FAKE Entertainment Enterprises

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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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FAKE Entertainment Enterprises

Backstory: I thought this would be a good idea. I threw something together and BLAM. There really isn't much to say as it's not like a buy out or anything. It's just a FAKE company with some good wrestling talent. I also have a couple dead wrestlers keeping with my unreal theme. Anything is possible.

Bobby Roode(H)
Brian Kendrick(F)
Brian Knobbs(F)
Chavo Guerrero(H)
Chris Benoit(F)
Chris Hero(H)
Chris Sabin(F)
Cody Rhodes(H)
Dave Finlay(F)
Eddie Edwards(F)
Jerry Saggs(F)
Kevin Steen(H)
Matt Hardy(H)
Ray Rosas(H)
Scott Steiner(F)
Shawn Michaels(F)
Shark Boy(F)
Shelton Benjamin(H)
Skip Sheffield(H)
Stevie Richards(F)
Steve Williams(H)
Trevor Murdoch(H)
Val Venis(F)
Vladmir Kozlov(H)

General Manager: KANE

Tag Teams:
Carlito & Ray Rosas
Insane Violence Connection(Steve Williams & Trevor Murdoch)
Right to Party(Stevie Richards & Val Venis)
The Nasty Boys

January- Kick It Bitch
February- Jilted
March- International Show?(Elsewhere)
April- Escape From New York(Always in New York)
May- Dreadful
June- Explode Everywhere
July- Bad News(Gimmick Matches)
August- Beer Bash(Always at Sturgis)
September- Fight for America
October- Night Sweats
November- Wrestling Revolution
December- A Flair for the Gold(Ric Flair wrestles for the FEE Title)

Weekly Show:
Sweaty Saturday

FEE Championship: Vacant
FEE International Championship: Vacant
FEE Tag Team Championship: Vacant

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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The Large House, Arizona
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Preview for Sweaty Saturday:

KANE will try to explain his role as GM. What does the Big Red Machine have in store for the FEE roster?

Main Event is already signed as Chris Benoit will go one on with Dave Finlay. Who will win this hard hitting affair?

Bobby Roode has big plans on his mind. He is going to take his fame and riches to a new level as he tries to dominate the FEE. He will be competing on Sweaty Saturday.

Shelton Benjamin has been making mur murs about the lack of respect he got during his contract negotions thinking he is a bigger star than what FEE feels. What will he do when he crashes SS?

Also Scott Steiner himself is said to be debuting a talk show of his own. His first guest has yet to be announced because Steiner refuses to tell people who he is going to talk to.

Tune in this Saturday Live 8 Central on Bravo to see the finest wrestling action known to man.
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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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FEE blasts off into your living rooms.

Jim Ross: I would like to welcome everyone here and at their homes to the very first edition of, FAKE Entertainment Enterprises' Sweaty Saturday.

John Becker: Why am I here? Did I get promoted? Whatever reason this show better be good.

All of sudden EXPLOSIONS occur near the entrance and it's followed by some familiar horrific darkness, red strobe lights and very eerie sounding music. It's none other than KANE. No mask attached. He makes his way down to the ring looking a little bit different. He's in a nice dress shirt with jeans. Fresh kicks to match! He heads up the steel stairs and continuing through the ropes. He demands a microphone from some ring crew joke. He paces back and forth like a madman for a few seconds before he speaks for us.

KANE: ...I am in charge now... Haha... You are damn right what you see in the ring is the real thing.... It's my honor and privilege to tell you all that I am... The General Manager of FEE. FAKE Entertainment Enterprises... So what kind of man would put a monster like me in control?... Haha, that is for me to know for you to find out in due time... However, I don't have all night talk to you losers in the crowd that I am supposed to entertain... Lets get to the in ring action... No, I am not going to do things the way you want... All I want is carnage, I am going to torment the lives of everyone in this company... You see that is why tonight I put Chris Benoit, The Crippler in the main event because he is going to rip apart Dave Finlay. As Dave Finlay, That Irish Bastard beats the hell out of him...

Just then some clashing sounding rock hits and you know shit is about to go down. Chris Benoit who hasn't been seen for years makes his presence. Why would he wait and plot it out? He just wants to hurt people period. He wants championship gold. He's already ignored the fans who cheer for him still as he slides into the ring and gets right in Kane's face for a second or two before getting his own mic from that joke.

Chris Benoit: Huh... Well you were right about one thing, KANE... I am going to rip Finlay apart. I am the Crippler for more reasons than I should be. Nobody stands a chance with my new found rage about to be unleashed...

KANE: Calm down, Benoit.

Chris Benoit:
No, I don't think so KANE. I am too jacked up on... Well never mind that... I am jacked up to face Finlay tonight. I am going to kill that bastard if I have to but you know what he'll probably try to the same... He's just not...

KANE: If anybody is going to get killed tonight it's you if you don't get to the back and ready for your match... I don't see Finlay out here with the same limited mic skills as you saying nothing...

Well it didn't take long Finlay's theme is playing now. He loves to fight you know. He has his shalliegh in hand as walks casually to the ring saying a few words to pretty loudly to Benoit and KANE. Finlay goes under the bottom rope, stands up and snatches the mic from Benoit.

Dave Finlay: Benoit, Kane... Nobody cares about you being in charge KANE you are probably going to get ran over like most of your career. And Benoit you should be preparing for the beating of your life. I see you are ready to go and so am I...

KANE: Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT! It's my first night on the job and I wanted to see you guys brutalize each other in the main event... I don't have anything else planned... So you know this match is going to take place later and that is FINAL.

Finlay and Benoit back off a bit but then both come forward with some kicks to the gut of KANE. They both decide to toss KANE out of the ring together. They celebrate their attack with friendly yet deadly stare. The segment doesn't last much longer just some yelling by KANE up as he leaves up the ramp while Benoit and Finlay leave separate sides of the ring.

