Alright, first of all, Ignore the outdated picture.
Anyways, do you believe a second brand for TNA would help or work at all?
Personally for me, I look at the Roster and I see a bunch of stars who should be running circles around the World Heavweight Champion, but they're being put into filler storylines while other stars feud for the big one.
Here's the list of the current TNA Male Roster: (Not all of them)
- AJ Style's
- Austin Aries
- Bobby Roode
- Bully Ray
- Chavo Guerrero, Jr.
- Christian York
- Christopher Daniels
- D-Lo Brown
- D.O.C.
- Devon
- Hernandez
- James Storm
- Jeff Hardy
- Joey Ryan
- Kazarian
- Knox
- Kurt Angle
- Magnus
- Matt Morgan
- Mr. Anderson
- Rob Van Dam
- Robbie E
- Robbie T
- Sting
- Hulk Hogan
Now you look at this list and you see a bunch of stars that should be Main Eventing the entire show, you see stars that should represent the entire company and be the poster boy. But sometime's creative has nothing for them and they get kidnapped by mysterious ninja's.
Now I personally would like two separated brands which can even out the star power, heck they can introduce the TNA Champion and it'll be a good way to showcase fans the best talent in the world.
It can be similar to the early RAW's and SmackDown's.
So would it do good or become a failure? The only reason I can think it would be a failure is the ratings and how TNA does not have amazing promoting the product skills.