Rodrigo said:I didnt watch wrestling during the AE so...when did the WWE actually realised that the Undertaker had that streak? I mean at what WM the started caring about the streak?
KLockard23 said:It obviously wasn't planned from the beginning, but they started mentioning he was undefeated around 15 or so. I think they first called it a "streak" at WM17 and then Taker held up the ten fingers after defeating Ric Flair at WM18. And then, as previously mentioned, it was made into a storyline for his Randy Orton feud at WM21 and has been every year since.
KLockard23 said:It being so close to Wrestlemania 30 (can't see the streak not being apart of the big 30th anniversary WM) is exactly the reason I give Punk zero chance this year. If there's any Wrestlemania for Taker to retire at (win or lose), it's there next year.
RiotRaven said:The only problem I see is if he gets Injured, then what would be the replacement match, I'm actually surprised he's at this Mania if i'm honest.
I'd like to see him put Punk over this year, it would be a great achievement for him and would give Taker a reason to hang up the belt (so to speak) to retire into the HOF 20-1 at Wrestlemania. Which is still a great streak considering ity:
KLockard23 said:Then he'll just wait the next year when he's healthy. Punk won't beat the streak if he's leaving for a short time afterwards. I also see no way the streak is ending unless it's the headline match, and Punk/Taker isn't overshadowing Cena/Rock. I also don't see them not giving us the big Taker/Cena match.