Jim Ross: Jesus Christ... All hell is breaking loose already. How will KANE deal with being humilated as his first broadcast stards like this?

John Becker: I have no idea but he did say he was going to torment everybody.

Jim Ross: I think there is something happening in the back...

The titantron decides to show Carlito standing with Ray Rosas. They are talking about their match that is coming up after the break, I guess.

Ray Rosas: I can't believe I am here.

Carlito: Slow your roll. You're here. We are here. We are going to run this tag division, man.

Ray Rosas: I sure hope so!

Carlito: Ugh... Well at least you got me. Lets get ready already.

It cuts to a commercial break after this. Yeah.
We come back from the break and Carlito and Rosas are already in the ring. Then all of a sudden we hear Fight The Right by The Beastie Boys with some fancy strobe light action all over the arena. It's blastin' off for sure. It's Stevie Richards and Val Venis looking just about as cool as Carlito and Rosas. Both slide into the ring quickly. Once back on their feet in the ring they start to dance like idiots. The fans seem to be getting behind them, too.

Jim Ross: Well this should be an interesting tag match.

John Becker: Well these teams sure look like their thrown together, J.R..

Jim Ross: Was that the bell?

Match summary:
It's a fast pace encounter from the start like you'd expect with Rosas hitting a fantastic hurricarana on Stevie Richards that almost put him away. The match progressed Carlito and Rosas were beating down Richards rather well. Richards kept scratching and clawing his way to get the tag. As soon as it looked at it's bleakest, Venis was able to secure a tag but it was behind the referee's back. It' looks about over as Carlito hits a huge DDT, yet somehow Richards kicks out. The fans are getting more into Right To Party trying to cheer them to victory. Carlito is frustrated when Richards kicks the Caribbean into his own partner. He comes back into a small package. Richards almost beat him, too. However when they both get to their feet Carlito hits a borderline lariat . Both men are down again both crawling to their respected corners. Finally both get the tag and Val and the crowd are a house of fire. It's a typical comeback with closelines and back elbows until a chopblock by Rosas sends him to a knee. Rosas hits an Enzurguri on a kneeling Venis. He kicks out, though. After some miscommunication problems in the next few minutes by Rosas and Carlito of action Richards hits a guillotine from outside the ring on Rosas who falls back into Blue Thunder Bomb by Val. It's all over this time. It was just enough to take down Rosas.

Winners: Right To Party at the 11:32.

Jim Ross: Well that was an entralling contest. Two fine teams and I think the better team won tonight.

John Becker: I have to disagree their Carlito and Ray were robbed here tonight.

Jim Ross: I don't understand that accusation but coming up next is Scott Steiner's talk show. It's supposed to be all the buzz.

Slip in another commercial break.
We return as it sounds like sirens are going off hysterically. Some white bright lights are being shown all the way down the entrance ramp. Just then we see someone emerge, It's Scott Steiner alright. He's walking liking a bad ass to the ring flashing his huge muscles at his adoring fans. He makes his way to the ring steps and looks like he he'll go through the ropes as well. Inside the ring we lounge chair, some stripper poles behind them, where are the freaks at? Scott Steiner snaps his fingers in the ring and a couple chicks walk down the aisle almost finding each other to get their first. They somehow get in the ring and back on their post, I mean their poles. Steiner picks up a mic conveniently place on his lounge chair.

Scott Steiner: Now, that's more like it... Got to have your freaks when you are the Big Bad Booty Daddy... You know what I'm sayin'

Steiner winks at one of the dancers before sitting down.

Scott Steiner: It's about time I got treated like this... I'm a former World Champion and yet this only place that has given me these kind of goods... You know what I'm sayin'... So tonight I am here looking only like I can with the largest arms in the World.

Scott has to taught for the crowd now, right on cure.

Scott Steiner:
With the freakiest freaks in the world... So I guess welcome you to "Scott Steiner Talks About Anything He Wants..." I was told to get a guest for this appereantly but I looked at the scruny bastards backstage and then looked at myself and said I got guest alright... ME! Big Poppa Pump!.. So let me introduce myself... I just did. HUH!?! Alright, first question for myself... What are you goals you are going to accomplish in the FEE? Hmph... Let's see I think disrupting broadcasts should be at the top of my list. What list? This list. I'm going to become a Champion but I was talking to KANE earlier. He told me this is what he wanted to do... I am not in consideration to be his first Champion. These are the things he said to me... So I readjusted my goals I told him I'm going hold this show up every single week and do whatever the hell I want... I think next week I'll have REAL sex celebration, I might even call Lita... What am I got to celebrate? Sex. What else?

Steiner gets up from the chair and maneuvers his neck before speaking into the mic once again.

Scott Steiner: As fun as that sounds, though... I would like something else as well I want KANE to give up his GM spot and for me to be awarded it. If some genetic freak is going to be running this place it should be me... KANE if you get in the way of my live sex celebration next week... I swear to god himself I will make sure you are removed one way or another... This is my show and I'm going to do things my way. Got it?... HUH?!?! Good. So I think I am understood now so I think I'm going to leave...

Steiner just drops the mic, flips the lounge chair over for no reason and snaps his fingers for a second time. This time the chicks come to him and only him. He escorts them outside the ring even catching one from the apron just for good measure. The trio head up the ramp and to the back for a threesome probably.

Jim Ross: Did I just witness this with my own eyes? Steiner is sure upping the ante around here.

John Becker: I like it, KANE is done in my eyes. After the way he started the show and now this! How long can this last?

Jim Ross: I don't know but I think this is just the beginning Doctor.

After some brief chatter from the announcers we go backstage to what appears to be KANE's office. It's a pretty demonic, Illuminati type of sight with KANE sitting behind a desk but with candles surrounding him. Just then there is a knock on the door.

KANE: What is it NOW!? Oh well, come in...

Chavo Guerrero comes in catiously.

KANE: So what is that you want, Chavo?

Chavo Guerrero: I was just wondering why I wasn't booked.

