ECW Getting On The Right Track

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Aug 12, 2007
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This BTB begins on Tuesday, April 15, 2008 with ECWfrom the United Kingdom. ECW but Pay-Per-View matches will be written in full. Here are the rosters, champions and schedules all in this post.



Armando Estrada
Balls Mahoney
Big Daddy V
Big Show
Chavo Guerrero
CM Punk
Colin Delaney
Elijah Burke
Joey Styles
Kelly Kelly
Kevin Thorn
Kofi Kingston
Lena Yada
Matt Striker
Mike Knox
Shelton Benjamin
Stevie Richards
Super Crazy
The Great Khali
The Miz
Tommy Dreamer
Tony Chimel


ECW Champion - Kane


April 2008

ECW April 15, 2008
ECW April 22, 2008
Backlash April 27, 2008
ECW April 29, 2008


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Aug 12, 2007
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The following post may contain spoilers on upcoming shows, if you do not wish to know information on future shows, don't read the post.



- In the past couple of months, WWE management have been impressed with John Morrison, since his suspension last year, Morrison has been more respectful and has come into one of his own and has gotten over with the crowd. Expect John Morrison to move to Smackdown after Backlash. Nothing is known about The Miz moving to a different brand though.

- A new ECW DVD is set to come out in the next few weeks entitled: "ECW: Taking it to the Extreme", the 2-disc DVD set will feature 19 classic ECW matches from 1993-2001, and will be hosted by Joey Styles and Tazz.

- ECW writers have been pleading with WWE Chairman Vince McMahon to introduce a second Championship Belt for the ECW Brand. The word going round is that a the ECW Television Championship is what the ECW writers would like to see introduced.

- Expect to see Super Crazy moving to the ECW Brand. Crazy hasn't found life easy on the Raw brand and has been lowered to Heat matches throughout the past few months. Crazy says he is very excited to move to a different brand.

- The Great Khali and Big Show are set to move to the ECW brand this week, Vince McMahon thinks that ECW would benefit with having the two giants on the show.


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Aug 12, 2007
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April 15, 2008
The 02 Arena
London, England

With the road to Backlash hotting up, tempers continue to boil as ECW heads over to jolly old England. As thousands of England fans will pack The 02 Arena in London to watch their favourite ECW superstars.

Chavo Guerrero will open the show and discuss his ECW Championship match with the reigning ECW Champion Kane.

Also we will see a rematch from last week, where CM Punk will take on WWE Tag-Team Champion, The Miz. Last week Punk got the win, will we see the same outcome this week.

Find out all the answers to these questions and much more, Tuesday night on Sci-Fi!


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Aug 12, 2007
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The O2 Arena
London England
April 15, 2008



The camera turns to multiple screen shots of the rabid crowd in The O2 Arena, until the cameras turn to the entrance ramp, as Chavo Guerrero’s music hits and he comes down to the ring in a shirt and trousers with a microphone in his hand. Chavo walks down to the ring in an arrogant fashion, Chavo walks up the steel steps. Chavo’s entrance music fades away.

Chavo Guerrero: Last week at the Contract Signing, Kane once again proved that the only way he can take down me is by catching me off guard. Well Kane, for the past couple of weeks you’ve been attacking me from behind and taking me down, well that all ends tonight.

*Crowd boo*

Chavo Guerrero: You see Kane; we’ve never had an official match where the rules apply. At Wrestlemania you hit me from behind and took my ECW Championship. I have to hand it to you though Kane, those were good tactics. Kane, what you don’t realize is that the Guerrero name means something. It means dominance, it means respect and it means passion. Kane my last name is Guerrero, and those three attributes apply to me as well. The Guerrero family also are the most successful, that’s right. The Guerrero’s have won the most Championship in pro wrestling history. At Backlash I will continue that tradition when I win back my ECW Championship. Proving once again that….

Chavo is cut off by the entrance music of Kane, Kane walks down to the ring in his wrestling gear and his ECW Championship around his waist. Kane also holds a microphone in his hand and walks up the steel steps into the ring.

