
“See, Chris and I are a team. A lot of you don’t like it, and some of you probably don’t think it's fair. But if you think we give a fuck, you’ve not been paying any attention. The fucksticks that run this company double booked us for months until they did what they set out to do; break us. They broke us. They put us in our place.”
Peacock quietly seethes as Black continues to talk to the camera.
Alyster Black: “Well, we don’t like people trying to put us in our place. We’re… we… we’re stronger than that! Its going to take a whole lot fucking more than a bunch of devastating, BULLSHIT LOSSES to keep us down!”
With every word Alyster speaks, it becomes more and more apparent that not even he is believing what he is saying. Peacock speaks up next, but he avoids looking directly into the camera.
Chris Peacock: “It’s easy… to say that we’re just blaming others for our own deficiencies. The thing is, we’re not. We’re being fucked over. This company has put us in impossible situation after impossible situation and now we’re the bad guys? When all we’ve wanted to do is just go out there and enjoy ourselves?
“Are people in this company that jealous of us? The only way we fucking lose is when we’ve been booked twice in a night, people interfering to fuck us out of a match or someone fucks with my car so I don’t make it to the arena on time. At Winter Wasteland, all three of those things happened.
“So guess what, fuckers? We’re just going to try even harder. We’re going to piss more people off. But we’re going to do it whilst winning matches. We’re forcing ourselves back into the discussion for those tag titles. So whether it is that c**t Marshall or that BITCH Kenny or Crowe and my old friend Randy, we’re taking them back.”
Alyster Black: “So, in order to prove ourselves, we need to have Chris here double-booked AGAIN. We’re just going to suck it up though, because it will be worth it when we’re back on top. You thought we were unbearable before? You thought we were juvenile before? We’re just getting fucking started.
“And we’re starting with a challenge. If this fucked company is going to make our lives hard enough, we might as well do it to ourselves. We want the best we can get. Fallout 038 in wherever the fuck we’re going to be…
“We want you, Deathswitch.”
Chris Peacock: “See you then, boys.”
The video ends with Peacock slapping the camera away and the lights return to normal. Crowe and Bedlam look at each other and share a brief nod.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The tag team division is really beginning to heat up… and I don’t know how this version of FTN is going to fare, but Deathswitch have accepted the challenge it seems!”

The locker room is filled with the lingering energy of a victorious match. Brooklyn Steiner, sweat glistening on his forehead, stands tall after a triumphant victory over XYZ in his first match of 2024. The room is dimly lit, and the sound of distant cheers and applause can still be heard.
Steiner, the epitome of resilience, begins to undress, revealing the chiseled physique that earned him the title of The Workhorse. He carefully takes off his wrestling gear and reaches for a navy blue tailored suit, the fabric crisp and well-tailored. As he slides into the suit with practiced ease, the atmosphere shifts from the chaos of the ring to the composed calm of a man in control.
The golden-brown leather duffle bag, worn with pride, awaits its contents. Steiner meticulously places his Rolex watch around his wrist, a symbol of both precision and hard-earned success. The weight of the TV championship belt slung over his shoulder is a reminder of his dedication and relentless work ethic.
The room carries a sense of routine for Steiner, a man accustomed to the grind of the wrestling world. He methodically packs his bag, each item finding its place with a sense of purpose. The victory, for The Workhorse, is just another day at the office.
As he heads towards the exit of the locker room, the door slightly ajar, he pauses. A mysterious figure stands in his way, an enigmatic presence casting a shadow on Steiner's path. As they get a little bit closer, they clearly have a female frame and are holding an unlit cigarette in their right hand and as the light improves they are wearing a weasel mask on their head. The figure looks towards them, but doesn’t say a word. Steiner, not in the mood for this as he wants to leave see’s that this figure has a cigarette in figure's hand as he smirks.
Brooklyn Steiner: “Smoking, the second stupidest thing a person can do other than stand in my way, and stand in my way with a weasel mask on. I swear this place needs to grow up… who are you and what do you want from me?“
The person takes out what looks like a phone and presses a few buttons on it, as ‘Authentic Pyrrhic Remission’ by of Montreal (the established theme of weaselperson) starts to play. The figure pockets the secret towards Brooklyn and raises the phone up towards him, but still doesn’t break their silence. Their build is similar to that of Michelle Von Horrowitz, although it is unclear why MVH would be blocking Steiner’s path.