KANE: Listen, Chavo... I got too many things on my mind to worry about.

Chavo Guerrero: Are you saying I'm not a big deal?

KANE: You've never been a big deal and now get the hell out of my office.

Chavo looking a bit terrified squirms his way but pretty frustrated that he is still not being taken seriously. He gets outside and storms off almost like he's trying to hide tears or something.

We got to some commercials here.


After the break we hear what I think used be the MotorCity Machine Gun music and out comes Chris Sabin who looks pretty confident. He slides into the ring with ease and awaits his opponent. Just then it sounds like money is falling from the sky as Bobby Roode's music is blaring whatever it is. The man comes out with a microphone in hand. He stops at the top of the ramp.

Bobby Roode: This is a joke, right? I didn't come here to FEE to face midgets. I demand that after I humiliate this runt I want a bigger match next week and the weeks to come until I am awarded a title shot that I truly deserve. So in the meantime I guess I'll slaughter the roster.

Roode drops a microphone looking a little pissed off that he has to put up with this garbage. He makes his way down the ramp and into the ring. Standing face to face with Chris Sabin who has taken offense to the words Roode has said about him.

Jim Ross: Bobby Roode sure thinks he's entitled to a lot more than he is getting.

John Becker: This guy is just plain money, J.R. Anyway you look at it.

Match Summary:
It starts off with a little back and forth action. The feeling out series was a great exchange with Sabin usually getting the better of Roode. Roode slides outside the ring, Sabin tries to follow but he ends up getting stomped on as he tries to re-enter the ring. Roode has the advantage now and hits a few suplexs to subdue Sabin's high flying offense. After a few minutes of damage to Sabin's back he tries to fight back, runs against the ropes. NOPE! Roode grabbed him by the hair and slammed him back down. Roode doesn't go for a pin, he decides to look in the Figure Four. Sabin is near tapping when he gets to the ropes to break it up. Bobby tries to pull him back out but Sabin kicks him off several times before being able to fully stand. Some quick offense bouncing off the ropes Sabin looks like he is on the verge of an upset. Missile Dropkick, oh my god he's calling for it. Sabin attempts to go for his Cradle Shock but by the time Bobby gets to Chris' shoulders he is able to slip out. Roode hits a huge knee to Sabin's back, runs back into the ropes and comes with a thunderous Nothern Lariat that makes Chris do a flip. It's a forgone conclusion as Roode makes the cover.

Winner: Bobby Roode at 8:14

After the match Roode is celebrating but decides to continue the beat down on his fallen opponent. A few stomps to the body and head before picking him up. Roode follows it up with the Pay Off. He finally decides to leave the scene with a battered Sabin lifeless.

Jim Ross: What a despicle man, Bobby Roode is.

John Becker: That's a statement maker for sure. Keep up the good work, Roode.

Jim Ross: Sometimes you make me sick as well. However, we got to take another break folks we will be right back.

John Becker: We just met this afternoon.

We get back and we once again in KANE's office of doom. Someone is just walking in and it's none other than one KANE's best friends Matt Hardy. KANE is very irate as he stares through Matt Hardy. However, KANE starts up his maniacal laugh.

KANE: Hahahaha... You got to be kidding me... You of all people are going bother me now?

Matt Hardy: I just wanted to know when I would get my first match.

KANE: Maybe in a few weeks if things die down.

Matt Hardy: What? C'mon man we go way back.

KANE: Yeah we can way back again... Way back to hell if you don't get out my office RIGHT NOW.

Matt Hardy scuffles his oversized feet to the door. Hardy steps out disappointed...

Jim Ross: I think everyone should just leave KANE alone right now.

John Becker: You're telling me, man...

We go to the ring and see Brian Kendrick already standing there looking as high as a kite. All of a sudden some Samoan folk dance music or something of that nature plays. It's not long before we see a very large figure. Umaga is in the house! He makes his way to the ring scaring innocent fans just because he can. He is looking as mean as ever as gets to the ring steps, pounds on them and gets his large ass in the ring.

Jim Ross: Oh man did business just pick up.

John Becker: Umaga is going to tear Kendrick limb from limb.

Matt Summary:
Most of the match consisted of Kendrick trying his best to bring down the big man. He got him rocking with a missile dropkick but still didn't fall. It was his attempt of going for his Slice Bread that it all went south. He was thrown from one corner to the next. The Samoan comes flying in knocking Brian into a seated position in the corner. Umaga hits him ass first before picking him back up and delivering a Samoan Spike.

Umaga at 4:52

Umaga has decimated Brian Kendrick like nobody's business. He heads through the ropes and to the back. Kendrick was great too. His selling made Umaga look even better.

Jim Ross: That is kind of what I expected to happen.

John Becker: Kendrick gave a good fight but Umaga was just too much.

(An old western style promo is shown here. We go from tumbleweeds to horse drawn carriage to finally the doors of Saloon. We hear some loud noise coming from inside as the doors sway. A beer bottle somehow flies out and smashes the camera ending the vignette.)

John Becker: What was that?

Jim Ross: I can't explain that one... Maybe we will find out more in the coming weeks because next is our Main Event of the evening after this long commerical break.

We finally return with "My Name Is Finlay and I Love to Fight" is heard around the arena. Finlay makes his way to the ring, no fancy nonsense. He gets into the ring ready to mix it up with the Wolverine. It's not long before we hear that clashing rock music against the Benoit likes to hunt to. He raises his arms above his head as gets out in front of the crowd. A very generic thing to say the least but it wastes a few steps on the way to the ring. He rolls and immediatly is in the face of Finlay. Of course Dave doesn't budge just stares back.

Jim Ross: I have been chomping at the bit to see this one folks.

John Becker: I just hope they stay away from us.

