Fallout 035: 'THE BUDDY BOWL' || RESULTS

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E-Fed Staff Member
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score

Live from the Mokhtar El Tetsh Stadium in Cairo, Egypt.
Saturday 18th November, 2023.




After a special friendship themed opening video featuring some of FWA’s best friends both past and present - Fallout opens up to a panning view of the Mokhtar El Tetsh Stadium. We spot signs in the crowd including “Jeremy is NOT my Friend,” “I’d be friends with Trixie,” and “The Buddy Bowel” before we join Jean-Luc Watkins all by his lonesome at the announce booth.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Welcome one and all to a very special episode of FWA Fallout! I’m Jean-Luc Watkins and I am more than happy to still be going solo here tonight calling all the action we’re going to witness tonight. Because tonight is the first ever BUDDY BOWL! Now while I am not a big fan of the man hosting tonight’s festivities, Jeremy Best, I am excited to see what pairings end up together for these opening round match ups. There are going to be five opening round tag team contests with randomly paired partners. The winning teams then advance to the Buddy Bowl finals which is a scramble elimination match where both members of the team must be eliminated by pinfall or submission to be out and the last team represented with all other teams eliminated is your winner! And the winner will receive what Jeremy Best refers to as the coveted golden friendship bracelets… but perhaps more importantly, a shot at the FWA Tag Team Titles! And we already saw a pair of mismatched partners pick up the titles on Meltdown! So truly anything can happen in the FWA!”

“Let’s head to the ring for our first match up!”

The familiar and popular tune kicks things off, bringing the crowd to their feet for the first entrant of the Buddy Bowl. He emerges from the back to a big ovation, the crowd cheering wildly for the man decked out in a cowboy hat, vest, boots, and the X Championship around his waist.

Yes, the first entrant to the Buddy Bowl is none other than Tommy Bedlam!

Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, your opening match is scheduled for one fall and is a Buddy Bowl qualifying tag team match! Introducing first, from Sweetwater, Texas, he is the X Champion... TOOOOOOOOMMMMYYYYY BBBEEEEDDDDDDDDDDLAM!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What a way to kick things off tonight - the X Champion will be a member of this first team and I can’t wait to see who he is paired with!”

Tommy slaps hands with the fans at ringside as he makes his way down to the ring, climbing up the apron and climbing through the ropes into the ring. He poses on the turnbuckle, lifting up the X Championship in the air as the flashes of cameras/phones go off through the arena.

A feeling of apprehension feels the air as Tommy’s partner walks out from the back wearing a white t-shirt and looking ready for violence tonight. He looks up to Tommy and the X Title in particular, and grins.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his partner... from Calgary, Alberta, Canada... JJJEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFRRRRYYYY MMMMMAAAAAAASSSOOOONNNN!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “My God… what a troubling and dangerous pairing this could be. You have the X Champion Tommy Bedlam and one of the most violent and sadistic men wrestling has ever seen… a man who came up just short of the X Championship himself back at King of the Deathmatch earlier this year… I do not envy whoever walks through that curtain next.”

And that man that JLW doesn’t envy gets a nice pop from the crowd as he walks out from the bag. The perennial undderog, Sawyer Xavier, walks out from the back - staring down what awaits him in the ring but shows no fear in doing so.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And their opponents, introducing first, from Savannah, Georgia... SSSSAAAWWWWWWYYYEER XXXXXXXXXXXXXAAAAAAAVIER!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The odds may be stacked against him here, though we don’t know who is partner is just yet… but Sawyer Xavier is no stranger to being an underdog and we’ve seen him rise to the occasion in the past!”

Boos fill the arena as an emotionless and almost lifeless Princess Nova walks out from the back as the final entrant to this match. Keres walks out behind her, seemingly controlling Nova’s every move as she decides to stay on the stage while Nova slowly walks down the aisle to the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his partner... from The Residence.... being accompanied to the ring by Keres... PPPPRRRRRRRRRRRINCESS NNNNOOOOOOVAAAAAA! Together they are… INCANDESCENT!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m not really sure what to make of this dynamic. Keres apparently didn’t necessarily agree with Princess Nova’s decision to partake in this tournament and has apparently taken full control of her vessel. I’m not sure what that will look like in this match… but for Sawyer Xavier’s sake, he better hope he gets the twisted version of ETERNAL’s Princess Nova tonight.”


FIRST MATCH || 1/20.
Incandescent (Princess Nova & Sawyer Xavier)
vs. Tommy Bedlam & Jeffry Mason.
Buddy Bowl Qualifier
Match Writer: Dubb

The bell rings to officially kick off the Buddy Bowl. Tommy Bedlam and Sawyer Xavier are the legal men to start things off as they circle each other in the ring to start the match. Tommy gives a nervous eye toward the stage where Keres watches on ominously.

Sawyer darts in for a quick kick to Tommy's legs, aiming to weaken the brawler early on. Tommy brushes it off, retaliating with a thunderous uppercut that rocks Sawyer backward, garnering a positive reaction from the crowd. Sawyer stumbles backwards but quickly comes back with a series of open palm punches to rock the cowboy backwards before rushing to the ropes. Xavier comes off the ropes and ducks a lariat from Bedlam and then bounces to the ropes with a springboard, floating back over but is CAUGHT by Bedlam! Bedlam holds Xavier on his shoulders and rushes toward the corner for a running powerslam, but Sawyer escapes down Bedlam's back! Bedlam turns around and is met with an enziguri!

The powerhouse Bedlam doesn't go down, but drops to a knee before getting back up but the determined Xavier comes up from behind, locking in a sleeper to Bedlam. Tommy works his way up to a vertical base and breaks up the hold with a snapmare, showcasing his strength. Sawyer rolls right back up but spins around into a big headbutt from Bedlam with so much force it sends Xavier down to the mat.

Xavier begins trying to crawl to the ropes as Bedlam stalks over him, and begins to place some hard boots to Sawyer's back, preventing him from getting back to his feet. From the corner, Jeffry Mason seems impressed with his partner's handiwork, but Tommy gives him the chance to get involved, tagging in Mason for the first time.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "While we haven't seen much of Jeffry Mason in the ring, we've seen what he is capable of at King of the Deathmatch this year. I would not want to be Sawyer Xavier right now."

Mason enters the ring and joins Bedlam in stomping a mudhole into Sawyer as Tommy eventually walks over to the apron to take his spot to watch on as now Mason places Xavier across the ropes and begins to blatantly choke Xavier across the middle ring rope.

Sawyer struggles against the choke while referee Richard Davis gives Mason the four count before forcing the release.


<< 04:42 >>

The match continues as things have spilled to the outside, which continues to not be a good thing for Sawyer Xavier. While Jeffry Mason tosses Xavier head first into the ring steps, Sawyer’s own tag partner has not moved from the ring apron. Nova’s eyes remain glazed over with no emotion on them as she stands stoically in her own corner.

A now bloodied Xavier gets pulled back up to his feet on the outside as Mason lifts him up… PILEDRIVER ONTO THE FLOOR!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “My God! I think Sawyer Xavier may have had enough here! I’m not sure his partner is even mentally here right now but she is doing nothing to help as Jeffry Mason has just picked him apart!”

Mason sits up on his knees, smiling down at his bloodied opponent before slowly climbing to his feet. He grabs Xavier by the hair and drags him to the apron, lifts him up and rolls him into the ring. Mason crawls in under the bottom rope and goes for the pin.





Somehow Xavier found something left in him to kick out just before the three count!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “How?! How did he kick out of that?!”

Jeffry shakes his head as he sits up on the mat next to Sawyer, and immediately begins clubbing some forearms down onto Sawyer’s head right where his open wound is before taking his hands and DIGGING into the wound.

Mason begins to pull Sawyer back up to his feet, but the wiley Xavier tries to battle back with some punches to Mason’s midsection, but Mason fires back with a knee to the head and then hooks him in a front facelock, lifting him up for a suplex…

But Sawyer reverses it into a Stundog Millionaire!

Mason drops to the mat, stumbling right back up as the crimson masked Xavier finds some adrenaline… he rushes to the ropes, SPRINGBOARD INTO A DDT TO MASON!

Sawyer goes for the pin!




Jeffry Mason begins pulling himself back up as the speedy Xavier hits the opposite ropes with a running bicycle kick that sends Mason falling backward into his owner corner where Tommy slaps him on the back for the tag!

The fresh cowboy charges into the ring, but Sawyer ducks his clothesline attempt! He comes off the opposite ropes and its another lariat attempt from Bedlam but Sawyer floats over into another DDT! Springboard moonsault into the pin!

One! Two! Kickout!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I don’t know how he’s doing this but Sawyer Xavier has find something deep inside him and he’s feeling it right now! He’s managing to do this basically two on one here!”

Sawyer tries to fire up the fans as Bedlam begins to stir… Sawyer rushes to the ropes and goes for another springboard…

But this time he is CAUGHT and its a SPINEBUSTER FROM TOMMY!

Bedlam hooks the leg!





<<9:32 >>

Sawyer finds himself in trouble once again as Tommy Bedlam has him locked in the Sweetwater Cloverleaf. Richard Davis is asking Xavier if he wants to give it up, but with blood dripping off his face to the mat, Xavier shakes his head fervently.

Sawyer endures the pain, summoning his resilience to reach the ropes, forcing a break which Tommy quickly does, but he does not relent as he goes right back on the attack. He pulls Xavier back up to his feet and Irish Whips him into the ropes… but Sawyer reverses it! Bedlam crashes into the turnbuckles and in charges Xavier with a running bicycle kick to the corner before he pulls Tommy out and drops him to the canvas with the Lay In Waste pumphandle spinebuster!

Xavier rolls to the ropes, slowly pulling himself up and begins to climb the turnbuckles… from the stage Keres begins to lift up her arms…

And just as Sawyer takes flight with a 450, Princess Nova comes to life and slaps him on the leg!


But Tommy rolled out of the way!

But now the legal Princess Nova catches the recovering Tommy with a springboard cutter as Keres is now seems to be controlling her from the stage! Nova with the cover!



Thre - Kickout!

Nova waits as Bedlam begins to get up, and the TORN Princess meets him with a series of forearm and elbow strikes, rocking the cowboy before she drops him with hair-pull neckbreaker and then locks in a crossface submission - but Jeffry Mason quickly breaks that up, entering the ring and stomping on Nova’s back.


<<12:17 >>

After laying out Bedlam with the Shattered Mind legdrop bulldog, Nova sits up… still showing little to no emotion as she pulls on her glove and signals for the Queen’s Hand! The crowd tries to rally behind Bedlam as he staggers up to his feet and is being stalked from behind by the creepy little princess.

Tommy turns around as Nova comes in and sticks her satin gloved hand into Tommy’s mouth with the submission! Tommy immediately begins to struggle against Nova’s grip..

But a KNEE to the midsection manages to break it up!

But Nova comes right back with a superkick to drop Tommy back down!

With Bedlam struggling to get back up, Nova goes down to a knee herself… but she begins to go into her boot, and retrieves lipstick!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Now wait just a minute! We’ve seen her utilize that lipstick before… an enchanted kiss of sorts… I’m not sure Joe Burr has ever been the same since his kiss from Nova!”

Nova applies the black lipstick to her lips and then tucks it back into her boot as she gets back up. Tommy staggers back up… stumbling around as Nova begins to move in… and she grabs Tommy by the head..

And goes in for the kiss!

BUT TOMMY BLOCKS IT, getting his hand up in time!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Not so fast! Those lips are clearly only reserved for Randi!”

Tommy shoves Nova backward into her own corner she she accidentally lays a kiss right on her own partner! Sawyer’s eyes grow wide as Nova plants the enchanted Nova’s Kiss on him…

Nova stumbles away from the corner, Sawyer seemingly frozen on the apron as Tommy surprises Nova - lifting her up…


Bedlam makes the pin! Jeffry Mason enters the ring to stop any save attempt… but Sawyer Xavier is still seemingly frozen from Nova’s kiss.




Winner: Tommy Bedlam & Jeffry Mason via pinfall at 13:58.

Tommy Bedlam sits up, holding up one arm in victory as Mason comes over, hooks his arm and helps him up to his feet. The two show some mutual respect as they lift each other’s arm up.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winners… Tommy Bedlam and Jeffry Mason!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What a start to the night here and it’s our X Champion Tommy Bedlam along with Jeffry Mason becoming the first team to advance to the Buddy Bowl Scramble later tonight!”