Kane: *laughs* Chavo, you never learn do you. Haven’t you seen the destruction I have caused in the past 10 years? Chavo, at Backlash you won’t be taking this ECW Championship; you will be another victim of The Big Red Machine.

Chavo Guerrero: Are you serious Kane? What are you going to do? Jump me from behind again? Kane, one-on-one, you can’t beat me and you know it.

Kane: Chavo, I’ve changed my mind. I’m not going to jump you from behind……… tonight!

Kane drops the microphone and hits an Uppercut to the chin of Chavo. Chavo falls to the mat and rolls out of the ring, holding his chin. Kane holds the ECW Championship in the air, while Chavo points at Kane and gives him trash talk while walking up the entrance ramp.

*Commercial Break*
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*Commercial Break*

The cameras show Chavo Guerrero walking around backstage in fury, kicking tables, and pushing people out of the way. Lena Yada dashes over to Chavo with a microphone.

Lena Yada: Chavo, how are you feeling after taking a fierce Uppercut from Kane a few moments ago?

Chavo looks at Yada in disbelief.

Chavo Guerrero: You know what; I’ve had enough of this. Every week Kane attacks me for no reason, well it does stop tonight. Kane I have word from Armando Estrada to officially make a match for tonight. Kane you’ll be taking on an opponent of my choosing, and Kane, it’ll be the last time you hit me with one of those Uppercuts.

Chavo walks away, still in fury, while Yada stands on her own with the microphone. The cameras turn to the entrance ramp where The Miz’s music hits and he comes down to the ring, in his usual wrestling gear and a WWE Tag-Team Championship around his shoulder.

Joey Styles: It was last week on ECW, when The Miz took on CM Punk in a one-on-one match.

Footage begins to show of last weeks CM Punk vs. The Miz Match

Tazz: That’s right Joey, The Miz impressed us all during the match, he took control of Mr. Money in the Bank throughout most of the match.

Footage turns to CM Punk finishing the match with a series of moves.

Joey Styles: But the former ECW Champion was able to fight back.

Footage turns to Punk hitting The Miz with the Go to Sleep.

Tazz: That’s right Joey. Here it was. BAM! The GTS finishing the match.

The cameras turn back to the entrance ramp where CM Punk’s music hits and he comes down to the ring in his usual wrestling gear and the Money in the Bank briefcase in his hand.

Joey Styles: Well The Miz requested a rematch with Punk, earlier this week on WWE.COM, and his request was accepted.

Tazz: Joey, I think The Miz can win tonight.

Joey Styles: He’s going to have to do it alone tonight though Tazz, John Morrison has been banned from ringside, and ECW General Manager Armando Estrada also said that if Morrison attempted to do something in the match, he and The Miz would be stripped of the WWE Tag-Team Championships.

06:14 – CM Punk rolls Miz into the turnbuckle, Punk runs into the turnbuckle and executes a Shinning Wizard in the face of Miz. Miz stumbles out of the corner. Suddenly Shelton Benjamin comes down to the ring. Punk is distracted by Benjamin’s appearance and walks over to the ropes nearest the entrance ramp. The referee follows Punk and puts his arm in the air, showing that Benjamin needs to go to the back. Benjamin objects to the referee’s decision and intimidates him by walking around the ring. Punk follows Benjamin and tells him to go to the back. Miz regains his composure and executes The Mizard of Oz. Punk falls to the mat; Miz quickly scampers to the mat and hooks the leg. The referee turns around and makes the pin. 1……….2……….3.

The Miz celebrates outside the ring, while clutching his WWE Tag-Team Championship in his hand. CM Punk sits up and holds his head while glaring at Shelton Benjamin who is walking up the entrance ramp in a cocky fashion.

*Commercial Break*
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The cameras show a black screen, then blood is thrown across the screen, a DVD then appears in front of it and swivels around.

Narrator: For the first time ever you can now own the very best of ECW.

The camera then shows multiple clips of matches and moments from ECW.