Brooklyn Steiner: “MvH, Not sure if that's you, but other than stealing a spot in the F1, you are also stealing my time….”
Steiner readjusts the FWA TV title as he folds the straps on it and holds it in his hands. Steiner goes to walk past the figure in the weasel mask but the figure remains in his way and Steiner sucks his teeth as he really isn’t in a mood to fight. The figure removes their mask, and rather than revealing the blonde hair of Von Horowitz for the second time in as many show cycles the person underneath the weaselperson mask is Madison Gray.
Madison Gray: “Let me know, pretty boy. Did I almost have you?”
Gray, one of the youngest and most inexperienced members of the roster, replaces the mask inside her jacket and offers half a smile, but is still very much blocking Steiner’s path. Brooklyn sighs and then chuckles.
Brooklyn Steiner: “If it isn’t the first person in line to challenge for my TV title.”
Steiner takes the title and adjusts it over his shoulder as it drapes over it. Steiner offers his hand to Madison.
Brooklyn Steiner: ”Congratulations on the huge win.”
Madison shrugs.
Madison Gray: “If you think beating Sawyer was a huge win, then I think I am starting to understand that your sense of reality might not be all there. It is fine though, I’m sure a pretty boy like you has been slapped around the head a few too many times.”
Madison rolled up the sleeves of her jacket to her elbow, and then reached into her pocket and pulled out a strip of gum and placed it into her mouth. She then reached back into her pocket and offered Steiner a Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit. The fluorescent yellow packaging just resting delicately in between her fingers.
Madison Gray: “Fancy a stick?”
Steiner takes a piece of gum from Madison but instead of chewing it puts it in his own pocket as he plans to enjoy it later. He stares at Madison with a look of confusion as he tries to make sense of this encounter but it seems like Steiner who has been here for a couple months has yet to come to terms that weirdness just lingers around every corner of FWA.
Brooklyn Steiner: ”Never said beating Sawyer was a huge win, I meant that was a huge win as it brought you to me. If one thing for certain, there aren't much bigger names here in FWA than me. Now you stand here as my first challenger, and, you know, I don't have much time for this but since you are here in my face. The motto with me will always be the same, all this chatter and nonsense, doesn’t change the fact that the bell will ring and you will be my opponent, so, I wish you the best till then, because once we get to the title match, I’m coming for your head.”
Madison smiled.
Madison Gray: “You know you aren’t as tough in person as you come across on the telly. You are actually sort of cute. I know we are meant to have this back and forth between us before we compete for that belt hanging off your shoulder, but before then do you fancy doing something a bit different? Perhaps go back to my hotel room or yours, and have our own private wrestling match.”
Madison giggles to herself before staring directly into Brooklyn’s eyes.
Madison Gray: “Neither of us might have been invited to take part in the F1, but that doesn't mean we can’t have our own climax tournament if you know what I mean.”
Steiner looks Gray up and down and places his hand on his chin trying to make sense of this before realizing what the obvious is.
Brooklyn Steiner: ”Mind games huh? Trying to get into my head, by trying to get into… never mind. Can’t throw me off my game that easily. Nice try.”
Steiner smirks at the words from Gray.
Brooklyn Steiner: ”You called me cute? You must know that vanity is my absolutely favorite sin. But word from the wise, anything that is easy, isn’t worth having.”
Steiner takes the stick of gum that he got from Madison and places it in his mouth.
Brooklyn Steiner: ”I was going to save it for later, but I changed my mind.”
Madison smiles and steps a little bit closer so there are only a few inches between the two of them,
Madison Gray: “I honestly take it as a compliment that you thought I was trying to get into your head. I was just looking to pass the time before we travel to Tokyo.”
Madison leans in and whispers into Brooklyn’s ear.
Madison Gray: “But now you know what I taste like, so why don’t we give each other a kiss good luck and that if you change your mind feel free to slide into my DMS. Or not. Maybe I am too good looking for you, and I’ve made you nervous. The ball is in your court Big Daddy Steiner!”
Steiner whispers back into the ear of Madison.
Brooklyn Steiner: ”Little frisky, aren’t we. But, I'm not interested. I have a training session in the morning. Excuse me. See you in Tokyo, I guess.”
