Dixieland Championship Wrestling: Forged in the Fire

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The Patriot

New Member
Apr 15, 2007
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As the fall of 2005 drew to a close, Total Nonstop Action took its final breath. Financial woes and unfortunate circumstances had weighed heavily on the company, and at the end of the day, Total Nonstop Action was unable to salvage any sort of success. To avoid bankruptcy, the shareholders found one source of refuge – a man who was willing to intervene in order to save what was left of Total Nonstop Action.

His name – Nicholas Avery – a businessman and attorney from Houston, Texas. Avery loved sports entertainment, and had long been interested in entering the business himself. Now, at 62, he saw a golden opportunity before him. He soon became the majority stockholder in Total Nonstop Action, and moved the company’s headquarters to his hometown of Houston. Aware he could not revive the fallen company on his own, Avery realized he needed help. He found it – in the form of an old friend.

Hulk Hogan long dreamed of a competitive company that could rival World Wrestling Entertainment in the United States. With limited resources and capital, Hogan never was able to capitalize on his name recognition – until now. With Avery’s financial prowess and Hogan’s sharp charisma and knowledge of the sports entertainment business, Dixieland Championship Wrestling was born. A television contract soon emerged with FX, promising a one hour time slot on Thursday nights. Avery and Hogan also established a familiar pay-per-view structure – promising one pay-per-view every month to be held at various venues across the United States.

The day is February 9th, 2008, and Dixieland Championship Wrestling is about to be born. The Inaugural Bash, a two hour grand debut, is just around the corner.

Dixieland Championship Wrestling Staff
Executive General Manager: Nick Avery
Executive General Manager: Hulk Hogan
Broadcast Crew: Mike Tenay & Don West
Backstage Reporters: Jeremy Borash & Christy Hemme & Ashley Avery

Dixieland Championship Wrestling Roster
AJ Styles
Alex Shelley
Big Show
Brock Lesnar
Brother Devon
Brother Ray
Brother Runt
Bryan Danielson
Cael Sanderson
Chris Sabin
Christopher Daniels
Frankie Kazarian
Harry Smith
Jason Cross
Jay Lethal
Jerry Lynn
Kenta Kobayashi
Little Guido
Mark Jindrak
Nathan Jones
Nigel McGuiness
Petey Williams
Samoa Joe
Sonjay Dutt
Super Crazy
Taka Michinoku
Takeshi Morishima
Teddy Hart

DCW World Heavyweight Champion: Vacant
DCW Pride Division Champion: Vacant
DCW World Tag-Team Champions: Vacant​


Interesting stuff here, I had a similar idea about this long ago only it was Hogan and Bishoff. Dixieland is a kind of strange name but that's not a bad thing, atleast it's something different. I like the roster, the only guy I don't like is Harry Smith so I will enjoy reading this and seeing who becomes Champ and whatnot. Ill check out your work, you have gotten me interested. Check out IPW if you ever feel like it.

The Patriot

New Member
Apr 15, 2007
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Dixieland Championship Wrestling Presents: Inaugural Bash
February 9th, 2006
From Toyota Center, Houston, Texas​

We pan over a sold out Toyota Center as the crowd roars with approval. We then hear our broadcast team, Mike Tenay and Don West, as they welcome us to the show.

Mike Tenay: Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you, to the Toyota Center in beautiful Houston, Texas. We are live, here on Thursday Night Madness. Dixieland Championship Wrestling is a reality, and we are ready to make history.

Don West: Oh, what a treat it is, to be here, in Houston, Texas, as this company gets set to go live for the first time. This is the Inaugural Bash, the two hour special, and it’s ‘gonna be great.

Mike Tenay: A Main Event that speaks for itself...two of the biggest names in wrestling today. Brock Lesnar and the Big Show face off in what looks to be a main event of epic proportion.

Don West: Pure power in our Main Event, but what about the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe. He makes his DCW debut tonight against one of Japan’s finest, Takeshi Morishima.

Mike Tenay: Don, I’m excited about Samoa Joe, but I’m also excited about DCW’s own Olympic Gold Medalist. The greatest wrestler in the world, winner of the gold medal at the 2004 Olympic games in Athens, Greece, Cael Sanderson, makes his debut tonight here in DCW, right here at the Inaugural Bash.

Don West: It’s going to be an incredible night, no doubt about that…

*Roaring Lions*

The Executive CEO and General Manager Nick Avery begins to make his way to the ring. Over his shoulder is a small black bag. The fans roar with excitement.