Narrator: 19 of the very best matches in ECW history, spanning a 2-disc DVD set, hosted by those who lived the experience, Joey Styles and Tazz.

The camera then shows the DVD again with blood around it.

Narrator: ECW: Taking it to the Extreme, available now in all good retailers.

The cameras turn too backstage, where Chavo Guerrero is looking around for someone to take on Kane. Chavo spots Colin Delaney on his own and rushes over to him.

Chavo Guerrero: Hey Colin!

Colin Delaney: What do you want Chavo?

Chavo Guerrero: Well how would you like to earn a WWE Contract?

Colin suddenly looks interested.

Colin Delaney: Of course I do, what do I have to do?

Chavo Guerrero: Well you may not be able to do it.

Colin Delaney: Chavo, I want a WWE Contract, what do I have to do?

Chavo Guerrero: It’s pretty easy when you think about it; all you have to do is beat Kane in a match tonight.

Colin looks horrified as Chavo walks away. The cameras turn to the entrance ramp where The Great Khali’s music hits and he comes down to the ring, in his usual wrestling gear.

Joey Styles: The 7 foot Punjabi Nightmare known as The Great Khali has come back to ECW.

Footage begins to show of the Draft that took place yesterday.

Tazz: Yesterday at the WWE Headquarters, Vince McMahon held a WWE Draft and one of the three picks that Armando Estrada chose to come to ECW was in fact The Great Khali.

Footage turns to the Big Show being picked at the Draft.

Joey Styles: But Tazz, Armando Estrada also chose to bring The Great Khali’s opponent at Backlash, Big Show, to ECW as well.

Footage turns back to The Great Khali in the ring.

Tazz: This man is straight up scary.

Joey Styles: One of the reasons you retired from wrestling Tazz?

Tazz: Of course.

The cameras turn back to the entrance ramp where Nunzio’s music hits and he comes down to the ring in his usual wrestling gear.

Joey Styles: ECW Original Nunzio, has a very tough task tonight, he has to take on the man you just saw, The Great Khali.

Tazz: Nunzio is always up for a fight Joey, but this one looks to be to hard.

Joey Styles: Looks too hard?

02:57 – Khali hoists Nunzio up on his shoulders and throws him half way across the ring onto his front. Nunzio doesn’t move and just lays there motionless. Khali raises both of his arms over his head as the crowd boo the 7 foot monster. Khali walks over to Nunzio and picks him up with one hand. Khali rolls Nunzio into the turnbuckle. Nunzio springs back into the turnbuckle, but stops before he can make any contact, Khali doesn’t notice this and walks over to the turnbuckle. Nunzio starts to hit a series of punches to Khali’s gut, Khali feels next to no pain and pulls Nunzio out of the corner. Khali holds Nunzio with one hand and then executes a Chop to the head. Nunzio falls down easily, as Khali puts his foot over Nunzio. The referee goes down to the mat and counts. 1………2………3!

The Great Khali celebrates in the ring, while Nunzio lays on the mat unconscious.

*Commercial Break*
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*Commercial Break*

The cameras show Lena Yada backstage.

Lena Yada: Ladies and gentleman please welcome The Great Khali.

The camera goes back to show The Great Khali and Lena Yada.

Lena Yada: Khali you just won a very impressive match against Nunzio, what are your….

Yada is interrupted by the introduction of The Big Show, who immediately attacks Khali out of nowhere, Khali is stunned and can’t fight back. Show rolls Khali into a production truck. Khali comes back with a wild punch that Show ducks and hits a series of punches on Khali. Khali stumbles backwards and regains his composure and comes back with a wild Chop to the head of Show. Show falls to the concrete floor in pain. Khali stands over Show and raises his arms in the air. Show kicks Khali in the nuts with his leg, Khali holds the area in pain. Show gets to his feet and the two begin to brawl again. The cameras turn to the ECW announce table with Joey Styles and Tazz.

Tazz: Wow.

Joey Styles: Well it looks like The Great Khali and Big Show’s hatred for one another is just starting to get interesting.

