On Smackdown this week, Dolph Ziggler came out with something he hasn't had in a while. A live microphone. He got some promo time and did a pretty good job, cut a few jokes, but it seemed like the real emphasis of the promo was that "Yeah, I may be a babyface now, but don't worry IWC. I'm still a dick! tunga:" He was the same smartass showoff character but in a more endearing way.
3MB came out and he faced Mcintyre, and he did a lot more taunting/showing off during the match. It wasn't really as important as the finish where he hit theRKO Zig-Zag from out of nowhere and wormed his way out of a 3-on-1 beatdown yet again... then Slater egged him on to get back into the ring. He rolled back into the hornet's nest, rolled away from all of them lunging at him, and rolled away yet again with a big smile, giving the impression of "Damn, I'm proud of me!"
Most entertained by Dolph I've been in a while and that's saying quite a bit. If anyone has a video of it feel free to post it and let people see for themselves, but after one week it looks like worries of Ziggler's face turn may have been greatly exaggerated.
How damn good is that? :sad1:
3MB came out and he faced Mcintyre, and he did a lot more taunting/showing off during the match. It wasn't really as important as the finish where he hit the
Most entertained by Dolph I've been in a while and that's saying quite a bit. If anyone has a video of it feel free to post it and let people see for themselves, but after one week it looks like worries of Ziggler's face turn may have been greatly exaggerated.
How damn good is that? :sad1: