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Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score

Live from the Allianz Stadion in Vienna, Austria.
Saturday 10th December, 2022.


There's a loud and positive reaction from the Vienna audience as Michelle von Horrowitz walks out onto the stage to open the show. She appears used to it by now, growing used to cheers that have greeted her music for much of this ongoing European tour. She surveys the audience in the Allianz Stadion before beginning her descent of the ramp towards the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: ”Ladies and gentlemen, your opening contest is a Pool A match-up in the F1 Climaxxx tournament, scheduled for one-fall…"


Natalie Rosenberg: ”… with a thirty minute time limit. Introducing first, she is one half of the FWA World Tag Team Champions…. weighing in tonight at fifty four kilograms, from Rotterdam in the Netherlands… 'Dreamer'... Michelle… von… HORROWITZ!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”Welcome, wrestling fans, to this… your twenty-fifth episode of FWA: Fallout… coming to you live from the Allianz Stadion in Vienna!”

Allen Price: ”And what a way to start things! It’s champion versus champion, triple crown winner versus triple crown winner… Dreamer is on her way to the ring, and - for once - she is coming alone.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”These European crowds sure do love Michelle von Horrowitz… they're cheering for her again tonight in Austria, as they have done on every stop of this tour. And Dreamer has been active during that time, too, having competed on every single show, Fallout and Meltdown… and winning, too."

Allen Price: ”She's amounted an eight-match winning streak, dating back to the Anniversary Show and Cosmic Playground II… and hasn't lost in singles competition since Carnal Contendership back in April, where she passed on the FWA World Championship to her stable-mate Thomas West after only twelve seconds."

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”I'm guessing that she took that defeat, and the nature of it, to heart, but tonight she faces one of the most difficult challenges of that impressive run…"

MvH has climbed into the ring and, as always, taken a seat in one of the corners opposite from the ramp with her head resting against the second turnbuckle.

The fans expect the thunderous and fast-paced beat of 'Sonne' to hit, but instead, it’s the dramatic guitar riff that has come to symbolize the entrance of a man called …

'The Rotten Gold' Devin Golden.

'Zombie' by The Cranberries plays as the Fallout crowd is stunned amid their exuberance. ‘The Rotten Gold’, a former 4-time World Champion in the FWA and 7-time Tag Team Champion and 2-time X Champion and a Hall of Fame member, struts out with his trademark black walking cane that he doesn’t need twirling in his right hand. The black top hat rests on his scalp, full of black hair that hangs over his eyes in a raggedy fashion. He looks like he hasn’t had a haircut in months or even a brush of hair in weeks. The handlebar mustache fits with the 5 o’clock shadow, giving him sort of a jobless and homeless version of Willy Wonka.

Allen Price: "We saw the return of ‘The Rotten Gold’ Devin Golden on Meltdown from his miniature hiatus, and at that show, Golden again supplanted the entire roster by challenging Alyster Black for the FWA World Championship! And his challenge was accepted!"

Golden struts to the edge of the ring before looking up at Michelle von Horrowitz, who stares down at him. Golden smiles and lets out a cackling, "HA-HAAAA!" He steps up to the apron and through the middle and top ropes with a skip in his step.

Allen Price: "The caveat of the upcoming World Championship match is … it’s potentially Golden’s last! If Alyster Black wins, Golden will retire from the FWA … forever."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "He’ll have to wake up from his dream! Hopefully, Alyster Black makes this last part of his dream a nightmare at Fallout episode 025!"

Golden begins hopping around the ring near the ropes on one leg as he holds his black walking cane up towards the sky. He then asks for and receives a microphone as the chorus to ‘Zombie’ fades into audible obscurity.

Devin Golden: "Weeeellll … weeeeelll … weeeellll … you neeeeveeeer caaaan teeeeeeellll … weeelll weelllll weeeellll … Myyy Miche-yeeee-eee-ee-eeeeelle."

The crowd responds in a mixed bag to Golden’s off-pitch singing, although he simply smiles as he looks at his in-ring companion.

Devin Golden: "Youuuu might be … fiiiillllled with cuuuriosityyyy … about whyyyyy … I’m here."

Another pause as Michelle leans back against the ropes and watches.

Devin Golden: "I am not heeeeere … to start a fiiiiiight … or give a waaaaarning. I am simply here … Michelle … to say …


The crowd buzzes at that last word as Golden sort of leans forward to whisper it into the microphone.

Devin Golden: "I am cooooooming … maaaaaking my rooooounds … to the people who … deseeeeeerve one. So … goooooodbyyyyyye … my friend … Michelle von Horrowitz. Our tale … cut short a little too soon … beeeefooooore … we could truly … go AT IT … in full. I am … sorry … we never could."

Michelle offers a curious glare as Golden stands in a black robe and black pajama pants in front of her. The whole attire is a hodgepodge of messiness that somehow … works?

She has since collected a microphone from the timekeeper's area, unwilling to let Golden go on uninhibited. She is leaning on the top rope, glaring at the decorated legend who stands across the ring from him as she cuts him off.

MvH: "Is this selective amnesia, to go along with everything else that one now observes in this version of the Rotten Gold? We have danced twice, tulip. I'm sure you do remember, if you search those dusty vaults hard enough."

She offers Golden a smile, buoyed in confidence a little by the memory.

MvH: "I don't buy it. I don't think you're here to say your goodbyes. The bounty was this year, and not a distant memory to me like it is to most here. I saw the lust, the lengths that you were willing to go to unburden the Maverick of that gold… gold that our mutual friend, who I'm surprised you didn't bump into on the other side of the curtain, now wears amongst his other prizes. So, no: I don't believe this to quite be goodbye. Tell me why you are really here…"

She lowers her microphone but keeps her glare squared on Devin, who continues to twirl his baton.

Devin Golden: "Ahhhh, this gaaaame we play, Micheeeeelle. You’re like … ankylosaurus … with your spiked shell on your back. If I can just … fllllllip you over and take a chomp out of your belly! But alas … I probably never … will. But I pleeeeeedge to you … Micheeeeeelle … that this is … a sinceeeeeere … goodbye.

We never quite had our … waaaaar … did we? Sure, we’ve had the battles and one-offs … but never a throwdown to memoralize. Nova Diiiiiamond … took this from us. But there is no grudge left to keep.

You and I … Micheeeeelle … would’ve maaaaaade … quite the team. It’s an unfortunate … reaaaaaality … that we’ll neeeeeeever … eeeeeeever … get to slap haaaands … and chase the gold.

But I see … you’re doing this thing … with Geraaaaaaldo … and I admire it.

I do.

I truuuuuuuuly do.

No cap, as the kids in this place … say."

Golden pauses as the crowd’s chuckle bemuses him. He looks about himself with a perplexed look on his face. Michelle decides to fill the pause.

MvH: "No cap, as the kids say… the Vianesse seem to have a better idea of what the kids say, tulip. I'm afraid I could only follow the majority of your thread, but I believe that will suffice, as the minority of it seems to be mindless babble. I'm afraid that elongating your vowels only serves to extend your screen time… to lengthen your monologue and the associated tedium. To give the illusion of substance. Peculiarity in place of uniquity."

Michelle is now standing in the middle of the ring, and allows her gaze to drift to the assembled crowd. For once, she is enjoying homefield advantage over Golden, but she knows it won't last when the champion arrives.

MvH: "It's interesting that you should bring up Gerald, though. For if there is one regret amongst the many I hold that regards you it is the episode we shared two years ago. You, Randy, Gerald, and I. We went out different ways, and you were held together by the virtue of your championships. Gerald and I didn't have that luck, and we were sundered on opposite sides of a doomed roster divide… it's taken us a while to catch up. But Randy has gone, and what's left behind of Golden Rock is less without the other. Diminished, despite what went before. Though still, one must admit, at least interesting..."

A brief pause, during which Michelle almost seems to sigh. Golden picks up the slack.

Devin Golden: "Ahhhhhh … one of maaaaany links. Yes, yes, yes … I admiiiiiire … the perseverance of … you and Geraaaaaldo. You two have come baaaack … to each other despite time and blockaaaaades. Very good, Micheeeeeeelle. Veeeeeery good.

As for … Gooooooolden Rock … well … there are … loose eeeeeends to tie up … like anything … in a dream world … or otherwise. And … hah-HAAAAAH … your barbs … they entertaaaaaaain me, Micheeeeeeeelle.

I find you … quite interestiiiiiiing … Micheeeeeele. You seem … a spitting image … of me … so far.

You … rise so quickly. Win the X Championship so fast.

Just like me.

You win the FWA World Championship … a rocket shooooooooooting to the stars.

Like me.

And your first reeeeign … cut short too soon … disappointingly.

Like me.

And then … it’s off to settle scores … chase … blooooooooood … and go for team … accomplishments. The fooooocus … is taking someone younger … fresher … under … your wiiiiiiing.

Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiike … meeeeeeeee."

The crowd’s buzzing fills the void in the silence of Golden’s trademark elongated speech.

Devin Golden: "I oooooooonly ask this, Miiiicheeeeeeeelle.

Dooooon’t be meeee … next.

When the tiiiiiime cooooomes and you get … booooooored of this stuff with Geraaaaaldo …

Unleeeeeash a reign of terror … unlike any the FWA … has eeeeeeeever seeeeeeeen.

Alyster Blaaaaack might be FWA Woooooorld Chaaaaampion … and Danny Tooooooner before him … but the best … was aaaaalwaaaaays … Micheeeeelle voooooon Hoooooorrowitz."

Golden pauses yet again.

Devin Golden: "And now … I leeeeeeave you … to face … my potential … final … daaaaaance partner.

But maybe … if the dance goes well for me … there’s one more song …

For you … and your … ruthlessness."

In the brief interlude, the crowd recognizes Golden is laying some groundwork for a potential Golden-MvH clash for the World Championship, which would require Michelle wins the F1 tournament and Golden defeats Alyster.

Devin Golden: "I'm sure … if ole Aaaaaaalyster … can't do the deed … and wake me up from my beautiful … dream … then a Dreamer … could."

Golden bows/curtseys in front of Michelle, akin to a circus ring leader closing out a performance for an approving audience. 'The Rotten Gold' looks up at his ring companion and drops the microphone with one hand while still holding the walking cane in the other.

MvH: "On the surface, one might think the parallels you draw are significant… but mirrored accomplishments say nothing about our characters. And I feel as confident now as I ever did that we are nothing alike. Your advice… it is not relevant, here. You shouldn't assume your own experience to be the same as mine. The same as anyone's. Your delusion is not shared."

She pauses, still occupying the centre of the ring with Devin, close but not yet particularly confrontational…

MvH: "Your nostalgic tone and consistent use of the past tense aside I don't believe that this will be goodbye. Nor do I feel confident that you can overcome Alyster on Fallout 025. It has been a long time since I faced off with the man in the mask, which I've only done - within a wrestling ring - on one occasion. I lost to him then, and I know that he is more now than he was in those days. But something tells me that your victory in Istanbul and your continued presence here beneath the big tent are as directly connected as you have suggested."

A suggestion of a smile adorns her face.

MvH: "What is it you say? Siempre?"

Mirroring Devin's action earlier, Michelle allows her own microphone to fall next to his. The two stand off for a moment, casually and a couple of metres apart, the audience quiet now that the mics are dropped.

But Golden, off mic, has words for her.

Devin Golden (off-mic): "All we can ever hope or want is to be remembered. If I can be … siempre … then I … adooooore it. But if Alyster wins, I am gone, Micheeeeeelle. There will be no … coming back … from what I have planned.

If I am truly to be … sieeeeeempre … then it will only be … in me-mo-ryyyyyyyy."

Golden lets a devilish smirk come across his face.

Devin Golden (off-mic): "HAH-HAAAAAAAAH!"

With that, which receives a bemused countenance from Dreamer, Golden turns on his heel. He heads up the ramp with Michelle waiting in the ring, and even offers her a wave when standing on the stage. He still has a wide grin plastered upon his face, but then he turns to walk through the curtain.

There's a few moments waiting, and if there is an interaction between Devin Golden and the man about to appear it remains unseen and unheard.

And then…

If possible, the level of crowd noise increases even further than when MvH appeared, with the raucous Vienna faithful continuing their positivity as the FWA World Champion and FWA X Champion walks out onto the stage. He has his belts on his shoulders and adjusts their position whilst staring out over the audience. His eyes lock on the ring and he begins his way towards it down the ramp.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And introducing his opponent… currently residing in San Dimas, California… he is the current FWA X Champion, as well as the FWA Champion of the World… ALYSTER… BLACK!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Today, ladies and gentlemen, is the four hundredth day of Alyster Black's now-legendary run with that FWA X Championship, with Nate Savage the latest victim of the reign just two days ago on Meltdown XXIII…"

Allen Price: "Alyster now obviously has more than one belt to focus on keeping, thanks to his victory sixteen days ago in Meltdown XXII's climactic battle royale, after which he was crowned the new champion of the world. With F1 commitments and, of course, my good friend Chris Peacock lurking in the shadows with his Golden Opportunity briefcase, poor old Alyster will no doubt have a lot on his mind."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "It's fortunate that he's made a good start to the F1, amassing four points thanks to a perfect start against Mike Parr and then Vampyra last week. He'll want to keep his momentum going tonight, albeit against tough competition, regardless of other commitments now mounting up…"

Alyster is now in the ring, and Michelle pulls herself up to her feet using the top ring rope opposite from him. She has a slight smile on her face, as if she is relishing the thought of tying things up with the champion (and for the first time in an FWA ring, too). Alyster nods his head in reply, the two stepping forwards toward one another as the official calls for the bell.​

Michelle von Horrowitz v Alyster Black.
Singles Match - FWA Climaxxx (Pool A).
Match Writer: SS.​

Instantly, as soon as the bell is rung, the two competitors begin to circle the ring, slowly shortening the radius until they're close enough for a Roman-Greco knuckle lock. Black is the stronger of the two, succeeding in forcing Michelle back into the corner. The official comes between them, asking for a clean break… but at three, Black goes for a knife edge chop with Michelle in the corner, only for MvH - telegraphing this - to duck beneath it and then roll into the middle of the ring. Black turns and charges at her, winding up for a big lariat, but MvH instead drops him face-first onto the mat with a drop toe hold! She picks up the leg, going for a stretch muffler early on, but Aly rolls over onto his back and then lashes out with a boot to the face. MvH recoils and Black quickly scrambles to his feet in time to see Michelle coming at him again, but he's able to hoist her up into a fireman's carry…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!"