Steiner strides away, deflecting Madison's advances, his focus unwavering on the disciplined routine that propelled him to become the FWA TV champion. Madison just smiles as she turns the other way, as the camera zooms in on the back of her leather jacket which has the sown in insignia of ‘The Weasel & The Lioness’ on the back as she start to whistle the tune of Steiner’s theme tune just loud enough for Brooklyn to hear.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, this next bout is set for ONE FALL! Introducing first, making his way to the ring, hailing from Ciudad de las Sambras, La Sombra Filoooooooosaaaaaaaaaa!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “This next one promises to be an exciting bout between two newcomers to FWA with very different styles. La Sombra brings a wealth of lucha libre experience, and his opponent, Colby Sol, has an amateur boxing background.”
La Sombra makes his way into the ring and leans into the corner, laser-focused on the entrance ramp as he waits for his opponent.
Natalie Rosenberg: “And his opponent, hailing from “The City of Champions,” Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Cooooolby Sooooooooooool.”
Colby Sol stomps toward the ring, loosening up his arms by throwing some punches into the air. He steps through the middle ropes and marches straight toward his opponent. The official gets between the two men, directs Sol toward the opposite corner, and signals for the bell.

FIFTH MATCH || 1/20.
Colby Sol vs. La Sombra Filosa.
Singles Match.
Match writer: Tommy.

<< 00:00. >>
The two men immediately head toward the middle of the ring. Sol quickly begins trying to land some quick jabs while La Sombra starts quickly working his feet, trying to land some kicks to the lower body of his opponent.
It’s La Sombra who strikes first, unleashing a flurry of kicks that find their mark, namely into Colby Sol’s ribs and stomach.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “It’s La Sombra who strikes first, unleashing a series of kicks designed to chop his opponent down. If La Sombra can get Sol on the mat, I expect that we’ll see some high-risk maneuvers from there.”[/color]
Colby Sol drops to a knee trying to get his breath as La Sombra unleashes a series of knife-edge chops, and Sol is wobbling! A spinning backkick finds its mark, and Sol is quickly down on all fours. La Sombra quickly bounces hops up, bounces off the middle rope, and lands a beautiful summersault across the back of Colby Sol, driving him into the mat. He rolls him over, grabs the far leg, and goes for the pin.
NO! Colby Sol kicks out!
<< 04:11. >>
After rolling out of the ring to create some space between himself and La Sombra, Colby Sol is looking for the upper hand. He drives La Sombra into the security barrier at ringside and quickly begins throwing a series of rapid-fire punches into La Sombra’s ribs, finally landing a sickening kidney shot that drives La Sombra to the floor.
Sol quickly scoops La Sombra up from the floor and hits a vicious T-Bone Suplex on the outside of the ring. Sol rolls into the ring and back out to break the referee’s count.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Sol is just using some raw power here. Those protective mats around the ring are not thick, folks. There was just a couple of inches of padding between La Sombra’s back and the concrete floor.”
Sol goes quickly back to the offense and stars delivering a series of kicks and stomps to La Sombra’s head and chest. He drags La Sombra over the steel ring steps, walks back a few feet, and charges in with a boot, crushing La Sombra’s head between his boot and the steel ring steps!
Colby Sol rolls La Sombra into the ring and quickly goes for the pin.
Colby Sol’s foot is under the bottom rope! The referee notices it and stops the count. La Sombra is still alive in this one.
Jean-Luc Wakins: “Some things only come by experience, and that may have been one of them. La Sombra is still in this one because Colby Sol’s bottom foot was under the bottom rope. Great catch by the official.”
<< 06:51. >>
Both men have returned to a vertical base and are swinging wildly at one another. Colby Sol manages to land some punches, but La Sombra uses his speed and agility to deliver a quick kick to the sternum that drives Sol into the ropes. He bounces off and is met with another kick, this one to the head. Sol is staggered. La Sombra takes a few steps away and charges toward his opponent and connects with a massive European uppercut. Colby Sol hits the mat.
La Sombra sees an opportunity to use some of his high-flying ability and drags himself to the top turnbuckle, still obviously dazed by the amount of punishment that he’s endured. This hesitation is exactly what Colby Sol needs.
La Sombra hurls himself through the air, but Colby Sol gets a boot up, planting it squarely into the jaw of La Sombra! La Sombra staggers backward and is draped over the top rope on the nearside of the ring.
Colby Sol grabs La Sombra by the back of the mask and forces him downward.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Colby Sol may be going for it here. He calls this move the Sol Reaper.”
Sol flips La Sombra into the air and hits the Sol Reaper, a power bomb into a single-knee lungblower! Sol hooks the far leg, glances back to make sure he’s nowhere near the ropes himself, and the official makes the count.
