Draft Backfire.

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So it was rumored as we approached the 2009 WWE Draft that we would see RAW...the "A Show".. considerably beefed up with the majority of the big names and talent sent over to Monday nights. Aaaaand of course that's exactly what we saw. The roster is now stacked with Orton, HHH, HBK, Batista, Cena, Big Show, MVP and Kennedy.
However, RAW over the past few weeks has been extremely lack luster and doesn't really seem like the A show at all. Smackdown on the other hand has really been flourishing by utalizing new and fresh talent. Along with the assistance of two veteran heels..Jericho and Edge.. the show has really been quite incredible lately. To me, it almost seems at if WWE missed their mark on this one and completely got what the fans wanted wrong. Perhaps people are ready for a new era, some fresh faces and new story lines. Perhaps it doesn't matter what show HHH is on... it's all about something NEW. I know it's not very long after the draft yet, but every week counts. I honestly think Smackdown is well on the well to be the widely preferred show this year. So...did the Draft backfire?
May 13, 2009
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I don't think so. I just think that RAW is a little lack luster because a couple of their top names are on the sidelines right now. Kennedy, HBK, etc. And of course Triple H, due to storyline. I think Randy and his boys are doing a good job carrying the show though and things are guaranteed to pick up when the other stars return.


I think their main problem right now is they're counting on Batista to play top face on the show right now. I honestly don't think they'd be having this problem if it were Cena in his place.
May 13, 2009
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Agreed. Batista is horrible in more ways than I care to count. I'm not a huge fan of the Cena character, or a fan of more than one or two faces in general, but the man's a hard worker and he gets the job done.


You cannot deny Cena>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Batista. But her is not the place to discuss that..lol.
May 13, 2009
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Yes, I'd be here all day if you got me started on why I hate Batista, lol.


Wait for HBK to come back. It may seem insignificant but his presence can lift an entire show. Look at his feud with Jericho, which was a shining light in an otherwise rather dull period on Raw.
May 13, 2009
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Did anyone else notice how Roidtista (someone else on here called him that and I find it utterly hilarious so I used it) totally fucked up his lines when he was talking to Randy this week?


^^Ever notice he does that EVERY TIME HE HAS A MICROPHONE IN HIS HAND!?

Agreed on the HBK part...but I'm honestly going to attribute that feud being incredible a little more the Jericho than I am to HBK. But anyway..another question is what they're gonna do with HBK when he returns. I really hope they don't immediately go the DX route to feud with Legacy. Hopefully they allow him some time to put over some mid card talent.


Nah, I wouldn't say it backfired. It was a RUMOUR that they were going to stack up the A show. Clearly that wasn't true. SD got the better of the draft, plain and simple. If they wanted to stack up the A show, they wouldn't have brought took away Rey, and they would've brought in someone like Edge instead of Big Show. Not to mention, if they wanted to stack up the A show, guys like Triple H and HBK wouldn't be taking time off. I think it was just that. A rumour. SD clearl got the better, and TBH, I think that's at least somewhat what they planned.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
^^^ Really? REALLY? Got to disagree with part of that at least. RAW clearly got the better of the draft as they got the better super stars. RAW obtained Triple H, Big Show, Kennedy, Miz, Matt Hardy, MVP, Primo, Carlito, Hornswaggle (for the kiddies), Bella Twins (aparently they are the hottest thing with them getting the most google/yahoo search for some weeks in a row. In star power, they lost, Jericho, Mysterio, Melina, Kane, .... and Punk. Yes RAW lost some star power, but they gained more than they lost.

As for SD, they gained Melina, Jericho, Mysterio, Kane, ...Punk, Morrison, Ziggler, Cryme Tyme, Knox. They lost Triple H, Big Show, Kennedy, Matt Hardy, Primo and Carlito, MVP, Zeke/Kendrick, Kozloff, Helms, Nattie, Maryse, etc.

Now look at who RAW lost and who they gained vs who SD lost and who they gained. RAW clearly got the better deal. SD (with the exception of .Punk) just has better after match than RAW does (at the moment anyway) But RAW got the better Stars.


^^^ Really? REALLY? Got to disagree with part of that at least. RAW clearly got the better of the draft as they got the better super stars. RAW obtained Triple H, Big Show, Kennedy, Miz, Matt Hardy, MVP, Primo, Carlito, Hornswaggle (for the kiddies), Bella Twins (aparently they are the hottest thing with them getting the most google/yahoo search for some weeks in a row. In star power, they lost, Jericho, Mysterio, Melina, Kane, .... and Punk. Yes RAW lost some star power, but they gained more than they lost.

As for SD, they gained Melina, Jericho, Mysterio, Kane, ...Punk, Morrison, Ziggler, Cryme Tyme, Knox. They lost Triple H, Big Show, Kennedy, Matt Hardy, Primo and Carlito, MVP, Zeke/Kendrick, Kozloff, Helms, Nattie, Maryse, etc.

Now look at who RAW lost and who they gained vs who SD lost and who they gained. RAW clearly got the better deal. SD (with the exception of .Punk) just has better after match than RAW does (at the moment anyway) But RAW got the better Stars.
Maybe it's just who I prefer then, lol. Maybe because I prefer guys like Edge, Jericho, Punk, and Umaga over the likes of Cena, Big Show, and Vickie. I guess from a WWE side of things, and who they view as the biggest stars, noumenon would be correct, as would you, as they got the biggest stars (from WWE's perspective). I'm gonna have to "overrule" my previous statement, lol. From MY personal view, I think SD is better currently, and I think that from the draft, they got the better guys. That's just cause of who I liked better though. Raw, you're right, clearly got the "A" guys.. So in that case, I guess it did backfire on them. Since the draft, Raw has had one good show... Smackdown has had 3. It's really the bookings fault. Raw's booking is lazy as shit lately, while SD is putting on a hell of a good show, having guys like Jericho, Edge, and Mysterio and Punk main eventing, while building up guys like Umaga, Ziggler and Morrison.
Sep 29, 2008
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Maybe it's just who I prefer then
This sums up why this entire thread was made. The opening poster obviously dislikes Batista, and he's taking his personal dislike for him and saying that the draft has backfired because Batista is in the main event right now on Raw. So you don't like Batista, that's fine. But what you're not taking into account is he is easily one of the most popular stars on the roster. He gets a huge reaction not only during his entrance, but all throughout his matches. So to say that draft has backfired when the majority of fans are really into the main feud on Raw is just silly.


This sums up why this entire thread was made. The opening poster obviously dislikes Batista, and he's taking his personal dislike for him and saying that the draft has backfired because Batista is in the main event right now on Raw. So you don't like Batista, that's fine. But what you're not taking into account is he is easily one of the most popular stars on the roster. He gets a huge reaction not only during his entrance, but all throughout his matches. So to say that draft has backfired when the majority of fans are really into the main feud on Raw is just silly.
I agree with this to an extent. Firstly, how can anyone NOT like Batista? :shifty: Nah, Batista is awesome, but I understand why some don't like him. However, like you said, noumenon clearly doesn't like Batista. I agree with you that it's a silly reason to make a thread, but if you look past that, what he says is still true. About the draft, anyway. Raw clearly has been the second brand since the draft, even though it was supposed to be helped out, to continue being first. The guys on SD have just out-performed everyone on Raw... I know I've enjoyed SD alot more recently, which is odd, because until a few weeks ago, I rarely watched it. Raw simply has been less than entertaining. Other than his Batista bashing, noumenon does have a point.