Richard Davis hands Bedlam his X Championship, which Tommy holds up while looking down at Princess Nova and then glancing over to Keres on the stage. Despite her TORN puppet coming up short tonight, Keres seems unphased emotionally but staring a hole deep into the soul of the X Champion.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “If looks could kill… I’m not sure what’s going through that young girl’s mind - but something tells me Tommy Bedlam may not be done with the TORN Universe. Which, based on what we’ve seen with Lizzie Rose, could be a bad thing for him.”

Tommy seems to dare Keres to come down to the ring, but Keres remains on the stage - lifting one hand into the air and etching out an “X” in the air before simply turning and walking to the back.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Another message perhaps seen - we’ve seen her do this in the past as well to Tommy… but for now, Tommy and Jeffry have the Buddy Bowl to worry about and we’ll soon find out who else will be joining them!”


On the corner of the screen, we are shown a small graphic that notifies viewers that this was shot in Marrakech on Thursday night during the Meltdown broadcast. The trio of Juan Tothrefor, Trash Mammal and Halloween Knight are walking down a corridor, still in their ring gear after their victory in the opening contest.

Trash Mammal: "That’s how we do it, goiys! Tr1ck or Tr4sh have officially arroived!"

Juan Tothrefor: "Si, it is the first win of many more to come, amigos… and you can both count on that! Before long, we’re going to be looking at those Trios Championships for sure-"

???: "I wouldn’t be so sure if we were you! Check it, guys!"

The three luchadors turn around and are greeted with the sight of The Bad Boys Boy Band. All three of the singers are dressed in clothes straight from the late 90’s.

In-Sync: "We’ve been waiting in the wings for long enough and now it is our time to fly and take those Trios titles that we deserve more than anyone else, you got that?"

Halloween Knight: "We heard you loud and clear, amigo. These masks don’t obscure anything that we hear. But what about you three put your money where your mouths are and take us on in the ring. Check it, amigo?"

No further words are exchanged as the boy band stares down Tr1ck or Tr4sh before leaving, the challenge seemingly accepted.


A scattered amount of cheers begin to pop up through the arena from the fans in attendance who follow Next Generation Wrestling closely. Because Gerald’s opponent is a new face to the casual FWA fan but not to the hardcore one.

Natalie Rosenberg: ""This next match is scheduled for one fall and is a Buddy Bowl qualifying tag team match! Introducing first, making his FWA debut... from Valletta, Malta... he is "The Maltese Falcon"... AAALLLLLLLLLLLEEEJANDRO GGGIIIIIIIIIIIUNNNTIIIIIIII!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What a time to make four FWA debut! Alejandro Giunti has made waves in nGw and is known for his high flying and daredevil ways… it will be interesting to see who his partner will be.”

The crowd gives big pop for the next entrant, making his return to the FWA ring for the first since losing the very tag titles he is trying to earn another shot at tonight… Gerald Grayson rushes out onto stage with his usual high energy, playing to the crowd that is as excited to see him as he is excited to see them.

Natalie Rosenberg: " And his partner... from Raleigh, North Carolina... GGGGGGEERRRRALLLLLDDD GGGGGRRRAAYYYSSSOONNNN"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here’s a guy who is no stranger to the tag division! It’ll be odd seeing him team with someone besides MvH however, but what a well matched team in terms of style - this has the makings of being quite the dynamic duo.”

Boos begin to fill the arena as “The Wildcard” makes his way out from the back, ignoring the sounds of the boos - and particularly eyeing Giunti as he stands on the stage.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And their opponents, introducing first, from San Diego, California... he is "The Wildcard" JJJAAAAASSSOONNNNN RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAANNNNDAAAAL!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Jason Randall has become known as a bit of a Gatekeeper here in FWA - often times being one of the first challenges for the newest members of the FWA roster… so of course tonight he finds himself facing The Maltese Falcon on one side of the ring.”

There’s a mixed and slightly confused reaction from the crowd as the lights dim and a masked man appears at the top of the stage.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his partner... making his FWA debut... from Parts Unknown... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ3RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR0!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I know what you’re thinking fans.. Who is this masked man? Well… I don’t have much more information than you do, I’m afraid. There’s been some mysterious social media messages from this individual known only as Z3R0 since the announcement of the Buddy Bowl… and now he graces us with his presence here tonight in person.”


Gerald Grayson & Alejandro Giunti
vs. Jason Randal & Z3R0.
Buddy Bowl Qualifier.
Match writer: Dubb.

The bell rings as Gerald Grayson steps in to be the legal man for his team, the crowd eager to see Grayson back in action for the first time in a few months while Jason Randall starts for his team, smirking at Grayson’s excitement. The pair move in and start the tag match off with a collar and elbow tie up, which Randall quickly gets the upperhand with using his size and strength, he pulls Grayson into a headlock. But Grayson shoves Randall off into the ropes! Grayson bounces to the ropes himself and as Randall looks for a backdrop, GG leapfrogs over the Wildcard and then scores with a dropkick to the chest when Randall turns back to face him!

Jason is only staggered though but Grayson moves in with a series of lightning quick chops to Randall’s chest! But Jason laughs the attack off and comes back with a THUNDEROUS chop to Grayson’s bare chest, the stiffness of the open hand chop echoing through the arena causing even Grayson’s partner Alejandro to wince.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Ouch! I know Gerald Grayson is excited to get back into the ring but he might want to think better about going blow for blow with Jason Randall.”

Randall follows it up with a stiff backhand chop that sends Gerald reeling into the ropes. Randall charges in with a running knee to Gerald against the ropes before Irish Whipping him into the ropes where Alejandro Giunti grabs the blind tag. Gerald ducks a clothesline from The Wildcard, but coming back off the ropes he is caught with a tilt a tiltawhirl slam from Randall, but the legal Maltese Falcon comes into the ring with a springboard clothesline to take Randall down!

Jason rolls right back up to his feet as Gerald Grayson is back up and connects with a low dropkick to the knee while Giunti goes high with a spinning heel kick as the duo work together to take The Wildcard to the mat!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m excited to see The Maltese Falcon in action here tonight - while he’s been showing off down in Next Generation Wrestling, this is our first chance to see him here in FWA. And I think the luck of the draw did well for him and Gerald as their styles really seem to mesh well.”


<<5:15. >>

After a hot start from Alejandro and Grayson using their speed to their advantage, Randall would eventually manage to overpower Giunti, reversing an Irish Whip attempt that sent the Maltese Falcon hard into the turnbuckles which The Wildcard followed up on with a running lariat into the corner.

In the corner, Randall begins to assert his dominance with a flurry of punches and punishing knees to Giunti, working the Falcon down to the mat before choking him with his boot. One! Two! Three! Four! Tommy Palmer breaks it up!

With momentum back in their favor, Randall heads to the corner and makes the tag to his enigmatic tag partner, the mysterious masked Z3R0. As Randall heads back out to the apron, Z3R0 measures up Giunti in the corner, his moves seeming very cold and calculated, finally striking with some kicks to the cornered Giunti.

The Maltese Falcon tries to fight his way back out of the corner, getting back up to his feet, but Z3R0 puts a stop to that with a stiff throat punch. Holding his throat and neck, Giunti stumbles out of the corner into the waiting arms of Z3R0. He grabs the Falcon and spins him around into a Complete Shot into the 2nd turnbuckle!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It looks like he calls that The Trojan Horse! I’m not sure what to make of this masked man - something about him seems familiar but I can’t quite put my finger on it. But he’s looking impressive here so far.”

Z3R0 drags Alejandro away from the ropes and goes for the pin.

One! Two! Gerald Grayson is in for the save!


<<9:03. >>

Randall and Z3R0 continue to cut off the ring, keeping the Maltese Falcon from making the tag to Grayson as now the legal Randall once again works Giunti over in their corner. Z3R0 holds onto Alejandro, restraining him as Randall backs up to the opposite corner. Randall spits in Grayson’s direction, which makes GG try to enter the ring, but he’s cut off by Palmer - allowing for Z3R0 to wrap the tag rope around Giunti’s throat - blatantly choking him behind the referee’s back!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Like it or not, the way Randall and this mysterious Z3R0 are managing to work together for the first time is a bit unexpected. They are dominating the offense here against The Maltese Falcon.”

Randall charges in with a running clothesline to the cornered and choked Giunti and then charges out of the corner with a running bulldog!

The Wildcard makes the cover.

One! Two! Thre… KICKOUT!

The crowd has solidly gotten behind the debuting Giunti, the noise in the stadium growing louder and louder as Grayson plays to the crowd on the apron, trying to rally his partner. But Randall looks to shut the crowd up as he lifts Giunti up into a Fireman’s Carry and then swings him around… but GIUNTI COUNTERS INTO A DDT!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This could be the opening Giunti needs to get that tag to Gerald Grayson!”

Giunti begins to make the crawl to the corner as Grayson has his arm extended in as far as humanly possible… and he gets close…


Giunti gets back up, hopping one foot as Randall holds him… ENZIGURI!


Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here we go!”

Grayson enters the ring with a springboard DROPKICK to the recovering Wildcard! Randall rolls right back up and GG meets him with a series of chops followed by an uppercut to rock Randall backward before he finally puts him down with a running high knee!

But in comes Z3R0 - attacking Grayson from behind! He spins Grayson around and kicks him in the midsection, setting him up for a DDT…

But Giunti is there for the save with a rolling wheel kick! Z3R0 staggers back up as Giunti runs to the ropes and hits a hurricanrana to the masked man sending him through the ropes to ringside!

Meanwhile, Randall has rolled to the corner and has pulled himself up… but Giunti gets down on the mat on all fours as Gerald runs in, using Giunti as a springboard and hits a springboard corner clothesline to Randall! Randal stumbles out of the corner into a SPRINGBOARD STUNNER from Giunti!

The high flying duo spot Z3R0 starting to recover at ringside… so in tandem, the pair run to the opposite ropes… and its STEREO SUICIDE DIVES through the ropes - both men connecting with Z3R0, sending him crashing into the safety rail.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “They take flight! Forget what I said about how well Z3R0 and Randall were working together - Grayson and Giunti’s fluid motions look like they are well oiled unit!”

Giunti rolls back into the ring as Randall is starting to get to his feet…and Randall strikes Giunti with a discus lariat that rocks The Maltese Falcon! Randall pulls him to his feet and whips him into the ropes…


Giunti bounces back off the ropes… TURBOxALEJANDRO spear takes Randall out!

Giunti rolls out of the way as Gerald climbs to the apron, waiting for the Wildcard to slowly pull himself up…EXTREME IMPACT!

Gerald makes the cover!




Winner: Gerald Grayson & Alejandro Giunti via pinfall at 12:19.

The bell rings as the crowd gives the two winners a standing ovation for their efforts. Alejandro Giunti helps Gerald Grayson back up to his feet off of Randall, and the new partners give each other a brief hug before lifting each other’s arms up in victory.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winners… Gerald Grayson and Alejandro Giunti!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What a return to ring action for Gerald Grayson and a debut for Alejandro Giunti! These two daredevils become the second team to advance to the Buddy Bowl finals with a future FWA Tag Title shot at stake!”

Suddenly, darkness falls over the arena as the lights are off and the hyped up crowd becomes unaware of the reason why. A few boos are recognized while others cheer, thinking that something cool is about to occur.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh no, I think I know what this is. I had a bad feeling something like this was going to happen. Not now! Not like this!”

And as the lights return, a gathering of black hooded cloaks surround the ringside. But more importantly, there appears to be one of them in the ring with Gerald Grayson and Alejandro Giunti. And while Gerald is thrown off by the sight outside the ring, he doesn't know about his mystery guest standing inches behind him. Alejandro notices first, but he eats a BIG BOOT from the one in the ring. The crowd along with Jean-Luc tries to warn their daredevil.


After realizing what the fans have tried to tell him, his eyes get wide and he casually remains facing forward. Instead Grayson’s eyes attempt to get a glimpse of the presence behind his back. And within a blink of an eye, he does a fast spinning back fist. Only to connect with a completely empty cloak. It's as if no one was ever there, even though everybody had clearly seen a cloaked individual. Or did they? Gerald grabs the thin fabric in his hands, looking befuddled by such trickery.

This is when Death Walker slides into the ring and chop blocks Grayson at the back of his left knee.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Ah damn this monster! He can't get away with this!

Taking down the resident daredevil once again, Death is quick to get back up and is passed that baseball bat with the glass shards attached to it. And while Grayson is still down, Walker stands on the ankle and slams the thinner end of the bat against the back of the leg muscles.

Death Walker: “Hey buddy! Don't worry, I’m not gonna make you bleed… yet. But I am going to set the record straight and at the same, I’m making you the new example for the locker room.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Wait what?! I guess he's still got something to prove. But why does it have to be Gerald Grayson? And here comes more of the heinous attack. Can somebody stop this sick freak?”