Winner: Colby Sol via pinfall at 9:22.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Two more of Jon Russnow’s newest acquisitions have put on an incredible bout here folks, but it’s Colby Sol who comes away with the big win!”
Standing in the ring, Colby Sol looks up at a sign high up in the rafters advertising 2024’s King of the Deathmatch III. He raises an eyebrow and smiles to himself as he climbs out of the ring. We fade to black.

The live footage from Fallout pauses as the broadcast -- in sync with the video screen in the venue -- shows a cloudy, gray sky. As the camera pans lower, a red and green Mexico flag waves high in the air, standing some 50 feet above the bustling streets of Mexico City, the capital of Mexico.
A text label in the top-right corner of the broadcast reads, "EARLIER TODAY", and as it disappears, a school bus pops in from the right side of the screen, rumbling along a major highway in the metropolitan. It's not just any school bus, though. This is the infamous Magic School Bus, with the chipped paint and the black smoke travailing from the exhaust pipe.
Steering the Magic School Bus from lane to lane is the weary-eyed XYZ, whose eyes are more red than we've ever seen before. Frank, his compadre that closely resembles XYZ's fallen friend Big Al in height, weight, and ethnicity, approaches.
"X ..."
The deep voice startles XYZ, who may have been in a daydream daze.
"You haven't slept since Thursday. You drove through the night. And you couldn't even fly the bus like usual due to the maintenance issues. So you had to actually drive ... like ... through traffic and on roads. Maybe it's time to take a break and let som..."
"We're almost here. We didn't skip out of Fallout for nothing."
A few things are apparent from this brief interaction. First, XYZ drove through the night, so he's sleep-deprived. Second, Frank and the rest of The Menage just woke up, as they're all wearing comfortable pajama pants. Frank's has hot wings on them. Sierra's has "It's Britney, Bitch" text on the buttcheeks. Lizzy's has pictures of the planets in the Milky Way galaxy. Christian Howard's pajama pants are plain gray with no other design elements.
Third, it's apparent that the Magic School Bus no longer can fly. Why? Unclear at this time.
Lastly, it's apparent they are skipping Fallout, even though XYZ has a match with the TV Champion Brooklyn Steiner.
"X, you should listen to Frank. You're missing a big opportunity against the TV champ to chase him down all the way in Mexico. Last thing you want to do is get into a wr..."
Christian's voice tails off as he and everyone else are flung sideways into rows of seats on the right side of the bus. XYZ swerves to avoid a major accident at an intersection, pulling the bus to the left and having it hydroplane on the right-side wheels. As the bus bounces back to its proper position, XYZ takes one deep breath.
"It should be just up ahead."
"What's up ahead?"
"The park."
"This feels creepy," says Christian.
"Because it is," comments Sierra for the first time.
That was one of the first times XYZ expressed a demand -- a requirement -- of his stablemates. He seems more unhinged than ever before as he slowly pulls the bus into the park, which is filled with children and adults playing soccer. There are probably 17 different games happening, all in small sides of about 5 or 6 per team, and goals of medium size.
"Do you see him?"
"Who?" asks Frank.
"Wild Jerry."
"Ooooh. Oh, because he's Mexican, we assume he plays soccer," snarks Lizzy.
"He does. He told me. He told me he wishes he pursued a professional soccer career."
"I don't see him."
"Then we must go to the next park."
"The next park? There are probably hundreds of parks in Mexico City," Christian comments.
"No time to lose then before the next Meltdown and Fallout, is there?"

There’s a wave of boos in the arena as Thomas Prince walks out first before being joined by one half of the Birmingham-Cleveland Violence Connection, Jay Kenny trots out from the back, his face brimming with confidence with his half of the tag titles strapped around his waist.
Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is your main event of Fallout and it is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time limit with the winner becoming the number one contender to the FWA Championship! Introducing first, being accompanied to the ring by Thomas Prince… from The Warehouse… weighing in at two hundred seven pounds… he is one half of the FWA Tag Team Champions… JJJJJAAAAAAAYYYYYY KKKKKKEEEEENNNNNNNYYYYYYY!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The unlikely duo of Jay Kenny and Xavien Marshall ahe really taken the FWA by storm, including a huge title defense at Winter Wasteland and then Marshall the momentum going with another impressive win, this time over former FWA Champion Chris Peacock! Of course, that wasn’t without some involvement from this man, Jay Kenny as he… WAIT JUST A MINUTE!”