A graphic is shown of Big Show vs The Great Khali.

Tazz: Joey, the two will go one-on-one a week from Sunday, I can’t wait.

A graphic is shown of Matt Hardy vs. MVP.

Joey Styles: What about this match Tazz? Matt Hardy has been trying to take the United States Championship off of MVP since last summer. At Backlash Hardy gets his chance.

A graphic is shown of Batista vs. Shawn Michaels.

Tazz: Batista and Shawn Michaels have been at each others throats for weeks ever since Wrestlemania, at Backlash the two face each other and settle the score. It’s gonna be off the hook.

A graphic is shown of Chavo Guerrero vs. Kane.

Joey Styles: At Wrestlemania, Kane took the ECW Championship from Chavo Guerrero in a mere 8 seconds, at Backlash Chavo gets his rematch.

A graphic is shown of Edge vs. The Undertaker.

Tazz: Another Wrestlemania 24 rematch Joey, The Undertaker defends his newly won World Heavyweight Championship against Edge.

A graphic is shown of JBL vs. John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H.

Joey Styles: And finally, will the Age of Orton continue at Backlash, Randy Orton must defend his WWE Championship, against not 1, not 2, but 3 challengers.

Tazz: I tell you Joey, Backlash is going to be off the chain.

The cameras turn to the entrance ramp where Kane’s music hits and he comes down to the ring, in his usual wrestling gear with the ECW Championship on his shoulder.

Joey Styles: Earlier tonight, we saw yet another confrontation between former ECW Champion Chavo Guerrero and current ECW Champion Kane.

Footage begins to show of Kane and Chavo Guerrero in the ring earlier in the night.

Tazz: That’s right Joey, Chavo told the world that he would become ECW Champion, but Kane had heard enough.

Footage turns to Kane entering the ring.

Joey Styles: Kane reminded Chavo of Wrestlemania 24 and then there were no more words.

Footage turns Kane executing an Uppercut on Chavo.

Tazz: BAM! A tremendous Uppercut by Kane.

The cameras turn back to the entrance ramp where Chavo Guerrero’s music hits and he comes down to the ring in a shirt and trousers.

Joey Styles: Here is Kane’s opponent at Backlash, Chavo Guerrero.

Chavo Guerrero: Kane, I’d like to introduce to you your opponent for tonight, Colin Delaney!

Colin Delaney comes out of the back to no entrance music and looks very intimidated. Colin begins to walk down the entrance ramp, but Chavo runs down the ramp and knocks Delaney down from behind.

Tazz: Woah!

Joey Styles: What was that for?

Chavo Guerrero: Kane earlier tonight, I said that Guerrero’s win Championships, and that is what I will be doing at Backlash. But Guerrero’s also LIE!

Kane looks confused in the ring.

Chavo Guerrero: You see Kane, because your ECW Champion, wrestlers from all 3 brands want to have a piece of you. So let me introduce your opponents, first from Raw, Snitsky, from ECW Big Daddy V and from Smackdown, Umaga!

Umaga’s music hits and he, with Snitsky and Big Daddy V come down to the ring in their usual wrestling gear.

06:39 – Kane hits a punch to Snitksy, who stumbles back into the guardrail, Kane then hits an Uppercut to Umaga who stumbles back to the guardrail. V runs at Kane, Kane dodges the assault and throws his right hand on the throat of V. Kane picks up V and Chokeslam’s him through the announce table. The crowd go crazy, as Chavo Guerrero is seen at the entrance ramp in disbelief. Kane rolls into the ring, but Umaga and Snitsky start to stomp on Kane, as they got in the ring before him. Kane tries to get back to a vertical base. Kane is rolled into the turnbuckle by Umaga, Umaga charges at Kane, but Kane gets out of the way. Kane is met with a huge Big Boot by Snitsky out of nowhere. Snitsky hooks the leg, as the referee comes down to the mat and starts to count. 1……..2………3!