Allen Price: "Alyster Black hits the high impact move and we've only just got started!"

He can't follow up with a pin, however, as Michelle rolls under the bottom rope and onto the outside. Alyster doesn't want to let her get away, though. He hits the opposite ropes and gathers pace as he runs across the ring…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "And then the fosbury flop!! Alyster Black has come out of the gates roaring, here!"

Allen Price: "Difficult to believe that he went through a war with Nate Savage only forty eight hours ago!"

The audience cheers for Black as he finds his way to his feet and then helps MvH to do the same. He takes her by the wrist and gives her a HARD Irish whip into the steel ring steps. Michelle hits them hip first and lands in a heap on the other side of them, the crowd again behind Alyster and his violent and impactful opening to this match. Black again lifts Michelle up to her feet, and Dreamer attempts to fight him off with some strikes to the abdomen, but Black curtails her efforts by lifting a pair of knees to her ribs before throwing her face down onto the announcer's table. It's a hard Irish whip, this time into the ring apron, to follow, and Alyster reels off with a quartet of knife edge chops. He realises the official has reached seven with his count, and so throws her under the bottom rope. He follows her in and now goes for a cover…


Michelle gets the shoulder up and Black goes back to work, hoisting her up and backing her into the corner with some more knife edge chops, now alternating between those and forearms. He takes her by the wrist and attempts another Irish whip into the opposite turnbuckles, but this time Dreamer is able to reverse and send Black in instead. Aly hits the corner hard enough to stumble into the middle of the ring, and Michelle charges to meet him with a low dropkick! She takes him out at the knees, Alyster doing a full front flip thanks to his momentum before landing on his back. Michelle lifts one of his legs, perhaps going for a single-leg Boston crab, but Black is able to reach up and pull her down with a small package!


Again Dreamer kicks out, and the two champions are both immediately up to their feet. Alyster attempts a forearm strike, but Michelle blocks it and fires back with one of her own… and then a mule kick from MvH! The kick to the gut doubles Alyster over, and Dreamer pulls his head into position between her legs and hooks her arms around a leg.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Dreamer looks to be going for a Gotch-style piledriver here, of course named after nineteenth century legend Garrot 'Gotch' Greyson…"

Allen Price: "But she's struggling to lift the larger man up… and Alyster reverses with a big back body drop!"

Michelle does her best to get up quickly, but she's reaching for her lower back as she does, and she unsuspectingly turns into a big headbutt from Black Jesus! Dreamer stumbles back, and Alyster has a pair more vicious strikes with his head for her, and then a half-dozen hard forearms send her back into the corner. Alyster stomps a mudhole into Von Horrowitz's abdomen before sending another six forearms her way, causing Michelle to fall into a seated position. Black repeatedly scrapes the sole of his boot against her face, and then hits the opposite ropes to complete the face wash!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "VIOLENCE PARTY!!"

Allen Price: "I don't think Michelle von Horrowitz knows where she is!"

Michelle rolls out of the corner and is face down in the ring, allowing Black to wrap her legs up in one of his, grab her wrists, pull her face off the mat, and deliver a vicious curbstomp!! The crowd gasp at the move, but Aly wastes no time in rolling Dreamer onto her front for a lateral press.


Michelle is again able to get the shoulder up, and so Black hoists her up before doubling her over with a boot to the midsection. He applies a front facelock, perhaps looking for Satan's Spike, but MvH drops to a knee to block it. Alyster changes tact, releasing the facelock and hurling Michelle through the second and third ropes, shoulder first into the steel ring post! Alyster climbs out of the ring and, with the official remonstrating with him, grabs Michelle's wrists before placing a boot on the post, pulling back to extend her arms and drive her shoulder against the post. With the official counting to five, he lets go of one of her wrists before throwing the other one so that her shoulder is once more wrapped around the steel! The referee barks some orders at Black, but the masked man simply yanks Dreamer through the ropes and our of the ring, prompting the man in black to climb back in and start a ten count.

Alyster picks Michelle up and throws her against the steel barricade, where he connects with a trio of knife edge chops before backing away from her. He appears to be going for a lariat to send her into the crowd, but Dreamer ducks and throws Alyster over the barricade with an ugly big back body drop! Black lands in the front row!! Dreamer drops to a knee and sucks in some deep lung-fulls of oxygen. Finally, she reaches over the barricade and gathers Black in a front facelock…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Michelle von Horrowitz maybe looking to bring Alyster back into the ringside area with a a suplex… but Alyster’s having none of it…"

Allen Price: "He anchors his weight down and then tries to wrench Dreamer up instead… is he trying to suplex her into the crowd?!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Looks that way, but Dreamer grips the underside of the barricade with her free hand, and then digs away at Aly’s ribs with it! She hoists him up… BRAINBUSTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

Allen Price: "Michelle brings Black back over the barricade and drops him on his head!!"

The official is up to five with his count, and Dreamer shows as much urgency as she’s able to in dragging Black back towards the ring and throwing him under the bottom rope. She rolls in after him, cutting the official’s count off at nine, and then hooks the far leg…


Allen Price: "Alyster Black with the shoulder up, but you’ve got to think without that lengthy period of Michelle dragging Alyster back into the ring, that might have been it!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Also interesting is that Michelle von Horrowitz wants the pinfall victory here, and isn’t content with a countout. Maybe wanting to get one over on the world champion here in Vienna…"

Although unable to get the three-count, the brainbuster on the outside has shifted the momentum into Michelle’s favour. She hoists Alyster up and backs him into the ropes with alternating forearm strikes and knife edge chops, before hurling into the opposite set and connecting with a standing dropkick. Sensing her advantage, she begins to ascend towards the top turnbuckle, steadying herself on it as Black gets to his feet. She leaps off and sends him back down with a top rope shotgun dropkick! Dreamer is quickly up, and picks the leg of Alyster Black…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Stretch muffler!! Michelle has the stretch muffler locked in!!"

Alyster Black doesn’t let the obvious pain of the move show, and instead grits his teeth (we assume) before beginning to crawl towards the bottom rope. He inches closer and closer, repeatedly reaching out towards it and finding himself incrementally closer… until Dreamer drags him out to the centre of the ring, and begins to lay in with stomps to the back of the head!!

Allen Price: "Brutal!! Michelle von Horrowitz is looking to submit the world champion! And I think she might be close…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Don’t count on it, Price… Alyster Black still has some resolve left, once again he begins to drag himself towards the ropes, even beneath the downfall of stomps… and he hooks onto the bottom one!"

Michelle utilizes every millisecond of the five-count before eventually releasing, and backs away into the middle of the ring whilst Black uses the ropes to steady himself onto a vertical base. He’s clearly a little ginger about his left knee now, and Michelle takes advantage of this with a swift, stiff kick to it as soon as he approaches. Then it’s a spin kick to the gut… then an enziguri! Alyster falls to a knee, and Michelle drags his head into position between her legs before wrapping her arms around a leg…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "GOTCH STYLE PILEDRIVER! Garrot ‘Gotch’ Greyson would be proud!!"

Allen Price: "Some strength on display from the lighter MvH, but she’s not going for a pin attempt…"

Indeed, Michelle instead lifts Black up to a vertical base before doubling him over again with another mule kick. She again drags his head between her legs and this time hooks both arms…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "TIGER DRIVER ‘98!! Michelle von Horrowitz doubling down on the piledrivers!"

Allen Price: "And now she hooks the far leg…"


Jean-Luc Watkins: "These two are knocking lumps out of another… nothing but big bombs and hail marys… and still neither can get the three!"

Allen Price: "Michelle von Horrowitz looking to go up top, now, perhaps for that 450 splash again…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Alyster Black rolls out of the way, but MvH is able to land on her feet and roll through. She turns around and comes back at Black…"

Allen Price: "But Black’s charging too… ONE SHOT KILL! ONE SHOT KILL! OUT OF NOWHERE!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Michelle von Horrowitz is turned INSIDE OUT!"

Alyster crawls towards her and, after the double-piledriver only a minute or so before, can only cover with a lateral press…

ONE… TWO… … …

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Foot is on the ropes!! Michelle von Horrowitz exhibits her ring awareness!"

Allen Price: "If only Alyster Black had hooked the leg… bah gawd if he’d only hooked the leg!"

We can't see the frustration beneath Black's mask, of course, but he wears it in his body language as he gets to his feet and drags von Horrowitz to hers as well. He connects with a big European uppercut, which sends Michelle stumbling back. She tries to fire back with a Mongolian chop, which connects but Alyster just seems to absorb it, before firing back with an overhand chop that sends Michelle to a knee. Black grabs her wrist and yanks her up, pulling her towards another lariat attempt, but Dreamer ducks beneath it… Alyster turns into a headbutt! Black Jesus stumbles from the move, but steadies his feet… and then returns fire with a hellacious headbutt of his own!! Dreamer goes down to a knee, and a close up camera shot shows a thin trickle of blood emerge from a cut opened up by the headbutt. Black looms over her for a moment before yanking her towards him and connecting with a pendulum backbreaker!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This time it's Alyster Black's turn to neglect the cover. We've seen the resilience on display here tonight, he's maybe thinking one more big move to finish it off…"

Allen Price: "Indeed, the world champion drags Michelle von Horrowitz to her feet again and doubles her over with a boot to the midsection… he drags her head into position and hoists her up…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "GAMMA BOMB!! Alyster Black connects with the sit out doctor bomb, and he's straight into the cover…"


Allen Price: "Michelle kicks out! Somehow Michelle kicks out!!"

If Alyster is frustrated, he doesn't let it show, instead electing to immediately go back to work. He lifts Michelle up in a front facelock…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Alyster Black looking for Satan's Spike here, and if he's successful with that brainbuster you'd have to think it'll be enough…"

Allen Price: "Michelle knows that too, though! She's fighting for her life trying to block the move with wild fists to the body… but Black wrenches her up anyway…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Michelle manages to slip through the back though, and her momentum carries her into the ropes… Alyster Black turns around… BUSAIKU KNEE KICK!!"

To his credit, Alyster seems to be rousing himself almost immediately, but Michelle is a little quicker to her base. Michelle kicks him in the gut, applies a front facelock, hooks both arms… double underhook DDT! Alyster is planted on his dome with the move! Michelle looks for her own finisher now, climbing to the top rope, steadying herself whilst looking down at Alyster's prone body. She leaps off, looking for the 450 splash…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "A thing of beauty!!"

Allen Price: "KNEES UP!! Alyster Black gets the knees up!!"

Michelle skids off the knees, clutching her ribs, but does her best to quickly drag herself up… Alyster is waiting for her, though, and thuds into her with a roaring elbow!! Michelle goes to one knee, blood still dripping from her forehead onto the mat… and Black, after a deep breath, hits the ropes…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "ONE SHOT KILL!! For the second time!!"

Allen Price: "Alyster Black damn near takes her head off!! But he's not going for the cover…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "He wants to make absolutely sure! He drags her to the middle of the ring in a front facelock… SATAN'S SPIKE!!"

Allen Price: "Count to a hundred!"


Winner: Alyster Black via pinfall at 16:58.

Black rolls off Michelle and sits up, taking deep breaths as he looks out over the arena. The exertions of the match are plain upon him, and he pauses before attempting to regain a vertical base.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winner… ALYSTER BLACK!!"

Allen Price: "A win for Black after a hard-hitting seventeen minutes of action… those two did not let up from bell to bell!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Interesting that we didn't see any Nephew involvement in this one… a coincidence that Michelle doesn't win without it?"

Allen Price: "Could have gone either way though, J-L, but a surge at the end there from Alyster Black sees him through."

Finally, Alyster Black gets to his feet, allowing the official to lift his hand. He then asks for his belts from the timekeeper, before climbing up to the second rope to hold both of them up. We cut to a standings graphic.


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Alyster Black heads clear at the top of the Pool A standings thanks to his third win out of three, taking him to six points. The only way he could be eliminated now is off we finish on a three-way tie on six points, and it seems unlikely that Black would finish last in any permutation of that tie-breaker. The world champion has all-but clinched his place in the F1 semi-final with this win…"

Allen Price: "That's quick maths, J-L.”

We cut back to the ring, where Alyster Black hops down into the middle of it from the second turnbuckles and turns around to see MvH on her feet. She stands with her hands on her hips, bloodied from the repeated headbutts of the match, a pained grimace upon her visage…

And then she offers a fist to the world champion. Alyster has to rearrange his belts, placing the world one upon his shoulder, but then repeats the gesture with a fist bump. Von Horrowitz nods her head respectfully and then rolls beneath the bottom rope, collecting her world tag championship from the timekeeper's area before beginning up the ramp.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "A rare show of respect from Dreamer, there, especially with memories of post-match dishonour against Chris Kennedy and Bell Connelly. Despite her buzz phrase, Michelle's not often been one for handshaking."

Allen Price: "Perhaps indicative of a different attitude towards the current world champion, so extends his unbeaten streak to give whilst dashing Michelle's own. Difficult to see anyone triumphing over Black Jesus…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "I'm looking forward to seeing the Rotten Gold try."

Black stands in the ring, lifting both belts up once more as we fade away from the scene.


Darkness falls on the sky. A cold wind breezes through the air. The howl of wolves are heard in the distance. A castle appears in the distance on top of a hill of tall evergreen trees. Lights are lit along the castle, giving a light glow in the night. A flag flaps in the wind on one of the tall towers. It is purple with a white “N” in cursive and a crown resting on the letter. Zooming into one of the towers, we see a shadow of a woman looking through the glass windows. Her complexion can’t be made out, but we can see the glisten of a mirror in her hands. It has a violet frame with a tiara shape. She holds it up to her face, and the image is not what we’d expect. It shows a woman with blonde hair with rainbow coloured streaks. Instead of an overabundance of make-up on her face, her look is somewhat natural. Rather than a tiara on her head, it is a backwards ball-cap. A familiar voice of a woman speaks over the footage. It is elegant and a touch childish.

Princess Nova: “Do you ever look in the mirror and realize you are not being genuine with yourself?”

Turning around, the woman goes over to a sink where we see two ladies. Both of them have doll-like dresses and blank white masks. The woman goes into a chair and leans back into the sink as the helpers wash the colour out of her hair.

Princess Nova: “Do you ever feel like you mask your problems in any way imaginable instead of washing them away?”

After the hair washing is done, the woman gets up and we see her hair. It is a long onyx colour, with a light shine under the light of the room. Going behind a divider, the voice over of Princess Nova continues.

Princess Nova: “So instead of continuing to go down the business of misery, it is better for you to create a new life. One where you’re happy! Hehehe!”

