Kayfabe Court of Anarchy #1 - Andersen Vega

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Chicken McDouble

The Architect
Apr 15, 2016
Reaction score
United Kingdom
*In the ring stands Will Neilson, wearing a leather jacks and blue jeans. There is a TV monitor with a graphic displaying "Court of Anarchy" on the screen and two chairs set up, Neilson has a mic in his hand and begins to speak.*

"You are all wondering, why is Will out here in a leather jacket and jeans? Doesn't he have a match against Joseph Diamond for the Intercontinental Championship? Why does the ring look all different with chairs set up with a TV monitor in the middle? All of those questions fall under the same category of 'What Exactly is this?' This is Court of Anarchy! The hottest new talk show here on Precision, presented by me! Every few weeks i'll have a guest or maybe guests out here to talk about what's been going on in the ring or back there, also I would just like to point out that I will try and stay as neutral as I can, there will be no bad blood when it comes to Court of Anarchy... but, just don't piss me off. Anyway, my first guest here on Court of Anarchy... he is a former World Heavyweight Champion, former Iron Man Champion, former Slave master and current Precision Champion, the man who will face Jack Rogue in a 2/3 falls match at Bad Blood.. Andersen Vega!"

*The Precision Champion walks out to a mixed reaction, his title firmly over his shoulder as gets in the ring with a microphone and takes a seat.*

"What's up, man, thanks for having me... Before we get down to it though, I just want to point out your slight error in judgement with this whole situation. I mean, for someone who wants to remain neutral minded and just want to have a civilised chat, you seemed to have a backwards thought pattern to that when you decided to ask ME of all people to come on your little Alan Carr's Chatty Man gimmick, but whatever... Just know that if you end up wanting to beat the shit into me, then it's your fault."

"Vega, you take shit way out of proportion. My mind is telling me to attack you, but my head is telling me to keep cool and just... you know.. talk. And that's exactly what I'm going to do, keep it cool. I invited you because everyone wants to know how the Precision Champion is doing and how he feels going into Bad Blood. You will defend that Precision Championship against Jack Rogue, your former slave and the person you managed to convert to the dark side. You came back to win that title from Karl Senn, via an interference and betrayal by Alex Clark, and about two months ago you defended the World Heavyweight Championship against Mike Thunder... and you lost. Do you feel any pressure going into this showdown with Jack?"

"Hmhmhm, good question, man... Ya know, pressure's a funny thing where it can just hit you out of nowhere and really mess with your psyche and cause you to buckle under it, which I'll admit has been a staple throughout my career. One thing that I've noticed is that when I get an opportunity to achieve something, like when I returned and beat that bloke that you mentioned - Sorry, forgot his name - Now, you can chalk that win up to interference by that other guy, but when - we'll call the guy that I faced for the Precision Championship, "Nobody One" and the guy that interfered, "Nobody Two" - when "Nobody Two" interfered, "Nobody One" was basically out cold with drool pouring out of his mouth while he was face down on the canvas. All I had to do was pick him up and Pedigree him again and that would've been it. The interference wasn't needed. The only person that needed that to happen was "Nobody Two" because he needed to do something relevant and lets face hit, him uppercutting be in the balls has so far been his greatest accomplishment and he'll likely not reach a greater height ever again. I beat "Nobody One" fair and square and that was because I had everything to gain and nothing to lose. It was the same with my performances at Wrestle Dynasty. But, when the roles are reversed and there comes a situation that I've got everything to lose, I have a history of buckling under that pressure and so to answer your question... Yes. I do feel pressure when it comes to Bad Blood."

"I have felt that pressure before like you have, so there is something we can agree on. Moving on, let's take you back to Viewer's Choice, Gates and Thunder vs Vega and Blake, the worst of enemies teaming together could have only ended in disaster but it didn't. Somehow, you and Ryan managed to fork out a win. You two have argued over Twitter and even backstage, and have met each other in the ring. Has this long lasting rivalry between yourself and the Blake's finally come to an end? Or is there still unfinished business?"

"Really? Not gonna stay on an interesting topic and instead switches to a boring question that nobody cares about anymore? Of course it has come to an end... It ended at Wrestle Dynasty when I whooped his ass and beat him to get into the Elimination Chamber match and it ended when after facing Ryan - who is supposed to be one of the most dominant competitors ever - I still had enough in me to whoop five other guys in that Elimination Chamber, you included, to walk out with the title that you walked in with. So, if you want to ask meaningless questions, I've got one... How does it feel when you look at me and see the guy that took away your greatest accomplishment?

"...... Jeez, you really are a dick aren't you? It was bad enough for you to take away my 'greatest accomplishment', but to see what happened afterwards, that's worse than losing to Mike Thunder... OH but wait, you lost to Mike Thunder! However, I need to keep on the subject of a talk show, so we're going back to the 'interesting' questions. You are the reason to why Jack Rogue became this unhinged psycho, running around in Precision with more than a few nuts and bolts loose up in the head. Jack is a good guy again, but do you feel that what you turned him into and his hate for you will come back to bite you in this 2 out of 3 falls match?"

"You lost to a borderline transvestite and the exact reason why Mike had a guaranteed shot at my title to begin with was because be beat you so I really don't think that you're one to talk about embarrassing losses, my man. And as for your question... I'm counting on Jack bringing that monster into this match. Jack's gonna need it because he's incapable of beating me without it."