Mike Tenay: Our General Manager and Corporate Executive Nicholas Avery, and it looks like he’s carrying something, Don…

Avery enters the ring, and is given a microphone. He smiles at the crowd, and soaks in the “DCW” chant that is echoing across the Toyota Center.

Nick Avery: Well, ladies and gentlemen, they said we couldn’t do it. Tonight, we prove them wrong.

The fans roar.

Nick Avery: Now, unlike other bosses in the wrestling business who like to come out here and listen to themselves talk, I know what you came here to see. I know you came here to see wrestling, and tonight you’re going to get a lot of it, but right now, I’ve got some business I need to take care of. You see, over my shoulder, in this bag, is the DCW World Heavyweight Championship, and I need to make an announcement concerning this title…

The fans roar as Avery unzips the bag, revealing a large, brilliantly decorated DCW World Heavyweight Championship belt. Avery puts the belt over his shoulder.

Nick Avery: You see, in four weeks time, the most coveted prize in our business is going to be earned by somebody…I don’t know who it is, but at our first pay-per-view, on March 11th, at Hell on Earth, I’m going to crown the first DCW World Heavyweight Champion, and tonight, I want to tell you how…

*The Big Show*

Big Show makes his way to the ring, and Avery seems slightly agitated. Avery watches as the big man enters the ring. After asking for a microphone, Big Show begins to speak.

Big Show: First of all, let me extend a warm welcome to our General Manager, Mr. Avery. I won’t waste your time, boss. Quite frankly, I came out here to issue a statement. You see, on March 11th, and I have the date circled on my calendar, on March 11th, the biggest athlete in all of sports entertainment is going to be the first DCW World Heavyweight Champion, and I don’t care who or what I have to go through…

*The Next Big Thing*

Brock Lesnar appears, and Big Show turns his attention to Lesnar. Lesnar enters the ring, and the two men stare one another down.

Mike Tenay: This could be a dangerous situation, Don…

Brock Lesnar: You came out here to issue a statement, huh?

Big Show: That’s right.

Brock Lesnar: Well, let me respond right here and now by saying that you’re not going to be the first DCW World Heavyweight Champion. I am.

Big Show and Lesnar stare one another down, and Avery steps between the two men.

Nick Avery: Gentlemen, I seem to remember a certain Main Event tonight between the two of you. Maybe you can settle this then. But as for now, turn your attention with me to the titantron behind you…

Lesnar and Show begin to watch the titantron, as a video package begins to play. A large steel structure can be seen, and a narrator begins to speak.

Narrator: Six sides of unforgiving steel…

Over two miles of chain…

Over twelve tons of unforgiving steel…

Designed to punish the human body…

Here in Dixieland Championship Wrestling…

This hellacious structure will determine our first world heavyweight champion…

At Hell on Earth…

One match will put eight superstars to the ultimate test…

For the first time in sports entertainment history…

The Hell on Earth match…

The fans roar and Big Show and Brock Lesnar seemed stunned. Avery has a smile on his face.

Nick Avery: I hope you enjoyed that gentlemen. Now, if both of you are fortunate enough to qualify for the Hell on Earth match, you will be eligible to become our first World Heavyweight champion. Now, inside this structure at Hell on Earth, eight superstars will compete until one man remains. There will be no time limits, no count outs, no disqualifications, and nowhere to run. The last man standing after everyone else has been pinned to the canvas or made to submit…that last man standing will be my first DCW World Heavyweight Champion.

The fans roar as Avery begins to leave the ring. Big Show and Lesnar stare one another down, with Lesnar reminding Big Show that the two will face off in the main event later in the evening.

Mike Tenay: I can hardly believe what I just heard, Don. This structure looks to be like nothing we’ve ever seen before…

Don West: It’s going to be hell at Hell on Earth. There’s no doubt about that. I can’t wait…

Lesnar and Big Show continue to stare one another down as we fade to a commercial break.

We cut back from the commercial break, and head back down to our broadcast team.

*Momma Said Knock You Out*

Samoa Joe makes his way to the ring to a huge ovation from the fans.

Mike Tenay: He is arguably the greatest force in our business today, the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe.

Don West: And Samoa Joe no doubt has his mind on Hell on Earth on March 11th. But tonight, he’s going to have his hands full.

*Imperial Guardsman*

Takeshi Morishima makes his way to the ring. The fans give him a very mixed reaction. Morishima and Joe stare one another down, before the referee begins our first contest of the evening.