Watkins is stopped midsentence as Jay Kenny is BLINDSIDED from behind by both Chris Peacock and Alyster Black! The fans pop for the appearance of FTN as they take Kenny to the ground and Peacock begins furiously putting the boots to Kenny on the ramp.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “FTN is here! Retribution certainly seems to be in order here! Peacock got embarrassed on Meltdown at the hands of the Birmingham-Cleveland Violence Connection! Alyster Black made his return to help out his partner but now they want to return the favor!”
“COME ON BRUV! COME ON BRUV!” Alyster Black stands back, mocking Kenny as Peacock is a man possessed on the assault to Kenny on the floor.
Thomas Princeton tries to come to his nephew’s aide, but Peacock immediately gets in Princeton’s face.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “A lot of history between these two! I am not sure what Princeton is thinking confronting Peacock in his current state.”
After an exchange of heated words, Princeton demanding that Peacock stop his assault… Peacock simply responds with a SLAP! Princeton grabs his face and stumbles back while Kenny is getting back up to his feet…
But Alyster Black quickly stops that with a ONE SHOT KILL to Kenny! ”OI BRUV!” Black mocks once again as he and Peacock pull Kenny back up to his feet, bringing him back up the ramp onto the stage where Peacock points beside the stage. Black nods…
AND THEY TOSS KENNY OFF THE STAGE through a table down below! The crowd loves it as Kenny is left laying motionless in the shattered remains of the table. Peacock and Black turn and high five one another, satisfied with their handiwork, returning to the back as Thomas Princeton rushes down to check on Kenny, calling for assistance.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “What an explosive start here… the main event hasn’t even started yet but I’m not sure Jay Kenny is going to be in any condition to compete.”
Natalie Rosenberg: :”Next, making her way to the ring, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana… weighing in at one hundred twenty pounds… she is one third of the FWA Trios Champions… TTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXIIIIIEEEE!”
While the crowd still tries to get over what they just witnessed, Trixie prances out onto the stage to a positive reaction from the fans. The young woman stops to look over the side of the stage, seeming to have some concern about the well being of one her opponents tonight, as Jay Kenny is being checked on.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “The show goes on, as they say and hopefully Trixie can make it to the ring with no interruptions. The Hex Girl herself has earned herself a spot in this match thanks to the success in the trios division with The Coven but she also recently picked up a huge win against Jeffry Mason at his own game in a death match. So Trixie while you may not think it by looking at her, Trixie is not one to take lightly!”
Trixie shrugs her shoulders and continues down the ramp, high fiving the fans at ringside with a big smile on her face before climbing into the ring, clearly excited to have this opportunity tonight.
The cheers for Trixie quickly turn to boos as this music hits. “The Legend” Johnny Johnson emerges from the back, a big grin on his face as he welcomes the heat from the fans.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Yes, we are being graced by The Legend himself in this one folks… he made his not so welcome return at Winter Wasteland, going to an impressive draw with Mike Parr and then handily defeated Juan Tothrefor at Crossfire Christmas. He has a huge opportunity tonight to get himself into the title picture quickly upon his return.”
Unlike Trixie, Johnson completely ignores the fans on his way down to the ring before climbing in. He leans against the ropes nonchalantly, staring down Trixie, who to her credit remains unintimidated.
The crowd comes back alive as the former FWA World Champion, the Hall of Famer, Gabrielle Montgomery emerges from the back, with an ever determined look on her face as she greets the fans.
Natalie Rosenberg: : “And their opponent, from Auckland, New Zealand… weighing in at one hundred thirty two pounds… she is the Caramel Naiad… GGGGGGAAAAABBBBRRRRIIIIEEELLLLE MMMMMMMMMMMMMONTGGGOOOMMMEERRYYYY!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: ”Gabrielle… one of two former FWA Champions in this match, one of two former champions looking for another shot at the gold that theyve tasted before. The Hall of Famer has looked amazing since her return, including a big win over Elizabeth Rose at Winter Wasteland.”
Gabrielle eyes the commotion still going on by the stage where the medical team are helping Jay Kenny up at Thomas Princeton shouts out orders to them. Gabi shakes her head as she heads down the ramp, vivaciously climbing the steps and bending over the middle ropes, giving the fans an eyeful as she enters the ring.