The childish laugh of Princess Nova echoes as we see the woman step through from behind the dividers. She is wearing a long violet princess dress with trims of black including a corset to complete the shape of her figure. On her hands are long black, satin gloves gently confirming itself to her hands and arms. A perfect fit. She walks over towards a mirror shaped like a heart. She sits down in a chair, and the ladies help her with makeup.

Princess Nova: “It’s always scary to embrace such a change, but sometimes it isn’t a choice. It is a power that draws you in, empowers you. Why worry? When you can just accept it. Accept the world that was meant for you.”

Getting up from the chair, we see a smoky eye-shadow, highlighting the shape of her deep brown eyes. There is a light sparkle from glitter on her skin. With a foundation on her skin, the shapes of her face are more highlighted and complimented. Contrasting her dark hair is a bright and bold pink lipstick. A smile appears on her face, one that appears genuine.

Princess Nova: “So go ahead, welcome it. Welcome the new you. The better you. The true you.”

The ladies grab a tiara. Its silver with purple gems. It looks to be expensive, delicate, and ornate. The Princess curtsies to them and the ladies gently place it on her head.

Princess Nova: “Because now, you’re going to rise to new heights that you have never seen before…”

Looking back at the hand mirror, she gets a glimpse at the new her. Princess Nova. The beauty, cuteness, and elegance that make up her entire being. The joy she feels being what she has always dreamed to be. The voice over’s tone changes. The glee is gone and instead the voice becomes monotonous, cold.

Princess Nova: “...And crush all you defy you…”

Slipping from her grasp, the mirror falls to the floor, shattering. The voice of Princess Nova laughs repeatedly. First being somewhat childish before switching to something more maniacal and sinister.

Princess Nova: “Teehee, hehehe…. Ha ha ha…. HA HA HA!”

The camera zooms in on a shard of glass on the floor that still has a glimpse of Nova’s reflection before zooming in on Princess Nova herself. She has a wide grin on her face before she raises her hand to her mouth.

Princess Nova: “And it will be sealed…”

Before she blows a kiss.

Princess Nova: “With a kiss…”

The video fades… with one final image on the screen.

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Back in the arena, the crowd lets off a loud reaction for the entrance of the man who is in possession of the Golden Opportunity briefcase, which he holds in his left hand as he shuffles out onto the stage to the classic song that is his entrance music. Chris Peacock has his Singapore cane slung over his right shoulder and his face is still slightly swollen due to the errant knee that he took to the face from Gerald Grayson in his last match.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is a Pool B match in the F1 Climaxxx, and it is scheduled for one fall with a thirty minute time limit. Introducing first, from Boogie Wonderland by way of New York City and weighing in at two-hundred and ten pounds… he is the current holder of the Golden Opportunity briefcase… CHRISSSSS PEEAAACCCOOOCCCCKKKK!!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: "We’re going to move on with the next match in the F1 Climaxxx now, this one coming from Pool B, and this one is going to have some serious implications, Price. It is the two men who currently sit joint top going one-on-one and both of whom are in fascinating form coming into this match."

Allen Price: "Chris Peacock has taken down both Cyrus Truth and Gerald Grayson to sit on four points and tonight he has the chance to become the definitive leader of Pool B, but even I will admit that this one can go either way."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Peacock of course has the Golden Opportunity briefcase in his possession but seems to be too afraid to make the most of it, perhaps to his apparent fondness for the current FWA World Champion, Alyster Black."

Allen Price: "There is a lot of respect between Chris and Alyster and there is a friendship there as well. I know people will be doubting how genuine Peacock is with regards to his relationship with Black, but as far as I can tell, he holds a real affection for the FWA World Champion."

Peacock gets into the ring and places his accessories next to the steel steps on the outside of the ring with the case resting on top of them and the cane next to them. He rubs his nose which was busted open by Gerald Grayson last time out and then settles himself as he awaits his opponent.


Whilst the crowd are in support of Chris Peacock in this one, it could be due to the identity of his opponent, Big Bryan Baxter. Baxter is being flanked by Bill Scorpane, who proudly carries the North American Championship on behalf of his client. Baxter ignores the negative reactions being hurled at him by the crowd.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by Mr. Bill Scorpane… from Hickory, North Carolina, he weighs in at three-hundred and two pounds, he is the FWA North American Champion… BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG BRYAN BAAAAAAAAAAXTER!!!”

Allen Price: “Well, Bryan Baxter has some extra poundage compared to the last time we saw him make an entrance here on Fallout, and I’m not just talking about that family party platter that he had for lunch! This man is your new FWA North American Champion, and he did so with the help of those brass knuckles that we have seen him use several times since his arrival here in the FWA.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Well his championship victory against Lizzie Rose and the two F1 Climaxxx points he earned for winning that match came at the potential cost of his own friendship with Jeremy Best, who looked very disappointed in the manner of Baxter’s victory. He will have to put those thoughts to the back of his mind if he wants to overcome Peacock tonight, though.”

Allen Price: “In fact, Jean-Luc, I don’t trust this Scorpane guy one bit… and I think that you might have to call this match on your own.”

A clunk of a headset is heard and Allen Price, of course a staunch ally of Chris Peacock, is shown leaving his position at the commentary table and he takes up a spot at the side of the ring.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It looks like I will be taking this one on my own, wrestling fans, but I assure you there is at least one match on the cards tonight that I will be leaving Price to call.”

Scorpane laughs as he sees Price attempting to provide some advice to Peacock through the ropes, and Baxter seems much more receptive to his own comments as Peacock is clearly ignoring everything that Price is attempting to advise him.

Bryan Baxter v Chris Peacock.
Singles Match - FWA Climaxxx (Pool B).
Match Writer: Man.​

As soon as the bell rings, Peacock is quickly out of the blocks and he takes the North American Champion by surprise, who was still half-paying attention to the words of Scorpane on the outside. Peacock tags the big man with some body shots and then some forearms to the face. Baxter shoves him away, but Peacock stops and goes straight at him again, trapping him in the corner. Peacock mounts the second rope and starts laying into Baxter’s forehead with some closed fist punches and he manages ten of them to the delight of the crowd. Baxter makes an instant realisation that he needs a reset on the match and instead of taking it to Peacock, he climbs out of the ring and tries to regroup on the outside.

Peacock though gets by the referee to stand onto the apron and he measures Baxter, who is warned by Scorpane, but not in time, and Peacock jumps from the apron and takes Baxter down with a Glitterball Drop to the outside! The Seated Senton is enough to get Baxter on his back and Peacock rises to his feet and fires the crowd up, who respond in turn with cheers. Peacock then turns to face Scorpane and he steps towards the nefarious agent, who steps back a few paces, as he will know that Peacock has no qualms about striking him if he wanted to.

As Peacock leaves Baxter, he sees Allen Price making his presence known by his taunting of Baxter and despite Price being with him, Peacock motions for the commentator to return to the desk and get out of the way. Price appears upset by this so Peacock takes an extra moment to usher him away. This ends up costing Peacock though as Baxter grabs him by the waistband on his return to paying attention to him and he pulls Peacock forwards, and Peacock’s face smashes into the steel ring post!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Not surprising to me that Peacock’s in-ring exploits have generally improved since Price paid more attention to his broadcast duties, and now you can see why, wrestling fans. Baxter has a chance to get back into the match now with Peacock taking another heavy hit directly to the face, but I think his nose has maintained its integrity at least.”

Much like Fallout 022, Peacock seems pretty out of it very quickly after his face bore the brunt of a dull object once again. He lays on the floor outside of the ring and Baxter shakes off the early cobwebs to pick Peacock up from the floor and roll him into the ring. Peacock gets up to his feet which allows him to meet Baxter when the latter is still only on the apron and Peacock attempts to hit him with a swinging punch, but Baxter blocks it and a big Headbutt to the bridge of Peacock’s nose knocks Peacock back far enough to enable Baxter to enter the ring once again.

With Peacock not fully aware of his surroundings, he is easy pickings for Baxter to line him up for, and then execute, a HUGE Discus Lariat! Peacock is turned inside out by the big blow, and Baxter rolls him back onto his back before pressing his shoulders down into the mat.


As has been the case for many of his opponents, Peacock fails to go down easily, and Baxter expresses some frustration by slamming Peacock’s head down onto the mat a couple of times. He maintains his grip and then pulls Peacock up to his feet and all the way up onto his shoulders into a Powerbomb position… and then he charges forward and sends Peacock crashing into the corner with a BUCKLE BOMB!! Peacock does not go down and stays up in the corner which makes him easy pickings for Baxter to run into the opposite corner and then squash Peacock against the turnbuckle with a Corner Splash!

Baxter stands to the side and is slightly confused at how Peacock is still on his feet, and watches on as Peacock staggers out of the corner but doesn’t go down. Shaking his head, Baxter then runs into the ropes and clatters into the wide open Peacock with a Shoulder Block!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Peacock was literally hit by a car a couple of months ago, but I think that was more akin to being run over by a semi-truck! Baxter down into another pin attempt, this would be a big win for the North American Champion!”


There is some frustration on the face of the North American Champion, and he seems willing to put an end to the match as he grabs Peacock by the hair and roughly pulls him back to his feet where he then hooks Peacock’s head under his arm. Allen Price does everything he can to alert Peacock to the imminent danger that he is in as Baxter lifts Peacock up into the air in preparation for the BAXTER DRIVER - BUT PEACOCK DROPS A KNEE ONTO BAXTER’S HEAD! A couple more knees are enough to cause the North American Champion to drop Peacock back down to the ring where Peacock lands on his feet behind Baxter.

Baxter turns around with an attempt at a punch, but Peacock ducks it. Baxter does grab Peacock though and he sends him into the ropes with an Irish Whip and ducks down, looking for a Back Body Drop, but Peacock puts on the brakes and takes Baxter down with a Famouser instead! Baxter does not stay down for long, and Peacock has to deal with him once again almost immediately and reacting quicker, he slaps the taste out of Baxter’s mouth with a PIMP SLAP!

The force of the strike has the much larger man wobbly-legged and Peacock then follows this up with a boot to the midsection - DISCO THRILLER STUNNER!! Baxter slumps down to the mat after the move and Peacock jumps on top of him, heaving one of the massive legs up for a pin!


Jean-Luc Watkins: “Chris Peacock definitely caught ALL of that Stunner on Baxter, and he may have turned this match around enough to be able to pull away as the leader of Pool B in the F1 Climaxxx.”

Peacock checks his nose for blood briefly before he gets up to his feet and then backs into the corner where he holds onto the ropes whilst urging Baxter to rise up slightly. Baxter stays down next to the ropes as Bill Scorpane walks past that part of the ring and the camera manages to catch Scorpane discreetly dropping the brass knuckles on the ring steps! Baxter reaches under the bottom rope and tucks the knucks underneath his chest and Scorpane walks away. The referee missed what happened - BUT ALLEN PRICE DID NOT!!

Immediately taking Scorpane to task, Price begins arguing with his fellow manager/agent, whilst Baxter’s manager protests that he did nothing wrong. The commotion does draw the attention of the referee, who leans through the ropes in order to diffuse the situation that is forming. Baxter though starts to rise to his feet and once he is up to his knees… PEACOCK CHARGES IN AND GOES STRAIGHT THROUGH BAXTER’S FACE WITH THE STRUT!!! The fans cheer as Peacock jumps onto his opponent and the count begins…



Jean-Luc Watkins: “You saw it there, wrestling fans! Chris Peacock had Big Bryan Baxter beaten, but because of that buffoon on the outside, the referee could not make the count to make his victory official.”

Peacock sits up and puts his arms in the air, a grin on his face, until his glee dissipates immediately upon seeing that he has not been crowned the winner of the match and in fact the referee’s attention is somewhere else completely. Peacock confronts the referee and then appears exasperated upon finding out what is going on. He orders Price to go away and then turns back around to see Baxter back to his feet with the brass knuckles in his hand. Peacock stares at the knuckles for a moment and Baxter himself even seems unsure of his next move… so Peacock just rushes him instead!

Trying not to suffer the same fate as Lizzie Rose, Peacock lands as many strikes as he can on Baxter and then grabs the knuckles from his hand and tosses them to ringside! With the weapon out of play, Peacock turns back around to face Baxter, but Baxter meets him with a knee to the midsection and he quickly elevates Peacock up and then DRILLS HIM INTO THE MAT WITH THE BAXTER DRIVER!!! The fans are deflated as Baxter rushes into a pin on Peacock!


Winner: Bryan Baxter via pin fall at 09:12

The bell rings and ‘Animals’ begins to play once again, with the crowd apathetic towards the result of the match as most were pulling for Peacock to come away with the victory in this one. Baxter has his arm raised and a very pleased Bill Scorpane joins him in the ring, applauding. Baxter takes his championship from his manager and then raises it high into the air. Allen Price slams his fist on the ring apron as he watches on as Chris Peacock is still flat on his back in the middle of the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Here is your winner… BIG BRYAN BAXTER!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Wow! Bryan Baxter comes out victorious, and it turns out that he did not even require the use of those brass knuckles to get the job done, although it definitely seemed like Chris Peacock would have walked out of this one as the winner were is not for what was happening on the outside of the ring. Let’s see what that has done to Pool B…”


Jean-Luc Watkins: “There you have it, wrestling fans. Baxter moves into pole position in Pool B, with Cyrus Truth and Phillip A. Jackson being his last two remaining opponents. Peacock has Lizzie Rose next, and PAJ after that. With Gerald Grayson getting into the points on Meltdown, this one is still very much open for anyone to take.”

Baxter and Scorpane take their leave from the ring and Peacock sits up and is furious about losing the match and is not pleased at all to see Allen Price in there trying to console him. Price does not even appear to see how his actions resulted in Peacock not winning the match and his face drops when Peacock explains it to him. Peacock stands up and he has his hands on his hips and Price attempts to dust him down, and comfort him - BUT PEACOCK SHOVES HIM AWAY!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Price… get out of there. For your own sake if nothing else…”

Despite the warning from his broadcast partner, Price stays in the ring and continues to plead his case to Peacock and when Chris attempts to walk away, Allen grabs his shoulder and attempts to turn him around. An irate Peacock grabs Price by the wrist and advances towards him with a look of anger in his eyes… and there is a genuine fear on the face of Price for a moment and the crowd’s excitement levels begin to build. A fan with an ‘ALLEN PRICE SUCKS’ sign is shown literally jumping for joy.