Singles Match
Samoa Joe v. Takeshi Morishima​

Match Summary: Morishima and Joe immediately begin a very physical contest from the first bell. The two men exchange moves early on, but Morishima soon finds himself unable to keep up with the gifted Samoa Joe. Joe nails a deadly Running Enzenguiri at the three minute mark that marks the beginning of the end for Morishima. He follows that up with several more big moves, including a Samoan Drop and an Inverted DDT. Joe counters an attempted Scoop Slam into an Inverted Brainbuster before taking the contest to the ground, focusing on the back of Morishima with several big moves. Joe alternates between attacking the back and applying various chokes and vices, slowly sucking the air from his outmaneuvered opponent. Samoa Joe ducks a high kick from a desperate Morishima before connecting with a Belly to Belly throw that sends Morishima to the outside. The Samoan Submission Machine soon connects with his Musclebuster followed by his Coquina Clutch for an impressive victory.

Winner: Samoa Joe (6:18)​

Samoa Joe makes his way from the ring as a dazed Morishima struggles to breath inside the ring.

Mike Tenay: A decisive victory by the Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe. I have to admit Don, I didn’t think it would be that easy.

Don West: Yeah, we picked Joe to win, but in the end, Morishima was just too sluggish to keep up with someone as athletic as the Samoan Bulldozer.

We cut backstage, where Jeremy Borash is standing by with the Big Show.

Jeremy Borash: Ladies and gentlemen, I’m joined by the largest athlete in sports entertainment, today, the five hundred pound Big Show. Tonight, you step into the ring with Brock Lesnar. What are your thoughts going into the main event this evening?

Big Show: Earlier, I headed down to the ring to let Nick Avery and everyone else in this lockeroom know…that I am coming after the world heavyweight championship. After tonight, Brock Lesnar, and everyone else, is going to know beyond a shadow of a doubt, who the big dog on the block is. Mark my words. I will be the first Dixieland Championship Wrestling World Heavyweight Champion, and tonight, I’ll take a very big first step towards winning that championship.

Big Show leaves and the camera cuts further backstage to a lockeroom.

AJ Styles is seen preparing for his match, and Christopher Daniels enters.

AJ Styles: Ah, Chris, what’s up, man? You ready for the big Battle Royal, tonight?

Christopher Daniels: Yeah, I’m ready. You?

AJ Styles: Oh, yeah. I think everyone else is ‘gonna be a little surprised when the Phenomenal Angels work together and throw everyone over the top rope…

Styles chuckles, and he and Daniels give each other a high five.

Christopher Daniels: So, you heard Avery’s announcement? About the Hell on Earth match on March 11th?

AJ Styles: Yeah. Why?

Christopher Daniels: AJ, whoever wins this Battle Royal tonight is going to make a statement, and quite frankly I want to be the one making a statement going into qualification for this match. So if we’re the last two standing, watch yourself, because I’m not holding anything back.

Styles does not seem unsettled. Instead, he stands up to Daniels, uncovering his face.

AJ Styles: Don’t worry, Chris. When it comes to that world title, I won’t hold anything back, either. I’ll see you in the ring…

Daniels leaves, as Styles continues to prepare. We then cut to a commercial break.

We head back from the commercial break, and immediately head back down to ringside where our broadcast team is waiting.

Mike Tenay: Strong words between friends before the break, Don. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels both have their sites set on the world championship.

Don West: There’s no question about that, but they both better have their sites on that big battle royal later tonight, Mike, because there is nothing certain in that thing.


Cael Sanderson makes his way to the ring and the fans roar. He is wearing his Olympic Gold Medal. His opponent, Mark Jindrak, is already in the ring.

Mike Tenay: There’s not just one wrestling company out there with an Olympic Gold Medalist, folks. Here in Dixieland Championship Wrestling, we have our own Olympic Gold Medalist. Making his debut tonight, it’s Cael Sanderson.

Don West: And Cael Sanderson is so gifted athletically, Mike. 159-0 in his college career. Sports Illustrated called that the second greatest collegiate accomplishment of all time. He won the gold medal in Athens, Greece. Nobody works harder than Cael Sanderson.

