DWS - Dominant Wrestling Syndicate

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Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
DWS - Dominant Wrestling Syndicate



This is basically a continuation of my old BTB which originally debuted October 8th 2007 on IWF... Here are the time line of events that have occurred since then...

October 8th 2007 - Stephanie McMahon and Triple H take over the WWE, rename it DWS (Dominate Wrestling Syndicate)

December 1st, 2007 - After only 2 shows in two months, DWS collapses financially and files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. It was later revealed that in-house fighting and attempts at internal sabotage by holdovers from the WWE era ultimately led to the companies demise.

December 15, 2007 - Admidst financial turmoil and other mounting pressures, Stephanie McMahon annouces her resignation as Chairwoman
and president of the DWS effective immediately

December 28, 2007 - An annonymous finacial lender steps forward and provides the necessary finacial backing to breathe new life into the DWS. Rumor has it that the annonoymous source has close ties to TNA and as such is able to convince much of its talent to sign with DWS

December 31, 2007 - The 1st annual Kamikaze Strike scheduled for New Years Eve is cancelled due to lack of publicity

January 13, 2008 - Ms. Brooks is named new chairwoman, President, GM and overall figurehead of the DWS.

Febuary 1, 2008 - Under New management...new booking DWS performs its first real live performance in Winnepeg








Festus (No Picture Shown)

William Regal (No Picture Shown)

Rob Van Dam (No Picture Shown)

Kofi Kingston (No Picture Shown)

Chris Jericho (No Picture Shown)

Haight (No Picture Shown)

Rellik (No Picture Shown)








Dee-Lo Brown & X-Pac (No Picture)

Steiner Brothers (No Picture)

Team 3D (No Picture)


Awsome KONG - Champion

Gail Kim




Katie Lea

Beth Phoenix

Roxxi Laveaux


DWS World Heavyweight Champion - Triple H

DWS Intercontinental Champion - Christian Cage

DWS World Tag Team Champions - Team 3D

DWS Confederates Champion - Stone Cold Steve Austin

DWS HardCore Champion - Big Daddy V

DWS Womens Champion - Awsome KONG


Michael Cole

John Bradshaw Layfield


Don West


Todd Grisham




Nick Patrick

Earl Hebner

Mike Chioda

Mickie Henson

Ring Announcers

Lillian Garcia

David Penzer


Friday Nights Fatal Invasion - 10pm/EST


Galactic Disaster PPV Friday April 25th, 2008 Denver, CO - Pepsi Center

Summer Slam PPV - August 8th, 2008 Death Valley (Live From The Dunes of Death Valley) (Outdoor Event)


(All shows time and date most definitely subject to change)

Fri - 2/1 - FI - Winnepeg, Man - MTS Centre
Fri - 2/8 - FI - Edmonton, Alb - Rexall Place
Fri - 2/15 - FI - Vancouver BC - General Motors Place
Fri - 2/22 - FI - Seattle, WA - Key Arena
Fri - 2/29 - FI - Boisie,ID - Qwest Arena (sv)
Fri - 3/7 - FI - Portland, OR - Rose Garden Arena
Fri - 3/14 - FI - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena
Fri - 3/21 - FI - Los Angeles, CA - Staples Center
Fri - 3/28 - FI - San Diego, CA - Cox Arena
Fri - 4/4 - FI - Phoenix, AZ - US Airways Center
Fri - 4/11 - FI - Las Vegas, NV - MGM Grand Garden Arena
Fri - 4/18 - FI - Salt Lake City, UT - Energy Solutions Arena
Fri - 4/25 - GD PPV - Denver, CO - Pepsi Center
Fri - 5/2 - FI - Casper, WY - Casper Events Center - (sv)
Fri - 5/9 - FI - Omaha, NE - Omaha Civic Auditorium (sv)
Fri - 5/16 - FI - Brookings,SD - Frost Arena (sv)
Fri - 5/23 - FI - Minneapolis, Minn - Target Center
Fri - 5/30 - FI - Milwaukee, WI - Bradley Center
Fri - 6/6 - FI - St. Louis, MO - Scottrade Center
Fri - 6/13 - FI - Chicago, ILL - United Center
Fri - 6/20 - FI - Detroit, MI - The Palace of Auburn Hills
Fri - 6/27 - FI - Charleston, WV - Charleston West Virginia
Fri - 7/4 - FI - Philadelphia, PA (Special 3 Hour Event) Comcast Arena
Fri - 7/11 - FI - Washington D.C. - Verizon Center
Fri - 7/18 - FI - New York City - Madison Square Garden
Fri - 7/25 - FI - Hartford, CT - Hartford Civic Center
Fri - 8-8-8 - Summer Slam PPV - Death Valley (Live From The Dunes of Death Valley) (Outdoor Event)

CT Styles

This looks good. Good Backstory good rosters, little surprised to see Rhodes/Cena as a tag team but It should be good. Anyway, expect a review, good luck.

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Very interesting tag team pairings and a great roster. I like the updates that you have. Ms. Brooks as the President? Interesting. I'm really looking forward to your first show. Feel free to check out The Commencement if you like...

Gards Jr.

Active Member
Oct 21, 2007
Reaction score
Nice, Very nice. MS. Brooks as GM. Looking forward to this and great wrestlers and I love the graphics you made or did somebody else make them.


Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL

Who: DWS
What: Friday Night's Fatal Invasion
When: Friday Febuary 1, 2008 10pm EST
Where: Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada - MTS Centre

DARK MATCH (Viewable To IWF Audience Only!)
Kofi Kingston vs. Sandman


Ladies and Gentlemen! The folling is a dark match and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Philadelphia Pennsylvania weighing 244 pounds....SANDMAN!!!!!

Sandman walks directly out with stick in hand and walks directly to the ring.


....and his opponent from Jamaca....weighing 225 pounds...KOFI

Kingston stands at the top of the ramp for a second and surveys the crowd. He then walks towards the ring and claps the hands of all the fans. He walks all the way around the ring clapping hands. At one point he
leans back into the crowd and a female fan gives him a hug. He then then jumps up top of the barricade and begins to raise his hands up in attempt to get the crowd to make some noise. Finally he slides into the ring underneath the bottom rope.


Kingston is very lively. He jumps up and down while moving each leg back forth a few times. He takes his right arm and swings it around forward to back in a circular motion. Both men now begin to circle the ring looking for
the chance to lock up. Kingston raises his right arm and tries to test the strength of Sandman. Both men now test strength. Sandman wants to do a test of strength with both hands, but Kingston keeps avoiding him by backing his left shoulder away. This goes on for about 3 times before Sandman finally has enough and kicks him right in the midsection. Sandman takes control and tries to Irish whip Kingston, but Kingston reverses this and sends Sandman off the ropes from the far side. Sandman ducks a clothesline attempt on the first pass. On the second pass, Sandman slides underneath Kingston and between the legs. Sandman's back is turned towards Kingston and as he turns around to face him, he catches a hard spinning heel kick right to the jaw. Kingston is now on the offensive. He picks Sandman up and delivers 3 hard shots to the head whips him into the turnbuckles. Kingston follows up with a splash attempt. Sandman gets out of the way in time, but Kingston leaps right up onto the top turnbuckles, turns around a complete 180 degrees while still maintaining his balance, leaps off the ropes and executes a missile drop kick perfectly. Now on his back, Kingston rocks backwards and flips back onto his feet (ala HBK) and doesnt miss a beat. Kingston now appears to be puppet-like as he lifts each leg up and down as he dances around Sandman he seems to be lighter than air. After a few seconds it appears as though Kingston is just toying with Sandman. He has both hands behind his back and is attempting to wrestle using only his legs. He's just showing off now. With his hands still behind his own back, Kingston does his puppet dance around Sandman. Sandman charges him once and misses him. Sandman charges him a second time and Kingston again gets out of the way. Sandman charges him a third time and Kinston falls backwards and sweeps and executes a leg takedown. Again Kingston quikly back on his feet drops the leg on top of Sandman rolls on top for the pin 1...2.. and Sandman kicks out. Kingston guides him back up...sets up and nails a side russian leg sweep. Sandman crawls his way to the corner and as Kingston comes charging in, Sandman ducks and Kingston's shoulder hits the ring post. Sandman grabs him by his feet and lets him fall face first into the mat. Sandman drags Kingston by his leg to the center of the ring. Using Kingston's leg as leverage, Sandman hits a somersault legdrop. Sandman quickly scissors the head of Kingston lifts him up using his legs and then slams him back down again. Kingston is able to break out of this and he attempts kick Sandman to the midsection, but Sandman catches the leg. Kingston then delvers an enziguri kick to the back of the head and then quickly covers for the pin 1...2.. and Sandman kicks out. Kingston guides him back up and Irish whips him to the far side. Sandman off the ropes and Kingston leap frogs him once. Sandman off the ropes on the near side and Kingston leap frogs him twice. Sandman off the ropes on the far side and Kingston swings around with a 450 degree
Crescent Kick to the side of the head Kingston covers for the win. 1...2...3!



Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner of this match...Kofi Kingston!

-- ON THE AIR --

Opening Segment 1.
Time To Play The Game

Loud bombastic explosions occur from within the MTS Centre. A camera
pans wildly from one end of the arena to the other. A sea of fans are on hand to witness the superstars of the DWS! Down at ringside Michael Cole, John Bradshaw Layfield Bradshaw, TAZ and Don West.

Michael Cole:

Welcome Everyone! Time once again for DWS Friday Night Fatal Invasion. With me as always...JBL, TAZ...

John Bradshaw Layfield:

Well grab hold of your buttcheeks with BOTH hands ladies and gentlemen
and brace yourselves! As if we didn't have enough broadcasters at this
table already, were adding one more making his DWS debut right here
tonight Mr. Don West! Don I..

Don West:

Well guys it's good to be part of the commentating team
(stands up to wave to the fans)


I don't think there gonna know who you are Don...but go ahead anyways!

(crowd cheers)


I stand corrected


Well they do indeed know who Mr West is judging by the cheers and...those cheers are excpected to intensify as the night progresses. We've got a lot of exciting matches coming your way this evening and...

Unknown intro music begins and judging by the video footage we see that it is the new president of the DWS Ms. Brooks. A huge gaggle of reporters
and papparazzi are trying to get a comment from her. She is surrounded by security personell who are keeping the reporters at bay. Ms. Brooks is
making her way to the ring at an even pace. When she gets to ringside,she gestures for her security personell to kneel down on all fours, create a human pyramid and make a stepladder for her to climb up to the ring. As she steps on the backs of her security, she unknowingly drives her heel into the backs of the bodies she steps on. Leaving the happless recipients writhing in pain.

Ms. Brooks:

Can I have your attention please?! If Everyone could quiet down... I have an announcement to make! My name is Ms. Brooks and I am the new president of the TWF. Now I...

An assistant nearby suddenly whispers something in her ear

Ms. Brooks:

(to assistant) What's that??


It's DWS...not TWF

Ms. Brooks

(off mic) Does it matter?! Don't interrupt me! (on mic, to audience) Becoming president of the DWS and aquiring such prestiege and power
has afforded me the perfect oppertunity to advance my career to unimaginable heights. Now....Being the shrewd business woman that I am however, I simply couldn't enter into a leadership role within this company without knowing a little bit about it's past... So let's examine your past
then.. shall we? By now, it is a well known fact that the former president of the DWS... Bethany McMahon finacia...

Again the assistant nearby interrupts by correcting Ms. Brooks off mic


It's Stephanie...Stephanie McMah...

Ms. Brooks:

...Stephanie McMahon financially crippled the Dominant Wrestling
Syndicate! I mean....I'm not gonna mince words with you people here.. She drove this once successful institution right into the ground! That's why I'm here right now! I'm here to clean up her mess! Now....I'm looking around this arena here tonight and I see a vast and distinguished audience.... I mean...a real distinguished group of classy individuals is what we have here...

Camera instantly focuses on a fat out of shape male picking his nose. He is wearing a blue sweat shirt with an embroidered american flag on it

Ms. Brooks:

...and I know... I KNOW... that some of you went to great lengths to be
here tonight. Some of you may have missed a day of work to be here tonight. Some of you may have missed your kids birthday to be here tonight...Hell!...Some of you may have even taken a second mortgage out on your trailer home to pay for the tickets to be here tonight I don't know! The point is ...The point is we are glad to have your mone...er... glad to have your viewership and... It is your rati...er..your loyalty that we appreciate the most. Because of this. Because of your strong loyalty and dedication to the Dominant Wrestling Syndicate, I think it's time to start coming clean! It's time for your leaders, such as myself, to start being honest with you. Now for all the Americans in attendance tonight and for those watching at home, I understand that for you people, honesty can be a foreign concept. I meanseriously... your government lies to you. Your media sources lie to you. Your teachers lie to you. Your own family even sometimes lies to you. Tonight however, We are in Canada and as we all know, As Canadiens, we don't lie. So with that knowledge in hand, it's time for a little soul-cleansing right now...time for us to unite an have a full-on, soul baring...undeniable Come-To-Jesus experience. Seriously! Let's Do This! In my hands...In my hands I have the answer to why The Dominant Wrestling Syndicate went bankrupt. Would you like to know why? Listen To This!

Ms. Brooks holds up a mini cassette recorder to the microphone. The crude sound quality from the recorder reveal a voice, presumably that of Stephanie McMahon, leaving a voicemail message to an accountant. Ms. Brooks posture is upright, she is holding the recorder to the mic and she is casually walking around the ring with an heir of superiority. She is clearly enjoying this.


(automated robot voice)

Message...Recieved..On...December...First...Six...Thirty...P...M...(Beeping Tone)


Hunter... call me when you get this...I withdrew the remaining
funds and...I...for...I don't have the...the account number. So um...just give me a call...when you get this. Thanks.

(automated robot voice)

Message...Recieved..On...December...First...Seven...0...Five...P...M...(Beeping Tone)


Hi....Me again...You need to call me as soon as you can...I've got a whole lot of money here...and no place to put it. Call me.

(automated robot voice)

Message...Recieved..On...December...First...Seven...forty...three...P...M...(Beeping Tone)


Where are you?! Call me...This is important...bye

Ms. Brooks:

(Laughing) Well...well...I think we get the point. Now I don't know about you all, but where I'm from thats called embezzlement and it's a crime. People go to jail for this type of stuff. While were on this subject, I have something else for you people...With a little help from our security team, I was able to obtain a surveillence video that hopefully shed some light on what we have all been victims to. Roll the vi...

Suddenly the assistant innterrupts Ms. Brooks and says something to her

Ms. Brooks:

(Scoffs while looking at the other assistants in the ring)

What is it with this freakin' guy?! (laughter all around) Hanging over my shoulder...Breathing down my neck. What?! What do you want now?!

Says something but he can't be heard.

Ms. Brooks:

Nobody can hear youuuu! Speak into the microphone like a man. What is your problem?!


.In the interest of all parties involved, I think disclosing certain information could be...

Ms. Brooks:

Think?! (Laughter) I don't pay you to think! Your an assistant! I pay you to be organized and to get me my coffee when I tell you to. Don't think because...well... you might hurt yourself!


Traci I'm only offering this as a precautionary measure to protect both of us.

Ms. Brooks:

Dan....please. You've got a community college education...when I want advice on business law, I'll hire an expert...No offense there chief. Now stop hanging over my shoulder and go stand in the corner untill I'm finished. Roll The FOOTAGE Please!

The assistant dutifully complies and Ms. Brooks rolls video. The black and white surveillence video shows two figures a woman and a man Another camera angle reveals the faces to be both Stephanie McMahon and Triple H, however the authenticity of the video appears to be suspect A strong contrast between Light and Dark exists between frames alluding to the belief that a montage of video sequences were patched together

Ms. Brooks:

O...Okay...Stop The Video...Stop right there I don't know What dissapoints me more right now. The fact that such acts of blatant criminal behavior go unpunished, or the fact that the the hard earned money of all the fans out there...Your Money....The money that each and every one of you spent on DWS merchandise on tickets....on pay per view events. ...all went to line the pockets of criminals. How does it feel to know that Youv'e been

Ms. Brooks points defiantly towards the TitanTron signaling the replay of the incriminating loop. It plays over and over Then she signals to stop it

Ms. Brooks:

How does it feel to know that the superstars of the DWS which you have supported, arent gonna get paid this week?! How does it feel to know there families aren't gonna get fed?!

Once again Ms. Brooks signals for the video loop to be played with an overly dramatic arm gesture suggesting a grandiosity that only a Queen
or God himself could exhibit.

The Video loops about 4 times then...

Ms. Brooks:

Ok shut it off.....SHUT THE DAMN THING OFF! Makes me sick just to look at it. I'm sorry I...I need a moment here...

Ms Brooks takes a deep breath and a step backwards. She puts her left hand on her abdomen, her right hand is raised while holding the
microphone. She appears nauseated. Another assistant approaches her to help, but she wards him off after a few more seconds of this she
resumes talking.

Ms. Brooks:

Some how...some way we will overcome this momentary setback. I am here now and as I stated earlier. I am here to clean up the mess...and it starts now. As you all Stephanie McMahon is long gone, but her
accomplice, Triple Eight's is gone too!...We will w..


(All talking at once to correct her) H!...Triple H...It's Triple H...not Triple Eight's

Ms. Brooks:

Triple H yes...Triple H has been FIRED too!

Suddenly the crowd starts cheering. Triple H is standing at the ramp before making a casual approach to the ring. He has a microphone in one hand and a gold statuette in the other

Triple H:


Triple H walks to the ring while applauding in a loose and mocking way. He walks past the paparazzi who have been camped out along ringside and who are now rising to their feet in hopes of capturing the encounter. Ms. Brooks now appears confused. She does not fully know who this is. After some ear-whispering on the part of her aides and assistants, she now knows this is, Triple H and she is shocked. She thought he had been fired months ago. Triple H is now inside of the ring and the papparazzi is
snapping away. He is still congratulatory and applauding.

Triple H:

I gotta tell ya...that was...an amazing performance...and... On behalf of everyone backstage...We would like you to have this.
(Hands her a replica of an Oscar's statuette and begins applauding again) Congratulations...You earned it

Ms Brooks:

What the hell is this?

Triple H:

Well you see it's an award you get when you deliver a really convincing acting performance...
(Takes the statue back)You know what?? Don't worry about it's....It's...an...American..thing..it's..uh (voice trails off) They're not even giving them out this year anyway(Takes the statue and throws it over his shoulder)

Ms. Brooks:

Shouldn't you be in jail right now?! What are you doing out here? What do you want?!

Triple H:

Well Sweetie....I want you to get your facts straight! How bout' we start with that! I want you to know what the hell you'r talking about before you throw accusations around. You know...You come out here...to this ring and you start shooting your mouth off about alot of things that, quite frankly, you know nothing about! It might intrest all of the fans to know that you were hired by the front office to serve as a figurehead. That's it...Nothing more. So don't stand here and lie to all of these fans. Don't stand here and pretend that you were hired for your management skills...
Fact is...DWS wanted someone who was not associted with the McMahon family...They wanted someone who could bring the TNA crowd in. That's it!..

Ms. Brooks:

Excuse me!...Excuse me sir!...Can I say something .? Can I talk now?. For your information I have management skills, I have people skills, and unlike your little girlfriend, I've actually stepped foot in a wrestling ring. Oh and one more thing...I don't steal from the companies that I work for. I know wrestling! I know the DWS! I know...

Triple H:

Oh you know the DWS huh??

Ms. Brooks:

Yes I do know the DWS!

Triple H:

Well let's put that theroy to the test then shall we. Quickly! Who's That?!

Triple H is pointing to the TitanTron. On the screen is a picture of Mark Henry whom she cannot identify

Triple H:

Too Late! Next! Who's that?! (Pointing to a picture of Finlay.
Again she cannot identify him)

Triple H:

Too Late! Next! Who's that?! (Pointing to a picture of Traci Brook's herself, whom quickly she identifies)

Triple H:

Trick Question! Next! Who's That (Pointing to a picture of Victoria and again she can't identify)

(Crowd laughs)

Triple H:

Boy..I gotta tell ya...From where I'm standing... the only person you seem to know is named Jack. Jack S(BEEP!)T!!

(Crowd cheers)

Ms. Brooks:

So this is how you planned to attack me here tonight? On my first night on the job you want to attack me by trying to discredit me by questioning my questioning my job description...my qualifications?? Fine. What can I say...You win. You win. Your right. No...I haven't even begun to meet the superstars on our roster. You wanna know why?? I've been too busy trying figure out where all money went! (sarcastically scrathes her head) Hmmm...I wonder where all the money went??

all of a sudden the TitanTron begins playing new footage of Triple H putting something into a bag and then walking off camera. Ms. Brooks pretends to act suprised in a sarcastic way by quickly turning around towards the TitanTron and placing a hand on her face in a very overly dramatic fashion

Ms. Brooks: (sarcastically)

What?...What?...Ohhh Nooo!! Where ya going with all those bags??

Another new video clip is shown and it is of Triple H and Stephanie
discussing something. At this moment, A huge group of well dressed people have beguyn to make their way down ringside. They are handing out pamphlets and conversing with audience members. They slowly begin to suround the perimeter of the ring and are pointing towards the Tron... and then pointing towards Triple H while taliing excitedly. Ms. Brooks once again begins to make God-like overly dramatic arm gestures towards the screen and then a new video montage of Triple H and Stephanie McMahon in a building handling what appears to be finances. Once again, the footage appears to not match up and looks a little suspect. What once was considered a laughable accusation by Triple H has now evolved into a more serious situation. The many people surrounding the ring trying to sway the audience has started to make The Game uncomfortable. The video has been edited to include various sound clips of voices saying words like 'Jail!' 'Wanted Fugitive' along with law enforcement imagery. This begins to anger Triple H. He now starts walking towards Ms. Brooks ordering to shut off the video.

Triple H:

Shut it down!

Ms. Brooks:

Get away from me.

Triple H:

Tell them to shut it off! (He grabs her by the collar)

Ms. Brooks:

Don't touch me

Triple H: (more forceful)

Whoever is running this thing, get them to shut it off now!

Ms. Brooks:

You don't touch me!...
(She reaches for a referee whistle that she wears around her neck and begins blowing frantically)

Within mere seconds, her security team jumps in the ring and restrains Triple H Ms. Brooks now is visibly angry as she speaks into the mic.

Ms. Brooks: (angry)

YOU WANNA PLAY GAMES HUH?!. LET'S PLAY GAMES!! It's becoming an unfortunate reality to me and everyone here that you came out to this ring because you need the focus to be on you! Your ego is that big! I mean seriously...After all the damning evidence I have presented to this everyone tonight, not only do you have the balls to actually show your face around here, BUT then you go and you physically assault me??...You put your hand's ON ME!! Honestly! Who does that?!?! The only way...The only way I can even begin to rationalize such stupidity from you is to come to the concluision that you are nothing more than an attention whore! You need the spotlight to be on you at all times...at all costs. You want attention? I'll give you some attention. I'm putting you in a match tonight against the Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin!

Triple H, still being restrained by security, smiles casually, laughs and responds with a 'who cares' reaction

Ms. Brooks:

Oh you think that's funny huh? Real big joke huh? Well yuk it up then...YUK IT UP! this ain't just another typical match No!...No way!...Not for you! No..this is a trailer park match! That's right.