Match Summary:
Right from the get go it is very hard hitting. A nice feeling out period as both me hit some arm drags and hip tosses with some nasty chops and European uppercuts. The fight escalates after Benoit tried to attempt drop toe hold to get Finlay grounded maybe for a submission move however Dave just throws some heavy blows knocking Benoit around. They keep at eachother with the stiff shots for several minutes even going outside the ring. A couple whips into the steel steps and ring post to Benoit gives Finlay the upperhand. He drops him chest first on the announcer table and yells at the crowd. In full control now the Irishman throws Benoit around the ring into things a few more times before sending him back in the ring. The beating only continues. Every now and then Benoit got some short burst comebacks with more nasty chops but with a few suplexs that caught Finlay off guard just couldn't capitalize after them very well. Finlay is now got a rest hold on Chris and wrenching it making worth watching. Of course after a minutes of grinding his forearm into Benoit's skull he's had enough. He fights back to hit a second back suplex of the night. Both men are exhausted and worn down already.

After a few moments they get back to their feet and exchange some more blows. Finlay's chest is beat red and because of his pasty white skin it looks very severe. Chris is just relentless now that got the upper hand with a quick comeback with closelines, back elbows and back drops. Then after a scoop slam, Benoit heads to the top rope signalling the end. Just not so fast as Dave catches him and crotches him on the top. After more hard shots Finlay hits a Superplex. Benoit kicked out at last moment. Finlay says it's all over now himself as he picks Chris back up to deliver the Celtic Cross. This only leads to Finlay ending up in the Crossface. In the center of the ring and Benoit's grip is tightening. It looks as if Finlay may just tap out but he starts moving towards the ropes. He's inching towards them at a very slow pace but the fans in this world are cheering for the match to continue. Finlay refuses to give in as he keeps clawing his way. Just then we see three men jump the guard rail and slide into the ring they attack Finlay and Benoit ending the match in a Draw.

Winners: No one at 19:39.

The three men seem to be Shelton Benjamin, Chavo Guerrero and Matt Hardy under hoods. They just ruined what was to be an history making match now it's just a classic. The place goes dark for a second now... It's KANE again on the ramp with a microphone.

KANE: This is not RIGHT!.. You three bastards are in for it now. Next week, oh next week... You know what I don't know what I am going to do you three yet but I promise you will pay for killing this match... I'm already announcing this match as a return bout for next show and you three BASTARDS... You are going to pay with your lives if I have anything to say about it... Hahaha.... enjoy the week.

KANE ends the show doing his raising his arms up thing and making the posts explode with joy scaring the three journey men wrestlers in the ring. Blackness.

Edit: First time I posted it I forget the Steiner promo so if you didn't see it you probably should.
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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
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Swirling internet reports:
It has been revealed Shawn Michaels was supposed to be on the first show but he decided to wait on his initial debut. It's also being told that he faked a knee injury in contract negotiations so he could be in the very first title match at International Fever. So look forward to Shawn Michaels being shoved down your throats on upcoming episodes of Sweaty Saturday.

Umaga is expected to get a huge push. He may even be a main eventer in just a couple months in FEE. However some startling news has been brought to our attention. Armando was supposed to be his manager yet he didn't appear on the first episode of Sweaty Saturday. What happened to him? We aren't sure yet but once get to the bottom of it we will report it. Umaga has also been seen taking the catered food home in garbage bags... but we can't confirm that.
A lot of smaller wrestlers have been getting laughed at by management for wanting pushes they feel warranted. We already saw a few guys who were being overlooked prove a point at the end of the first episode of Sweaty Saturday. Will the others get a chance to make a statement of their own?
Scott Steiner has said he tried to contact Lita several times but keeps getting her voice mail. Will Lita make an appearance next week or not? Steiner has a few other prospects supposedly that he has handy. Who will Steiner sleep with next week on Sweaty Saturday?​
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John McHenry

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Nice first show, Kane's gonna kill someone soon :p

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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Sweaty Saturday Preview:

KANE has promised that he will deal with Shelton, Chavo and Hardy. What will KANE put these three through? I'm sure it's along the lines of the beating of their lives.

It is being noted that KANE is actively ignoring Scott Steiner thinking giving him more attention will just lead Steiner to doing even crazier things. So is KANE going address Steiner soon or keep ignoring him?

Right To Party are making their intentions known that they want to be the first tag team champions of FEE. They are quickly becoming fan favorites. What will they do this week? Big plans seem to be in the air.

The Main Event for this week has yet to be announced as KANE thinks over his game plan. Finlay/Benoit is scheduled, though. They can't wait to tear each other a new one again. Who will come out on top in this match? Or maybe it will end just like it did last week? Who knows?

Tune in every Saturday at 8 o'clock Central on Bravo for the finest wrestling action known to man.

Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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FEE explodes into your living rooms live from Hershey, Pennsylvania.

Jim Ross: Welcome to week two, I guess of FEE's Sweaty Saturday.

John Becker: It's a pleasure to be here, J.R. A pleasure.

After a few moments of Ross and Becker talking about how awesome Sweaty Saturday is... KANE shows up on the titantron in his office which is just as evil as last week. He looks to be contemplating his thoughts before speaking to the masses.

Now last week didn't go as I planned... but I did want chaos. Everybody is running around and trying to make a name for themselves here. There is only one problem with some of these guys... They just don't understand I call the shots around here. If I want a certain champion, I'll get that certain champion. I don't play around, I will keep this as honest as possible. Haha... So am I supposed to be upset that Shelton Benjamin, Chavo Guerrero and even Matt Hardy caused a mockery? Well, I got some serious plans for them... I'll announce what I have decided later tonight for them inside the ring. Face to face to face.

KANE stops talking for a second trying to look sinister for all the fans.

KANE: However after there actions last week and destroying the main event, I'm sure Shelton Benjamin will like this one... I have declared that the Finlay/Benoit rematch is for a chance to compete for the World Title at International Fever. The other man in that match will be revealed even later. Also, Benoit and Finlay were seen at the hotel, the parking lot and backstage yelling at each other for hours on end. These two will not rest... This is exactly what I want to see... I tried containing it last week but we are going to open the show tonight with these two ruthless human beings. God damn it was what we were waiting for... Get a damn referee out there.