Peacock has some clear words for Price as he keeps his grip on his arm, but the camera nor the ringside microphones can pick them up. Still pleading his case and protesting that he just made a mistake, Price finds that his begging may have worked as Peacock drops his wrist down by his side.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I think that Peacock has seen some sense… he’s going to let this go for this once it would seem.”

The fans boo as Peacock spares Price and Allen profusely thanks Chris for not doing anything else, although the sound of the jeers from the fans appear to be grating Peacock’s ears and he screws up his face for a moment to try and block them out.

Looking concerned, Allen steps forward to try and comfort Chris… AND CHRIS QUICKLY LASHES OUT AND DECKS ALLEN PRICE WITH A RIGHT HAND!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “HOLY SH-”

The crowd goes WILD as Peacock floor the man who has stood by his side for the last two years, and Allen holds his cheek whilst down on the mat and Peacock stands over him. Chris has a few more words for his apparently now-former manager and then flips him the bird and leaves the ring, collecting his case and his cane as his music plays. Allen Price looks devastated as Peacock walks away from him as Fallout fades away.


We cut to a corridor in the backstage area, and specifically to the one upon which Jon Russnow's office is housed. The camera is pointed at the name plaque on the door, and then a thick forearm reaches out to know rapidly and loudly on the door. The camera pulls back, revealing that the arm belongs to Nate Savage, and that he has his tag team partner Jackson Fenix standing at his shoulder. Fenix has an easy and quite casual smile on his face whilst Savage is scowling, perhaps still reeling slightly from the disappointment of Meltdown XXIII's main event.

After a few moments, the door opens and Jon Russnow is standing on the other side of the threshold. He looks at the two visitors, a smile breaking out onto his face.

Jon Russnow: "Nate… Jackson… to what do I owe this pleasure?"

Savage walks into the office, followed by Jackson, as Russnow is forced to step to one side to allow the tandem to pass.

Nate Savage: "Just thought we'd come by for a brief chat, Russnow. There's something we want."

Savage has walked straight over to Russnow's desk, and now lifts up some of the documents that lie strewn upon. He casually begins to read them as if he has the right to do so, before Russnow follows him to the desk and takes them out of his hand.

Jon Russnow: "Let me guess… Alyster Black? The FWA X Championship? I saw what happened on Thursday night, Nate. Damn close. But no cigar, as they say. And I'm afraid you'll probably have to wait your turn before I give you another shot…"

Russnow has collected all of the loose documents from his desk, made them into a pile, and stuffed them into his bottom drawer. He takes a seat behind his desk whilst Nate looms ominously on the other side of it. Jackson has sat down on a comfortable looking chair across the office, reclining with his hands behind his head and his feet up on a coffee table.

Nate Savage: "Not here about that."

Jackson Fenix: "Probably best you don't mention that, to be honest…"

The camera picks up the fact that Nate's fist has clenched at his side. Russnow's eyes drift towards it and he shuffles uncomfortably in his seat. The authority figure looks at Savage and waves him on, wordlessly instructing him to state why he's here.

Nate Savage: "We've heard about this Mile High Massacre match-up on Fallout 025. We've also seen that you've been handing out places in it to any team with a win or two under their belt since Lights Out. So we're here with a statement of intent. Just because we haven't got involved in this petty squabbling between the Nephews and the rest of them, doesn't mean we're aren't just as entitled to a championship opportunity as the Lumberjacks, the Coven, and Bad Reputation…"

Jackson Fenix: "We are above petty squabbling, Russnow. Far too mature…"

The authority figure regards both of them carefully. He is still smiling.

Jon Russnow: "Well, if you've been watching carefully, gentlemen, you will know that I haven't announced any of the teams involved in that cage match… but I will do, right now!"

He stands up from his desk, slowly walking over to his office door and opening it again.

Jon Russnow: "And you'll get your wish… just like last year, there will be five tandems entering that demonic Mile High Massacre structure. Challenging the Connection will be Kayden Knox and Gabrielle, Doug and Dan LuPone, Blair and Celestia Ravenwood… and, indeed, Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage."

He stands by the door, holding it open, as Nate nods his head and walks past him, Jackson following behind.

Jon Russnow: "Good luck, gentlemen…"

We fade out.


Back in the arena, we are with a shot of the commentary table where Jean-Luc Watkins seems to be doing his utmost to stifle a laugh and a very-dejected looking Allen Price holds an icepack to his face.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Welcome back to Fallout, wrestling fans, and we’re still reeling here at ringside from what happened prior to the break. Chris Peacock - after losing to Big Bryan Baxter - lashed out against someone we all believed to be one of his closest friends and my broadcast colleague, Allen Price. Are you okay, Allen?”

Allen Price: “I don’t know what to think right now, Jean-Luc. Chris Peacock has been like a son to me these last two years and I can only tell myself that what just happened was because of him being upset about losing that match to Bryan Baxter. I’d like to not discuss it any further, if I am being honest with you. Can we just get on with the show, please?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “As you wish. Let’s flip it over to Natalie Rosenberg.”

In the ring, Natalie Rosenberg looks slightly solemn for a moment as she is stood next to Joey Ortiz, who is not dressed in his usual referee stripes tonight. Despite having a somewhat decent physique, Ortiz seems nervous as he warms up in a pair of basic black wrestling trunks with matching boots. Gracelynn Guerrero - actually dressed to officiate - offers a comforting hand on the shoulder of her fellow FWA referee.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a ten minute time limit. Already in the ring… FWA official JOEY ORTIZ!”

There is a smattering of applause for Ortiz, who takes in a deep breath before the music of his opponent for this match is revealed.

The FWA fans show their immediate displeasure for Shawn Summers, who walks out from the back with a determined look on his face, showing that despite the identity of his opponent, he is still going to be taking this match ultra-seriously. He waits for Lana to confirm that it is time to ride before he marches towards the ring here in Vienna.

Natalie Rosenberg: “His opponent… from Laguna Beach, California and weighing in at two-hundred and twenty-five pounds… he is ‘DER BASTARD’ SHAWN SUMMMMEERRRRRRRRRRRRSSSS!!!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “For those watching at home, there is no need to adjust your viewing device; Shawn Summers will be facing off against an appointed FWA referee tonight on Fallout. Price, another of your favourites here, that must make you feel slightly better?”

Allen Price: “I think Shawn Summers showed that he can be reasonable two weeks ago, Jean-Luc. He demanded rematches and title shots but after allowing Jon Russnow to conduct his investigation into what happened at Lights Out, he decided that he would settle for a match with the man who he felt wronged him in Joey Ortiz.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It should be clear that Jon Russnow concluded that Joey Ortiz did nothing wrong at Lights Out and he perhaps conceded to ‘Der Bastard’s subsequent demand for this match to avoid any future disruption to out shows. Regardless, this is a referee that has been thrown to the wolves tonight.”

Summers enters the ring and allows Guerrero to check his boots fists before she regretfully does the same to Ortiz. Looking across at his opponent, Summers drops the seriousness for a moment and allows a smirk to form on his face before Guerrero calls for the bell.

Shawn Summers v Joey Ortiz.
Singles Match.
Match Writer: Man.​

Summers generously allows Joey Ortiz the chance to come out of the corner before leaving his own at the onset of the match. Ortiz looks to be wanting to initiate a lock up of sorts but Summers balks at this and instead reaches forward and slaps Ortiz across the jaw! The crowd boos and Ortiz recoils, holding his cheek, and the referee can only look on as Summers dares him to come for him a second time. Ortiz attempts a different strategy on the next occasion and goes for a punch instead, but Summers blocks it and then slaps Ortiz across the face again!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Shawn Summers is just toying with him already, how long is he going to drag this out for?”

Offering his own cheek to Ortiz, Summers closes his eyes as he bows his head slightly… AND ORTIZ TAKES HIS SHOT AND ROCKS SUMMERS WITH A BIG RIGHT HAND!! The crowd cheers as the force of the punch actually does take Summers off-balance and he falls back into the corner. However, Ortiz is unable to follow up as Summers himself immediately responds with an extremely stiff Headbutt, which knocks his opponent down to the mat instantly.

Summers takes Ortiz by the arm and drags him into the corner, sitting him up against the bottom turnbuckle. He takes a moment to look around the crowd and then charges in WITH THE BEE’S KNEES!!!

Allen Price: “That looked really bad, J-L. I think Joey Ortiz could be in some serious trouble here because Shawn Summers is going to smell blood..”

Peeling what remains of Joey Ortiz from the bottom turnbuckle, Summers gets down on top of him and begins to deliver Blitzkreig; a series of heavy shots rain down on the face of the helpless referee who is definitely a fish out of water. Guerrero has to wrestle Summers off of her colleague and she seems to be considering just calling the match off due to the now bloody face of Ortiz who struggles to catch his breath on the mat after the pulverising his face just took.

Before she can do so though, Summers roughly pulls Ortiz back to his feet and boots him in the midsection and puts his head between his legs, lifting him up… MIDSOMMAR!!! Ortiz gets spiked on his head and Summers goes for the cover…


The count stops, but not because of a miraculous kick out by Ortiz, but because Summers pulled his shoulder off the canvas!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Oh no, I don’t like where this is headed, Price.”

Despite the referee officiating the match protesting, Summers picks Ortiz up from the mat once again and puts him in position again… MIDSOMMAR!! After being dropped on his head again, Ortiz is literally spasming on the mat and Summers presses down ok top of him. Guerrero makes a quick count to prevent any further damage being dished out.


Winner: Shawn Summers via pin fall at 2:26

Jean-Luc Watkins: “I think that was a display of just how cruel a human being can be. Shawn Summers didn’t need the match but he got what he wanted. Is it going to be something for him to celebrate? It looks like he’s going to.”

Allen Price: “A truly dominant performance from Shawn Summers tonighton Fallout, Jean-Luc. He is building himself up a good string of wins and who knows? He might just earn himself another shot at the Television Championship as opposed to obtaining it in the courtroom?”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Nonone can argue with his record since Lights Out. Three matches and three very convincing victories have come from them.”


Fallout shifts to a backstage setting where the eccentric XYZ stands in front of the camera with a long green bathrobe hovering over his shoulders and down his back and sides. He has wrestling shorts on despite not being booked for Fallout, and there’s a black cloth tied around his neck as a makeshift cape. XYZ’s curly light brown hair dangles over his bug eyes as he focuses intently on the camera in front of him.

Katie Lynn Goldsmith stands next to XYZ, who could look to his left and find his trusted friend and the original XYZite Big Al hovering as a safe protector with his muscular arms folded across his chest.

Katie Baxter: "XYZ, we are on Fallout, which you are not booked to compete. Yet, you are dressed to compete. Why?"

XYZ: "Why? Why, oh why? Easy, my darling sunflower. The answer is easy. In this ongoing battle, you have to be ready AT ALLLLLL TIMES! You have to be primed and prepared for any movement, any advancement, by the dark forces trying to RIP US APART! They are trying to tear our pact in half, Katie Lynn. They are trying to break us … from the insides.

And we cannot let that happen!"

The crowd cheers XYZ’s erratic-yet-inspirational speech, albeit with possibly no real purpose.

XYZ: "I have been to other galaxies, dimensions, and the like."

Allen Price: "Dimensions?!"

XYZ: "I have seen what’s out there. I know what moves … in the shadows. It’s an evil without a face or arms or legs or a nose or hair or a mouth or a belly or a belly button or fingers or a butt or a penis or a vagina or toes or ankles or kneecaps or ribs or lungs or ovaries or testicles or a neck or shoulders or nipples."

Allen Price: "Did he say ‘nipples’?"

XYZ: "Katie Lynn, and EVERYONE ELSE, we need to be prepared for this evil. We need to be prepared for this danger … lurking. This danger is greed. It is selfishness. It is self-righteousness. It is pity. It is jealousy. It is revenge. It is envy. It is … avarice. It is … egotism. It is … comfort … in the way things are … and a refusal to consider … a change of the course of mankind as a whole.

This evil is what makes the haves and the have nots. This evil is what keeps people like me, people like you, and people like EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVERYONE here … watching … from going up the mountain … to attain our glory, our happiness, our peace, our own personal comfort. This evil is why we have to SCRATCH AND CLAW for every crumb, every drop, every ounce.

And we will keep scratching and clawing, Katie Lynn. We will. Because we a…"

A little before XYZ stops, he notices Big Al begins to cough ferociously. This coughing has become more and more prevalent in the recent weeks since he returned from his lung cancer surgery. XYZ sees Big Al hunch over.

XYZ: "Al … are you … what’s wrong?"

Big Al continues to cough, and XYZ now sees him coughing up blood that is sprinkled onto his wrist and the back of his hand.

Katie Baxter: "XYZ, is something wro…?"

XYZ: "Don’t you see?! My friend is hurting! Can someone help?!"

XYZ watches as Big Al continues to cough, each more violent than the one before. Big Al falls to his knees, now wheezing in between the coughs. Big Al puts his right hand onto the shoulder of XYZ, who is crouched next to him. When Big Al coughs, it’s a reprieve from the wheezing, which seems to prevent him from properly breathing.

XYZ: "Big Al! Big Al! What do you need from me, friend?! WHAT DO YOU NEED?!"

XYZ then turns to Katie Lynn and shouts, ”CAN SOMEONE GET SOME HELP?!?!"

Katie Baxter: "Help. Someone help over here. XYZ is in trouble. Please. I … I don’t know what’s going on."

Big Al is now face down, laying on the ground next to a frantic XYZ. He continues to wheeze, and XYZ sees him searching for oxygen in between the wheezing and coughing. XYZ helplessly watches his friend go red and pink in face color, as he repeatedly shouts for Big Al to 'BREATHE' and asks him what he can do.

But there is nothing to do, and eventually, a few medical personnel pull XYZ up by the armpits and make him stand up.

'Deep breaths,' one says. 'It’s OK. You need to stand upright and take deep bre…'


The medical personnel continue to restrain XYZ in an upright position amid his panic. XYZ is scratching and clawing to get back to where he sees Big Al lying motionless on the ground, where absolutely no one is tending to him.


XYZ is now inconsolable, a mixture of tears and screaming as he tries to get to his friend. But there now are seven people – many of who are medical professionals on the FWA’s medical staff – holding him back.

'X … X …' one says softly, trying to calm him down.

'There’s no one there.'

The last thing we see is XYZ’s big bug eyes go even wider and bigger as his breathing quickens and a panic attack – an even bigger panic attack – sets in.

Katie Baxter: "Alright, we need to cut. Cut the camera. NOW!"

And the feed goes black.


Natalie Rosenberg: “The next contest is an F1 Climaxxx match and it is scheduled for one fall with a 30-minute-time-limit!”