Snitksy and Umaga celebrate in the ring, while Kane lays on the mat unconscious. Chavo Guerrero walks down to the ring and stands over Kane with a microphone.

Chavo Guerrero: Oh Kane, Guerrero’s also cheat, and…

Umaga hands him the ECW Championship.

Chavo Guerrero: We also steal!

Chavo drops the microphone and holds the ECW Championship high above his head as the camera fades away.


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Aug 12, 2007
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The following post may contain spoilers on upcoming shows, if you do not wish to know information on future shows, don't read the post.



- Last night's ECW ON Sci-Fi scored a 1.5, this is a huge jump from last week, reasons aren't known why there was a jump, but Vince McMahon is pleased at the rating none the less.

- Last night's ECW, is probably the last for Big Daddy V, the former King of the Ring Winner is set to be leaving wrestling forever after repeated back injuries in the past few months. He says that he has enjoyed his time in wrestling and would like to thank everyone who had a part in his career.

- The new ECW DVD ECW: Taking it to the Extreme has reached No. 4 in the Billboard Recreational Sports DVD Chart this week, the highest position the WWE got was No.1 with the recently released No Way Out 2008 DVD.

- Vince McMahon has finally agreed to introducing a second Championship to the ECW Brand, as of next week the ECW Television Championship will be a current Championship in the WWE. There are no plans at the moment of how they will bring the belt into the brand.

- Super Crazy suffered an injury at a Smackdown/ECW Live Event, during a match with Shannon Moore. Crazy went for a Moonsault and twisted his ankle, but finished the rest of the match. Crazy will be having a scan later today, we will have news on Crazy's injury in the next set of News and Notes.


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Aug 12, 2007
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- Extreme Championship Wrestling now hosts its very own Private Message service, to sign up send a PM to alexmoss12 with the title Sign Me Up as soon as possible to get the latest news from the ECW Brand before anybody does.

- If you would like to get news on a select few superstars, send a PM to alexmoss12 with the title Sign Me Up Special, and the list of wrestlers you would like news on.

- This service is now open, so sign up now!



- For one week only to non-subscribers of the ECW PM Service, we are allowing you to vote for the Top 10 wrestlers of ECW, based on their performance from the April 15 Edition of ECW. Send your votes via PM or post them in this thread by the time the April 22 show posted.


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Aug 12, 2007
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April 22, 2008
The Greensboro Coliseum
Greensboro, North Carolina

The last ECW before Backlash, rolls into Greensboro, North Carolina, as the superstars of ECW make a last effort to gain advantage over their Backlash opponents, before the Pay-Per-View extravaganza.

Last week on ECW, Chavo Guerrero finally got his revenge on ECW World Champion Kane, Chavo boldly proclaimed his Guerrero heritage, but Kane had had enough and gave an Uppercut to the former ECW Champion.

Chavo cleverly plotted a foolproof plan, admitting that Kane's opponent would be Colin Delaney, however Chavo lied and brought out Snitsky, Big Daddy V and Umaga to demolish his Backlash opponent. With this being the last stop for the two men before Sunday, who will get the advantage heading into Baltimore?

Also ECW General Manager Armando Estrada has a huge announcement for his brand, what will his announcement be, find out this Tuesday on Sci-Fi.

Tensions have been brewing between Big Show and The Great Khali recently, last week the two got into a brawl after Khali destroyed Nunzio. The two giants go at it at Backlash, who will have the last laugh before that.

Find out all the answers to these questions and much more, Tuesday night on Sci-Fi!


Nice, I'm glad your doing this one by yourself. Its good to see that you moved everything from the other thread that you did so people can still keep up. I'll make sure to advertise this on my BTB during the commercials!

Evil Austin

wow dude 7 posts in a row :WOW:

.... This looks alright.. Might check it out. though you might get in trouble for that seven poster.


^ he just moved all his stuff from the other thread he used to have, to this one.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

^^Thus no trouble should come of it, you'd hope.

Evil Austin

It looks good you probably should have put some of the posts edited into one big one but anyway, still good. Ill read the next show and review it.