Kayfabe During The Match: Karl Senn vs Andersen Vega - Precision Championship Match.

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Helo, dwi'n Gymry!
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score
Llanfairpwllgwyngyll, UK
Fifteen minutes into a gruelling technical contest between the returning "King Of Precision", Andersen Vega and the current Precision Champion, Karl Senn and right now, the reigning Precision Champion is in firm control over the returning former World Heavyweight Champion. Senn looks to go for a Boston Crab submission on the grounded "King", grabbing his right leg and reaching to grab the left when a quick and desperate kick thrown by the downed Vega lands square on the chin of the NWO leader, catching him off guard, however, not willing to let Vega get back into control, he keeps his grip on Vega's right leg and once again tried to catch Vega's wildly kicking left. Frantically kicking and trying to get Senn off of him, Vega lands 2 more kicks to the champion's face from a grounded position and then proceeds to hop back to his feet and Enziguri Senn to the side of the head, forcing him to relinquish his grip on Vega's right foot and causing him to stagger backwards and drop to a knee.

The ever resilient self-proclaimed monarch climbs back to his feet and attempts to mount some offence, but the now regrouped Senn quickly shuts any attempt down with a quick and lethal lariat, dropping Vega once again and grabbing both of his legs and finally locking in a Boston Crab submission hold in the dead centre of the ring. Vega lets out a scream in pain and begins to punch at Karl Senn's right ankle, trying to find a means of escape. Realising that the punches are having little to no effect on Senn, Vega desperately attempts to crawl towards the ropes in order to free himself from Senn's grip, but to no avail as the Precision Champion drags Vega back to the centre, while still maintaining the submission hold, in doing this, however, Senn left a big enough gap between his feet to allow Vega to grab his left leg and rolls through Senn's legs and then proceeds to push Senn off him with his legs, causing the Precision Champion to stagger backwards into the turnbuckle and into the referee, trapping John Cone in the corner. Vega quickly gets to his feet and charges at Senn, going for a running knee. As Vega is in mid-air, Senn ducks out of the way and escapes the corner and Andersen Vega's knee connects sweet on the chin of the referee, knocking him out cold.

Vega hesitates for a moment and looks down at the unconscious referee before turning around and seeing Karl Senn fly towards him, attempting to connect with a jumping knee strike, Vega instinctively ducks out of the way, however, Senn manages to stop his momentum by grabbing the ropes so that he doesn't go flying to the outside. Senn quickly turns around and gets kicked in the gut by Vega, who wastes no time in hooking Senn's arms and drilling him face first into the canvas with a Pedigree. Vega rushes to a pin as the audience begins to count. "1!", "2!", "3!", "4!", "5!", "6!". However, with referee John Cone still
unconscious, the match doesn't end. Vega releases the pin and can be seen rolling his eyes with a little smirk on his face, and proceeds to mutter the words "Wow, just my luck". The "God Amongst Men" crawls over to the unconscious referee and attempts to wake him up via shaking his limp body, lightly slapping his face and shouting at him to "Wake your ass up, you pussy!", however, in the meantime, Karl Senn is beginning to stir and rolls over to his belly and begins to crawl towards the ropes. The audience are sent booing, however, as Alex Clark, Karl Senn's brother in arms in The N.W.O faction runs down the ramp and sliding into the ring. Vega, being a veteran of the business, hears this crowd reaction and immediately turns around, only to be kicked in the place that god only ever intended to be treated gently (His bollocks) and falling to the mat in excruciating pain. While all this has unfolded, Karl Senn has made his way back to his feet and begins to bark orders at Alex Clark, commanding him to finish Vega off, Clark obliges and begins to taunt Vega, telling him to get to his feet. Vega climbs to his knees, still clutching his privates in pain as Karl Senn grows confident that his victory is sealed and walks over to Vega and begins to talk trash to him "So much for your grand return, old man!" "Come on, tough guy! Fight back! Come on! Fig" Alex Clark, out of nowhere, hooks his arm over Senn's neck and hits a Rock Bottom on his now apparent former friend, sending the defending champion head and neck first onto the unforgiving canvas and knocking his out cold. Clark jumps immediately back to his feet and looks down at Senn with a smile, before glancing at Vega and uttering the words "You're welcome", before exiting the ring and walking up the ramp.

The still hurting Vega crawls to Senn and leans back first on him and hooks his leg. Referee John Cone begins to stir and slowly crawls over to position, completely oblivious to what has just transpired and begins his slow count. "1!"... "2!"... "3!" and the bell rings, signalling the end of the match. The audience have a mixed, but extremely loud reaction to the outcome, with both cheers and boos echoing through the arena as Andersen Vega is given the Precision Championship by the still groggy John Cone and his signature theme song blasts throughout the arena.


@Voin @Mr. Thunder you're welcome. This is the only part of your storyline that I'm writing for you, okay? Lol.
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