“The Sound of Truth” plays out and Cyrus Truth makes his way out to a great ovation from the Austrian fans. In usual Cyrus Truth fashion, he looks laser focused and ready to go as he makes his way down to the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: “Introducing first, from The Long and Winding Road and weighing in at 227 lb…”The Exile”...Cyrus Truth!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Cyrus Truth comes into this match 1-1 in the F1 Climaxxx, he tasted defeat in his first outing with Chris Peacock while scoring a much needed win over a game Phillip A. Jackson in his last match. Despite coming up short in the battle royal on Meltdown, where he finished fourth, which was one notch above his opponent tonight, I’d have to imagine that Cyrus would like to continue to ride this wave of momentum where it pertains to F1 with a win tonight.”

Allen Price: “A win tonight is definitely key for Cyrus Truth if he wants to get one step closer to reclaiming the most precious prize in our company.”

Natalie Rosenberg: “His opponent, from Brooklyn, New York and weighing in at 99 lb…”The Rave”...Lizzie Rose!”

Rose walks out on stage and has a little less of a pep in her step than normal, but she puts on a brave face and waves out to the fans as she makes her way down to the ring.

Allen Price: “Lizzie was also unsuccessful in the aforementioned battle royal on Meltdown where she finished fifth, but she’s also coming off a huge loss on the last Fallout where she lost her North American title to Bryan Baxter. Not only did she lose her title, but that loss also put her at 1-1 in the Climaxxx, the same position her opponent is in.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Quite right you are, Price, and that loss would explain why Lizzie doesn’t seem like her usual jovial self but she’ll have to put that behind her if she wants to have any chance of winning tonight.”

Referee Gracelynn Guerrero checks on both competitors before calling for the bell.

Cyrus Truth v Lizzie Rose.
Singles Match - F1 Climaxxx (Pool B).
Match Writer: Jimmy​


Truth and Rose lock horns in a collar and elbow tie up, and Truth traps Rose in a side headlock but Rose shoves him off into the ropes but Truth returns off the rebound with a shoulder block that takes Rose off her feet momentarily. Truth runs the ropes again and this time Rose leapfrogs over Truth, and when he returns, Rose catches him with an arm drag. Truth is back on his feet however, but he’s on the receiving end of a european uppercut from Rose and Rose has Truth reeling against the ropes. Rose takes Truth by the wrist and goes to send him toward the opposite ropes, but Truth turns it around on Rose and sends her into the ropes and off the rebound Rose runs right into a kitchen sink from Truth!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What a technical exchange between the two competitors only to be cut short by Truth!”

Truth quickly applies a headlock to Rose and wrenches at it in an attempt to keep the smaller Rose down. Rose is doing her best to fight out of it and with some rallying support from the fans, she manages to rise up while still in the hold and she drives a few elbows right into the stomach of Truth! Truth releases the hold and doubles over and Rose drills Truth with a soccer kick to the face! Truth staggers backward against the ropes and Rose nails him with a high running knee strike into a running bulldog on Truth and Rose quickly jumps on top of Truth for the cover…


Allen Price: ”I’ll be honest J-L, I did not expect this to be so back and forth as it has been thus far.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”Lizzie is showing a lot of heart and resilience and doing her best to hold her own against a game Truth, but we’ve learned that Cyrus Truth does not go down easy.”

Rose brings up Truth in a front facelock but Truth fights back with some forearm strikes to Rose’s stomach, and Truth then counters with a jawbreaker that staggers Rose. Truth takes a brief moment of reprieve before taking Rose down with a snap swinging neckbreaker! Rose holds the back of her head, but Truth doesn’t afford her the luxury of her own reprieve as he drags her to the corner and drives home a loud knife-edge chop across her chest! Truth with another knife-edge chop and Rose is in trouble as Truth drills her with multiple elbow smashes in the corner before taking her out of there and hits his own running bulldog on her out of the corner and he drops down in a lateral press for the pin…


Rose still has some fight left in her and Truth takes her back into the corner, and Rose tries to fight back but Truth overpowers her and takes her down with some strikes in the corner before performing the First Five Steps on Rose. Truth drags Rose out of the corner and then stomps the back of her knee, and follows up with a running big boot!

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”Truth taking Rose on the Broken Path but it’s not enough to keep her down!”

Truth has Rose in position and lifts her up for a fisherman’s suplex, but Rose drops down behind Truth and she catches him with a roll-up!


Truth kicks out and he’s met with a kick to the stomach, and Rose sends him off the ropes but Truth counters back with a discus punch! Rose is staggered and this time Truth gets all of the fishermans suplex with a bridge!


Allen Price: ”Lizzie has got to find an opening or else she’s done for because this has been all Cyrus so far.”

Rose is slowly rising up and she’s on a bent knee as Truth comes charging toward her with Wanderer’s Wrath, but she counters that into another roll-up!


Truth kicks out with forcefulness and he’s quick to pop back up on his feet, but so is Rose and she takes him down with an arm drag! Truth charges at her again but he’s stopped dead in his tracks with a spinning heel kick, and Rose sends the dazed Truth off the ropes and off the rebound she hits him with a flapjack!

Allen Price: ”This is the opening that Lizzie needed, now if she can keep it up!”

Rose climbs up top and comes flying off with Thunderbolt! She hits all of that twisting top rope splash and hooks the leg of Truth!


Allen Price: ”I thought for sure she might have had it there!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: ”She must stay on him though and not let that deter her though, Price.”

Rose shakes off her frustrations and she sizes up Truth, who is slowly rising up, and she charges toward him and she goes for Girl Meet Mat but Truth blocks it and shoves her away. Rose isn’t deterred though as she runs toward him again, but this time Truth catches her…Memento Mori!

Truth sizes her up before hoisting her up…Journey’s End! Truth with the pin…


Winner: Cyrus Truth at 12:58

Natalie Rosenberg: “The winner of the match, Cyrus Truth!”

Truth’s arm is raised in victory and he relishes this victory while Rose is coming to and looks less than thrilled with the result.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “A hard fought victory for Cyrus Truth, who moves to 2-1 in the F1 Climaxxx, while a setback for Lizzie Rose who falls to 1-2 now.


Allen Price: “She has nothing to be ashamed of, J-L. She put up a good fight against a very game Cyrus Truth.”

Truth exits the ring while Rose watches on from inside with a deflated look as the show rolls on…


The camera cuts backstage where North American Champion Big Bryan Baxter is celebrating his victory with his agent, Mr. Scorpane.

Mr. Scorpane: "What did I tell ya, Bryan. I told ya… you’re gonna do it all here in the FWA! And I told ya… you don’t need Jeremy! You’re already doing all the things he hasn’t been able to do! You’re a champion and now you’ve done something he’s failed to do three times now… best Chris Hancock! Hell - you destroyed him! The man everyone thinks is the next world champ since he has that silly briefcase. If anyone is heading for the title… it’s YOU!”

Bryan actually can’t help but smile and revel in the moment.

Bryan Baxter: ”You really think so?”

Mr. Scorpane: "I know so. I told ya… North American Championship is only the beginning. You’re getting a strange hold on these F1 standings now… 3-0! This is our… I mean this is your time!”

Bryan Baxter: ”Yeah. Yeah! I like the sound of that!”

Mr. Scorpane: "Of course you do! Because it’s true! And…”

Scorpane is interrupted as Jeremy Best enters the shot. Bryan’s eyes light up seeing his friend and partner, though Jeremy is clearly still not his usual chipper self.

Bryan Baxter: ”Jeremy! I’m so glad you’re here. Are you ready to talk?”

Jeremy Best: "Actually… I do want to talk. But just to you…”

Jeremy glances over to Scorpane, a rare look of disgust on his face.

Jeremy Best: " “Alone.”

Mr. Scorpane scoffs but shrugs his shoulders.

Mr. Scorpane: "That’s fine. There’s a catering table calling my name anyway. Come join me when you’re done, Bryan.”

Bryan nods to Scorpane as he walks off screen.

Bryan Baxter: ”Listen… Jeremy… I know you’re mad… and I know…”

Jeremy Best: "I’m not mad, Bryan. I’m disappointed. I thought you had changed. I thought you had become a better person. I thought you were really my friend this time.”

Bryan Baxter: ”I have! And I am! I really am! Look, I think I know how I can make this up to you. I want to make things right. And what better way to not only make things up to you, but also show my appreciation for you… than to get you some gold too! I’m going to sign us up to be in the Mile High Massacre match for the tag titles! That we can both be champions! Together!”

Jeremy looks down to the floor, not immediately responding. A look of confusion crosses Bryan’s face as this is clearly not the reaction he was expecting from his friend.

Bryan Baxter: ”Whattaya say, bro? The Buddy System rides again? Let’s go for the gold!”

Jeremy looks up from the floor and solemnly shakes his head.

Jeremy Best: "No, Bryan. I’m going to have to….regretfully…decline your offer. If I’m going to team with someone, I want to be able to trust them. Especially in a match like that. And besides… this isn’t about the gold. Friendship is so much more important than any championship belt could ever be.”

“I really want to see you be successful. It actually was bringing me joy to see you having success in the F1 and that you had earned a North American Title shot. I just… I just wish… that I could say that I was proud of you. Because the way you won the title against Lizzie… that’s not the way I want to see you winning.”

Bryan Baxter: “...But… I didn’t even mean to… it was kind of just a natural reaction and I forgot I was even holding the knux… dude, I promise… I didn’t want to win that way.”

Jeremy Best: "But you had no problem making the pin after you did it?”

Bryan is silent. He has no good answer for that comment from Jeremy.

Jeremy Best: "You can’t have it both ways, Bryan. I’m starting to think Mr. Scorpane may be a bad influence! I’m starting to think he’s not the nice guy I thought he was! And I know what he said on Meltdown… but if you REALLY want to make things right. If you REALLY want to make ME proud… then give Lizzie the rematch. She deserves that much. And go out there… and maybe… you can show me who the real Bryan Baxter is.”

With that, Jeremy walks off and leaves Bryan to be in deep thought about the words he had said.


The faint sound of some rumbling drums are heard over a black screen which quickly fades into a deep purple hue. Swing music begins to play over the scene and some flashing images of a moustached man raising several championships in the air over the years, until the wording appears over the screen…

‘The Krash Memorial Show’

LIVE on Pay-Per-View, Sunday 12th February, 2023.
From the Ball Arena in Denver, Colorado.


Back in the arena and the fans cheer loudly upon the announcement that appeared on the screen just then. Suddenly, five men standing next to each other in the crowd are shown throwing their shirts off in unison to reveal that each of them have a purple-painted letter on their chests, which of course spell out K R A S H.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s right, wrestling fans, the Fantasy Wrestling Alliance will be returning to Pay-Per-View in February as we present to you ‘Back in Town’! A show which will be dedicated to the former FWA World Champion, North American Champion and FWA World Tag Team Champion, Krash. We already know that show will feature the final round of the FWA Climaxxx… but I can assure you that there is much more to be added as we get closer to the Ball Arena in Denver, which is of course where Krash won the FWA World Championship at Mile High last year.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Now for two people who will definitely not be finding themselves competing at Back in Town. Price, take it you’ve got it from here?”

As is becoming a staple for Fallout, Steve the Techno Vampire’s entrance is JLW’s signal to check out and he is shown leaning back in his chair and scrolling through his phone almost immediately. Steve gets a good reception from the fans, and he hides behind his long cape as he scuttles down towards the ring.

Natalie Rosenberg: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a twenty minute time limit. Introducing first, Steve the Techno Vampire!”

Allen Price: “Hopefully Jean-Luc will not regret absconding himself of his duties as I came to do earlier on. But this is a match that I have been looking forward to on this show because we’re finally going to find out who is better - Steve the Techno Vampire or Ratin Mikichin.”

As Steve gets into the ring he shows off his fangs to the camera and then opens his cape and several fake bats drop to the mat at his feet. He sheepishly shuffles them away with his feet and then does a few dance moves.

The fans boo as Ratin Mikichin emerges from the back, once again wearing the candy cane mankini after it brought him his first ever win in his previous match with Steve. Ratin bops along to his music but the crowd are not into it whatsoever.

Natalie Rosenberg: “His opponent, Ratin Mikichin!”

Allen Price: “On a one match winning run, is Ratin Mikichin! He had to take the low road in order to tie this mini-series with Steve up on Fallout 022, but tonight he has the chance to take it two to one.”

Both of the competitors in the match seem eager to get on with it so the referee makes their checks, but things are brought to a halt as someone else walks onto the stage… OMBHAUSEN has a microphone in his hand and his appearance generates vicious boos from the crowd.

OMBHAUSEN: “Wait a minute, wait a minute. OMBHAUSEN has something that he wants to say, because the two of you are stealing OMBHAUSEN’s spotlight!”

Allen Price: “What on Earth is he talking about?”

OMBHAUSEN: “So I spoke to Jon Russnow, and this match is now going to be a Triple Threat match and the winner of this series is going to be OMBHAUSEN!””

OMBHAUSEN slams the microphone down and then makes his way towards the ring where he slides in, and the bell is then called for!

Ratin Makitchin vs Steve the Techno Vampire vs OMBHAUSEN.
Triple Threat Match.
Match Writer: Man.​

The fans make no bones about showing their displeasure towards the surprise addition to the match, and OMBHAUSEN stares down both of his opponents before he looks to raise his arms in order to perform a curse on both of them, but an angered pairing of Steve and Ratin confront him and Ratin slaps his hand out of the way and puts his finger in his face to tell him off for intruding on the match that they had planned.

OMBHAUSEN looks confused but Steve comes forward and he stomps on OMBHAUSEN’s foot! The fool hops on one leg around the ring and Steve then trips him up and he falls backwards against the bottom turnbuckle. There is a stand off between Ratin and Steve for a moment, but Steve nods his head and then points Ratin in the direction of OMBHAUSEN, and some of the crowd actually start to cheer as Ratin understands what Steve is instructing him to do, nodding his head.

Allen Price: “I don’t think this is going to end very well for OMBHAUSEN, Jean-Luc!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Huh? Wait! What is this?!”

Ratin turns around to face away from OMBHAUSEN and then hoists up the mankini, giving himself an absolutely monstrous wedgie… AND HE STARTS TO BACK IT UP… STINKFACE TO OMBHAUSEN!!

After performing the move for far too long, Ratin steps away from OMBHAUSEN and watches along with Steve in the middle of the ring as the jobber stands up and starts sputtering and retching after going through that ordeal. OMBHAUSEN staggers into the path of Steve and Ratin and together they both execute a punch which knocks OMBHAUSEN out!! Both Steve and Ratin drop down to the mat - hooking one leg each!