While Gabi enters the ring, the fans divert their attention and give a big ovation for The Exile as he slowly walks out to the stage, surveying the stands with his hood up over his head. Much like Gabrielle, you can tell he is pumped up and ready for this match. Ready for another shot.
Natalie Rosenberg: : “And finally, making his way to the ring…. from The Long and Winding Road… weighing in at two hundred twenty seven pounds… he is “THE EXILE”.. CCCCCCYYYYYRRRRUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSS TTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRRUUUTH!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: ”Cyrus Truth also has a big chance here tonight and if we’ve seen anything about The Exile in the last year, he does not waste chances to earn a title shot. He earned on through the F1 last year… he earned another with Carnal Contendership… but unfortunately he came up short in those battles with Chris Peacock. After a tag title run with Konchu Hao, Cyrus Truth is looking to return to the FWA Championship scene once again tonight.”
Truth makes his way down the ramp, his eyes glancing to each of his opponents as he climbs into the ring.

Cyrus Truth vs. Gabrielle vs. Jay Kenny vs. Johnny Johnson vs. Trixie Bordeaux.
Match writer: Dubb.

<< 00:00. >>
The four remaining competitors in the ring each start the match off standing in one of the four corners of the ring, eyeing each other as the bell rings. There’s a bit of a standoff as they wait for someone to make the first move… until all four move in toward the center of the ring.
Except Johnny Johnson who instead puts on the breaks and dives to ringside!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "I suppose that should not surprise anyone that The Legend might try to take the cheap way out in a multi-person match…”
Gabrielle and Trixie glance to Johnson at ringside while a snarl crosses Truth’s face, not interested in letting Johnson play that game… decides to run and slide out to the ringside. ”I’m just too smart for this!” Johnson mouths off to the fans, touting his strategy… that he doesn’t see Cyrus coming up behind. Truth spins Johnson around and catches him in the mouth with an elbow to the jaw!
Watching this unfold in the ring, Gabi and Trixie shrug their shoulders and move in with a lock up with one another. The two ladies struggle back and forth in the collar and elbow tie up, neither able to get the upperhand until Gabi manages to back Trixie into the corner which breaks up the tie up and Gabi strikes with backhand chop to Trixie’s chest in the corner. Gabrielle works over Trixie in the corner some more with some chops and punches before stepping back and hitting a spinkick to the midsection. Trixie slumps down in the corner as Gabrielle backs up, plays to the crowd and then runs in with a running hip attack to the cornered Trixie!
Outside the ring, Cyrus continues to unload on The Legend as Johnson’s early match strategy had clearly not quite worked out the way he was thinking it would. Johnson does manage to block an attempt of Truth to slam him head first into the ring apron and catches Cyrus with a back elbow to create some distance. The Legend then charged at Truth only to get hit with a backdrop sending Johnson head over heels, smacking his back across the floor!
While the match is getting underway in the ring, we cut to backstage where we see Jay Kenny has been helped to the back, a FWA medic on one side and Thomas Princeton on the other side. They are approached by Kenny’s tag partner, Xavien Marshall, who does not look pleased. ”The fuck happened out there? Those bitches did this to you? Ahhh fuck naw… we’re gonna make them pay!”
”Yeah, bruv… man gonna pay a’ight… ooow…”
While Jay Kenny was seemingly out for the night and Marshall was left stewing, the action in the ring continued.
<< 05:14. >>
In one corner of the ring, Cyrus Truth has Johnny Johnson in the corner as he lights up the Legend’s chest with a series of knife edge chops while Trixie has turned the tables on Gabrielle after delivering a headbutt, sending Gabi staggering backward into the opposite corner. Trixie rushes in with a running knee to the cornered Gabi. Meanwhile, Johnny Johnson manages to rake the eyes of Truth to create some separation and perform a standing switch in the corner.
Trixie glances to the opposite corner where Johnson was putting the boots to Truth. Johnson then looks back at her. The pair share a knowing look and then they each Irish Whip their opponent toward each other. Cyrus and Gabrielle are on a collision course… but Gabi leapfrogs over Cyrus and catches Johnson by surprise with a shotgun dropkick while Truth surprises Trixie with a dropkick of his own!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "An attempt of a Johnny Johnson and Trixie team up didn’t quite work out there!”
Johnny Johnson sits up to his knees and tries to beg off Gabrielle, but Gabi ignores his pleas and takes him down with a thrust kick! Johnson falls down to the mat and The Goddess follows the attack by leaping up to the top turnbuckle and coming back down with a split legged moonsault!