KANE moves away from the camera to back behind his desk which now has demon figurines. Then we hear some clashing rock music with Benoit appearing shortly after with his arms raised above his head. Benoit looks eager to start this match as he makes his way down the ramp and slides into the ring. After getting up and doing stuff the fans don't care about, "I Am Finlay and I Love To Fight" is heard over the PA system. Finlay with his shalliegh in hand makes his way down the aisle and into the ring. Looking as rugged as ever Finlay stares down Chris.

Jim Ross: What a way to open the show this week.

John Becker: Well, I don't think we could start it any other way.

Match Summary:
After all the screaming these two have done over the last week they don't go right at each other immediately. They circle and pace around each other both looking like they are waiting for an opening. They start getting closer and end up in a few lock ups but nobody can gain the advantage as neither man is looking to make the first mistake. This even lead to Benoit backing Finlay in the corner and faking a chop. Finlay left the ring shortly after this. Benoit followed but actually ends up in the ring steps. The fight is on. Finlay tries to pick Benoit back up but Benoit hits a drop toe hold sending Finlay face first in the very same steps. The matches first few moves are lending their hand to a very violent pace. Some above average brawling outside the ring for several minutes puts the crowd in the world into a fever pitch mood. Finlay almost won by countout with a scoop slam on the steel ramp but somehow Benoit made to the ring.

The violence doesn't stop as now the exchange of blows takes place. Chops and European uppercuts are all the rage. After Dave returns a drop toe hold of his own into the middle rope he hits a series of slams. Benoit is selling like a champ. It's not until Finlay misses an elbow drop from the second rope that helps Benoit make a comeback. However after a series of closelines, back elbows, body back drops and a couple suplexs he couldn't keep him down long enough for his Headbutt as his head bounces off the mat. He looks in serious danger of losing this contest. He kicks out after Finlay barely rolled him over. Finlay is getting desperate for the victory. A high angle back suplex puts Benoit down with some force. Finlay is pissed off as says it's all over as he locks in a Boston Crab but I'll call it an Irish Crab. Finlay is even more pissed though when Chris actually makes it to the ropes. After some sinister stomps he pulls Benoit back out but one way or another Benoit locks in the Crossface.

Finlay is able to reverse it eventually into a roll up for a 2 count. They both get to their feet it looks like Finlay is going to get back in control but Benoit is able to duck a closeline and hit 6, count them six German Suplexs. He signals for and goes up where he connects with his diving headbutt this time. It's just not enough to put Dave away. Benoit is slow to recover so as he goes for the Sharpshooter on Finlay who gets a small package out of it. It's as close as it gets. Both men are back up and it looks as if Benoit is going to get some more Germans off but Finlay fights back going for a short arm closeline. It was an ill-faded attempt he gets locked up in the Crossface again. Finlay is trying to survive. He is on the verge of tapping when he tries to roll up Benoit again. It is just Benoit is able to roll through and keep the moved locked. Now with Finlay smack dab in the center he has to give in. It was an extraordinary fight.

Winner: Chris Benoit at 21:19

Jim Ross: Wow, what a match. Benoit is going to International Fever in Toronto.

John Becker: I think Finlay's frustration cost him at one point. Hell I know it's caused me to lose several of my patients.

Jim Ross: What can happen next here in FEE? Stay tuned after this long commercial break
After the break we have some fire erupting near the entrance as the place goes dark but with a hint of red strobe lights. The eerie music is back as KANE adjusts his collar on his epic looking dress shirt before heading down the ramp towards the ring. KANE doesn't waste much time to get up the ring steps and through the ropes. He threatens personnel ringside to get himself a microphone which they oblige. KANE paces like only he can around the ring as the lights return to focus on this upcoming segment. KANE decides it's probably a good time to speak.

KANE: I said I would come out here personally and address those three guys that tried to ruin my first broadcast... Hell, I think with way this one began and the match that ended last week, I'm off to a great start either way... Ring of Honor is jealous of my wrestling. Haha, but seriously folks Shelton, Chavo and Hardy... I don't want to waste my adoring fans time... We want to get back to the wrestling action... This is FEE afterall...So before I rant and rave anymore I want them bastards to come to this ring and explain their actions... I think we already understand them but I want to hear it from the horses mouth... You don't screw with me on my watch... Never, now get your asses out to this ring before I throw out some serious fines...

KANE paces some more waiting for some people show up, I suppose. It only takes a few moments though as smurfs In Paris plays like a BOSS. After about 20 seconds Benjamin, Guerrero and Hardy make their way out from under the titantron, down the ramp and near the ring. They stare down KANE for a couple seconds before sliding in together. Shelton seems to be the clear leader as he decides to get a microphone and confront KANE. It's about time for Benjamin to explain their actions.

Shelton Benjamin:[/B] Well isn't this a sight to behold... KANE thinking he is actually running this show. It seems everybody here has their own agenda. We sure do, that's for sure. We are tired of being overlooked... We are going to make as many statements as possible to get your attention KANE... You see we aren't the backseat boys, we are champions. Well, I am at least. Matt Hardy doesn't have the skills of Chavo or I but he is one of the most successful tag team wrestlers ever... He wants to achieve more, just like Chavo and I. We will achieve more if it's the last thing we do... So KANE last week was part one of our hostile takeover... This week...

KANE: Oh this week... I'll tell you what is happening this week... Since you guys think you are in control... Prove it. Tonight you won't be overlooked... In fact I have you guys are slated in the main event... Cause as much damage as you want because if you don't win you guys which I doubt you will anyways seeing as you guys spent more of your career losing than even me... If you don't win then you guys go back to down to the midcard, do you understand me? I hope so...

Shelton Benjamin: Wait what? We aren't prepared to wrestle tonight...

KANE: Haha... What did you think was going to occur? Can I go on to tell you your opponents or would you like it to be a surprise...

