Kayfabe During Michael Kelly vs Yuri Black

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
*In the ring, Yuri Black has Michael Kelly in a Boston Crab submission hold and Kelly is finding it hard to reach for the bottom rope in order to break the hold, the pain is clear as shown on Kelly's face but he gathers up the strength and moves from the middle of the ring to the bottom rope in a matter of seconds, suprising the crowd and Yuri Black. Black is having none of it and picks Kelly straight back up to his feet and hooks both of his arms, looking for the finishing Tiger Bomb, he lifts Michael up but Kelly counters into a Hurricanrana which sends Yuri outside of the ring. Michael is getting ready for a possible suicide dive, but then suddenly Reagan Cole, Yuri Williamson and Gabriel Kirkshaw appear running down the ramp unbeknownst to Kelly. Reagan grabs the attention of Michael who seems confused on why Cole is out here, however he soon finds out when Reagan points at him and Williamson and Kirkshaw rush the ring and start to attack Michael Kelly, the referre sees this and calls for the bell but before it can ring, Kirkshaw hits a huge right hand into the refs face, knocking him out cold.*

"What the hell are these guys doing out here?! The tag team champions are attacking Michael Kelly but why? Does Yuri Black have anything to do with this?"

"That doesn't matter at this point, the tag champs seem to want to make a statement and this beatdown is starting to look ugly."

*After multiple punches and kicks to Kelly, Reagan orders both members of Anarchy Inc to lift him up. They do so and Kirkshaw places Michael on his shoulders and gestures to Yuri, who runs off the ropes and rebounds back hitting a Corkscrew Neckbreaker whilst Kirkshaw falls back for a Samon Drop, the move that they call the 'ADC' (Anarchy Death Cyclone). Michael Kelly is out, showing no signs of movement, but Anarchy Inc aren't done yet, Gabriel grabs Kelly in a Full Nelson hold, looking for the Dragon Suplex. Williamson hits the prone Kelly with a spinning heel kick as Kirkshaw snaps back with a Dragon Suplex. Yuri Black has seen what has gone on in the ring, and thinking that Anarchy Inc are out here to help him gets in the ring and gestures for a hi-5. Black is met with a glare from the Tag Team Champions before getting hit by the same right hand that took out the ref and Williamson hooks one of his arms and drives him down to the mat with a Underhook Facebuster. Reagan climbs into the ring holding the Precision Tag Team Championships and hands them to Kirkshaw and Williamson who raise them up high with Reagan Cole in the middle, looking down at the fallen Kelly and Black, as Anarchy Inc head backstage with the referre finally coming back to his senses, and medics coming down to the ring.*

Mentions - @Ziggity, @Regdegington, @HoovinandGroovin.

Posting this now as I'm gonna be out for most of tommorow, and since some other post/mid match segments have gone up, I may aswell put this one up. :)