Meanwhile, Truth pulls Trixie in and sets her up for a back suplex, but the Hex Girl flips over and lands on her feet behind The Exile! Truth turns back around as Trixie connects with a headbutt to Truth! But the move seems to have effected her more than Cyrus. Trixie staggers backwards, loopy from the collision of their heads as Truth comes right back with a discus punch that takes Trixie back down!
The Wayward Warrior pulls Trixie right back up, and delivers a massive Dragon Suplex! He bridges for the pin attempt!
The - kickout by Trixie!
<< 09:35. >>
Gabrielle sends Johnny Johnson into the ropes, but Johnson comes back and counters her attempt of a clothesline with a float over DDT, planting the Goddess into the mat! Johnson is slow to get back to his feet himself, leaving both down…
As Cyrus Truth seems to have Trixie right where he wants her… she is on her knees…
Wanderer’s Wrath running knee strike followed by a kneedrop!
Truth makes the cover!
Thre… Johnny Johnson breaks it up, dropping an elbow across the back of Truth’s head!
Johnson stomps on Truth repeatedly before grabbing Truth by the head… while Trixie slowly begins to get up, Johnson motions for her to come over and the pair team up to lift Truth up into a double vertical suplex!
The pair get back to their feet, and Johnson seems eager to continue their team up here as he points to a recovering Gabrielle. Trixie nods her head and they move in and hit a double suplex to The Goddess as well!
Johnson and Trixie are standing tall having laid out the other two and Trixie is gitty to have made a friend in the match. The Legend has a big smile on his face as he takes Trixie by the hand..
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Oh poor sweet, naive Trixie. She’s the only one who didn’t see that coming.”
The Legend was clearly quite proud of himself, soaking in the boos as he grabs Trixie by the hair, pulling her up to her feet. He locks her in a Cobra Clutch… and then slams her to the mat…
He makes the cover…
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Johnny Johnson is about to earn himself a title shot!”
Three… NO! Truth and Gabi both break it up!
The tables had turned on Legend as now he found himself staring down two opponents who have united against him this time. Once again Johnson tries to beg them off, but Truth is having none of it as he hits an elbow smash to rock Johnson, sending him staggering into a forearm strike from Gabrielle! He staggers back again to Truth who hits him with a headbutt! And now he stumbles over to another forearm from Gabi! Back and forth he goes, Truth and Gabrielle taking turns striking Johnson until Gabrielle hits the GaBuster!
The Goddess makes the pin!
Thre - NO! Truth pulls Gabrielle off of Legend!
Gabrielle gets right back up to her feet, smirking as she stares down Truth.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Here we go! This is what we’ve wanted to see. A show down here between two former FWA champions! Both hungry to get themselves another title shot!”
These two, quite familiar with one another, eye each other before giving a nod to one another and… they are off to the races - trading blows back and forth until Truth lifts his knee up into Gabi’s midsection. The Exile takes the doubled over Goddess and takes her down to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker.
With momentum swinging in his favor, Truth pulls Gabrielle back up and lifts her up into a Fireman’s Carry… perhaps looking for Journey’s End..
But Johnny Johnson has recovered and he comes in with an EYE POKE to Truth! Truth, blinded, drops Gabrielle who lands on her feet and takes a swing at Johnson, but the Legend ducks and he pokes her in the eye as well! With both his opponents momentarily blinded, Johnson takes each by the head and slams their heads together, sending both Truth and Gabrielle down, and once again, for now, The Legend was standing tall and in control in the ring.
<< 15:03. >>
Still in control, Johnny Johnson takes Gabrielle by the arm and sends her into the corner with an Irish Whip. Cyrus Truth staggers up to his feet only to met with a boot to the midsection from Johnson and then he Irish Whips The Exile into the same corner, Truth colliding with Gabrielle in the corner, now leaned up against her as Johnson pulls Trixie up and looks to do the same thing…
But Trixie reverses the Irish Whip!
Johnson is sent running right into Truth who lifts up his boot! It collides with the Legend’s face! Johnson stumbles, struggling to maintain a vertical base as Gabrielle now climbs the same turnbuckle she had just been sandwiched in…
And leaps off the top hitting the Sirens Call to Johnson!
Johnson pops back up from the momentum of the move, going right into the waiting arms of Truth who lifts him up…
Truth rolls out of the way as Trixie had climbed the turnbuckles as well..
