Between 3/4-3/10 X-Box Live Gold members will have the ability to use the X-Box Video app to buy Season 1 of Dragonball Z for free.
39 Full Length Episodes of the Show for Free, I'll take it Covers the Raditz fight and the Vegeta/Nappa on Earth feud with the Z-Fighters. I believe the final episode of the season is where they are on their way to go to Planet Namek.
For Fans of the Show or people who have never seen it before but like anime (although I highly doubt that is even a case) this is a must have.
Source: My X-Box Dashboard
39 Full Length Episodes of the Show for Free, I'll take it Covers the Raditz fight and the Vegeta/Nappa on Earth feud with the Z-Fighters. I believe the final episode of the season is where they are on their way to go to Planet Namek.
For Fans of the Show or people who have never seen it before but like anime (although I highly doubt that is even a case) this is a must have.
Source: My X-Box Dashboard