Promos Dear Diary - Entry #2

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White Rabbit
Apr 15, 2016
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Brooklyn, NY
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Date: January 6, ----
Subject: Mother's Secret

Dear Diary
"I had a nice Lasagna for dinner today. Father made it himself. I always enjoy when he cooks, instead of one of the people my parents hire, or when we go to a restaurant."
"Because it is made with love."
"It is, I could taste it with every bite. Mother joined us for dinner as well, but lately she hasn't been talking much. There are multiple reasons for that."
"Her secret."
"Yes, that is the largest reason. The reality of it, something she never thought she would have to face. She has created a great many things..."
"Like what THEY were just in."
"Yes, the Garden of Eden. Her third greatest creation. Unfortunately, none of her creations were something that could save her. Perhaps that's one of the reasons why she holds a slight resentment towards me."
"Not true."
"It feels that way sometimes. She realized that even I couldn't help her from the inevitable. Then, nor now."
"Even idealized."
"That does truly sadden me. What saddens me even more is all the repair I must do when she dies. Whenever that may be."
"But this world is perfect."
"Yes, it would seem that way. The outside may appear flawless, but when the infrastructure has been ignored and left in a state of decay, and the abandoned projects have been left to crumble...the rest can fall in response."
"I understand."
"When she was diagnosed, she knew that she had to act fast. So her wonderful creation, this world, was hastily made. Perfect where it needed to be, but weak everywhere else."
"I can feel it. Her pain...the world's pain. It hurts me, truly. And what you ask of me, to reveal her illness, is not something I will do. She will reveal it to me, you and them at any point in time. Probably soon."
" fact, right about now, she should be on her way..."
"The hospital."

With Love,
Keres ?