Mike Tenay: And we hope his transition to professional wrestling goes smoothly. He makes his debut right now…

Singles Match
Mark Jindrak v. Cael Sanderson​

Match Summary: The contest begins at a slow pace, as both men try to gage one another. Jindrak is able to muscle Sanderson in the beginning, but he is soon overwhelmed by Sanderson’s superb mat wrestling ability. Sanderson keeps the contest on the ground early on, executing a variety of unique submissions. He targets Jindrak’s back and legs, eventually transitioning to a more physical offense. Sanderson nails a few suplexes, but Jindrak fights back, nailing a Missile Dropkick halfway through the fourth minute. Jindrak scores several near falls, keeping the pressure on Sanderson, but the Olympic Gold Medalist soon finds his stride. Sanderson takes the contest back to the ground, and executes many effective suplexes on Jindrak. Sanderson nails three consecutive German Suplexes before applying a nasty grapevine. Sanderson forces Jindrak to tap to the traditional leglock.

Winner: Cael Sanderson (7:59)​

Sanderson celebrates his victory in the ring, while Jindrak clutches his leg. Tenay and West seem very impressed.

Mike Tenay: There wasn’t a whole lot of style or flash from Cael Sanderson, tonight, but he proved he has a very unique offense inside the ring, Don.

Don West: And that’s what you want to see in a debut performance. Sanderson did what he had to do. He didn’t take a whole lot of risks. He stayed in his element and got the victory.

Sanderson celebrates with the fans, as the camera cuts backstage. We see a small lounge like area, where Brock Lesnar is seated in wrestling attire. Lesnar is in the middle of a phone call.

Brock Lesnar: Alright, I’ll see you after the match…

Christy Hemme approaches Lesnar, who immediately gets to his feet.

Christy Hemme: Brock, do you…

Brock Lesnar: You want to ask me a few questions? Is that it? Let me give you some answers. The Big Show thinks everything is going to be handed to him. That’s why I went out there earlier tonight to let him know that the next big thing in this business, is me. Brock Lesnar. I’ve busted my ass for years, to be the best at everything I do. Dixieland Championship Wrestling will be no exception. My goal is to be the best. Period, because I’m the next big thing.

A promo heirs that gives us another look at the Hell on Earth Chamber that is being constructed for the Hell on Earth match on March 11th. Various wrestlers of the past, including Hulk Hogan, speak of being very impressed with the structure after touring it’s construction site.

We cut further backstage where the Dudley Boys are seen in their lockeroom. Brother Runt and Brother Devon stand back, as Ray engages the camera.

Brother Ray: There’s been a whole lot of talk about Hell on Earth this…Hell on Earth that…and to be quite frank…

Brother Devon: We don’t give a damn.

Brother Ray: Over twenty times, the Dudley Boys have held tag-team gold, and that World Heavyweight Championship may be the most coveted prize in this business, but it’s not the only title in the DCW.

Brother Devon: We’ve sat back and watched people like Brock Lesnar and the Big Show have their say, and right now, we’re going to have ours.

Brother Ray: There’s not a tag-team on this roster that can stop us, and if anyone wants to try, they can step up.

Brother Devon: But if they step up, brother…somebody’s going to get hurt.

The camera cuts away, and we head to a commercial break. Upon returning from our commercial break, we head down to the ring where several superstars are already preparing for the Battle Royal. Super Crazy, Frankie Kazarian, Nathan Jones, Jerry Lynn, and Jay Lethal are already in the ring.

Mike Tenay: Jerry Lynn, a formidable veteran, a former champion in his own right…

*Motor City*

Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley make their way to the ring together, as the fans roar with approval.

Don West: Mike, the Dudley Boys said no tag-team on the roster could stop them, but I’m not so sure Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin got the message.

Mike Tenay: It will most certainly be an interesting encounter when the Dixieland Championship Wrestling Tag-Team Champions are crowned, but at this time, we don’t know anything about when and how that will occur, Don.

*The Hart Foundation*

Harry Smith and Teddy Hart, two other participants in the Battle Royal, make their way to the ring together.

Mike Tenay: Two of the most promising stars in this business, today. Young Teddy Hart, son of the great Bret Hart, and Harry Smith. The new Hart Foundation is here in DCW.

*Fallen Angel*

Christopher Daniels makes his way to the ring, robed in black. The fans roar with approval as Daniels makes his way inside the hexagonal ring.

Don West: Let’s remember what Christopher Daniels told AJ Styles earlier in the evening, Mike. If they are the last two standing, there will be no love lost.

*I Am*

AJ Styles makes his way to the ring to an equally impressive ovation. Styles enters the ring, and begins pounding opponents upon doing so. The referee rings the bell, beginning the contest at once.

