Destination X Results: Did Aries Repeat History? New Contenders for X Division Title...

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May 20, 2014
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Impact Coverage by Bobby James

July 31, 2014

Welcome to Destination X, emanating from New York City!

TNA President Dixie Carter appears to start the show. She’s accompanied by EC3, Rockstar Spud, Rhino and the two mystery men who appeared last week, Ryklon and Snitsky.

She says she makes the rules for the game – and every time the fans think they have it figured out, she changes the rules. Dixie says it’s okay for the fans to keep chanting “ECW,” but she wants them to know that the stars of ECW left and that the little company died. She says she’s given fans something better – a real star: EC3.

EC3 introduces his “Army of Extreme,” Ryklon, Snitsky and Rhino. EC3 challenges Tommy Dreamer and Team 3D to settle the war once and for all – and that when it’s done, his team will rebuild the “House the Carters built.”



Tag Team Championships

The Wolves (c) vs. The Hardy Boys

After the bell, Eddie Edwards and Matt Hardy lock up in the center of the ring as the crowd alternates between chants “Let’s go Hardys” and “Let’s go Wolves!” Edwards and Hardy make quick tags, bringing in Jeff Hardy and Davey Richards.

Jeff mounts enough offense to gain control of the match, then he and Matt exchange rapid tags and double team maneuvers. Matt maintains control over Davey while the crowd wildly chants for Eddie.

Davey Richards explodes from the corner with a clothesline to Jeff and makes the hot tag to Eddie Edwards, who bursts into the ring and takes out both Hardys. Eddie sends Matt and Jeff to the outside with a double hurricanrana, and then The Wolves fly through the ropes to ground their challengers.

Jeff is rolled into the ring and The Wolves execute a series of double team assaults – good for a near-fall. Matt attacks The Wolves from behind as they attempt another double team attack, tossing both from the ring. Jeff Hardy flies over the top rope!

Matt drops Eddie with a Side Effect and Jeff nails the Swanton! Davey Richards breaks up the count and throws Jeff from the ring. Matt tosses Davey out and nails Eddie with a moonsault! 1-2-Davey just breaks the count!

Matt and Jeff lock in double submissions. As The Hardys near a tap-out victory, Davey causes Jeff to fall backwards, inadvertently breaking both holds. The Wolves fight back ferociously, but Matt nails Davey with a Twist of Fate and goes for the cover – Davey kicks out just before the three!

A surprised Matt hoists Davey to the top rope and attempts a suplex, but Eddie Edwards hits Matt with a jumping kick, setting up the double team maneuver that puts the exclamation point on the match.

Winners: The Wolves

After the match, The Wolves and The Hardy Boys shake hands as the crowd chants “That was awesome!”

Video: Low Ki discusses his return to TNA.



X-Division Qualifier

DJ Z vs. Manik vs. Low Ki

The crowd is wild for Low Ki who immediately attacks DJ Z, sending him from the ring. Low Ki and Manik are evenly matched as they fly all around. DJ Z drops both with a springboard double drop-kick.

DJ Z and Low Ki trade blows until Manik breaks them apart and hits Low Ki with an uppercut. Manik sends DJ Z flying with a headscissor takedown and locks in a hanging octopus submission.

Manik and Low Ki double team DJ Z, then Low Ki attempts to kick Manik, who counters with a northern lights suplex. The pace quickens as Low Ki sends DJ Z flying from the top rope to the outside. Manik is able to mount some offense, but the Ki Krusher seals the deal and the pin for the win.

Winner: Low Ki


Video: Recap of Sanada’s actions.

In the ring, “The Cowboy” James Storm says he’s a legend – and the leader of a new revolution. He claims to be Sanada’s new mentor and friend and introduces “The man who destroyed The Great Muta,” Sanada.


X-Division Qualifier

Sanada vs. Brian Cage vs. Crazy Steve

Brian Cage dominates Crazy Steve and Sanada as soon as the bell has sounded. Sanada tries fighting back but he’s powered down with ease by Brian Cage. Cage tosses both men across the ring.

Cage throws Sanada over the top rope and attempts a high vertical suplex on Crazy Steve. Steve reverses and drops Brian Cage with a rolling powerbomb. Sanada breaks up the count. Steve fights off Sanada but is met by the raw power of Brian Cage, who misses a moonsault attempt.

Sanada rushes up behind Crazy Steve and scores the win with a tiger suplex.

Winner: Sanada

Backstage: Bully Ray says they have an answer to EC3’s challenge.


Backstage: Austin Aries and Bobby Roode discuss “Option C,” then Roode offers encouragement to Aries, who vows to win the championship from Lashley.

