Prince Devitt debuted his full stable at New Japan's Dontaku event last week. The group is called the Bullet Club and is lead by Devitt himself and consist of the following guys.
Tama Tonga (Camacho's little brother)
Black Fale (The muscle of the group)
Karl Machinegun Anderson.
Anderson is the oddest one of these four. He was on the cusp of becoming a big face for the company and now he is the stooge for a junior heavyweight heel. Seems odd to me but the group itself looks really good.
Tama Tonga (Camacho's little brother)
Black Fale (The muscle of the group)
Karl Machinegun Anderson.
Anderson is the oddest one of these four. He was on the cusp of becoming a big face for the company and now he is the stooge for a junior heavyweight heel. Seems odd to me but the group itself looks really good.