Winners: Ratin Mikichin and Steve the Techno Vampire via double pin fall at 1:48

There is some confusion as the bell rings and both Steve and Ratin rise to their feet thinking that they had won the match for themselves but are confused to see the other celebrating. Even the fans are unsure of what is going to happen… but the mystery is solved when the referee raises both of their hands!

Natalie Rosenberg: “Ladies and gentlemen, the referee has informed me that both Steve the Techno Vampire and Ratin Mikichin have been named winners of the match!”

Allen Price: “Wow! It has ended with them both coming out on top and thank you for coming to OMBHAUSEN! They’re still level!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “You’re not trying to tell me that this isn’t over?”

Allen Price: “I think it is far from it, Jean-Luc.”


The camera fades in from the commercial break to Shawn Summers walking down a corridor of Allianz Stadion. He casually swipes a towel off a utility cart and wipes himself down. He tosses the towel onto his shoulder and continues walking with a slight smile. As he rounds a corner, he collides shoulders with another individual and casually turns to apologise until he recognizes who it is. He lets out a light chuckle and rolls his eyes as Alyster Black stands in front of him - the FWA World Championship belt draped over his shoulder. Shawn's eyes are instantly drawn to the world championship as Alyster makes a small adjustment for comfort.

Shawn Summers: “Aly, Aly, Alyster Black. It's been a while. I didn't get the chance to congratulate you on your little title win last week, so I'm glad we ran into each other. You've come a long way since our match in Canada earlier this year. You're on track to becoming one of the longest-reigning X Champions in the company's history. You had that impressive performance at Back in Business before abandoning Fallout out of...selfishness.”

Even with the mask covering his face, it's clear that Alyster is disturbed by Shawn’s presence and doesn’t appreciate his backhanded and disingenuous compliment. Shawn notices this and raises his hands in the way of saying, "I'm only kidding," before continuing.

Shawn Summers: “But that's okay because you came crawling back to play hero. I mean you promised to not only beat but kill Danny Toner and save us all didn’t ya? Except, oh wow isn’t that embarrassing?”

Shawn pauses to let his words sink in. They do, and they cut deep. Alyster Black’s fists clench as Shawn muses for a moment before

Shawn Summers: “You were so sure of yourself, only to lose not once but twice. And seeing you standing here with Danny's discarded golden scraps strung over your shoulder as if you earned it is truly a sight. It’s pathetic. I'm sure your little buddy Krash is looking up at you from down there with a smile while the devil twirls his moustache. My deepest condolences on that, by the way.”

The sincerity in Shawn's final statement was lost on the World Champion, who reaches up to scratch his nose before snorting at his long-time rival.

Alyster Black: “How uncharacteristically kind of you Shawn, complimenting my historic X Championship run, my World Championship win, and offering me condolences for the loss of my best friend. It’s super big of you, really. And it means alot coming from a fellow champion. Say, where is your Television title?”

The Vienna crowd can be heard cheering in support, much to Shawn’s chagrin.

Alyster Black: “And hey, you’ve had an amazing year too. Let’s recap. Losing to me in my first defence of this bad boy.”

Alyster points to the X Championship strapped around his waist.

Alyster Black: “Check. Securing yourself the last entry in the Carnel Contendership, somehow. I’m sure that went well for you…oh spending months upon months tormenting Gabrielle and then finally vindicating yourself with that big win over her!”

Shawn nods as he looks at the ground with a smile and takes in the quip from Black.

Alyster Black: “And let’s not forget that you main evented Back in Business this year. That’s a huge deal bud. You got that big rematch against Mike Parr and avenged your loss, right?”

He waits for a response but Shawn doesn’t give him one. Alyster steps forward, leaning over Shawn’s shoulder and speaking directly into his ear.

Alyster Black: “We’re both two peas in a pod Shawn, I mean just look at how far we’ve come since CWA. Look how far we’ve come since you nearly ended my career.”

The World Champion straightens up.

Alyster Black: “You’re brown sugar water bud.”

And turns to leave.

Alyster Black: “Always a pleasure to see you Shawn. Catch ya later.”

Shawn reaches out and grabs him by the shoulder, forcefully turning him back around. They get into each other’s faces. Alyster clenches his fist, ready to fight with Der Basterd. But Shawn’s furious scowl turns into a swamy smirk.

Shawn Summers: “Likewise. Always great catching up with the undisputed World Champion.”

The sarcasm is dripping as Shawn spews the last of what he has to say. Der Basterd reaches out and taps the faceplate of the World Championship before turning and walking away himself. The smirk turning into a light chuckle, he’s proud of how easily he can get under the World Champion’s skin just by existing.

Alyster is left fuming, having had his biggest insecurities attacked and being denied a fist fight with the man he hates most in the world.


Natalie Rosenberg: ”Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a Pool A match-up in the F1 Climaxxx tournament, scheduled for one-fall with a thirty minute time limit…Introducing first, from Sweetwater, Texas…. Weighing in at two-hundred forty-four pounds… TTTTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOMMMMMMYYYY BEDLAM!”

The crowd is on their feet as Tommy Bedlam trots out from the back, tossing his arms up into the air.

Allen Price: “It has been quite the interesting tournament so far for Tommy Bedlam.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That is has been, Price. His first round opponent was supposed to be Danny Toner, who had to pull out due to his injury and was replaced by Vampyra, who Bedlam was able to pick up a hard fought win over. And then he was scheduled to take on Caesar but then Caesar had to pull out! And now tonight, he’s facing Gabrielle… who herself is a replacement after her Executive Excellence teammate had to be removed!”

Allen Price: “That’s a lot to keep up with! But be that as it may, Tommy has persevered through all the changes! He’s got himself 1 win so far and he’ll be looking to continue his impressive run since his return tonight against Gabrielle.”

Tommy climbs into the ring and heads over to one of the turnbuckles. He climbs up to the second turnbuckle and throws up his arms once more, this time taking off his cowboy hat and waving it in the air towards the fans. He then jumps back down to the ring and removes his vest as he awaits his opponent.

Natalie Rosenberg: ”And his opponent, weighing in at one hundred twenty-five pounds… she is THE GODDESS….. GGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAABRIELLE!

Gabrielle slowly makes her way out from the back to a mostly negative reaction from the fans. She eyes her opponent as she stops at the top of the stage, giving a slightly seductive look towards the cowboy in the ring.

Allen Price: “Gabrielle certainly looks like she’s come prepared tonight… and she’ll have to keep herself focused on the match after what happened to her partner, Kayden Knox, on Meltdown.”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gabrielle’s a superstar and a veteran, she knows how to focus on the match at hand. And after inheriting the 0-1 record of Mike Parr, and now being down 0-2 after a loss to MvH… this is a critical match for the Goddess.”

Allen Price: “I don’t doubt her abilities at all, J-L. With a lot on the line for both wrestlers here, this should be an exciting matchup!”

Gabrielle saunters down the aisle before climbing into the ring, her eyes never leaving Tommy Bedlam as she makes her way down. She climbs up onto the apron and bends over to enter through the middle ropes, stopping halfway in, almost as if she’s wanting to give Bedlam a little show before she finally finishes entering the ring.

Tommy Bedlam v Gabrielle.
Singles Match - FWA Climaxxx (Pool A).
Match Writer: Dubb.​

Tommy and Gabrielle circle the ring as the bell rings to start the match. Gabrielle sizes up her opponent, licking her lips at the beefy cowboy in front of her while Tommy at first hesitates before they both move in for the collar and elbow tie up. Tommy quickly is able to overpower the smaller wrestler, moving her into a side headlock. After applying some pressure, Tommy whips her into the ropes. Gabrielle bounces off the ropes as Tommy goes for a clothesline, but she ducks and bounces off the opposite ropes. Coming back off the ropes, she slides between Bedlam's legs and then gives him a slight little spank on his denim covered buttocks. A surprised Bedlam turns around and Gaby strikes with a step up enziguri!

Bedlam stumbles backwards, falling into the corner but looks like he’s shaking off the attack, with a slight smile on his face. But Gaby rushes in with a running knee to the corner before unloading a flurry of forearms to Bedlam’s chest.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gabrielle has come to fight here tonight! She’s determined to climb up these Climaxxx rankings!”

Allen Price: “I don’t think Tommy Bedlam expected this right out of the gate!”

Fired up, the Goddess backs up and charges into the corner again with shotgun dropkick, but Tommy moves out of the way as she connects with the turnbuckles! Gaby gets back to her feet but Tommy charges in, sandwiching her in the corner with a running clothesline! Tommy begins to assert his size advantage as he works Gaby down into the corner with a plethora of punches and kicks, wearing Gaby down into the corner.

Tommy continues on the attack as he pulls Gabrielle out of the corner and hooks her in a front headlock before lifting her up in the air for a vertical suplex, but Gaby manages to escape down Tommy’s back, locking in a sleeper hold while wrapping her legs around Tommy’s waist in a body scissors! She adds a little flair as she begins to thrust her hips into Tommy’s back with a smirk on her face.

The submission attempt would be short lived as Tommy reaches up and drops down to his knees with a jawbreaker to break it up and Gabrielle flops down to the mat! Bedlam gives a few stomps to Gaby’s midsection before picking her up and sending her into the ropes - Sidewalk Slam!

Allen Price: “I think it was only a matter of time before Bedlam was able to assert his size advantage over Gabrielle. And here we go, he’s going for the pin!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “One! Two! Nope, going to take more than that to put away the Goddess!”

After the pinfall attempt, Bedlam goes back to work on as he soon attempts a powerbomb to Gabrielle, but she begins to battle back! Gaby with a few right hands to the forehead of Bedlam before sending him OVER THE TOP ROPE to the floor with a head scissors reversal!

Gabrielle lands on the apron while Tommy hits the floor. She measures up Bedlam as he begins to pull himself up and then springboards off the ropes with a moonsault off the apron onto Bedlam!

But Bedlam CATCHES her and positions her onto his shoulder…Bedlam RUNS WITH GABY and tosses her head first into the ring post!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Bedlam sends Gaby head first into the hard steel!”

Allen Price: “Tommy is really embracing the desire to win in this tournament. Right now it’s all business for him!”

Bedlam continues the attack on the outside as he pulls Gaby up off the floor and then drops her chest first across the apron and then rolls her back into the ring. Tommy climbs up onto the apron, stepping back into the ring and drops and elbow down onto Gabrielle before going for the pin.

One! Two! Thre-shoulder up!

Gabrielle tries to pull herself up, but Tommy gives her a boot to the back to keep her down before grabbing her by the legs, turning the Goddess over into the Boston Crab submission. The referee is there to check in on Gaby, as her face shows the pain from the hold.

Allen Price: “Bedlam has the submission locked in tight here, but the ring positioning here isn’t ideal!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “That’s actually a good point, Price. Definitely a mistake not bringing her back to the center of the ring and a savvy veteran like Gabrielle will be well aware of her positioning.”

Sure enough, Gabrielle soon manages to stretch out her arm and grab ahold of the bottom rope to break the hold. Tommy breaks the hold at the first mention of the rope break from the referee, but he goes back on the attack. He pulls Gabrielle up to her feet and brings her to the middle of the ring, setting her up for a powerbomb. He lifts Gabrielle up…but once again Gaby fights it off! And this time the flips back behind Tommy and looks to score with a Sunset Flip…

But Tommy stands strong and instead sits down, cradling Gaby’s legs!

One! Two! Kickout!

Tommy is back up first, but Gaby is right behind him. DISCUS LARIAT from Tommy…IS DUCKED! Gaby fires back with a Running Thrust Kick! Bedlam is only staggered! Gabrielle connects with a stiff savate kick that once again rocks Bedlam..

With Tommy staggering, struggling on his feet…Gaby bounces off the ropes and leaps into the air…


One! Two! Threee-NO! The Goddess just barely gets her shoulder up in time!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Just when it looked like Gabrielle was fighting her way back into this, Tommy shuts the door again! What a powerslam but it’s only enough for a two!”

Tommy pulls Gabrielle back to her feet before sending her into the ropes. The cowboy decides to attempt a backdrop to the Goddess, but she telegraphs it and comes in with a knee to the face of Bedlam! She then hooks him by the head and executes a Hangman’s Neckbreaker!

Allen Price: “What a counter from the Goddess! But I believe that took about as much out of her as it did Bedlam!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “It was a desperation move, no doubt. Both competitors are down!”

A standing ten count begins for both, but at the five count mark, Gaby shows signs of life as she crawls over and makes the cover.

One! Two! Kickout!

Tommy begins to get back up to his feet as Gabrielle leaps onto the ropes and strikes quickly with a springboard roundhouse kick that sends Bedlam back down to the mat! She then slowly climbs to the top turnbuckle - MOONSAULT lands perfectly to Bedlam!

One! Two! Thre…NO!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “The Goddess was so close to getting the pin after that beautiful moonsault, but Bedlam gets his shoulder up just in time!”

Both competitors begin to stir on the mat but its Gaby up first followed by Bedlam. Gabrielle strikes first with a spin kick to the midsection to double him over. She comes in with a double underhook…

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Here it comes, The 34 D Double D DT!. Gabrielle is on her way to victory here!”

Before the Goddess can hit her finisher, Bedlam powers his way off - shoving her backwards into the turnbuckle! Frustrated, Gaby charges back out of the corner but runs into the waiting arms of Bedlam…

SPINEBUSTER! Spine on the pine!

Bedlam is now looking for another pinfall attempt! One! Two! Three! NO! Gabrielle once again gets her shoulder up at the last possible second.

The crowd is on their feet, giving both of these competitors some respect for the effort going into this one, but much like his competitor, some frustration seems to be setting in for Bedlam now as he finds himself unable to keep the former FWA Champion down. He pulls the Goddess back to her feet and looks to finish her off against, this time spiking her down on her head with a Piledriver!

Another pin!

One! Two! Thre-KICKOUT!

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Gaby will NOT stay down! Bedlam is throwing everything at her!”

Allen Price: “Might I suggest he find a kitchen sink perhaps?”

Bedlam sits up on his knees and indicates he’s ready to put her away for good. He gets up to his feet and measures Gaby up, letting her pull herself up. An exhausted Gabrielle pulls herself up using the ropes as a calculating Bedlam waits..


But Gabrielle ducked! She runs back in with a Lou Thesz press to take Bedlam down! Mounted ontop of the cowboy, Gabrielle unleashes a flurry of punches! Gaby eventually rolls off of Tommy who starts to get back to his feet. But Gabrielle leaps up and hits the GaBuster!