And almost instantaneously, Death goes into a blind rage as he stomps and pounds the left leg of Gerald Grayson. This leaves Grayson screaming and clutching his left leg in excruciating pain.

Death Walker: “You wanted answers right?! Yeah? You wanted me to respond? Here's your damn answers! HERE’S YOUR FUCKIN’ ANSWERS!!”

He stops the assault and tops it off with a swift kick to Gerald’s ribs. The FWA’s Daredevil holds his ribs as he gasps for air. Taking this opportunity to address the audience, Death looks out at the people. He reaches outside the ring and is handed a microphone in his other hand.

Death Walker: “For days and days! You all have wanted to know “why”... Why did I do what I did? Why was it at the expense of dear Grayson’s return? Let me be clear in saying, I don't owe anyone an explanation. But here it goes… and young Gerald, you might wanna listen up.”

Now keeping eyes on a wounded Gerald Grayson, Walker paces the ring a bit. As he talks to everyone, Grayson is crawling to the ropes.

Death Walker: “I tried to… I tried to show them the way. The way that a demon like me has evolved. And what I was willing to do to advance in this game. I had set things in motion and gotten opportunities in return. But what did that get me afterwards? Unsettled battles, losses, new targets, obstacles … I’m not complaining though. I just needed some new understanding not for myself but for these ignorant mouth breathers. I needed a new opportunity and instead of waiting for the next one, I created it. Simply put… wrong place, wrong time. However… Winter Wasteland with you facing me one on one, that… that might be THE RIGHT TIME AND RIGHT PLACE! If you can make it there to fight me, am I right? HEY, YOU ANSWER ME WHEN I’M TALKING TO YOU! YOU HEAR ME?”

Bending down to his victim who is sitting against the ropes, Death receives a hearty slap to his demon face for good measure.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “There we go! Fight back, Grayson.”

Then as the monster is stunned and getting angry, the daredevil hops up on basically one good leg. He goes for a springboard dropkick to knock the masked tormentor on his ass. But just then, the lights cut off again and in seconds, they came back on with no sign of Death Walker or his Terrors of Darkness. Just clouds of smoke from within and outside the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, never one to not make an ordinary appearance or statement, Death Walker seems ready to take this matter to Winter Wasteland. Let’s just hope Gerald Grayson gets his revenge for all these random attacks. This can't be the type of FWA return that he was expecting when he came back.”

Alejandro Giunti recovers as he crawls over and regroups with Grayson, checking on his Buddy Bowl partner.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “While it looks like Grayson is going to be able to walk away on his own here… you have to wonder just what condition he’s going to be in to compete in the Buddy Bowl finals now after that attack from Death Walker.”


After a short commercial break, Gerald Grayson and Alejandro Giunti are shown backstage being attended to by some of the FWA medical team after the assault by Death Walker just moments ago. We do not hear what a doctor says to Grayson, but ‘The Daredevil’ nods his head in understanding.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Welcome back to Fallout, wrestling fans. There you see Gerald Grayson and Alejandro Giunti speaking to Dr. Smith after the they were both attacked by Death Walker moments ago. They have advanced to tonight’s main event along with Tommy Bedlam and Jeffry Mason and we’re about to find out who the third team is going to be… ”

There’s an overwhelmingly negative reaction from the fans as the next entrant in the Buddy Bowl is revealed to be none other than its host! Jeremy Best runs out from the back and enthusiastically waves at all of his ‘friends’ who are sharing this historic occasion with him. In his hand are is a large bunch of balloons bearing his own beaming face which he lets loose and he waves at them as they float upwards and away from him. Best extends his hands out to the fans in the front row to high five him, but none of them take him up on the offer.

Natalie Rosenberg: "This next match is scheduled for one fall and is a Buddy Bowl qualifying tag team match! Introducing first, he is the host of tonight’s proceedings … ‘Your New Best Friend’... JEREMYYYYYYY BESSSSSSTTTTT!!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Of course Jeremy Best was not going to pass up the chance to make a new friend. Tonight’s show is his brainchild in an apparent attempt to bring some joy and harmony to the FWA. Given how Jeremy has acted this entire year, it is not surprised that he wants to round it off like this.

Jeremy also alluded to his partner being Chris Peacock on Meltdown this past Thursday, where he sent FWA World Champion Alyster Black a video message from a bar. Not only has Best apparently recruited Black’s best friend and tag team partner to be with him tonight, he’s put out a restraining order against the FWA World Champion to make sure that Alyster cannot attend tonight’s show and ruin the Buddy Bowl!”

Not content with just competing, Best seems to want to address the fans as he stands in the middle of the ring with a microphone, ready to compete when the time comes.

Jeremy Best: “Hey, everybody! I hope that you’re having as much fun as I am here tonight at the first ever Buddy Bowl! We’ve seen some really great teams compete so far, but I’m sorry to say it, none of them will compare to me and my new friend! You might be wondering why I’m so happy… but it isn’t just because me and my partner are going to win the Buddy Bowl!”

Looking like a child desperate to keep a secret, Jeremy blushes and then releases a gleeful cackle.

Jeremy Best: “Oh, I can’t keep it to myself any longer! I have some really exciting news! Everyone here at the FWA thinks that the Buddy Bowl is such a good idea that I was offered the chance to have anything I wanted as a thank you gift, for organising such a great thing. I felt really flattered, but it too my so long to think about what gift I wanted.

“I thought long and hard, and I thought of the perfect gift that I could receive. No, it was the best gift I could think of! I know that I had to get out that restraining order against Alyster Black so he couldn’t spoil our fun tonight but well, gee, we’re going to be spending some time together really soon because I asked FWA management if they would name me the number one contender for the FWA World Championship… and they did!

“I have a match with Alyster at Winter Wasteland! Ain’t that great, everybody?”

The crowd absolutely does not share Best’s enthusiasm and loudly boo his announcement that he will be challenging for the FWA World Championship next month.

Jeremy Best: “Me and Alyster have so much in common, I’m sure that our match is going to be the best - may the best man win! We’re both friends with Krash and we’re both friends with Peacock… as a matter of fact, how about we bring my partner out here so we can get this match underway? Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Peacock… DREW PEACOCK!”

There is some confusion from the fans and after a few seconds, a man who is identical to the former FWA World Champion emerges from the back. Drew Peacock - twin brother of Chris - has a more gaunt expression and pastier skin than his brother. His wrestling attire is an ill-fitting jumpsuit, perhaps one of Chris’s, but Drew’s pudgier physique means that it does not fit as well. It becomes clear very quickly that Drew is not walking straight and has a slightly glazed-over look in his eyes.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I know times have fallen hard for Chris Peacock as of late but do not adjust your sets, that is his twin brother Drew. It was clearly him at the bar with Jeremy Best on Thursday night and from the looks of things, Drew has not stopped since then. He’s not in the best of ways here, and Jeremy Best surely can see that this is not right. Alyster Black must be livid, wherever he is. That’s his best friend’s brother that Jeremy Best has taken advantage of and paraded in front of the world to embarrass Black and the rest of FTN.”

Drew slips as he enters the ring but Jeremy helps him back to his feet and Best raises the arm of Drew Peacock, but Drew seems very unaware of where and perhaps who he even is. Jeremy props him up and Best then looks excitedly at the stage to see who his and Drew’s opponent is going to be.

There are more jeers from the crowd as Jeremy and Drew’s opponents are revealed to be… Jeremy’s friends in the Friendship Wrestling Alliance - Sir Stache and Mejor Amigo! Entering together unlike all of the other teams already introduced tonight, Stache and Mejor jog down to the ring. Jeremy looks on in shock, putting his hands on his face.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Introducing their opponents… representing the Friendship Wrestling Alliance… SIR STACHE AND MEJOR AMIGO!!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, not only as Jeremy Best manouevred himself into a championship match at Winter Wasteland, this seems like somewhat of a favourable draw given his friendship with these two guys. Quite suspicious. That, or this is just an ambush for Drew Peacock… if so, I doubt he lacks the awareness to see it coming whilst in this advanced stage of refreshment.”

As if instinctively, Stache and Mejor approach Jeremy Best but he motions for them to go to the other side of the ring, reminding them that they are opponents. Best exits the ring onto the apron and massages Peacock’s shoulders, with Drew still not particularly sure where he is.


THIRD MATCH || 1/20.
Jeremy Best & Drew Peacock
vs. The Fantasy Wrestling Alliance (Mejor Amigo & Sir Stache).
Buddy Bowl Qualifier.
Match writer: Man

The bell rings, and it is Drew Peacock starting off with Sir Stache. Stache approaches Drew and tries to lock up with him, but Peacock shoves him away and starts aggressively shouting at him, asking him what he was doing. Sir Stache turns to Jeremy Best for advice, but Peacock takes umbrage with being ignored… and he cracks Sir Stache with a Headbutt! This knocks Stache down and he holds his forehead. He scuttles backwards on his backside and tags in Mejor Amigo.

Mejor fares much better, charging in and meeting Peacock with a kick to the midsection. He then clubs his arm down on the back of the hunched over brother of Chris Peacock and knocks Drew down to a knee. However, once again, Drew does not take well to being attacked and he lunges forward and takes Mejor down with a double leg. He gets on top of Mejor Amigo and starts to punch down on his head and face in a fit of anger. On the apron, Jeremy Best applauds his partner’s handiwork.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Drew Peacock was formerly a wrestler himself, alongside his brother Chris, until a knee injury ended both his wrestling and dancing careers. It doesn’t seem to be giving him much trouble at the moment though.”

It takes some effort for Mejor Amigo to get Drew off of him, but he manages to do it and he kicks Drew back into his own corner. Mejor, slightly heated, asks for Jeremy to get into the ring, citing something about this not “being part of the plan” which the microphones pick up. Jeremy tags himself into the match and offers Drew a thumbs up. Mejor Amigo offers his hand for a handshake, which Jeremy accepts… AND THEN TRANSITIONS INTO THE FRIENDSHIP BRACELET! Mejor Amigo is in the hold for a matter of seconds before he TAPS OUT!!

Winner: Jeremy Best & Drew Peacock via submission at 1:37.

The music plays and the crowd is very unhappy with the obvious shenanigans which took place during that. Jeremy lets Mejor Amigo go and then jumps up and down in victory. Sir Stache comes across to celebrate with Jeremy, but in the interest of keeping up appearances, Best once again tells him to keep some distance. Drew Peacock has no idea what is going on.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here are your winners… DREW PEACOCK AND JEREMY BEST!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Jeremy Best and Drew Peacock make the finals… but under dubious circumstances at best. It may be possible that Jeremy Best may have engineered that entire farce and now he is throwing Chris Peacock’s brother to the wolves in the main event…”

Jeremy raises Drew’s hand in the air and Peacock snatches it away, not understanding what is happening due to his current condition. Sir Stache and Mejor Amigo do their best impressions of disappointed losers.


"The Wildcard" Jason Randall is walking through the halls on his way to the ring when he's stopped by Sawyer Xavier. Sawyer looks like he has something to say but Randall cuts him off before he can get a word out.

Jason Randall: "Save it, I don't have much time but do you think what to said to me at the last show was something new? That it was something I hadn't heard from other people before you? Believe me, I've heard it all. "

Sawyer Xavier: "Then do something about it."

Jason Randall: "Look kid, I appreciate the advice but I'll be fine."

Sawyer Xavier: "How about a match?"

Randall had started to walk away but he stops in his tracks.

Sawyer Xavier: "At Winter Wasteland, you vs me. Surely you're free that day? I know I am."

Randall turns back toward Sawyer and gets close to him.

Jason Randall: "What's in it for you?"

Sawyer Xavier: "Nothing, I just want to show everyone that you're still someone. You still have what it takes, no matter what the suits think."

Randall briefly thinks it over.

Jason Randall: "Fine, but a word a warning to you, kid. That fire you lit under my ass with that speech of yours is going to come back to bite you on your ass when I'm done with you at Winter Wasteland."

Randall lets those words linger before he walks off again as the show rolls on.


The crowd comes alive with cheers as the always stunning Gabrielle Montgomery walks out from the back, gracing us with her presence in the Buddy Bowl.

Natalie Rosenberg: "This next match is scheduled for one fall and is a Buddy Bowl qualifying tag team match! Introducing first.... she is The Goddess and a FWA Hall of Famer... GAAAAABBBBRRRIIIEEEELLLLLEE MMMMMMMMMMMOOONNTGGOOOMMERY!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “While there’s no doubt Gabrielle will be looking to give this her all to earn a tag title shot… she has to have a lot on her mind after the heated confrontation on Meltdown with Eternal - specifically Elizabeth Rose.”