Shelton Benjamin: Fine, tell us who we are going to beat tonight then.

KANE: My pleasure... You three will face Val Venis and Stevie Richards collectively known as Right To Party.

Shelton Benjamin: Sweet, a handicap match! We can do that. Thanks, KANE.

Shelton attempts to get a high five from KANE but is strongly ignored.

KANE: No so fast, Mr. Benjamin... They have another person on their team... And that person is... Haha, Scott Steiner... Good luck boys, you are gonna need it.

KANE has laid down the law. KANE leaves the ring shortly afterward while the three man team wonders what they have got themselves into.

Jim Ross: That is a hell of a main event just announced.

John Becker: Yeah, but I expected more from KANE. Oh well I guess it's on the job training.

Jim Ross: Folks we got to take another break. We will be right back.
We come back and some jobber is in the ring looking overly confident. Oh actually it's Chris Sabin. Don't worry I'm a fan of the guy but KANE doesn't care. After some awkward taunts by Sabin that nobody gets behind we hear some Samoan Bulldozer over the PA system. Umaga is looking like a cannibal and Sabin looks like fresh meat. Umaga slaps his hands on the steel steps and makes his way into the ring.

Jim Ross: My lord...

John Becker: This could get ugly.

Jim Ross: Yeah down right bowling shoe ugly.

Match Summary:
Much like last week's contest with Kendrick, Sabin is making some good attempts to bring down the big man. It's just the overpowering by Umaga is just too much to overcome it seems. Wait a minute Umaga is teetering on the verge of falling down, Sabin runs into the ropes and comes back into... the waiting arms of the big Samoan. A huge slam. He makes the cover but by god he kicks out. Umaga thinks he should have already won and yells at the referee. Sabin tries to attack him from the back but his blows are just aren't doing much damage. Umaga turns around quite quickly and delivers the Samoan Spike saying he's pretty much done playing around.

Winner: Umaga at 5:11

Jim Ross: Umaga is running through former X-Division stars... I would like to see him face someone his own size.

John Becker: Maybe but it sure is fun watching him destroy people.

Umaga leaves the ring with look of disgust across his face seemingly wanting better competition it seems. He heads up the ramp as Sabin continues to sell the beating. The scene jumps backstage though as soon Umaga gets to the top of the ramp. Oh shit, it's Shawn Michaels looking like he's about to come out to the ring in some camouflage hunting gear and a solid cowboy hat. It's just then that Carlito and Ray Rosas walk into the room. They start to run down Michaels.

Carlito: What is that Carlito sees?

Ray Rosas: Looks like we see the man that is getting handed our TV time.

Shawn Michaels: Listen guys... If you want to get your asses kicked you'll have to come back another time...

Carlito: What is that supposed to mean?

Shawn Michaels: It means... I have bigger fish to fry than you.

Carlito: it's like that is it? We'll chill out...

Carlito and Ray Rosas look like their backing off but decided to try to attack the Heartbreak Kid. Well Ray Rosas misses his lunge at HBK while Carlito is looking for an opening he watches Rosas take a Sweet Chin Music for the team. Carlito is shocked as lets Michaels walk right passsed him now as Michaels heads out of the lockeroom on his way to the ring, probably.

Cut to some commercials here.
Sexy Boy blasts through the PA system like only it can. Tons of fans in this world are dancing and grooving too. It takes a little bit but Shawn makes his way out looking very cheerful. He gets half way down the ramp and decides to pose with fireworks going off behind him. What a sight to behold. He gets up, walks to the ring and slides in. He can't help but do the same pose he just did inside the ring before telling some ring crew joke to give him a microphone. He doesn't talk right away because he is soaking in the huge HBK chant as his music dies down. It takes about 30 seconds of him lollygagging to start actually talking but he does.

Shawn Michaels: ... Ah, it sure is great to be back in this squared circle... This is where I belong afterall... It feels as if the Heartbreak Kid, The Showstopper and best of all Mr. Wrestlemania never left... Right? Am I right? Of course I'm right. You know retirement wasn't for me, it's not for any wrestler. I enjoyed my time hunting but don't get me wrong... I am not done hunting but I'm going to be hunting for something a bit different than wildlife... I am going to be hunting for the World Title... And it just happens to be that I will be in the first ever FEE World Title match at International Fever. I'm not well liked in Canada but I'm sure they respect my hunting ability... Now maybe you are asking yourself how did HBK get awarded this opportunity when Benoit had to go through hell to earn to get himself in the match... Well that's pretty simple... I'm the biggest star in this entire company, I have to be in the Main Event, come on now. Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself but Chris ain't got my charisma that's for sure... It's going to be a proud day indeed when I defeat the Crippler in his native country. After I win, I think I may take a hiatus... As KANE tries to find me an appropriate opponent for a change... Then by the time we are back on Pay Per View I'll be right back HERE defending my title like a true champion.

He lets the words sink into the fan's heads before putting the mic back up his mouth. Lots of cheering, too.

Shawn Michaels: Don't worry folks... I will not let any of you down. Ol' HBK would never want to do that. Oh course not. You get see me like never before when when I majestically fly with the greatest of ease doing things Benoit can only dream about... He doesn't stand a chance... I do respect him and I'll respect the effort he will give at International Fever. It's just not going to be enough to knock me off... You know what I'm sayin'? Of course you do, everybody listens when Shawn Michaels is talking. I could talk about how much better I am than Chris all night long... and when say all night long... I mean all night long... but KANE said to me not to waste too much time because this is a WRESTLING show... Come on, KANE lighten up. You made an awful main event... I guess I shouldn't poke the bear anymore than that seeing as I was the first one asked to team with Right To Party... It won't be much of a main event without me but I think me being at my best for my title match is what I should be shooting for... Hey, I have to back up all I've said now, don't I? That won't be a problem though as I am just better than Chris... Much much better... Well this was fun while lasted but all good things have to come to an end... So until next time you all better buy the Pay-Per View... And that's all I got say about that!