Triple H's expression has now turned to confusion.

Ms. Brooks:

Oh you don't know what that is??
(pause) Good! That's exactly how I want it! I will...give you some clues however Picture this...Your...spinal column being smashed against an aluminum frame!....your entire body being hurled off a trailer roof landing 8 feet onto plywood and a bed matress. You see this!? (kneeling down knocking on the ring canvas) You see this right here!? Landing on this will be freakin' luxury compared to the pain you'll be feeling tonight!

Triple H's expression has now turned to concern.

Ms. Brooks:

What...No smiles now??...No smiles??? What happened to funny-man? You want my attention? You want the spotlight. You want to continue the oppertunity to remain relevent within the Dominant Wrestling Syndicate?? Well YOU GOT IT!! Now you march your ass back to that lockeroom, take off those street clothes, tape up....Do whatever it is you gotta do, but you bring me 100% tonight! Or your career....your career is OVER!!!...and I WILL get a 'Yes Ma'am' on that!

Ms. Brooks shoves the microphone in Triple H's face. Triple H struggles to break free from securites restraint. He moves his head around to avoid the microphone. She now brings her face in Closer to The Game.

Ms. Brooks:

Look at me! Look at Me! I WILL... GET A 'YES MA'AM' ON THAT!!....

Triple H spits directly into her face and almost instantly she responds with a closed fisted hard right hook to his face. She backs up while shaking off the pain the punch just caused while gently caressing her wrist. She
quickly leaves the ring and walks towards backstage all the while breathing heavily and looking straight ahead towards the ring. Meanwhile, the
papparazi has completely swarmed her and are taking pictures like crazy. Security tries to hold them off. In the ring, Triple H has managed to move to the center of the ring. He is fighting like mad to break free. Triple H ducks slightly into the mass of black shirts and finally emerges a crazed man. With a single defining and infinite action, he throws off all members of the security team and they land in all 4 corners of the ring. Triple H then tears off his shirt and flex's. He walks towards the direction of Ms. Brooks...put's his left foot on the bottom rope puts his right foot on the center rope leans forward and...point's his finger towards her direction while mouthing words of contempt.

Match 1.
Shelton Benjamin vs. BookerT

Michael Cole:

Well you heard it folks. DWS's brand new president Ms. Traci Brooks----she made quite an impression...in more ways than one I might add as she punched right in the face...and John I gotta ask you...What is a Trailer Park Match?


Hell if I know Michael...but from what she's describing ...Mattresses... plywood...trailer homes... I don't know what we can expect but I tell you one thing I'm dyin' to find out.


Ladies and Gentlemen! The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first making his way to the ring from Orangeburg South Carolina weighing 245 lbs...He is the Goldddd Standarddd....SHELTON BENJAMIN!!

Benjamin comes out and stands on the top of the ramp. He has is arms wide out and is talking before casually walking down to the ring.


....and his opponent....Being led to the ring by Sharmel....from Houston Texas weighing in at 253 pounds lbs....BOOKERRR TTT!!!!

BookerT and Sharmel walk down to the ring. Booker T stops occasionally to greet the fans. He immediately Jumps up on the apron and into the ring. Sharmenl stays on the floor.


Both men immediately lock up. Booker quickly transistions into a side headlock. Booker pushes Shelton to the ropes. Benjamin comes off the ropes on the near side ducks a clothesline attempt. Benjamin off the ropes on the far side and Booker catches then levels him with a sidewalk slam! Booker briefly plays to the audience with a loud "YEAH!" and then it's back to work. Booker off the ropes from the left side of your screen now, leaps over Benjamin who sets with torso to the mat. Booker comes off the ropes on the right side and Benjamin leapfrogs. Benjamin turns around to deliver a standing dropkick but Booker had hooked the the ropes on the last pass and there is nobody home! Booker T delivers four stomps to a fallen Benjamin and then goes right to work on that leg. Booker now drags Benjamin towards the corner with his legs sets up and delivers a slingshot catapult and Benjamin goes flying into the buckles. With both backs facing each other, Booker attempts some kind of crucifix but Benjamin spins out of it. Benjamin spins around behind Booker and across his back and attempts a crucifix of his own. Both men fall down and Benjamin has the pin 1... and a quick kick out by Booker. Booker T somersaults his way back up and delivers a hard kick to the midsection. Benjamin doubles over. Booker continues his attack by delivering non stop punches to the back. Benjamin now falls to one knee. Booker grabs his head with both head, raises him slightly and plants a facebuster right off his knee. Benjamin goes flying backwards. Booker T walks over to
Benjamin who is just barely standing and is using the top rope to stand up right. Booker T sweeps his legs out from underneath and now Benjamin is flat on his back. With his hands on the top rope for leverage, Booker delivers 1 STOMP!...2 STOMPS!...3 STOMPS! and the referee comes in to
break it. Booker T again comes in to deliver 1 STOMP!...2 STOMPS!...and on the third stomp, Booker T drives his boot into the neck of Benjamin. Again Booker T uses that top rope for added leverage until the referee makes him break it. Benjamin anguishes in pain for 3 seconds before rolling out of the ring. He is on his feet. Benjamin happens to land right near where Sharmel was standing. Benjamin his grabbing his neck in pain and seems to be distracted...looking at Sharmel. Sharmel gets a little nervous and begins to walk away. While Benjamin is focusing on this, it allows to Booker to blindside him. With both hands on the top rope, jumps high like he is going to do a handstand and then swings down hard bringing his feet through the bottom rope where they connect with Sheltons head. Shelton Benjamin goes flying and is now on the floor out side of the ring. The Gold Standard has decided that he's seen enough and begins walking back up the ramp towards the lockeroom. Benjamin makes a waving gesture with his hand as if to say 'Forget This...I'm outta here!' Booker catches up with
him and gets him on his feet, grabs his wrist and his neck and throws him into the steel steps. The steps come apart and Benjamin is against them. Booker T guides Benjamin back up and throws him back into the ring.
Booker T rolls into the ring and begins to continue the attack. Shelton Benjamin, from a sitting position and using both hands, manages to crawl himself backwards to a corner, luring Booker T in the process. Booker T follows. With Benjamin in a corner and no where to go, Booker T delivers a stomp but Benjamin catches his boot and with great force and throws it to the side turning Booker slightly in the process. When Booker turns his attention back to Benjamin he catches a boot in the groin. Booker doubles over and drops to one knee. Benjamin lifts his legs, scissors Booker's head and flips him completley over and right onto his back. Benjamin is quickly up on his feet and drops the leg. Again he gets up and drops the leg. Benjamin then quickly turns over and drives his shin right into the neck of a fallen Booker and continues to put pressure on it while holding the ropes until the referee comes in to make him break it. Benjamin backs off a little, throws his hands up, cocks his head, smiles and yells "YEAH!! JUST LIKE THAT BABY!...JUST LIKE THAT!!" Benjamin continues the assault by again delivering a series of stomps and again driving that shin in hard into
Bookers neck untill the referee again breaks it. Benjamin back up for three seconds and then grabs Booker by the hair, picks him up, holds him for a second, then body slams him to the mat! Again Benjamin picks Booker back up and executes a fisherman's suplex and holds it for the pin. 1...2.... and Booker kicks out! Benjamin now bringing Booker back onto his feet then delivers a hard short clothesline. Benjamin quickly on top, hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2... and a kickout by Booker. Benjamin guides Booker back up and Irish whips him to the far side. Booker comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline attempt. Booker off the ropes on the near side and Benjamin leapfrogs over. Booker off the ropes from the far side, puts up a huge boot and Benjamin completely eats it! Suddenly it hits Booker T. He raises his arms and makes a series of chopping gestures and then a 'sweep away' motion as if to say...'IT'S OVER' The crowd is going crazy. They know what's coming next. Benjamin, down on one knee, with head down is slow to get up. Booker T off the ropes from the far side lifts each one...two...and then...Nails him with a scissors kick! GOOD NIGHT! Benjamin just drops like a tree in a forest and Booker hooks the leg for the pin and the fans count in unison One!...Two!...Three!



Ladies and gentlemen...the winner of the match....BOOKERRR TTTTTTT!!!!!!!!

Segment 2.
The Cena Resurgence

Opening shot of a weight room. John Cena is on his back lifting weights. (crowd cheers) Suddenly Cody Rhodes appears on camera he tries to communicate with Cena who is listening to his iPod and is heavily involved with his workout



No Response


(louder) John!

Still No Response. Rhodes cups his hands over his mouth and yells to get Cena's attention who can't hear him.



Finally Cena hears him..but with weight bar still in hands, turns only slightly to acknowledge him


OOF!...Wha..?? Oh hey man...OOF!...Whats up??...OOF!


Not much. I..uh... just wanted to talk to you about t...


OOF! Spot me up top bro!!!


(confused) Huh?


The bar...The bar...man! Grab the bar! Spot me!


Oh...sorry...(Helps spot Cena who is now finished)

John Cena sit's upright on weight bench. He takes off the iPod and grabs
a nearby towel and wipes his face down. He then takes each arm and stretches it behind his shoulder. After he is finshed he takes one long look admiring his muscles


John...I wanted to...


Check out that tricep.

Rhodes: (confused)


Cena: (flexing)

The way I can make...it...ripple


That's...That's very impressive. Listen John...I wanted to go over a few things about our future matches together. I ...I'm just wondering if you've given any thought to a game plan. You know like a strategy?




Because I was thinking John...you know...I...well..we lost our last two matches and it just seems to be that we could be doing a whole lot better...


Listen Cody...


Take Cryme Tyme for example. We had them guys beat! If it wern't for all of their crew distracting us from out side the ring. I'd a pinned them 1-2-3! An last week...our match against Team 3D?? Well it seemed your head just wasn't in the game man and before you know..One of them guys threw you right through a table! So this week...this week I'm thinkin' we need to clear our heads of all distractions an this week...we need to focus on how to...


Cody listen bro. It's over'




Yeah man this whole tag partner experiment we had going on? It's over!


Over? Nah man we are a team...


Cody! Listen to me man! There never was a team!


What are you talking about?


I'm saying we were never a team. We were paired together for the amusement of a cold vindictive bitch who never wanted me to succeed.... She wanted to see me suffer by creating this ridiculous tag team....no offense.


but I...


Cody...think about it man. I'm John Cena. The same John Cena who held a WWE world heavyweight championship....and you...well....your just... you! I mean..I'm not trying to bring you down or anything but bro c'mon! Me and you...we ain't even in the same league....and now...now that
Stephanie McMahon is out of the picture I will rise to the top of this company once again. Just as it was always meant to be! Now if you'll excuse me, I am on my way to meet Ms. Brooks where I will once again get my oppertunity at another title shot. Oh and by the way Cody...I realize that you don't understand a lot of what's happening here...I mean after all you were a victim in all of this...just as much as I was bro..Iwant you to know that. One day though, when it comes time to earn a championship title of your own, remember this day and this experience

John Cena had his arm around Cody all while talking to him and as he leaves, he lightly shoves the water bottle he had been drinking from as if to say 'here take this' Cody watches John walk away and then stares in another direction. He looks to be concentrating on his thoughts as he nonchalantly takes a drink from the water bottle. He quickly discovers that the bottle is completly empty and yet still he holds the bottle upside down, looks underneath and then throws it down in disgust while walking away.

Match 2.
Haight vs. Festus - (Biscuits And Gravy Match)

Two clothed tables sit on opposite corners of the ring. On each of the tables are One bucket of an assortment of 8-pieces of fried chicken. One 20 ounce cup of gravy. One biscuit and one 24 ounce cup of soda.


Ladies and Gentlemen! May I have your attention please?! The following contest is a Biscuts and Gravy match. The first wrestler to FEED his opponent the prepared biscuts and gravy dinner will be declared the winner. Introducing first from Cumberland Maryland...weighing 330 pounds ...being accompanied to the ring by Matt Striker..... FES-TUS!!!!!!

After a slight delay, Festus stumbles out from behind the entrance. He scratches his head looking perplexed and just stands there for what seems to be about a full 10 seconds. He is wearing a white oversized bib with a cartoon chicken on it. Festus seems confused as what to do, so he starts heading back into the lockerroom. Finally Matt Striker appears from out of the back and with his right hand grabs Festus's bicep and with his left hand , points at him in the face and says something. Then he points towards the ring. It appears as though Matt Striker is instructing Festus as to what to do. Once it appears as though as everyone is on the same page, both men proceed towards the ring...but then Festus stops again and appears to be stubborn, so Matt Striker, once again points to Festus and then the ring and instructs him. Both men finally walk towards the ring. Matt Striker straightens his suit and carries on, acting as though the misunderstanding never happened. Once in the ring, Festus begins picking at the food and Striker slaps his hand, points in his face and says..."Listen To Me!...Listen To Me!... Your not listening to me now!!...Okay?!"


...and his opponent...Weighing 225 pounds....from New Britain Connecticut ....HE IS THE SUBJECT........HHAAIIGGHHHTTTT!!!!!!!!!

Subject is all business and wastes no time getting to the ring. He wears a black wool hat which covers his eyes. A gray security guards shirt with white lettering on a black patch that reads 'Haight Security'. Dark Brown Slacks. Black Boots. His shirt is untucked and appears unshaven and disheveled. Subject walks towards the ring and he too is wearing the white oversized bib with a cartoon chicken on it. He walks towards the ring and looks towards Festus and Matt Striker who are the ring. Striker is taunting The Subject and is pointing at him. Subject threatens him and as he goes to point at him, get's his finger caught in the bib. This angers Subject and he rips the bib completly off and throws it away. Both wrestlers now in the ring.


Festus Transforms and The Subject doesn't see this coming so he's altered his strategy a little bit. He now is trying to keep a considerable distance away from the big man untill he can figure out the best approach to take. Festus lunges towards The Subject who is a little bit more agile and is able to get away. Festus lunges towards The Subject a second time and again The Subject is able to get away. Subject is backed into a corner now and when Festus lunges a third time, Subject throws the cup of soda right into his face. Festus is momentarily blinded as Subject takes advantage of the situation. Subject hits him with a knife edge chop Once! Twice! Three Times...and it's having absolutely no effect. Festus just stands there taking the chops until he brings his big arm across the back of The Subject driving right into the mat. Festus picks him up again and brings that big arm across the back of Subject once more sending right into the ground. With both hands, Festus reaches down, pulls the hat Subject is wearing right off, and yanks him up by his hair. Festus picks him up and airplane spin tosses him down to the canvasFestus follows up by again picking The Subject up by his hair and this time tossing him into the corner of the ring by his hair. Festus has Subject in a vacant corner and he is pressing his giant boot against Subject's face. Matt Striker now appears and he is holding a piece of Chicken in a napkin and is instructing Festus to 'Feed Him!" Festus takes it to his own mouth. He want's to eat it. Striker is now on the apron shouting at Festus and waving his arms and pointing wildly:


(pointing to Subject) HIM!!!...YES!...FEED (pointing to Subject)HIM!!! NOT YOU!!!..(pointing to Subject).HIM!!!

Subject hears the shouting and attempts to knock Striker off the apron but he gets out of the way in time. Festus isn't really sure what he is supposed to do with the chicken if not eat it, so he just let's it drop and now theres a lone chicken drum just sitting there right in the corner of the ring. The Subject has rolled out of the, but is on the apron. Festus comes towards the direction and Subject just grabs his head,jumps to the floor and hangs Festus's neck right off the top rope. Festus goes staggering backwards and Subject quickly slides back in the ring. He stands up and starts going to work on the right leg of Festus by kicking it. Once...and again...and again... and again. Subject gets behind Festus and dropkicks him in the back. Festus now begins to lean over to one side and Subject siezes the oppertunity. Subject actually picks Festus up just barely...looking like he's about to go for a back breaker, Subject instead musters up the strength to throw Festus towards the table. Festus falls short of the mark...and instead of landing ON the table, he falls in front the table knocking out the two front legs so that the table and all of the food that was on it is now on top of him. Festus is now positioned sideways in the corner, tangled up in the table cloth and covered in various food items. He also has a table on top of him laying at an angle. Subject begins running, jumps and lands on the table with Festus underneath...similar to a bronco buster type move. Subject picks up the broken table top and starts slamming it against Festus then throws it away and begins to guide him on his feet. Festus is wobbily getting up and appears unsteady and just as he seems to balance himself, Subject delivers a low drop kick and Festus falls back down again. Festus is against the ropes starting to get up. From off the ropes on the near side Subject comes running full speed towards Festus. Festus pulls down the top rope in trying to get, and inadvertantly sends Subject over the top and out of the ring. Festus follows him out and immediately delivers 3 stomps to his head. Festus quickly picks him up by the neck and throws him against the barricade. Matt Striker rushes over with a bucket of chicken and gravy in hand. He looks over at the referee to see if he's watching. He is and Striker positions Festus in front to block his view. Striker attempts to insert the chicken into the mouth of Subject. Subject struggles and resists as best he can but Striker is persistant.


(tries to feed him chicken)...EAT IT!.....EAT IT!

As Matt Striker looks towards the ref, Subject takes the oppertunity and slams the Chicken and Gravy down on the ground spilling it every where.
Festus picks Subject up by the neck and drags him a short distance and just throws him hard against the ring post. Subject drops to his knees. Striker begins to follow and starts to run but slips unexpectedly on the gravy and hits the floor. He falls right in the mess and is absolutely livid. He removes his Suit Jacket, rolls up his sleeves and begins to wipe himself down with a handkerchief. Meanwhile Subject and Festus are exchanging blows
[STIFF!] Subject goes to punch him, swings and misses. Festus is able to pick him up and atomic drop him right into the steel steps. Subject recovers quickly and comes charging Festus. Festus ducks and back body drops The Subject who nearly lands on Striker who was try to get up...and now he is back down again. This time Striker is really mad and he is just throwing food everywhere in every direction. With his fists clenched he shouts at the top of his lungs 'FFEEDDD HIMM!!!!!!!' Striker begins throwing food on Subject. Festus stands over Subject who is flat on his back.Festus puts one foot on either side of The Subject so that he cannot move and then pours some gravy into his mouth and then shoves a biscuit into his mouth



Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner of this match.... FES-TUS!

Segment 3.
Monster In The Freezer

Camera shot of an employee break room. Sitting at a table with his feet up and talking on a cell phone is PAC-MAN Jones. Suddenly PAC-MAN sees his old friend from Atlanta walk through the door. His name is Witchita. He is a black man wearing an Atlanta Falcons Jersey and sweat pants. He has a hair pick in his hair and is carrying a duffle bag over his shoulder. He appears disheveled and unkempt.


Awwwwwwwwwwyyyyyeeeaahhhhhhh!!!!!! There he is....there he is...


How you is Dawg?


So whats all dis' S(BEEP!)t you been talkin'... how you wanna be a wrestler?


Iss true. Iss all true man


Fo' real?


Hell yeahh! Gonna be a superstar! A Superstar wit da super moves!


You got super moves?


I got moves man...maybe they ain't so super tho'...I don' know!


Let me see some of yo' moves

Witchita scans the room and spots a life size promotional cardboard cut out of former Boston Celtics Forward Kevin McHale promoting the 'Milk does a body good' ad campaign from the 1980's. The cut out is old and faded but it helps demonstrate some of his wrestling prowess...


Only problem is...I ain't got no one to train wit...


Well le'ts go n(BEEP!)a! Show me dem' moves!!


Aight..Dis here's my finisha. See...I grab da guy 'round th' neck like dis here...




Then I lean him all da' way back her like dis' hur...




...an jus' as he startin' to get up...???


Whut?...Whut you do then?


I come down hard wit' da' elbow 'POW!'

PAC-MAN: (sitting back down at the table)

Oh man!...Dat's...dat's some pretty good moves right there'

Witchita: (Sit's down at the table)

Man...I got so many of dem...but it's like...it's like...I need some way to test them out on actual people. Know whut I'm sayin'? I need a place I can train...and someone to train wit'...


So whatchyoo sayin'?






I...Now you gone make me say it now....Aint'tchya??...Yeah...




Yeah...You gone make me say it now huh?...Yeah...




Get all...down on my knees here an' start beggin' yo ass...I see...


You want me to train you then...Iss that it?

Witchita makes a series of gestures and expressions that say 'Well..duh'

PAC-MAN: (laughs)

Aight man...I train you...

Witchita: (appears to have a sense of relief)

Aw man that's...cuz man It's...I wanna be...


Stop talkin' man...I says I train you...thas it then...I train you.

Jones get's out of his chair and starts walking towards the walk-in freezer located in the back of the room


I gone git me sumthin to eat. You hungry?


Nah...man. I'm straight...


Well thas' good then...Cuz we aint got no food here anyways


Well whut th' f(BEEP!)k you axe me fo' then?


All we got's 'round here iss a buncha frozen s(BEEP!)t. But I got's ta have my pre-match Ice Cream. Kno whut I'm sayin'?


Sheeeeet! You all got ice cream in there?


(BEEP!)a...we gots every kind of ice cream you can think of in here We Got's....We Got's da Ice Cream Sandwich




Got's....Got's...da strawberry cake




Gots....Gots...dat big ass Oreo cookie thang...




Man I'm tellin' you! We got every muthaf(BEEP!)in' kind of ice cream up in here. Fo' real! Now whatchyoo want?!


Whats da kind you push on? You push up...You know....Th' push kind??!


Th' push kind? WTF you talkin' bout?!?!


Nah man...the push...pop thing...th' kind where you push...








Yeah but what's th' name?....Cuz I don't want NO sherbert kind...I want th' cream kind


Well I jus' get whateva we got then...


Nah but what's th' name DAWG!?....Iss like...Pop....rocks....or sumthin' (struggling to remember) Pop...Pop...




Nah man....ain't no POP ROCKS!


I jus' get whateva is in there man!




Rocket Pops?

(Claps hands together)



Iss that what you talkin' bout?! Iss that what you mea...?






PAC-MAN makes his way towards the walk-in Freezer. It is a freezer that is used by the catering crew. As he opens the door, he finds that the entrance is blocked by a carousel type device. On the top of this device hangs large pieces of meat. On the bottom are boxes of various frozen foods. PAC-MAN begins to move the carousel from left to right in hopes of finding a box of Ice cream. Nothing, however, could prepare him for what he is about to witness next. He begins moving the meat from left to right, all the while his head is turned towards Witchita as he is talking to him. As he turns back towards the freezer, he now finds himself face to face with a huge body hanging from a meat hook. It is Snitsky. His body is slumped over and is hanging by the meat hook using a harness he is wearing. He is completely blue. Iceicles have formed all over his face and he appears to be motionless looking right at PAC-MAN. PAC-MAN's initial fear stems from the possibility that he is looking at a corpse, when he finds out that the body is not dead and in fact very much alive, his fear is compounded even
further. Immediately after the discovery, Snitsky's arm bolt's outright and he grabs hold of PAC-MAN'S SHIRT



(To Witchita)

RUN! MAN...RUN!!! GO!...GO!...GO!

