This feud is one of the top feuds I would like to see happen WWE, but its best if they save it for wrestlemania30, next years wrestlemania, which will help Ambrose get over, also at the same time it will Triple h something to do knowing that he is big seller for WrestleMania. I hope this feud is intense or more intense than Brock Lesnar-HHH or Nash-HHH, this one of the best things WWE could do for the shield, right now. Sheild, is good, but they need to be utilized better, tag team push for them is good, plus, possibility of Ambrose holding the U.S. title for a long time does not sound bad at all. I wanna see a war between Ambrose/sheild and Triple H, bring back the cereberal assassin of Triple H, add some drama to the rivalery. This would definitely help Ambrose get over, having him talked about by WWE fans since Ambrose seems to have good mic skills, but WWE may have to work on his mic skills some more. lets see some backstage brawls/drama in this feud, come on WWE. Also they should conitinue this feud until the next ppv after wrestlemania, maybe even make it that time a hell in a cell match.