Team 3D and Tommy Dreamer enter the IMPACT Zone.

Devon says EC3 must be “stuck on stupid” and that he, Bully Ray and Tommy Dreamer know how to finish the war EC3 started. Dreamer says this is about something bigger than EC3 – it’s about a work ethic and passion for the business.

EC3 enters the arena and says the war will take place – “on Carter time” – next week.

Bully Ray says nobody wants to go to war next week. He threatens to start a riot, before agreeing to have the match next week. Bully says since EC3 has named the time, he names the stipulation: it’ll be an 8-man Hardcore War!

Bully Ray gives his word to fans – and the wrestling world – that next week Dixie Carter is going through a table! Devon screams, “Oh my brother…testify!”

Backstage: Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe have an intense (inaudible) conversation. Angle claims Destination X is about to have no limits.


Backstage: EC3 says Bully Ray has threatened his aunt too many times – and that next week, the war ends.

Backstage: The Beautiful People are interviewed about breaking up Gail-Taryn III. Angelina claims Taryn has been back for a minute and that she should be the focus of the Knockout’s division. She says despite Kurt Angle blocking her rematch, she has a major announcement next week.

Samoa Joe says tonight’s about reinvigorating the X-Division and he’ll be the next X-Division Champion.


X-Division Qualifier

Samoa Joe vs. Tigre Uno vs. Homicide

Homicide gains a very early advantage by sending both Tigre Uno and Samoa Joe out of the ring. Homicide launches himself and sends his competitors’ bodies crashing back to the floor.

When the action returns to the ring, Tigre Uno flies from the top rope and takes out Samoa Joe and Homicide with a double dropkick. Homicide and Joe double team Tigre Uno and temporarily eliminate him from the equation. Joe and Homicide trade kicks and the advantage.

After gaining the full advantage and dragging Homicide to the center of the ring, Samoa Joe is met with a dropkick to the face by Tigre Uno. Tigre Uno leaps from the top turnbuckle and crashes down on Homicide.

Joe disposes of Tigre Uno and sets Homicide on top of the turnbuckle. Homicide thwarts Joe’s attempted muscle buster – and Tigre Uno rushes back into the ring. While attempting to send Homicide crashing down, he’s distracted by Samoa Joe. Tigre Uno leaps toward Joe, but misses and allows Joe to drop Homicide with a muscle buster for the win.

Winner: Samoa Joe

Next week, Samoa Joe will face off against Low Ki and Sanada to determine the new X-Division Champion!

Backstage: “The Monster” Abyss says Bram took things to a whole new level when he hit him with Janice and that next week, he’s got two tickets to The Monster’s Ball!



TNA World Heavyweight Championship

Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Austin Aries

Christy Hemme announces the main event as the competitors make their way to the ring.

Aries and Lashley lock up, but Lashley powers Aries down to the mat. Aries uses his speed to land a series of kicks to the hamstring of Lashley. Aries drapes Lashley’s leg on the second rope and unleashes an onslaught of kicks and knees!

A dropkick from Aries sends Lashley crashing out onto the arena floor. Aries flies from the turnbuckle – Lashley catches him and tosses him with a release suplex. In the ring, Lashley drives his shoulder into the abdomen of Aries repeatedly.

A running shoulder block sends Aries crashing to the floor and rolling out of the ring. In pursuit, Lashley hoists Aries into the air and drives him into the ring post before tossing him back into the ring.

Lashley is fully in control as he locks in two submissions and drops Aries to the mat with ease. Aries reverses Lashley’s next attack and connects with a discus forearm and a series of strikes. Aries sidesteps a charging Lashley, sending him out of the ring. Aries jumps from the turnbuckle – this time connecting!

Aries sends Lashley into the corner with a missile dropkick. Aries charges, Lashley catches him and powers Aries down with a running power slam. Lashley attempts a spear, but Aries reverses and locks in the last chance submission!

Lashley manages to escape the hold and attempts another spear. Aries sidesteps Lashley, sending him crashing into the ring post. Aries hoists Lashley into the air and connects with a brainbuster! Lashley’s out at two!

Aries climbs the turnbuckle, but Lashley rolls out of the ring. Aries runs across the ring and misses Lashley with a suicide dive, connecting with the metal guardrail instead. Lashley rolls Aries into the ring and nails a spear for the win.

Winner: Bobby Lashley

Just before IMPACT goes off the air, footage is shown of Bully Ray’s attempts to put Dixie Carter through a table, and then a big, bold hashtag appears: #ItHappens.


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