Witchita: (confused)




Witchita finally notices Snitsky and nearly drops a deuce inside his shorts. He is frozen with fear and can't move. This allows Snitsky enough time to come off the hook and bumble and stumble his way out of the freezer right towards Witchita.Snitsky catches up with him, picks him up off the ground with one hand and throws him face first right into a fire extinguisher case which, ironically enough reads 'In Case Of Emergency Break Glass' The extinguisher falls out of the case and riccochet's off the the cinder wall landing right in the center of the hallway. PAC-MAN picks up the extinguisher and starts spraying the stuff all over the place this allows Witchita to break free and he and PAC-MAN run for their lives all the way down the long corridor. After a considerable distance they stop in front of a glass partition which looks into an adjacent hallway.They both are slumped over trying to catch their breath. PAC-MAN now appears more serious than before as he begins to instruct Witchita.




I saw that man....




Nah..I know man....I know...




I saw it man...I know.


Listen man...If I'm gonna train you, I need ta' kno' that you serious bout' this...


I...I am


No man...I need to know that you serious...that you can listen to what I tell you....I need to know that you won't just quit on this when things get too crazy...like dis' here.


Man I can...I can do it...


Don' make me go talk to Brooks now an' axe her ta put you in a match...only ta fine outchyoo too scared to do it!


Man I ain't scared...I said I do it!


Man you gonna be facin' some crazy guys around..Animals like..like BATISTA!
(crowd cheers) and guys like...like TRIPLE H! (crowd cheers)


I feel ya' man....and I...I gone take all dis serious...I swear!



Alright man....right here then
(both bump fists)

Just as both men appear to let their guard down, Snitsky suddenly appears behind the glass partition. He is just standing there still pointing directly at them. His mouth is open slightly...He is still frozen and breathing heavily. PAC-MAN and Witchita run off camera, but the camera stays fixed on Snitsky who still is pointing directly at the camera. The camera slowly recedes backwards down the long hallway. Snitsky appears to be in a zombie-like state...still pointing. His head now cocked only slightly... He appears to be a lost soul fading slowly into the annals of time.

Match 3.
LAX vs. X-Pac/D Lo Brown


The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first...
from Minneapolis Minnesota...weighing 212 pounds...X-PAC!!!!

X-PAC runs to the ring clapping fans hands along the way


and introducing his tag team partner...from Chicago Illinois...weighing 278 pounds... D'LO BROWN!!!!!

D'lo walks down to ring


...and their opponents. Making their way to the ring at a combined weight of 515 pounds...representing the Latin American Exchange....Homicide and Hernandez....LAX!!!!


Homicide in the ring to face off against X-pac. A quick lock-up and then Homicide delivers an arm drag takedown. X-pac back on his feet and another arm drag and again X-pac back on his feet. Homicide then delivers a hard clothes line. Homicide picks X-pac up and then makes the tag to Hernandez. Double Irish whip...X-pac off the ropes and ducks a double clothesline attempt comes off the ropes from the near side and clothesline both men. X-pac quickly makes a tag to D'lo. D'Lo Brown runs over and
drops the elbow on Hernandez. He then stands up and guides Hernandez back up. D'Lo Irish whips Hernandez who reverses it. D'Lo off the ropes and ducks a clothes line attempt. D'Lo off the ropes on the near side and catches a corkscrew elbow from Hernandez right to the face. Hernandez on the offensive now delivers three viscious knife edge chops to the sternum while backing him to the their corner. As the referee looks away, Homicide holds D'Lo in the corner while Hernandez, the legal man, delivers more punches. X-PAC comes out to contest which only prolongs the punishment. The tag is made and now Homicide is in delivering more knife edge chops. Homicide hooks D'Lo under the arms and executes a suplex. Homicide drops the leg and then goes for the pin. 1...2... and a kickout by D'Lo. Homicide makes a tag to Hernadez who makes his way to the top rope and delivers a splash....he attempts a pinfall 1...2... and a kickout by Brown. Hernandez guides Brown back up and then quickly delivers a snap mare. Hernandez delivers a hard boot to the back of the neck. Homicide attempts to get into the ring and the referee goes over to stop him. While the ref is focused on this, D'Lo Brown takes the oppertunity to deliver a low blow to Hernandez by kicking him in the groin. D'Lo brings him to his corner. He makes the tag to X-Pac. Both men double Irish whip Hernandez to the ropes and deliver a double back body drop. X-Pac, who is now the legal man in the ring, makes his way to the top ropes. He leaps from the top delivering the splash. X-pac covers for the pin 1...2... and a kickout. X-Pac guides Hernandez to his feet and Irish whips him to the far side. X-Pac delivers a reverse spinning heel kick and Hernandez ducks this. Hernadez immediately kicks X-Pac to the midsection and then applies a swinging neck breaker. Hernandez for the the pin 1...2... Suddenly D'Lo comes in for the save and Homicide then enters and delivers a vicious boot to the head. All four men in the ring now delivering various blows.Homicide grabs D'lo by the neck and throws him over the top rope and out of the ring. Homicide then backs up, gets a running start and then suicide dive's himself right through the ropes onto D'lo. Meanwhile, X-pac turns his attention away for just a second to look at what's going on outside the ring. Big mistake! From behind, Hernandez quickly hooks the arms of X-pac, hoists him up and delivers the gringo killer. Hernadez hooks the legs for the pinfall 1..2..3!



Ladies and Gentlemen the winners of this match by pinfall...Homicide and Hernandez...L-A-X!!

Segment 4.
No Smoking!

Camera shot of The Subject in a lounge sitting in a chair...reclining backwards against a wall. His arms are folded. He's got a black wool hat pulled down over his eyes in an effort to rest up a little. All of a sudden two fans come running right by and stop immediately upon seeing the wrestler. They are a young couple approximately 21 years of age who made the trip from Portland to see the DWS superstars in action...and have somehow found their way backstage This is their first encounter
with a real live wrestler.


Wow! You're that...guy...Wait a minute...give me a second I know who you are.. (struggling to think)


Josh is it??...We..
(extends hand outwards to meet wrestler)


Haight...actually...My name is Haight

Subject extends hand outwards and shakes both of their hands. The young couple seem really nice and pleasant to talk with they exude a rare innocence that is not easy to find in people today. They are both die-hard who plan to follow the DWS all over the country.

Woman: (apologetic)

Ooh I'm sorr-eee. I knew that... I knew that...


It's cool...It's cool....don't worry about it. So...you guys want me to....sign something or...?

Both fans are intrested at the prospect of getting an autograph, however they did not plan for this and so they came unprepared. There is a slight pause and the man looks around for something that The Subject can sign.


How bout' right on your shirt there...?


That...That's fine


Make it out to...?


What's that?


What's your name?


Oh! It's Tim.

Subject: (writing on the shirt)

So...uh....Portland huh? You guys gonna catch us at the Garden?? We're coming that way in about another month or so...I don't have the actual date...


Oh definitely man...we'll be there

As The Subject turns towards the woman to sign her shirt, the man nonchalantly pulls out a cigarette that he had been holding from behind his ear. He proceeds to light it up and take a drag. The Subject turn's his attention towards him


Hey man. This is a smoke-free environment back here.


I gotcha....I gotcha...

The man seems to be swayed by the inertia of a mellow vibe that seemed to surround everyone. So much so that either he didn't hear The Subject's warning or wasn't convinced of the seriousness about what was said. Either way, he completely ignores The Subject and continues puffing away.

(louder voice)

Did you hear what I said MAN?! Read The Sign! (points to No Smoking sign)


ah man...I'ts been...like an hour since my last smoke and I'm just... nic-fitting like crazy right now. Let me get like...two puffs and I'll put it right out. Seriously..I'll do it really quick...real...

The Subject now stands up. He is all business.


Okay sir put the cigarette out and get up against the wall!

Man: (confused)

What?..What are you d...??

Subject spins the man around face first and shoves him up against the wall. With his left hand behind the man's neck, Subject uses his right hand to pat him down.


Do you have any kind of weapons on you Sir?!


What?!?! No!!


Any drugs??...

Woman: (upset)

Stop It!! This is Crazy!!


No syringes???....Nothing I can prick myself on???


Wha...???! NO!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!


Okay. Put your hands behind your back for me sir!



By this time, a crowd of about five people have begun to form. The woman tries to get one of them to help her, but they are all low level staffers and are afraid to get involved. The woman decides to run down the hallway in an attempt to find someone who can help. The man does his best to break free, as Subject attempts to cuff him.


Don't resist...Do not resi...PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK!!


Ggmph!!...aaahhhhhhhh!!!!...LET GO OF ME!!!





The woman has now returned to the scene and along with her is none other than Ms. Brooks. She is accompanied by a few assistants and one legitmate security guy. They are all holding two way radios and communicating on them.

Ms. Brooks:




Ms. Brooks:




Ms. Brooks:




Ms. Brooks:


Subject begins to walk away. As he walks by Ms. Brooks, she begins to slap him hard against the back about 3 or 4 times. Subject is being scolded in the same way a disobiedient dog would be by his master.

Ms. Brooks:


Subject stops to confront her, but she wards him off

Ms. Brooks:


Subject finally walks towards the exits. He punches the side of a vending machine on his way out



Match 4.

Awesome KONG vs. Victoria


Well Folk's...We here at DWS would like to take this oppertunity right now to welcome two brand new audiences. Both FiveStar and Xtreme have joined the fold at the beginning of the new year and we appreciate and look forward to their viewership and continued support through 2008 and beyond. Coming up next we've got womens competition...Victoria up against Awsome KONG and Don I gotta ask you...Coming from the TNA... certainly you must have some insight as to what we can excpect from this Mammoth Mammilian Monstosity they call Awesome KONG.


Oh Absolutley! Awsome KONG personifies all...


Big Beastly Behemoth...

(Awkward Pause)


um...Yeah... Awsome KONG personifies all the characteristics of being the most dominant woman wrestler...not just here in the DWS, but anywhere in the world




I wouldn't lie to you guy.



Ladies and gentlemen! The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first...In the ring from Los Angeles California.....VICTORIA!!!

...and her opponent...being accompanied to the ring by Raisha Saieed...She is the DWS Womens Champion.....AAAWWWWSSSSOOOOMMMMMEEEEEE KKKOOONNNGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

KONG walks down the aisle with Saieed. KONG stops in front of the ring and points to Victoria in the ring. She beats her fists a couple of times and then climbs to the ring.

Both women in the ring now. Victoria is taunting KONG by telling her to 'Come On!' Both women come closer looking at each other and finally
Victoria starts delivering a series of Knife Edge chops to the chest of KONG but they are having NO effect whatsoever. As Victoria goes for her fifth chop, KONG grabs her hand and quickly reverses her position and this time it's Victoria who is up against the ropes. Now KONG starts to deliver some chops of her own. KONG then backs up to get a running start and then she charges towards her opponent, but Victoria is able to just slide down towards the mat and KONG is unable to hit her mark. KONG now turns around and stands directly over a fallen Victoria while straddling her body. KONG turns to Saieed who says something and then she just lowers the boom! KONG delviers a crushing blow to the chest of Victoria by landing all of her weight by sitting on her. She stands and she is going for it AGAIN! KONG again drops down to a sitting position landing right on top of Victoria. KONG now looks into the camera while making faces. KONG gets back up and attempts to guide Victoria onto her feet but she can't even stand up so KONG picks her up and racks her. With Victoria over her shoulders , KONG begins to squeeze and apply pressure to the frame. After a few moments of this, KONG drops down hard to one knee...delivering a back breaker to Victoria and letting her fall to the mat. KONG stands up now while attempting to guide Victoria. KONG sets up for a sitout powerbomb and executes a Awsome Bomb! KONG covers for the win 1...2...3!



Ladies and Gentlemen....The winner of this match...and still DWS Womens Champion...AWE-SOME KONG!!!!

Segment 5.
Kofi Kingston Botched Promo

Camera shot on an obviously fake carribean Island Studio movie set. Fake Plastic Palm tress, Fake ocean back ground. Camera pans from left to right. We see children playing in the sand and running around. We see people volleying a beach ball. We hear the sounds of laughter and Reggae music. Camera keeps panning left to right until a tiki bar is in view.Camera quickly snaps back and focuses on a man sitting at the bar..facing towards us. His head is down and he is wearing a big straw hat to conceal his identity. Suddenly he lifts his head and we see that it is Kofi Kingston.

Kingston: (In Jamacan Accent)

Propper island ettiqutte dictate... Pooot Litter eeen eeets place Mon..!
Preserve our nat-ral resources an help kkkeeep Jamaca beautiful by disposing of your trash in da propper receptacle.

Camera pans further right where we see a tourist couple sitting at the bar. They are drinking beer and becoming unruly and bothersome. They are belching loudly and throwing Red Stripe bottles and other assorted garbage on the ground. Kingston lifts a plastic trash can up to bar level in front of the tourists.


Yo Mon! Pooot Litter eeeen it's place MON!

The male tourist who appears intoxicated violently knocks the plastic can out of the hands and to the ground He stands up and becomes confrontational.


What you gotta problem buddy?...Huh!? Look at me man...I'm right here! What's your problem bro?!

(Looks back towards camera and says...)

(sighs) Uh-Oh. Looka like there be a little trouble eeen paradise.

Various shots of beachgoers with shocked reactions of what they are seeing One shot shows a boy with his hands over his face....above him is a comic book style caption of the word 'BAM!' Another shot is of a woman who has hands over her face and is turning away the caption above her reads 'POW'

Other various shots smiliar to these are displayed and then the mood transitions into a more tranquil mood. It is sunset and the sound of slow reggae plays. people are quietly talking at the tiki bar. Another person is relaxing on a hammock. As the camera pans right we see the annoying tourist tied up in a fishing net, hanging upside down from a palm tree Then we see a shot of Kingston walking towards the bar.


Ah yesss. Jus another day eeen paradise.

Suddenly from within the tiki bar, a large man emerges. We see that it is Umaga who was posing as the bartender. He takes the blender full of Daquari he was mixing and smashes it against the bartop. He takes the hat he was wearing and throws it off. He literally walks through the bar counter sending patrons fleeing...screaming for their lives. He starts destroying everything he can get his hands on...mostly all of the fake props. Finally he sets his sights on Kofi with whom he exchanges blows with. Both men are engaged in an all out brawl. Suddenly we here a director nearby yell "CUT!...CUT!" Apparently he thinks this is all part of the promo they are shooting. He gets the not-so-bright idea to try and seperate the two. With a single motion, Umaga tosses the director with one arm through the fake backdrop...tearing a whole in it.

Match 5.
Snitsky vs. PACMAN Jones


Well John we saw earlier this evening...the encounter that PAC-MAN and Witchita had with Snitsky IN THE FREEZER of all places! The question I have, and I'm sure you do too, is what was he doing in there?!


How the hell should I know what he was doing in there! Do I...?




Do I look like a damn mind reader to you?!


I just thought t...


Well see that's your problem right there Michael Cole! Your thinking again! Listen! I gave up a long time ago in trying to understand what goes on inside the mind of a man like Snitsky. Here we have an individual who claims, with no reservations whatsoever, that Pain Is His Pleasure! Now I ask you! Do you really want to get inside the head of freakshow like that?!


Wha..? No!


Do you really want to understand the mental makeup of this kind of monster?!


I would say...No!


Well alright then! Shut your mouth and don't speak of this again!



Ladies and Gentlemen! The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first making his way to the ring weighing 30l pounds from Nesquehoning Pennsylvania...SNIT-SKYYY!!!

Snitsky walks at medium pace towards the ring.


and his opponent....from Atlanta Georgia....weighing 185 pounds...PAC-MAN JONES!!!!!!!

PAC-MAN casually walks to the ring with Witchita behind him. He takes alot of time throwing his hands up and playing to the audience. He and Witchita enter the ring and PAC-MAN asks for the mic.

PAC-MAN Jones:

yo' yo' check it out y'all! I gunna take a moment right here to intro-duce to you all da' newest wrestler in da' D-W-S.....My friend...WITCHITA!!!!

there is no applause from the audience...in fact there are some boos


AIGHT...AIGHT...Now I kno' whut y'all are thinkin' right now...

Suddenly Snitsky breaks up the little party. He strikes PAC-MAN from behind as the microphone drops to the mat in the process. Witchita starts to interfere and with one swift kick to the abdomen, Snitsky sends Witchita flying backwards awkwardly through the ropes. Snitsky picks up PAC-MAN, delivers a mighty head butt and sends PAC-MAN to the mat again. As Snitsky reaches for his opponent, PAC-MAN kicks him but it really doesnt
have an effect. Snitsky picks up PAC-MAN by his dreads, hoists him off the ground and delvers a standing face buster...driving him face first into the mat. Snitsky off the ropes from the far side, stops and attempts a leg drop but PAC-MAN moves in time and there is nobody home! PAC-MAN attempts to capitalize by delivering a low drop kick...knocking Snitsky completly down. PAC-MAN...off the ropes and he does a handstand and then comes back onto his feet before completing a full 360 degree forward flip and then landing a leg drop


Dazzling display of acrobatic prowess right there...and just look at the arrogance on the part of PAC-MAN Jones right now...


Adam PAC-MAN Jones was a former NFL star...so excuse him if he feels the need to strut around like king s(BEEP!)t for a while! He's earned that right! How many figures are you pulling down a year Michael Cole?!




Don't answer that! You'll embarrass yourself! I garun-DAMN-tee you it aint' even close to what he's making!


So your saying that money equals ...talent then?? Not quite sure where you're going with all of this!


What I'm saying is that PAC-MAN Jones doesn't need this job...but you do!!


Well...I beg to...differ on that..but


While you're sitting here jockeying a broadcast booth for pocket change, PAC-MAN Jones already has millions in the bank! He' don't need to be here!! I'm tellin' ya!! This is a rich man's fantasy camp for him right now! You see the difference?!


Can we get back to the match now...please?

PAC-MAN goes for an early pinfall attempt. 1.... Snitsky presses PAC-MAN off of him and he goes flying 2 feet off the ground.Snitsky follows up by grabbing PAC-MANs tights...suspending him in the air and then dropping him. Snitsky again picking PAC-MAN up by tights repeatedly and just smashing his body into that canvas 1...2...3...4..5..6 times. Snitsky guides PAC-MAN back up and delivers an uppercut and Irish whips him to the near side. Snitsky puts up the big boot and absolutely drills him in the face! Snitsky picks him up...sets him up for a power bomb and executes! Snitsky goes for the pin. 1...2... and a kickout! Snitsky guides PAC-MAN back up and delivers a series of chops to the torso area and then Irish whips him to the far side. PAC-MAN comes off the ropes and ducks a clothesline attempt. PAC-MAN comes off the ropes from the near side and attempts a flying cross-body but Snitsky catches him in mid-air. Snitsky looks left ...then he looks right and then he begins to lift PAC-MAN and gorilla press him. With PAC-MAN extended high above, Snitsky walks towards the ropes and then turns his back towards them. Snitsky holds it for a second and then just drops PAC-MAN from a press position, right behind his back. PAC-MAN falls outside of the ring...landing right onto Witchita who wasn't paying attention. Snitsky rolls out of the ring after him. He punches PAC-MAN once...He punches him again Now PAC-MAN returns a blow of his own. The two wrestlers are now exchanging blows as they begin to move around the rings perimeter. PAC-MAN delivers a kick to the midsection and Snitsky doubles over as he turns away. With Snitsky's back facing him, PAC-MAN takes advantage of the situation by delivering a dropkick to his back. This kick forces Snitsky forward towards the timekeeper table. Both Lillian Garcia and The TimeKeeper leap out of their seats with only seconds to spare. Snitsky is now leaning up against the outter barricade. PAC-MAN has now placed a folding chair. He is going to use this chair to launch himself off the air and kick Snitsky in the head. PAC-MAN starts running,he launches himself, but Snitsky catches him in mid-air and brings him back towards the ring just narrowly avoiding a count-out. Both men in the ring now...Snitsky continues his assault on a fallen PAC-MAN by delivering a series of hard stomps to the head he then leans to the ropes and grabs the top for added leverage. The ref steps in to break it. Suddenly PAC-MAN starts fighting back as he begins kicking Snitsky in the leg in an attempt to sweep him from a laying position. PAC-MAN has now made his way back to his feet and is beginning to launch an offensive attack! PAC-MAN delivers a hard shot to the midsection of Snitsky...and as Snitsky doubles over, PAC-MAN nails him with a DDT! Suddenly Witchita has now made his way onto the ring apron and is celebrating with a very joyus PAC-MAN

PAC-MAN: (to Wichita)

I tol' you!...I tol' YOU!! Thas' How iss done!! I Go pin him right here ...Check dis out!

PAC-MAN goes for the pinfall attempt. 1...2... and Snitsky put's a foot on the ropes. Referee breaks! PAC-MAN drags Snitsky out towards the center of the ring...kicking him along the way. PAC-MAN launches himself off the ropes from the far side and splashes down on Snitsky. PAC-MAN again covers for the pin. 1...2... and a kick out by Snitsky PAC-MAN guides him back up and attempts to Irish whip him to the ropes on the FAR side ...instead, Snitsky reverses this so that now PAC-MAN is now coming towards the ropes on the NEAR side. For some reason, Witchita is still on the apron as PAC-MAN approaches and is knocked cleanly off the ring and hard against the outter barricade. Witchita has his back up against the barricade and is clenching his teeth and grimacing in great pain as he grabs his right elbow. With his left hand on the center rope and his head between the top and center ropes, PAC-MAN expresses concern for his fallen friend. Meanwhile nobody notices that Snitsky has crept silently behind PAC-MAN. Snitsky reaches between the legs of PAC-MAN, grabs the left hand that was on the center rope, pulls it back, picks PAC-MAN up high and executes a Pump-Handle Slam with perfect precision. Snitsky covers for the win 1...2...3!



Ladies and Gentlemen. The winner of this bout....SNIT-SKY!!!!!!!!!!

As PAC-MAN regains conciousness, he begins to express his displeasure towards Witchita. He believes that his lack of focus is what cost him the match.

Segment 6.
Cena's Meeting With The Boss P.1

Camera shot of a backstage access route in the MTS Centre. Ms. Brooks is talking with one of her assistants who is taking note on a clipboard. John Cena suddenly walks into view.


Traci? Traci I'm glad I found you. Listen I wanted to talk to you about some of the matches I'll be fighting in I...

Ms. Brooks seems to be preoccupied with talking with her assistant. Suddenly she gets a phone call and starts walking. She motions to Cena to wait a minute as she takes this call. Cena walks with her. Soon the phone call ends and she turns her attention to Cena.

Ms. Brooks:

What can I do for you....um...?
(struggles to remember name)

Ms. Brooks snaps her fingers and her assistant immediately runs to her side with a clipboard. She quickly scans the clipboard in an effort to match a name with a face.


It's John.

Ms. Brooks:

Okay (sighs) What can I do for you...John?


It's John...John....Cena??

Ms. Brooks (confused)

Yeah...um sorry guy. That name is...


...former Heavyweight...champion...John...Cena...??

Ms. Brooks:

...not...really...doing...anything for me....I...

John Cena has a very confused look on his face. He can't believe she doesn't know who John Cena is

Ms. Brook's:

Listen! I'm really busy right now so...uh... How can I help you?

John Cena:

I want to talk about you putting me in a title match!

Ms. Brooks:

Alright listen! I've got a lot of things to take care of right now...but if you meet me in the back stage exit...the one leading towards the parking lot... 12 o'clock right after the show ends...I'll make some time for you and we can talk.