The crowd comes unglued now, if they weren’t already excited enough… Gabrielle’s partner is another legendary woman in this business… Bell Connelly happily makes her way out onto the stage, waving to her adoring fans.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And her partner... from Phoenix, Arizona... she is ALSO a FWA HALL OF FAMER.... BBBBEEEELLLLLLL CCCCCCOOOOOOONNEEELLLYYYY!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well how’s this for a tag team? A couple of the most distinguished women to ever step into that ring are teaming up tonight! Both former FWA World Champions and while it’s been some time since we’ve seen Connelly in the ring, this should be quite the pairing!”

As if the crowd couldn’t get even more excited for this one? Another former FWA Champion walks out from the back, getting a huge reaction as “Rockstar” Randy Ramon poses for the fans.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And their opponents, introducing first.... he is ALSO a FWA Hall of Famer.... "ROCKSTAR" RRRRRRRAAAAAAANNNDDDYYY RRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOON!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I’m starting to run out of fingers to count the legends in this match! Of course, Randy Ramon just recently returned from the dead and has been a thorn in Chris Peacock’s side since doing so… but having held them five times in the past, the tag titles continue to be something that obviously tempts The Rockstar and that has him jumping into the Buddy Bowl pool tonight!”

The crowd is in awe as Randy Ramon’s partner is revealed, walking out from the back with a smirk on his face. “The Showman” seemed pretty thrilled to be partnering up with Randy Ramon tonight, and from ringside, Randy Ramon seemed to share the sentiment.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his partner... from The Badlands.... he is "The Showman" CCCCCHHHHHHHHRRRRIIISSSSSS CCCCCCRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWEEE! They are… THE ROCK SHOW!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I know I’ve said it before tonight but… oh my! What a pairing! The Rockstar and the Showman - THE ROCK SHOW as it seems they are going by. We saw Crowe’s actual tag partner, Tommy Bedlam, punch a ticket to the finals already… will Crowe join him?”


Gabrielle & Bell Connelly
vs. Rock Show (Randy Ramon & Chris Crowe).
Buddy Bowl Qualifier.
Match writer: Dubb

While Gabrielle and Bell Connelly both seem to still be arguing with one another, Ramon and Crowe both look focused and ready to go. Crowe starts the match out while Gabrielle finally asserts her dominance and demands to start the match, which Bell throws her hands up with some frustration.

Gabrielle is not intimidated by the man across the ring from her. The Showman is not a pleasant individual and tends to strike fear into most competitors, but Gabrielle appears up for the challenge as she moves in, and quickly evades a lock up attempt by Crowe. She instead strikes Crowe with some forearm smashes to Crowe - taking it straight to the former North American champion.

But Crowe absorbs the blows and retaliates with a series of powerful strikes of his own, looking to overpower the Goddess. But Gabbie is quick and nimble, ducking under one of his wild swings and then striking Crowe in the midsection with a knee strike before leaping up and scoring with a huricanrana to take The Showman down to the mat!

Gabbie smirks as she gets back up to her feet, watching Crowe sit up to a knee. The crowd roars in response to Gabrielle's efforts to start the match.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gabrielle has seen a lot in her storied career and she is clearly not intimidated by The Showman and is off to a hot start here!”

Even Connelly shows some support for her partner, giving her a round of applause from the apron. But The Goddess ignores her partner and charges in at Crowe with a running thrust kick, but Crowe catches her foot and sweeps her other leg, taking her down to the mat on her back. He then looks to drop an elbow down onto the Caramel Coated Goddess, but she rolls out of the way!

Garbrielle kips up to her feet and connects with a jumping heel kick that sends Crowe stumbling backwards to his own corner where Ramon is waiting. Randy reaches out and wants the tag, so Crowe tags the Rockstar in.

The crowd is electric as Randy Ramon steps through the ropes and into the ring, staring across the ring to Gabrielle.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Two Hall of Famers - standing across the ring from one another! While another one watches on the apron!”

Gabrielle licks her lips as she watches Ramon enter the ring, and the two veterans circle each other before Gabrielle attempts to strike first, but Ramon ducks her forearm smash and instead takes the Goddess down with a huge European Uppercut. Gabrielle shows her determination as she gets right back up but Ramon rocks her with another uppercut, sending her back into the ropes.

Ramon charges into the corner, but Gabbie gets both boots up and they connect with Ramon’s jaw, sending him staggering backward… as Gabrielle comes charging out of the corner scoring with a running headscissor takedown to Ramon!

She follows it up with a split legged legdrop and a pinfall attempt!

One! Two! Kickout!


<< 05:15 >>

Gabrielle’s attempt of a bulldog gets countered into a backdrop suplex. She grabs her back as she rolls to the corner, lifting up her arm looking for a tag and gets it from Bell Connelly.

The other Hall of Famer in this match steps into the ring and wastes no time going straight at Ramon, scoring with a monkey flip - but Ramon lands on his feet! Ramon grabs a tag to Crowe as Connelly charges toward Ramon. Randy goes for a backdrop, but Bell leapfrogs him but is CAUGHT by Crowe! Crowe holds Connelly in her arms and tosses her backwards with the Fallaway Slam!

The Showman quickly overpowers Connelly, putting some boots to her back before pulling her back up only to send her right back down to the mat with a sitout powerbomb!

One! Two! Kickout!

Slowly Crowe got back up and began to pull Connelly back up, lifting her back up into the air - once again showcasing his power over Bell, but Bell surprises him with an arm drag takedown! A surprised Crowe rolls back to his feet as Connelly bounces to the ropes with a springboard corkscrew armdrag!

The crowd is alive and solidly behind BeautyXBeast as she continues her fast and furious offense against The Showman, connecting with Confetti Cannon sending Crowe falling backwards into the corner of the turnbuckles, to which Connelly follows up with the Glitterball running cannonball to the cornered Crowe!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Queen of the Boop has come alive here and is reminding everyone of just why she is a Hall of Famer and former FWA Champion!”

Bell then heads over to the corner and gives Randy Ramon a BOOP right on the nose, much to the delight of the crowd but much less delightful for The Rockstar who quickly tries to enter the ring, furiously looking to retaliate, but is cut off by referee Tommy Palmer. Connelly offers a friendly wave to the restrained Ramon before connecting with the Paradise City bicycle kick to the recovering Crowe!

Connelly drops down and goes for the pin as Palmer returns to position!



Thre - NO! Kickout by The Showman!

<< 09:33 >>

Connelly’s momentum would come to a screeching halt as she attempts a handspring cartwheel into a back elbow, but Crowe instead caught her and countered with a release Dragon Suplex to take her down and turn the tables. Crowe crawls over and makes the tag to Randy Ramon.

The pair help pull Connelly to her feet and whip her into the ropes, taking her to the mat with a double back elbow before the pair combine to drop a pair of elbows down onto the fallen Connelly. Gabrielle charges into the ring to break up the double team, connecting with a shotgun dropkick to Crowe that sends The Showman to the mat and out of the ring, but Ramon takes Gabrielle back down with a discus punch, rocking her to the ropes before clotheslining The Godess out of the ring.

Ramon turns his attention back to a recovering Connelly, not giving her the chance to fight back as he hits her with a spinkick to double her back over before lifting her up and driving her to the canvas with a vicious BRRAAAIIINNNBUSSTTAAAA.

Ramon goes for the pin!





Randy wastes no time after the nearfall, placing some stomps to Connelly before pulling her back up to her feet, keeping the control of the pace of the match. After an European uppercut, Ramon whips Connelly into the ropes before bouncing off the ropes himself, and he goes for the Occisor Punch!

But Connelly ducks out of the way!

Ramon turns back around… into a STIFF headbutt from Connelly! He staggers backwards… but fires back with an attempt of The Remix, but Connelly ducks and hits the GLITTER KICK TO RAMON!

Connelly drops to her knees as Gabrielle reaches out looking for the tag…


Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh what now?!”

The lights almost immediately come back on… and at the top of the stage, Elizabeth Rose is standing, motioning to Gabrielle.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Elizabeth Rose! After her words toward Gabrielle on Meltdown… I don’t think the Goddess is going to be too thrilled to see her right now…”

Gabrielle, jumps down off the apron just as Connelly is looking for the tag and charges up the aisle running toward Rose while Connelly extends her arms out in frustration…


Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh come on!”

The lights come back on and Rose is gone… but Keres now replaces her, staring down Gabrielle… with Princess Nova standing behind Gabrielle! Keres nods to Nova and she attacks Gabrielle from behind and locks in the Queen’s Web!

Meanwhile, back in the ring… Connelly’s eyes have been drawn to the action on stage, she starts to leave the ring to go to her partner’s aid, but Ramon spins her around…


Randy makes the pin as Gabrielle is still trapped in the hold!




But she’s too late

Winner: Rock Show via pinfall at 12:37.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winners… Randy Ramon and Chris Crowe - THE ROCK SHOW!!"

While Ramon and Crowe are declared the winners in the ring - the lights go out once again… and when they return, ETERNAL is gone… Gabrielle is left laying out in the ring while Connelly is starting to recover. Crowe and Ramon take it all in stride and celebrate their win together with a high five.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That sudden appearance by ETERNAL’s Elizabeth Rose and the attack from Princess Nova was the difference maker here as Randy Ramon was not afraid to capitalize on it! With that, Rockstar and The Showman join the finals with just two more spots left!”






The crowd is completely confused and unsure of what to make of what’s going on with the theme being played.

Natalie Rosenberg: "This next match is scheduled for one fall and is a Buddy Bowl qualifying tag team match! Introducing first...."

As the song starts, Natalie is interrupted by the iconic voice of William Shatner which comes through the speakers known for his role as the intro voice for the short lived TV animated series “Buzz Lightyear of Star Command”

William Shatner: “Calling Aaron Harrows! The Galaxy’s greatest wrestler! Skilled, courageous, and ever vigilant. Leaping into action alongside his loyal sidekick Bellatrix Bordeaux, Aaron Harrows hurdles to the rescue. His ongoing mission: to protect the universe from the dark forces of evil!

These are the adventures of AARON HARROWS, OF TOP STAR COMMAND, and his plucky sidekick, Trixie Bordeaux…TWO WRONGS MAKE A RIGHT!“

And immediately on cue, here comes the duo in question! Racing through the curtain, Both of them fully into the Toy Story narrative set up by the theme and William Shatner, Bellatrix Bordeaux is seen in a full on cowboy costume obviously trying to depict Woody while this other person assumed to be called Aaron is decked out in special Buzz Lightyear attire! Coming out in a green & blue custom Ariel Atom 500 V8 designed to look like the car from the third act of the first film.

Jean-Luc Watkins:: “Aaron Harrows making his debut tonight in The Buddy Bowl! I won’t lie to you viewers, my knowledge of “The Top Star” is a bit lacking but what we do know is that he was not originally supposed to be here! Trixie was going to be teaming with Ririko for this event, obviously The Coven and The YOKAI Death Squad have had their issues as of late, but that is not to be as unfortunately we recently learned the news that Katsu was admitted into hospital for unknown reasons and that her teammates have decided to stay with her so obviously all the best wishes to the former FWA TV Champion in her recovery. Fortunately it was Trixie who suggested this man to be her new tag partner and turns out Best accepted it!

During this long paragraph by Watkins explaining the situation, Aaron Harrows has been soaking in all of the applause and focusing in on the camera to make sure he gets as much tv time as possible, pointing his imaginary laser at the camera and bragging that he has “cut off the camera man’s legs but the people can’t see it because it’s too bloody” which is certainly something. Trixie on the other hand is having a bit of trouble getting the car to start again, a bit panicky but eventually she figures out how a car works using her remote control and the car bursts back into life, driving both competitors down the ramp and barely braking RC just inches from the apron!

Trixie: “Whoops.”

Aaron: “....TRIXIE!”


Jean-Luc Watkins: “This might have been a bad idea but I wouldn’t expect less from a show run by Jeremy Best. Giving credit to Trixie though, Aaron Harrows is a former champion in other companies and is also the brother to Ground Zero Season 5 Runner Up Millie Harrows so he atleast has some experience in this sport, Trixie herself holds the trios championship with “The Coven” so these two are not a team to be underestimated in this competition despite them going up against some massive stars in their own right.”

