Kayfabe Don't worry, Jack...

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First RWK Euro Champion
Apr 15, 2016
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*After the second match of Precision, the programme cuts suddenly to a video showing pitch darkness with the sounds of loud, slow footsteps on a hard surface. After a couple of seconds, the audio sounds like walking down stairs, and the steps are faintly visible in front of the camera. The cameraman seems to be walking around an almost entirely dark backstage area, and slowly the camera begins to pick up echoing voices. As the footsteps cease, the voices can be discerned to be those of a man and a woman. The walking resumes, more slowly and quietly, then stops. The voices can now be heard quite plainly as being Jack Rogue and Ivy Hale, but the image remains dark as the cameraman hides himself from the pair*

Jack: ...where you took me back to, I feel great. I really do, I can see clearly, past the red tape of the rules, written and not. Honestly, I thank you for bringing me back here. If you hadn't taken me away from that therapist, who knows what kind of downward spiral of defeat and moronic cockroach attitude I’d have fallen into. But... I still don't feel like I'm there yet. I'm still scared... terrified of failing, of falling flat like at fucking Backlash. Oh, why did I stop bending his arm?! I’ve had him totally at my mercy with that injury since TLC, but at Backlash I let him have a win I could've prevented and now... I'm scared, Ivy. I never want to fail like that again, and I'm scared of him getting back into this series. I won the submission match last week, sure, but I still don't feel right. I don't know how to keep out this compassion, this remorse, this lingering need for approval...

Ivy: Shhhhhh... don't worry, Jack. After all, I'm here for you. With me around, there is nothing to be scared of. Besides, I was once just like you. I was scared, trapped in a quest for approval. People who I once thought were supporting me, were just using me for their own selfish reasons. They tried to get me to believe what they wanted me to do and you know what happened? Just like you, I was left with these mental scars and at first, I fought them, but now I've embraced this gift I have. I know everything you have felt before and, with time, you'll learn how I live. All you need is a renewed focus and a new purpose. Why be a slave to these people when you can be a warrior in an army? Leading forward a new Empire in Precision with a lovely lady at your side giving you everything you wanted.

*Ivy giggles a bit before saying in a somewhat high pitched voice...*

Ivy: Doesn't that sound lovely?

*Rogue doesn't reply for a moment, but can be heard sighing, then breathing heavily with a tremor in his throat*

Jack: Are you sure... sure that this is the right thing?

Ivy: The right thing for who? Is it the best thing for you, or the best thing for the very people that stabbed you in the back? The people who turned on you when your hands were tied and you were forced to obey the whim of a vile man who never cared about you, yet was embraced by these lowlifes? Then, the man who did this to you this went on to become a World Champion despite you being the one who did everything for him. I mean, before you had this gift, what was it for you? Twelve losses, zero wins before you once got a taste of victory? And what was that for, just a sniff at the empty dreams these people promised? So, what should you be focused on: what is best for you, or what is best for the people who have caused you all this? Trust me, I have your best interests at heart. I mean, you could ignore me, but I don't think that would be best for you.

*There is a bit of silence from Jack, but through the darkness, he perhaps gives off a non-verbal cue that reassures Ivy*

Ivy: I'm glad you understand. Trust me, this so called "psychosis" isn't a bad thing, I have the same gift. You just need to let me control it for you while you're still mastering it. Now, if you'll come with me, I have just the place for us to go to help you... don't be hesitant... you trust me, don't you?

*As Ivy and Jack can be heard standing up and moving, the cameraman gets up as quietly as he can and starts to creep away from them. The video cuts back to ringside and Precision continues*

-End of segment-
Obviously, credit to @Beavs for writing Ivy's lines. Really hope you're all enjoying this story and character arc. How far under her spell will Hale take Jack...?

Also, we'd really appreciate feedback on the promo, how the characters work together, how well everything comes across, etc etc.
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