Well Fandango got some air wrestling time and got his Wrestlemania moment over a multiple time world champion, so that made him look decent now. Bryan and Ziggler put on a decent match, nothing good or bad from them, although Daniel got his Wrestlemania redemption now. Swagger/ADR was just meh from a fan standpoint, they didn't get really over. The Shield is still looking good when it comes to wins. Getting a win over three world champions continues to make them look strong, but it wasn't really over since they've been doing this for a while and there was no real story build from this. Wade didn't gain anything, neither did Miz that much besides a white strap. CM Punk did look good though during Undertaker's match and was part of the Match of the Night for the majority of people, so while he did lose, he did look very good.
That's all I guess.