Battle Royal
Super Crazy v. Frankie Kazarian v. Nathan Jones v. Harry Smith v. AJ Styles v. Christopher Daniels v. Teddy Hart v. Chris Sabin v. Alex Shelley v. Jay Lethal v. Jerry Lynn​

Match Summary: Styles and Daniels waste little time targeting the largest man in the Battle Royal, Nathan Jones. Styles nails the seven footer with a big kick to the head, and Daniels executes a Missile Dropkick that knocks him to the ground. Styles and Daniels then team up to hoist the big man over the top rope, eliminating him. The combatants then begin to brawl. Jay Lethal, Jerry Lynn, and Frankie Kazarian soon find themselves in trouble as they have no partners in the match, but they are all able to avoid elimination. The next elimination does not take place until twenty seconds shy of the five minute mark, when an ill-advised kick from Chris Sabin nails his friend Alex Shelley, causing him to tumble over the top rope. Sabin is stunned, and Lethal soon capitalizes by sending him over the top rope as well. Two more minutes pass, and AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels team to eliminate Jerry Lynn. Frankie Kazarian is eliminated by Teddy Hart. Jay Lethal tries to eliminate Harry Smith, but the larger Smith easily hoists Lethal over. Hart and Smith work together against Super Crazy, but the resourceful veteran is able to eliminate Teddy Hart after countering a Flying Crossbody attempt. Two more minutes pass without any eliminations, until Harry Smith is sent overboard after AJ Styles plants him with a big Pelee Kick. With only three men left standing, Styles and Daniels team up against Super Crazy. Crazy fights back valiantly, but he is eliminated after Daniels elbows him from the ring apron. Styles and Daniels engage in a thrilling staredown before wrestling at an intense pace for four minutes. The end comes when both men are attempting to shove one another over the top rope. Momentum carries both men over, and they hit the ground at the same time. The contest is ruled a draw.

Winners: AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels (13:24)​

Both men exhaustingly head backstage, as Mike Tenay and Don West seem elated at the four minutes of amazing wrestling between Daniels and Styles.

Don West: AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels both wanted to make a statement about their futures here in DCW. I think they did just that, Mike.

Mike Tenay: Yes indeed. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels…two of the biggest names in sports entertainment today. They are friends, competitors, and one of them could very well be the first DCW World Heavyweight Champion before its all said and done.

We head to a commercial break, before coming back to the arena. A limousine is seen driving into a parking garage. A man dressed in a luxury tuxedo steps from the limousine, and several other men in suits join him. The men scan the parking garage before opening the back door of the limousine. The fans roar as Hulk Hogan emerges. He is dressed in a nice suit. Hogan steps from the vehicle, and begins to make his way towards the arena with his entourage.

We cut backstage to see the Dudley Boys making their way towards the ring for their match against Nigel McGuiness, Tomko, and Petey Williams. They then run into the American Dragon himself, Bryan Danielson.

Brother Ray: Well, if it isn’t the American Dragon himself. What’s up, baby?

Bryan Danielson: Nothing much. You guys seen Kobayashi?

Brother Ray: No. He’s probably in a gutter somewhere…

Bryan Danielson: The back corner in a dark room, I don’t know…I don’t care. Just as long as I see him in the ring tonight.

Brother Devon: Does the guy even know English?

Bryan Danielson: Once again, it doesn’t really matter, because tonight, we’re going to be speaking the same language. It doesn’t matter what country you’re from. When your hand is tapping that canvas, it means the same thing.

Brother Ray: Alright, man. Take it easy.

Danielson gives Devon a chest bump before continuing backstage. The Dudley Boys make their way to the ring, as our cameras cut back to ringside.

*The Problem Solver*

Tomko makes his way to the ring, and the big man seems extremely focused.

*British Eloquence*

He is soon followed by Nigel McGuiness, who is booed heavily by the crowd.

*Canadian Destroyer*

Petey Williams makes his way to the ring and taunts the fans as he does so. He tosses his Canadian flag into the stands, and the fans immediately toss it back.

*Bring the Tables*

The Dudley Boys make their way to the ring, and the crowd inside the Toyota Center begins a “USA” chant. The Dudley Boys hit the ring, forcing their opponents to exit. As Tomko, McGuiness, and Williams circle the ring, the official rings the bell, calling for the match to begin.

