Nothin is confirmed about him signing. He and Eddy took part in a try out and they are on a list of potential signings, but they won't sign anyone from that class until around January since they just went through a big signing booms. Thus why he said possibly, he cannot legally say if he is signed or not since he was asked to keep it down low in case he gets signed.
As for strenght and weaknesses.
Excellent technical wrestler, potentially better than Bryan .
Stiff kicks, legit MMA and jiu-jitsu training.
Incredibly funny and charismatic when he wants to be (see team-Statutory and sexy Davie )
Not that bad on a mic, needs a lot of work but he can talk when he wants to.
Introverted, likes to keep to himself which makes him come off as having a bad attitude and is also why he doesn't show his funny side all the time. He just wants to wrestle, not cut promos.
Temper, strongarmed a promoter after getting shafted on bookings to get his money (big cause for his bad rep)
No sells like no bodies business
Has problems working short matches, something developmental could fix. But he prefers to wrestle long matches and they always go overkill.
Would be best as a part of a tag team I think. Thus why he did the try out with his tag team partner Eddy Edwards, together they are the American Wolves.