Guillermo Rodriguez, Alberto Del Rio's real-life younger brother, has been added to NXT Wrestling's (formerly FCW) official roster under the name Memo Montenegro.
According to Mexican pro-wrestling website SuperLuchas, the 24-year-old Memo Montenegro has been training under the tutelage of former ECW wrestler Pablo Marquez, whose most high-profile American stint was in the the then-WWF in 1998 Tiger Ali Singh's servant Babu.
SuperLuchas mentions that Montenegro has been training since July 2011—making the third generation superstar a relative novice to the world of sports entertainment.
Measuring 6'1'', Montenegro is slightly smaller than his 6'5'' older brother, but still features an impressive presence in the ring.
It is still unknown whether the WWE will ever acknowledge the fact that Montenegro and Del Rio are real-life brothers, or whether the two men will be part of a program down the road.
Montenegro's presence in the WWE would continue the legacy of many great Mexican superstars, including the late Eddie Guerrero and Montenegro's uncle Mil Mascaras.