3-3 Tag-Team Contest
Brother Devon & Brother Ray & Brother Runt v. Tomko & Nigel McGuiness & Petey Williams​

Match Summary: The contest begins with a fast paced exchange. Quick exchanges and frequent tags take place from both teams, as the Dudley Boys struggle to keep any consistent advantage against their opponents. The contest grinds to a halt when Tomko begins isolating Brother Runt. Tomko hits a huge Powerslam that threatens to end the contest early. Runt survives, but he is isolated for several minutes. Upon Devon reentering the contest, the match speeds up again, with neither team gaining an advantage. At the seven minute mark, McGuiness and Williams double-team Brother Runt, executing a brilliant Double-Stomp-Brainbuster combination that busts him open. Williams hits his Canadian Destroyer, but Ray breaks up the pin. The contest slows and quickens as the Dudley Boys fight on without Brother Runt. Runt is eventually aided to the back by security officials and medics, as Devon and Ray fight on without him. Tomko, McGuiness, and Williams hit several big moves but they are unable to upset the Dudley Boys. The end comes when Williams resorts to underhanded tactics, entering the contest when the referee is not looking. Devon takes himself, Williams, and McGuiness over the top rope to aid his brother Ray. When the official is not looking, Tomko nails Ray with a low blow followed by a huge boot to the face. Tomko covers for the victory.

Winners: Tomko & Nigel McGuiness & Petey Williams (11:01)​

The fans are totally enraged, as The Dudley Boys attempt to regroup. After the contest, Petey Williams and Nigel McGuiness enter the ring, and begin to stomp away at Brother Ray.

Mike Tenay: Ah, come on. This is an outrage. This match is over!

Don West: You throw three scoundrels like McGuiness, Williams, and Tomko together, and you never know what’s going to happen.

The three men tee off on Ray, as Devon reenters the ring. Devon knocks down Williams and Tomko, but McGuiness catches him with a low blow. Tomko nails Devon with a huge boot directly to the face. The three men continue to tee off on the Dudley Boys, beating them down until both men are bloodied in the middle of the ring. The trio then leaves, as the crowd boos them heavily.

Mike Tenay: Absolutely senseless and barbaric acts here tonight from these three men. The Dudley Boys did absolutely nothing to deserve this beating.

Don West: The Dudley Boys are some of the top dogs on this roster, and you can bet these three men decided to make a statement here tonight, Mike.

Mike Tenay: I don’t know what they were trying to say, but the Dudley Boys are the last people I’d want to make angry.

The camera cuts backstage, and we see Bryan Danielson seated in front of a television monitor, stretching for his upcoming contest. Danielson looks extremely upset, having just witnessed the attacks on the Dudley Boys.

We cut further backstage and see Kenta Kobayashi making his way to the ring. He is a mysterious figure, robed in black. He fires jabs into the air, obviously anticipating his contest with Bryan Danielson.

Don West: Mike, we heard Bryan Danielson joke around with the Dudley Boys earlier tonight, but don’t be fooled. Kenta Kobayashi could be one of the most dangerous men in this business, and Bryan Danielson certainly doesn’t take him lightly.

Mike Tenay: There is certainly a lot of respect between Danielson and Kobayashi, but there is absolutely no respect for the Dudley Boys, from Petey Williams, Nigel McGuiness, or Tomko.

We cut further backstage, and see Brother Runt being tended to by several officials. There are lacerations on his forehead and neck.

Mike Tenay: Folks, we are receiving preliminary reports, that Brother Runt, the smallest member of the Dudley Boys, may have suffered a concussion at the hands of Petey Williams and Nigel McGuiness.

Don West: Mike, Brother Runt wasn’t even there at the beat down that took place after the match, because Williams and McGuiness took him out before the match was even over.

Mike Tenay: No doubt, this does not look good for the Dudley Boys.

Backstage, Hulk Hogan enters the arena with his entourage. Hogan looks to his left, and sees the Brother Devon being carted out of the arena. Devon is conscious, but is being carried to a medical facility for preventative purposes. Hogan seems alarmed.

Hulk Hogan: Hey you…what the hell happened here?

A medic begins to explain the situation to Hogan, as we cut to a commercial break.

We cut back from the commercial break, and then immediately head down to ringside where our broadcast crew is waiting.

Mike Tenay: Folks, we’ve just received word, that next week on Impact, our Main Event will feature two of the men that took part in that horrible beating tonight. Nigel McGuiness and Petey Williams, will step into the ring against AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels.

