Doctor Jekyll focuses on a reclusive Nina Jekyll finding friendship with her newly hired help, Rob, played by rising star Scott Chambers, who must work together to prevent Hyde from destroying her life.
Doctor Jekyll focuses on a reclusive Nina Jekyll finding friendship with her newly hired help, Rob, played by rising star Scott Chambers, who must work together to prevent Hyde from destroying her life.
Enjoyed that film. Not sure why it got ragged on so much by critics. Not perfect, but I had a fun time with it.Jackman Van Helsing
I love it, dumb as hell, fun as hell.Enjoyed that film. Not sure why it got ragged on so much by critics. Not perfect, but I had a fun time with it.
Don't forget has a hell of a soundtrack as wellI love it, dumb as hell, fun as hell.
And the GOAT werewolf design.Don't forget has a hell of a soundtrack as well