Aaron Harrows is now outside of the ring, still trying to get as much as attention as he can from the camera man, clearly trying to get some kind of long term contract out of this? I don’t know about that but Trixie eventually beckons him into the ring which he does. Aaron and Trixie share a minute long extremely secret handshake before sharing a jumping high five that they have to redo because they missed. But the second one nails it! Two Wrongs Make A Right are very energetically getting themselves warmed up as they wait for their opponents.

There’s a mixed reaction for Madison Gray as she walks out onto the stage, loosening up her joints and staring ahead of herself at the two people already in the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And their opponents: first, from Portsmouth in the United Kingdom and weighing in at one hundred and twenty five pounds… ‘the Young Lioness’... MADISON GRAY!!"

Madison pauses at the top of the ramp as her music fades out.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "WHO IS IT?! WHO IS IT?!"

The reaction continues to be mixed as Madison’s partner walks out onto the stage next to her, donning full weasel suit and looking around herself anxiously at the assembled audience.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And her tag team partner, from the Meadows and weighing in at one hundred and ninety pounds… weaselperson!!"

The weasel and the Lioness stand next to each other on the stage for a moment, eyes straight ahead, before they begin their walk down towards the ring. They pause as they pass by the toy car that their opponents drove to the ring in, share a glance with one another (for the first time in the evening), with Madison raising an eyebrow suggestively…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "The Buddy Bowl throws up another strange, unexpected partnership that wouldn’t be easily explained in any other circumstances. Madison Gray is a relatively new name here in the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance whilst weaselperson… well, their own level of experience depends on how deeply you want to look at it, I guess. Either way, the weasel and the Lioness are thrust together here for one night only, assumedly, which throws up a whole host of other questions – the first to my mind is what will weaseldreamer do if she encounters ‘the Daredevil’ Gerald Grayson during this competition? Time will answer all questions, but for now, this…"


FIFTH MATCH || 1/20.
Two Wrongs Make a Right (Trixie Bordeaux & Aaron Harrow)
vs. Madison Gray & weaselperson.
Buddy Bowl Qualifier.
Match writer: SS

<< 00:00. >>

The match starts off with Madison Gray and Trixie Bordeaux in the ring, and immediately the contrast between their styles is shown. Madison circles the ring methodically, looking for an opening to move in closer for a submission or a tie-up, with Trixie firing off with haphazard strikes attempts (punches and slaps) that the Lioness mostly blocks. At Trixie’s fifth attempt at a right hand, Madison is able to catch the hand and then goes beneath into a hammer lock, wrenching on the hold and causing Bordeaux to yelp in pain. Trixie reaches out for the ropes but Gray keeps her anchored in the middle of the ring, leading to Bordeaux lashing out with a trio of back elbows that catch her opponent flush, allowing her to shift into a side headlock.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Trixie Bordeaux is able to show her own technical wrestling chops, before driving Madison down with a bulldog! Straight into the cover…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "You gotta hook the leg! Bah gawd almighty, you gotta hook the leg!"

Gray kicks out, and Trixie immediately tries to wrench on the arm with an armbar, only for Madison to roll through and then catch Bordeaux in a cross armbreaker! Once more Bordeaux screeches with pain and, sensing an urgent need for release, quickly scrambles to the ropes and hooks an outstretched leg onto it to force the break. The referee enforces one, and Gray only backs away for long enough for Bordeaux to rise to her feet before charging back in… Trixie sees her coming, though, and ducks beneath the attempted clothesline to hoists Gray up and over the rope with a back body drop. Gray lands on her feet on the apron and attempts a right hand on Trixie as she turns, but Bordeaux blocks it and replies in kind with a slap!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Trixie slaps the taste out of the Lioness’ mouth! And now she attaches a front facelock before suplexing Madison back into the ring! Another cover, and this time she does hook the leg. Fast learner!"


Madison kicks out, with Trixie taking her by the scruff of the neck and hoists her up, backing her into the ropes with a series of overhand chops before and attempting an Irish whip. Gray is able to reverse it, but Trixie ducks beneath her lariat and continues her momentum into the opposite set of ropes…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "weaselperson grabs a handful of hair as Trixie approaches her corner!! Bordeaux takes a fall, but immediately Madison collects her and lifts her back to her feet… bridging half nelson suplex! Bordeaux’s shoulders are down…"


Bordeaux gets a shoulder up, but from here Madison is able to gain a lasting advantage. She applies a grounded hammerlock, ensuring that Trixie is near her team’s corner as the match rolls on…


<< 05:12. >>

The weasel and the Lioness have been successful in isolating Trixie in their corner of the ring, with weaseldreamer now in the ring and maintaining control of Trixie thanks to a cravate. Bordeaux initially seems to be fading, but then finds a second wind thanks to the support of the crowd, she begins to creep to the ropes, reaching out towards them with outstretched fingertips.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Not so fast! weaseldreamer takes Bordeaux over with a snapmare, leaving her in a seated position for a stiff PK to the back!"

weaseldreamer makes a tag to Madison but doesn't leave the ring, instead hoisting Trixie up and into a fireman's carry. Madison has entered also, connecting with a standing dropkick as weaseldreamer connects with a Death Valley Driver!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Some tandem offense there from the weasel and the Lionesses! Gray follows up with a cover…"


Madison gets to her feet after the kickout, the crowd launching into a ‘TRIXIE’ chant whilst Harrows reaches over the top rope with a hand, desirous of a tag… only for Madison to charge across the ring and knock him off the apron with a shotgun dropkick! The audience don't like the shady tactic, but weaseldreamer applauds from the apron. Another tag is made, with the weasel climbing towards the top rope as Madison drags Trixie into the middle of the ring…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Tiger suplex from Madison! Followed up by a frog splash from weaseldreamer! And another cover on Trixie…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Another kickout from Trixie, showing some of that trademark resilience, but Bordeaux needs to get a tag soon before this one slips away from her…"


<< 09:48. >>

weaseldreamer has Trixie backed into a corner, working her over with a series of knife edge chops and forearm strikes, followed by a quartet of Mongolian chops. She then climbs up onto the second rope, towering above Bordeaux, before biting down hard on her forehead! The audience boo the antics, and JLW expresses his distaste from the commentary booth, but the weasel continues biting until a thin trickle of blood is drawn from Bordeaux’s head! Eventually she relents, but doesn’t hop down from the second rope, instead electing to place her hands on her hips and staring out over the booing audience. The somewhat passive taunt incenses the audience more, who double down on the booing and launch into a ‘FUCK YOU DREA-MER’ chant, prompting a lengthy shrug from the woman in the suit.

Meanwhile, blood has been trickling down from Trixie’s forehead, over her eyes and her mouth… and the taste of it seems to stir something in her. With weaseldreamer still posing and mocking, standing on the second rope, Bordeaux grasps her legs and walks her out from the corner…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "POWERBOMB!!! Trixie with a powerbomb on weaseldreamer! Not really a move that we’re used to seeing from Bordeaux, but the size and positioning of her opponent allowed for it, and Trixie made full use of that situation. But can she follow up?!"

It doesn’t seem that way, with Trixie slumping to the mat next to weaselperson. She does, though, begin crawling towards her own corner at a snail’s pace, her opponent slowly climbing to her feet and realising that the period of isolation is about to come to an end. She grabs Trixie by the boot, Bordeaux able to hop up onto her other foot… and then deliver an enziguri! weaselperson is down again!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "… and Bordeaux gets the tag!! In comes Harrows, just as Madison Gray is tagged in on the opposite side of the ring! He takes Gray down with a lariat… and then again with a back elbow! Here comes weaselperson… Harrows takes her out at the knees with a tiltawhirl backbreaker! Madison’s up and goes for a lariat, but it’s ducked beneath by ‘Top Star’, who follows up with a Northern Lights suplex! Bridging for the cover…"


Broken up by weaselperson, who looks to follow up with some stomps to the momentarily downed Harrows… but Trixie charges across the ring and clotheslines her right out of it! And she follows up with a slingshot plancha to the outside! Harrows, meanwhile, is back to his feet, and he’s stalking Gray from behind. Boot to the midsection… he underhooks her head, takes her into the corner, and executes an impressive sliced bread #2 into a Cross-Rhodes!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Aaron Harrow’s got adrenaline in his soul! He calls that Brad Pitt’s Apple! Harrows hooks the far leg…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Kickout from Madison Gray! She and weaseldreamer are still in this, but that was the change in momentum that Harrows and Bordeaux so desperately needed…"

Intent on keeping weaselperson on the mat, Harrows slaps on a grounded headlock as the match continues…


<< 14:55. >>

weaselperson and Trixie have been brawling on the outside, with Bordeaux more than holding her own and managing to deliver both a snap DDT and a suplex on the outside. She has the weasel in a seated position up against the steel steps, perhaps shaping up for her Bundle of Fun cannonball on the outside. As she approaches, though, weaselperson climbs to her feet and reverses with a drop toe hold, slamming Trixie face-first onto the top of the steps!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "weaselperson exacerbates the cut on Trixie’s forehead with that move, and she isn’t done there. She drags Trixie away from the steel steps, applies a front facelock… BRAAAAAAAAAAINBUUUUUSTAAAAAH!! On the outside!!"

Meanwhile, in the ring, Madison Gray seems to be building up towards a big finish of her own. She hits a snap underhook suplex, followed by a dragon suplex, the audience booing heavily as she stalks Harrows from a corner.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Wrestling fans… this is your FOUR MINUTE WARNING!!"

‘Top Star’ climbs to his feet and turns around to face Gray, who is charging at him for ‘the Disappointed Master’ spinning back elbow.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This could be it! NO! Ducked beneath by Harrow who goes behind into a rear waistlock… release German suplex!! Madison is on dream street, but Harrows doesn’t give her a moment to rest. He hoists her up and applies a headlock… OSCAR NUMBER #1!!! That’s his finish! This is it!!"


But weaseldreamer reaches beneath the bottom rope and pulls the official out onto the outside! The referee lands face-down on the ground, bumping his head off the hard flooring, which slows his rise and gives the weasel enough time to escape the scene by sliding into the ring. She gets up and comes face to face with Aaron Harrows, who has his hands outstretched either side of him and appears to be asking her what the fuck?!

In response, weaselperson shrugs, barks, and then kicks him square between the legs!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "weaselperson takes a page out of Trixie Bordeaux’s book! Aaron Harrows has the wind driven out of him! Madison is up… and there’s ‘the Disappointed Master’!! He’s floored by the spinning back elbow, and Gray slumps into the cover, just as the official slides back into the ring!"


Trixie is up to her feet and about to slide back in, but weaselperson knocks her down again with a baseball slide!


Winner: Madison Gray & weaselperson via pin fall at 17:22.

Madison and weaselperson don’t even wait around to have their arms lifted, instead rolling out of the ring on opposite sides before reconverging at the foot of the ramp.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here are your winners… the weasel and the Lioness!!"

Gray and weaseldreamer take one last glance at the downed Bordeaux before beginning on their way up the ramp. Harrows is finally stirring in the ring and seethes as he watches them go. Before they get too far, though, Gray reaches out and grabs weaseldreamer by the wrist, staying her momentum. The weasel looks momentarily perturbed by this, but her anger is stayed by the devious smirk on the face of her new partner. Madison nods in the direction of the toy car that Harrows and Bordeaux came to the ring in.

Then, Gray jumps into the driver's seat, weaselperson hopping up onto the spoiler mounted on its rear. Madison engages the clutch and, with a gentle electronic vrum, drives up the ramp and away from the ring.

Madison Gray: "To infinity… and beyond!!"

The arena lights go off, and a dark silhouette appears on the screen, as it walks into camera view sits in a chair as the person begins to talk.

Masked Assailant: “Hello Maddie I still have something you want very near and dear to you, don’t worry, I'm not going to hurt her, if you meet my demands that is, I've been watching you for a long time Madison, and I must say I'm not impressed after the first time seeing you I knew we weren’t cut from the same cloth, Madison I bet you’re wondering who I am, you'll find that out in due time, you took everything from me Madison Gray so I figured I'd take something meaningful from you.”

The masked assailant slowly begins to chuckle, as he then pans to a tied-up Lamarmie as she’s squirming and putting up a fight.

Masked Assailant: “Now now, we won't have any of that, you know I'm not going to hurt you I only need to send a message, I promise Maddie you will get her back next week, if you listen to my request and my demands she is yours, if not you'll never see her pretty face again, I'm sick of feeling sick and numb every day because of you taking everything from me, I'm sick of the feeling of regret Madison, you brought this upon yourself. So now you’ll have to suffer the consequences. December 17th Madison Gray.”

The masked assailant spins around in the chair and lowers his hood, and begins to take off his mask. With the mask off he spins back around and is revealed to be none other than Blake Taylor who has kidnapped Laramie.