Don West: If I were AJ Styles or Christopher Daniels, I’d watch out. We just saw what McGuiness, Williams, and Tomko did to the Dudley Boys, and they’re the greatest tag-team in the business.

Mike Tenay: If Nigel McGuiness and Petey Williams want a chance to make a statement, they’ve certainly got their opportunity. What a main event that’s going to be next week.

*The Last Warrior*

Kenta Kobayashi makes his way to the ring, and the fans begin to roar with approval.

Don West: Speaking of main event caliber matches, we’ve still got two more amazing matches, tonight, Mike. Kenta Kobayashi one on one with Bryan Danielson? Are you kidding me?

*American Dragon*

Danielson makes his way to the ring to an equally impressive ovation from the fans. He and Kobayashi have a staredown of epic proportion before the referee calls for the match to begin.

Singles Match
Kenta Kobayashi v. Bryan Danielson​

Match Summary: The contest is everything the fans at the Toyota Center expect it to be from the very beginning. The two men exchange takedowns and engage in some fast paced technical wrestling before the contest moves into another gear. At first, Kobayashi seems more adept in the fast paced match, but Danielson soon finds his baring once more. The two men exchange offense, with neither able to score with a decisive move. The contest alternates in pace as well, as Danielson soon realizes he would be better off wrestling Kobayashi on the ground. The Japanese warrior finds the six sided ring to his liking, and he out maneuvers Danielson on several occasions. With the contest moving from the canvas to the air, Danielson is unable to use his technical abilities to slow down Kobayashi until the six minute mark. At this point, Danielson begins to work on Kobayashi’s back. The effort from Danielson has little effect, as on each occasion, Kobayashi is able to bounce back with more offense. The deadly kicks from Kobayashi seem to become more deadly as the contest goes on. Between the seven and nine minute marks, the contest speeds up again, with both men attempting their finishing maneuvers. The contest continues past the ten minute mark at a moderate pace, as both men seem to grow a bit tired. Blood is drawn just shy of the twelve minute mark, when Danielson connects with a nasty series of elbows to the face that nearly knock Kobayashi out. Kobayashi responds with a big move of his own just shy of the fifteen minute mark, catching Danielson with a deadly combination of kicks followed by a Delayed Brainbuster. With both men busted open, the contest continues past the seventeen minute mark, with neither able to gain a decisive advantage. The match culminates just shy of the eighteen minute mark, when Kobayashi heads to the top rope. Danielson avoids a Missile Dropkick, and takes Kobayashi down. Upon attempting a Boston Crab, Danielson is taken off guard when Kobayashi counters into a small package for the victory.

Winner: Kenta Kobayashi (17:55)

Mike Tenay: Oh my, what a match we just witness, Don. I don’t think I’ve ever seen two men that both wanted to win so badly…

Don West: When you get two guys like Kobayashi and Danielson in the same ring, you know you’re going to see something special, and that’s exactly what we saw, tonight…

We see Kobayashi barely able to stand, assisted by the referee, as Danielson reluctantly gets to his feet inside the ring. The two men stare each other down, with Danielson gesturing that he was an inch away from victory.

We cut backstage, and see AJ Styles making his way from the arena. Styles is being escorted by two security guards that flank him. He then receives a call on his cell phone.

AJ Styles: Yeah…Oh, I know….Yeah, I heard. Listen Chris, whatever happens next week, I’ve got your back. If they try any of that funny business, they know what’ll happen….Just take it easy…I’ll see you at the after party…Alright, man…

Styles enters a limousine, as we cut to a commercial break. As we head back from the break, we head down to ringside where our broadcast team is waiting.

Mike Tenay: AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels apparently on guard against Nigel McGuiness, Petey Williams, and Tomko.

Don West: We still don’t know why these three did what they did, but we do know that word travels quickly around the lockeroom.

Mike Tenay: It’s going to be one amazing main event next week on Impact. That much is certain, and what about on March 11th, a little more than a month from now, when eight DCW superstars meet inside the Hell on Earth Chamber to crown the first DCW World Heavyweight Champion.

*The Next Big Thing*

Brock Lesnar makes his way to the ring, ready for the Main Event against the Big Show.

Don West: This man, Brock Lesnar, could want this championship more than anyone. He interrupted the Big Show earlier tonight, but can he win in our Main Event…

*The Big Show*

The Big Show methodically makes his way to the ring, and he is booed by the fans. Lesnar and the Big Show stare each other down, and the official rings the bell, calling for the beginning of the match.