Trixie goes for the pin!
Truth Trixie off of Johnson and grabs her by the head with a clawhold, before sweeping her off her feet with the Memento Mori! Truth goes for the pin on Johnson instead!
Gabrielle breaks it up, flying off the ropes with a moonsault onto Truth and Johnson!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "What a series of events there! Johnny Johnson has taken finishers from all three of them but no one is able to capitalize!”
Gabrielle pushes Truth out of the way, and makes the slow roll over to now make a pin on Johnson herself..
Three - NO!
Trixie just barely got there in time to break it up!
A frustrated Goddess gets to her feet and goes after Trixie, but Trixie ducks and hits the HOCUS POCUS to Gabrielle!
Trixie makes the cover!
Now it’s Truth once again breaking up the pinning attempt! The crowd thought Trixie had it there, an audible gasp when Truth broke it up.
The Exile delivers a series of strikes to Trixie before lifting her up for the Journey’s End…
But Trixie fights it off! She elbows him repeatedly across the head and then slides down his back… Cyrus turns around as Trixie hits a split…
Cyrus doubles over and Trixie gets a small package pinning combination.
Cyrus kicked out at the last second!
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Trixie was inches away from a title shot in back to back pinning combinations! Each of these wrestlers want this title shot more than anything and it’s showing in the ring right now.”
Both Cyrus and Trixie are both slow to get back to their feet…
But Trixie strikes first! SHOTGUN DROPKICK sends Truth falling backward into a seated position in the corner! Trixie is feeling the momentum… she is feeling the adrenaline…
Fired up, she runs in with the BUNDLE OF FUN into the corner on Truth!
She rolls back to her feet, and sees Gabrielle pulling herself up on the apron… Trixie then runs to the opposite ropes and charges at Gabrielle… she dives through the ropes with an APRON SPEAR sending both Trixie and Gabi crashing to ringside!
With Trixie and Gabrielle both down at ringside and Cyrus struggling in the corner… Johnny Johnson grabs the bottom ropes, sitting up and realizing… the match may have just fallen right into his lap.
Jean-Luc Watkins: “Johnny Johnson is coming back to life at the right time… the sneaky little bastard may just steal this!”
Johnson charges into the corner at Truth..
BUT TRUTH MOVES out of the way!
Johnson collides with the turnbuckles..
He locks in the crucifix neck crank, dropping onto his back with submission locked in! At ringside, Trixie and Gabrielle struggle to get to their feet… trying to climb over one another to get to the ring..
They both manage to grab the bottom rope and begin to pull themselve into the ring, looking to break it up…
They both break it up..
But its too late! Johnny Johnson has tapped out!
Winner: Cyrus Truth via submission at 21:47.
Cyrus Truth rolls off of Johnson while both Trixie and Gabrielle are left wide eyed and disappointed. The Goddess slaps the mat in frustration while the disappointed Trixie rolls out of the ring with the look of a sad puppy dog.
But Cyrus Truth, he cracked half a smile as he climbed to his feet, having his arm lifted up in victory.
Natalie Rosenberg: : “Here is your winner and new number one contender to the FWA Championship… CYRUS TRUTH!”
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Cyrus does it again! He has earned himself another shot at the championship, this time against a brand new champion! At Grand March it will be Jeremy Best defending against Cyrus Truth!”
While Blood of Glory plays and Cyrus continues to soak up the adoration of the fans in his victory…
Jeremy Best makes his way from backstage, stopping to stand on the stage, the FWA World Championship strapped around his waist. On either side of him are his associates Sir Stache and Mejor Amigo.
Jean-Luc Watkins: "Well… speak of the devil, there he is. The FWA Champion himself.”
Cyrus notices Jeremy’s arrival, and locks eyes with him from the ring. Cyrus points to the title and motions that he planned on bringing it back where it belongs.
But Jeremy doesn’t seem too intimidated by Truth. Instead, he is all smiles. He gives a friendly wave to The Exile, which Cyrus most certainly does not return.
Jeremy turns to Stache and Amigo.
Jeremy Best: ”Looks fellas… our new friend!”
Amigo and Stache seem nervous enough for the three of them despite Jeremy’s reaction. Jeremy turns back toward Cyrus in the ring.
Jeremy Best: ”See you soon… friend!”
Cyrus shakes his head as Fallout comes to a close with a shot of the champion and challenger, two very different individuals to say the least, staring each other down.

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