The feed then cuts back to Madison Gray, who is no longer enthusiastically celebrating her victory. She absorbs this information with a knowing nod and anger developing behind her eyes.


With just moments to go until the main event, we see the host of the Buddy Bowl and one of the participants in the final, Jeremy Best, standing backstage. He taps his knuckles against a door which clearly leads to a supply closet, but a paper sign has the name ‘DREW PEACOCK’ scribbled on it in green crayon.

Jeremy Best: "Drew? How are you doing in there, friend? Feelin’ good?"

Best winces as a loud retching sound is heard from inside the room and then the sound of someone vomiting. Before Jeremy can check on his partner again, Todd Salum arrives on the scene.

Jeremy Best: "Hi Todd! How are you doing tonight, friend? Got any hard-hitting questions for me before the Buddy Bowl?"

Todd Salum: "No, I’m not here on an official capacity for an interview, son. I’m asking you to just reconsider what you’re doing here. That man in there needs some help and what you’re doing is wrong, to take advantage of him like that.

“I consider myself a friend of Chris Peacock and a friend of the Peacock family. I must raise my objections to what you’re doing and ask that you put an end to this now, before it can go any further."

Despite the clear concern in the voice of Todd Salum, Jeremy chuckles and pats him on the back harder than Todd was probably expecting.

Jeremy Best: "Oh, Todd! There’s nothing to worry about, Drew agreed to be my partner! We talked about it over some drinks the other night, didn’t you see? Ah, look, here he is now!"

Jeremy opens the door and grimaces at the smell coming from the room. He reaches in and pulls Drew Peacock out of the room by the arm and uses his body to shuffle Salum into the closet and slams the door closed in Todd’s face. Salum, in pitch darkness bangs on the door and asks for help and Jeremy locks it.

Jeremy Best: "We wouldn’t want anyone getting in there, would we, partner? Come on, let’s go win this thing!"

After stopping Drew from walking the wrong way, Jeremy leads him towards the ringside area ahead of the conclusion of the Buddy Bowl.


Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your MAIN EVENT OF THE EVENING! This is the Buddy Bowl SCRAMBLE! This is an elimination style match where the match continues into both members of each team have been eliminated by pinfall or submission! Introducing first, from Sweetwater, Texas, he is the X Champion... TOOOOOOOOMMMMYYYYY BBBEEEEDDDDDDDDDDLAM!"

Tommy Bedlam walks out from the back, playing to the crowd before sliding into the ring. He waves his cowboy hat around to the crowd, much to to the delight of the fans.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his partner... from Calgary, Alberta, Canada... JJJEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFRRRRYYYY MMMMMAAAAAAASSSOOOONNNN!"

Jeffry Mason comes out from the back to a mixed reaction from the crowd, having won some of the fans over from teaming with fan favorite Bedlam earlier in the evening. Bedlam and Mason seem to still be on the same page as they await in the ring together.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Introducing next... from Valletta, Malta... he is "The Maltese Falcon"... AAALLLLLLLLLLLEEEJANDRO GGGIIIIIIIIIIIUNNNTIIIIIIII!"

“The Maltese Falcon” walks out from the back, looking quite confident after picking up the win in his FWA debut earlier tonight. We’ve seen some newcomers pick up tag title shots (and win them) as recently as this past week on Meltdown - cold Alejandro Giunti be next?

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his partner... from Raleigh, North Carolina... GGGGGGEERRRRALLLLLDDD GGGGGRRRAAYYYSSSOONNNN"

Gerald Grayson walks out from the back a bit gingerly, selling the attack from Death WAlker earlier in the evening. He looks ready to go but one has to wonder how much damage that attack did to the daredevil and how will it effect his ability to last in a marathon of a match like this.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Next up, this is the pairing of "Rockstar" Randy Ramon... and "The Showman" Chris Crowe.... this is... RRRRRRROOOOOOOOCCCCCKKKK SSSSHHHHHHOOOWWWWWWW!"

Randy Ramon and Chris Crowe already showing some solidarity as they walk out together, not separately like the other teams. Crowe and Roman look quite united as they play to the crowd and both look ready to continue the momentum they gained earlier in the night.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Introducing next, from... The Meadows... this is... WWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEASSSSSEELLLLLLLPERSON!"

weaselperson makes her way out onto the stage, stopping in the aisle to examine her opponents from afar, and awaits her tag partner.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And her partners, she is "The Young Lioness".... MMMAAAAAAAADDDIIISSSSSOOOOOON GGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRAAAAAAYYYYY!"

Madison Gray comes out to join weaselperson, consulting with her partner in the aisle who seems to be offering her up some words of wisdom for the youngster. Gray looks more confident than ever making it this far tonight and teaming up with a competitor like the weaselperson gives her as good a chance as anyone in this.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And their opponents, introducing first, representing the Friendship Wrestling Alliance and is our host with the most this evening... "Your New Best Friend" JEEEEEEERRRRRRREEEEEEMMMMMMYYYY BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBEST!"

It’s all boos for the gracious Buddy Bowl host as he makes his way out, waving to the crowd. Jeremy is fully unaware of the boos and is quite happy to be here tonight after such a hard fought win in his qualifying round of matches. Or so he would say anyway.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And his tag team partner.... he is the brother of former FWA Champion Chris Peacock... this is...DREW PEACOCK!"

Jeremy’s music continues to play, as he insists that they also show solidarity similarly to Rock Show… but as it continues to wait… there is no sign of Drew. Jeremy walks back up the stage, peeking through the curtains before walking back out. Still no sign of his tag partner.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well, Drew Peacock was not in the best condition earlier on when he and Jeremy Best advanced to the final stage of this match and then seemingly vomited in that supply closet backstage and we haven’t seen him since. It is quite a sorry state of affairs as we understand that Drew has had some recent battles with addiction and… oh, no… this does not look good…”

Stumbling out from the back and landing on his hands and knees is Drew Peacock. Worryingly, he has a half-full bottle of beer in his hand which he brings up to his mouth and takes a large swig from. He shakes his head and screws up his face due to the bitterness. Jeremy puts on his best false grin and edges towards his partner and he helps him to his feet. The other eight competitors in this match watch on in morbid curiosity more than anything, with the exception of Randy Ramon.

‘Rockstar’ motions towards Chris Crowe that he will get this under control and he exits the ring and walks towards Best and Drew. Ordering Jeremy to get into the ring, Ramon then focuses on Drew and the camera picks up the words that he speaks to the brother of his former friend.

Randy Ramon: “Drew… it’s been a while, huh? Look, I don’t know what kind of sick game that he’s dragged you into but you need help, okay? Me and Chris might not be on the best of terms anymore but you were always good to me. Go and get some help, alright?”

Drew nods his head in understanding and Ramon shakes his hand before looking to head back into the ring… but Drew Peacock does not let go.

Randy Ramon looks confused for a moment and looks into Drew Peacock’s eyes. All pretenses of inebriation vanish and Drew stands up straight. The look on Drew’s face turns from helplessness to fury and before Ramon can react… DREW SMASHES THE BOTTLE OVER THE SIDE OF HIS HEAD!!! Everyone in the ring and in the arena is shocked and Chris Crowe tries to go out to help his partner for the match, but his Deathswitch ally Tommy Bedlam holds him back, because Tommy, like everyone else… realises that is not Drew Peacock standing over a now bleeding Randy Ramon.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “IT’S CHRIS PEACOCK! The former FWA World Champion is BACK and he’s going after the man who cost him the championship!”

Even with Ramon down and bloodied, Peacock drops to his knees and starts laying into his former friend and mentor who has sneak attacked him twice in the last several months since returning to the FWA. The fans aren’t happy and they shout for people in the ring to go and help, but no one wants to get in the way of the rabid Peacock at the moment! He punches Ramon on the head until his hands are covered in blood and then picks ‘Rockstar’ up, bringing his face close to his.

Chris Peacock: “This is just the beginning, Randy. You should have stayed dead. When I’m through with you… YOU’RE GOING TO BE!”

Peacock slams Ramon’s head down onto the ramp and stands over him. He sneers at the fans and then SPITS down onto Ramon at his feet and flips everyone in the ring off and starts to walk back in the direction that he arrived.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “These fans are disgusted with Chris Peacock, and rightly so. He’s attacked and then disrespected Randy Ramon and thrown a massive spanner into the Buddy Bowl… but he has used his brother’s own addiction issues to get himself close enough to Ramon in the first place. Sickening.”

When it becomes clear that Peacock will not be participating in the match, Larry Stevens does his best to gain some order and calls for the match to begin!


Tommy Bedlam & Jeffry Mason
vs. Gerald Grayson & Alejandro Giunti vs. Jeremy Best vs. Rock Show (Randy Ramon & Chris Crowe) vs. Madison Gray & weaselperson.
Buddy Bowl Elimination Scramble.
Match writer: Dubb

Chris Peacock marches towards the back in a hurry, clearly not interested in sticking around and actually being Jeremy’s tag partner. But in the aisle, Jeremy grabs Chris by the hand to try and stop him.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Not so fast Chris, I think Jeremy Best actually wants him to be his partner in this…”

Peacock pulls his arm away from Best and proceeds to shove him off of him before walking away up the aisle.

Jeremy Best: “Chris! Noooooo! CHRIS! COME BACK! PLEASE!”

Jeremy pleads with Peacock, but Peacock is having none of it, keeping his back to Jeremy as he walks up the aisle and pauses at the top of the stage when he notices something coming through the curtain. Jeremy continues walking, making it about halfway up the aisle before he drops down to his knees.


The crowd gets to their feet as someone does walk out from the back.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s not Chris Peacock, my friends. THAT IS ALYSTER BLACK! And I definitely don’t think he’s here to be Jeremy’s tag team partner! But this is the first time that Alyster Black and Chris Peacock have been face to face since Lights Out…”

There are some words spoken by Alyster Black to his tag team partner; the same man that he won the FWA World Championship from. Black reaches out to Peacock, completely ignoring Best’s incessant screaming and begging from on the ramp. Peacock looks up and right into the eyes of his best friend… and shakes his head. The crowd are unsure how to react as Peacock doesn’t take a second glance at Alyster Black and walks out of view.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “There were doubts as to whether Chris Peacock was going to be there for FTN’s rematch at Lights Out for the FWA World Tag Team Championships… and I think Alyster Black just got his answer. Chris Peacock’s business here tonight was with Randy Ramon and Randy Ramon only.”

With Peacock gone, Alyster Black’s body language shifts from dejection to pure anger and his ire is firmly set on the man on his knees on the ramp. Jeremy quickly tries to get back to his feet as he sees the FWA World Champion marching towards him, clearly not happy. Jeremy stumbles over his own feet trying to get up and out of the way, falling backward to the ground. He scurries across the floor and back to his feet as Alyster keeps approaching.

Jeremy Best: ”Alyster… now wait just a minute buddy… remember… you can’t touch me! You can’t ruin my show!”

But Alyster Black is undeterred. He keeps approaching. He keeps stalking. Getting closer and closer down the aisle as Jeremy backs away, sliding into the ring to try and get away from Alyster black.

Jeremy Best: ”See… there’s nothing you can do… you can’t…”

Jeremy is cut off as he is rolled up from behind by Gerald Grayson!




Jeremy Best is eliminated by Gerald Grayson at 1:13

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Woooah! And just like that - the host of the Buddy Bowl is OUT! Alyster Black never had to touch Jeremy to ruin his night tonight after all!”

The crowd is ecstatic as Jeremy quickly sits up to his knees after the pinfall, his eyes wide as he holds his hands on either side of his head - his jaw dropped in the shock of the moment. Meanwhile, Alyster Black dusts off his hands, relishing in the sight of Jeremy’s defeat before he walks back up the aisle, his job done.

Jeremy continues to be beside himself in the ring, official Larry Stevens instructing him to exit the ring but Jeremy refuses, insisting that this isn’t the way the night was supposed to go. But Larry keeps telling him to leave as more officials come out from the back. Jeremy finally relents, and exits the ring alongside Tommy Palmer and Richard Davis who escort him up the aisle, but Jeremy stops on the stage and insists he wants to continue watching.

Back in the ring, action continued both inside and outside the ring as Jeffry Mason and Madison Gray were paired off outside the ring, an area that Gray no doubt did NOT want to be with the Deathmatch legend. But luckily she would have weaselperson coming to her aid quickly, as she dives through the ropes with a suicide dive onto Jeffry Mason, sending him crashing into the ring steps.