Singles Match
Brock Lesnar v. Big Show​

Match Summary: The fans get behind Lesnar early, but the two big men are able to do little damage. They mostly trade position like big bulls, as Lesnar attempts to hold his own against the larger Big Show. The contest soon evolves into a large brawl however, spilling to the outside on several occasions. Both men are nearly counted out early on, as the contest spills into the crowd and the entrance ramp. Lesnar seems unable to mount any significant offense, as the Big Show is far too dominating. Big Show chops and hammers away at Lesnar, not letting up. The Next Big Thing changes the pace of the contest with a chop block to the back of the leg, managing to slow down his opponent temporarily. Lesnar tries to apply several vices and chokes, resorting to technical wrestling, but the big man battles back time and time again. Lesnar and Show exchange offense in a heated brawl, with Lesnar occasionally mixing in a vice grip of the arm or side-headlock to catch his breath. At the eight minute mark, after pure physicality, Lesnar attempts an F5, only to not lift the Big Show from the ground. Lesnar blocks a Chokeslam attempt, and again fails to deliver his finishing move. Just shy of the ten minute mark, Show rakes the eyes before delivering a thunderous Chokeslam that sends Lesnar to the canvas. Show covers and gains the victory.

Winner: Big Show (9:42)​

Mike Tenay: The Big Show did it with that thumb to the eye, but the official didn’t seem to notice.

Don West: I guess the referee didn’t think it was significant, but it certainly played a role in deciding the winner here tonight, Mike.

The Big Show stands over Lesnar, and gestures that a championship will soon be around his waist.

Mike Tenay: Could we be looking at the first DCW World Heavyweight Champion? We’ll find out March 11th. There’s no doubt about that.

Don West: What a night it’s been. Good night, everybody…

The camera cuts from the ring, as Big Show stares down at Lesnar. The fans boo, and the scene fades to black.

CT Styles

Best Match: Most likely Danielson/Kobayashi. This would be a match I'd love to see in real life. The roll-up finish; I think leaves the door open for a rematch somewhere down the line.

Worst Match: Sanderson/Jindrack. It was just a bit boring, considering this guy does the real stuff he wouldn't really be able to put on a great show imo.

Best Promo: None really stood out as great promos. The Team 3D ones were pretty in character.

Worst Promo: Read above.

Additional Comments: This was a pretty good show, your matches are in a pretty good recap form and it makes them easy to read. The show wasn't a standout or anything. It was pretty decent. I'll be reading though to see what you can come up with.

The Patriot

New Member
Apr 15, 2007
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From DCW.com

-Following the heinous attack by Tomko, Petey Williams, and Nigel McGuiness, against the Dudley Boys at last Thursday’s Inaugural Bash, the Dudley Boys were treated at a local medical facility for various injuries. Brother Runt was diagnosed with a mild concussion, and is expected to miss at least five weeks of wrestling. Brother Devon and Brother Ray both appeared in good condition and were released the following morning. The Dudley Boys are furious about the attack, but have refused to comment publically about the matter.

-Hulk Hogan announced today, that next week’s Impact Main Event, a tag-team contest that will pit AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels against Petey Williams and Nigel McGuiness, will have world title implications, as the winning team will earn two spots in the Hell on Earth match at Hell on Earth on March 11th.

-Another match has been announced for this week’s Impact. Following their physical Main Event at the Inaugural Bash, Brock Lesnar and the Big Show will kick off Impact with a rematch. Last week, Big Show managed to pin Lesnar after a thumb to the eyes. Lesnar will look to even the odds on Impact.

The Patriot

New Member
Apr 15, 2007
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Bah, I'm going to close this thread and begin another project. I got about five weeks into this one, but the pay-per-view just didn't feel right. I realized that I wasn't going to enjoy it in the long-run...

I know this is not a good way to begin my booking here at IWF, but I'll have more fun if I do a project that I enjoy...


Nov 29, 2007
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ok, I was just going to do a review on your old Impact, but I guess its done now. Well, good luck on your next project, il be watching for it.

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
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I know this is not a good way to begin my booking here at IWF
Lol, it can be much worse. Look at my past :p.

Just take time on your shows, and get a few shows into them before actually starting. There's no rush in writting shows. You look like you can go the distance, if you keep patience, and find your niche. Good luck, and I hope I see you around Pat'.