John Cena: (excited)

Ah that's perfect!...that's great!...that's exactly what I was looking for!... Just a chance to talk Thank you very much...Thank You!

Ms. Brooks:

Remember! Be there at 12! I don't wait around after shows. After 12, I'm gone!

John Cena:

Oh I'll definitely be here. Thank you.

As Brooks walks off camera, a smile comes across the face off John Cena. He pumps his fist in excitement and walks off camera.

Match 6.
CM Punk vs. Rellik



The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first... From The Depths Of Hell....RELLIK!!!

Rellik's costume has been modified since his TNA days. While he still retains the same mask, He now wears a black leather studded full body suit with two black chains criss-crossing his torso


and introducing his opponent...from Chicago Illinois...weighing 222 pounds ...CM Punk!!!


Both men in the ring now. Both men begin to lock up and Rellik over powers Punk and drives him towards the ropes. CM Punk ducks his head between the ropes and the ref breaks the hold of Rellik and tells him to back up. Both men lock up again and just like before...Rellik drives Punk to the ropes and the ref again tells him to step back. Rellik, for the third time comes charging at Punk in a somewhat unorthodox manner and Punk just plants him with a drop-toe hold. CM Punk transitions from this by rolling over and applying pressure to the back of the leg. Punk really has that leg
locked in now and is increasing the pressure. After about a half minute of this, CM Punk releases the leg and with lightning speed, leaps over Rellik to where his head is and slaps on a head lock from laying position. He grabs that head and jerks it towards him. Slowly but surely Rellik begins to rise... and after a moment begins to lift Punk, who still has him in a headlock, upwards as if he is going for an atomic drop...instead Rellik just throws him and Punk lands on the mat in a sitting position. CM Punk takes a moment
to recover. Punk is kneeling on one knee. His right hand is holding the top rope, while his left hand is rubbing the back of his neck. Rellik comes charging hard towards CM Punk and Punk just simply pulls that top rope downwards allowing Rellik to fly right over the top...and out of the ring. CM Punk on his feet now runs alongside of the ropes, leaps up onto the top turn buckle, flies right off the top and nails Rellik, who was just returning to his feet, with a cross-body! A few seconds pass and then Rellik presses punk right off of him sending him flying against the back of the announce table. (no damage) Rellik now on the offensive, picks up Punk and just drops him on top of the barricade. Again Rellik picks up Punk and this time is confronted by referee Earl Hebner who is ordering him back into the ring. Rellik just drops Punk to the ground...picks him up again by his hair and throws him back into the ring. Both men in the ring now Rellik begins delivering punches to Punk who is kneeling down on the mat...but now CM Punk is fighting back with puches of his own. He is delivering shots to the abdomen of Rellik untill Punk is now on his feet. CM Punk now in control
Irish whips Rellik to the far side of the ring, but Rellik reverses this and it is Punk who gets whipped to the ropes. Rellik catches Punk by surprise by moving in closer than expected and delivering a hard kick to Punk. As CM Punk doubles over, Rellik stands directly behind him ...turned away from the officals view, begins to unhook both chains that bind his torso. Rellik now has both chains outstreched...one in each hand....as soon as Punk turns towards Rellik, Rellik scissors his head with those steel chains..one on each side. CM Punk just collapses right there in the center of the ring and the referee saw the whole thing.


(to Rellik) Uh-uh. No Way!...Were not having that here.

(To TimeKeeper) Match Over! CM Punk by DQ!



Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner of this match...as a result of a disqualification....C...M...PUNK!!!!

Segment 7.
Mr Kennedy Interview

Todd Grisham is set to interview Mr. Kennedy. Let's listen in.


Ken! Your scheduled to f...

Kennedy: (correcting)

Mister Kennedy!


Mr. Kennedy. Your scheduled to face William Regal next here on Fatal Invasion. Regal brings with him a lot of veteran experience. What will be your strategy heading into this match up tonight?!


My strategy?!...My Strategy??!!


Well I think it's a fair ques....


Let me tell you what...My strategy is. My strategy is to win the damn match. That's what my strategy is!
(To Todd) Does that answer your question?!


Well y...


First!... I'm gonna...I'm gonna...grab his neck and I'm gonna squeeze...

Mr. Kennedy is facing Todd...almost as if he would like to practice the wrestling moves on him. Todd looks on with fear. Finally Kennedy faces the camera and Todd looks relieved


... and squeeze....and squeeze....an if that don't work....I'm gonna put him in a headlock like this and I'm gonna take my fist and I'm gonna..I'm gonna

Again Mr. Kennedy faces Todd as if he wants to put HIM in a head lock but then he turns away back towards the camera



Kennedy appears deranged. He has both fists clenched and he is just staring off into space while chewing his gum.


...and then....When it is all over...When I have pinned him in the center of the ring...The fans...All the fans...They will be cheering one name. My name! MISTER....

Mr. Kennedy stops at mid sentence and stares directly at Todd Grisham as if he were expecting something Todd appears more than a little nervous... and then completes the sentence.



Mr. Kennedy moves in closer so that now he is face to face. He stops chewing his gum. Lowers his voice and says...

Mr. Kennedy:

That's right Todd. (Raises Voice) Ken-NAH-DAYYY!!

He turns away to leave and the commentator looks relieved but suddenly Kennedy snaps his back and Todd reverts back to the same scared expression he had before. Kennedy leaves for good this time and the commentator is left holding the mic with two hands close to his face. His eyes are wide open and he has a terrified expression on his face.

Match 7.
Mr Kennedy vs. William Regal

Introducing first....from Blackpool England weighing 245 pounds.... WILLIAMMM REGALLL!!!


and introducing his opponent ...from Green Bay Wisconsin....weighing in at 243 pounds...MISTERR...KENNNEEEDDDYYY!!!

Mr Kennedy climbs into the ring and walks to the first ring post on the near side. He climbs onto it and raises his fist while chewing his gum. He does the same thing on the other turnbuckles on the near side. Then Mr Kennedy walks towards the center of the ring. The lights go dark and a spotlight appears...He raises one hand and a vintage style microphone drops from the rafters.

Mr. Kennedy: (breathing Heavily)


Suddenly Mr. Kennedy's microphone goes dead.[BOTCH!] You can still see his lips moving, but nothing is audible at this point. Mr. Kennedy soon realizes that there is no sound and when the house lights in the arena come on, it's quickly discovered that the mic came off it's cord. Mr Kennedy is livid! He throws the broken mic down hard on the mat. As he picks his head back, he hits the dangling cord and becomes even more angry. He immediately jumps up and grabs the cord. As it begins to retract, Regal comes running from the corner and delivers a spear on Kennedy ... knocking him down.


Regal follows up with a flurry of punches towards a fallen Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy quickly rolls and reverses this and now he's on top of Regal delivering the punches. Regal reaches out and grabs the ropes and the referee breaks it. Kennedy is backed up towards the center of the ring allowing Regal to slowly get back on his feet...from in the corner. Kennedy comes charging in hard towards the buckles with a knee lift attempt but Regal ducks out of the way in time. Regal delivers a punch...and another punch and then he has his third punch blocked..and Kennedy counters with a few punches of his own. Kennedy picks Regal up for a suplex attempt and delivers. Kennedy comes off the ropes on the left side, and connects with an elbow drop. Kennedy covers quickly for an early pinfall attempt 1...2.. and a kickout by Regal. Kennedy guides Regal back. Kennedy backs Regal into the corner and delivers three knife edge chops! Kennedy then whips Regal to the opposing corner but Regal reverses it and it is Kennedy who goes into the buckles hard. Regal follows this up quickly with a splash. Regal grabs the head of Kennedy and delivers a snap mare. Regal kneels down and applies a vise-like chin lock around Kennedy....He is really locking it in now as Kennedy struggles to break free. After a few minutes, Kennedy begins to slowly rise to his feet. Kennedy delivers three hard elbows to the abdomen of Regal and then reaches around and grabs the back of Regals head, drops down, bouncing Regal off of his head and sending Regal flying backwards. Kennedy off the ropes on the near side goes to clothesline Regal but Regal ducks. Kennedy off the ropes from the far side...Regal attempts a shoulder block and ends up getting sent to the mat. Kennedy off the ropes from the adjacent angle from left to right now. Regal with torso to the mat allows Kennedy to pass. Regal back on his feet bending over and setting up for a back body drop. Kennedy off the ropes from the right side approaches a bent over Regal...kicks him right in the shoulder. Regal is fully upright now wincing in pain and Mr. Kennedy delivers a wicked short clothesline. Regal lands on his neck ...almost flipping completley around. Kennedy applies a figure-four leglock on Regal who is in obvious pain. Regal grabs his head and yells loudly. Regal then flails his arms in a desperate attempt escape the submission hold.

Nick Patrick:

Whatdya say William?!...

Regal: (in pain)


Kennedy: (slapping the mat)


Whatdya say William?!...Do you submit?!



Regal: (in pain)

AGHHHH!!!! NO!!!

Regal and Kennedy are sitting off center and slowly but surely Regal begins to crawl backwards towards the right side of the ring...towards the ropes. Suddenly Mr. Kennedy...begins to pull Regal back towards the other direction. After a half a minute of this, Regal again begins to move backwards towards his side of the ring and then finally....is able to just reach the bottom rope and hold on...forcing the break. Regal is now laying down in front of the ring post. Kennedy approaches Regal, get's in his face and starts trash talking him...Regal just comes out and slaps him in the face. An angry Kennedy lunges towards Regal and Regal uses the momentum to his advantage and applies a drop toe hold type of move on Kennedy, sending him face first into the turnbuckles. Regal on the offensive now begins to deliver a series of stomps to Kennedy who is in the corner. Regal guides Kennedy back up to his feet and puts him in a headlock and begins to run the face of Kennedy along the top rope before the ref steps in....Regal goes back to work on Kennedy deliver three hard punches to the head of Kennedy before backing him up to the ropes. Regal executes an arm drag...sending Kennedy to the mat and quickly bars the arm. Regal goes to work on the arm of Mr. Kennedy now...really stretching it out. Kennedy swings around now...gets up on one knee and then onto his feet. Kennedy attempts some kind of reversal by trying to grab the head of Regal but Regal delivers a kick to the midsection. Regal from right to left runs with Kennedy in check and nails him with a bulldog! Regal covers for a pinfall attempt 1..2... and a kickout by Kennedy. Regal on his feet guiding Kennedy back up. Regal attempts a suplex on Kennedy, but can't seem to lift him up...Again Regal attempts a suplex and again can't seem to lift Kennedy up. Kennedy counters with a hard kick to the midsection of Regal and then quickly follows up with a DDT. Kennedy hooks the leg for the pin. 1...2...and Regal again kicks out. Kennedy guides Regal back up and whips him hard into the turnbuckles. Kennedy quickly follows up with a hard elbow the skull. Regal slides down to the second turnbuckle. Kennedy continues his unrelentless assault on Regal stomping and punching Reagal untill Regal is now sitting on the mat in front of the ring post and the referee comes in to break it up. Kennedy is backed up but then comes charging hard towards Regal driving a hard vicious boot to the face of Regal and now Kennedy just rests on the ropes gloating about his destruction to the fans, to the camera...hell...to anyone who will listen.

(Puts a hand to his face mocking sensitivity)


Kennedy now gets Regal back on his feet and is delivering an unstopable onslaught of knife edge chops to the Englishman. The ref gets involved and backs Kennedy up. When Kennedy returns to inflict more punishment, he is met with a hard right shot to the head by Regal. Again Regal delivers a hard right punch to the head of Kennedy. Both stumble their way towards the center of the ring now and as Regal goes for a third punch, Kennedy ducks it, grabs Regals neck, throws the arm over his shoulder, locks the legs and then DOWN HE COMES! MIC CHECK!! IT'S OVER!!! Kennedy hooks the leg for the win. 1...2...3!


Ladies and Gentlemen. The winner of this match...MR. KENNEDY!!!

Segment 8.
PAC-MAN Jones/Witchita/Ms. Brooks

Both PAC-MAN and Witchita are in another room talking. Suddenly PAC-MAN spots Ms. Brooks walk past. He jumps out of his chair and tries to catch up with her.


Mizzz Brooks!...Yo Mizz Brooks!....Mizz Brooks hold up a minute!

He begins to run towards her direction and Witchita soon follows. Ms. Brooks is accompanied
by an assistant.


Mizzz Brooks! I wanna talk to you about dis' th....

Ms. Brooks:

I'm sorry...Do I know you?


HAHA Mizz Brooks. You crazy! I'm PAC-MAN!...PAC-MAN Jones!

Ms. Brooks:


PAC-MAN: (to Witchita)

HAHAHAHA!!! Off da CHAIN man!!! (laughing)(To Ms. Brooks) See eese like dis hur. Dis is Witchita right here and he...he like my boy. I mean...we go way back an... anyways...He come up to me all like 'Man...I wanna wrestle man' and he like axing me 'Ah man...Can you train me?' and I....I can't leave him hanging there right? I...I gots ta help him now...so...anyways...I figure it out that he wanna be booked you know? He wanna be in a real
match..like so I says to him 'Well I gots ta axe you all first and see whut you all say an Now I here axing you and well... Whut y'all think now? Esse it cool wit you?

Ms. Brooks doesn't know how to respond. She appears confused.


So he in right? Next week... he in right?

Ms. Brooks:

S..Sure. Whatever.

Ms. Brooks continues walking and PAC-MAN runs off and tells Witchita the good news.

Assistant: (to Ms. Brooks)

What did he ask you?

Ms. Brooks:

I have no idea.

Match 8.
Triple H vs Stone Cold (Trailer Park Match)

A brief intermission occurs before the main event begins. Metal band System Of A Down plays a four song set on a stage set up near the top of the entrance ramp. The reason for this performance tonight is to provide the fans entertainment while the ring crew breaks down the ring and saftey engineers and other building officals come in and set up for the trailer park match. Mini cranes on wheels...Huge forklifts...Hydraulic pulleys and other equipment are used to put four double wide trailer homes in a semi-circle pattern. Alongside each of these trailers are huge trampolines Inside...and near the center of this semi circle lay four king-sized bed matresses positioned in a square formation. These matresses sit on top of a unmovable metal frame which is bolted down
to the floor. On top of the matresses lay one inch thick T-111 Plywood with holes drilled around the edges. Through these holes, chains are threaded and then bolted to the unmoveable frame to hold the plywood in place. Surrounding the perimeter these matresses sits a trough. (approx 4 inches in height and 5 feet in width) Inside this trough is one big mud pit. Ring announcer Lillian Garcia enters one of the trailers ,climbs up some stairs and flips open a roof access hatch. She decides not to climb out on top of the trailer, but rather do the annoucing sticking her head out...while standing on the stairs


Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention please! The following contest is a falls count anywhere trailer park match and it is for the DWS World Heavyweight championship! Introducing first...from
Victoria Texas weighing 252 pounds....he is the DWS Confederates Champion....THE RATTLESNAKE....STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!

The RattleSnake comes out towards the trailers and he stops in front of them...raising his fist in the air. He shouts something and then makes his way inside of a trailer...one that sits seperately adjacent to where Lillian is. Stone Cold climbs up through the access hatch walks out towards the center of the trailer roof and this time raises both arms in the air and flashes the 'Hook em' Horn's' sign on both hands, leans back and shouts...

Stone Cold:


Crowd Erupts!


....and his opponent...from Greenwich Connecticut....weighing 260 pounds... He is the Cereberal Assassin....He is the King of Kings....He is The Game and he is the D W S World HeavyWeight Champion....TRIPLE H!!!

There is a slight pause before anything happens then all of a sudden.....


The crowd noise is absolutely deafning as Triple H makes his introduction. He makes his way towards the trailers...stops momentarily points upwards towards The Rattlesnake who just motions back to say 'Bring It!' Triple H enters the original trailer that the announcer had been using and has now since left. Triple H climbs to the roof. drinks the water...spits it out...flexes...then he rips his shirt off and again the crowd goes crazy. Triple H removes the title from his waist and walks towards the edge of his trailer holding the title upwards and pointing towards it, meanwhile Stone Cold has walked towards the edge of his trailer and now both men are almost face to face jawing back and forth with each other. Referee Mike Chioda appears through the access hatch and takes the belt from Triple H. Triple H turns away momentarily to hand the belt over, as he returns, he finds that The RattleSnake has stepped over to his side and suprises him with an attack Immediately, camera flashbulbs erupt from everywhere within the 15,000 plus here in attendance. It is on! Stone delivers a punch to the face of Triple H and Triple H comes back with a punch of his own. Both men now exchanging blows. The Rattlesnake swings a hard right to Triple H and he ducks this...and the momentum forces Stone Cold to balance himself near the edge to keep from falling off. Triple H sees an oppertunity and kicks Stone Cold in the back, sending him off the top of the trailer. Stone Cold hits the trampoline below and The Game follows after him but Stone Cold rolls off the trampoline and onto the floor.
Triple H jumps and hits nothing but the trampoline. Just as the RattleSnake gets to his feet, Triple H leaps from the trampoline and onto Stone Cold. Both men go dow and Triple H attempts a pin. The Ref is in place and begins counting 1...2... and a kickout by Austin. Both men on there feet now and Triple H locks Stone Cold in a head lock. Triple H runs with him trying to drive him into the matress ring...instead The RattleSnake stops short however and kicks Triple right in the back. Triple H goes flying towards the ring and gets one foot inside the mud pit... somehow manages to avoid falling completley into it....he then climbs on top of the matress ring Stone Cold begins walking towards the ring using a makeshift bridge avoiding the mud trough. Triple H is there to greet him as he approaches and the two begin to exchange blows. Finally Stone Cold kicks Triple H to the midsection and starts pounding his back. Lifting him upright now, Stone Cold scoops up Triple H and body slams him right on to that canvas. Stone Cold covers for a pin attempt 1...2... and a kick out by Triple H. Stone Cold guides Triple H back up and again delivers a kick to the midsection. As The Game doubles over, The RattleSnake sees an oppertunity. He snaps around with lightning speed to attempt a stunner. Most men would have succumbed to this easily, however somehow...
someway...Triple H sensed something and was able to back out of it. Stone Cold's momentum carries him forward to the edge of the matresses and now Triple H kicks StoneCold in the back sending him face first right into the mud pit. Stone Cold stands up and wipes the mud off his face. He is angry and immediately lunges forward...spearing Triple H to the plywood. Stone Cold attempts a pin 1...2... and a kickout by Triple H. Triple H stands up appears to be disgusted by all the mud that Stone Cold got all over him. As Triple H attempts to clean some of it off, The RattleSnake kicks him in the midsection and with both hands grabs the head of The Game and hits a facebuster right off his knee...sending him falling backwards right into the mud. Stone Cold exits the matress ring by walking right through the mud right towards Triple H. The Rattlesnake delivers some heavy kicks to the champion as he laying right in the pit. Stone Cold backs up about ten feet away and comes charging towards Triple H to finish him off. Triple H lowers himself and back body drops Stone Cold right into the pit. The Game quickly covers for a pinfall attempt...the only problem is that he can't find the referee. Apparently the ref is expressing some timidness about getting muddy so he is choosing his locations from which to stand very cautiously and this, in essence, is slowing him down considerably.

Triple H: (angry)(to ref)


The referee in place and makes the count. 1..2.. and a kickout by The Rattlesnake. Triple H guides Austin back to his feet and begins delivering blows to the head. Triple H scoops up Stone Cold and slams him down right on the concrete. Triple H walks towards the trampoline, picks it up and rolls it out of the semi-circle so that he can have
clear access to the side of the trailer. Triple H grabs the head of Stone Cold, runs towards the trailer and just slams the skull of the Rattlesnake right off the side of the trailer. Triple H decides to try it again. He grabs the head of StoneCold and just slams it again off the side of the trailer. Triple H attempts for a third time to slam Stone Cold's head, but
this time Stone Cold blocks it by putting up a boot, then he counters by slamming Triple H into the side. Stone Cold now in control picks up The Game...appearing to deliver a backbreaker, but walking towards the corner edge of the trailer and just slamming the back of Triple H right into the corner! He does this Once...Twice...Three times and just let's him fall to the ground. Stone Cold delivers a couple of boots to the head and then grabs both feet of Triple H and drags him from the back towrds the center of the front of the trailer. Stone Cold now walks over
to the side of the trailer...he appears to be measuring some kind of distance....he walks back towards Triple H...delivers more kicks to the head and then kneels down beside him. He looks at Triple
H and then he looks at the trailer. He puts a thumb to the air as if he is measuring some kind of distance. Stone Cold stands up and decides to start pushing the side of the trailer


Oh you gotta be kidding me! Tell me I am not seeing what I think I'm seeing right now!

JBL: Your seeing i...

Cole: The RattleSnake Stone Cold Steve Austin just...rocking that mobile home back and forth right now....trying
anyway he can to knock it down to crush....the body of TRIPLE H!!

TAZ: This could be bad...

West: Bad? Were talking about TOT-AL DEV-A-STATION IF HE HIT'S THIS!!

Cole: Somebody needs to come out here and put a stop to this...Were talking about lives in serious jeopardy right now.

JBL: You know the stipulations! You heard the announcement at the beggining of this match! There are no disqualifications!
The only way to win is to pin your opponent!

Stone Cold now walks from the side where Triple H is laying around to the outer side of the trailer. Stone Cold starts pushing up against the trailer
with all of his weight and strength. The trailer starts to rock back and forth mildly at first but then The RattleSnake is able to get
a good grip on the bottom of it and with all the strentgh he can muster, tips the entire trailer onto it's side

Cole: He's got that trailer up now....

JBL: No way!...No way is he gonna move that thing!

TAZ: Not like that...

Cole: He's got that trailer up now....

JBL: I'm tellin' you right now!...Not happening!

West: Triple H trying anything he can TO AVERT CER-TAIN DIS-AS-TER!!....




The trailer now comes crashing down on it's side.

Everyone: OHHHH-NO!!!!!!!


An instant replay reveals that Triple H did move in time, but he has sneaked into another trailer and climbed
up top. Triple H is now looking down on The RattleSnake. Triple H jumps from the top of the trailer and lands on an unexcpecting
Stone Cold. Triple H covers for the pin. 1...2... and a kickout by Stone Cold. Suddenly, as this match is in progress, two human
figures appear to emerge from the fallen trailer...much to the disbelief of everyone.

Cole: ....and wait a minute! What's this Now?!

JBL: Somebody call security....looks like we got some fan intereference

TAZ: I gotta tell ya' If I'm a fan, the last place I wanna be is in the middle of all of this!

Cole: Folk's we apologize if your watching this at home and wondering what's going on right now...two fans

West: You know...I hate to say it but...I don't think those guy's are fans...I think

JBL: Oh man you're right! It just hit me! He's right!

Cole: What? What are you talking about?!

John Bradshaw suddenly stands up, picks up P.A. Microphone and addresses


(Laughter from TAZ and Don West)

Cole: What?! What are you doing?! That wasn't....my dad! Geez...Why don't you try growing up a little bit...It might do you some good.

