If you're like me, this D.B. VS Triple H and his 'Best for Business' storyline has gone on long enough. Sooo, here's an idea I had that D.B. could use with HHH to end this once and for all:
D.B. comes out to the ring while HHH is there and make the following announcement.."Tell you what, Hunter... you and I make 'the deal,' regarding our match at W.M. 30. If I win, besides my participation in the three man fight for the titles, you, Steph, Kane, the **whole WWE organization** gets off my back, and lets me wrestle as I know how..now if *you* win.. I'll shave off my beard, get a hair cut, and be *the best* B+ / A- wrestler you have in your organinzation, and I will be 'What's Best for Business!' Now, part of the deal is this: Untill and including W.M. 30, there will be no 'Three against me matches, no 'best for business' ambushes against me... no one is to touch me...when we get in the ring I will be strong and ready to wrestle you. Soooo, we have a deal?"
D.B. comes out to the ring while HHH is there and make the following announcement.."Tell you what, Hunter... you and I make 'the deal,' regarding our match at W.M. 30. If I win, besides my participation in the three man fight for the titles, you, Steph, Kane, the **whole WWE organization** gets off my back, and lets me wrestle as I know how..now if *you* win.. I'll shave off my beard, get a hair cut, and be *the best* B+ / A- wrestler you have in your organinzation, and I will be 'What's Best for Business!' Now, part of the deal is this: Untill and including W.M. 30, there will be no 'Three against me matches, no 'best for business' ambushes against me... no one is to touch me...when we get in the ring I will be strong and ready to wrestle you. Soooo, we have a deal?"