D'Lo had a great run for a while in the WWE. He was the Eurocontinental Champ at one point and was pretty over with the crowd. Then tragedy struck and Droz was paralyzed during a sky high power bomb. After that incident D'Lo was, and quite understandably so, never the same. He was young, talented, and over. He seemed to have great potential and was a lot of fun to watch. My question is, if the Droz incident never occurred, do you think he could have been a main event player? Or do you think that he was a mid-carder at best who just caught a bad break, and wouldn't have amounted to anything anyway?
Forgive me if this is in the wrong section. I'm writing about a TNA employee's WWE career, didn't quite know where to put it.
Forgive me if this is in the wrong section. I'm writing about a TNA employee's WWE career, didn't quite know where to put it.