Triple H coninues his assault on Stone Cold. He makes his way to the top of the trailer once again but this time Stone
Cold follows him. Both men exchange blows on top of the roof. Triple H finally gets the upper hand and delivers a clothesline
to the rattlesnake. Triple H covers for a pin attempt while the ref counts from the hatch 1...2... and a kickout by The RattleSnake
Stone Cold delivers a couple of hard punches to the face of Triple H. On the fourth punch attempt, Triple H ducks and picks Stone Cold
up and delivers an atomic drop. Stone Cold is down...laying face down. Triple H approaches, grabs the leg and appears to try to put a
leg lock on. Stone Cold kicks him in the back and sends The Game flying forward. Stone Cold now on the offensive guides Triple H back up
and quickly drives him back down with a DDT. Without hesitation Stone Cold covers for the pin 1...2... and The Game kicks out of it. Stone Cold
delivers three forearm smashes to the face and attempts the pin again. Again Triple H kicks out. Back on his feet, Stone Cold guides
Triple H back up. Stone Cold head-butts the game and as he tries to do it again, Triple H knocks both arms away, kicks Stone Cold in the midsection
set's up for the Pedigree...and then the unthinkable happens.

Cole: Triple H up top now and he's....he's going for that Pedigree!

JBL: Ballgame if he hits this!

Cole: got that Pedigree locked in now and....he nails it! OHHHH!!


Cole: OHHHHH!!!!





Cole: (sighs) Folks...this could be bad....This could be real bad for both men...right now...and....we are just not...getting
any response at all from either Triple H or Stone Cold .

The referee and a camera man have made their way to the top and we see a shot of an unconcious Triple H and Stone Cold laying
on top of a caved in roof. A few more minutes passes and finally medical staff have arrived on the scene. A stretcher is being
wheeled towards the trailer. A referee has now made his way down into the wreckage...at about the same time, Triple H begins to show signs of
life...He throws his arm over Stone Cold for the pin 1...2...and 3. Match over

Closing Segment 9.
Cena's Meeting With The Boss P.2

We see John Cena in the locker room talking to Triple H.

Cena: Hey...Great match man

Triple: Thanks....I feel like every bone in my body is broken right now

Cena: Well hang in there man I....

All of a sudden the alarm on John Cena's watch goes off and he looks at it and realizes that
he has an important appointment to keep. He runs out of the lockerroom, down the stairwell
and through the backstage exit doors out onto the main parking lot. It is dark now, but the
lights are on. There he see's a limo waiting with the engine running. The back of the limo
is towards the bulding and the front towards the street. Cena pumps his fist and approaches
with excitement and approaches the limo. A window is open and so he goes to it. As he walks and
looks inside, the window quickly rolls away and the limo begins to drive away. His arm is partially
caught inside and he is walking with the vehicle untill he breaks free and he falls to the ground as
the car speeds away. Cena quickly gets back on his feet and attempts to continue his pursuti of the
vehicle which now is long gone. He now finds himself in the street...right in the middle of traffic
cars are honking as he tries to navigate his way back to the parking garage. He is dusting himself off
as he walks back. Suddenly, from behind a dumpster we see a long shadow cast over John Cena. Immediately
he turns around and tries to prepare himself for what happens next.

Voice: Hey John! CATCH!!

We see John Cena being struck by a huge oil drum. Cena immediately falls backwards and the drum strikes the
concrete hard and rolls away. The mystery attacker emerges from out of the shadows and we see that it is The
Legend Killer Randy Orton and his assault against Cena is relentless. He kicks him hard about four times. He picks him,
and with two hands throws him up against the dumpster. He punches him to the face three times and with two hands proceeds to
choke the life out of him. As he is choking him, he is picking him up off the ground untill he is completley levatated enough
to be thrown inside of the dumpster. Orton does this, closes the door and pushes the dumpster with all of his might.
The dumpster rolls towards a descending stairwell and there it stops. The camera is looking at this perspective from
behind Orton. Orton who is stands still just staring intently on the dumpster. After about 7 or 8 seconds, we see the Legend
Killer lower his stance just a little....appearing now to be a hunter set to attack his prey. He is breathing heavily now and
at full speed, he runs towards the dumpster, hitting it and sending it flying down the stair case. The dumpster grinds against
the steel hand rails and lands with a THUD against the cinder brick wall! The entire dumpster is upside down now and Cena is underneath it.
Orton is not finished yet. Orton makes his way to down to where the dumpster is, gets behind it and shoves the thing down the remaining
descending stairs. The dumpster, which was upside down, flipped right side up upon impact sending Cena flying out and onto
the ground. With him went all of the garbage which now is all on top of him. Camera angle now shows RKO from behind looking
down the starirs on a fallen Cena with trash all over him. One by One, concerned onlookers begin to converge on the scene.
Whispers of the people can be heard "What happened?" "Somebody call 911" "Is he alive?" While all this goes on, one man
is above it all looking down. Randy Orton turns his head slightly back towards the camera so that we can see a profile
of a man possessed.





Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL

Who: DWS
What: Friday Night's Fatal Invasion
When: Friday Febuary 8, 2008 10pm EST
Where: Edmonton Alb, Canada - Rexall Place

DARK MATCH (Viewable To IWF Audience Only!)
Witchita Jackson vs.Colin Delaney

Quick Recap: Colin Delaney wins by pinfall...

Opening Segment 1.
Equal Oppertunity Offender p1.

Were looking inside of a parking garage. We see a white 2006 Cadillac Escalade pull up and park into a parking space. A man gets out of the vehicle and we see that it is BATISTA. Batista walks towards an elevator of the garage with a gym bag over his shoulder. Batista's cell phone rings and he let's the call go to voicemail. After a few seconds, he stops walking...pulls the phone from his pocket to see the number on the caller ID, ignores it and resumes walking. Batista stops in front of the elevator and presses a button on the panel. Batista's cellphone goes off a second time and this time he takes the call. As he says 'hello', the elevator is now on his level and the doors open. Approximately 5 men dressed in white exterminators suits exit the elevator and attack Batista. The men attempt to subdue Batista by zapping him with cattle prods. Batista desperately fights his way out of the clutches of these attackers but as soon as he knocks one of them away, another one comes along and hits him with the prod. Suddenly Batista see's an opening and makes a run for it down the hall. The exterminators follow...with one of them yelling... "Get Him!"

CUT TO: Michael Cole, JBL, TAZ and Don West at ringside...

Michael Cole: ...and what an all out, vicious assault we just witnessed here...

TAZ: What?!?! What was that all about?!?!

Cole: ...rather unorthodox way to kick off Fatal Invasion here tonight to say the least...but nevertheless we are here live inside a sold out Rexall Place in Edmonton...Alberta...Canada! JBL, Myself, TAZ and Don West here with you at ringside. Folks! Let's take you back to Last week's main event here on Friday Night's Fatal Invasion [REPLAY:Match 8. Triple H vs Stone Cold (Trailer Park Match)] To simply say that both Stone Cold and Triple H endured their fair share of injuries in that brutal Trailer Park Match grossly understating the issue. They destroyed each other! ..and I guess the question here is. 'What now?!' DWS Heavyweight Champion Triple H has met the NEW face of DWS Ms. Traci Brooks and ...let's just say...they could have met perhaps under lighter circumstances... unfortunately, as was evidenced last week, such was not the case. In any event, many people have to be wondering right now... ' After what occurred last week, What will Triple H's course...this week...

Don West: The official word I got is that Triple H WILL NOT be in attendance tonight...

Cole: Trust me there Don. Triple H wouldn't miss this night for anything... after the abuse that Ms. Brooks bestowed upon him in that trailer park match and then outright accusing him of being responsible for the bankruptancy of the DWS...It's quite personal now.

West: Listen guy! In the email I recieved...it stated that Triple H is under medical...

Cole: Don please! I've been doing this a long time and I know most of these guys. More importantly, I know Triple H and I know if someone starts a war with him, he'll be the one to finish it. So...no offense but... You're wrong!

TAZ: um actually....I...got...that...email too. In fact....we all did.

(awkward silence)

Cole: I...uh.. (stumbles over words) you know...Once! Just once it would be nice if one of you guys here could fill me in when I say something that
is completely wrong...you know? Rather than let me ramble on and on and....

In his frustration, Michael Cole accidently knocks over his water bottle and it lands on his lap...spilling all over.


Michael Cole stands up revealing the big wet spot in the center of his pants

John Bradshaw Layfield: Whadjya....piss yourself now??

(Laughter all around)

Cole: (angry) Can you hand me a napkin or something...instead of just sitting there.... AGGGHHHH!!! I cant wear these!..I can't wear these now!

JBL: Well you can't take em' off neither. You're just gonna have to set in it

Cole: This is ridiculous! I can't do a broadcast like this!! (starts to walk away)

JBL: Where you going?!

Cole: I'm going to change in the back...

TAZ: Did you bring an extra pair or something??

Cole: well no but....wardrobe will have something.

Michael Cole begins to walk up the entrance ramp and towards the back. When he gets about 25 feet from the entrance, suddenly intro music starts playing and General Manager Ms. Brooks. comes out. At that very same moment, papparazi seem to come from out of nowhere and converge onto where Ms. Brooks is standing. Michael Cole inadvertetly get wrapped up in all of this untill the security team throws him off to the side and out of the. Cole then proceeds backstage to change his pants.

The papparazi that swarm Ms. Brooks are the same ones that were here last week and are the same parasitic leeches that you might find working for any Hollywood tabloid. They are rude, obnoxius, annoying, unshaven working stiffs desperately trying to capture the one photo that will pay them the big bucks. They shout comments towards her in an attempt to get a reaction. they push and sove there way to get the perfect picture. Security are using all their muscle to restrain them.

Ms. Brooks finally makes her way towards the ring, stops...and then claps her hands twice. The security team that surrounded her immediately assembles on all fours to form a human pyramid. Ms. Brooks then steps on their backs in order to climb in the ring. Ms. Brooks waits for the boo's to die down then picks up the microphone and begins speaking.

Ms. Brooks: Well! Well! Tonight I am pleased to announce to you all that the Dominant Wrestling Syndicate will NO LONGER... be forced to endure the presence of Triple H! (crowd boos) For you see... Our beloved champion... Our...KING of KINGS...He uh.... ohhh how should I say this? He uh... well let's just say he is INCAPACITATED right now (crowd boos) Yeah um... Oh I know...I KNOW...it's sad (sarcastic)Yeah...I'm crying .... on the inside too... Really I am. (voice trails off) Oh..gosh...yeah..I'm all...I'm all broken up over this.

Now I... have to admit to everyone here that I feel somewhat responsible for what happened to Triple H last week after all...it was I who Chose his
opponent...Stone Cold Steve Austin... and it was I who set the stipulations. a trailer park match...and if you get right down to it...well hell... I'm the one who put him in the hospital bed he's laying in tonight! (boo) ...and if your watching this from Crestwood Memorial...Game (pumps fist), Shoutz to you big guy! (more crowd boos!)

Now despite this recent misfortune, I want everyone to know that I did'nt come out to this ring tonight to BRAG about this. I didn't come out here to GLOAT about this. I certainly didn't come out here to celebrate. A man lies injured at this hour and I think it is important that we take it seriously! So to show you TRIPLE H and everyone in this arena that I have the best of intentions, I took the oppertunity to put together a tribute to you Game. I call it...'Tribute To Triple'.... In fact, why don't I just do this! Why don't I just declare tonight a special... 'Triple H tribute Night' How about that? Would you all like that?! (mixed reaction) So tonight ...In honor of our fallen hero, I give to you...My Tribute To Triple H....(points to TitanTron) Rollll that tribute!!

The video starts out with sappy violin music. The title page reads 'Tribute To Triple H' The video then is nothing more than a carefully edited montage of all the punches, the kicks and all of the other abuses suffered during last weeks trailer park match. The montage casts Triple H in bad light taking, but not giving, punches. Another shot shows him falling into the mud pit followed by recieving more punches and kicks. The 'tribute' ends with a shot of Triple H laying motionless inside the caved-in trailer roof. The big title reads 'The End' and underneath, in much smaller type, reads '(we can only hope)'

Ms. Brooks: Now that we've put THAT issue to bed...literally, It is time once again to forge ahead and focus on what is in the future for the Dominant Wrestling Syndicate. Triple H WAS the DWS Heavyweight champion...however, since The Game can no longer compete, he will be forced to relinquish this title! So the question now becomes...How do I determine the best way for the most talented superstars in the DWS to get their chance to claim the world title?! How can I ensure....that the truly talented among us have the oppertunity to rise up and take the Championship gold both fairly and justly. Well fear not fans! I can assure you this! Whatever is decided concerning this matter, will be decided fairly so that every wrestler gets an fair chance....because if there is one thing Traci Brooks is...and that is fair. If there is one thing...Traci Brooks is to all the wrestlers.

Suddenly...The tribute video cuts off and the TitanTron picks up a live feed from backstage. We see the same 'exterminators' and Batista running down a hall backstage.Just as they appeared at the top of the broadcast, Batista is trying desperately to elude these men who are wielding cattle prods and zapping him. At one point Batista is cornered in the hall. As he tries to plot his next move, a mini-steel cage is lowered quickly on top of him, however Batista is able to duck under it and escape. They tried to cage THE ANIMAL!

Meanwhile, Traci Brooks is watching the suprise footage and is pacing nervously trying to reach someone on her cell phone while yelling at her assistants. She doesn't want the fans to see this. Brooks walks towards the the ringpost, jumps up on the bottom turnbuckle and is talking wildy on the cell while pointing towards the Tron.

Ms. Brooks: I don't care what your doing....Shut it off! Shut the whole thing OFF!

On screen, the chase continues and as Batista eludes his captors, One of the 'exterminator' guys look back into the camera and that's where the video feed ends. Ms. Brooks nervously adresses the crowd.

Ms. Brooks:(to crowd) Ah...yes....folks...Not too worry. Ah just a little April Fools joke there...getting you ready for...April Fools! (nervous laugh) Suprise! (nervous laugh) As I was saying... When, I Traci Brooks came to the DWS, it was with the intention of making it a better place, and that meant getting rid of the bad apples. You know the type

Suddenly some music starts playing and we see that Teddy Long has come out

Teddy Long: WOAH!!!! Hold up there baby girl!!...hold up there just a second... (chuckles)

Traci Brooks appears confused. She has never seen this person in her life.

Brooks: Ok I give up. Who the hell are YOU?!?!

She points and laughs at Long while chatting with her assistants

Long: Now hold on....now. Who I am...is...well it ain't all that important. HOW-EVER what I 'm doing here, is VERY im-por-tant. Now you new here Ms. Brooks, so allow me to explain to you what I'm talkin' bout. You see Ms. Brooks...For the past 3 weeks since you became DWS President, I been watchin' you..and I have been making some observations. One thing I notice is you like to TAKE CHARGE of things. If a situation gets out of control, you handle it! Likewise...If a certain wrestler gets out of control...well you handle him too. You on top of things Ms. Brooks! I like that!

Brooks: Okay...Is this going anywhere...at all??...because...I've got things to do .

Long: Well now I'm gettin to it...I'm gettin' to it...

Brooks: Please do....Quickly!

Long: Now you in control and power...there ain't no doubt about that. Now what concerns me tho' is how you GOT all this control and power?!
I mean...you

Brooks: I earned this position!

Long: Yea...Yea..You earned this position! ...(looks at wrist watch) Damn! I gotsta giddy-up right about now! I aint finished with you by no stretch...so here's what I'm gonna do. Right now I'm off to a meeting, however at the end of this show TONIGHT, I will annouce to everyone my new plans to change the face of the DWS! I will show to you and everyone here tonight...that things...things ain't always as they appear.

Brooks: What are you saying?!...

Long: You'll see. Untill then I keep you in suspense girl...

Brooks: Tell me what's going on!!

Long: I'll holla at ya later...

Teddy Long exits backstage. At about the same time, Batista comes running out through another entance way off to the side. Following him are the 'exterminators' Batista is now running towards the ring. Ms. Brooks quickly rolls out of the ring and attempts to tackle an oncoming Batista. Upon contact, Batista sends Ms. Brooks flying into the barricade. Ms. Brooks starts shouting instructions to the trailing 'exterminators'


The exterminators surround The Animal outside the ring.

Match 1.
Finlay vs. RELLIK


Quick Recap: These two had never met or known about each other previously and The power as well as the element of suprise really caught Finlay off gaurd and ultimatley cost him the match. In order to combat the strength of Rellik went for the shelleigh a couple of times but was unable to use it. Rellik ends up winning cleanly by pinfall. Rellik adds insult to injury as he blades his name into Finlay's forehead

West: and as you know Rellik...thats Ki....

Tazz: Don't even go there dude...That stopped being funny like...5 months ago

JBL: In all my years knowing Finlay...I have never NEVER seen him cower like that! I might be going out on a limb here when I say this TAZ, but I believe this is the first time Finlay has shown fear. I mean...he has faced some tough men in his career

TAZZ: Well thats just it . You say 'man'...but I gotta be honest with you there John....I'm not so sure Rellik IS man...

JBL: Are you suggesting...supernatural?

TAZZ: (exasperated) Look At The Facts!

JBL: Take a look at this again! [REPLAY] Finlay off the ropes right here and then Rellik....with the greatest of ease...scooping the Belfast Brawler up...spinning him a full 360 degrees in the air and then dropping down right here and just breaking the back right over his knee. Wow! What power!

Tazz:[REPLAY] ...and then this...rather disturbing display of creativity right here. Rellik breaking that mirror up and then using it's jagged pieces to carve his name right into the forehead of the Irishman.

JBL: He wanted to make his mark in the wrestling world.

West: Yeah...(nervous laughter) I...I...guess you could say that John...

JBL: I just DID say that...Don.

Segment 2.
The Origins Of Snitsky

Were looking at the inside of an interrogation room through the perspective of a unsteady video camera..Someone is holding the cam but we know not who. A nervous and disheveled looking man in his 50's is sitting down smoking a cigarrette. The man sits underneath a hot lamp. Also in the room...standing over the man is a second man. This man is dressed in a dark suit. An ID Badge hangs from his suit jacket. It is assumed by his dress and demeanor that he is a type of security official

Man Sitting At Table: Can I get some water or something? My Throat is dry.

DWS Official: You'll get your water Mr. Williams...AFTER you provide the Syndicate a verbal statement of what you claim you know.

Man: (sighs)(agitated) How many times am I going to repeat myself here! I went through all of this with that other dude that was in here, Why do I have go through this again?!

DWS Official: Because, Mr. Williams. This time you are on the record!

The offical pulls out a mini-cassette recorder and speaks into

DWS: Friday!...Febuary eighth...twenty-OH-Eight. Twenty two hundred hours...Ten minutes.... Karl Williams statement...Subject...Snitsky.

The official hits record on the machine and places it upright on the table in front of the man.

Man: (nervous) Y...you know I...I'm starting to wonder weather or not I need a lawyer right now. I'm not sure I should do this right now

DWS Official: Remember Sir that YOU approached US with this...not the other way around...

Man: I know...

DWS Official: You told HR that you had crucial information that you needed to share with us...

Man: I did...

DWS Official: Information regarding the mental condition of one of our employees...(looks at notes) a ...Snitsky?

Man: I do...

DWS Official: ...and I have the list here of some of what you said and...Let me remind you Mr. Williams that....If you have any knowledge whatsoever regard ing the saftey and welfare of any of our employees then you are obligated, by law, to come forth and provide accurate and
detailed information concerning this matter. understand? Furthermore... and I'm referencing some of your...initial complaint here... If you have undisputable proof that one of our wrestlers are exhibiting delusional fits of psychopathic tendacies then...

Man: okay...okay...

DWS Official: Whenever you're ready?

Man: (sighs) Gene came into th...

DWS: You're gonna have to speak up Mr Williams...loudly and clearly into the microphone.

Man: Gene came into the care and custody of an adoptive...(pauses)

DWS: Continue please!

Man: I would like my voice disguised and those cameras (pointing) stopped.

DWS: You said earlier that you...

Man: I KNOW WHAT I SAID...I've changed my mind.

The DWS official places a voice changer on the mic.

Man: ...and about those cameras

DWS: Don't worry about the cameras. Any image of you will be pixelated after were done. Now proceed!

The strangers statement continue and although much of what is said is innaudible, we can still make out the tone of the inflections of the voice.

DWS: Let me stop you right there...When you say Cryonics....your'e talking about...??...

Man: (Man talks innaudibly for a little while longer. His voice has raised slightly)

DWS: Whoah!...Hold up for a moment?! Cryonics endurance tests??

Man: (Man's voice now has risen even higher. His arms are flailing wildly and he has become even more animated now. He continues speaking for a minute and a half longer)

DWS: So at this point in the timeline,Gene is able to actually escape from the household and run towards barn. What happens next?

The man suddenly becomes irate and slams his fist down into the table knocking the microphone into the process. He yells what is assumingly an expletive before standing up.

Man: (innaudible) (mono-syllabic)

DWS: Keep your voice down! There's no need to shout!

Man: (innaudible) ...WHEN YOU KEEP INTERRUPTING ME!!

DWS: No one is interruppting you Mr. Williams. Simply sit back down and we can conclude your statement.

Man: (BEEP!) You!

DWS: Mr. Williams...


DWS: Who's 'they'...Who's coming back for Snitsky?!

As the man begins to speak, a maintenece worker carrying a ladder unexcpectedly opens the door to the interview room and walks in The man freaks out.


The man grabs the ladder and shoves the maintence worker backwards and goes running out of the room and down the hall. The DWS Official talks into a two-way radio follows The video feed goes to 'snow'

Match 2.
Rey Mysterio vs. Carlito

Quick Recap: Mysterio wins by pinfall...

Tazz: What the hell was that about, I...

JBL: Ya gotta love it when production runs the wrong video.

Tazz: (laughter) ...Oh...Is that what it was? (more laughter)

JBL: Well you know something?! Having interns around to work for you is nice and everything...cuz they're pretty much you're slaves....but The PROBLEM is that most of them are as incompetent as they are useless!
I mean let's face it...I can count the number of times...

Tazz begins to interrupt JBL as he focuses his attention towards the entrance ramp

TAZZ: Don't mean to cut you off there John but... (points) it looks like...someones headed this way...Not quite sure...

Both JBL and Don West crane their necks towards the ramp momentarily untill they notice it's Micheal Cole. Cole is walking towards the announce table wearing a pair of ridiculously lookin white and red plaid golfers pants. The pants are way too tight and too small for him as the cuffs go up to about mid shin. Cole walks to the table a brisk pace. He carries two file folders...one in each hand to hide the spectacle that is his pants.
TAZZ is covering his mouth with his hand. He maintains his composure as best he can, but tears are already forming and one wrong word of sarcasm or derision will result in an all out explosion of laughter

JBL: Look at em' !!

TAZZ: (voice shaking) Oh...No..

West: Schnazzy...Trousers!

TAZZ: (voice shaking) No...No..

JBL: (to Cole) Was it worth it?

Cole: (from a distance) Keep talking.

JBL: Was it worth it?

Cole: (from a distance) Yeah Keep talking assh(BEEP!)e.

JBL: Was it worth it?

Michael Cole approaches the broadcast table and wants to sit down however JBL is purposefully blocking his way in an effort to prolong his agony.

Cole: (angry) Was WHAT worth it?! Let me sit down!