But the high flying didn’t stop there as all three pulled themselves up at ringside, The Maltese Falcon showcased some agility of his own as he climbed the turnbuckles, walked the top rope and then leaped out onto all three of them with a moonsault bodypress. Giunti rolled out of the way just in time as his own partner, Gerald Graysonl leaped over the ropes with a suicide senton that took out Madison, Jeffry, and weaselperson as well!

JLW: “The frequent flier miles are adding up quickly in this match!”[/b][/color]

In the ring, normal Deathswitch partners, Chris Crowe and Tommy Bedlam had elected to not partake in the high flying antics and just leaned on the ropes, watching along. But when Giunti slides back into the ring, the pair quickly pounced on him. Crowe and Bedlam worked together to stomp Giunti down to the mat before pulling him up and sending him into the ropes, taking the Maltese Falcon down with a double back body drop.

Gerald Grayson slides into the ring, clutching his side, selling the damage from the attack from Death Walker but still wanting to come to the aid of his Buddy Bowl partner, but is quickly met by both Tommy and Crowe as well. Tommy and Crowe take turns dishing out hard right hands to Grayson - leaving him on wobbly legs going between the pair before Tommy finally dropped the daredevil with an Alabama Slam!

Tommy goes for the pin!

One! Two! Kickout by GG!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Interesting to see Crowe and Bedlam working together here early. These two partners are NOT partners tonight in the Buddy Bowl, but you wouldn’t know it right now.”

While in the ring, Deathswitch had the upperhand on the Giunti & GG pairing - outside the ring, Jeffry Mason was back up and turning his attention to weaselperson. He attacks her from behind as she pulled herself up on the apron before sending her crashing into the ring steps! Mason walked over to the time keeper, shoving him aside to grab his chair. Mason folds up the steel chair and measures up the weasel… ready to drive the chair onto her as she rested on the steps..

BUT Madison Gray pulls the chair out from behind, making the save! Gray drives the chair into Jeffry’s midsection before tossing it down and then takes Mason down with a snap suplex onto the floor! Mason clutches his back as Gray rolls to her feet and checks on weaselperson. She helps her partner to her feet and they, in tandem, slide into the ring where Deathswitch is still controlling the action.

Tommy and Crowe turn to have a staredown with weaselperson and Madison… and they charge right at one another! Both Madison and weaselperson show off their agility as they avoid the attacks from Crowe and Bedlam. Madison rocks Bedlam backward with a front thrust kick, sending the cowboy into the ropes bef\\ore she charged head on at the X Champion with a running crossbody that sends them both spilling out of the ring!

Crowe attempts another wild swing of a right hand at weaselperson, but she ducks and locks the Showman in a crossface chicken wing submission! Larry Stevens is right there to check on Crowe, but he doesn’t give in and instead is able to break the hold up with a trio of back elbows to the snout of the weaselperson.

The Showman battles back against weaselperson with some boxing jabs, rocking her backward before he bounces off the ropes with a running lariat, but weaselperson ducks and Crowe gets hit with a slingblade from Gerald Grayson!

With the Showman laid out, Gerald Grayson comes eye to eye with the weaselperson… there’s a tense staredown between the two… and the two HUG!

As Tommy Bedlam rolls back into the ring, GG and weaselperson in tandem turn and hit stereo thrust kicks to Bedlam. GG then grabs Bedlam in a rear waist lock as weaselperson then connects with a mule kick, forearm strikes, European uppercuts and a step-up enziguri.. and then it's a followed by a high-angle German suplex with a bridge from Grayson.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “There… was something very familiar about that exchange… Can Grayson get the pin here on Tommy?!”




Crowe is in to break it up!

The Showman puts the stomps to Grayson as The Maltese Falcon springboards in out of nowhere with a flying headscissors to weaselperson!

Meanwhile, at ringside, Jeffry Mason has once again gotten the upperhand on Madison Gray as he pulls out a ladder from under the ring. Mason pulls the ladder up and wedges it horizontally between the guard rail and the ring apron, creating a bit of a platform. He then grabs Gray and lifts her up, attempting to suplex her onto the ladder, but Gray battles back! She hits some knees to Mason’s midsection to create some distance. Mason stumbles back but then charges at Gray, who counters him as he comes in with a drop toe hold sending Mason head first into the ladder!

Back in the ring, Alejandro Giunti continues to showcase his fast paced offense as he now runs in toward weaselperson, but weaselerson telegraphes his attack and BACKDROPS HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE..


weaselperson isn’t done yet, with Giunti prone on the ladder… she ascends the turnbuckles…

SWANTON TO GIUNTI ON THE LADDER! weaselperson drops to the floor as well, clutching her furry back while a battered Maltese Falcon falls off as well, joining her in on the ground at ringside.

Back in the ring, Madison Gray works over Gerald Grayson’s injured midsection before locking him into The Southsea Stretch #14!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Can Gerald hold on here? With the damage done from the attack by Death Walker earlier… I’m not sure how long GG can withstand this punishment!”

Larry Stevens checks in on him as The Young Lioness applies more pressure on the submission, but it’s broken up by both Tommy Bedlam and Chris Crowe! Crowe and Bedlam both put the boots to Gray, who tries to fight back against the Deathswitch pair - but the numbers are too much as they get the upperhand.

Crowe rocks Madison with a Discus Lariat that sends her staggering into a huge LAST CALL from Bedlam!

Tommy drops down and makes the cover..




Madison Gray by Tommy Bedlam at 10:48[/b][/color]

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That elimination takes out The Young Lioness, but her partner, weaselperson is still alive and can still earn the win for their team. But the odds certainly won’t be in her favor at this point. Especially with Deathswitch working together despite not being on the same team!”

With the elimination, Tommy’s partner, Jeffry Mason climbs into the ring - bringing a trash can with him as weaselperson begins to slowly pull herself up and roll into back into the ring. Mason stares down his opponents - Crowe, Grayson, and weaselperson… and then pulls out a lighttube from the trash can!

Up on stage, Jeremy Best continues to watch and is not pleased.

Jeremy Best: ”This is not what friendship is all about!!!”

Maybe not to Jeremy, but Jeffry seemed pretty happy as he brandished the lighttube in his hand… and proceeded to SHATTER it across the head of the recovering Gerald Grayson.

He grabs another and gives weaselperson the same treatment - sending her back to the mat.

Crowe and Bedlam shared a look at one another, Crowe asking Tommy about his new friend. Tommy shrugs his shoulders and invites Crowe to take his chances with the maniac.
Chris Crowe: “I’m something of a maniac myself.”

Showing no fear, Crowe walks right over to Mason, who arms himself with another light tube from the trash can and smirks as he lifts it over his head and shatters it across Crowe’s skull…

And Crowe NO SELLS IT!

The Showman laughs as he reaches into the trash can and grabs a light tube of his own and SHATTERS IT ACROSS MASON’S HEAD!

And Mason SHAKES IT OFF like a rabid dog. Mason laughs as well until Crowe charges and clotheslines the mad man over the top rope sending them both to the floor just as Alejandro Giunti had finally recovered, and catches Tommy Bedlam by surprise with a springboard stunner!

Tommy pops right back up to his feet due to the momentum of the move but is staggering as Giunti takes advantages with a jumping DDT, laying out Tommy near the corner of the ring. The worn down Giunti begins to climb to the top turnbuckle…







It’s Randy Ramon! Having been taken his time recovering from the pre-match attack from Chris Peacock, the bloodied Ramon came flying in with a legdrop to break the count! Ramon waits as Giunti begins to get to his feet…


Ramon makes the pin!




Alejandro Giunti by Randy Ramon at 14:13[/b]

Ramon gets back to his feet as the Falcon rolls to the apron as Giunti’s Buddy Bowl partner, Gerald Grayson springboards into the ring..


Grayson drops to the mat and Randy looks to pick up two eliminations in a row.





It is weaselperson making the save for Grayson!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Randy Ramon nearly grabbed two back to back eliminations there, but after we saw some team work between the pair earlier in the match, weasleperson now makes the save for Gerald Grayson!”

Ramon gets up and confronts weaselperson and the two begin to come to blows in the ring - elsewhere, Chris Crowe and Jeffry Mason continue their free-for-all brawl all over ringside, briefly spilling into the crowd but now Crowe has sent Mason back over the railing and into the aisle. Crowe stalks Mason down, but walks right into the rake of the eyes from Mason to slow The Showman down. Jeffry then reaches down into his boot and pulls out..

A sharpened Number 2 Pencil!


Jean-Luc Watkins: “My God Jeffry Mason truly is a sick and twisted individual!”

Jeremy Best watches on in disgust as his celebration of newfound friendships continued to devolve right before his eyes as Mason once again stabs The Showman in the head with the pencil, breaking the lead into the skin!

He then takes Crowe by the head, walking him back down the aisle to the ring where he slams Crowe head first into the ring post before pulling a table out from under the apron.and proceeds to set it up at ringside while Crowe tries to pull himself back up using the ring apron, blood trickling down the side of his head from the pencil puncture wounds.

Mason helps Crowe up, rolling him onto the table before climbing up with him… and he begins to set up Crowe for a piledriver through the table…


The Showman lights up Mason with a series of right hands and then steps out onto the apron, pulling Mason with him. Crowe knees Mason repeatedly in the lower midsection and then….


Both Crowe and Mason are left lying in the wreckage of the table as weaselperson and Ramon continue to go back and forth in the ring. Ramon sends weaselperson into the ropes. She bounces back and Ramon goes for the REMIX - but weaselperson DUCKS… she bounces back off the opposite ropes and comes back flying in with the…

Busaiku Knee Kick!

weaselperson makes the cover!




weaselperson seems surprised as she gets back to her feet, but tilts her head up and regains her composure as Ramon begins to try and pull himself up… WEASELER double foot curbstomp takes him right back down to the mat!

With Rockstar in prime position in the corner, weaselperson now begins her own ascent to the top turnbuckle..

Jean-Luc Watkins: “We’ve seen this iteration of weaselperson utilize that 450 splash… and it looks like that’s what she’s going for here.”

She leans back but before she can make the leap, TOMMY BEDLAM is up and SHOVES HER OFF the top turnbuckle - sending her out of the ring and crashing onto the ladder still platformed between the apron and the guard rails!

Bedlam takes a moment to admire his handiwork as weaselperson lay folded over the ladder before he turns his attention to the recovering Randy Ramon, who he begins to measure him and load up for a The Last Call..

And he charges in for the running clothesline, but Ramon ducks! And GERALD GRAYSON is there to hit Bedlam with a spinning backfist!

Fired up, Gerald Grayson heads back to the ropes, stepping out onto the apron, clutching his ribs but he springboards into the ring… EXTREME IMPACT..


Tommy attacks Grayson from behind with a foream shot and then lifts him up onto his back into a Fireman’s Carry… but GG escapes down the back and counters into a lung blower to Bedlam!

Grayson makes the cover!





Crowe puts the boots to Gerald Grayson before pulling him up to his feet and locking him in…


The Showman makes the cover!




But now by anyone in the match…


Back on the stage, Jeremy Best applauds enthusiastically for his Buddy System pal who intervenes and breaks up the pin on Crowe with the North American Title cracking across the back of Showman’s head.

Bryan Baxter isn’t done yet though as he pulls Chris Crowe to his feet… lifts him into the air…


Baxter rolls out of the ring, smiling at a bit of payback from Crowe’s attack on the last Meltdown.

With Baxter out of the ring and Crowe down… Jeffry Mason slides into the ring, ever the opportunist here… and makes the cover on Crowe!




Chris Crowe by Jeffry Mason at 20:52[/b]

Tommy Bedlam gets back to his feet and notices his partner had pinned his friend and Deathswitch partner… and Bedlam confronts Mason about it. Mason shrugs his shoulders, but Bedlam is clearly not happy with his partner here…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I get Tommy is upset about his friend here… but it’s every Buddy Bowl team for themselves here! And right now they’re the last full time standing!”

While Tommy is still heated about Crowe, Mason sees Ramon coming for him, and Mason shoves Bedlam out of the way… AND EATS A REMIX FOR HIS TROUBLES! Mason hits the mat as Gerald Grayson takes out Tommy with a slingblade!

Ramon makes the cover on Mason.




Jeffry Mason by Randy Ramon at 22:18[/b]

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well so much for that… every team is still alive but are down to their last representative!”

Tommy rolls out of the ring, leaving GG in the ring with Randy Ramon. Grayson avoids another Ocissor Punch from Rockstar and returns the attack with a European uppercut to stagger Ramon into the ropes. But Ramon charges right back, coming off the ropes but is caught with a powerslam from GG!

Grayson reaches down to pulls Ramon back up..


