Diptox It is Here...

  • Thread starter Beer Money Army
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Beer Money Army

no I don't mean the album....(i was going post this in serious discussion, but i thought HIAT would be the best place)

i am not too sure if everyone is aware of this, But i have a very very heavy pot addiction.. That came to a end saturday arvo, When i smoke the last bit of weed i had...

It is monday 11:21pm and i have had lil carves here and there... but they slowly went away...(due to smoke some ciggerettes, i am not a heavy ciggerette smoker usually go though a pack a week or maybe 2 depends if i am stressed out at work)..

The reasons i quit:

1. dealers were stopping dealing...
2. the cash for it
3. My health is declining...
4. it was starting to be hard to get...
5. I think My working staff are onto me about it...
6. Family sussing out...
7. need the mind off it
8. need to focus on my future in life

It was actually my new year resoultion but happen a couple month later...

I have quit it in the past(this is pby my 4th/5th quitting from drugs since my age of 14).. but my addiction towards drugs this time, is probably an all time high as pretty much my last 2-3 years i have been high 24/7....

I can't remember the last time i didnt have any....

I have gone over 2 days without it so far, hopefully i can continue it.. (the hardest part will be is hanging with friends that did it alot, just sit there and watch them smoke it, with the being offered part aswell)


Only 2 days in and numerous failed attempts... Regardless, take it as it comes and above all BE STRONG. :y:

I failed to quit twice last year. Even though I suprised everyone that knows me with how well I did with my abstainance, I still slipped back into old ways.

My problem more than anything is that I 'need' a little recreational 'something' after my working week, and getting drunk Friday and Saturday night's just kills my chance of actually doing anything with my weekend - At least if I get stoned I can still make music etc. - so I end up reverting back to the 'erb.

Talking of which, Monkeystyle, how are you getting on?

Beer Money Army

Only 2 days in and numerous failed attempts... Regardless, take it as it comes and above all BE STRONG. :y:

I failed to quit twice last year. Even though I suprised everyone that knows me with how well I did with my abstainance, I still slipped back into old ways.

My problem more than anything is that I 'need' a little recreational 'something' after my working week, and getting drunk Friday and Saturday night's just kills my chance of actually doing anything with my weekend - At least if I get stoned I can still make music etc. - so I end up reverting back to the 'erb.

Talking of which, Monkeystyle, how are you getting on?

cheers mate, some of my mates were suprise with my qutting in the past and how long i lasted for aswell, due to me being the biggest pot smoker out of them all..(alot of them do XTC and yeah that stuff is alright, But the XTC hungover's are killer when you do 2-3 in one go)

but yeah after a working week most fo the time you can be really stressed(due to the type of (people/customer) you deal with on a daily basis) that a lil recreational drug eases out the stress...

But i still get shitface drunk on friday nights - sunday, I just don't head out to town as much because well spirits are about 8-11 bucks a drink while a scooner of beer is slowly reaching 8 dollars a piece with onto of that a hefty cab fare..

I don't normally have a drink through my monday-thursday althought when you have a fridge full of booze stock it is always tempated to get into..

But with my carves i have been just having a ciggerette here and there.. It's alright but i am doing it in cold turkey fashion.. The prices for those patches and gum is utterly stupid down here, while the country is trying to have less smokers in the land...

I would love to stay onto pot, but the screwing around of trying to score each time is getting really differcult/annoying in my area.. plus aswell i cant be doing it for the rest of my life tho..

what kind of music do you make???

yes i am also wondering how is monkeystyle is coping with it??


I don't wanna tell you how to or what drugs to take, but if you're knecking 3 E's at a time, either a) they're shit (in which case what other crap are you swallowing amongst all the MDMA) or b) you have done waaaaay too many already and should stop altogether (espcially if you're still relatively young - I've observed long term use amongst mates where they can end up taking crazy amounts just to get a decent sustained high...).

Also, another point of note... Those patches won't help you kick the weed anyway so if you don't generally smoke cigarettes already do yourself a favour and don't replace one 'addiction' with another... Those fuckers WILL kill you and they're even harder to quit!

This has been my whole sticking point with kicking the weed... I see it as the least of all these so-called 'evils' (booze, cigs or whatever OTHER chemicals one may choose to injest).

.....Sorry for sounding like a patronising old man. LOL

As for my music.... Well I'm developing a sslllllooooooowwwwww metal band with a mate atm... Working with our sound etc. before we embark on that eternal search for decent likeminded musicians (Somone in this rabble needs some talent at least! LOL)... I play bass and have also been known to growl a few words into a mic.

When on my own, I have an AKAI-MPC2500 (At least 90% of hip-hop since the mid-80s would have been made on an MPC.) which I use to make, what I guess you'd call, a mix between new and old skool hip hop beats..... Imagine the techy/synth led post-Timberland shit, but striving for a beefier, rawer old-skool sound. Maybe a bit of live bass thrown in too and maybe a few cuts/scratches on the turntable.

Don't know any MCs anymore though, so my stuff doesn't really get develped into full songs... Just kinda beats and ideas just in case.

Solid Stinger the Big Boss

Dr. Dre sure is taking a long ass time.


Then tell him to get a move on and bust his nuts cos' you're getting bored.

Beer Money Army

well the last time i did xtc would be 2008 new years day, i had 3 and alot of alcohol, yeah pretty wild night..

that was enough for me on that stuff..

acid>xtc imo....


Acid now.....? Jeez... Now the plot well and truly thickens!!! LOL

Beer Money Army

lol i only done acid 3 times.. i spaced it out of course 1 tab a year...

you can't do that shit too much or else it fucks up you mentality of the brain...

i have to say it is the best shit to ever trip out on... not a party dude tho...

so many colours mixing together ....