JBL: Was it worth interrupting Friday Night's Fatal Invasion tonight cuz ya' spilled a little water on yourself???...

Cole: You saw me! I was completely wet!

JBL slowly removes his hat, picks up the microphone, leans into Michael Cole and says...


and with that TAZZ begins laughing, Don West follows suit along with all the fans in the arena and the millions watching at home.

Cole: (more angry) MOVE! Let me sit down NOW!!

JBL: Nah!! (arms are folded)

COLE: (angry) MOVE!!

JBL: Hell No! You wasted OUR time...Now I'm gonna waste YOUR time! (To Camera Man) Robert! Swing that camera 'round....Get a good shot
of fancy pants here!

Cole: (To Camera Man) Don't listen to him! Pan away...

JBL: (To Camera Man) Get a shot of this....Michael Cole be (Imitating Ric Flair) STYLIN' AND PRO-FI-LIN'! WHOOOOOOO!!!!

A slight pause ensues and both JBL and Michael are in a stare down of sorts . There is serious tension between the two


A slight pause and tension continues

JBL: (looks to the crowd momentarily and then closer in Coles face) WWWHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

JBL repeats the process again but as he attempts another patented Ric Flair "Whooo" Michael Cole slaps the microphone from his hands and pushes JBL back over the chair he was sitting. JBL is now on the ground and both Don West and TAZZ clear the area

Segment 3.
Team 3D/Styles/Tag Champ Contention Promo

Todd Grisham stand's between Team 3D.

Grisham: Brother Dvon...Brother Dudley..Tonight is quite possibly the most important ma...

Bubba Ray: Keep Ya' Mouth shut...and gimmie da' MIC!! (Grabs mic away from Grisham) EDGE!....Christian Cage!...You'se two ladies have been runnin ya' mouths for weeks now about how you got no one to challenge you for your tag team titles. (mocks crying) BOOO HOOO! All alone in da' world and no one too fight with!! Well HERE WE ARE!! Tonight! Right here on Friday Night's Fatal Invasion...My brotha D-Von and I will put all yo' little worries to rest! So Christian Cage!! You and ya' girlfirend can come out to the ring and not only will we challenge you...will beat you and become the NEW DWS Tag Team Champions!!!

Both Dvon and BubbA rAY Turn away from the camera momentarily and put their hands to there face. When they turn around to face the camera again, they are revealed to be wearing there old trademark glasses. They are making the Christian Cage 'cc' hand gesture while making moaning sounds like they are mildly Blue.

Match 3.
TEAM3D VS Edge/Christian


Pezner: Ladies and Gentlemen! The follwing match is scheduled for one fall and is for the DWS World Tag Team Championship Titles! Introducing first...from New York City!!!! Weighing in at a total combined weight of 560 pounds They are Brother Ray and Brother D-VON TEAM 3D!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Team 3D stalk their way down to the ring. At one point a Brother Ray grabs a sign from the fan that has hand drawn depictions of Edge, Christian, A maple leaf and a championship belt. Brother Ray quickly rips it to shreds and hands the pieces back to the fan

Brother Ray: (to fan) There ya' go now!...There ya' go! Take ya' Gah-bage wit' you!!!

Pezner: ...and their opponents....weighing in at a total combined weight of____pounds....They are the DWS World Tag Team Champions....EDGE... AND CHRISTIAN.....CAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christian walks down aisle with the belt in his right hand holding it high above his head. Both men walk towards the ring at an even pace
clapping the hands of a few fans as they go.

Quick Recap: This match saw the tag team gold change hands after Team 3D took advantage of a miscommunication error between Edge and Christian and beat them cleanly. After the bout the two briefly argued with one another trying to hash out what went wrong, but it was too late. Team 3D are now the DWS Tag Team Champs!

Segment 4.
Festus classroom Promo /W Striker

Matt Striker is in the hallway of a school...near the door of a classroom

Striker: Welcome to Behavioral Studies 101. My name is Matt Striker and this is my classroom.

Matt Striker opens the door to the classroom as kids begin filing in. One kid is leading Festus in by the hand.

Striker: A warning bell lets students know that classes are about to begin. A second bell, indicates that class is in session

Festus goes crazy as the bell sounds. He picks up one kid and throws him into the blackboard. He picks up another kid and throws him out the window. He picks up a chair and throws it towards Matt Striker who ducks out of the way.

Striker: Everyday my students experience new learning challenges. The lessons that are learned here help mold the youth of today to help prepare them to be the adults of tomarrow.

We see a kid go flying into a trashcan.

Striker: It is my goal to see that each student is able to reach new heights.

Festus throws a kid through the ceiling.

A dismissal bell sounds and Matt Striker walks towards the door, turns out the lights and stands outside the class room

Striker: Class dissmissed

As Striker walks off camera, we see through the door window, a docile Festus sitting slumped over in a chair. He is tied up with a string and is wearing a dunce cap.

Match 4.
The Sandman vs. Cody Rhodes


Pezner: The follow contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first.. from______ weighing __________ CO-DY...RHODES!!!

Cody Rhodes is already in the ring loosening up. He jumps up and down a few times and clutches the top rope

Pezner: and introducing his opponent..from Philadelphia Pennsylvania weighing 244 pounds.....SAND-MAN!!!!

The opening notes of 'Enter Sandman' begin to play as the camera pans around desperately around the crowd in an effort to locate the working class hero. Suddenly He appears amongst his people from out of section 316 in Rexall Place As he begins to walk down to the arena floor, a large mass of fans converge around him. At one point, Sandman stops and raises the stick he is carrying up high. He then shifts the stick to his left hand and with his right hand pulls from his pocket a can of beer. He raises that up high and cracks it open and chugs. Sandman proceeds towards the ring and stops before the barricade...chugs the rest of the beer and slams the can once,twice,three times,four times five times against his head. Sandman then jumps on top of the barricade and walks along it balanced...stops at the canter and stares at Rhodes for a second before jumping down to floor level and then climbing into the ring.

Quick Recap: Cody Rhodes suffered merciless punishment at the hands of Sandman throughout much of the match. He recieved a cut above the right eye and after the match ends, Sandman continues his assault by beating him with the stick. John Cena makes the save at the end which prompts JBL to question 'Why, if Cena is looking to cut all ties with Rhodes, would he then help him out in this situation?

Segment 5.
Debut Promo 1 - Paul Burchill/Ted DiBiasie Jr. w striker - Money - Power & Influence

CAPTION: What would you do if you had...


A shot of Ted DiBiase Jr. slipping a 100 bill into the breast pocket of a valet and then slapping him on the shoulder while laughing.


A shot of Paul Burchill shoving a guy against the door while shouting. Someone passes by and he stops momentarily and then resumes the assault.

Caption: Influence?

A shot of Matt Striker trying to make room reservations with a stubborn Female front desk clerk.

Clerk: I apologize Mr. Striker, but that suite is booked as well. There is simply nothing...

Matt Striker reaches behind her head and magically pulls a long stemmed rose from behind. The lady is both confused and impressed...at the same time

Clerk: ....available


Shot of both Matt Striker and The front desk clerk wrapped in bed sheets backing up into a hotel room. Striker is embracing the clerk and is holding a glass of champagne and is smoking a cigar. Loud music can be heard playing

Clerk: Oh my gosh.... I....I could totally get fired for this...I don't think...

Matt Striker playfully slaps the lady lightly on the back....

Striker: (playfully) SSSShhhhhhhaaaaaddddddduuuuuppppppppppp..... (laughter)

as the camera moves to the front of the door we see both DiBiasie and Burchill also in the room in bath towels smoking cigars. They begin to laugh hysterically as they witness the spectacle. Striker swoops the lady up and then kicks the door shut. Laughter from the lady, and the guys can be heard from behind the closed door. Screen fades to black and a website appears

CAP: (some website address)

Match 5.
Gail Kim vs. Lady ROUCKA

Cole: Well! Whaddya make of that John? Matt Striker andding yet ANOTHER talent to already impressive stable of SuperStars. Of course last week we learned of his aquisition of FESTUS of all people

JBL: I am conviced Michael...that we could be witnessing the next Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan right here in DWS. It's only a matter of time before...

Cole: Really?

JBL: Look at the similarities! Both men are multi talented. Both are great businessmen. Both are powerful negotiators..and when going get's tough in the ring...both men are fearless about coming to the aid of their talent. You know something?! It just isn't enough to be a m....

Cole: Well what d...?

JBL: Can I finish please?

Cole: Go ahead.

JBL: You asked the question...and I'm trying to answer...

Cole: Sorry...Go ahead.

JBL: It just isn't enough to be a mantle piece type of manager....Know what I'm saying? If you are wrestling under the guidance of a manager who is has business smarts but not ring smarts or conversley, ring smarts but no business sense, then you are at an extreme disadvantage as that wrestler. You need a manager who can operate at 100 percent full strength in all avenues of expertise.

Cole: Well some sound advice right there and right now...Lady Roucka set to square off against the lovely and talented Gail Kim...Gail Kim of course...the ex-womens champion in...

Suddenly the music of Victoria starts playing as she walks out. Victoria stops short of the entrance ramp. With her right hand on her hip, she points with her left hand and then begins walking down towards the ring.

Cole: Now what is VICTORIA doing out here John?!

JBL: Relax! She's out here for moral support.

Cole: Moral support?! Give me a break!

JBL: Theres nothing wrong with scouting your competition Michael! Now keep quiet because she's coming over here!

Victoria walks towards the announce table, picks up a headset and sits down in a chair next to Michael Cole.

Victoria: (uncomfortable and standing up) Ugh! This chair is...broken or something....

JBL: (stands up) Sit here. Any distance you can put between you and him (motions to Cole) is probably a good thing.

Victoria: Good idea.

Victoria stands up and walks over to a chair next to JBL

Pezner: Ladies and Gentleman. The following womens match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first.....LA-DY ROU-CKA!!!!

Roucka walks down towards the ring and around it's perimeter. Roucka stops at the table, sees Victoria and proceeds to give her a high five. Victoria stands up quickly, however she is wearing a wired headset and as she stands, there isn't enough slack in the cord and the headset is pulled off completely hitting the table.

Victoria: (Headset Falls Off) Ahh!! Oh My God!!

Cole: (To Victoria) I think you need to take those off first!

Victoria: Funny! That's what your wife said during the honeymoon?

(Laughter All Around)

JBL: (laughing) It is...but he'll never admit to it.

Cole: (sarcastic) yeah Ha-Ha. I don't think so! Never happened!

Tazz: He's right. It never happened...she took one look..said 'You know what???...on second thought, put em' back on!'

(Laughter All Around)

Cole: (sarcastic) oh reaallllyy funnny. Everyones a comedian tonight.

Penzer: and her opponent....from Tampa Florida.....GAIL KIM!!!!!!!!

Gail Kim runs down the aisle clapping the fans hands she leaps onto the ring apron and enters the ring.

Victoria: (to Gail Kim) YYeeahh!! What you lookin' at Sweetie?!! You want some of THIS?!! (slapping her bicep) Huh?!?!


Cole: ...and Lady Roucka looking to capitalize on a early advantage given to her by The Black Widow. A couple of hard kicks to the kidney area now and Lady Roucka using that top rope as added leverage. The referee stepping in to back her off and...weather you like her or not, you really have to admire the ferocity of Lady Roucka of late. On the other hand Gail Kim, a once fiery competitor in her own right has seem to lacking the luster she once had when

JBL: Well of course! She has definitely gotten weaker over the past few weeks

Cole: I didn't say THAT!!...I...nevermind. Quickly now...Lady Roucka back to work

JBL: Why isn't the referee counting right now?! He should be counting Gail Kim out right now...not blabbing to Roucka!

Cole: ...and Gail Kim still down....and needing to get to a vertical base right now....

Victoria: Gail Kim does not live in a vertical world...Michael. In fact from what I hear she's fond of all things horizontal

Cole: Oh really?

Victoria: like the MAMBO...for example

Cole: I find THAT rather distasteful to say the least! Gail KIM now on the offensive with a couple of hard knife-edge chops to the chest of Roucka
Lady Roucka with the cover One...Two....and a kickout by Gail Kim!

Victoria: C'mon Ref! That was three!

Cole: That was two...

Victoria: That was three Michael Cole and you know it! I know what I saw!!

JBL: Earl Hebner out of postion and late on the count right there...

Cole: I don't think so John...and Kim now cinching in a side headlock on Roucka...running....and...BULLDOG!! Would you LOOK AT THAT!!...and Gail Kim now...after being on the ATTACKING end of the vicious blow, now finds herself flat on her back!

Victoria: A position which she is all to familiar with I'm sure.

Cole: OH C'MON NOW!! Is that really nessesary Victoria!?!??

Victoria: How should I know?! What Gail Kim does for money, is Gail Kim's business.

Cole: Oh Ple.. YOU KNOW?!?! You are just something else...

Victoria: ...and when I say 'business', I mean that in the literal sense.

West: How so?

Victoria: Read the client list Don West...and then you'll know...ecspecially since you're on it!

Tazz: (laughs)

Cole: STOP IT! You are just unbearable to listen to right now!! You really are!

Victoria: So stop listening! It worked for your wife didn't it?

(laughter all around)!

Cole: Remind me never to invite you back here again

Victoria: I invited myself!

Cole: Lady Roucka in control ....and a quick snap suplex right there AND A COVER 1...2...AND...no. Gail Kim just DOES kick out of that one!

Victoria: You know what a ringpost and Gail Kim both have in common Michael Cole?

Cole: No...but I bet you're going to tell me!

Victoria: After hitting it once, guys rarely crawl back

Cole: Unbelevable. I bet you're really proud of yourself now aren't you?. Lady ROUCKA...with a forearm smash to the back of the head of Gail Kim

Victoria: I once gave Gail Kim a key to my mansion.

Cole: How charitable...that you somehow thought this could be the start of a great friendship.

Victoria: I thought she was the cleaning lady!

Cole: Wow.

JBL: What is the referee doing?!?!...HE SHOULD BE STARTING THE COUNT OF GAIL KIM OUT RIGHT NOW!!! God Damnit!! The incompetencey of Earl Hebner knows absolutley no bounds!!

Victoria: Well I've seen about enough of this crap!

Victoria throws down her headset. Leaps up from the table and walks towards the ring.

Cole: Where'S SHE going now?!

JBL: Don't Worry about it!

Cole: I'm worried about it!


With Lady Roucka distracting the referee, Victoria jumps up on the apron and grabs two handfuls of Gail Kim's hair. As the referee turns back around, Victoria quickly jumps down, raises both hands in the air while absolving herself from any wrongdoing.

Victoria: (To Gail Kim) Ain't me baby...Ain't me... It's all in your head...(points to her head) Itts...allll...innn...yoouurrr heeaaadddd babay!!!!

With Kim's back towards her, Roucka is able to wrap her up for the pinfall 1...2..3!


Pezner: Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner of this match....LA-DY RRRRROU-CKAA!!!!!

Cole: She was robbed! Gail Kim was robbed of this match!

JBL: Get a hold of yourself Michael and get over it! This match is over!

Segment 6.
Khali/Saeed/Grisham Interview

Coach: The Great Khali!...What is the meaning of all of all of this..(to Raisha Saieed) and who are you might I ask?

Saieed: Silence! Khal-ee come here not for you...Khali come here to give warn-ing! Koh-fee Keeng-ston! You have agitated zee giant Khal-ee! Khal-ee will MAIM you! Khal-ee will hurt you....above all else..zee Great Khali vill destroy you!

(Grabs the arm of The Great Kahli)

Saieed: (to Kahli) ...you come now!

Kahli: (innaudible)

Saieed and Kahli walk of camera

Match 6.
Kofi Kingston vs. Kahli w/ Raisiha Saieed

Quick Recap: A quick squash that sees Kingstons winning streak come to an end.

Segment 7.
Calling Animal Control!

We see a shot of Batista on his cellphone in a hall way inside the Rexall Place. He is covertly and cautiously meandering his way around boxes, palettes, Palette jacks, Fork lifts, Crates, Folding Chairs and other assorted crap you'd find in an arena. He appears to be trying to escape the pursuit of the guys in the 'exterminator' suits that were chasing him earlier. Batista finally get's the sense of relief that the coast is clears and walks out towards the center of the hallway. He puts his cellphone to his ear and is trying to make the call to someone. About 4 seconds pass when suddenly a large steel cage drops from the ceiling and lands on top of Batista. Within seconds and army of 'white coats' swarm the cage. They surround the cage. Some jump up top. All are pointing and taunting The Animal Batista from all directions. There seems to be a much larger crowd now then there was previously. Some of the 'exterminators' have taken off their masks and attire and are celebrating this capture.Others are on cell phones trying to contact with their superiors. A camera has managed to sneak it's way between the body towards the cage.Inside...we see Batista embracing himself trying desperately trying to avoid being zapped by any one of the numerous cattle prodsthat are being stuck inside the cage. This goes on for a little while longer when suddenly Batista is able to find an opening andgrab the heads of two of them...and slamming their skulls into the cage. Two cattle prods fall inside the cage and now Batistya ha a weapon. Batista is zapping guys right and left. Finally Batsita gets a running start and manages to to push the giant cage off

Match 7.
Jericho vs. Mark Henry

Jericho wins by pinfall

Segment 8.
Teddy Long's Demand

Cole: Well John...Earlier in the evening DWS general manager Traci Brooks was CONFRONTED by none other than the likes of Theodore Long...and he had some interesting comments to make concerning Ms. Brooks position of power within the Dominant Wrestling Syndicate...even going so far as to question how she obtained this power

Pezner: Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention please! Introducing The president of the DWS...TRA-CI BROOKS!!!

Ms. Brooks walks out and down towarrds ringside. Immediately 3 members of the papparazi leap from the crowd and begin snapping away with their cameras. Security meets them and pushes them away.

Ms. Brooks: Well!...You all know why I'm out here so...Let's get this over with!


Ms. Brooks: Cmon! I don't have all night...!!!

Suddenly music starts playing and Teddy Long soon appears. He stands on the ramp with 3 other associates...

Teddy Long: (Chuckles) Well...Well...WELL! (Chuckles) Ahh Ms. Brooks. Ever since you take over this company...I've been studying you. I have observed your actions Ms. Brooks! I have STUD-IED THE WAYS...of upper management and have compared them to your predecessor Stephanie McMahon!! Now I'll admit your presence here in the Dominant Wrestling Syndicate has been a vast improvement. I mean...I notice my checks don't bounce no more so that right there...is a GOOD THING! But I'm pretty used to getting paid every week nowI guess you might say that the novelty has worn off!...and now...I have set my expectations a little bit higher than they were!

Ms. Brooks: What are you talking about?

Teddy Long: What I'm talkin' bout is my future

Ms. Brooks: Your future?

Teddy Long: My Future Ms. Brooks! You see... I been with this company a long time now and I seen a lot of things

QUICK RECAP: By threatning legal action against the DWS and by claiming racial discrimination along with being backed by the NCAAP, ACLU and Al Sharpton. Ms. Brooks decides to listen to Teddy Long and agrees to listen to his request about claiming 50% control over the DWS (to be continued)

Match 8.
Batista vs. Umaga

Quick Recap: A hard fought Main Event by both wrestlers which ends in a DQ committed by Umaga. At the end of the match...the exterminators which had been pursuing him all night long, hold Batista down while Umaga spikes him 3 times. As Batista lies helpless in the middle of the ring, a cage is lowered from the rafters and Batista is enclosed inside of it. The cage is then hoisted back up as Ms. Brooks stands gloating and laughing at him from below.


Evil Austin

wow good to see this back I remember having a look at this when it first came out, good luck with this and feel free to check out one of my BTB's


Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL

DWS Press Conference - West Palm Beach, FL

Ms Brooks:

It is with great displeasure that I announce to the members of the media here as well as our beloved fans, that the DWS has endured a major shake-up within the last 24 hours. It is a change that has the potential to alter this companies goals and direction for many years to come. During our weekly broadcast of Fatal Invasion last Friday, I was confronted by a long time WWE employee named Theodore Long. Mr Long first began by calling my authority into question and then followed up by making the outlandish demand that HE recieve fifty percent control over every aspect
of the Dominant Wrestling Syndicate.

Given the absurd nature of this demand, I quickly dismissed it as being a misguided attempt at humor. However,one hour later...after Fatal Invasion went off the air, I recieved a phone call from Mr. Longs legal represntative who assured me that this was no joke! I was then informed that Mr. Long and his lawyers were prepared to bring this fight to the courts if need be. After lengthly consultation on behalf of our own lawyers, the consensus
amongst us was that Mr. Long's charges were without merit and any legal action made against us on this matter would be fruitless.

Upon Mr. Long's acknowledgement of our refusal to settle this case and cave in to his demands, lawyers for Mr. Long then informed us that Mr. Long had sought the assistance and services of The American Civil Liberties Union,and The NAACP along with the Reverend Al Sharpton. Once armed with this knowledge, we had no other choice but to re-evaluate our previous position on this matter. A meeting took place early Sunday at Headquarters here in West Palm to discuss possible avenues we could take to thwart any legal discourse. Obviously we did not want to settle... That was the last thing we wanted to do! However, as the meeting wore on, 2 absolute truths presented themselves.

1. A non settlement of this issue would involve months of legal wrangling and our shows would begin to suffer

2. Even if we did win any court case against Teddy Long, and the aforementioned orginizations that he aligned himself with would no doubt protest in front of our offices and all this attention would cast this company in a negative light.

So ultimately we came to the decision of bending towards the will of Theodore Long and we are now faced with the reality that The DWS has officially split into two brands. This split went into effect officially starting last night and will continue into the forseeable future

Let it be known that the DWS had plans this year for introducing some form of brand expansion, but never under these kind of circumstances... and certainly not like this! Let it further be known that Mr. Theodore Long's tactics and his actions to divide the Syndicate can only be percieved by myself as total of Acts Of War! Make no mistake about
it! There ain't gonna be no ribbon cutting ceremony.no welcoming party... and no special draft! What's done is now done...much to the disgust of myself, this company and our fans! (to the media) If you guys print ONE thing in your little newspapers...Make sure you print this! This is now personal warfare waged upon me!! I DO NOT support Mr Long's brand in any way, shape or form and will exhaust every resource I have to see that IT FAILS!!

I have made available the new rosters for Fatal Invasion as well as the roster for his guys, (to the media) and...you can pick up a copy of it on your way out. It will also be posted on our site...

Media Guy: (innaudible)

Brooks: Yes. Like I said, It will all be available on the website. Unfortunately were not gonna do a Q&A today guys! This trip down
here has been a real pain in my ass and I gotta fly back to Vancouver as soon as we finish this BS session. But seriously...you all know my position on this matter and if you need to know anything else, then ask HIM...after all... He's the reason were all here.. Right?

(mild babble from the press corps)


The Newly Revised and Updated Rosters For DWS Friday Nights Fatal Invasion and DWS WAR-TORN! Wrestling brands...are as follows...