".... I... urgh... yes I did lose to Alice Xander, when I was only starting out here, and as for Mike... we don't talk about it, but what did you do back then? That was when you could barely make it onto a PPV, so you had to attack Robert Blake in order to make people notice you, and then a few weeks later lost to the monster that you created in Jack Rogue. However, back on topic, let's see if we can go one question without you berating me in some way, how do you feel that the only way you're in the main events and fighting the top dogs is because you have that over your shoulder? *Audience ooooh and Vega raises an eyebrow* A title that you won via interference and defended it at Viewer's Choice thanks to Ryan Blake being your tag partner. Without that, you're nothing. You'd be fighting Michael Kelly and Yuri Black among others, the champ of the chumps. Maybe you should face the hard truth Vega, because it ain't pretty."

"Okay, you want the truth, boy!? Fine, here's the truth. You're one-hundred percent right... I've been doing this for far too damn long and my prime is long gone. Guys that wouldn't have stood even a remote chance of beating me in two-thousand and fourteen now are able to whoop my ass. Guys like you. Guys like Jack. Guys like Buster Gates. None of you could ever go toe to toe with me when I was at my best and I know full well that my best is behind me. That's why I need this championship! I need this to continue to compete at the highest level against the best wrestlers in the world today! If I don't have this belt, then I'll become just another mid-card jabroni and I refuse to let that happen! That's why Jack's gonna need his monster at Bad Blood, because I am willing to kill him to keep this and if I can't, then my career will die trying! When I lose this belt, I'm done. There is no way in hell that I will become like you. You, who loses the World Title and is now forced to toil in the mid-card, for mid-card championships because you failed as a main event! I'm in the main event while you're fighting for scraps and if I can't keep it that way, then I'm done. Whenever I lose this Precision Championship... Then I'll retire, for good.

"But, I don't plan on retiring any time soon. So Jack, bring your monster and I'll destroy you both. Will... You don't even deserve to be in the ring with me because you are a fucking amateur! You, in your prime couldn't last 5 minutes in the ring with a washed up Andersen Vega and that will never change... And you're gonna have to live with that for the rest of your miserable and pathetic career"

"Don't get too cranky now Andy, calling me an amateur.. that's the funniest joke I've heard all week. This is a talk show, I ask the questions you give the answers, if you wanted to tell me about your career and how shit you've become, you would be retired by now. You don't want to be me... that's fine, because I don't want someone like you even thinking about becoming the superstar that I am today! When I beat Joseph Diamond and reclaim my Intercontinental Champiomship, then I will damn make sure that that becomes more prestigious and honourable then that title you have. I'll be the first to say this, if you retain your Precision Championship at Bad Blood... you can be certain that I am coming for it! Court of Anarchy is done for this week because it appears I need to put a veteran in his place."

*Will and Andersen both square up to each other, Vega drops his Precision title and seems to be ready for a fight. Will smirks and sits on the top turnbuckle, awaiting Vega's next move, Andersen looks like he is about to strike but suddenly Jack Rogue's music blasts throughout the arena to a loud ovation. Will quickly jumps from the turnbuckle and runs out through the crowd and up the staircase to safety. Jack comes out with a mic in his hand and staring directly at Vega, who is looking where Will ran off to.*

*Jack walks quickly out from behind the LED screen as his new theme music rings around the arena, and despite the raptuous ovation, he has an irate expression on his face. He doesn't stop on the stage, and instead makes a beeline for the ring, where his longtime rival is finally turning to face him, the host of Court of Anarchy long gone and wanting none of the Precision Champion. Stomping up the steps and through the ropes into the ring, the #1 Contender gestures above his head with his hand and his music cuts out abruptly*

"I said before that I have nothing to say to you about what we've been through with each other, what you caused in me. But if you're going to belittle, to shit on what has happened in my head, as a result of your depraved actions, then I do have actions for you. This is still a different Jack Rogue to the one that went 0-12. I've never been more ready for anything in my life than I am for Bad Blood. You think I'm incapable of beating you without being that feral, vicious animal? Watch me."

*Jack throws the mic out of the ring, grabs the back of Vega's head and nails him with a forearm to the chin. The champion stumbles backwards and drops his title off his shoulder, then Rogue beckons him with both hands to take his shot. He throws a punch that Jack blocks, responding with a predictable right that Andersen slaps away. Rogue slips into a waistlock and attempts a german suplex, which Vega flips out of, landing in the centre of the ring, on his feet. Jack squares up for his deathly superkick, but Andersen scouts it and steps out of reach, before picking up one of the stools and swinging it at the side of Rogue's head. Jack drops out of the way onto his belly and nails a drop toe hold, before Vega rolls forward onto his feet, leaving both men stood across the ring from each other*

*They are then simultaneously restrained by security guards from the aprons on both sides, to the disdain of the crowd. After a pair of struggles, both men are pulled out of the ring under the bottom rope, Andersen is handed his title by an official, and he storms towards the back up the ramp. Rogue is also visibly annoyed, but once the guards let him go, he jumps onto the announce table to play to the crowd, as Precision cuts to commercial*

Much love to @Geek773 and @Welsh-Wizard-97 for their lines in this, a long ass promo so I hope it is worth the read. :D