Gabby makes the cover!



Tommy gets his shoulder up!

Allen Price: “Back and forth we go! Another pinfall attempt and another kickout!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “This is what the F1 Climaxxx is all about, J-L! Both of these competitors want this win badly and they aren’t going down without a fight!”

Both competitors are slow to their feet, but it’s Gabrielle who is up first and as Tommy is starting to make it to a vertical base, she rushes in and leaps up, looking for a hurricanrana…but Tommy reverses it into a SITOUT POWERBOMB!

High stack pin for Bedlam!




Bedlam stumbles to his feet as he watches Gabrielle also struggling to get to her feet and once she is up, he charges in and blasts her with a spear to drive her back into the mat. He doesn’t go for the pin this time, and instead grabs her by the hair and pulls her back up..

Standing behind Gaby, he lifts her up…he’s going for the Rough Ride…

But Gabrielle escapes down his back, dropping to her knees…

UPPERCUT TO THE GROIN! The referee was out of position and missed the blatant low blow from Gabrielle!

Allen Price: “How blind is the ref here! Even I saw that from over here!”

With Bedlam bent over, clutching his groin - Gaby takes advantages she hooks the double underhook…


Gaby makes the cover…




Winner: Gabrielle by pinfall at 1838

Gabrielle rolls off of the cowboy, sitting up to her knees and catching her breath with a slight smile on her face.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winner… GABRIELLE!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: “What a hard fought victory for Gabrielle! She hung in there and pulled it out in the end. I knew she had it in her!”

Allen Price: “Bedlam looked like he was going to walk out of here with another huge win…but the low blow…the great equalizer you may call it…was the turning point here. Unfortunately for Tommy, a desperate Goddess is a dangerous thing!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “She definitely needed this win and now she finds herself still in the hunt! Let’s take a look at the standings.”


Gabrielle rolls out of the ring, ignoring the boos from the crowd as she heads up the ramp before turning back to watch Tommy Bedlam starting to get back up to his feet. Tommy shakes his head in defeat as he locks eyes with Gaby, who blows him a seductive kiss before turning her back to him and heading back up the aisle.

We fade out to commercials.


An unexpected theme rings through the arena when we return from the break, as The British Apprentice Reagan Cole suddenly walks out into the open! Still a newbie to the Fallout brand only having a handful of matches here under his belt as he walks down the ramp. But something is off, he’s not clapping the hands of any fans like normal but he’s still trying to keep his lively posture as he goes around to grab a chair. Weird but alright, he also grabs a microphone from the ring announcer, thanking her as he slides into the ring, simply setting up the chair in the middle of the ring. Reagan sits, microphone still in hand as he takes a moment to simply look out at the crowd before him.

Reagan Cole: "Y’know….Sorry just. Erm."

Reagan lowers his microphone a bit as he continues to stare forward. A chant of Reagan breaks out in the small sections of the crowd, barely being picked up by the television. This is when he remembers.

Reagan Cole: "I think it’s pretty obvious that I’m not supposed to be here tonight. Hell, I'm not supposed to be on any television programming this week. But here I am. So if you don’t mind, I’m just gonna talk my mind and see if anything hits or something, I’m going into my nineteenth year of wrestling. Nineteen long long years. Not many people get to that point, a lot of them retire due to simply not having enough money to travel to each show. Some people just lose hope in their Vendetta, so to speak. A lot of them like Sullivan just last Meltdown retire because of injury inside the ring…Or outside of it. All different reasons. And then we get to Golden who just willingly puts it on the line just to get one more shot at the championship. And I’m not gonna lie, I envy that. Because I couldn’t do that. I would have to work my way back up and earn another title shot, that’s what I would do in that situation. Because wrestling matches are 50/50, you never know what’s gonna happen, who’s gonna show up. And I can’t put my wrestling career at risk like that because…. I freaking love this business, man."

Obligatory crowd cheer. My autocorrect changed crowd to Crowe so take that as a cameo. Reagan has a small smile on his face as he continues.

Reagan Cole: "Yeah, you guys probably hear that a lot from a lot of the people that come out here but I do mean it. This is my life! I have spent so much time within these ropes, it's gotten to the point that I can tell one ring mat from the others just based on how much my back freaking hurts when I'm slammed onto it. This is what I was put on the earth to do, to wrestle! To fight until all of the worries in my head momentarily vanish and the rush of adrenaline takes over, that's what I live for. I truly love this business all the way to the small details that people watching don't really recognize that often like Peter, right there with the camera with the baby face acting calm and collected like he wasn't just told two days ago that he's gonna be a father, ladies and gentlemen! Terry give him a small spotlight there."

Terry does exactly that as we get a shot of a young Idris Elba, holding the camera looking down slightly but with a big smile on his face. It’s obvious that this guy is the Peter, Reagan is talking about.

Reagan Cole: "There he is. The point is that I fight because there's nothing else in the world that I would rather do. But recently I’ve had the problem of well…what’s the point of fighting when I have nowhere to go? Because I look at the landscape of FWA and despite my not-terrible winning record of late, I look at the different divisions and title pictures that we have going on. And I realize that I'm not really in any of them because each time I make ANY kind of progress whether it’s beating former world champions like Cyrus Truth or Randy Ramon or hell, BECOMING THE TAG TEAM CHAMPION OF THE WHOLE WORLD! I am suddenly catapulted back due to the actions of two people, Jeffry Mason and British Kid or TYLER or whatever edgy name he wants to call himself nowadays. Kid….You were the closest friend I had. You were my brother! We won all those titles TOGETHER. Now I don’t know what’s gotten into you, what lies Jeffry has filtered into your head about me replacing you? About me never giving you a shot? That’s pretty damn funny considering I GAVE YOU EVERY SHOT I COULD. Every time the tryouts came around, the top two names I would suggest every time were the names Xavier DeCollins and The British Kid! Every time without fail! I did that for you so it is not my fault that YOU never got past those stages, what did you expect? Me to just give you a contract? We’ve talked about this since the whole Logan Darwin situation! People shouldn’t get into the TOP WRESTLING PROMOTION in the world just based on who they’re connected to. Johnny Johnson aside from a fluke win, didn’t truly prove himself in this company and I’m sorry Kid but when the opportunity arose, you didn’t prove yourself either."

Reagan delivers some cold truths here as he still stares into the crowd not really hitting the camera line at any particular moment.

Reagan Cole: “But in the end, I can forgive that, it’s you. Each time they told you no, I saw you get more determined and that’s part of the reason I was proud to call you my friend. But then you threaten Sarah. You and Sarah have hung out, we’ve all had game nights, you know how much Sarah is always my top priority and you still took that shot. For other people who don’t know my wife, it’s just low-hanging fruit for them and personally, I pity them but YOU…You, I can’t forgive ya for that, bud.

And then there’s the main culprit. Jeffry. "

And right on schedule like Reagan summoned him himself, here comes the new team of Jeffry Mason and TYLER! Reagan shoots out of his chair and comes towards the ropes on the side of the stage. Jeffry comes in with his own microphone but before he even has a chance to speak-

Reagan Cole: "No, no, no. We ain’t doing this, turn his damn microphone off, you’ve had more than enough time to speak! You’ve had 9 Months to speak, now it’s my turn! Because that’s how long it has been Jeffry. It’s been 9 months since you showed up and since then me and you have been…embraced in this battle. You are fighting to merge us somehow, me fighting to get away…..And I think that’s the problem. Because I can’t win. You’re always gonna come after me. Every win I get over you is immediately deflated. I ignore you, you attack my family. I beat you into the ground with everything I had, you still broke a tube over British Kid’s head. So I can’t ignore you. I can’t beat you, I can’t will myself into retirement so WHAT CHOICE DO I HAVE LEFT JEFFRY?"

Reagan stares a hole into his nemesis, Jeffry stares right back, slowly figuring out.

Reagan Cole: "And you know what’s annoying me the most? Because I would be lying if I said that I didn’t come out with ulterior motives, no I came out here for a sign! I came out here to look for a direction! But as I look into the crowd in front of me, I don’t see that, I REMEMBER! Barclays Centre! I remember all the way back then, when me and you were in the middle of this ring, our first face-to-face, you asked me a simple question if I wanted to face you at Back In Business and me, knowing the kind of person you are, the torment you bring! I said no and I was suddenly showered with boos! Boos that were pretty much new to me in that stage of my FWA career but they were still boos! Boos that didn’t understand yet but they were still aimed at me for declining your challenge! And sometimes I wonder what those people that night would do now, knowing the vile, sick, twisted son of a bitch you are today. But hey, that’s me blaming issues on someone else again like you said."

We cut back to Jeffry who is now all smiles at the man he faced last BIB as TYLER stands there still a little confused.

Reagan Cole: "So here I am, with no real options left…"

Reagan leaves the ring and slowly walks up to Jeffry Mason and TYLER. Jeffry opens up his arms, happily welcoming his potential newest member. The boos in the building start to build as more and more people realize as Reagan Cole comes face to face with Jeffry Mason. TYLER is almost in shock at what is transpiring.

Reagan Cole: "……I do this, I do this with the full knowledge that you promise that Sarah, Jason or ANYONE else I have even a vague positive connection with. None of them get hurt. I atleast know you keep your promises so that is my limit."

Jeffry thinks about it briefly. But then his smiled becomes ten times bigger than we thought possible for him as off mic we hear loud and clear the words 'I promise'.

Reagan Cole: "…..Fine. Then I’ll play your game."

Reagan shoves the microphone into Jeffrys chest and makes his way backstage. The boos are at it’s highest point almost replicating the noise we heard from Meltdown 14, the Meltdown Reagan just mentioned. Jeffry Mason’s smile is so bright at this point as he knows that he won. He does a small laugh as he slowly takes the microphone to his lips.


And with the delight of a child on Christmas Day itself, Jeffry and TYLER follow Reagan backstage.


The dramatic opening to ‘Vampire’ plays, it draws a considerable reaction from the Austrian crowd as the lights around the stage begin to flash violet and pink. Smoke builds from the stage before the masked Joshi, Vampyra makes her way out, cape flowing behind her. She holds her arms out to the side with some fire shooting up as we see her entrance-mask. Taking inspiration from the mask she gave the champion, the mask is half black and purple, and the other half is a pure white with a red and gold trim to represent PAJ.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "A night of firsts for Vampyra with her first one-on-one FWA Main event and a chance to the first singles championship of her career. Yet, this feels like a must win for both competitors more-so than an average title match. Both have lagged behind their respective pools in the F1 Climaxxx. Vampyra has made it clear, she has a point to prove to throw a lot of doubt back at people like the champion."

The Dark Huntress puts her hand down in MAYHEM's ‘M’ hand-sign then does a small throat slash with her before she heads down the ramp. Her followers have been growing in recent weeks and yet she is still a picture being uncovered by the FWA fans.

Allen Price: "Unlike PAJ, Vampyra has a bye-week in the Climaxxx tournament due to unforeseen circumstances. Otherwise she has had 4 matches in two weeks and that rest may be a help. She has more experience than the majority of competitors around her age, already wrestling since high school, but the big match experience goes to the champion."

Turning around the ring, Vampyra does a small throat slashing gesture as she looks towards the camera and she slides onto the apron. The YOKAI Queen unhooks her cape before she hangs upside down from the ropes like a bat. Swinging herself into the ring she heads to the top turnbuckles and removes her entrance mask, showing a matching regular one. Her theme music fades as she heads to her corner, sitting down.

There’s a mixed reaction in Vienna as Phillip A. Jackson’s music hits, but it appears the boos just about have it when the man himself walks out onto the stage. It doesn’t seem to bother him, though: in fact, the former multiple-time world champion and current FWA Television Champion has a focussed look on his face as he looks down the ramp at his challenger. His belt is on his shoulder, and he looks down at the gold before beginning on his way down the ramp. As he walks, we notice that he has something else in his hands: the mask that was gifted to him by tonight’s challenger.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Here comes a man who has had some bad luck in the F1 Climaxxx tournament so far, with him all-but eliminated from Pool B after three losses to open up his account, including to Gerald Grayson only two days ago on Meltdown XXIII."

Allen Price: "We mentioned that Jackson was double-booked this week, whilst Vampyra had the luxury of a bye-week in the F1… perhaps that could play into this one if the match was to go long. You’d expect the younger Vampyra to already have the conditioning edge, and she’ll be hoping to make that advantage stick here in Vienna."

Jean-Luc Watkins: "This is Jackson’s first defense of that championship since winning it from Shawn Summers at Lights Out a couple of months ago, and he’s already been talking about being the greatest television champion of all-time here in the FWA. Victory here in the first hurdle will be essential if Phillip A. Jackson is serious about building a legacy with this title."

Jackson - after placing the belt onto the steel ring post - has climbed into the ring and lifted his championship belt in the air, Vampyra watching him do so with longing eyes on the belt. His music fades out as the official collects the belt from him, Natalie Rosenberg stepping into the ring to make the introductions.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Ladies and gentlemen, the following main event contest is scheduled for one-fall, with a thirty minute time limit… and is for the FWA Television Championship!"

The referee holds the belt up in the air for the audience to see, the camera in close-up of the gold.

Natalie Rosenberg: "Introducing first, the challenger… from Osaka, Japan… she weighs in tonight at one hundred and ten pounds… she is ‘The Dark Huntress’... she is… VAAAAAAMPYRAAAA!"

A cheer for the challenger is heard as she lifts up both hands following Rosenberg’s introduction.

Natalie Rosenberg: "And her opponent, the current, reigning, and defending FWA Television Champion… from Bristol, England and currently residing in Toronto, Canada… he weighs in at two hundred and thirty five pounds… ‘The Last Great Englishman’... Phillip… A…. JAAAAACKSON!"

A mixture of cheers and boos for the champion, with probably slightly more boos than cheers, but he disregards the reaction entirely. He has eyes only for his challenger. The official hands the title belt out to the timekeeper’s area as Natalie Rosenberg exits the ring, allowing the final checks to be made before the bell rings to get this main event underway…

Phillip A. Jackson (c) v Vampyra.
Singles Match for the FWA Television Championship.
Match Writer: SS.​

It looks as though it’s going to be a collar and elbow tie-up to start things off, which almost seems to amuse Jackson, who seems confident that he’ll have the strength advantage and is all too happy to engage her with it. At the last moment, though, Vampyra ducks beneath the attempt at a grapple, and then manages to roll Jackson up!



Jackson kicks out!

Allen Price: "So close!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Phillip A. Jackson is almost taken completely by surprise at the start of this one, but is able to force the shoulder up at two point nine!"

Jackson gets up slowly, with Vampyra doing the same but with a smile on her face. She makes a gesture with her fingers to imply that she’s fully aware how close she was to beating him in just a few seconds with the flash pin. Jackson, a stern look on his face, now begins to circle the ring again, with Vampyra repeating the gesture. Jackson offers a test of strength with one hand, with Vampyra seemingly accepting it by lifting her hand to meet his… only for PAJ to strike with a quick kick to the gut! He places Vampyra in a side headlock, but the masked wrestler backs him into the ropes and then throws him off into the opposite set, causing some separation. Vampyra goes for a lariat, but Jackson ducks beneath it and hits the ropes again. Vampyra planks to try and trip him up but PAJ jumps over her, and then the Dark Huntress leapfrogs him. PAJ hits the ropes a fourth time… and then Vampyra is able to hit a hurricanrana upon reapproach! Jackson is back to his feet, charging in at Vampyra, but she hits a head-scissors into a Russian leg sweep.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Some quick, high-octane offense from Vampyra to start this one off, and the television champion doesn’t look like he knows where he is! He rolls out of the ring, trying to catch his breath…"

Allen Price: "And Vampyra is looking to press her advantage, here… she hits the opposite rope… SUICIDE DIVE!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "But no! Phillip A. Jackson catches her and has the challenger in a bearhug! Belly-to-belly suplex onto the ring ramp!!"

Allen Price: "That’s one way to shift the momentum!"

Jackson gets to his feet slowly with a smile on his face, looking to slow the pace down to a methodical one to suit him over his opponent. He hits a bunch of stomps before lifting her up to her feet and throwing her back-first against the ring apron, following up with a series of hard knife edge chops. He takes The Wicked Spirit by the wrist and Irish whips her into the steel ring steps, which Vampyra hits knees first, landing in a heap on the opposite side of them!!

Allen Price: "An ugly connection there for Vampyra, and she immediately clutches for that right knee after it thuds against the steel ring steps."

Jackson notices this as well as Price (there aren’t many who are less perceptive than Allen), and he proceeds to stomp away at her knees to further incapacitate the challenger. Jackson notices that the official is already on six in his count and slides back into the ring. The audience boo him when it’s clear he’d be quite happy to win via countout, and Jackson goads them further by lifting both of his fists above his head and walking around the ring. The boos get louder and louder as he does this, the camera focusing on Vampyra as she drags herself towards the ring. The first time she tries to get to her feet she instantly collapses again, the official reaching eight in his count. With the audience cheering her effort on, the challenger is able to throw herself back under the bottom rope at nine, eliciting a surge of positivity from the audience…

… it’s short lived, though, with Jackson immediately striding over to her and hitting more stomps to the knee. He lifts her right leg up by the boot before stomping away at the injured knee joint and then dropping an elbow into it… not once, not twice, but a total of three times! Jackson still has hold of her boot and then turns her over in a single-leg Boston crab!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "We can hear Vampyra calling out in pain from here, wrestling fans! I think Phillip A. Jackson has stumbled upon his strategy here…"

Allen Price: "I’d guess it will be Vampyra who’ll be doing most of the stumbling from here on in, J-L! Jackson is sitting deep on that back with this submission hold… he might have this one won already!"

Vampyra has her hand outstretched over the mat, as if she’s about to tap, but then she clenches her hand into a fist and begins to crawl towards the bottom rope… eventually managing to clutch onto the bottom one! The official insists on a break, but Phillip A. Jackson refuses to let go until four point nine nine nine. He does finally release before backing away from the challenger, watching her using the ropes to climb back up to a vertical base. Before she can try and put weight on it, though, Jackson charges at her and connects with a low dropkick to the knees! Vampyra once more collapses to the mat and begins the arduous process of climbing back to her feet, Jackson stalking her from behind as she does so. As soon as the challenger is able to get to her feet, PAJ sends her crumbling back to the mat with a chop block!

Allen Price: "Phillip A. Jackson is relentless, here! Every bit of his assault so far has been targeted on that right knee…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "He really smells blood in the water, and has done since Vampyra clutched that joint following the contact with the steel ring steps. Brutal but effective strategy from Phillip A. Jackson."

Jackson lifts Vampyra up by the mask, the audience booing him freely now as he does so, but he has a smile on his face as he picks her left boot and sends her back to the mat with a leg whip! Vampyra is back first on the mat, and Jackson drags her to the corner. He gets out of the ring and grabs legs, pulling one either side of the ring post upon which the mask gift is positioned. He holds only the right leg as he slams Vampyra’s right knee against the post! And then again a second time!! Vampyra is reeling!! Jackson rolls back into the ring, getting an ear-full from the referee for the use of the post but ignoring it and goading the fans a little more. Eventually, he goes for a cocky pin with one boot placed on Vampyra’s chest…


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Not a serious attempt at a three-count, I feel, with no real weight over Vampyra’s shoulders. Jackson trying to get inside the challenger’s head, maybe?"

Jackson lifts Vampyra up again and places his head beneath her shoulder, collecting up her right leg. He lifts her up and drops his shin and knee onto his own outstretched knee with a shin-breaker, Vampyra again sent straight down to the mat with her injured knee. Jackson picks one leg up and begins to maneuver for a figure 4 leg lock, but - in perhaps desperation - Vampyra is able to lash out with a boot to his backside when Jackson turns his back to her. It causes a little separation… but as PAJ turns to face Vampyra again, he watches as she regains a vertical base and tries to charge him, only for her right knee to give out immediately. She collapses down onto her left knee, allowing Jackson to connect with a heel kick! He doesn’t allow Vampyra to fall to the mat, instead lifting her up and placing her in a rear waist lock, before hitting a German suplex! Bridging for the cover…


Kickout from Vampyra! Jackson lifts her back up in a front facelock, and is seemingly attempting a delayed vertical suplex. He lifts her into the air, but after ten or fifteen seconds in the air, she begins to drive her left knee - the good one - down onto the top of the PAJ’s head! Jackson is forced to drop her behind him, and Vampyra shows some cat-like agility in landing on her left foot only. Jackson turns to face her, and Vampyra leaps into the air, hitting an enziguri with her left foot!

Allen Price: "Incredible athleticism from Vampyra, there, connecting with her standing foot… but she doesn’t really have any other choice! She’s fighting on one leg here."

Vampyra hoists Jackson up and, limping heavily on her right leg, backs him into the ropes with some knife-dge chops, she throws him off the opposite set before taking him down with a leg lariat with her left leg! Vampyra rolls beneath the bottom rope as Jackson fights back up to his feet…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Vampyra springboards from the top rope, on her left leg only!! And then she connects with a hurricanrana! Unbelievable!"

Allen Price: "And now she hooks the far leg…"


It’s PAJ’s turn to kick out, now, but the challenger doesn’t want to let the shift in momentum escape her here. She gets Jackson to his feet and backs him into the ropes with some forearm strikes, whipping him into the opposite set again. Vampyra hops off from her standing position on only one leg again, attempting a headscissors takedown… but PAJ catches her!! He hoists her up… buckle bomb!! Vampyra stumbles back towards him, and Jackson connects with another chop block, this time taking the Dark Huntress out by the front of the knees!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "And just as quickly as the needle turned in Vampyra’s favour, Jackson re-takes control!!"

PAJ collects up her left leg again, and this time is successful in stepping through into a figure 4 leg lock!! Vampyra is once again screaming out in pain, the official in close to check if the masked wrestler wants to give it up…

Allen Price: "He’s straight back to it! Jackson is like a dog with a bone, here!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Not only wearing Vampyra down, but also trying to nullify that speed and aerial ability… although we’ve seen that the Dark Huntress has some tricks up her sleeve in that regard…"

Allen Price: "They won’t do her any good whilst she’s in this hold, J-L! I think she’s gonna tap!!"

For a moment, it does look that way, with Vampyra reaching out with her palm over the mat, but she once more clenches her feet and shakes her head. She tries to slap Jackson, but he leans back to avoid each time, and each attempt is delivered with a little less gusto… until eventually Vampyra fades enough for her shoulders to sink to the mat…


Vampyra kicks out, but as she does and sits up Jackson fires off with a slap of his own! All this seems to do, though, is annoy the challenger and drive her on… and she’s able to turn the figure 4 over to reverse it!! Now it’s Jackson that’s screaming out in pain!!

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Vampyra reverses!! Vampyra reverses!!"

Allen Price: "PAJ is in agony, now! He crawls to the ropes and is able to hook onto the bottom one, forcing the hold to be broken!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Vampyra really needed that reversal, Allen. I’m not sure how much longer she’d have been able to survive that figure 4. She was going to tap or fade out before she was able to finally turn Phillip over."

Allen Price: "The challenger is still in a bad way, though. She’s still limping on that right knee, thanks to the concerted effort of PAJ’s assault…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Please, Price, have some respect… he hates PAJ…"

Jackson gets up to his feet and noticing Vampyra is still nursing her knee, unable to follow up after the reversal. He lunges at her, maybe looking for another double leg takedown to go straight back to the submission… but the challenger leapfrogs over him and rolls him up with a sunset flip! The champion’s shoulders are down!


Allen Price: "Kick out! But again Vampyra gets close with the quick pin attempt!"

Jackson is up quickly, and he charges towards Vampyra… who is able to hit him with a drop toe hold! Phillip lands throat first over the second rope, and Vampyra senses that he’s in position for her Moonlight Kick (tiger feint kick), but just as she begins to run towards the other set of ropes, the pressure on her right knee again proves too much. Before she knows it, she’s down in a heap, allowing Jackson to rouse himself and get out of the precarious position…

And he turns around to see Vampyra in an equally precarious position, on her knees and looking rather dejected about her inability to even meet Jackson standing… and he charges right through her with a running knee strike! The blow causes Vampyra to collapse in a heap again, but Jackson is sensing that the end is at hand. He hits her with a vicious kick to the side whilst she's grounded, which rolls her onto her front. The challenger is on her hands and knees, crawling towards the refuge of the bottom rope…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "CURBSTOMP!! Phillip A. Jackson hits it!!"

Allen Price: "Vampyra might be knocked out!! Jackson has some trouble rolling her onto her front, but eventually manages it…"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "And now it's a lateral press with a forearm in Vampyra's face… Jackson looking to end this with a nasty pinfall!"

ONE… TWO… … …

The referee stops counting, and we hear a yelp of pain from Vampyra. We soon work out that she's placed her right, injured leg onto the bottom rope, and even this small motion is enough to give her agony. Jackson can't believe it, but he suppresses his frustration in order to drag Vampyra into the middle of the ring, and this time he hooks the injured right leg…


Jean-Luc Watkins: "Vampyra kicks out!!!"

Allen Price: "It takes Jackson too long to get her in position for a legal pin… and the champion does NOT look happy about it!"

Indeed, PAJ's frustration spills over, and he backs the official all the way into the corner. He gets in the referee's face and demands that he counts the damn three, the referee pointing at the FWA logo on his shirt to remind Jackson who is in charge. Eventually, with a shake of the head, PAJ turns away from the referee and re-approaches his still-downed opponent…

Jean-Luc Watkins: "SMALL PACKAGE!!"



Winner: Vampyra via pinfall at 15:48.

Allen Price: "She got him!!"

Jean-Luc Watkins: "Jackson kicks out just after three… but it's too late!!"

Allen Price: "She got him! And against the run of play, too! We got a new champion!!"

Vampyra immediately rolls beneath the bottom rope when the bell is rung, Jackson up to his knees and pleading with the referee over a perceived fast count. We cut to the challenger, who is in a seated position on the ramp, still unable to stand…

Natalie Rosenberg: "Here is your winner… and the NEEEEEEEW FWA Television Champion… VAAAAAMPYRAAAAA!"

The championship belt is handed to Vampyra, who clutches it to her chest with a wide smile on her face. Jackson, meanwhile, is fuming, and paces in the ring with his hands on his hips, his glare fixed upon the new champion.

Jean-Luc Watkins: "In only her sixth match-up in the FWA… Vampyra gets her first taste of silverware!! And she had to brave a prologue onslaught from Phillip A. Jackson in order to do it… incredible resilience on display from the Dark Huntress!"

Allen Price: "Unbelievable scenes, J-L!"

Vampyra has finally managed to get to her feet, and edges back up the ramp gingerly whilst still facing the ring. Her eyes lock on to the former champion in the ring, rage clear on his visage. Whilst nodding her head in self-affirmation, Vampyra lifts her newly-won prize into the air…

Jackson places his hands on his hips, the camera era showing his front profile in close-up… as another figure appears behind him…

… a certain blonde-haired, sinister looking figure, holding a baseball bat in his hand.

Allen Price: “That’s…”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “SHAWN SUMMERS!”

Allen Price: “Der Basterd is here!!”

A slightly bemused look passes over Phillip A. Jackson’s face as he considers the change in the audience’s tone… but that’s all he can do, as Summers brings the Slugger crashing down over Jackson’s back!! Jackson instantly crumples to the mat, but Summers isn’t done there. Whilst side eyeing Vampyra, who we cut to for a moment to see the shocked look on the new champion’s face, he pulls Jackson’s head into position between his legs.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “MIDSOMMAR!! Shawn Summers plants the now former FWA Television Champion!”

Allen Price: “Not that he needed to… the strike with that baseball bat was probably quite enough!”

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Looks like a clear message regarding that FWA Television Championship… a title that Der Basterd still claims ownership of…”

Summers now turns his attention to the woman outside the ring, who has taken a few steps towards it, a concerned and somewhat enraged look on her face… this is her moment, after all, and here Der Basterd is. She still grips the championship belt in her hand, and Summers picks up his bat from the mat, standing over Jackson…

Fixing her nerve, Vampyra slides back into the ring… only to be immediately taken out at the knees with the bat! Summers takes a big swing at it, connecting with her right knee primarily, sending the Dark Huntress over in a front flip and landing on her back.

Jean-Luc Watkins: “Shawn Summers continues his assault on the new champion, who probably should’ve thought twice about sliding back into the ring given the match she just fought…”

Allen Price: “Maybe… but surrendering Jackson to Der Basterd’s whims, even if they’ve been enemies until now, just doesn’t seem right, J-L…”

Regardless of her motivations, Summers is now the one left standing. The championship belt became loose from Vampyra’s grip when the bat had struck, and now Der Basterd stands over it, looking down at the prize. He reaches out with his bat to touch the plating. We fade out on this image.
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Neo Genesis
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