Kayfabe During Golden Dragon vs Joseph Diamond

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
*Diamond and Dragon are exchanging blows in the ring, Diamond with forearms and Dragon with kicks. Joseph Diamond soon gets the advantage and throws Golden into the corner, he runs at him but Golden Dragon sidesteps which forces Diamond to hit his signature corner Enziguri which knocks both men down. After a count of 5 from the ref, Diamond begins to climb to his feet and he beckons for Dragon to get up when suddenly the lights begin to flicker, causing mini blackouts in the process, after the third flicker it is a complete blackout. The lights come back on and in the ring is Will Neilson, still in his ring gear from earlier on and when Joseph Diamond viciously attacked him after his win over Mike Thunder. Neilson runs at Diamond and hits a Platinum Bullet, knocking Diamond out and causing a disqualification.*

"You will never get this title! You are a worthless piece o-"

*Just as Neilson begins to finish his sentence, he is dropkicked from behind by Golden Dragon, his opponent from the previous week. Dragon jumps over the ropes and goes for a springboard manuver, however Neilson catches him in a Powerbomb position and lets him dangle, he jumps forward hitting the Neilson Clash and leaving Golden Dragon in a heap on the ground. Will appears to be happy with his work that he has done and raises his Intercontinental Championship to a chorus of boo's, Will gets on the mic and speaks.*

"I can beat Joseph Diamond! I can beat Golden Dragon! They are not in my league and they will never will be, this title is staying with me for as long as I want, and I ain't going to let anyone big or small take it away from me! You both want me? How about this? I want both of you at Viewer's Choice, and the people at home decide what type of match we compete in. It doesn't matter though, there will only be one winner, and you're looking at him."

*Neilson drops the mic and smirks before turning to face the fallen Diamond, and without hesitation lifts him and gets him in position for the Neilson Clash. After a few seconds of waiting, Will jumps forward with much more impact than he did to Golden Dragon and Joseph goes down hard. Neilson's theme plays as he leaves the ring as medics come out to help Diamond and Dragon.*

Mentions - @CiV and @Apex
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