DWS Friday Night's Fatal Invasion

MGR - Traci Brooks

Michael Cole

Triple H *
John Cena
Chris Jericho
Rey Mysterio
Shelton Benjamin
Mark Henry
Eric Young
Chavo Guerrero w/ Vicki Guerrero
Big Daddy V w/ Matt Striker
Mike Knox
The Big Show
Kenny Dykstra

John Morrison & The Miz
Cryme Tyme
Edge & Christian
Deuce & Domino
Money & Power ( Ted DiBiasie Jr. & Paul Burchill) w/ Matt Stryker
Bam Neely & Matt Morgan
Motor City Machine Guns

Beth Phoenix
Gail Kim
Roxxi Lavaeux
Lady Roucka
Rhaka Khan
Katie Lea



MGR - Theodore Long


Booker T
Kofi Kingston
CM Punk
Randy Orton
Mr. Kennedy
Colin Delaney
Festus w/ Matt Stryker
Robert Roode
The Great Kahli w/ Raisha Saeed
Vladamir Kozoloff

Cody Rhodes & Gregory Helms
Team 3D *
Petey Williams & Rick Steiner
Elijah Burke & Ron Killings
The Hardy Brothers
Voodoo Kin Mafia

Awsome Kong W/ Raisha Saeed*
Velvet Sky
Cheerleader Melissa

The Rated R CMStar

Damn. Let me say first that the press conference had to be the best "promo" I have ever read. It felt completely realistic and I enjoyed. It was shocking and I am surprised with the brand extension. I will be reviewing nonetheless


Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL

ep1. - DWS WAR-TORN! - 5/14/2008 - Vancouver, BC -General Motors Place

s1. -- "Dis' Heres MY Party!"

The show opens with an extreme close up shot of Teddy Long's face. He is wearing a necktie around his forehead like Rambo. He is holding a cup and is laughing hysterically. It is the middle of a party and the music is loud and people are everywhere. At one point Teddy Long jumps up on a table and starts dancing to the music while the crowd continues to encourage him...jumps down and starts walking around the room to mingle and say 'Hi' to various partygoers.

First he meets Salinas and say's "hi" and then moves on.Second he meets Vladamir Kozoloff whom he has to look up to. Kozlof's expression is unfriendly and frightening and Teddy Long decides to move on

Long: (to Kozloff) Um...ah...never mind. (nervously pat's Kozlof's shoulder)

Lastly,Teddy Long encounters a huge cage located in the corner of the room. He looks in the corner and suddenly BATISTA appears from inside the cage....

Batista: (relieved) Thank God you're here! Hey man I need...

Long: (frightened) WOOAAAH MAN!!.. (relieved) Oh man..(sighs) Don't be sneaking up on me like that! Damn!(drunken laughter) Whatchyoo doin'in there Man? (more drunken laughter)

Batista: I need for you to...

Long: What the hell is this anyway? (pointing to cage) Like you're secret clubhouse or something??(drunken laughter)

Batista begins to explain to Teddy Long but through Long's drunkeness, much of what Batista says falls on deaf ears and
Long just tunes him out.

Long: (interupting)(cups both hands over his mouth and shouts to Batista) COME OUT TH' CAAAGGGGEEE PLAYA!!! AIN'T NUTHIN' GOIN' ON IN THERE, THE PARTY ALL OUT HERE!! (drunken laughter)

Batista: Teddy listen to me for a minute!

(slight pause)

Long: (trying to concentrate) Oh I know what dis' be. Don't tell me....Don't tell me. I know what dis' is. Dis' right here's th'.... th' animal house!!(drunken laughter) Get It?!?! The animal house!

Batista: Yeah I get it.

Long: Animal house. Ya' get it? (laughing)

Batista: I get it.

Long: Like th' movie...Animal House...

Batista suddenly grabs Teddy Long's collar through the cage and slams him up close against it

Batista: Listen to me! Traci Brooks locked me inside this cage! I need you to hunt her down,find that key and get me the hell out of here! If you can't do that, then get a locksmith over here. I don't care what you do, just get me out of this cage!!

Long: Woah...Woah...Now hold up just a minute there! Let's not talk shop right now..This here's a party! We need to be havin' fun right now! Not worrying ab......

Suddenly Teddy Longs attention is distracted by what is on a televison playing nearby. News coverage of Traci Brooks press conference is playing. Long quickly tears the Rambo-style necktie bandanna off his head, snaps into serious mode and
charges towards the TV...looking to turn it off.

Long: Aww Hell No! Now where the damn remote at?! (shouts to the crowd) Anybody here see the remote controL?!

After getting no response, Teddy Long fumbles around the TV looking for the power button. Unfortunately it's a Type of Plasma screen whose buttons aren't easily accessible. Long. Aww. To hell with it then!Teddy Long finds a hammer nearby and starts pounding the thing but it still won't turn off. A couple of concerned partygoers begin to look on

Long: Y'all go about yo business now...Ya' hear? I'm jus' turning it off.

Finally he picks it up OFF it's bracket and just drops to the floor. Suddenly the TV stops...The music stops and the entire party comes to a standstill. Teddy Long appears slighlty frazzled. His shirt is untucked. His glasses are on crooked. His necktie is out of it's collar and hanging from his neck the wrong way. As everybody in the room is silent and soley focused on him, Long raises his hand which holds the hammer and with an unsteady voice says....

Long: I...I done turned ...it off...now

And with that, all of the partygoers in the room fly into a panic, start screaming and start running towards the exits.

Long: Aww No! NO! Now where y'all goin'? Aww c'mon Now! Don't do me like this now! Stay! Have Fun! This is a party!

In a desperate attempt to keep the party going, Long tries his best to stop his guests from leaving. Although his intentions are are good, His disheveled appearance, drunkeness and the fact that his hand is raised and holding a hammer does little
to convince everyone that he is sane right now.

Long: (with hammer raised) Listen! Dis' here's MY party! ... Don't Go. PLEASE don't leave.

He singles a random lady out to persude her to stay.

Long: YOU (Hammer unknowingly raised) You right there! STOP! I'm ordering you to stay!!

Woman: (Long Scream)

m1. -- Festus vs. Kofi Kingston

Tazz: Wow. Looks like some party!

Coach: It should be. I provided most of them.

Tazz: Provided most of what? Party Favors??

Coach: If that's what you want to call them. Sure.

Tazz: Our debut match here on WAR-TORN! mere moments away! Let's take you to ringside as Kofi Kingston set to take on Festus.

Festus is already in the ring and is recieving advice from Matt Striker who is outside. Kingston is on the turnbuckles finishing up his last "BAM!" The bell sounds ...Festus transforms and immediately begins throwing wild haymakers at Kingston with reckless abandon. Kingston was caught slightly off gaurd and ducks between the ropes for a break. The referee backs up Festus, however Festus comes quickly charging back in and drives a hard shoulder into the abdomen of Kofi. Still holding the ropes, Festus comes charging in for a second time before the ref backs him off. As Festus approaches again, Kofi greets him with a hard right shot. Kofi nails him with a second hard right hand. As Kofi goes for a third, Festus blocks it! Festus grabs the back of Kingstons head, and with his OWN head, delivers a mighty headbutt to the Jamacian. So powerful was the blow that it sends Kofi back into the buckles where he takes a seat right in the corner. Festus wastes no time and grabs Kofi by his head with both hands. With Kofi upright now,Festus quickly follows up with a snap mare landing Kinston near the center of the ring. Festus drops down behind him and offers up a hard knee to the back of Kingston. Festus off the ropes from the far side throws up a boot to the forehead of a sitting Kofi. Good Lord! Festus off the ropes again this time from the left side of your screen to the right and he just lands a devastating leg drop right on Kingston. Festus covers quickly 1...2...and Kingston punches his way out of it! Matt Striker barks some orders from the outside and Festus momentarily glances back as he guides Kingston back to his feet. Festus has Kingston bent down as if to prepare for a suplex, but Kingston counters this and drives that shoulder into Festus backing him up against the ropes on the right side. Kofi Kingston makes the transition from this into an Irish whip sending Festus right to left. Festus off the ropes and Kofi with a reverse leapfrog. Festus off the ropes from the right side where Kingston greets him with a high back elbow. With Festus on his back, Kingston begins to smile and engage in his Jamacian war cry He claps his hands and launches himself off the ropes, however Matt Striker is there to grab his ankle. Kingston turns back momentarily but decides not to get preoccupied with Striker and proceeds to deliver that high elevation double leg drop as planned.Kofi stops, does his little dance however too much time is wasted and as he executes , Festus moves and there is nobody home! Kofi doubles up in pain as Festus decides to quickly cover him for the pin 1...2...and Kingston kicks out. Festus assumes the offensive now. He throws Kingston's arm over his shoulder, picks him up and lands a powerful atomic drop sending torso first against the ropes. Festus with a full head of steam charges Kofi and as he turns, Festus clotheslines him right over the top rope and out of the ring. Festus begins to follow up his attack but the referee stops him and starts saying something to Festus.
With the ref's back turned,Matt Striker takes advantage of the situation and delivers a few kicks to the fallen Kingston. Kingston recovers quickly and with cat-like prowess jumps up onto the apron with ease. Kingston quickly rakes the the eyes of Festus. Kingston then bends down and delivers a hard shoulder to Festus's abdomen. Now with Festus doubled over, Kingston leaps over the top rope and the back of Festus in an attempt to complete a sunset flip. Unfortuantely, due to the size differential, Kofi struggles to complete the flip as he lay underneath. Festus is stumbling...he is bumbling but finally regains his balance, drops down to one knee and lands
a hard fist to the head of Kingston. Festus repats this process punching the head of a fallen Kingston 1 ... 2... 3... 4 ... 5... 6... times! Festus stands fully upright now and turns to Matt Striker momentarily. As Festus turns back, Kofi from the ground, kicks him in the abdomen with two feet.Kofi rocks back and flips back up onto his feet. Kofi delivers a series of chops and all the while is dancing around Festus ... playing to the audience. Kofi off the ropes from the far side and sets up for a bulldog. Festus just catches Kingston in mid air sitting position and just simply tosses Kofi off so that he lands on the mat in a sitting position. Festus delivers some stomps and Kofi is able to catch his foot. As Kofi stands back up, he is got the right leg of and is able to sweep the other leg thus felling The Corn Fed Colossus. With Festus on his back, Kofi has both legs in a position as if here were going to attempt a Boston Crab. Festus brings both his knees close to his chest and then pushes them away and Kofi goes flying off the ropes from the right side. Festus turns with torso to the mat as Kofi leaps over Kofi off the ropes from the left side approaches a waiting Festus who is bent over as if he's going to give a back body drop, but Kingston just kicks him hard in the left shoulder.Sending Festus now upright , grabbing that left shoulder and writhing in pain. Kingston attempts a punch but Festus catches it. He caught Kofi's fist with a single hand! Kingston, with his left fist momentarily incapacitated, attempts another punch with his other fist which too also is caught by Festus. The two men are now in a 'Test Of Strengh' position untill Festus breaks it with a kick to the midsection. Festus begins to go to work on the left arm of Kingston...yanking up and down like a whip.
He winds up the arm tight and locks the wrist, Kofi is trying to move accordingly with the contortions. Kofi does some amazing flips to avoid getting his arm broken by Festus. After some time of this, somehow Kingston is able to reverse the roles and it is now Kofi who is winding the arm up of Festus From the center of the ring now, Kofi Kingston whips Festus right into the corner turnbuckles. He immediately trails after and delivers a splash.Kingston backs up from this and follows up by leaping perfectly onto the tope rope. Kingston now is punching Festus' head as the crowd is counting 1...2....3....4...5...6... Kofi flips down off the top rope, grabs the head of Festus with both hands throws his knees up and executes a perfect monkey flip sending the big man flying towards the center of the ring. Festus returns to his feet rather quickly and now Kofi begins a series of sweep moves... knocking Festus down every time he tries to get up. He completes a final leg sweep in which his movements were accentuated in grandiose fashion. Kingston measures than drops a knee on Festus. Kingston goes to the right lower corner of the ring and climbs to the top rope. Meanwhile Festus, who is still dazed, is slowly getting to his feet and just as he turns around, Kofi hits him with a cross-body. Kingston covers and hooks the leg... 1...2...and Festus KICKS OUT! Kingston guides Festus slowly back up. With Festus's upper body bent over and appearring to be setup for a powerbomb, Kinston quickly nails him with a swinging neckbreaker. Kofi quickly stands up...gives that Jamacian war cry again while working the crowd up into a frenzy. Kingston off the ropes from the far side. Stops,drops,does a little dance and then lands that high elevation double leg drop. Kofi quickly covers 1...2... and NO!! A kick out by Festus! Both men stagger to their feet now and it is Kofi who strikes first as he delivers a hard kick to the midsection and then almost immediately attempts a quick DDT! Festus is able to counter this by attempting to flip Kingston over behind his back but he only partially succeeds as Kingston lands on his feet. Festus turns around quickly and deliver a huge roundhouse right but Kingston ducks this. The momentum throws Festus off balance and Kingston seizes the oppertunity by nailing Festus with that enzinguri finsher. Festus falls to both knees before ending up face first on the mat. Kofi covers for the pinfall! 1...2...3!

s2. -- Mandatory Anti-Tobacco PSA!

David Pezner: Ladies and Gentlemen! By order of the DWS president Traci Brooks, We proudly bring to you your evenings
Required anti-tobbacco awareness program!

A bespectaled diminutive looking man in a suit and tie comes out to the ring towards a podium that is set up. He spends about 10 minutes describing the dangers of Cigarette smoking. He speaks in a whiny and voice. There are some sparse boos but for the most part the speech proceeds without incident. After this presentation, the camera then cuts to


S2.5 -- Scott Steiner/Petey Williams pre-match interview

Opening shot of Scott Steiner flexing his muscle in front of Todd Grisham.

Grisham: Big Papa Pump!....Little Petey Pump!...Guys! Your first match...on the first EVER broadcast of WAR-TORN! What are your feeling great right now.

Steiner: Well you know SUMTHING JB?! This is only THE BEGINNING! W..

Grisham: Um...It's...It's Todd...


Grisham: My name is Todd...


Steiner: I said that! (voice trails off)

Petey Williams: Listen! What Big Poppa Pump is saying is THIS! It doesn't matter who you put in front of us? It doesn't matter if it's LAX! It doesn't matter if it's VKM There is NO OBSTACLE so great that will keep Maple Leaf Muscle and Big Poppa Pump away from our quest for the gold! (To Grisham) Did you see that?

Todd Grisham: What?

Petey Williams flexes his right bicep

Williams: (To Grisham) Are you looking?..Did you see that?

Grisham:I see...I see...

Williams: (flexing) That deltoid....so chiseled... (Petey raises his bicep and gives it a kiss) (voice trails off)

Steiner: ELIJAH BURKE!...TRUTH! Tonight! You two become stepping stones on OUR path to the....top!!...yeah!

Steiner slaps Williams on the back and tells him "Lets go!" and both men walk off camera

m2.-Elijah Burke/Ron Killings vs. Scott Steiner/Petey Williams

Petey Williams and Scott Steiner enter the the ring as Elijah Burke and Ron Killings are already waiting. The two start flexing their muscles. Petey Williams starts off first against Elijah Burke. Both men lock up in the middle of the ring. Both competitors begin to push towards each other in a lock-up position.Burke gains the upper hand and pushes Williams back into the buckles. Williams gets up a little more cautiously and begins to evaluate his opponent a little more seriously. Both men semi-circle around 180 degrees before locking up a second time this time more aggressively. Williams immediatley swings around behind Burke and locks the arm while executing a half nelson suplex. Both men back on their feet with haste and Williams follows up with a hard drop kick sending Burke back into the ropes. Petey Williams tags in Steiner. Both men guide Burke and double suplex him Williams now out and Steiner takes control. Steiner delivers three hard kicks to the head of Burke before scooping him up and delivering a body slam. Steiner guides Burke back up and recieves a shot to the midsection but it barely phases Steiner returns with a blow to his head. Both wrestlers now exchanging blows and it is Steiner who is able to block one of Burkes offerings and gain the advantage. Steiner launches himself off the ropes from the left side and attempts a hard clothesline which Burke
ducks and when Steiner comes off the ropes from the right, Burke greets him with a spinning heel kick to the side of the head With Steiner down, Burke quickly launches himself off the ropes from the far side of the ring and lands a leg drop. Burke covers for a pin attempt 1...2..and NO! A kickout by Steiner. Steiner who is now on all fours and trying to make the tag, gets leveled by a another leg drop this time on the back of the neck. Steiner sits up and Burke has him in a sleeper hold now...really cinching it in. The ref steps up and lifts the arm 1...2...and Big Poppa Pump is able to raise his arm before and suddenly that adrenaline gets pumping and Steiner rises to his feet now. Finally Steiner breaks the sleeper and nails Burke with one elbow...two elbows and ducks the third elbow and gets Steiners arm around his head so that now Burke is in the position to give Steiner a Bulldog. Steiner slightly elevated however,is able to to back on both feet. Steiner turns to face Burke, grabs Burkes right arm, reaches down and picks him up onto his shoulders for an overhead lift throw and just drops him. Steiner drops down to go for the pin but NO! He decides he'd rather do push-ups instead. Steiner gets back up and stands over his opponent and flexes. As Steiner is flexing, Ron Killings shouts something to the official and gets his attention. With the ref distracted, Elijah Burke kicks Steiner right in the boys! A low blow! As the ref turns towards the wrestlers, Petey Williams comes in untagged to plead his case and the ref gets distracted with him. While this is going on, Burke seizes the moment backs Steiner back into the corner. While Killings holds Steiner, Burke delivers a series of chops The Ref turns around and sees nothing. Quickly Burke makes the tag to Ron Killings and automatically Burke locks Steiner up with a full nelson and leads him to the center of the center of the ring. meanwhile Truth launches himself off the top turnbuckle and nails Steiner with missile dropkick. Killings the legal man in now off the ropes from left to right and connects with a flying forearm. Killings now off the ropes from the far side leaps over Steiner who has his torso to the mat. Killings off the ropes on the near side leapfrogs over Steiner and comes off the ropes from the far side again and hits Steiner with a hurricanrana. Steiner now bounces back up but Truth is there to connect with a viscious roundhouse kick to the head! Ron Killings is moving at a fast pace now and as Steiner is slightly bent over, Truth senses an oppertunity, launches himself off the ropes on the far side and attempts a corkscrew scisors-kick, but Steiner sees this, falls to the canvas and rolls out of the ring in time. Steiner is holding his head and walks around outside...Elijah Burke jumps down off the apron and attacks him and then throws him back in the ring to an awaiting Ron Killings. Meanwhile, Petey Williams runs around the outside and attacks Burke. Williams delivers two punches to the back of the head and then kicks him untill he is don on the floor. Williams returns to his corner. Back in the ring now, Killings continues his assault on Steiner by delivering a series of hard stomps with two hands on the ropes to maximize the effect. The referee steps in and breaks it. Once again Truth repeats this and once again the referee breaks it an backs him up. A third time Truth moves towards Steiner only this time he goes to work on the leg twisting it and then landing an elbow on it Killings returns to his feet and grabs the leg of Steiner again but this time makes the tag to Burke and then dragging Steiner by his leg towards the center of the ring. Elijah launches himself off the top ropes striking Steiner between the legs with a Guillotine leg drop
Burke the legal man in now gets Steiner back on his feet only to hit him with a knee lift to the abdomen. Burke follows up by backing Steiner into the corner and delivering three knife edge chops. Burke whips Steiner into the corner and follows up with a splash attempt but Steiner puts up the big boot and Burke catches it to the head. Steiner falls to knees and now both men are down and it is a race by both men to see who makes the tag first. Steiner somehow...someway makes the tag to Williams. An energized Petey Williams in the ring now showing absolutely no mercy to Elijah Burke right now as he drop kicks him once....Drop kicks him again. Williams arm drags Burke and then slaps on an arm bar. Williams goes to work on the arm until finally Burke is able to get to his feet. Burke gains control enough to Irish whip Burke to the ropes on the left side and Williams ducks down for a back body drop but Elijah kicks him in the shoulder then scoop slams him. Burke guides Williams back up while making the tag to Truth. Burke then whips Williams hard into the buckles, drops down to all fours allowing the trailing Truth to hit a Poetry In Motion splash. Killings quickly covers for the pin One... Two... and Williams drapes a leg over bottom rope. An angry Truth guides Williams back up and Irish whips him to the opposite corner turnbuckle but it is reversed by Williams.
Killings goes into the buckles and Williams follows closely for the splash attempt but Truth leaps upwards with both hands on the ropes...Williams comes charging in underneath. Killings then cartwheels his way to the center of the ring to await a charging Williams. Truth ducks a running clothesline and as William turns around, Killings nails him with a spinning heel kick. Killings for the pin attempt One...Two... and a kickout by Maple Leaf Muscle Truth guides him back up now and Williams is able to deliver a few hard shots to Killings which Truth is able to feel the effects of. Williams delivers a hard kick to the midsection of Killings and then scoops him up for a running power slam. Williams covers for the pin and Killings kicks out after a count of 1. Still on offense now Williams whips Killings into the corner and then comes running in from a splash. Williams kicks Truth hard to the midsection. With Truth now doubled up, Williams sets up for the Canadian Destroyer, but Killings reverses this by standing up and delivering a back body drop to Williams. Killings falls backwards against the ropes on the far side. Delivers a leg drop but Williams moves and there is nobody home. Williams now makes the tag to Steiner. Scott Steiner now in seizes the oppertunity to deliver some kicks to a fallen Ron Killings...3 to be exact. Steiner turns away slightly and Killings is able to execute a drop toe hold sending Steiner down hard into the mat. Truth follows up by grinding his fist hard against the face of Steiner untill the referee steps in. The Truth does some acrobatic reverse somesault backflip...quickly
springing to his feet. At about the same time Steiner is just barely on his feet as Killings delivers a dropkick and Steiner falls against the ropes but he's still on his feet. Steiner staggers forward...still feeling the effects from the dropkick ...he now staggers his way to the center of the ring slightly dazed. Truth delivers a kick to the midsection of Steiner...doubling him over. Killings sees the oppertunity, falls back and again executes that corkscrew scissors-kick to the back of the head of Steiner.This one is in the books! One...Two...Three!


S3.5 -- Womens Pre-Match Promo --

Grisham: Coming up next...big 7 women battleroyal...and...now I'm...

Off camera yelling...by a female voice... OOOHHHHHHH YYYYYEEEEAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!HAH-HAH-HAH-HAH!!!!!

Grisham: ...joined by none other than The ODB herself!! ODB!! What on earth are you...?

ODB appears on camera holding a flask with her left hand and smacking Todd Grisham's backside with her right hand

ODB: HAH-HAHHHHH!!! What's happening there big Stud!!(smack!) HHAAHHH!!!!! Tonight I...

Grisham reacts uncomfortably to the smack...

Grisham: I... (cough)...ahem (tugs at his collar)

ODB: TONIGHT!! The O... (to Grisham) What's Wrong?!

Grisham: Well...it's just that...

ODB: BBAAHH!!! They told me you liked it (smack!) ROUGH!! HAH!HAH!!!

Grishams eyes bulge out as he looks terrified directly into the camera

ODB: Ladies!! HAH-HAH-HAH....Velvet Sky!...Salinas...and the other broad's I'll be fightin' tonight...Tonight you'll see why THE O-D-B.....is just not another...pretty...face!!!
(takes a drink from the flask) OHHHHHHH!!!!! AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

Suddenly Velvet Sky appears from off camera and grabs the mic

Velvet Sky: Um excuse me?!...Excuse me?!....I just wanted to know...What's it like living in a barn?...I mean...do you get along with all the other little animals?!

