ECW/New talent Initiative.

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Admittedly my thoughts were partially inspired by the way guys are brought up and peeps want/expect them to be contenders to majorly established guys like, Christian, Regal, Henry, Matt Hartdy or whoever within a matter of a month or two (lets's call it Ryder-Syndrome), but it got me thinking.....

ECW needs jobbers.

Now firstly, I understand this would, to some degree, affect the overall star power of the show, but hear me out....

The way the new guys are brough up on ECW seems to be less than effective (apart from the guys like Punk, Swagger & Bourne who they new they were gonna, to whatever extend, push from the start).

I'm not saying they shouldn't fast track ANYBODY up the card if they think an impact debut would be the right move, but I think it'd benefit ECW in terms of it's 'develpmental'/introductory approach, if they brought guys up to 'new talent initiative' who's sole purpose is to job to the ones who (outside of Kayfaybe) are REALLY the new talent. (i.e When bringing Yoshi Reks & co up they should have also brought some guys up to job for them.) The idea being that it aids the guys as they strive to establish themselves (not so much 80's TV style, but think early days of Raw when you had guys that were regulars and were even allowed to get a bit of offense in)... Please note I don't necessarily mean out and out squash matches.

We, as the audience, could see them rise above relative obscurity in front of our eyes (and said jobber guys eventually dissappear back into obscurity (or whatver they call FCW these days. :p ), whilst they get a proper chance to get over by showcasing themselves rather than being expected to look good whilst being relatively squashed by the top tier of the roster.

Bearing in mind that the new talent initiative is, in a sense, just another storyline, I think it would serve it's purpose better and we could very well end up with this organic ever changing bottom of the roster where a certain amount of intrigue can be built for the fans whom can be left wondering/hoping "I hope my guy breaks out*".

(*In a kayfaybe sense that is.)

Somewhat flawed in part I dare say, but it just seems to me that things could be working better....

Do you see any benefit or mileage in such an approach?

Any alternative ideas?

Whadya'll think?


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
Didn't they do this during the previous talent initiative or the one before that?
I don't think it was purposely done or not though. I don't remember much of their names but one guy Shawn Spears, he was apparently great in FCW, came to ECW while he was still FCW champ and became a jobber, a soon to be released jobber. And from what I heard, he was actually really good. Becoming a jobber I believe hurt him. I'd probably even throw Ricky Ortiz in that category too cause I remember him winning much.

I believe bringing up guys may help out some guys, but those that become jobbers, it will ultimatly hurt them. There is already to be said problem with FCW not creating stars, bring ing guys to the main roster only to be jobbers wouldn't really help that problem.


Didn't they do this during the previous talent initiative or the one before that?
I don't think it was purposely done or not though. I don't remember much of their names but one guy Shawn Spears, he was apparently great in FCW, came to ECW while he was still FCW champ and became a jobber, a soon to be released jobber. And from what I heard, he was actually really good. Becoming a jobber I believe hurt him. I'd probably even throw Ricky Ortiz in that category too cause I remember him winning much.

I more-so meant rookie guys who's role is soley to job. (Think The Hardy's BEFORE got a full debut w/Michael Hayes as their manager.)... Not just guys with a shit win/lost record cos they can't get over.

A good modern example would have been Colt Cobana (or whatever they named him).

Guys like Ortiz pressumably weren't brough in just to be jobbers, they just failed to get over with the gimmick/TV-time they were given.

I believe bringing up guys may help out some guys, but those that become jobbers, it will ultimatly hurt them. There is already to be said problem with FCW not creating stars, bring ing guys to the main roster only to be jobbers wouldn't really help that problem.

If that is the case, then at least WWE will get some kind of benefit out of these guys if they're not reaching the required level to be considered worthy of a 'proper' roster spot.


There are actually alot of unused talent in the WWE undercard. Use them to job instead, but not completely. More like the golddust/Sheamus thing where it's sort of a feud. THis helps the ECW stars gain credibility too as they beat somebody who have actually been there done that in this industry,


Don't also forget that an "impact" debut on ECW really isn't that big of a deal. Think about it...what could they possibly accomplish as of right now...and upset victory on Dreamer..who up until a few months ago was jobbing out to everybody anyway.
I think ECW has been doing a damn good job of getting some feuds going with the extremely limited amount of time they're given every week.


Jul 17, 2009
Reaction score
ECW does things differently.

Instead of jobber, they take older vets to put over the young/new guys.
Just think.

Ryder is feuding with Benjamin.
Sheamus is feuding with Goldust.
Christian will be feuding with Regal and he just got done feuding with Dreamer.
Helms is feuding with Burchill.
Kozlov and Jackson have their thing where they kill local jobbers.

Yoshi and Reks are kinda just hanging back for a while.


^Well exactlly. ECW is doing a better job of utalizing a small roster of mostly new and unknown guys where RAW is struggling to put over guys that have been floundering around for years.