Shawn drops the mic quickly and poses even more as his theme music is playing. He dances like a moron for a few seconds before deciding to leave the ring. Clapping fans hands up the ramp...

Jim Ross: I think Shawn's overconfidence might cost him the match.

John Becker: Not sure about that, J.R. He looks in tip top physical strength and judging my the way he was talking... I think he'll have a much easier path to International Fever than Benoit.

Jim Ross: You may be on to something there but folks we got to take another break. See you when we get back.
For some reason Breaker 1,9 by Common starts to play. Look it up if you haven't heard before. Out comes a new tag team, it seems. It's Chris Hero walking side by side with Kevin Steen. A title on the screen shows up and calls the team The GameChangers. They walk to the ring looking very content that they will win this next match. They slide in together, Steen gets up though and licks the turnbuckle as Hero just waits for the match for their opponents. "NASTY" is hear over the PA system and out comes The Nasty Boys looking as worn down as ever. They end to the ring yelling profanities at the opposing team as the fans get behind this veteran team. They decide to use the steel steps like real men and get in between the ropes. It looks like Saggs and Knobbs are ready to go as they go right after their new found enemies.

J.R. Ross: And I guess folks the Nasty Boys weren't going to wait for the bell.

Match Summary:
The Nasty Boys have control right now as they are stomping on both Hero and Steen until they slide outside the ring. Of course Saggs and Knobbs follow in pursuit. It turns into a heavy brawl as Hero and Steen do their best to keep up with the Nasty Boys rough and tough attack. The two Nasty guys throw their opponents back into the ring. However when they try to slide in themselves Hero was able to hit a dropkick through the ropes on Saggs knocking him back into Knobbs on the floor. It was a very sloppy landing but why would they want it any other way? They regroup on the outside as Hero and Steen decide who the legal man is as the referee is clueless. It looks to be Kevin Steen as Brian Knobbs slides in for his team and Saggs goes to stand on the apron. It doesn't take long for Steen and Knoobs to get down and dirty. Next several minutes it's some heavy back and forth brawling with Knobbs and Saggs tagging in out. Steen gets to finally tag and both Nasty Boys are already going after him. The melee breaks down again as a Steen and Saggs fall through the ropes with a lock up. Steen doesn't like the way these guys are doing things. He is getting up the use of a chair on the outside. The referee is clearly watching as Steen drives into the stomach of Sagg's then stands up and hits him once in the back before tossing the chair down. The bell has been called and this is easily a DQ.

Winners by DQ:
The Nasty Boys at 8:13.

Knobbs has now ran to the otherside of the ring to his partner's aid as Kevin casually backs off. Knobbs chases him a bit but stops after missing on an attempt to grab him he stops. Hero and Steen get out of here by the skin of their teeth. However in a losing effort albeit by DQ.

Jim Ross: My goodness... That was barbaric. I hope to see more fights between these teams.

John Becker: I thought I was going to die with those savages out here.

Now the titantron cuts to backstage where we see Corporate KANE trying to peacefully get himself some coffee when he is interrupted roodely. Yeah, Bobby Roode has walked up to KANE and decides to confront him.

Bobby Roode: Hey KANE? Can I ask you something?

KANE: Make it quick I'm trying to enjoy my coffee.

Bobby Roode: Of course KANE I wouldn't want to waste your time... It's just that I want to get into that title match at International Fever...

KANE ends up spitting out his coffee at Roode's request.

KANE: Are you out of you damn mind? You haven't done a damn thing in your career that warrants being in the ring with either Chris or Shawn for that matter. You know what, though? I do think you deserve an opportunity to get there someday.

Bobby Roode: Someday? How about today? I'm not going to take a backseat to anyone.

KANE: You know you are kind of getting on my nerves now... You better back off.

Bobby Roode: I'm sorry... I just deserve more respect than I am getting.

KANE: Oh you want respect alright? Oh I got you some respect alright... Haha, next week I think I'm going to put you in a little match. If you win... I'll consider putting you into a #1 Contender situation... We got a deal?

Bobby Roode: Well, it's better than nothing... I'll do it but just one more thing... Who am I going to be facing?

KANE: Hmmm... let me think hmmmm... Lets see...

Bobby Roode: I don't have all day.

KANE: Oh you want to rush me? Fine, you are facing... Right To Party in a handicap match now get out my face before I do something I may just regret.

Roode isn't too happy with this decision and storms off as KANE pours himself another cup of joe.

The screen cuts to black than something called commercials are played.
We get back after the break and cameras are fixated on a bed at the top of the ramp to the side of the entrance tunnel. Red linen, silk sheets and marshmallow pillows? Well after a few moments oh no... Sirens are going off now. A few seconds it's none other than Steiner who doesn't stop to talk but is led by a very lovely looking slut. Scott wastes no time leading her to the bed where he spins her around like they wear dancing than lays the bitch down. Well, it's not long before this gets really disgusting to explain. However it was about 2-3 minutes until this display where some things peaked out that shouldn't have while Bravo did their best on TV to censor some of it. After this it had to end right? Well it does when smurfs In Paris is heard over the PA system with shortly after Shelton Benjamin and his two cronies ruin the party. Steiner gets pissed off, decides to clumsily get dressed again and confront this problem head on.

John Becker: This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.

Jim Ross: What in the hell is going on around here?

There is a stare down at first than some hilarious cursing by Steiner that is overheard. It's not long before Scott lunges forward trying to take Shelton on. This turns quickly into a 3 on 1 beatdown on Steiner while they drag him to ring to get what is supposed to be the main event underway. After tossing him into the ring Benjamin's team follows him in. Some stomping on Steiner inside the ring as the referee tries to tell them to stop. No avail. It's just then! We hear some more body's else music hit. It's totally time to Fight For You Right To Party as you know who comes running down the ramp to save their legendary tag team partner. As soon as they slide the referee gives up and just calls for the bell to start the match, at least it's fair now.