ODB: OHHH! HAH-HAH!!! Why don't come over and FIND OUT!!! HAHHH!!

Sky: Eww. You are SO gross!

Josie now appears from off camera behind Grisham

Josie: You ladies done chirpin'? I whoop all yo' asses!!

Now Salinas appears from behind ODB and inadvertantly pulls her hair. ODB then elbows her in the face. Natalya, Victoria
and Mellissa join the fracas and before you know it there is an all out brawl during the interview! Todd Grisham, who is in the middle of all this, attempts to restore order.

Grisham: Ladies!...Ladies PLEASE! Save it for the ring! Can we get security out here?!?!....


S3 -- Post Party Clean-Up --

We're looking at a shot of Teddy Long sitting up against his desk in an office holding an ice bag against his head. The
jovial GM we saw at the top of this broadcast now appears to be tired, stressed out and run down. He is surrounded by the cleaning staff who are cleaning up after the party. A member of the cleaning staff, an awkward kid in his late teens, approaches Long

Worker: Um.....Sir?

Long: Huh?

Worker: Sir we've got this like..cage here???...and...well... Where would you like for us to put it?

Long: (confused) The Wha...?

Worker: The cage Sir.

Long: What about it!?

Worker: Where do you want the cage? (points to cage) I mean we can leave it here...we can get rid of it. Just depends on what you you want us to do?!

Long: (annoyed) What?! What do I care what you do with it man! Get rid of it!! (mumbling to hiself) Botherin'... me... about... some...cage...hmph!

The cleaning guy begins to fufill Teddy Longs request and proceeds to remove the cover to the cage. The worker is dutiful towards his task until an arm begins to extend out from inside the cage grabbing the kid by the collar...The kid freaks out and screams opting insted to leave the cover on.

Worker: Sir! (voice cracks) Sir!

Long: (Lethargic) Huh?

Worker: An arm Sir...An ARM...It reached out and...IT GRABBED ME?!

Long! What?!

Worker: Theres somebody...IN THAT CAGE!


Long: (gathering his train of thought) I KNOW THERES S...!!! (winces in pain and holds the icebag closer to his head)(softer voice) I know...theres someone in the cage son....

Teddy Long puts down the icebag and walks over towards the cage

Long: Ok Son...Watch and learn... (more urgently) Are you watching me now?!

Worker: Y...Yes Sir!

Long: Alright now....pay attention! You take this (grabs a clipboard) You do this (strikes extended arm with clipboard until it retracts) Then you do this (throws the cover completely on) And then you do that (positions cage on hand cart) Think you can handle that man?!

Worker: Ab..Absolutely Sir.

Long: Great. Now get it out of my office!!

Worker: Right away Sir.

Teddy Long places the icebag back on his head and resumes his original position. He looks miserable.

m3. -- Women's Battle Royal -- -- ODB/Velvet Sky/Salinas/Josie/Natalya/Victoria/Cheerleader Melissa

All the women participants are in the ring as they begin to point fingers and trash talk their opponents.The bell sounds and they collide and start attacking one another. The ODB comes up behind Velvet Sky, grabs two handfulls of hair and throws her backwards. Salinas has got Natalya backed into a corner and is on the second rope delivering a series of shots to the head Cheerleader Melissa Irish whips Victoria towards the ropes on the left side. Victoria comes off the ropes and
ducks a clothesline attempt by Melissa and using her momentum decides to clothesline an unsuspecting Josie who was standing near the ropes on the right side. Josie goes over the top rope and onto the floor.


Almost immediately ODB begins to attack Mellissa. Victoria is Kicking Salinas who close to going over the top rope. Natalya has Velvet Sky in a choke hold which turns into a choke slam. Natalya spots Victoria almost dumping Salinas and decides to help out. Natalya comes running full speed and is able to knock Salinas over the top


Cheerleader Melissa on the back of ODB try to put on a sleeper and the ODB just throws her off. From outside the ring Salinas runs up towards the apron and distracts Melissa allowing The ODB to Scoop her up and dump her over the top rope Cheerleader Melissa is able to hold onto that top rope howver and her feet do not touch the floor. ODB turns around and recieves a clothesline from Melissa. Meanwhile Velvet Sky is battling Victoria trying desperately to stay in the ring,however once again Natalya is there to help assist her and both wrestlers pick up Velvet SKY and dump her over the top


Cheerleader Melissa finds herself in a dangerous situation. As all the rest of the remaining three wrestlers pick her up with easeand throw her over the top.


Now all three remaining wrestlers stand in the ring looking at each other suspiciously. Alliances that once were, exist no more! There is much thought and strategizing going on inside the heads of these individuals. Much time passes and finally ODB and Natalya begin to corner Victoria. All of a sudden, from outside the ring, we see someone jump on the ring apron. Ms Brooks! Traci Brooks was in this building tonight and she just came out of the crowd, ran up to the ring and grabbed the hair of Victoria. With Victoria now distracted, both ODB and Natalya take advantage of the situation by double clotheslining her right out of the ring.


Immediately Victoria goes to confront Brooks but, Traci just kicks her in the midsection and power bombs her on the concrete. Traci Brooks follows up by threatning to hit Victoria with a steel chair which sends her running to the
backstage area
Traci Brooks throws the chair aside now and focuses her attention on the two in the ring. She attempts to climb into the ring but both Natalya and ODB ward her off! Traci Brooks continues to attempt to enter the ring but the two in the ring are doing their best to keep her out. At the same time however, both Natalya and ODB are suspicious of each other...constantly looking over their shoulder to see if the other is trying to eliminate them.

Ms. Brooks requests the microphone

Ms. Brooks: YOU KNOW SOMETHING LADIES!!!....We could stand around here and play games all night...or you could let me into that ring and I could whoop both your asses within 60 seconds!

Both Natalya and ODB find the challenge humourous enough to laugh about it.

Ms. Brooks: Don't be afraid ladies! I mean...You take the lardass over there (pointing to Natalya) combine her weight
with the pig in the corner (pointing to ODB) and you two have the advantage right?!...I mean...a BIG advantage...RIGHT?!!... I mean a REAL...REAL HUGE advantage RIGHT?!!...Were talkin' a MASSIVE...KING-SIZED...OVERBLOWN advantage RIGHT?!!

Immediately Natalya and ODB lunge over the rope and grab Traci's hair but she is able to escape them....

Ms. Brooks: WOAH...Whoah!! Hold on there ladies. You'll get your chance!...but ALL These fans here tonight were promised that they would see me beat WAR-TORN'S top female talent within the time limit of 60 seconds! Now I don't know about you two, but when I promise the fans something ....I deliver! Traci Brooks DELIVERS!! Now if were gonna do this, were gonna do it the right way! (to timekeeper)Hey TimeKeeper! Yeah You! Wake Up Man!! Put 60 seconds on your little watch there and let's get this party started!!

Traci Brooks throws down the microphone and quickly slides into the ring dragging a steel chair in along with her. She pulls a referee whistle from her shirt and blows on it to signal for the clock to begin.

00:60 Traci Brooks stands at the center of the ring armed with a steel chair. Natalya and ODB stand at each corner

00:50 Both Natalya and ODB move closer to the center towards Brooks

00:45 With her left leg, Ms Brooks kicks Natalya right in the midsection doubling her over.

00:40 Ms. Brooks tosses the steel chair at ODB whom catches it. As she catches it, Brooks drop kicks her holding the chair and ODB goes flying against the ropes.

00:30 With all her momentum, Brooks lunges towards ODB pretty much gets her over the ropes however, ODB is sitting on the apron and her feet have yet to touch the floor. Meanwhile Natalya sees the oppertunity to eliminate both women and goes for it!

00:20 After a series of blows, Brooks is finally able to free herself from the clutches of ODB as she drops to the floor!


00:15 Brook's is on the ring apron on her back and has Natalya locked up in a head scissors. Meanwhile ODB slowly gets up and decides to grab Ms. Brooks hair. Much struggling ensues but finally Brooks releases the grip that ODB had on her hair...then proceeds to grab ODB's hair...and at the same time Natalya's hair and then headbutts the two together flipping Natalya over the top and out of the ring


00:03 Brooks rolls back into the ring and requests the microphone

Traci Brooks stands at the center of the ring slightly bent over. Her left hand is holding the microphone and is resting slightly on her left knee,while her right hand brushes the from her face. She stands fully upright now still holding her head and trying to catch her breath.

Brooks: Okay.... (touches her face to see if theres blood...then again brushes the hair from her face)

Brooks appears to be physically exhausted but manages to speak between breaths

Brooks: I just...have (breath) ...one...question (breath) for ALL the fans here tonight! (clears throat)(breath) If YOU were the General Manager of a professional wrestling organization....Would spend the entire night of your companies debut HIDING...in your little office?! (nervous sounding muffled laughter)Ohhh Teddy....poor Teddy(lowered voice) I gave up 50% for this? (shakes head)Unbelieveable! (raises voice) TEDDY LONG!! I know you're in this building (mocking) MY BRUTH-UH!! I know you're HERE...in this building LISTENING to the sound of my voice right now! So why don't you do US, your fans and myself a NICE BIG favor and have the Goddamned common courtesy to come out here and acknowledge US! At least acknowledge your fans who have all suffered though this garbage you call professional Wrestling! (Incredulous) (to fans) I...Did?...Did y'all just see what I just did? Did y'all just WITNESS the QUICKNESS with which I disposed of
the entire womens division? Here I am...not even dressed to wrestle...tonight I'm standing here in street clothes right now! This is what I wear to the office on Monday mornings
for Christ sakes!!

As Ms. Brooks is speaking, 6 individuals who appear to be part of some 'Street Team' come running down the aisle while unfurling A Huge Banner. The banner is approximately 15 feet in height and approximately 50 feet in length. The banner has the Fatal Invasion Logo

Brooks: Disenfranchisement is a word that seems the be thrown around a lot lately....So if any of YOU here feel disenfranchised, well I have good news! Friday Night's Fatal Invasion will welcome every single one of you...and allow you to be a part of our audience THIS FRIDAY....in THIS ARENA!
Simply show up with your ticket stub and we will allow admission for FREE!

(Crowd Cheers)

Brooks: Theres no need to thank me!...You guys have suffered enough tonight! OH...And Teddy LONG?! I went EASY on you tonight! Humiliating and DESTROYING your womens division... Hell!! That was just the opening ACT!!....I'm just getting Started...and we got a LONG WAY to go...Brother!!!!! STAY TUNED!!!!!

Traci Brooks climbs out of the ring and gets close into the camera lens and mouths words of contempt towards Teddy Long

s4 -- Booker T/Sharmel/Grisham

Camera shot of Booker T and Sharmel are backstage. Booker T is explaining to Sharmel the dangers of his upcoming match and why he doesnt want her at ringside.

Sharmel: Booker...I want to go with you...

Booker T: (frustrated) Baby Please! I need for you to be back HERE where it's safe...alright?!

Sharmel: But Booker I....

Booker T: (growing angry) Baby listen to me PLEASE! I'm about to get into some serious s(BEEP!)t right about now! Dis' is HARD-CORE rules we talkin' bout here ALRIGHT?! There gonna be TRASHCANS...WOOD...you name it! Anything goes...and I can't be focused on this match...and worried bout' you too. Iss too much!! Your a distraction to me baby!

Sharmel takes offense to be called 'a distraction' and slaps Booker in the chest

Booker T: No...but not like that! You know what I mean!

Just then Todd Grisham appears on camera with microphone.

Grisham: Booker T! Your match is Next! Hardcore Rules... Falls count ANYWHERE match against t...

Booker T: Whatchyoo want man?! Can't you see I'm BUSY?!

Grisham: I just wanted to get your thoughts on...

Booker T: Oh you want my thoughts?...You wonderin' what I wuz thinkin'? I tell you then! I'm thinkin' that maybe this situation here is little screwed up! I'm thinkin' that maybe
Teddy Long don't know what hell he doin' round here!

Grisham: I get the sense that you're not happy.

Booker T: MAN! I WAS happy...like two weeks ago. I was back home in Houston...chillin' with the family...on my little hammock...I was like...I was like dem cats in that one beer commercial...Which one is that? The one where they all on the beach layin' on hammocks and iss like...they say 'Life is Good' or... (to Todd) Whut they say? 'Life is...Easy' or...'Life...Life is Wonderful' or sumthing(to Todd) 'Whut They Say?'

An awkward pause ensues as Todd is completley oblivious to the fact that Booker asked him a question.


Grisham: (startled) Wha..?? I...I...I..don't..know...

Booker T: (small chuckle) You ain't even heard th' question I axed you man...

Grisham: (slight discomfort) (raised voice) Ahem...Booker T if we could get serious here for one moment. You do realize that you are in a Hardcore Match-Up next against Haight?! A vetern of the ring you are indeed, but how many matches of this calibre have you actually had over the course of your career?! Surely there must be SOME apprehensive feelings on your part right now

Booker T: Nah man listen!...I aint' even sweatin' this right now. Whas' botherin' ME right now is th' fact that some
fool up in management call my cell phone tellin' me my vacation is over! Thas what really piss me off right now
(voice becomes louder) But yeah!!...Yeah!!! Now that you mention it...fightin' in this match tonight aint' no picnic neither but man it be...what it be!

Booker T hugs Sharmel and takes off down the hall

Booker T: (off camera) Don't go no where baby....I be right back...

Closing shot of Todd Grisham on the right holding a mic....Sharmel is on the left, with a worried expression and both hands near her face

m4. -- Booker T vs. Haight (Hardcore Rules!)

Booker T already at ringside...is not actually In the ring but outside in front of the ring facing the entrance way He is jumping up and down getting pumped up for the match. The Subject makes his entrance and he walks casually towards the edge of the ramp facing the ring. Both men engage in a staredown of sorts. Booker T's expression changes from one of calmness to an intense stare. His jaw tightens and and his eyes widen. Subject is wearing sunglasses tonight so you can't see his eyes. His demeanor calm and he stands perfectly still. The stare down continues. 5 seconds pass...nothing happens 10 seconds...nothing happens. At the 15 second mark Booker T raises his right fist to chest level and caresses it with his left hand in a threatening manner. Booker T then
lowers himself slightly in a crouched position as if he is preparing to run a marathon. Subject in turn, mirrors this action precisely. 5 seconds pass...10 seconds pass....At the 15 second mark both men begin running at full speed from their respective ends to meet each other in the center and like two outfielders trying to catch the same baseball, collide face first sending both men down on the ramp. Nobody moves. 5 seconds pass Booker T then moves his left arm towards his face. Subject re-awakens at the 10 second mark trying desperately return to his feet. Booker T is up first and without any hesitation runs up behind Subject and plants his big boot right to the back of his head. Subject who was using the barricade to help him up has been knocked cleanly off. Booker T continues the stompage 1..2..3...4..5...6...kicks to
the head! The fans are going nuts and are cheering Booker by slapping him on the back. Booker get's Subject back on his feet and positions him so that his back is against the retaining wall. With both hands, Booker rips the Security Gaurd shirt completely off the back of Subject. Booker T follows this up with One...Two...Three...Four hard chops to the chest of Subject. Subject wants badly to fall to the floor and double up with pain, however Booker has other plans. Steadying his opponent with his left hand, Booker delivers a hard short clothesline with his right arm. The Subject goes flying right into the audience. Booker T quickly hops up onto the barricade, leaps off and lands a hard fist to the head of Subject. Arena security clears a path as Booker T grabs Subjects hair with his right hand and guides him to the back of the crowd. Booker T sends him right into a wall
Booker T continues the assault by punching Subject three more times sending him back up against a stable stack of folding chairs. Booker T now raises his right arm and looks away... towards the crowd. Big Mistake. As Booker T turns back, Subject manages to pull down the stack of folding chairs, with
which he had a grip, right on top of him. Booker becomes partially buried by the avalanche of chairs that now cover him. The Subject wastes no time and attempts to leap off the remaining stack of folding chairs, however the stack is now UNstable and as he jumps up, the stack collapses and Subject goes tumbling down. Angered by this, Subject picks up a chair with his right hand and whips it hard against the wall. Like a man posessed, Subject decides to get a running start and land right on top of Booker. Subject picks Booker T up from the pile of chairs and gutwrench suplex's him back down again. By his hair, Subject lifts Booker up and delivers the most brutal close-fisted shots ever witnessed. Booker T attempts to stagger his way back out of the crowd and towards the ring. Both men are back near the barricade...this time near the ring. Subject comes charging in hard towards Booker attempting to deliver a huge roundhouse right...but Booker T ducks and the result is a back body drop right over the retaining wall and now at ringside. Booker now leaps over the wall himself. Booker now guides Subject to his feet and then whips him hard into the steel steps breaking them apart. Grabbing the hair of The Subject with his right hand, Booker guides Subject to his feet and positions him on the other side of the ringpost. With his LEFT hand, Booker reaches around the post and grabs the hair of Subject.Booker T then lunges shoulder first towards the ringpost, and then backs away real hard...so that Subjects head butts against the post. Once again, Booker butts the head right off the post. By the third attempt however, Subject is able to eye rake Booker and he then escape the assault. Subject follows up with a punch to the head of Booker and then picks him up in a Gorilla Press like fashion and tosses him neck first on right off the barricade. After dropping a few elbows delivering some stomps...Subject goes underneath the ring and pulls it out and throws it into the ring. Subject attempts to slide into the ring and set up the table, but Booker T grabs hold of his left leg and drags him the hell right out of there. Almost
immediately The Subject follows up with a hard punch to Bookers head but Booker ducks this and Subject's arm gets hooked behind Bookers neck, while Bookers arm is around Subject's neck. The position both men are in right now resembles somthing similar to the start of The Rock's finishing move and sure enough is executed similarly to the move as well as Booker takes Subject down hard. The referee scurries to get into position as Booker attempts the pin 1... 2... and NO! A kickout by Subject! While on the mat, Subject sense an oppertunity and decides to take it. He deliver's a hard kick to the midsection and Booker just falls over. Subject now on the apron drops down to deliver a hard knee across the neck of Booker. He repeats this two more times and then throws Booker T into the ring. While inside the ring, Subject kicks Booker twice as he lay on the mat....upon which he then proceeds to position the table diagonally against the top rope on the left side. The plan is to back body drop Booker right into the awaiting table but as we all know, sometimes plans change. Booker instead locks the thighs.hooks the arms and launches a power bomb...sendingSubject back first into the table. Booker quickly drags him off the table towards the center of the ring. Booker falls back and launches himself off the ropes...landing a leg drop...This could do it!! 1..2.. and a KICK-OUT by Subject. Booker T back on his feet now looking to drop an elbow..but Subject rolls out of the ring and Booker can't connect. Subject falls to one knee before staggering back up outside the ring area. Subject now back under the ring again...fishing around for more weapons...
looking for anything he can use to inflict punishment on Booker T. Subject pulls a trash can from underneath now and tossess it right over the top rope where it lands inside the ring. In addition to that, he finds a steel chair and as Booker's back is turned...Subject jumps upon the apron and nails him across the back with that chair. Subject then grabs the leg of Booker and drags him right out of the ring... letting his body just drop onto the floor. Subject then walks over and tears up the mat from the floor...completley exposing that concrete surface. Subject scoops Booker up and just body slams him down...right on that concrete! Subject now in control...slides back into the ring to retrieve that chair he threw in there only moments ago. Subject climbs through the ropes onto the apron and just above Booker who lay on the floor. With the chair held in an upright and vertical position just drops down crushing the throat of Booker with that chair. Immediately Booker springs upwards into a sitting position grasping for his throat trying desperately to take a breath. As he is sitting, Booker takes a nother chairshot... this time right across the back. Subject hurries to make
the pin. 1...2...and Booker T...KICKS OUT! The Subject drops down and presses that shin right against that throat area applying more pressure onto the throat...as Booker lay kicking his legs in desperation. Subject flips himself around quickly and goes for the pin 1...2..and Booker fights his way out of it! Subject is on his feet now and he looks around. He walks over towards the steel steps and grabs the top half of the steel steps....picks it up...raises it over his head and just nails Booker right over the head with as he was trying to stand up. Subject falls to the ground and covers for the pin 1...2...and Booker kicks out AGAIN! Subject becomes really irate now and goes back under the ring to find more weapons. Like before, he finds another table and this time sets it up at the adjacent side of the ring from where Booker lay. Subject guides Booker T back onto his feet and begins to lead him towards the table but instead, Booker T ducks out of his grip and whips him right into that steel ring post. Booker T now in control of the match throws him back into the ring. Booker T guides Subject to his feet and Irish whips him to the far side. Subject comes off the ropes and just meets the big boot of Booker T. Subject goes down. Booker T walks over to the trashcan and picks it up. Booker T picks up the trash can and just wraps it around the skull of Subject. Booker T covers for the win 1...2..and...NO!!! I don't believe it! Somehow! Some way!...The Subject had the presence of mind to kick out! Unbelievable! Booker T grabs Subject and throws him right into the corner buckle. Booker T follows up quickly with a huge splash. Booker T really man-handling Subject in the corner now and begins to climb up onto the second rope. Subject fires back with a few hard punches now as he too is on the second t buckle. Subject somehow overpowers Booker with a powerful punch to the head sending Booker off the ropes and onto the apron. Booker T quickly regroups and returns to his feet now. Both men are on either side of the ropes. Subject is in the ring while Booker T is on the apron. Both wrestlers begin to exchange heavy blows. Finally. It is Booker who gets the upper hand and positions Subject for a suplex.however he wont budge. Now Subject attempts the suplex and Booker won't budge. Finally Booker T is able to get Subject high in the air in a suplex position....and they fall backwards right through the table that Subject set up earlier. Booker T slow to go for the pin but finally does 1...2...and 3!

s5. - Closing Promo - Goodnight!

Were looking at a shot of the doorway to Teddy Long's office. The camera pans inwards and we see Long at his desk passed out with his feet up and a bottle on his lap. In front of him sits a monitor screen which is showing the closing moments of the previous match. Some time passes and we see the programming on the monitor has gone to 'snow' A few seconds later, we see what appears to be video surveillence footage. The picture is black and white with a digital timestamp featured at the bottom right hand corner.The image on the screen is showing front part of one of the arenas loading docks. Backed up to the dock is a the bed of a 18-wheeler truck so that were looking inside what appears to be a long dark hallway. A few seconds pass and we see a forklift enter the cameras screen. The forklift is carrying a large cage. At some point in the footage, the operator of the forklift
makes a sharp turn and we witness the large cage fall off the lift about 4 feet to the ground. Two workers quickly reposition the cage back onto the forklift so that it is more secure.the forklift then proceeds to enter the 18-wheeler's bed to place the cage inside...moments later the forklift exits sans cage. At this time another gentleman enters the picture...it is presumed that he is the truck driver. This guy driving the signs some paper work and leaves shortly after. The 18 wheeler then pulls about 10 feet away from the loading dock...the driver gets out...closes trailer doors...
waves to the forklift operator...gets in his truck and drives away. The forklift guy pulls the sliding overhead door to the loading dock closed and moves the loading ramp away from the entrance. After that...the screen fades to black.