Grayson drops to his knees, clutching his back as the X Champion brings another chair down across GG’s back, sending him down to the mat this time.

Tommy lifts the chair up for another chair shot..

But this time the chair is pulled away by weaselperson! And he returns the favor, driving the chair into Tommy’s midsection to double the cowboy over!

She then sets the chair up on the mat before grabbing Bedlam… and she sets him up for a Tiger Driver ‘98..


Tommy makes the cover on weaselperson!





She just BARELY got her shoulder up!

Both slowly begin to pull themselves to their feet…

Tommy grabs weaselperson, lifting her up onto his shoulders..


He rolls over… getting making the pin once again..




weaselerspon by Tommy Bedlam at 28:09[/b]

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s the end of the road for the Madison Gray and weaselperson team! She kept battling back but Tommy Bedlam has made a huge elimination there! Just three left now! Who will will their team to victory here?!”

In the ring… Gerald Grayson… Randy Ramon… and Tommy Bedlam… all pulled themselves up… staring each other down from different corners of the ring…

They moved in toward one another.

Tommy strikes Randy with a right hand! Randy strikes Gerald! Gerald strikes Tommy! Tommy strikes Gerald! Gerald strikes Randy! Back and forth they go… each man taking turns with one another!

Tommy’s powerful strikes begin to get the upperhand to the point it isn’t each man taking turns… it is now Tommy taking turns striking each of them. Right hand to Gerald. Forearm to Randy. A pair of elbows to both men… Tommy has both Ramon and GG reeling!

With both of them on shaky legs, Tommy rushes to the ropes…

DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE from Bedlam takes both GG and Ramon down to the mat!

Grayson begins to stagger back to his feet first and is caught with a boot to the midsection from Tommy and it’s the BULLSEYE to GG!

But before he can make the pin, he spots Randy Ramon getting back to his feet…and Tommy charges at him for the last call.




LAST CALL attempted again!


Randy drops to the mat… as GG is now showing signs of life..

But not for long, because Tommy quickly scoops him up… EIGHT SECOND RIDE TO GG!

Tommy makes the cover!




Gerald Grayson by Tommy Bedlam at 34:16[/b]

Jean-Luc Watkins: “An impressive run by Gerald Grayson after that attack from Death Walker earlier tonight comes to an end… and it seems like Tommy Bedlam may have this one right where he wants…”


Tommy Bedlam was slowly getting back to his feet after eliminating Grayson… he never saw Ramon had somehow found the energy to KIP UP and he nails Tommy with that lethal superkick!

Bedlam drops to the mat!

Ramon with the pin!




Winner: Rock Show via pinfall at 34:25.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your BUDDY BOWL winners… Randy Ramon and Chris Crowe - THE ROCK SHOW!!"

Chris Crowe returns to ringside, sliding into the ring and is met the sight of both his Buddy Bowl partner who climbs to his feet victorious, holding his side in pain while lifting up one arm in victory, the blood now mostly dry on his face from the earlier attack… and the sight of his Deathswitch partner on the ground.

Crowe reaches his hand out to Tommy, helping his friend back to his feet.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “A sign of true friendship there between Chris Crowe and Tommy Bedlam. He may be teaming with Randy Ramon tonight, but obviously his allegiance is with Deathswitch. But it will be Randy Ramon and Chris Crowe getting a shot at the FWA Tag Team Champions after Winter Wasteland.”

Bedlam gets back to his feet and he embraces Crowe with a hug, much to the delight of the crowd. Tommy glances over to Ramon… and he extends his arm over toward Randy… to which Ramon thinks about it for a second but does in fact take Tommy’s hand and they share a handshake out of respect before Tommy ducks out of the ring walking toward the back, bumping shoulders with Jeremy Best on his way out. Best begins to walk down to the ring, clearly not happy as Ramon and Crowe celebrate in the ring as Larry Stevens enters the ring with the golden friendship bracelets.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I really hoped we were done with him for tonight.”

Jeremy Best climbs into the ring with a microphone.

Jeremy Best: ”No! No! NO! NO! This is NOT how it was supposed to happen! This was not how it was supposed to go! This was MY night! This was MY show! You people took something beautiful like a celebration of new friendships… and turned it into… into… something.. BARBARIC! It was disgusting! Neither one of you deserve to win! Neither one of you deserve these friendship bracelets!”

Jeremy snatches the friendship bracelets from Larry Stevens.

Jeremy Best: ”These belong to me! None of you care!”

Crowe and Ramon look at one another and shrug.

Jean-Luc Watkins:”I don’t think he’s wrong about that. No one in this event tonight were doing it for the bracelets! It was for the tag title shot!”

Jeremy Best: ”Is that all you people care about?! IS TITLES AND GOLD!? WINS AND LOSSES? WHAT ABOUT FRIENDSHIP!? No, no, no…. This is wrong. Just so wrong. This is why the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance needs to change! That is why it’s time for a Friendship Revolution… this is why… at Winter Wasteland.. WHEN I BEAT ALYSTER BLACK… I WILL RENAME THE FWA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP…. THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP… OF FRIENDSHIP…”

Ramon and Crowe look to one another again, clearly having had enough of Jeremy… Crowe gives a nod to Ramon…


Jeremy falls right down to the mat, much to the delight of the fans, who give the move a standing ovation.

Crowe and Randy reach down and decide to take the friendship bracelets after all, picking them up from Jeremy’s motionless hands. The pair hold them up to the crowd for a big ovation as Fallout comes to a close with The Rock Show standing tall, celebrating their big victory.


The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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I vote we retcon this entire event to be honest, we just didn't pretend it didn't happen.
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Probably A Skrull
Sep 14, 2022
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Man that was a great read from top to bottom.
  • Love
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Sep 13, 2022
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I know none of these results (except for the one I wrote) and none of the teams (except for the one that was accidentally PMed to me). Really looking forward to reading this knowing so little for the first time in well over a year.

I wanted to call this show ‘Pyramid Schemes’ when I thought Meltdown was in Cairo but alas I guess it had to be the Buddy Bowl.

JLW on solo comms is always ratings.

Accidentally spoiled myself on Jeff Mason by going into the staff chat this evening haha. This is awesome. Glad to see Duster back promoing (I assume). Team with Tommy is interesting and tbh I don’t think Mason would look out of place as part of Deathswitch. Princess Nova and Xavier is a fun pairing. Shame Rosie not around to work with Blaine on this but I believe Nos admirably stepped in. Looking forward to seeing both of the promos here. Enjoyed Sawyer springboarding into a spinebuster and Nova trying to smooch Tommy in the write-up. Think Tommy and Jeffry going to take some beating. Nice build between Tommy and Keres both throughout the match and after it.

Tr1ck or Tr4sh vs. Bad Boys gets a :/.

Wonderful to see Jam back as GG and indeed Oz back even if only for a one-off. I know nothing of this character so this is probably the promo I’m most looking forward to reading. Ugh masked wrestler gimmick, if this isn’t revealed by the end of the show I swear to God. Hope Z3RO is a MGS reference tbh. Maltese Falcon is very cool nickname. JLW: It looks like he calls that The Trojan Horse! How would he know this?!?! I would enjoy Falcon and GG as a team for sure if it didn’t pain me so to see him with another. Stereo suicidas were fun. Good match, excited for GG and MF in the final. Post match was sick. Death Walker is a bully and Grayson is the perfect character to be bullied by him. Also leads to a fun underdog arc with GG for Buddy Bowl, as well as what is a hype match for Winter Wasteland.

Jeremy Best GET OUT OF MY COMPANY. Usually I don’t cheer for people who have military rank or have been knighted but I’ll make an exception here oh wait it’s over :(.

Randall and Sawyer segment was decent, setting up the match well after some intriguing interactions between the two. Winter Wasteland shaping up nicely.

OH SHIT Gabrielle and Bell! What a power couple. vs. Crowe and Ramon?! Wow. Would’ve thought both of these teams were shoe-ins for the final. Ridiculous match-up for the first round. I love seeing all the different variations of shortening Gabrielle’s name. Nice to finally see the Crowe v Gaby showdown we almost got at the Warehouse so long ago. Every time I read Showman I think it says Snowman. This will never change. More good WW build in the climax of this one and keeps Gabrielle (and Bell, less importantly ;)) looking strong. Ramon and Crowe gonna be tough to beat.

Wow blender marketing is getting aggressive nowadays.

Awful entrance for Aaron Harrows, I hope someone steals that car. Big props to Juice for finishing up our promo here when I had to leave our writing session for a personal reason. We had a lot of good stuff down but she really came through with the opening prologue as well as the very last part of the closing scene. She did a great job writing dialogue for Michelle and this win belongs to her. GGs to Gip and Welsh, look forward to reading the promo. Blake Taylor reveal is fun, another interesting singles match to add to WW’s growing list of them.


Feels good to read Randy Ramon dialogue in an FWA show. BAH GAWD IT WAS CHRIS PEACOCK ALL ALONG KING. What an ass. Glad he’s whole-heartedly embracing heel-dom now. Self-acceptance is important. Would’ve preferred to see Chris eliminated but liked the CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS moment. Haha poor Jeremy. Best v Black is going to be lit. Loved the little breakdown into Connection and Deathswitch. Madison should’ve definitely outlasted weaseldreamer in this match but fun elimination none-the-less. weaselperson saving GG?! Does she not know the rules of the tournament?! I thought weasels were meant to be cunning. Detention for Jeffry Mason for misuse of company stationary. Highway to Hell through a table is a sick spot. Now Crowe doesn’t know the rules! Idiots! Big Bryan Bastard is such a bastard. Guess the name is a giveaway. You guys made weaselperson look super strong here, grateful but unwarranted lol. Incredible final three!! Tommy spamming 8 Second Rides (16 Second Ride?) to see off the Connection you hate to see it. Nice finish. Guess all that time hanging out behind the club at the weekends worked out for Randy and Crowe. The lack of respect for the friendship bracelets in the post match makes me sick to my stomach. Poor Jeremey again! A rough night for Mr. Best.

GGs to all of the finalists and especially Crowe and Ramon – I can imagine this was probably an outstanding promo and really can’t wait to read this one. To have won in this field is impressive.

Incredible work to Dubb and Man for putting this together - this show felt really special and unique. A lot of work must have gone into putting it together and you have nothing but my thanks and applause.


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Sep 14, 2022
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me and jam went further than ss. ss jannetty confirmed
  • Haha
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Sep 14, 2022
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I have no words to express how happy I am to have the event as well receive it has been. This was an event I've been thinking about for a while now... I don't remember when I first expressed interest to the other mods about it, but it had to be the right timing with everything that the Jeremy Best character had been going through. But I'm a big fan of WCW's Battle Bowl format, which is what this was heavily inspired but with the Scramble concept replacing a Battle Royal.

Please go check out the promos I posted in the promo thread this morning from the entrants. Some good stuff that deserves to be read.

As for some behind the scenes stuff:
-Thanks to Man for assisting me in organizing, booking, grading, and then finishing up the show and getting it all put together for posting on Saturday. I rushed a bit to finish up my stuff on Friday because my wife and daughter were both sick but Man was awesome for finishing it up.

-Big shoutout to Wolfie for agreeing to be the third grader. He didn't end up being needed but special shoutout to TGO for agreeing to be a fourth judge if he had been called to duty.

-Thanks to SS for his contribution of writing out his match as well, especially given the things he had going on personally this week. You're the man - without you and Man helping out with what you did, there's no way this went up on time.

-Some more praise for Jonny and Gip who stepped in to fill some gaps that came up suddenly. Please Gip, the world wants more Aaron Harrows! Don't make him a one off. I also offer the same plea to Oz's Maltese Falcon. I would love more of both of these characters.

-And of course - thank you to EVERYONE WHO PARTICIPATED! I wasn't sure if we'd see mostly co-op or if it would be a lot of individual promos but am very pleased that not only was there really only one "no show" - but that all the other ones were collabs, was awesome. It was fun to see characters interact together. I was definitely super nervous, as those in the modchat could attest, that I was going to end up with mostly no shows a few days before the deadline, lol. So I was definitely thrilled with not only the turnout but the quality of the content.

-Jeremy Best & Peacock were always just there for storyline purposes. For all intents and purposes this was a 8 team tournament because otherwise... who was going to grade with all the mods involved, lol. But Man and I had what we thought was a great storyline to advance the different stories going on - and plus who doesn't like to see Jeremy get his ass handed to him on a regular basis.

-Qualifying matches were determined by seeding based on how the promos scored.

-Since it seems like it was mostly enjoyed, I will definitely look to push for a second annual Buddy Bowl in 2024.
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