Where did I suggest the Board of Directors save Daniel Bryan? Daniel Bryan will take care of himself. Of this, have no fear.
What you seem to be missing is that there's more to the angle than just Daniel Bryan now. There's Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Big Show, and Miz. And I have a sneaking suspicion that in fairly short order (having seen Smackdown), there will also be Kofi Kingston, RVD, and CM Punk (and possibly others; I figure Mark Henry, the Usos, and/or the Prime Time Players will also be involved). Yes, Daniel Bryan will get his chance to get a straight-up one-on-one fight with Randy Orton for the WWE Championship and he will win it. But I highly doubt that's coming anytime soon. HHH hasn't really begun abusing his power yet. All I'm saying is that, eventually, someone is going to have to become the check on HHH's power (in case you forgot, HBK was appointed WWE Commissioner around the time of the McMahon-Austin angle for just this reason: to act as a check on the power of Vinnie Mac). I know that the popular conception is that Austin overcame McMahon all by his lonesome, but that's not really what happened. The whole idea of one of the participants in the feud being an absolutely out-of-control corporate boss who can't be stopped by anybody prevents this from being a realistic scenario anyway. Hence, you need a corresponding foil of an authority figure, usually a Commissioner.
Bryan-Orton (or Bryan-HHH, if you prefer) is one aspect of this angle. I'll even give you that it's the most important aspect of the angle (that's my feeling, in any manner), but it's not the whole angle.