Jim Ross: Well this should be a barn burner...

John Becker: I don't think Steiner's heart can take much more.

Match Summary:
How long can a melee like this last? Well the match starts off hot heavy but it's just Right To Party's momentum was too much and it led to this awesome dive to the floor by Venis then he got up and jammed out on his air guitar. After this Venis throws Hardy into the ring. The referee declares them the legal men and the match is going to get interesting. A nice looking arm drag battle happens and the new men stare each other down. They get a little more action then decide to tag out. Yeah, take that. Chavo gets the tag for his team as Richards gets in for his. These two trade some grapples and when Chavo got frustrated he ran into a drop toe hold. A few more grapples later and Chavo is proud of himself getting a headlock out of it. Well Richards turned this upside down after bouncing off the ropes and coming back with a decent closeline. However as Richards gets cocky to take advantage he gets caught in a drop toe hold himself but Chavo holds onto the hold while tagging out to Benjamin. Benjamin kicks the leg like a pro. Shelton does some several things to the outstretched leg before letting Hardy do some less great attack work on the same leg of Richards. More tagging out more vicious attacks on the leg by this team. Steiner is reaching out for the tag but Richards can never seem to get the tag. He just keeps getting pulled back and worked over some more. This beat down is getting pretty out of hand as the team gets cocky and just comes in at the same time to prove a point of be good for nothing heels at their best. It's a little mediocre, though. This gets the match to break down as Steiner and Venis make their back in. Some suplexs by Steiner later and closelines by Venis they get the advantage back. Distraction time. After some brawling about it just leads to Benjamin one on one with Steiner. Steiner is getting cocky with his team looking to pick up the victory. Some really awesome push ups and flexing he picks back Benjamin only to get caught with the Paydirt out of nowhere. A quick cover later and it's in the bag as his teammates hold back their opponents outside the ring.

Winners: Shelton Benjamin, Matt Hardy & Chavo Guerrero at 11:20.

Jim Ross: Wow... He can hit that Paydirt from out of anywhere.

John Becker: This unit sure looks formidable.

They somehow get out of dodge after the match from the other team but they just seemed like they would rather wait for another day. The team itself walks back up the ramp where Benjamin gets a microphone from some ring crew near the ramp. He is breathing heavy but it looks like he has some words to say. The faces stay in the ring and yell stuff before listening for themselves.

Shelton Benjamin: And this why... we will never lose... this is why... we will be the champions here.... and this is why(looks at his friends)... we are taking over this company. And we will forever be known as The Outcast Aristocrats.

Just then Chavo grabs the microphone from Benjamin with a sour look on his face.

Chavo Guerrero: I thought we were going to be the Head Honchos...

Just after that Hardy snatches the mic for himself.

Matt Hardy: No, no... we were going to be Cold Blooded Inc.

Benjamin is done hearing hear from his teammates and gets the mic back into his hand.

Shelton Benjamin:
That doesn't matter... we won tonight and we will continue winning... Just worry about that...

Some reason Chavo and Hardy nod in agreement followed by some taunting to end the show on a high note. The guys in the ring get one of more at them shaking their heads in disapproval. Well Steiner is just yelling madly. The screen goes black as they return to the The Outcast Aristocrats heading to the back.
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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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Sweaty Saturday Preview:
Scott Steiner is in a completely foul mood after what happened last week. I don't know I thought it was pretty good television. This week he says if KANE doesn't confront him in the ring he will do some drastic things.

After reading the first note you will have to read this one, too. KANE has been summoned to meet in front of the Director's Board to prove that he is worthy GM. His pitch for more chaos in the coming weeks will open the show. However with Steiner looming how will this work out?

KANE is a busy man, though. He made the main event of the program already. It will be none other than Shelton Benjamin v.s Chris Benoit in what is sure to be a great match. Will the Outcast Aristocrats lead Benjamin to victory or will the Rapid Wolverine come out on top two weeks from his PPV encounter with Shawn Michaels?

Speaking of Michaels, Carlito challenged him during the week to a match this week but Michaels never responded. Will Michaels accept it on Sweaty Saturday or what?

This and much more will take place this week on this edition FEE's Sweaty Saturday.


Internation Fever:

Card so far....
FEE World Title Match: Chris Benoit v.s Shawn Michaels

Just announced...

The first ever tag team title match with consist of...

Chavo Guerrero & Matt Hardy of the Outcast Aristocrats and of course Right To Party.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
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The 2nd episode of Sweaty Saturdays was pretty good as well as the first, keep it up, I like what you have here so far.
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Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
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Swirling Internet Reports:
Scott Steiner left a very threatening voice mail on Lita's phone. If she feels the need she may press charges but knowing she's a dirty slut she'll keep it and play to herself at night. However, Steiner's recent actions on TV and and in REAL life lately are increasingly getting out of hand. Could he be gone from FEE sooner rather than later?

The GameChangers who debuted this last week on Sweaty Saturday are already getting a bit of praise. Especially since this tag team idea was just their last second pitch just to get on the show. The tag division being a heavy focus for FEE which has already announced it's title match at International Fever between Matt Hardy & Chavo Guerrero and of course the team of Right To Party. As for The GameChangers management wants to see if a feud with the Nasty Boys can deliver.

More tag team notes the team that was supposed to come in later weeks might be completely nixed in the form of Trevor Murdoch and Steve Williams collectively known as the Insane Violence Connection. There wasn't even a hype video for them this past week. One problem is they like to joke with the personnel way too much and the vignettes are hard to even complete let alone keep these guys on the roster full-time.

KANE's job is not in jeopardy but the current storyline seems to be that he wants to prove to be the best GM of all-time. So look forward to more and more chaos in the coming weeks of FEE action. On top of that this week it's leaked that the International Championship match will be announced for International Fever. With a title that screams that it has to be defended on the show look for it to be a big match.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2011
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Looking forward to your next show, my friend.